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13'esuits of','~Ix$ X-Ray Structural Investigations of Cer- tainkl~mpldx Ammines of Bivalent: Copper, by M A. Porai- Koshits Bukovska, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur SiMIN Strukturnoi Khiw,, Vol 111, No I,',. i962,"I,~pp 38-43. CB Sci 21")308 Au g, 62 Dot* of tbv Cj*sew?wlmid AyMs of by H. ftkly,, tso NdstauNwip.. Vol vl,~ 1~0 5,$ ;o%k V61 vis NO 5 203s940 i A s .74 propwties of Cwtain Benzimi&izole li~k~lati~,2160 X. awtim Of 112.4-ftlwaindbenwme 1 1111 ~I~h ftrb Le Actift, by Be Af romi-Kooblu., 7 pp. mw-~, N MO perp Our Obeh*h Khimg Vol No g., sep, 10 i65:L-1658. crA c kn5g. Conmatants Bureau eva Propertie's of Bydropkidbic Dyeetuffs. E, A. lurt B, A. ~orsy-Kasblts 6 pp, run, tr 0 Mtl. P"p aur Prik KhImO V0.1 Mlllj No 81? 551.! 3.9 ciA c 42517 Comaultants Bumau Jdn 5b s Y# eal Met1*1 0 Ap~licat B.11 I ~ ,A.~ Po 1~1 U1. Full ~tr RUSPWIP 19551:pp Scililitif J~w ~~i56/d . I I Ii of Certaln Aromatic Amines Having T.-IfI.uoro-:` pupinp and Investigettion of Their Posulble L6 in Cold Dyeingp by A. E. Poray-Kosbito.. II ~ a -6. =on# U. 1. Krylova, D. A. . , X . Yu. OwyanmbWa, 1. P. Alekzandrova, I~nq 8 PP pars Zbur Prik Khtuq Vol XXVIII, No 9,, 9.;-W5. CIA C 4e516 UousultanU Bur)au - Chmietry c Inv%eq!tigg'ti6n6'An,the Field x of Thidazole Derivatives, IIS TQ ~'S esis of Sevilral New PheTryl and Alkpheriyl DeriVat-' d Benz:Lm:L&zble 11 yps by B. A. Poray~-Koshits, L. OP' 0 S. Efr Ginzburg', pp. RUSZS)IA'N~ Z Vol XIX, 1--lo 8. Aug 1949- i~mo PTr.., hur Obshch Mim, CIA/FDD/X-394 OCL cts A~l i0om spwtra of Hydrophobic Dyes in ~Orgimk Salventop by E. A. Veller, We 68i~l so per, Zhur PrIk IChlm,, Vol XXVInp No 7, ,. I ~.1111 1955s, 750-'Xft c.TA c 4o838 Clcwultamts Bamau SO,' - CIbamistx Y TWAtmmwea, c CompourAs. M. The TautowrisTa of Dip~razb nyl-m-mitropbeny).motthame, by A. 8,, p6i -Oshits, B. A* Foral-Rwhits N. G. Lipina. 61i. 1336 mt Wv mo per, Mur Obahch bbim,, Vol M, no 80 Ali i95~,,~s pp i6o4-i6iq. ciA c 42156. Is consultimits Dweau 9`7 J6 19561 ex Q itiac ing Liquid R%Ltlibria in detic ide and Diketene- Ace t system, by M. S. Dinaburg., pp 1AN', ~er, Zh= Prik Khimy Vol XXMI, No 5~ May' 955 pp 5W-551. CYA c 3Wo6 Ply? Cowultantt3 Ehreau, Scl(iatitl.c Chaniatry Hav 55 M-5/bM c a ,la of Dyestuffs With Bouguer's Dilution LI'L%-,~" bj~l A. VeUer., B. A. llora:~-Koduta) .10 pp. pero Ehw Prik KUm., Vol XXVI.Tlp No 5p 1951~5.', pp 497-506. CIA 39706 ConmatantA; Bureau Ohemistry 110v 55 CM/DM jil Of KeUimv In Acetm#% by M, DiMbLMU., scl~ J.H4 pp. ............ RU661AN; ~wo per'. Zhur Prik Wit, Vol XXV111, Ito 6, 'TUM1,4�55,4P 664-97. ciA c 0324 Consultants Bm-cau .UWR CTS 6 im 1956 ao16 n-w in ida z o1c an~i Prociactp; !~pthylatfxn,, by 11. A. Zzht-arova., 13. A. S. Efrob, 6 pp. . . ......... 11) m0 perj, Zhur Gbohch ilim. Vol Y-21II, Till 1953,: IP,,q-R,. 7 -, --"'7' 3.2 USSI Ith Antipyri-ae Naelei~, A. 'Ye. F, Girmburg,, 18. A. , pert M=- Obshch ikilm~ Vol 15o PP 1752-1757~ Cy-k 9030~190- 'ho lit BIG( ~i JA- of Be=Ud4uala. Dimimtives Coritmining the 4ii >roetb -C -YI) Amino Chwup. II. 2-YAthyI-5*-bI.s W.roeftl) AndnobemiaLdwole, by, 0. F. Gim-buri r r& K. Ya. M 'YanovskaP , 3 PP - i~ pw, Zhur (bahch IMijN Vol XXX.. No 2., 1960" 7oP' S, 0., Xrylb I itheigis of Benzimift-tole Compounds Con- tI* Zia-(A -Mw,*qtbvl) -Amino Group, Ginsburg# B, A. IhDrai-Koshite., M. 1. i WA S. M.:LOU: We per Zhwo ObWwh Malzj. Vol XXVII, No 2, 4U~4 X Cousultante Bureau ATS-89J16R I Chem Tot proum of US T"xAte"Sticu of Maw of to low Bead-lons st I-Xitrv- COST fts! %b8 rangy of %be otrwtmv of Vol XVI 1pero Sm Obslwh XhIm. 4/5j, lop Tow. DBIR fAidles Itbnry V"t AL ITI mom .6n of CG4omdFj C=teluimg Idibile J~y-droami sUtuted Acid, Anides, by a odhLtrjv L Ya. Wtkop 5 PP. ii We a VV~ por~p Zbur Obahch lki=li.. Vol )=Zlo Ago 4=04055 PP. F3,70M 1, 5-;AmiMOn&PbthOl &n& f~0101 Ot AS t v, jt~ tri,,~ 4ves. I1. Determination of the Struc- -a df the Mom.-Azo Dyes V~'Om 1,,5-,Iiminornph'Wolp ty A.j rYe. PcMp-Kaahltfj,,. B. A~ Z Foray-Koahits, V.~ I **rWmlAny 26 pp Ti, 4N,, peir raur Obahch lailm, Vol Mit No !Op M&1767. CM T3.Vs.91 irmil-40 ri ives4 M. Oxidation of l..O- la .&-i~ B ]~'I j 'iol~., by ' h". As ft=j~&phits A~,h L. N. 8'~ Efrosj 0 PPO trik istion. APS 3% j AM, Vol XMI 110 3j, wr,,N~ "~Ilv D 153-33-T ComultudW Bweau Cho li 62-18131 4-1 por j7'E. A. ki 7WI ROSOMC STRUMME OF SEVERAL 1. Title: Vyccr i~w OOMP I i k X G" S (Submitrosk*sche Smftur 1. Porai-Koehite, H. A. f ei is i l 119621 r33 r eldS or er). M omp gn 1p. ( *ke ton 464 irfe. S $3.60 62-18131 flachal BaRditel (West Germany) echo 61 It. p. 450-459. SCR ' R~&' .6usar Microetructurs, Oporous SlAss. lint ir Cleo. Li&, Reflecdan, Sodiwin l 43i compouws, Slucates, Microlusalysis 212' 7 5 5 A Invi b"wftn the representatives of Ithe Ocus*lA?A ..CbrYWA 'L1 6, ; te- thqwy and those of tba "no-oric- theory " " u4 t utruc- Polymeric Cryoullite Ii CM64 ~ot the tuts d gle *5impoom guests. The problem of the pkirsiksi bider' glasses was replaced C"poned 4 itq;le ,by;tbi Pi , bbk4rbU,ft dwWC&I order In complex glaBsem. Udnk~ (M.stikA is-o4araics, rr, Y. 9, no. 3) (,Dyer) ~Investigation of Solid Solutions Wrio by E. Ae Paray-Rosi2its, et al. m0 P",, Zhur Takh Fiza, Vol XxVx No 5m, Coop TrLus Echame L- 223 6s.od. 0. -I~Cbealatry,, Mysics E. A (~~,ture of Sodium Borosilicate Gla3.