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of calcda '.'.Y 34. (2-12045 1. Title: Golols theory Fp~ID~MENT~P OF GALOIS 711PEORY. 19(l. t9(P. 1. .'ostnikov, X4. M. Order tiom CB, $9. 00 1: 1 11. Gordon and Bresch j Publishers. Inc.. Trai'l~O.~~(10,~'l~yTeorilGalus, kJoscow, 19M. 124p.) New York DESCRIPMRS:1 *Groups (Mathen-mrics) *Algebra 4ma0;6Ma1LC9. 11 L. V. 7, no. 2) of 0610*1 Tberil",l, I)y M. M. Pootrllli'~V- ~;U[W 111,., 1962. porg=.n Pmag ~63 '011-Lhe Tmrs of mathematics., by M. 4e ipp. (Ar, a3329) ell STAr4,1, 'Priroft.. Nq io., iO~., pp i2p--i24. ATIC P-JM-8594/iii M/DEX 4tl 3 LErge III V., 1 pr gOrl 9), 1 Feb 61~ 8 in the lauscow Rcvnr Statift, by pp. ToplacnargetUta, )g-u 3 -1 1960; T?3,c-, 6718 punt IFcLvpmUou Diming Nho '.,-Klectrical. Sibilm-Attaon Of' .Mosph=ts by, V. If. PbattUxvt 5 pp, r,, 22itw Prikc Mir,, Vol YX~0:71, i-lo I, CD 61. Vointalza,tion of Phomphome From Ehibi~i Apstt,U*l by W*N. Poetzdkav) Y, M. Rnbinovich., pp-li: nuxpMiii per,"! MotreMe 11 Woztwi,, Vol U, 19301 pp 91011:: siA n-21,)64 sel m 59i I hi Tha~~ Ynvestipt'lon of Diflusion in the system Trielgacium Phospbste -- Calciin Oxide n by of the Radicutivo laotope3 C Ca and by R. X. Postnikovp A. D. MikhRilin, ROOM& per, Dak Ak Waulc Mot BSca-Rp Vol CXXv s o ., 1958.o I*m pp 378 Consullants Bureau Bei. Chem 7Y U tM19 Fumqrqmz~ Bluctric D!ctiUul%~i= of Phosphorw; ?T-mi Fhiaq~horttw, by N. i7. Postnikov, L, P. Selo pp. WSW p.4-p ftneral Olobrerruya I Xaektofur-~-,,Ivlftl~ AN Vol 7c 7,935, In, n-19- SIA R-2-1346 set Pug, 5"9 7J -5~ Artiole OjWtUM9 V, of posin Omi ;jwao TbWY tbe; Wis of tb*ICI"f PostuiUmp 2 PP- Lusal by to 9,p Nu Not Vol RwJZW_ Cu C 41305 j-p 991. ObeSiAtry of, Iabeled Carbm lftkm Radioactive Carbon, tl IDA D. Mikhallinj E. *N- ftstuUm.. 3 Radiawdm) vol nj, No 2.. 1960p JI; 66 AW-2* tr-45% PL-W Rk sphilt~ij H. (a. hu*012 I, , 9 by N. 11. ~'t oth"i3ts 9 op. perp Jbw I?rik VAbi (MIM),. Vbl Un.. 2D lo PP IX53,AW- Asom lloch Serv Tf, 59J Ive Wwtice of VloaLcim ftc3phate us llaftba Agmto (Hp1mgm, tiaift= ad HMO*) WA try BoUA Cab=; p8rq fhUr PrWAd MdQ (WO).. VOI J= lob 9t 1958.1 pp 1981-12A. 55WM 3d3 Di~l to 1b 6 evIVI 'to the Ca=ents of 11. 'V. Gcl'd on I;"-.- tici e "Cozpra-ative Reduction of Trien-I c-ii-m hoalp ate by th.-. GaBcours Itcd3.z(., Ya*tG s"Iccrtj M'onoxide and By Soli-11 Carl~c .. .. .by p.QirWnIkmr,,--r pp. U03 S:Yk , l~ Pur? u:t~ Prih hUm, ~rol -C*-,: 1 - i 960~! pp r, x LZ~I:v~Lf-,re ReducibUity of S;,,nthc-I-ic nn-,! 