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A-scertsining the Structure of the Sulfonic Acids ~j 1 .1 04 1241huo-4-Mu~bby~thiaxole With the Aid of la- are~l~spectlra.' by S. G. Bollouolov, ~U- N. ~Islnl~-`Ir' I. " Postavokil i p bixao per, Iz Ak Nauk B&SH, Ber Piz.. Vol XVT"ll p No 6j 1954s PP 740, CIA C 40664 ~j Colimbia Tech Tr 3 Imentific ftynics Feb 56 (Tb/Dsx Thelftructam of the.Product of Reaction of imilliue With Pxid' AldolWbv by L Ya. PosUvs~y, R. 0. Ymphp Yu. No SheinMr. 6 ppa 119, no per Zkur Obeheb Mamp Vol XXVI, flo 5, 1",4~-1448. Consultants Bummu i*~ Of With Uns OpMings by Pei me I. Tao Ito-3-walwi-14 pp-P mown, io tAo, mw obobab voi mav, No a~ =Swo ca WI-C., roel 30 D=vltomta Dom 7, 7~1-0 I 41 in the Synthesis of Antitubercular by 1. Yao Postovakiyj, S. I. Omellchenko- afibino perj, UsRLILh KbIm. Vol XYJII.. 1954p Assoc Tech Bv RJ-199 $29.4o 'ic - Chemistry Ict 1955 ,7,7 k-,f // 120 "U."! ure uf Hulogen DerkumtIves of Ecp` quill lip, Y. Post-ovsky., 11. G. Deileu. WSSIMIM Is &hur Obabch RhInto Vol M%., Ro 11.350; PIL -5 31, C-Z' A 3 Convd1tanta Anvau Sc:!~nitif it" 'Chemistry T a! ture of thelSultonic Acids of 2-Amiuo- U., 4ZA 4azole,, by'l. U. PDOtovskyg T. S. w 'd IN Btu ii MID per, Zhur Obahch :Khlzg Vol XC=p 11 , i R oet ~a J, Pp M M-1 to - Di tsloock Consultants Bureau Be 1~I~t Chmiota7 cm 64/,Tan 55 tirlation of prjphtbimceric ard on Sev.,ral ica of Ito Structure, by R. G. Railaa., el lp j, &1kS.O1Lqbch Min. p Vol XXP NO 9) consultanta Bureau A U41 ChemUtry CIMMW of Aryl cuad ADW1 2-Bm,,.otUa- ,owe. n.~, Thn=ice of Certain Sub- m the MUtive Cleavage Rate., by I. A. 1. y8. PO,3t*VWWt 4 pp. SSIAN "so r 22MI., moba KUM., Va XXIV ~ so lop 'erA c IM2157 CIV fit A~ i956),41 Caamultants Bureau , jr LI., c, lao.,til6ra o-.Z Acy.1bydrancmev of A ,,941-nmeaturatcd Katak~e6 axta!91air Tuberculoe~atic ft,opertica, by ydl.~Paai~msll If. H. Vereshchagina, 4 p9. fla$5:~Ajf~ tbricr--m* r-..T) Duk Nk Dbuk 9,85R, Vol C'N', KO 8W0, -804. 3OP/ect 1956 h, A- 10 Ifid t RWturi'. if D*mAh1&i*1y1-2-az71- and j! 1, b*"n VojahwAm for Rupture 0* RmnsIthim371-2-aryl- w2d aMW1sUfonsa, A1611moym, A pp. R~pq jJ ,,pal ztwi~obshsh jhb, vol mn,, so ut i953 Pill 90-19u Ou D 15246 Mmietr$ Alm 55 m 04 Oric~glulrance &~d Properties of Certain I d I i I ~wwsp Vy 1. F. Vladimt-rtoev, it ya To Ir- TMFMft,, 7 PP- Imlation 3L Vol MV0 NO it pa's 190 ps5pp~',~ IM-070 CIA D 151105 Comi4tants Bureau ~1044tc mms"Stry M 66/Wr 55 0:8 13 Of liaphthacene, by R. G. BoAlell p6r tbvsl*f. RM. s ZtE ~Qbjbch nint, Vo.1 lLL, 3, i 'A. 9-5 0, PI) 15 5 CODIALIt-Srliv-13 I~V~Llal; s-vtT.bnl6j of 3-WatbAsk-otbyllhiophone, by 1. 