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61-16161 1"t't' and ADH'. LD SLIP OF FEED STOCKS. 1. Polat, r. "'iIIJ 91P'.. (Tfi~~ 7 figs. witted). I]. Schmid, W. Orde i1i f6m Sckl $I ~ 10 61-iWi 1i h I ~ Trans. o! a G"an language azticle from an un- id~ntlfieId source,'n.d. DES6 I , WTORS:~Irtbectides. *Adhesives, $Surface propa.Ttlei, Mdas'irement OPriction, Temperatur.,-, Dif.fe~e'ikal e4~a`dons, Particles Tests showed that'particle eize Is decisive for thc j magni6ii of tWladhesi6n. With v 'y fine grains. 18.0btair pracd6iiy no'Aidiqg ed IL use only a lirn- Ited s' 1,1#8 ouijk6 to available. The properties of the 11 ~ miie~jia~ have 1~as influence on adhesion than the parti- cle size,l but mote ftn the other influentiol quanimeB. the d'6" , , I - ,pefidenc6.6f;adhealon on the granularity in (MiteHals'--Ad46IveB, TT, v. 7, no. 5) (over) Office of T-61-1 S"'i'01 Purfoxvwd by die 6as Stro,~.i in tht~ -the A P Stack- Vi` th Natto c. Gas 3 a by Yu, R, V, 1. Lif. 1,uSIAW' ro T 17, V-piqlAlfli 9-hnb 7,aw~d Chp-n% No2 2 R 63 pp !I 1 111 IU PrIMXY UM MIMUOU In ion on F)u=d ilintwi, by Ya. It. pars lwmt VUZ.. CIMMU lftt) No 12s HD 4%7 jiw~ 164 3 z 5' Gd4vt1i)EII ":IX 0.!; -v oet iv,"ll c1", 7.,Z, bolut'.Orl~ Of a vie alid 1611pr-Acstatic prabbzw, b.- 11, Vol 1'o -".08.9 r:_1 5B7-5911, Morr Au 15-rc Diffinction IFIOLi of va I&IL~y cowuUtills A* R vollxrt A., I. Poteldlin pp. ON RM13 'per) Zhw Asper I T*mt Piz, Vol XVII, f pp 8o24W CTA1FXI X-2.424 Sol. Radiaklon Of a Hertzian Dipole on the F,4e of 11 Im ida6lly! onducting Vedge, by A. 1. Potekbin, L, Ov*a 15 Wo RUSSIA Radiotekh i Blektron; Vol III) No a Ppr-1 '195 591'2-602- 14--Tgawn Prent scl Sep (DC-4736) Pi-of Abobelm GIreyerich Tomplov., by K. A. (i I ~A i mopm p A# Is ftlikorp Dt, Ta. PoUkblu, 4 1~ V RMUN r, Kazan kiy Had 22ws No 2., 196op am 61"9 Ly T The St ini~oliit Theory of Colonial Revolutim and, the Nuti~intl Ldberation Mvement in Tropical and &nuth Af~16al.'~ by !i. I. Potekhln.. 22 Pp. RWSW'~, PeIr', Scrvet RtnoxmfiYa, No 1, 1950, pp 24-4A). JPRS 4935 NEA~ -Ii :M14a A/I FOI sop 63-1 'i -S-6b '23e Decisive Year of Rational Ravolutio.1 ill 1. Potekh pp. :1 W. Julq or, Gowamerady Vostok, Wo 12; 1960, 4393 RT o cd 3.c _)L~ 0'.) T Jar. 62 and T. Po"Cidiln. . ............... ~tj .:11-! -i,:- StY riot AX., micat BUSSIO iP OVA 62 lew of the :Dxbe=atlctna3. Clm-gTsa of ats) by 1. Pote Ir rar.0 Aziya i Af rilm. Sagodwa, No 3.p 1962s ins :ui6k Basip Problems in the Hir,,tory O:C 1;)Ie pc. 4.f r i~;F6 b.)II. :~4., 17 