6 ?Lik j%Lmj Vol W%1111., No mo per, ZhiLT 579-584. CIA C 40324 uxuzi v. Ic eatig'ic Chnd--rix JIM 56 Port6 3 - A ~lk~ ip, '957 u IS "II .p (2466 -D) bV Ye. Ye. Arkbd,%)V, 1. A. lttenloex6, )L,';~ Roobnoy TT=,pR5t MSR.- 1917-1957 A-232. 711' iwo~~Vwwqq Use ot Radiwcdve Leotqpm Noiload Ecbnamy, by Gy. Fo bffldiepv, va P"ag2myn 1962, ODM MaLOI Aloocows ~9223777 AWI -Tr-5898 iL . T a rati. m Dependenci,s of theighear Nodulus of ce. in I ;m MetalAJ, Btable Wases and Allwys, IV.! C. ~OSUD=P, 11 p- Buts rp Pla Hatca i asuaiov voi. vi, iio Msi iw -72.6. T06 sat, Apil 0 or,, T.i: 1~ 8 pration. of Calcium CyanamIde L-y the Action IwAs and Carbon Monoxid-9 on Calcium Oxide In M, bonate., by V. F. Rust&.-. Postnikov, J. N. A. Yermaydv;--il'op. Lu1j,1110 per., Zhw- KhIz, Fmn, Vol XITI, fir) 8, ppli'0195-802. Sci Tx, Center RT-2449 j I I~atlf~a - Cbweistry 11,55 C6uj/bFX b MTfe(' ti er..oes of ~the Uge o:C Radicu(,,-tJk.-,,e :18 li"v fl~ Vie Zwdollvl f-commay 'v Ila all"a"GE9 V. 1. UP 1""Otopoll v Narodmin raist,yr.-N., 1962, Viosco2. sei Nue lei c i 63 Org'a z ant on of Laboratory Wor,,.,k a:'-%d 'Exchange- of' Vic.1;1-. COO~Cal6lllatj.onn for ISotopes arid Accelerators Used In 1WioPOtaPhYj, by V. I. Pos-hn:LIUYV 3 --op. er V04 Rw Ufj 151 AN Za, Lsbp Vol "W) no 71 1959, ISA kip. I. Al t L~I)e T e in Scnibbc- s 2 ocitil a, by V. P. Postnilzvj, 10 pp. Ngw Prlk ~hljrr,,,. Vol. ",MITT, CB XPO/ Nob ~61 ~l rie"l-vil.! Tril:Later ra 'Towers at ~Hioi Ifelot- RUS~ 1AE., =ur prik Xhim) 11,01. 8) RIP (14B ltmtor6-ion of the Internal FrLction of Pure AD-unini Ia After Swuml of Load, by Al. Ya. glu S. Eapli#kov. UWL per.. .910 D Ok 1*6 Nauk 888H, Vol CXWj No 6p 0.1230. 191, DBIR LLU CLoan) 11.100 ~59 1957.1 Vt. 8, ..351. Farol~.I!oa !nut; '11114(t, S40C. wy ox'-, latarm.1 Frli!*don of Platinilm 'After the Relinow-11 of the A. Ya. Sainailova., V., S..Poctjjjj-,Ov~ per, Fiz Retal i DMetallov, *Vol VI, Fergmion Press in 6c) !Jill 'itkur 1 Friction, su~;' ear Wulus of Pam Cp r1i 111tvi Dimstaj,'by V. ry ppe M W I" Ice-= 1~_-r. Dok Ak Bit" SMp Vol XC1# 0 ;,'Llbr 1113F Tr 86 1C Hineralm tals /Me 1 1! , I . I Phei"I u'i~and~Ilg~pjicml Description of Euer&y 1~ : 11 DI.C.a.pation by an Oscillating Wire Suoc:Ir,,cn- by V. lputuikov, 6 pp. .. ......... BUSS AN ]'or, Flz Met I Yat&U(Ymd~ Vol VTT, No 31 :19 I)p 405-401). Pergm= Press i1a V A Cofic;ant on Depaadence of Litenml Frtctioii in li I I Deft -based AIIW, by Ii. S. L~bedev, V. 6. nmed Iran Post 6pp. RUMIM, lipar., Az Hat i MatmILovtd, Vcl VII; Ho 191 ppll'oD.417. r Int6mal ftiction of pbonol-follmalilebyde plaotics at ~!ikfcrv6t tomperatuxes, 11 J~ 11 