'Ia. P;dUnvaky~ ~ N. P. Deftogim amd V. P. Kuznetocv-o., IA ROB NJ, Zhur pra mamp vol 2 t E'D 101, pp wyrzurj;. 0cmultAn-to Bureau f1ciOltin, Chemistry rud, a of S~lfqnic Acids of 2-Amino-4- 'iiiil 63.e~' n. ClArUlcation of the Stimeture 13 aW Addo bf 2-AzLrm)-4--mtbvlthias:ole At 'he ldr~tea Opwt-ra* by B. 0. no ShelAmrs I. Ya. Pwtovslwo 9 pp. IOU.* ~Wrj Zhaw J~bsbgt aw's Vol xmO NO 3; pp 535~,W CIA D 151317 O~Msultauts Dwe:;- ic~~61"if i~l 11 Chmistry' ~44 CM 68/May 55 Sy6tl*Ghl5 6i ~utobe"t~ic 1 11 s of tte Coumarin Series, yj~ i4a At Panyutovab MO!j r. Zbur Obahch Kbillij. Vol XXII, 110 9" Sep 1?"5 1717-1726. Comultants bureau Vol XXI, 110 g., SgP 1951 USSR acientl:~ic Chemistryj antheltbthicso caumrin apaii 6f S~ce R-oiddes of 'Pherazine b~ 1-14~ Postmkyt z. I. Abranova, 'D p Rug V03. MaVp So 3p -AMU 10" 9;rp RM Obsb4h it -7W yp 4M----OU D 1=7 0ousultanto Bumau SC161 Itif i ChmUtnt cTs 661~%Y 55 D-Anicluo;:IyA, A, Belousp 1. .,,,Voptoyq ()nI ud JA, RM I' Khlmo Vol. xxs 110 90 CoomItants Baeau Cha' Lim of the VobI Reaction for Synthesizing Hie n Ph n,~J~16Y E.A. Abrawva and 1. ra. PoOtovskYt 7 PP. flusopfflo oi~,, perp Zhur Obahch CLIn. Vol no 3,, uk6i *ftr IN, 502-509. Cono%~Ltanto Bureau sc-lehtific j~- Chedstry -7. Dec ~' -t OW -5 3 St U~V'j 1 of i" ScouriM of Cotton of Cotton P iticles ~blj v E. It3tovuev, 6 p. UIE IN FUSSerAW., pir, Zhur Prilt Xhim,, Vol 24, No 9, Sep i3p Consul-bints Bureau SCAeUG"It. Uhtemilltry polst9yu CONCUR TIC r. SIGNA 1,,~ 3 Mar,01, Order.fri Trans (I p. 30- A. I 41p. i LC ',IRCUIT FOR A SENfl-AUTOW- RECEPTION OF INTERMITTENT on 5avieE Geodesy 1925-40. tS: R-113-N/16. SLA mi$1.80, ph$1.80 61-19098 t (USSR) 1935 [v. 111 no. 3, 61-1908B 1. Radio receivers --Circuits 1. Pusloyev, A. 1. H. 'Dtlc-. suvim ... M. JPRS-R-113-N/16 IV. joint Publications Research Service, New York 0mcoafT hm-d$wvkos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W103ide in 11119-MUwita Rocks Mml'.p by 9, 1:. Postom ol 3 W Is Ak ftak SMI, Bar Geolog, AGI i!62 217)951 rt-'Pli,'aeal~in northern Croatia., by Pavao Fail$ ruzili,Ia PP4 C,R:I:)IRIAII per, Pviroda. Vol XPIII) N-u 61 1960, Be l~I BI t4a'r' 161 6837 Vhought,q on Automedon, by E. Postulka., 9 pp. per, Ve=es technut Swap 1 Apr 1961) ~~p~ lih~U6 (can, No TA50J." V53: Vol 9., R6 4.. 8 Tri 5F0/ by Ti. "Pa'3, elll~- Nut Un vc]. MM 5972 The Teehholorg by H . P~Atulkix GFMLMI~ perg 1W.. 'pp', :261-Q (BF-1329) of Producing GenmLl Geogmybic MT9, U Vol VIIIP No 9p JPM 4541 S-2 7 ci tf Citation of Gaucral Geopaphic b ~~!J. Ppikulks, It. Krakauj 13 PP- GEI ~11~9-r VezmessungGtecbmU:,, Vol No 11) La~-IviiS)~j~-959j P.P 31-3-316- ins 2-68,3 Mvihb, :i Au4 1~956 of Slag Mlocka at the Chwomya Work-s., by jakov., Is At Glyzino 10 St8a; V03L VIIIi No 1; 1948, lb 87- Eh.