~;eF,, -~ay-Kbshits, 13 -L)P. N) IbIz, I've Mosclrm-~E~ 06t .11'roceedinGs of a Coiiif'erencc on [Aie of Glans, lvcadeLTf o:*' Scicnccc; USSR r e s 0 jinE,;rad 23--r*!'-, I'lov 19U, i)-,) ILI! cr) Concerning tlip Structure of Vitrlioufl Arsenic suifu xi~u ounda 'by A. A. Vaipoling El~ A;; clrou~iIComp RTJS5,rA~lq p&) Fizika Trardogo Tola) Vol., TTj NQ 7p Sov Phyis-Solid Stato Vol TTp No 7 Sol- TI: and tG of LL 0. GjaSSY r" f Sl !Tjs ance sc p lDrEV -Krc~phits -L1 "ctlzl s, c), oclt ProceedinCs o co'Iffel,ei-loo Oi Glass, Acalelr~.,- ci, -Nov 1)p CB, ur~, 6f Sodium BvrosilloalW Glassos, in Its !,I Q tbo Phandamm of Opalesoemos. Commmica- Structure f Porous ~A46i4e viestiption !of the so ipt ZMAWWV, E0 16 shits D. I. A~j ItraWlationo P.Us v perp '146 1955 197-Wif, CUD 151~64 p0 CongrtatmAs Bureau 6 01~,iial'ift Cbmdetry Bor~snioatv in I+Av Rolatlcm to the c leatim 1. the r Mg"eo by D. I. Pr6l L zhdLum 1. Pon*Koddtop vidl it 14CM0 RM I i lll~Ii. KID: 1"59 31-39. Am 55 atiple, and the Lcrur-Anae Scatterlag of Ocrm Mond, by S. A. to V. N. pa, MAILS2116 1b 1955t pp'21..30, D 151141 conedtants Fwasu a] Chomdatry 4T= 55 Ch.- 5 -.446 _Mber With a I X-Rgy RaO tiox' Couuterj by D. A. GoGleraV., B,A. ~Qr 66. Rtfi~ AW, J, I24~p Prilocoy I Tokh Mapex;t No 31 1963, MAA of ISO"= mmaulmo 01"m SA mmi Wxoft rmw ot US OWWO&W aunetWO IC G)AWomp by N. So Xf A* PMt4WMft pp. ywo is 30* Bait obw man imp*;, S 6 CD ~i~ ~~ I ft 62 1949463 A C&I I of IANp bk. CB August 1964 177Ad C17SWUMUOn Of aLasso Vol orle is: 2be ftructum of Mass, by Pbrai-Nosbdto. pp IU #m~ ~~tr6~ture of Arsenic Malcopenide Classes. Co'rrecti~ no to the Wial. DJotribution Curves A.. ~,aipolin and E.A. PoraJ-Koshits PP8 RUMANO'd po:rl, Fls:Lka Werdoto Tel&, Vol V, Vo 1.9 .1W-255 Amr Ina% of Physi Sov fte - Solid State Vol V H 1) 1 186~163 ,a, r1lu, c( Iire of Arsehio ChalcormAde Glassess Tm:lr4jous kqd Crystallirts States in the Asfo -to TO A 2 .By !A '~ipolin srA S.A. Porai-Roshite PP5 p: ~Fislka Tv~oto Telas Vol 41, No 1., Sov fts - Solid State Vol va No I 104=i-form Structuro Of Sodium dr6~ilt` cita massts,, by N. S, Z, A. pp. 71,633EAITI~ j1parp DDIt AIE Hauk B9,q-R,,, Vol crinfi, 'n ",7, 190i. PPI735-717. Consu'ltants Bureau Be Chu, ca 1 0 !1 Duo., Stl,ixrb~~ of Sodium DorosiliWvp GIR-soes in !U to tho Pbawwnon of '0 Opalosce-ace. 4' J)spondeuca of the Structirvc of Ul~limlpcrosWcata Glaovos on tho rhmation of -Rsat- jr,Lv at~ ionstant TeVmture, by S. A. S. Andreprv, 6 pp. Iltb per, Tz Alt Hauk, Otd-ol Wiin 111--12k, N 3 , Congultaxta Bureau c Tz"I"i-I WUI~4 ~f Ebdil= Borosilim,tc Glassco in 4A'-,C Rclu- ti"Iti rA to t1he 17ama"Ieron of Opalcocciace, C,:u.