PP. RUSSIMN.. p6r, Kom-mm-ist, No 12, Avig 1061, -pp 09-1-09 Tppg 108Q8 S ..T03. Dec K531 11 4-h~e I-piroini", 1. lp?'t-ekb n yp IN ratim or the colcmial Slyntlea ta AfriL'a, by 0 19 pp -p", KomBadst, flo 17, YbiDeov, Dot! JM 580-D CSO: 1645-1D/17 "63') 6a Studivi aud the Al 'kican People's GoaPerenco 1. Potekh 12 pp. porp Sovet &-nograf iya, Vol U) 1959~ 7- aw 4,riq M 1A. 0 14~ (M AMICA, BY 1. 1. POTEMINo 3. 1 ANi~ ElKs AFR I KA 195&1961 1961 354 FP, on r Ag ~Lookm to the Putun., by I;r= lzooirm7ich Rtmalhi,t bk~ Arrica Looim to the ma-el ig6o. Acad=W cl! Science od' the UMI Atricam Lv*ltute Publ by IMA Souce for Hautern LdLt,,-,mtu3x,5 'mamov, ic,6o NE/A ~f Ti U, pol., POI - 11~11061 fin by Ow Not" h)"MMIGU Su i f ~Imiw, eta"' COMMAtedift 11 by V40~ Vil Pft*IUIMO 11 Ao ACC T" oil', ~Issl "ties' nd Tmossm"It of *mtor ejost by I ova Its W. potoklots, Olt *Is $*tie milm, 7978, pp of Nmy Tr 4634/IMI Tr jZ16S aim., Wr CROW-mott 0 f* Aoowa% weat"Wft mows Is So 10 fti; Joij FOA~t Comm , mde, gmiii~g wil Sci Apr if Cowplem of AmInes With Various Or Complms of Benuidiae and ~1, L sow by B. V. Tronov$ 1, M. 4 pp sbur obahch Kbim, Vol XXX; ND 3., 1960~ OB -gy '7, 5 c)f fore) 8'uagco Of S pen ato,~ellc, IkkOP-M-la by M. L. Bellgovlokjyp A. .411 TIT. A. 4 pp. Dok U, flltW~ Im 1270-1283 Amer oj. 13jol 60 , 0, V VI 61at: !on Between I~ha Freqmucy oi j;e-rhaI3 Arii ing At Different Stqges off ~ 11 " ll~, r'.1; by P, I. 13?~I'eoirskiy., i--., A, Albt~'Ie;v, ?(All ~ktdna) 3 par# Dok Ak lqauk SSSR, Val C,;j'L-!V# jju 4', C'iI A 1-'B S So Bic Oct, mle~Theupy of the 1widnescence of Activated ctyUl Phosphors, by N. D. Potekhmina, 4 pp. T RbSBY-AN,, 11per, Optika i Spektraakoptya, Vol VIII; op~ Opticell Sol- off Amer Oct L BLOI-swiv Pmucle I Pbodoe on, a ifte jam, ImItAtuts for tw: V* Ps DohalepMs B, M. ~iil" =49" 3w0 ji~ 01*0 Ugpddd YU Houk# Vol LXIVv No 10 6V A xpi& plil Il*-Bms"2vh nwututlo Of Zolsoatics imeni On the RJAmw In3wWo bv potelt Vid WIrs No 7# =Mz 1956o 93DA i~97 IS aim Ci D, 21~ 3) Flt:: t)f bbd Motith Disease of Goats After Experimentalln- 1"! ~H,41~lit6~~4pecial Re:6-rence to the Epizootic Type V 1-7 t~ ~-k r1t I A 36 pp. ~~y D. K. Potel.9 5) (!T:NAV~ pbot ly bloc ft=lmant Ue�--Mad, 6tat~ Are anl V1,11i ~No! ~1953v pp 407-424. pzig" ciA/FDD/u-6176 (L Klux r e r. imme v cl ~u d terimqry, W)f &.wuth disease ia DiAtnosis bt and 0 11111C ;Ib i t Woche 1! 