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Frij ;'rest Tube to Blast N=aoov by Via mir Pospelo~v i,,LhSDIA4,v, per, IlonowidiaskMa Gazata, No,~ (48) 30:Jun 1962. h Non,E air s tructix I?IL)!I:XCI .136ibntific alence in the LengUis of Metal-Ox7grea Sow Metal Oxides and the "Moleculmr" of ZnO 0 by G. 6 . Vidanov, V. A. 6 pp. thrice--mo per., Dok ILk Nauk SSSR, No I., 1953~ PP 97--99- Sci Tr Center RT-2283 Chemistry Dec 55 CTS/DEX .e ,B[:=: c lunratigatlow of Marobiological S IhInse'at Peal-, Controll by V. P. Fwpolov. Up llpat. Zaahch 2ast Itol# nauchno-ioaLudovatel ra 1935,318 ~321- h23..92 L541. USDA Trzue Flo 2,48 BioloZyy plauts F-otectioav pests Agricultm plant, pretectim., VeBts D,011~nde'qce of the Electrical Resistivity of I ' l~ 'on the Mapietic Field, by a-- ohit ~-U. A. spelov, V. V. XecIlLa, pp. R.Wsiwt per, Fiz Threrdoj--o T-ala, Vol V, ITo 12, 3; :P-' 3574-3579- hner DisL oo Sov Pi - olid State Vol V, 12 J L01 2 U 22, 0 0 ;of 11,110 Solvent ".-Ai. cr, 01" "C."? arjllidzq on ~-Iobfoxji wi= PC- tit. o~ R,, 4~0 Mar. 6"'1 Mrsa 38 Sassioas by Poupelov's. W-Y loco DID Dai4`4 Review D 9 o Ii ei 47 -7 Oct Luym~G- -uw atlu vaLry. lautzstry, Dy E. POI ,I ovi pp - Rwsi~u P4-~ Voprooy Ekonomiki, No 1, 1c',5q, pp 135 139-.1 Interriatl Arts and Sci Preus Vol II, NO 1, rl w 0 t41 0 9 Rocks !!f.-Irom A RWSIAI,'~ W I*,$ g6 Reversed ma~petlzstiou of Volcanic is sad tbe Xarll lolAnde, by pp - It. A ltsuk~MRp Ser Goofinp No Ij, 4 1q. Amer Gooo" UOICS 34 )Ome esults of Paleomagnetic Investigations. in the ~Ilr,'l isj'auclsp by E K. Markhlainy G. A. Pospeloval Pp h I I irso3 IN -jiler, 17, A Na.WE SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No J.0, LE59j.1 pp J-5-1.7-1-519. AGU OR 6-0 ie rda int Ragne-tization of Tertiary and Quater-aary j Rocks by G 0::SPIN. t)cm 1z Ak. Nauk SSSR; Ser Geofi.,-, No 11I, jp~(-ll .1501-2 498. p U some f3pe~.!-; ~b~;wiarii' ca t)f thengLi Mwtimtton: 11 pp. set AVr DC, - 34 3 5 IV ~14if%Z.1wip 'e'a of Cuoa~l ort 'th'e Cmb%w'tS-iQa Reto Or by V. A, Cheradnicherko, N. Ya. fthimbetskiy-, Ul pp. 01,11o'40 ItInal , roatraneni3re. 19, 59 pp 43 17 61ect~'ocbmlml MmstIWAm uff ProWtIes 6f6iiface OVpA Compounds on Silver, by 1. H. A. A. Balm, S. Ya. PdhezbeU-I-.iy, ~TJSSL~,Rj mD per 2b= Fiz MAM 'o Vol M., No 3~6 .433 Navy Tr IM5/HRL 598 L ics :xbot 19 M/dex Mar tile Frost Resistance of Synthetic Latoxes and Thsir'l Oil-Water Emulsion M"odels. K A, Po p M T. A,, Vorob"eva, p1l. 5 A~&N, jj'Imw, Kill.nidnyi Zhur, Vol YXIV, Ho 5, 1()62 oil w solvmizatiou Of Onuu o gq~d6 oziil~, coxlmn,~Mtift or us A* pp* ran O.Orp salw" zbn,p Vol ZVI# No 51 5. Ml ID ISM; ;I Conodtimto Basan scol. ~~nml Chssdstry~ Apr 55 M OfOl fooll.; to Compounds of Trivalmit Carimm, b- !A.'