-arAcz,,!6,,IOn Cm 0, Sam of the Remal-be of Investig7ati-ow om S Glaoser, and on Parous Imc-Incts (rotained by E., A-v 6 IME'SM-7 'bim perj Iz AL, Nauk eSSM Mdell Ip ~ I ! 'UIBS 4a lt6 4~stiolt of the sxuuoao of motakimlinito the 194",e of the EvDthe=Lc =Tftto of AUndwo bk J B. ~A. Poni--Ibwdte & 6 pp* AmIal per# Ak Nukk mmit Vol envo so 120 3.9 51,11 Pp 1.4,65- iol (SF- 1879) AE FQ W PLITERS IN CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS), ~ORAY-KOSHITS, 15 PP. ~R~SS I Al~'4~ IPEA IZ AK NAUK SS'-~PR, SER FIZI VOL XXVII i(-16 3) i~q62) PP'322"330. JPRS 0(')45 ".ELECTRON 'rystal Chemistry of Complex Compounds of ,Ie'talsl~of the Eighth Group, by G. B. Bokiy, ,~A. Por 14 pp. I ~0' ~cl Auk N, per, Kristallografiya, Vol V, No 4., 605-619. AIP Sov Phys - Crystall Vol V, No 4 62, 11 A 0 -L initE 1, 1, c di 1 NO il S Sci 62 es and Differencess of C27~~rstal S--urLlc-uure Complex ConTounds 0,' Copper --~.nd 1.1. A. Poray 5 1 -Koshitsp P. zorikiy, ----------- er) Z'-1u2' Struk-turnoy jai Vol 31 1 pi) 20-26. CB lip (,'~,ys L~uk stiuctlure of cbppe~~,)? by 1,1. A. Porai-KoSldtS., 1,1. h6s3liN,T, perj Krist~loGrafiya, "Tol Vl~ Abift 33 6 1 -88 AIP v Sov Phys 0.1- f 701 VI, "-,.,o Sci 201,793 *~Pwulcturs calCulations oil the. 18t~oiclo at C~tm;utmrp 'by A. A, Ludup N. A. 5 PPS -il, &'i3.tz11vmriYm' Vol T.V, ro 2., Amw lmwt ot Faye Say Phri-CrystallogmVlay Vol vo no g act I ~Itu ZL (4-.Cmjrunds; by H" A. pov%kr- Oll A', UkO, VcZ llh No 3,., 19~7 PP $Vrl-381- Aver. !not e RVj~ rei 66 st.r.'acture of Casium Tetrachlorocobaltate Cs,~60,C,14 Crys tals p by M. A. Porai -Kcshi 4t-ds 13 ~RUSO,IAW pery KrIstallog.-rafil,-x, Vol 1, 7,c ';19~4 291. 9077.,,, AIDO Tr-4557 Sai Chem 2, '7 -a-turc Stud- of Crys',~ )-.- cli' Dilitro. cl!"(,raininc, )),y I.I. A. Poray-Noshiti; L. 11. ~ikal'cvlj.' pp. SIAN perp Kristallograflya, Vol r4 Nio 1, 19159... 6504iii%t. Amer Inst of Phys "T.Ov phys-C~J.-y3t.'Oal ~L! n 0 rk 1~1 o m, 'it" I' al ~y E;C:L I Junih 10 No"T Type of ip deartain 2rumaition Elannto., tna~ M, A, PoraF-Kobbits. pp, Dok Ah mauk WSR) Vol MV, No 4- "T jl;w -ki 16 ~ U Q -Koshl.