1B ~i 461 !afi~ar liahe PI -3U TD 6A F-332-4 c c Flel 0t Alloll;p, of the jjl~~ SO. robkm of the Ditomftm Batmm CApper mid !!U~l 11 Gemarxima., by A - T a. PotWidn., potAp ov., 3 P.P - p nu8s. Plini~n JVerdogo,~mla, Vol Tr- rp 2.84L-1848, .mo Ow Phys- SoLU State vca n, No Mu,- 61 Me at AcaultAm ThUsaUum X. Pop.. by I to Va. siftntp 00 74 Potoakin't 4tr A I $.Lima prp Zhur ObWwb J;blap Vol XXIVO Xro 12, MPOPA,41 CTIA OrNO 0; renl 3. comiltants Bmeau 371 ~tfim of War MmummAms, Tint Autlema 'Pet" 0 Per~ T Toftt"11PRas Atrollogichas- rays som"asof, typ;xv :)70 lingo pp 070 KW70TID Pxiozarsk, bir V. 7. Croa;av, L. P. po~~, ~;In., 61W. .1 Vk.~ Wio=skl Le=Lngt-..,-^ LM 2.1 ri,, I; 1~ 9- ~~ ~~ , Tech4los MISSM., VA6 i ~ 1 1; i NOY CSO: 1872 ~,~~tion S~ervice, by V. Potemkin. "p4ocwanistj~ Moscav) 23 Oct 1964, P 3. i~l I 11 A mawtic himmas in ravitas at ~* 14r G,P- M4pllski and V.V, Potaddnj Zhxw Teldi Plz,, Vol XC=p No 10p AMA. ,Awr 3hat of Pkqa I say ;p PAP - Tekh Pbvs Vol vmj NO 10 255s906 at: Norch UqLaam, ilto- tit Korea,, by 1. 1. I)c:r,, f',yulletcal Int 'i traimuy No 37 (42544),, -.21 Jul 1964, pp 4-6. N611,~'Y-937,8/,SPHICIAL iilq ia.North Victaiw, J,,Wrta Kori;a 31" 20 Lc' o"I tropic Aso Dyes as RaaganU for Trivaleat -c-maluaa ne um, by X. 14, 'A Awa, V. G. Pot PP. IuU tr Flu Ss b1zo par., Zhur AmLl Khtm, Vol XIt WO 3., .W, j.7 lCq-309, PTY dt" 11 Cal 1!0 .5 C, r COOSult=+Al Bm*eau gai I Chemistry .5 OTS Long 1 00V mar 61 (M-5600) -T~ for the Expansion of opsp by A. ?dgmkqi~4*., 9 pp- lime Ruluictwot Vol IX, No 191 im 7929 Bt Voods .1-P tbe hi, (WIC gwu Rpt cm per,, Ncue B)~Wctw j VQ! VIE; No 15 Iffir 1959 PP 203--T,-,7, ICUAAM D= 2235 59 the of Vidleam Peroxido With PM=d&c tlY the 180taXe I"iodj V -1 A. V.: At P 9 PotaxamWap pp. mmdw%iy x m4nd 40-52* Ilba Tr 3?07MM 906 ~an lea! c1pe. IMMUSAt1cm of Vv EccuVwltLon Red anim of Pmr-Sulphat? In an Acidic W-dium A P. Potemsk!^ RMN4 iniver. Vol- 303 11), 1" lip) Y,4 Bel, 33 7 1, llltro~ clag Automation in tM Fetrole= j: 1; ftbenshterl# 5 w0 ly ~,p up# ISvertips No 242,t 12 Oet 1.955, IpgA2j,~11pol to IR-1185-%, 128 Feb 19%. 1553.0 AV' "MM U~BR eerlugp ru"s J!JU C ol PP CT 3 Cru').on Of tbe M-Inloidr, J-n Scu~;Q Ve-.--v 4 C; blc~ Ub5tann-cs From, cumj qd Their Derivatives),j by pp. .1 p I' Ann Phaimi Franc, Voi X,~ 71 i J, 4' I C h-all i t ry 6 ExI5#iencOu in Orpniz,ing Operations of ric, 4-3y by I. A. Pot~-~ 7 i)p - 1 j),-- r ,C,-cdezi~ a i Kartoomf iya, NO 1.9601, x) l~9-44- JM9 3286 u 3 R M dleol=a4 2-12 Wo bN 1,44INP, A~-2 .Ott, an lolipase by C'. a L ery* 14 Ell 62-17584 !aL ii Gerbert, P., and Muller, H. C - C( f 4, iTIONS OF PRECIPITATION 0 ~ L Title: Rvfhecke salt , '/~t ~ 4 &L .k L ND SYNIHIM.C MSES Al Tki Ffthke. W. I .kE 5 UT, (1962) 13p. U. corbal, P. Orbr. $10-2.5 Y-H 11627-0 I Ill. m(fileT, H. IV. '1)7 cl III& maxeLtOGche Zmtrilhalle ffflr V. Kresge-11voker Scimcc DeLt"SLIJIlAnd] I Last GermanY) 196L. v. 10Q, no, 7, I Ubrary Associttes, 21'ri'128, P. Detroit, Mich. - 4 *Alkalolds. *Hydrox- i l l I jde,, Lun rad hrorimt~ Ammon ca ocyanates s, Th ~ q (Cb~mj-srry--Urganic, TT, Y. 8, no. 10) Dff i c. a I T -6fti,A S-i TheUMience of.the Tensile Forces during the' ng of Pape r on the Behaviour of by W. Brecht and D. Pothmm=, 30 W. G Die Papier, Vol Us No 13-14 per d 17-18j, Jul and Sep 1955.. PP 304- 3U 6nd 429-437. EQA 57-33U so, i 974 Aug ~~8 S I GM P gall I tion of ~,v- Ph, Pothmaina, 6 pp. p jeer, &gU, do YMA- d at,-p- Vol LIT!, 1922t Chemistry A119 55 on: 1 ReductiCe of Metej 14 C ()x4 A a p ana the H~dUbr~um of the RomMom Stj * oo~-A M + Co 1~ Url Jelllwk wd Potio*Wn. 6 pp. mm A Z"tv. Ju=g. A114pm. chems Vol =1XI Be Lm Ao Tr W/56 sai 3 u-6/mat Zino SwIttas A4.46 MIj/dox P M. PO of I'l ir~ for lr~, are &kl I DISTRELMON OF WE MWK 'ENEPS? [19M) [Shx I mi$1.4% ph$1.80 61-14037 strie Textfle (Fran,ce) 195Z v. 69, uO .Tt~tl uniform distribution of ttv., stock IT, v. S. no. 11) f I - 14037 1. Textiles- -Processing 2. Ilde- Openers 1 Potter, Office of T.chmical Somicos --- --- i I i v Lo A- 1., 00) 1 . 1 tjlI 1715 !1 W-2054 2:Lactrig; Conputer Fogdaj by H. M. Pot*woldyp I~MSIA?lj;l Perp Diet I Gids go fla 1958o us ITM/*-L-534 Ivat. Al optima convuturo Y and T. To.. )W&bw#kw. 6 'Is r i leSI47, cleas 41. f T 3474"M j1 Ll IIJ faze itall pitica carrelaturs, by 0. 1. iyev, ~iyv ot &L $1 I:Patout# No':188147. rl i !5*1347-67-C, Act -71 lym-eiization of 3-Methyl~utene-l, by T. 1, I I anova, B. A. Kxentsell, N. A. Potkatilo, 13SIA ~p perj Dok Ak Nauk S.SSR, Vol C)alXs No ,59P pp 799-W1. USASIA: SC-115/6o 2- CON'TE),,FORARY TREATMEN7 OF SOCIALIST PEDAGOGYY . N i~ ~ k0LA ONJAK, 30 PP. By~ I POTK CROAiMiIIPER, SAVREMENA SKOLA, NO 3-4., 196'21 PP 163-175. JPRS 16498 EEUR YUGOSLAVIA :: I s oc DEC162 21 oq~l MM C~nteory of Dat1wov's Tbeary of Cbemical 1~ J~ 11 ~ Structumov,by L. L. POtkovp 7 Pp. p Zhur Flz IOAm.. Vol, XXM,.t No 3y 2-96"t DD Cs 232..6gi, r: ile Do not Sea, b-f tev- Potkov) 230 PP. Id RU,."IN TAT11~ lbk. Pcrar Contin-e-nts 14o& Cc)!'P tew York 3) '117 nty 60 X.; 4.1 CC' 1117- 13 Z4 62 ~v MI the fteb3M Of tJm SUvotmt Ow A=d"roo ac me L6 Movi: 7 ppe maim ftm*uwjxw mmj, VOOL U$ 902#543 60-SUM8 'C RA ZIMNI. I SPHI i"'s 1. Title: Taxononly ANO~ AXONUMIC PUSITION (Hod 2, Title: Nigrospora Ni. rospora'' 111 i VI lovol Swim i SiNteillati- ' I . Pollaidluk, V. 1. 