-I'cilovnyas, L. A. PospoLova,, 10 np. per, Zhur!Ncor,,mi '11ijii,, Vol 1110 JO~~195 2253-2260. U-C-tr-44SU PL'-480 62i1 209,941 Dot" of sam"m lAtFL ror smiphatocamateso tv A* P Z~zl X. neonow vol Vlo lb T? C24mrollow Pmas Ltdo 25 JA 62 2o4,236 A of. fd"latt cqft=~ by T. JL A. Pmalwmip lo pp. Mlt,6.. 7"am p P ZhW MROWS XUail V~a In, ib lop 1,958.0 09 ~:3 6C AW-tv4** *61:9 195j,833 State. lb fn by ZIVIV 12 FIr 1:7r .1 All XEOXE~l Xkrli 92 00 Of Tetravalent Cerl=., by St V. Coloup., L. A. Poapelova~ 5 pp. gkur Neorgrm Khlm~ Vol. V) No 5 per M '"3 2036-- - C.-,!) mlexes of Cerix=(TV) and ljmnluz(I~F), by Ginovay-) L. A. Pospelova? G. T. Bolotova., R6s,.IrWj,, per, Zhur Neorg Min, Vol V, No 10; Mid 22o4-221c). Cleaver-Hume Press .9 V AM TWIR WIDMIOLOSIC-AL fff W 1116 PWMWAu&"Ms, 317 PP# mom ~~bMWIIM* 1953* 3*Ws On, the ~-v~ptematias of Ticks of the Genus It I Ha~i#phyqplis C. L. Koch, by 14. V. p -Shtrom,,6 pp. "~er' Trav Fil Acad Sed) USSR, Vol V3:, 19~5~~ PPi05-217- 9'o 4"f ? e-1 n -46 -151 q, 3S3 1 C-~ ii't tied Jaw ',6l:2 con ~Cartain Groi Wo WlthLn tho Gwm rbyallo 0. L. gdftp wA !&91r Tann=ic a' flcalidi,, by M., 6 pp perp Mod Mimaltol. Pwmsttar lblanitlj Sol a t, ES 'h6 Tiak of Wild. Aniw-D3 of Tadzhikistan. 0 Tacl.,~,, hill c i s tLn M-cp2edit'llon of 1932, by POO ko-tra-ghtrom, 10 pip R I 3 B 11,033 1,, pdr, Nb). 3C"L USSR7 trill 12-47-4:) Jan 7T-6#-15641 NN, 10vJ, ShtrOm. K V., V1811'eva, L S.. -aiW ' ~,shko~ L. Pomwon-paum, M. v A lN1qW SPE CIM OF ARGARD TICKS t5W AMILY IL Vall"eva, L & A~G~SINA E~#,AMLY ARGASIDAID ARG ABM M. Ssmsft% L L 8 EMISC EVI K SP. 119"1 5p (tip OMIM4) TV. NAMRU-Trans-89 ~NAMRUTrans. aq(T89). 3~ipfs V. Rival MadIcal Rmurcb , S, SLA, or RM $1-10 IT-64-i5w UidtNc)6 3, Calm A ta 16.' of M44.1tainskays) Parazitloi4ya I ftra - togypo 46AYe Boli6l) MR) 1963 IT. 321 m 1, p, bi-ft j~ sell (111* Cal 1"M ZoDlop, 7T, 12, am Pall diiiiia a I Ysed synthesi!- pe210 ide! Pj,or,j the Eleinent&. j-jj. Ac-uiv~, C=L -C r the Ca-Laly*tic Dec crm-~.o.; on 0. I -i, - Ir Hy on PallaUur-,.b3, OSI 1'. IAp 77. 1. Ko'b0ze"', RU8S- )er., Zhur Fi-, Iarim, Vol 1~ yp 11.9 2- iq~i 62 Dp:,.