-atcher Tr 3740 80 on ~,O'Eltyshtt.,v Birth Anniversary. I~USSLO, Pravda, 18 s.p 1o6:?. FBIS Wire USSR] pol 23 O~,,tl2 'Abd'~~ ce of a Cenozoic-Mesozoic on 21 Auv~ul Ahe Sinagorsk-Zagorsk Revon ~3, of lalmA, byl. G. Nalisbevieb RUS5IEA'F,,.S r., Dok Ak Vauk 883R, Vol CXIY,, No W06 a -76d- Cousultantis Bureau Wr 73.,6~ viu-tatfan of tbe Spocif Ic Grav-1117 of COW. 0-.C g-i;4 tb r by w.")`SXAfir per., DDk Ak Ralik SSSR; Mm' Mit-IC"Iffy, c:x=xl no 1j, 1961v py 178-183.- Y, 3972 sok 14 63 ca Llbridea''ll 94.tatw, gild TimpUtes bf Lltb-Uun =d by A. 0, B~rgmj A,, 1. Malormo B. To POO pp. ;rj V=r 717, DUO Vol ]MY1 W, 10 or SIA 59-IOU64 Feb 159 69 Dbi-,,Ue e~compositions in the Qu'' 11ary, eciprocal System of the Clilorides., ~B fllide~ and Sulpha~-tes of Ulthiwn. Sodium aad.'Mal i'", n i A- by V. I. P 13 ilko,___ -5~ H, 0 Dd. ibrovskaya, ~p. 5 R SIAN,! per, Iqur Neorgan Kiiini, Vol ITI, -To 6. Cleaver-l-Awne Flres5 Ltd. i2 -ato Sinc5ular E.IeLaenLs oi ~h e coz-=sition, Folytope of -U'- h e'.ia, Ob, ci, i 1! 11 Dr XK:'JO Nine-Salt Quinary Reciprocal Syst' friij Y$ by V 4--posy-pail"O, 711. V. laielaiova, 3~ PP' i (M) Sl TA I ~r loer~ 2QIur Neorgan Kaim, Vol VI, '71o i! 14ol-14C7. Cleaver-Aume Press Ltd. ;:,Ci 62 ), L01 b UD &em or a Sol. p MoUnCal O"s ortba SuUMM and wis' at UMUR Bdl PatML=p by,.ke Ga, A "I vt I. POMPLibot w ppt mo pm,# 22m Obabeh K~Jnp VcA XXVp No 3M.]Aqq* OTA 5W*-Cp re0l 3- ~i~sftc ftlWA47 Daccoo-oltion in thet Use= Of EL 801MA- L =91a'1 Roi a ftstm of Pcrbwsl%m arA Lithium Ihmptates i I andl IIsUtRi3omtesp by A. Go Dngmap A. Ic X-falovap i, I I v0, 1, Pd;ypauwt 10 yps M tr II 11~ YIN: mo. parp ZAhl-tr Obahali Xhim,. Vol IX7# 11o 110 t py~ W~4-2026 01h 510,166-Cp reel 3, Commatants Dweau A+ cA M. A., 0*1 mt, tr im OC the lft=y 133MtM ar the Milmideep rA T=Sststeo ot L:Ltldm azA Potozatap I. L 2314 reiv V. 1. poompffbp 6 pp, SOL OW~d W= Obabob 104mp Vol XWp 1,10 11: %ak-03 J"X.P, .3. amodtNts %wmu ;57179,~l Di Lithlau"ll, N. S, c I ~,~ge Reactions and Subdivision o-L" the Coii mosition I~am o'T the Quinary Reciprccal System of ixlne 21 ciaorides, Bromides, and SulifateE of odiwa; and Thal-I ilmy by V. I. Fosypaiko, Da --,.~rovshaYa) 3 ~PP- lill., ber, DA 10: llaul~ SSS,:,', Vol ClZxXiljlj, 111c CD 195,166 D,Mibi rAQ, c~mptz-ec: lon Jm- tbe !.:t G Sul FT xUl V. 1. r G't, Ih Vol v 1722-3.729. CIA 0, 112.1.r,'T le ecmpwiticn in the Acme of Solvwt, 1. 'Reaproma Sptem of r4thium and Potassium &LIftteig, md TvqpUtesq by A. 0. Be 10 3i"Up Ve Ic, POU"011w; 11 pp. so perp K ~6 Vol mV;; no 8f, 1 40 pq CIA C 41477 Cawmltnutc Bureau sdIevb:UU chemdatry A*- 56!