By IS, Tiputnikov pp, 7 i'b 60 Aug Plautichoijkly 14ausy, No 110 1960, 67. -RAFRA Tllvmpei~atur'-e, Dependence, of the Internal Friction 11 of, m I-ala and Allbys~, by V. S. Poatuikov P-P LJVI aws L lil.p,~r, i~6tz~'4b3 Wiz Mauk, Vol ftftp I~f>80 ~7 PLD 'g-Ci iz/' Nit Fab Ii Cas* of Penicillin latidlerance Wt~j Severe 1; 1 He ion, V:IV,, Poatitkovr Alit by Rul '!AN Y~ aDEw, Voy.~uno M;srj Z;,r)r, No pp -85 MR 11958. 84 us "Tms/my Theo tical Aspects of tha Contact Reduction wliauiiirm ftmqueous Sairtions, by B. V. ,'a e PoStUMM, 5 PIP. IM., Our, M=v Frik Milmp Vol XXXIIIj, No 11, 1960j~ ~Pp h531-M5- CIB Sci: on, 460 S~ratlgrsph~r of the Middle Devonian Rocks c Shkapova Oil Field of VlestA,-,rn Bco3bkir,, by of t~, S.., ?OM'' kovav A. I. Lyanhon)w., L. N.. Efrumva,: A pp 11=wj, air,, Dok Ak Nauk SSIM, Vol CXVII, No 2j Consultaxto -Burpwi sQi GrIl Phya Len octji5S c6ce Hedt~ by - I TAkIn RUSSIIAN.91 19* PP Scl 7 Ion of Furfural in the Steam of Self- ig Hydrolyeate Withad Consumption of 1. V. Chalov., N. P. ftl'nikov, Yu. A. S. PostnIk I x yr per,, Gid i Leo Prom, Vol lx~ No 6, ~-10, CIAKI 9012873 liko,,L*41~11 SOW POADER METAUAHMp BY BiblV046 so vo~ POSTNINOVA, 9 PP, IAN: SK FMIY TFIW VSESDVUDM SCO IY PO PMMLEME RENOYAm 26.e7 MAYA mqcw* 196 I PP 75&- JPRS 1-1539 WOW Dybamics of the Origin and Development of 1 .11 t6l I gDant Orcrdthe in Experiments on Monkeys, vi, F4,1 Petrovl 3. A. llrotkina, A. V. Vadum, .0 zl~ A F~ "SUVEOVe 36 pp. MWIAN,11 rpt,, Press of the MM Academy of Medical Moscow, 1952. 13TIf 'fr lo-),, oct!57 Mo 0 (NY- 1840) OF ELECTRONIC C%PUTERS IN RIVER TRAKSPORT, BY A: POSiNOY, 8 PP. RU~.Sl~Atq) PER, RECHNOY.TRANSPORT, No 4) 1962, PP 18 JPRS 14842 ECON AUG~62 i! SCI~~.~tl_E&RONICS 209,032 - -- --------------------- P u ss" Y1, 2.v~ Aerial lea by A, A, p,)stnov 3 pp. :, cl to .560 Ayj)/SeP 1956 /7' ,f R)Obi Iofjtr :ty of Existence od' Slow Wsve6 iz im Plasma Wavaguide, by G, A, Postnor, per, Radiotekh i Mcktron, No 03, 1961 AIKE (DC - 44,34 ....nno~alionall of Workers of the Municipal T-?xchsxg,,?., p WSSTft','V~ :ni4j Xrestait Svyaz'L., No 6, ),947Y 2 21 ans 0687 61 wayd pxvp Rus"'My I pp': Set JbIg'' in lootropic Plasma 11w4eGuidgi., 8 ppo RoUotekb I Maktron) Vol V: no 10; yp df 5.6 (01 1), irg Urdsid and Anlyids of ttvz p9woof ce~ioriotloo d"Mot Creflo to Coutinum cam t t~r 1L. M. Poftowo B. A. Gulyopv. UNCL 0 .8 GM*1uuw4w Costing cc steel. IDS of tAo nr6t All-Volon CWerewoo vp 232-4M. 46.ooxa. flat ql~ tq al'ical lalculation aP a Stable Din A ~.Iati6n in a Basin with an lm-,--,-Ae6 -0~:,COT. stnova, C~P-D. I,Do Po MIS5) ell Mr, Iz Ak N,-tixk L";er 19 :162,11 pp!3,663-1670- it M sel" Mat 63 .t6~: 4'6r ~Wmiaal phatosynthasist I A Pateat Aprpl.9 F, va 72199571 ftris- HOT RMJWAM TO F=3M WiTIOMW Sol Vbjm ~ 11 Due 5T g75- i7 ij tho outist1w cc Epmuo-viml In lbiftmmk in 1959.. S.1irm G. S, H. ShVIX0. )~Jil?crp VCF*sy MlraM, Mdmdwtva i p 6p 196L$ pp 9-1.k. 219)3w- isl of Observations on 2arthquakes in the 0- atka Regtou'o by 17. V. Kondorskaya., ,,.iptolenko, 5 P.P 31Nij; per., Iz M:Nauk 8SBRI Ser Geofiz No 1.0., 1559; p~ A46-1454. PDU USSR in, 1955P O-Y I4skm- ~'I, and G. A:, Posto"Ieukog 4 pp~ SCA; ozoi byaicr- Apr, -'-racturul. Gliange in vulcapized ,Xposed t('41 t~u Action of Mineral AaLds~ by 6,IIKa?,'jrj.nqIr.,iyj, k-W 3 pp b w r Tz Vt'auk 5SSR, "Ier Fiz, Vol " 1-,. 2 JO 10 1. J.9 ":i Columbia Tech kd %01r (10 tk'g', o tu Un (ir&.v of lum" T4 n a videanuatoo v by As IN Vp AD go yj D* Ak Vank 8=j Va CUVO ft 31 5890 cbwdtoto Bum Inyestigation in the Field of Benzodiazines. Ill. Tetrazole-Azidoazomethine Equilibrium illiSome Quinazoline Compounds, by Ioz Ya ~s~v~shiy, 1. 14. Goncharova. 7 PP - RU SIAN, per, ZImr Obshc1i Kliim., Vol XXXIII, Oi N ~117) 1963) pp 2334-2341. CB SCI Au~' 64 264,573 61-18166 Poqtto~sial' 1. YR., Bednyagina. N. P_ and !,& Mlkhallc~ Post vskil 1 1 Y ' ' SULFUh C .OMPOUNDS IN PETROLEUM. (1%11 4p. . . o a. . It. Bednyagina, N. P. B rifoli ~ ~ ~ j~ OTS ~ 10 61- Orde 6 SLA 8166 1 Ill. Mikhallova, M. A. r . orn or 1 $ Condenl~e~~rans.~'691[AkademiyaNRukSSSRI. Comftes Rendus'E)4ilady) ei'Acadernie des Sciences de 1 1944, v. 44, p. 375-377. DESCRIPTORS: 'Petroleum, *Sulfur compounds, ChiomafqZ'r'a c4nalycle, Thlophenen. Determination. A chromatographici study of three Ural high sulfur olls ' points tli~ tfilophenes Wng formed by &,composition of more co~,~'I~x suii~r~ compounds during the distillation of the oti but not 16 a result of s rocesses nth tic At - . y p e "' w ea 6 clisses"di complex sulfur compoundq exist, I a ' 'a d 4n~*~htld b hounced differences in their desorp- tio'n frm a 11 b washing with cold petroletun offi-I Tech"k.1 ether. ene -e- , Those deZ=I~Alng~ to thloFh a are easily z mis~~Yjr_' Anaiy''~'idal, TT, v. 6, no; 7) (Over) di~ . ' - Th6i Aaidl on i.4eactions of Acetylene, Carbo.Vl-ic Acidi and I;EI I. The Reaction of Acetylene DicarbMlia ~elru mdjta Estero Ath Aryllm1finic Acids, by E. 1(, I. Ya Pootvvdd7#AppO N.2a, thur Obehoh M42t.9 V03. =j, Nb,, 21, 1961v OB Addition neactiew of Aeatylene carboxprlirl Acidn and Their Beters, 11. Reactions vith cyclic Tlliowlidos~~ I 1 1, . I b~ 1E. 1,~Il Grinblati 1. -Ya. Postovs)dy, ppa, T(T"I.,IAIqp per$ Zhur Ob4shch Kbinv Vol XXII,, no. 1961 1~ ( itiop Reactionn of Acety3zne Carbcoq,lic AcIdo and ll;ai r, tam Illo Reactione idth CYclJc ArrC=B and --D-Waol-OdUft:WdMv Ag .1. Ya,, Postovedy, -ix; L. F , P C i b3Atsi Tref -ova,, 5 ppa per., Zbair Ob&ch Kbim., Vol X),-XT,, No. 2, i963. 