-,CateIyr;,ed SyntheGIc If from the Elements T. ro-,idit.`..:,O)2S 1 Pon rit i oa of llyxlrogon 'r'.::!rodde, by T11 pe rhvr Piz Khim,, Val )D.',Xlll No 2, PRO 305. 58 Cleaver-Hume Press Pha" Dlph-i,16riae'1,1~ t~ ~, 1; RUWt ,Ki;o Vol So i )Pd Jul 59 Maxacteristics Of Diphtheria Phages- 't Variants of Corynebacterium bir V. V. Fospelova ~ 1 1 ~ 5 PP- ZhUr Ittk=biol SPidemiul t -TTMII=biO3,, 11 19580 PP 9(1-94. Fexgamon Inst of pip, C 'Lom y NO V02. XM 10 rip and by V. '!,V Vol *01"Et .j-qH Mar 59.. %#Ur ea"" an of Diphtheria l3actc.,,iopjt3gc[3.-J, R the Fhng ge flvm Patients. J~ange o, Actic-.1 Of the Plulga to Uacts.vating Agentolo 7 pp. Milrxobiol 1-4pidenio'.1- i T~TO~16,, IgAl 43-40. I W'SP-El=f IRUSS'.1 AN'.V 1PE pp 14,0-1416-. U336R! Ec6t,i~~ OCT 52 TION AND SPECIALIZATION OF THE FOU'D INDUSTRY.9 10 Ppf VOPROSY EKOINDM I K 11,10 4) F;62) JPR3 15610 214YI34 The Changes in the Blood and Urine of IA.himal~ Suffering Rrom Tick PamlysiB, b' V. Z. X. ~0~'Slova~) V. M. 3.5 per, Parazity Zhi,,nDtnyIrh i Prirodnaya 'Iagov St' Bolemay, Trudy Instituta AIK llauk Kaze~-Lhskoy SM~ H Vol XH, 50, 1~' M-235. 9(Y)7010 lip NIH 1 -34 -b2 '/'/~ 6 " -~ 'q g vf 2 3 nev ~tribev, tinj 3. r y `PPC:LOva-ShtX'Omv 33 i)p, am!.ption. RUS!"i!]: J4. A T I-Lr ~nt 3 pp X-76~, Sc lci lbm ic. A 5 3 CT-3 cdqo~ 6f Cdlocting Tick Amblymma Lepidm Donitz, 1909.,I!in A~eirbaijan,, by M. V. Pbspolova-Shtrce, N. S. I : ~ 1~. 1-1--l-I " AbudiollmoV tZ pp. ~rr Mad Pammitol i RunliW Bolfazni nb)'I. vol xxvi, to 1,, 19570 pp 56. irm 6-34 sci d 11 Jul 4 (SF-2100) PLA,N~'ED b:EIVELOPMENT or CZECHOSLOVAK FORESTRY~ By Tj~~'~.POSPIJIL) 20 PP. GOVERWENTIUSE ONLY CZECH~; PE~~, LESNICTVI., VOL VIII (xxxv), No 196~,I PP 4b6-417- JPRS 1497c, EEUR -iCZECH ECON SEP 16z 210)77() ixI I%k).. by. Int-wid 11 FOLy~ 5i-, C u c vodni Recupl-l-darot'.1, 'No 1, rpp T) DSuAi 2551 C, 1960a - i-eOllp,apily Apr I& hVvwtle Manw. I. Cwnrlerrent Fix- Ak in V=1114sisp by L. p(mPlall, Zbi I!n Ivoi l6i.~ ig5kp Ipp 3ii-p4- opz-,5 dv 1 s " / ) ~ , 0 oblem Of Uaina~Tltsniun, to Stabilize Aa-ti- 5 4 Iv rjr-~- 166. Stevel .18/9 for CantIngs, by Rudolf I?