-U, 'I PP. Vol Sov 1957 j! by i"'. K. Y'10*11aao) ,lip fini~ ,Rl~ lami lklq`roC6~, 1 14nthe :i `Pbrai ik IUSSIAN, ]b 7, 95 ent of the Structural Parawters of Nickel odithlocyawgen (n) and Cesium Tetrach- iltate toy the Method of Differential Fourier to on an Blectronlefomputer, by M. A. D'ebits$ 9 PP. mo per, Is Ak Raub: 6MR, Ber Fiz, Vol XXj, 6, pp 740-750. Columbia Teeb 'd arvar iR of X-RBp at Small Angles,, iz w ftte.,jau. 0, Sokolov, thriae -3* p6r,, pj* t Nauk WW, Vo:L pp 477480a Fbyzius xx ~RIY, and Whemfore 'it of Tmck RElIntenance ICB k. v Assoc FrmcjJoe des AoAs des vi r, ;Re lov De r ip 17; TM7 ~60 62-16952 'Al I E -'S OF TRACK ml -WS. t 19W~ 121!p. N~, MAIN PA F, , H ;I lll~z? w 62-16!A2 Ord~.'f,; Trwl. j,! ~.qsoo' :)Ilon Frangalme de;.; Amis des CIWIII~ir,f' iic Re~-Liv, 19,%9, Nlov/Dcv, p. 176. ),-61 I:z ;iv iflable from fil!;If 7 10!, r, I SIS I -),O, YOH I Ol.ibihi )6rv- -ThnsWrl, TT, v. 8, no. 10) k.isti 11opal IForcl ITAL no I Sci pathological Coatribution to Tonsil- h'Y in Early Childhood, by Dr. Tommesoo 111,,,'15 pp. Al p per, Mixierva Pedletrica.. Vol 11~ n 1950P pp 593-597. ]RIB Tir 922 Medic ine Ma"O Mp Of Iftdd (kotalmnp 3*769 CA, 62-22644 119("! 1 Ordet fikum Trat* Of (Frallliv!~ ms R11'r,"Iks: i;FoRij,vrioN OP TANNIN (POLY - MING G)RYING AND FERMENTATION. K -f i 1, 25 V-H-303b-b t!VfL!(!l rM.'rillationale detilTabacs v !8, p, 223-225. 1,61TISfc.'rmalions, `1 a"1111C achib, I porc9almy, 1. 11 1]] Kresge -Hcv.)kcr Scien-~-e I'lizarv Ix-tra t, M10 Offi,. f T.cb.i,.l !-i". 'Bioiogic,a~i~ 'CICInc Botany, Tr. v. 8, no. 11) mthi:n4"l of Swe SIIVIa Glyacrldcrs ol mr A acidic by J. Pom 10 P. nml~4 MaWla= 1952.. Val V-11, r,-,o ip pp SLA 59-n609 Sol Mw '101 1, 0'1'! k ft ax ticu3 Phanomna in Liquido &nd Gasesp by 6 6 A. 04 It" diteUv., 15 pp. RUSS V. 9, IV; Ia%h=*=O-rft ftw., Vol VI; So SOCIAL DE EL,PMENT THE'(,,, ~,ONTA~. 6J AMONG THER 17 ULANI (PEULHS) OF LLON REG I ON I N GU I NEA) BY RLN "-(4 tqREKO~ 17 PP. FRE~ICH, PER, RECHERECHES AFRICAINES, w 4, OC-DEU 196 o PP 73--89. JPRS 15510 AFRI~CA OCT ~,62 212 '68 Bl~& Platlelets IV th4l LUbt of Idatocheadcal P bone, by W. I&wkowicz, P. Czerskip ti ; re0l,nska.., 3 PP PO r, Polelde Archlvum !"cM Wownetrzncj, Voil KIEV) X955j, pi) 149-152- NIH 12-9 Medi ScJ Me-widds or, Determiniag the Tendency of RuVber 3tonkii to ,B!i6ome~lPmrous During Vulcanisationp by E. 'ya~ A. A. Pozin, V. P. Mikhlin) 1. 1. ~,qgq~.qh# Artmim. E. Galbraikh, L. P. Scherbakoval T. F. ,16rova R u. 6 pp. vo RUSSTANJ Oer, KauchUk i Rezina, Vol XVIII, No 12~ 1960 pp ,23-28- Britich 111tubber Manufactitrea -ru:' j6o if~:Iort of t .71. :(n,; lid A. M. Vassamark.? L, r Ddt ALP !,-=uk S19 811) 2 j2-95~j PQ P79-281- Limt~ln Lab -1 571. SIA 59 r P C" sci .1 c Radio Statiop~!Viith 50--~',Iatt Power Outpl 'it (RK-0, 05); RacUo statibri~ 'J.Ith ~~00-*Viatt Power Output (R K-0) 5)., bv 111. S. Poretsic, I Vinourr do,v IJ CLIS S IT i"r, P 58 pp. RUS I 3111j, fnaiual, Publ Tiou., eof Techni cal Literatm-e 'or 1, 1 : "I Coal ndws try 'att q,T. 1, La astd-lt7liva "'Osc".100st-11 "or, Arla-, "117 C,:3 -71 On"! tt~e ~4qstioa of the Anodic Paceivity of Lead., P.