62 -StLi :Lj!s ifil -tbr- vj(~-Jd cf th-- ChcaLs try Rn ~ ! I ~ 1.1 of jt);,j~ Hyda-cmine Series, III, Synthesis and P~ropqrtie vi of N-Wrbrazy1picryl Nitrogen ~!nd Al"s I - Ya. 0 L:6 6 n lirivatives, by R. 0. k6vski:~., A. K, Cb-IT-kov, 6 pp, per, Zhur Obschch nimp Vol XXX, Nc, IQ, i9 io lyp ~~i186-3192. Oct; -x~am~olaq4 2-Eydmzino- and 2-AzIdobmimidazoloo by. ~:'x P, ;,~ednymgimj X. Ya. Postovskly, 5 pp - j; I It i1 USSWy per, zhur obahch M31211 Vol xxx) No 5t 19~0i!i PP ~iII431-1436. CB esti~tims on Isommole Conpmuida. 11. a~ructure 13-M~,tbyl-4-forrq3.-5-oxazolone and Some of. Its lvaa~ by 0. V. Wtolov., I. Ya. Postavatin, 5 -pi aw cFashch Ibilaj Vol xxx: No 2, ig6o, per, 61 ion ov,, ova Ig 331B-1-339 - Derivatives of Cyazothlouraa., by V. L. zi.~~nbui'i I. Ya. Foutovskiyo V, He Charkmovp 6 Ilk q 1 per, Zhur Obahch IWmp Vol XXVIIIO No 1, 195$~ 011195-W3111, Consultants Bureau Iscli ch6 Apr J9 an zoleb dlJ,.Pbmyl 106 Russcqp 195bit it Dee of Sane Heterocyclic Stafones "oomyl Sulf,ides and Sulfones of Bc)i7.a- bUalazine) lyy No. Pi, Bednyagina, ,p ~ pp. per,-V= Cftboh Mm. Vol MI., No Bweau Of Y'tr=t=. S-1 Uldy Or the USPSUC ~IWW of th-, CaV19mas of Copper, CDbalt, G 'k~kiab~l with Formwm. by M, 1. Ex-raWva, H. 1. A Ki~lotov; Ya. Pols.tavoldy.. 6 :pp. HUMMO il er, M36-r Gbahch lhtd~ Vol =I No 3~ 1960, P:P 70 LFP 2'; 4 f 41~ of 3- end 3.5-Substituted UhiazoleE,,. i. Ya,. roatovskiy, AN. N. per. Diur Obshcb n-im, Vol YOUX., N() 7; 2139.2142. CB Lu,'q 60 -,:Ld of CU-mdatry f 1.,~ plcryll~ vany: C, Ft. 0. lwavosyan~, I Ya. RM3316 -Per i"E4 Obuhoh Mtn) Vol TuXJX, Un P.P conzu"t-anto B,=a,,z Scl Apr bQ! 2; Bel#azol6s ntlbseu of Benzommoleo for Study- Ing t6ir, Sci~ivillatloa Propertlev, By 1. Ya. (~. t.; 1.11 Poh1dra., qRs 7 PPI Zhur Obahch nim, Vol. =U1, rvop 801~ P-617-2623- 6r, Jul 0 of'! oe, XV. Btxwbwe and Hydr4yels wtnw4 lm rava tor I. N. GoaduL m&d~ itbim) voi mrii,, 53j, PP AT5-9*79- 263,vT36 10, On tl~e neoplanarity of Beazome Rings iin Deri- V4~yes :1 f BipheiWl, by I. YO - L. F. Trlb I o-V YU. 11. SMinkcr., S. (;. Bogamlov.. 