~s D., Rudolf Stefeci 13 P.P- ]~,er,, HutnicM- UsWo 'Vol UP 1956p !I A.,Kc Tr-423L Ile 61.1 159 4maphit, Sup=atlon of Mxtwas ar Nitro 60 by Vlkto,,r Sttelq Jon PoSpinill Mnak Chem 142ty, Vol LIX, ro 4 ASO-Tr-05 udlv~~ of. al, siaiples to j6t~r-Cx CZNM,,!,Pel, pp Be i 111 9 ja)l : i Lds t4Z aa Effeet of Titanium m the Resistance Steel Ccmatainlog gi% Cr end 9% 111 )taUine CorMlon, by Vlw~ CR&I lilt 13 PP- RatniaM LlBty., Vol Xlp 1956, ABC Tr --h-232 /J Tes-ang Herdstance Of iUBUIatllig mainst Attex~k.by DWId--Yxr~a, by I-laria L3.ov,4'i V03. XIIP 110 2; 1957; 3-29-132. pel Acsi H..96~T7 ID 21741'55 Sol Ila e, 'do oxyo*z add N ogen In Pm*Wow33Mrs fbr Metal Poss. ZhUr Prlk Map Vol =,o No 8p 1956, IFUVY 9935tf -K-17 Sol - ili/000, Pk" Jul 59!! E I ILliC:Lc=ce of the VolVj;i~--Tbn'Lja-,s !mbsion V-;tem for the Flu-t:wr t of, D. C. ;cover Tremmiouion 41~~ ULtva-IM&h: Volta&., by A. V. cmr.-k 1 1963., PI) Relftxi~i land :tta Z:Ff'ect an Uterine I(otility, by N: Poteqse, 6 pp. 'Nord Med, 1957o p 678~ STIA 57-2847 sci Aue 58 ftno,~ of thr-, itiMll, wbailaw PP 451-553 - HIE 11 M: r m Wiltbi'm USTI. a Corneratow, of tbe G. Lim -1 er, 'Pre a ne -Irdwrmt-:1 arien, 110 23, PP 3) 4, Feb 11 6ov JMS 5923 lip, ~60 M U, Julia F. and Roctriguez R4 41 i" I 01w THE SPECTROFflOTOMETRIC DET11IRMINATION Or mcltdbdAmrrht~ OF BORON. [196316p. 7 refs. Order ii:~Qm SLA~ 1. 10 63-16371; Trans. Argentina. Anales, 1955, v; -1j. p. 215-225. Anotherktrans. Isl6vnilable from SLkas 58-742. MCF(ft"l, F.S: ~Boron, *iCurcumin, Phernicalindi- cators, 1~,Mrtc aciA,~ Chemical analysis, Nile roana lys ti Sjvctmwc~py, Sp'c~:t~ophcXometera. (ChemlA lry~ -Ann IjUi 63-16378 I. PossJdoni de Mbinarl J. F. 11. Rodrigiez Pazques, If. TT, v. 10, no. 6) it S~ yfk~i Iit A4iop on' an Oscilliaming Airfoil in pitibl~ Fluid; at Subsonic Speods, by C. pp. Mi~.J~,vr,, L"Acrotocnie Vol 18g No 40 1938 T Mr. 44U 6411 342g49S Stea IpI for Low-Tuperature Service,, by i~E~ Kndflevo K. poseh. GmRrwqi per. sairg- tmd RuVemim -278. Zaa~,Kmfte,, Vol CV.. No It,, 19606 pp 268 5185 14nallurgy Aa Themy ME On FaUgue Strmgth, ICE For 9 bgOnlour-Ambl"t', Vol x11, No P.; V-9 su 6j.-u7,50 7d, voil. 001s Aii~ 3 .. ......... 62-12827 S. A. DYNAMIC XACM" R DI THE PERFORMANCE OF 1. VWC: Bits Twoij~:orrs.i 1196217p.' 2. Tidw Tricone bits Orckr 6o6 ATS $10.25 ATS-94r)SR 1. ftstash, S. A. a. US-94PS81k Trans. ~'offtvestjlyra) Vysohlkh Ucheb[nykh)Zsvedenl1. 01. AwmWed Technical Nift! I ba ~(USSR MO., v. 3, no. 2,! P. 39-45. Services, Lnc.. 1~ It ~ ~i last Orange, N. DtSCRIMRS. 76ols, *Drilling machines, Cutting wolf. (Machin tl'ry- -Machine Parts, TT, v. 71 Do. 11) 'aff ~~RIWI BIOLOGY AND BIOLOGY APPLIED TO THE x F i'S'il I NG NDUSTRY) BY E. POSTEL. FP,E 461, [U) 11962. DEPT OF 11JER101c" SI-1211 562 110 365 scl 1 13 libLOGY Novi, -62 2116,715 T ,P Nar',41 Ivasoni bor Reactionb of stilralli Applied to the CA s Mok the: Ex~,reatiesl., 16 pp. k Itali Ril- sta bto-Oft~lmologi a Vol M.V., No 111.. 