~Ms/d= Th e "tar Of the Li.~ TI 01, 1:41 a-rjar-l! Acciproca il ~ i , 1 System, L--:- V. !. Os~pl-41:07!111- A. LulabrovokE,.yn r., 6'hux 1~, argai-, i lidill) 7ul V~ p J. Pp 712-719. Ltd UA I,Jay 195; 410 Systans of the Chlorides, dtig#ion Of TW%d Ulf to SQ ~Is6d Tmpta~es of Uftm wA Potassium. 1I.,, IV lo. iiopin A. I. Kielovit, V. I. Posvp 4 pp. WSSIM X~; PW, JIM- Vol x1vt NO it a" Was 12~1 ~.I& D 2=42 a rof AM 55 p; Tre"It ~cnt Pf Patienbg Witb Flype!rternzi-ve D-Looar;r-, Agorccl Reg 'flomie , by A. li, Poa,~,-,"z ltu,, 3 RUSS 7 %if T'' Voyeano-Ma-d Mar ~.o 7) 1959, MS 255CI ma y 6 k 7~) f,2 On th c Pbol oni c Rocket:Tnto Space, by N. Posysaycv., k 1'. P.D Russ:7''F N 17 di''Inp; Truav mqf~rovj~ 19 Jan 1958, ACS-1 H-0577 The ~tii.!ilyt; i cRropvZ-ticz of Uranium Oxide,; by Alfon Irj Eve Lic Poszidnskl, pp. 41 P POLISH. ar Roc,,,miki Ch.eutij~ Vol 1~ .1956,! 294~18. CCT-995-Tr -c o Q D Vol 2~~;p NO 511 ilD~ W1ind Mzvlng on MJLdXLe School Btudmata,, Po-rtav 5 FPP bj Ta-chi Ta-ham W..o 5 pp TI! 7/3 333.-092 (SF-28oo) rA' S'I~MfIGA GE AND OREINTATION OF ECONOMIC CONTROL CON!IXJCTE:b 6Y THE CZECHOSLOVAK :STATE BANK, 13Y 5. ~ Ucj~ pp. CZEI PE~,lt STATISTIKA A KONTROLA, No 4, 19621 pp il JPR5 15153 EEU uztui ECO SEP 210.,752 - -- ------------- by IB ratims of the Czeohoolovak State Bauh., !uk Potao 7 pp. $'t HoopAoruke rtovitwp Vol IV# So 33P 0 3. &dil JPHS ~a4 S TI. E~vatcr'L,ul, Pol C z F-P, I I I h: T) on o- the Czeclicislovai, c:tate c, anske ljoviny, Vc)]. 1~r, Nu JETF!, pf YIN., 14. Potak '6 Book "Trittle Fracture of 11"A' 3'6e1 Parts",' by Ya. M. Potak, L. S. Mz~roz, steci~ Paohlco, S7!;`.7Mhumknv. MISS,Llf~. pJr, ract Lab, Do 1, 1957, Moccol., pp 3 5 DSIR/31331/CT t h Strej:igtb Steel -fOr - I al-d c al TreatMent of ii etu --1, 5 I'D- Lbiej-~aom orzhchhavsl~- I J~ b~, Y EL 5-6; 1~etalc 1 _tal L TerM MreL IMij! per I'letall'urgica 3c 61( -15Qu,530 111f ~.Ilencel of ru'lead W-tallic ClolltiT~grs 0-a -L*.hr.,. M~Chanicnai re! I ie. of Stee N als an3 Alloya, by Ya. M. Patq-k,, p cs 1. 14J hrAeglakov, 16 pp. h-ur -Tekh Fiz RU 3 pcr, YJ Vol XXV; j~s):Aji Ru pp 897-90" RTIC F-TS-0016/III Set - Min rietals Mal'," C957 ('0 ~I 6 'Slb~ e Inoth TranaltIon-Typ Austenitic li~:-It'enrdltic Stainleas Stoolop by Ya. it. 1, 1 11 6k Pusljwlt~ per, Ubtanov i Una Gbrab MeWia' NO 50 ig6ol pp 24-3o. M 5397 *ActfL Ifttft.UuT&t= 1,~a,l 6-12 _r_surl,IG Labour FrodUCtiVi y dj~i the Tyre d ius'17, Ul U ty G. G. lva~iov per, E.auchul, i !LeZilia, Vol A01 461 PP 49-D- !! I JLV -P 4've The sange r to a 7-N= Working DW and 'a for Pqment in the Tyre Indugta7-, by S.1p. *NwBlmw Sol Apr Ppr# Ksuabult I Razimi No 10p 1959; Rom Assuo of BAtIsh RW*er Mutt AvIUWa IR I,Glaza lain Domestic and Induatri-al Building, by N. Potanin, V. M. VI.adirairskiy, 6 pp. :ql~SSII~Nj per, Steklo i Kermika, Vol XV~ Ito 958': !'