61 j 10p. 5 refs. clivAoc: 110i0 .1 C; I[rtHov 11. PL-460 Agr (60-51048) '* 1j PL-490 Agi' Ill. Natioaal Science Foundation, I - W. )'0 -51048 Urdur (roil, C Is 60 Washingion. D. C. 'rrans. of MI x041010. ya (IJSSR) 1952. Y. 21. oo. 2, ~~ 219-22- A ,)I_SCjUl'-h)RS: OFWO', "Parasites, Botany. 'Classi- fication. Tlie funytio sixIcIeR q~ the genus Nigrospora have spe- cific proiu~rdc-"a (coliii, size. location of conidia on coil ldlopl)~req) %,hich'nlay change delvnding oil nutri- 11011"ll coniiitloiis. I* most atable properties of the s1xvics arV: Wack (or filmont black) Bporen and color- ical 1~ s Ijences_!LBDtan no (Biolo TT v 7 2) Office sf Tockodcal livvices . . . , y, g A il tee ELS a Oass Binder for Foundry Molds, by P.0 acki, per PrtdM Odle4nietva,. No 7., 1953o 13 I &-utcher 7ir 3455 $11-50 '-~Cletlic SmArm 55 CTS pp Our as In (loodo Production by the fteWryj, b,',r J&M Mocid. PASW Naebim' UW., Ito 19/20j. 1961o ilia ACEM T.--M&)-B ID a9fW J-.2, 18 62 SPONT NEOL CANdLRIOF BY V 1 RUSSIAI'l 196111' P PNEUMOTHERAX AS A MANIFESTATION OF iE LUNG OR PULMONARY METASTASES '~l M. KOLYARGE,, 5 PP. VOPROSY ONKOLOG, VOL Vill NO 11, ELSEVIER PUBLISH1143" CO scl FEB i63 221)612 pirpt I bbifi LEM CA f . oi&i~fnx Tranm~~ of, (LWR) 19: DEWRTT Opyrdy"i md4! X L. I.. ad Gutfrya. V. FIC EMICAL TRRATMENr OF PirrRf3- r L~: 9621 12D)p. p. oinfm4 65 rds. 1 011 WS su $1. 60 63-100 mr Iddunskool. ""-;Ibtvo T,~ 14~1= 51 p. 62-10. S: am, *Hydr-rb-, 1:1., , W&dou. IWYMednd.01 Fteorm. 63-104M 1. Potalo"kit, L. U. OutIryj4 V. 4"4764 f) low Ill Tab" to 63-IOM ""'3 AS Ca CICING-BERZE"E. 119621 j9k~. 1. ftemba"kU. L- 3 Oi~e froen Cr 'or StA St. to 63-106" Tra of Amettwifthawk" Ndty=m maryal" 1934 14) no. 1. p. 60-62. DM( RlrMRS: !PBenzmu, Khem, DWOMPAMtka. A&* D tion. Aaa V. W. 12) Om d I braw udy ar -.ba -.I'-.X1uaaca of 11"tom W. tha Zechatcal gthauv Fraction win a tbqf if o4it4law 1,14'"Oduco"ca'. by 11. WI. ",Icz-t-up L. ratolovskLy. UNCIL per,. Mdm i Takh Topliv, i Vuacl~ Vol III, No 12# 1938p pp, 22-26. DSIR Lul 1226 328. 6d. unrftre 60i - Gbom 59 Crackinp G. 19~54P I clw HU. ~6 CU strial Paraffin.. by L. A. Potolmkyj pp - 41 Per) Mir Pr1k Xhl]Bj Vol XMIIo No Tv CTA C W838 Cmaultants Bureau istry 3 idex c-rad t 0; 4brMS1 Paraffinic Bpirocarbons in Presence '..f Al Chloride@ 11o Crar~~Ing of n-He=4,ecanep O.Z. Sp 10VOW ektarj pp. UOM 04obd W Nor.