1949 Natl Insts of Health Betheisdax Md. ADO; LY 0 im~~sitol-&-=phosphroic (ph~)tic) Acid, by T. Pd~ternok. Rii6s IAN, per, Cyclito3z, 1963, pp 22T--233 dW No. 7957 S T A~ 67 337- 140 Ajir~l I ..of the Mtmal Cyclitolz,, by 23 er BuU do In Goo Cblm Bloli Vol Mnlp fi:M Tr No 2-U 61-20429 pwt=4 ne"k I j T,,grle* RESEARCH ~N YCLFF('tl- SP C -RIES XIV, NITIMITS i. Title: Burnitol ACID DEAMINATE-4~ OF AMINO-CYCLITOLS: SYNI- 2. Title: Cyclitol -magm, or b, L-VI-','BUIINrroI- AND comm-L-m. NE,,, 1. SYNTHESiS J)F mci~p-mosrroi- 119611 20p, V refij. 11. Title: Order fro6i SLA $1. 6t -20429 Trans. offlelvetica Chimici Acra (Swiverland) 1950, v. 3:1, P. 1150-1605.'! DE'SCRIM'01IS: Niti-L, radleals, OrprIc acids. Decompoo n, An-ji4co, Synthesia, hiethyl radicals, *CIYCAIOIIC r;~is, Git ,iIcose, Reduution, 0~dmcs, Olnositols V,ibmin 1~ complex, Reaction kinetics. (Che6AStr~-IOrgani(~1 T'l, v, 10, no, 1) OffiCe DI 110010d !4!fViC?% IF k P.p Theray of U4Tertensioa, by L. Putz., fRpj_,~4 py. pero Dtoch J*d Wachill Vol MIXt 27 A%- .1954.. 1957 M/dox S.L.A. Tr mo 514/1955 T."tatmeirl" of Glaucoma With PrD&Ogtin, by R. G. 3 DUM13p ghj,,~r, VedarlarAa Tijdschrift voor 6 e, 6okw~de, 1959s Vol XCV) No 29p pp =-21M. G SIA 59-170a DeO 59 Vol t MWhte for t4w Cans ,GOO# Vo W Wal It Va 2D.* 1,933,p 3MV L) Sidi, , Za~~96 33:3096 H~Z`OPMJ Parliawntary Assemb4 Req=t on Some Pr6biems ~4wtsjpjUg to oil and, Natural at a I Ily Po6l,~humus, 4 pp. CTIFICIAL TER ONLY rMM--R .- ftC1 I U DeSp NO COLUX D-30j, W Mis"Di0i * thO ZWOPM-0 Commitiess L=embo-uxgp 29 1846~tewtqrr 1960. Dept of State 4454208 'WE too- bit Countriea EC Tweiity yeeirs of Production of Czechoslovak 1145U- Fre4upacyiSquipment (C=Ier Telephone Xquipm(nrt) 1, for I~F,Gwv' Into o bY IMislav 1"tlerq 5 PP 0 H pen.' B)Aboproudy Obzars Vol. %Xjs 1959; im 777- 1 1 77961 mwxA: E!-6617-B scl Wdir"m rob 1,6 i. Mnp,g&,IOZA~ Beficloncy in Rqd Clavo:~ ;:ad by G,, J,, Bon, G,, Per-mv, t .-P V 'Jilt ~,Jfjir ~6 33 7r- Iddr* Pgotaftw. t 141i.aire Art Thou, Agrochcmistry'~, by (3F-3274) RUSSLA~I, p4w, Mon Gazeta, ."ID 12(,3,-,)) 23 M, 19"3; b -~!J:IPRS Sci-Bicil/Med, Chem Jai 1w z to NW4*adgvlu V! lid '3b* 0 1163 N*Wcb Vixogmftvj, V YU, T. A, 4, Ofttmikw, ll*kb JbiWat ft*q so 21 i962. 