[PP 7-11. (A 1-2 Lve Ar*A-fti&tlve md Otbar Lftl Propertim of lkphthwdc Ins Contained in H4;h R*MM fraawnt IW it. 0. zbfprdevo Tlp~t. B9 D. g3rol IV 14 pp. *t lb% i TOM Top,, go 29 19%p awl to m-325"ll AFOIN-Ul. Ar 1.054009 *4 ~57 Chajactijistics of Ciartain Atypioal Strains loo- 1 1 6 t6d f~pm Waters by Yu. A. Votapchikp 4 pp. "pI per, ZhUr Mikroblolp EpIdemlol I i4s Vol XMI.. No 5,t 1957, pp 90-94. Pergiamn InstAtute Pat 58 ~J W we bletw of buccead"I j4pwMatimmo by P. QldW, A4 A* A*= 4"d Ni, SA TT FL4789 'S~ T Ji ;(A u GOVERMENT ONLY 262,988 rtain, Problems in Theory of Horizon Q~trocompasses, C~ by P.1, Glebov tuid A.A. PlotAtpemko, 15 PP. RW6TAII: par Iz VyealftUb tkhel) VAved., om timyonlye,, Vol VI., nc, 4) 1963. JM 1961 Ols9v i on MtMwomb VAthod at Tva TA L Vu"vbo A. H. Pbtapookolp Vest NuUmetroyp %I XW6 No 3p goly560 an Electrical, FIOU,- an Flows Kostemkol, 7 pp. P. P. by A,: inzheuen~o Piz Zhur. Vol Vo No 11P pp 73-76. 9684849 A PTD-TT-63-408 Aug A T.1 e~ Automatic Machining Line AL-2S, by 1. A. Potapenko r6;,iaiv,l per, Byulletenl Tekliniko-E-kollomichesv;5T-ii--, In 0'rma-usii, No 8, Aug 1964. q ~ I I JORS 27,01865 U!3s'lt E 6 on F 6 b~ 65 PO Noniiinlelar ~11116toconductivitY of R:)S-Photoresistors, V. a 1A v I. R. Potapenko, G'. A, Fedorus. Ye. moj~er, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XIX, No 10, AEC Tr 296 Nov cts 5. P;t~ SUM LU MDUMin(,, and Vulcanising INX 3: .0 1# So CkbrIlVIIhOP I* A. DeleWdyj, M. N. einbwl;p 4 ppe jt..,$!Av A* V Russ. r pq Obuk i: FOzinar V01 XlXi No 7.. 1960., PP sci Apr 61 Iq Boy 3ducatica 6,3 4 Ai 14 MIDI'm bit 1. 1%* Kaga"Vicks Pilo 8 lip, ittwi 0,0 Pero Tsm~m "stallyo go 100, T. -4 Pak) KRI :~s il,'I PI mccrv Carburator Mmt3 by V. rnydicb, M,~Irvov, It, potopenkcyvp 5 pp" Al XjiMp in I liosmliov Pravda, .? d Mv .19 5 1. J ME 13706 A . 3, 4ation of the Dymmic asoy~~rtic~s of cw..I-;Ip M Su ly urces, or cloo-velding. pp , "fi.. y V-r,. Aytozat Svark,;, No 6D ~of Wtaftas 00=mtwo vroihN4 1. Zwoubap Ao "Perp Most SMkill No 10 19620 31 of Ourmt E)URPV twum Dplazda llrq~rw BUT IW4jmg usIM 2 UK Mmoter MxtqM=W 1, Uwdop As 0, Wrtap1m4y) ot alt pjjr;, Avtomt 111vuta'I ub 80 1961s 31-40. 