~ ll*or:rirovp5pp. RUMUN-01 r,, Zbur Obgbch Shtap Vol M, No 5p 19 90 t~j;6 s -595. Dot Sci Into Sv DRB Qmda T MI R us sIcientific - Chamiatry C~ :~~M6~? Jan 511 cm st -emol Interftce Impedmace as Method of phyp, ~co Revearch , by P. P. Porf irov,, 7 pp - lz Bakt6ra FlZikD-Kbimicb*n)kKogo Analiza Aca'd~ lifaW SISSR Vol -Pp 1~5.140. k Def Sci Info Sv MB Chmda T 106 R Sc ie at if 1~, chemisAry c =16.0 Jan CTS Fjoscriptidn of Genera: Lytvqpb3rUum =0 1 11 1! 11 Douto,lyubR~p gm. uov,~ by I. D.. Swhkiw, T, Dqbrol~~,VS# Go POrtift"s ewlkt~ ~Ak ~ lum* Ows vil Vs lb 32 1010 pp Q13 B57 Jb 41 ,q4; Wfp' i Oy i. Porlir.'Vev, p;p. IAV liz!r Vrzakh PrExvda Call' 5 -7 1 1 -19 58, 3. Sol jarl 116 1 up, Expai4ehce the Work of Kaz"bs tan Radio , H Corr motdanto in Transhumnee by 1. F~ '0 n'f ~ I A Porto' _j i CLASSIFIED 7 PP - U-N RUSISIAlis mol pcr, Mot i Gid, No 12., Dec 1956, ~opir~?~Agradj p la-43. W JPRS/DC-L-32 sci Cava, Gi Cs How 58 OA el n~ ion ~nA~ Trciiisl .4tional Waves in Molecular t Cr~stu J1. 141~. Po~fi~yev. k ~C mwmmwo 11111, 1 mol, er Zhur,Ekbpdr i Teoret Fiz, Vol U, Ila 2, 190 -T 7 :,'-3! Jafi~6tp Teld', (im 31/l/ .0 PA a~~n 0 ~a the acation (of the Concept of Series APP ihd~Cyclts in the Study of the Coniferous- r1l 11 oadlo'mved WoodsO by V. Porfiriev. WSSIAM,',,'~~pero 9yullotm, M03kovskoe Obshchastvo lspytaWei PArody,, Vol LXV,, 1960j, CSIRO/No .5754 ;6i-4iol Ned Sel 15 1 ) 321 4mr, 63 lk"Ureawto of tho intensity of the D ~ IwId09810D of th* Diserelm Sources Cmalopsia-A, (~'ra U301 and ftww-A IM th4l I*ClWtQr Bandy by Vli Parfirlym,' et al.4 (0) Fps art'IMPI Pat Is VY$*dA Wmb 7Amd, R&ALoflas .P. V, 30 1963., Pp 376411. ME 01922 Ovy-6493 sh~()X~t Culaud cations and Lettara to F~"I Ul'qr SMandardization of Rsd!,Lc; En-ission Nlr~lflmi' vhe' $tDoa at 3.2 cm, by V., D. Kr otikov r-~~'-M-Iyav, V. S. Troitz;M,y, 3 n,). ruppsim.4, 1per, Iz VIJZ) MVO~ LVM Radiofi--~~ Vol, iv, VIO 4, 1961., JPRS 12c,90 I~I'j A- FbD Th~ p,aci~jpr Ozocerite, Deposits, by V. B. Forfirlyev, ~6~p uss, L, C1,611': eft Ozok ba no, CA xg I goruchim Gazam,Uk-ralrs~ SSE J!Klev,,~ 11949 pp 126-138o M Doc 375952. CLOWN-51 0 UISR Econo''mic IVuels, o2ocerite DN lr~M',JAO~LIC~ hND COCIIItS BY BROADLE I Tima Le~ iGY) te, tva inct, 'I' Or&r' fr(']' Tranol (9 mr[ody). v. 13 5165 DESCRIV Wood, ' OE The papM