$ I Vol XMq No 30 'i as io 395,4j #V 434-~,39- OU D 151317 ConmatikaU Bureau CM 68/Msy 55 :Chemistry 99v kin 501=1 ~Vii4c Hydrocarbons in the- , of AIU]d.UMU Oride. I. Cracldng of oz~ - u4m~ by L. A. PvtolovW J1 ra~ 3. XN., No 2p minc Obs IV 1.51M Consultants Bmeau .6 Lout, le Mordstry OTO 67/Apr 55 ~em of th'-:~ T ~le ~Prol flioche-Astinj of flirt Gia;bd 1 1. Pabo. I ~E. Felix P F.. 'Yocirdy, 7. :R[EISTAN per, Bi-okbAM) Vol -CUP; 110 PIP 357-' 63. CB ~17 ~60 Me Effect spleen ou~ E. 2h~mijma of Some Upid Fractiorm From the Thyms e-t,(-' letabolia Processes, by 1. Potop., Zh. Biner;. et al., ii I '~ J11 RuSr'j'T'P"Rj' I i No 6, 196n., .~L.rx Bioiaism., voi m A CB V?9 Thyroxim oa rArbolwdrw~e tbzj~ Jx.~Ikn Ubmnlrz- LApc--,I=mrLts, by I, P~op5 ac rim iar, Biokhiulp,, Vol XXIIII, No lo 10v consult"Ala Bmmu Ombme d Damer EvaWration and Its Application the rgmnic 0imicals IMustry., Pt 2. Evapox B! a and of SDUvm Ckwymte and Slod' um n~6; Liquors, by,P. Polg?,Y. Ftpeacuet al. i~aibo -Ckfiii-el Vol XI Fb 10; N. per. Rm RUW" Jv 562-%6. w~g 67 11 322..262 ToiUe Tb ory of tbo Anisotropy of FerTomape-tic fbAPc1r;ya~t Is# by W. A. Potopkov. UMIABSIFED RMW hrice-mo p3r.. Dak Ak. Hauk SSSR, Vol CXV11.1 go 1'2,'. 1951 PP 269-272. HIT (Lincoln TAb) Sci ?by I.Ca Sconwac to' teratare eleased in 1959, x by Sb"Ollign N. xuriiins B. Mw3., Kl-..?O~~) 6 pol r, voprcay Hkoncow NO 21 1959, laternatl Arta and Sci Press Vol III NO 2 AV A 7 Cly af the Respimtory 6~mtm ):Da;wl"d ot the Owabna Cbrtax, by R. Yu. at R. Shatom pp. BMA Dua I I Vol XLxs P. ovib oonmat=U Bamu :CW/4= ion 1957 SL-565i~0 (DC 17v; at the Boundary of the Zone of Devo on) by M. N. Potoskuyev, 3-1 pp. ,RUSSIAN, per, 1z Vysshikh 13cheb Zaved, Chern Wtal No 5 3 1950 ~ pp 61 -6,7. JPRS 3925 Aep q, d. Sanitary I;StwUes on Disinfectanta Based jjj!0iqhiCiI I lin Helation':to the Greater or Less Irm-Acity c, r!~t 661~ents bv 0. Fotosai# 25 pp. 3A Parm''Co Scienza a Tiecnicag Vol 1, It'O 191, pp.05-49- *IM~ Medicine g of Glass FiPeB and Fittinp to Dicts, ;n -lakaya., I. E. by 2141 G. Frolova., G. V. Pf)to" N. Afa .nu -i. ye.v 4-P'P 4hap1ru, A. eklo J Kemmiiga, Vol X.N., RUSS 1,, per., St 0 5,111957, PP 24-27- (,'aat3ult&ats Illureau Ava 6~ Ware by [e of phite Molcla for the Production oA I BI. YUJ i_ I.-Y--thod, by A. H, Afanavyev, G, V. lip tots a I. S. Shatoldiin, 2 pp. Rd MILAN. mo per,, Steklo i Yaramika) Vol XIIIp 5, 96 1956, Consultants BLU,eall ie 5T of Gum=xttai~ by V s Vo P*tAMW4p um or Art*,t YM, a& 14un ik, in go -IRWIN INd lop W&I Bet Fob v A/.