62 6gmi nsumi'lio: 60 tal 0 STAP 64, '1! controlled, Pulavtiiig Are WeldL%- w-Ith a e Mactroft, by B.N. Patonp A.G. Potwplevsld pp. -kat, Bo 1, 1W~, pp 1-6. per, Avtomat Svm M-it-lah Weldiarg Has Assoc lloiapJ: 61-19109 -F)hy, A. I" METAL FUSION AND TRANSFER IN C02-SHIELDE"D 1. hietals--Telding WELIJIN~ j11TH A~ITHIN WIRE (PlavILnntye I Perenos 2. Wires- -Applications Metalia 15'varke Tonkoy Provolokoy v Sprede 1. Potap'evskiv, A. G. Uglekis,"I'llGasa) Mar 61 1161p. 8 refs. RTS 1778. If RTS-1778 Order fr6mW or,SLA mlS.-.40, jh$3.30 61-19109 111. Department of Scientific and Industrial IWsearch Trans. of, atl,~--aya va. - (USSR) 1958, v. A I (Gt. Brit.) no. 7, p.~tU-59. 11 The elec& 16 fusio6;anJ metal transfer processes have been ~xari' ~in for C;, 2-shielJed welding with t)Tc Sv-10GS to~jl. 2 mm in diameter, and also the nature of wipation In the arc. The influence of weld] n I M djU i 1-virameters on metal fusion and C f ,, transfer VbLen i~vvstlgated. (Author) om" of T~61Cj 5-ic.6 (Machineryl- ianufa~taring, Tr, Y. 5, no. 10) Cm thn- ~he s-d Modc-I; IZ~7 IN. v. pp 964), ~iluxslfju~" or; F'iz IYerdogo Tela., IVL III N ivy Sov Phys Eolid Vol 11 No 11 On tbe A rheox7 or the Aaiwtxopy Of Ca$.c cmtAis H I i Dok Ak Pok MR, Vol oxvii, No 6, 3i~R' 50 9%0 Amer Imt of Phys Ikv 131W "Iblaso'll Vol 11, No 6 lag The boc~rine and the Navy by flotapov. Pi! RUSS ~Aq~, n Krasnaya Zvezda, 26 Sep 1962. :i lissiz 22 O~t 62 FBIS Wire ozi -69 art W, *4111:111C~~ IV 0v Aq pt j0 L~qqa() r Q4T,,MjV*X),q .4 (DC-6492) S09:3ion of the Scientific Council of the ntral.lastitute of Pomasting, by A. Si I?OtaV,-,Ov., 4 pp. MBV~J., P~,.Vjp Itt I Olds No 6j, 1961o p 65. bleb 62" 1 tioll 01, tL Aal ie-vu, by fi,, ,N A. -, ;11', 'D,Ov V. F. Xitayeva-,, F, S, 11aiZLL11(~V, V. I -i Ali.~ IdY~, R. T. Antropov, 1. T 7 Rugs Aux ~r) Iz Ak. Nauh, SSSFI;~ Scr Piz, Vol x"In-E, PP 7330-736- Goimbia Tech Se phyto Prctection of Wood Against Weathering t the Wood Technical Centre, by rc -6078 st-adjil e W20 Absorptiou Of Ra(Rio wo,5 iii. th o I~rov'iPl 74mg Iq I P. rotapov, Z~ To. Rappoport T. Bo~!Borsuk, 4 pp. m ri4soldye I Wlolckatoionn~5v lssledomdy PO Slyaniy i Smh-mmip Wochwgo ffebr, ppntidn- IV, Ito 2/,., 1960., :pp 42-h-4. JPRS &T52 Gcvb'w' (BY-3000) It thedComtruction of the hmala- Rlql,mphopB Shop is Legging, 'by 1. Potapov, Ipp. 11 RMSZOp! per$ Noloftoye Kabom Natsakbj No I li,1'196i , 61-65- im 3.06 62 Cki, the Agna Carl w the -%Vluticm of by L A. lbbwvt 4 99, lulit, Vol -ym; PW 13,03 202..T66 OY-3DW) T~6'Cmwtructioa of Coal Enterprises in the 1~. -1964 Period, by 1. A. Fo~apov, PP. RU.,&-.jTANpA per, Shakhtunye Stroltel'stvo, No 3, P P 5 M, SO -.1"34 &oa rNII.Ono-logical USM bldmtry ia minebu-tlders of the Coal N-sins end M Diiap!61orm to the State, by I. A. Potspov" R I, qs IA. per, S-mm-dat=yc Stroital'stvo, No 2, tj !lt -9, p 5. i tv~ ..'I'llechnological IJSSR Industry MI;