4 NkSiMi- ~~per., Dak Ak Nauk W&R., Vol CXIII.. ljo 2 PV YU-Mve, Sci Au~ Consultants Bureau COW' bbe sorlisa of Acyl Dvrlvativvs of MOB 2-A th LIZ' jeo by -to la. Postmakiyp 1. Be DWI 7 oph T Mm"t to p Zhur Olishoh Mimp Vol XMo No 2,) i95911 6 42.k. consuaUrit's Dwreau Apr j;c Pal -3 X3 L; by Ya. Fostoirskiy and N'. Ap;% 8 RUB per, Mw Tuchch KUm.. Vol ;Mill) rio 16) 196pj.~ 3V3 3331 Ailo,r 1>3 !I zines. Ile Sme 21,3-,kdw DerivaiAves of ila 6:, by T a.4. 0cmabama and L Ya. ps part Zhur Vul x=, I(o 10., ki 9"62; 3332 - 3339 Till CB sci 11 '17 jtu '63, l~ Pat &a MM* IMmi, 1101 UTMjp No 2, caawtuj*f Baum Ir some' va e IDeri I~Iiveo of Dip:~ nyj aWi Their Tuberculostatic Act,~, L. F. Trefilmj. I. Ya. Postovskly, 4 pp. ty t~ RtESIAIN., pp Dok Ak Sauk SSSRO Vol r%TVP No lj,~ pp A Consultants Bureau Sci dbew Aug ,~)a 11 60 1?, Pm iration of T~traaUorcetmw and Wxhlo~athy- ilen'. (0a the Vr6lem of Millostion of ine in 114ustry) by B, Y. Rx DdlosuvakTo 1. 7 post. Ovsw. per, Zhur Mdr. Itomp No 71 19309 pp mswc-mO fti Str F. 0 lot. Pootmlkfp 7 a ft -MMEL ID Up X957 v 012dMiAmts Bantu eIr,* The i Or and Ls of Certain Substituted Hexabydro- I(Piperimidines)o by- I. Ye. Pvotovsky D~senkova, 4 pp. rp Zhur Unahch Khim, Vol XXVII, No 2, 4!0.1 1957, pp Bcl'- Ch em Jul 51 Consultants Buireau -r!n& X8 m*zold Compounds.l. Sme Reactions of 3A#T4thYl4 ~-beazoY1445*,ehlorolsoymole, by I. 'Ia. Popto'v,aklyj S. V. Sokolov, 5 im. R z il,58 I A N,, :pery Zhur Obzhch Xhbi, VcO. XXTLX, No 10., 19 1; pp 18.346-3349. CB Sc I Ocl Di-'~12-hydroxy-5 --isulfophenyl) -C-cyanof onrazine. ~earjL-Irit fo r the Photometric Datenaination of ~~m, )~y M. I''Er-makova, N. L, Vasil',yeva, 1. 6 pp. Zhur kml Khim, 'Vol XVII No 1; 19bl, Wr ~B--' 3 -11 19 Sci, Compounds SpiOesis Of -olov:' I R?'01~-.Iazolos~ by S. V, Sok 7 JN'o &AA zhur ob'llch FrCully Vol lper 1.9~604 pp CB b dfi g03 e J~ e r e 06:-Bi I I: froa? I r 6SSIAN~,'I mkstnj of Free Radicals of the flydirazinf-, 11 . 11. Ssthesis and Propertieu of ij I-picry1hydrazyI and ItB aePY1-X-pbeqyI--P I I m4ed Derivatives, by 1. Ya. Postovskiy; -evosyan, A. K. Chirkov, 8 per, Zhur Obshch nim, Vol KXIX, No 9, PP 31o6-31J.2 CB 102 'g q, 0 A T. S. Teterocyclic Compounds Prepared From 1, -azid'' 4-Triazole-5-Thiones, by lo 3.0 ta - O~stovsUy, K. N. Vareahehagina, 6 pp. .,.~,Vw$ vil~583-2588- ck cc~t 57 )Ilper,, ZIw Obahchei Xhim, Vol XXVI, Ho AesocAeAed TeebatemlService -7,,c 5~2-~Itlstltated rAl-,Cznul,,. clic COm -PIDUnU Prepared Frm liydrap,-;der,. 11. li 31 4-TldadlazoleD by 1-4. 1j. 'henagina, T. :-*!~ Ya. Pos,wvsjdy, 4 pp. r per., Zhur ObDhahai Khim, vol xXvl, 1,;0 pp 2588-2592.1 Assoc! Tech Sv 57 try 71j