220s296 H A Al. i! ~7 Effecto axd Magmatic Differeutiation in OR )Obwite Inirtrmlone in Pre-Davaninn Rocks Baslbkirla~ by S. 0, I-1crozav., and D. V. ~mt 2 pp. 11,0 parp DWAk Nauk BFZR, DLrtJi qclencee m Cl CXLV.U, go 2,' NOV, Doc 1962.... pp To Amm Geol Inat 268)412 TAthology and Conditions of Fbrmation of the Clastic 'Unit okilthe Devoniat~ of Western Bashkiria, by Postnikqy,-6 PP. R IAN~, per) Geolog Nefti Gaza, Vol V. No 4., Geol Soc of Amer ~U~ 64 261) 843 Bdd~r Cla McCo 17 Fab 1~! 6 It :Lu Syaohroaous and Asynchmnaus Valandmated Rotors, by I. H. Poatnikov, Tp H16ktTichOtItToo No 101 19583 Pp 7-14, P? t ~ of * Optftn Geowtvic Dlmmwions for bbt=,p bY L M- P-QmtdkgY-a (AF 543243)(1 pacWblets Vybor Optimalafth Gwmtaldwakikb v MAkbri~BkM MosbUmkhj, py 1-13. De ~e~ i; a'~~iori of Diffasion. and KI Solubilfty Coefficien of atile Substances Dis.,,oived --:Lia a3oi id, by vo I. Po'. unikovj R. 11. Rub"Llashte-i.-I, pi) l[per, Zavod Lab, Vol CKVII, 1,10 13., 1~)Ul, PI) a 6 4 6 ILSA scd 205,035 jtLq. Ib2 i 7*111 c Al. 11,Yt:1 cal Part of 't Vac-a,tlui ~Rcti,~Iactioli or GEU.es Without Mcrcur-!-) bl~, .11. N Raubi V. I --niihov 1,shtein, A. P. velri.: RNSSIANp 1u IWO, Vol XXIV 9; 1958~t' PP E, 35-LI40- Listru SOC of J~dqer A i4thwl ~bf CaleulatiiDg tba INirformnue of Co#oundlilynchronous Motors., by I M. Poatuilwv~, .1 7i pilper, 7-laktricheat7o., Nu I= CC the 3)atezwU= of Metiol QWMJW IW L. I. Ammufto V=* u At A"* wwo (hftl nun asuklo 17: Ad 11 A I *I* v YAG of Datoraluive RM4 constAntA of R"ctloni of At*mi aul Radimbp by AM akog R. IF. Koleent-koveko L- N- Poistnikovp lip .R 10 jl -v IS MMIK 888ft; WMI MIA V&ukj, conoul4ants B="u s; 11 1P A ~60 ,l ion- of AlltooscillDtiz., L A~, bcl- Triodes; by Vvatihilth Uci3eb IV. No 2. On: the Design of a Transistorized Voltage Stabilizer, L. V. Postnikov V. Ye. Lyapukhov, 12 pp. Y. y-;;h Ucheb Zaved, Radiofiz, Vol VI, 1~04, 1963, pp 840-847. JPRS 2.tw36 64 co i-iiiii ITNI to tile Theory wf the LR Transistor 4 lat., .6 by 1,14116 fishball mid 1,.V.EOIuikaIjv-J2 pirr, Iz Vysshikh 1,40tob ZaVOIJ,, RiUiofiz, Vol VIO WO 61, 1963. RIUS 24653 c ~4 (NY -4 341) s of a Junction Transistor Oscillator~ by ,~ynam c, L. V. PO stnikov. 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ut:heb Zaved, MVO SSSR, 1. 1~~ Rmiiofiz, Vol II, No 5, 19'59) PP 766-775- 8 JPR8 54'39 8 p 60 Rpgrik;~I,he un "-snaed gathoiwitl,o3 wnd 1)y -.qtnihav, 142 I= osva%7 Itoril aRlua, 1559" Hinduetan Paillouns Corp. (Imaa) (kwdim Rmah