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The ea.,cence of ChMeme Solutions aw A14t I Fbvdi66 at 1, by P, No *Zmwdummv~ POPTO& N ~B Daknidkb:Li4 h pp .-M, RMSWI pti~rj OpUft :L Sp*tro, Vol IX, no . I -I 1%00' op 59.3-m OBA Sd May i)oj~ vcb FUII! tr 19~61 pp sci. Ch o 4-ItidrW- and 4~.eutov~-5,6 8--- hthalawi--2--Carbu3Qr:Lia Acidap by p pp. o rar, Zh= Obsbah XhIm, Vol XM, N* I, 5.$-155. CIA, 90MA04 C~ Reel no 21 ConmdtanU Bureau Acid, by S. 1. S. G. MO VW# MW OblabrA Mft Vol Mr. igf 1055j, pp gm7oft. a4 wo:c, vouvalanto Bmvau ~,pam'c hAg tile flaw-Kineral Sources of Falspar, by'! ~ ! Ao, ~,Ieitljia, Z. 1. POpova, et al. x 4 pp. It, U.4 II i)q,rm Steklo i Kcrauiha, Vol x1ri'l ,JO 3# p1j' Sc S,0.1; 2100384 C!Cupll!tiom,.l loei)tospirosis in ly--ningrad, 7 pp. Pvss.TkT~ per, Mur I-liki-obiol, Epidcmiol i u 1)(5,bj.ol, Vol. XXXI, No 12-, 1S)6c), pl! 126-' PP 195,118 Ci 02. ay ervoirs of Laptospiral Jurection in thme North- .ve t R6 One of the~Uaffl. Rasults of an Iuveati- lot-08 p~ ral Infectiom of Iftrine Rodento, by H. M. po lovay senkova, 6,-Ipp. ~N. I. Amo RUISUM mo per.. Zhur Xikroblol, Epidemiol i bmunobtolj, Vol XMIIj, Do 1., 1957s pp 44-50. Pergamon Preus Bid J, Ned J ,n 57 ui f NIH) BomiDats on SsterLne*8 Bfi*ft i= the Cerebral Cortex tit! 1: ,Wkte Rita. OmmmAcatLan Is The Effect at Conditioned Reflex Activity, by E. N. Bm6m,v ~ji, Bya VMer BUa I Wd Vol LI I No~ 0!~ 72--77. CB Sol in, watem. Shaw Ovp RMUSY Pi pp Y~Mrisatim of BAmUwm-Styrm Rubbers ~.m A-Ming MMIfW ]Win Smpp by V. P. N- POPmi T- V- QmPsovichy 3 PI). MIuchuk I HUIDSo Vol =p No 7p 1960.- N6 5-4~~ (NY-650~) 2 lems 1of structure Md Pmnim of the P-4 System,, by T. A. Moftmig., E. N. POPQVIL,-- le~ per Zhur Waahey Ilerv Deyatel imni RUB sl M., Po pairlamit Vol xi... NO 2. Kar,.Apr 196ig JPRS 9792 3o scl.i! yo~ jl~g:l 61 Promms In the Oxidation of ft-qWlene Inj, by Tz. B. Oorokbnatakiy., oleo 6 NO verp XLnet&M I Kntsliz,, Vol M) OR vp M-23606 cm 0 22D..675 N ib t~:o 10-3tabilit of' Po'! cir I spi -em oiti Butediene-Styrane lRabbel-y by sht" '0'%rp E. N. PODOVR,, K. G. Krygly)-al 3 mn 19" (4 5 F, c L s"tvilc tw,e ol, the J~12 -alit c < 1. Al ro F 11 lbi krrect of FarUal: Removal wA Stimulation of the . 'I'll III, CerebmliOortex on tkm Mars of Areclar Connective rs, Dok Ak Mauk SM, Vol CX3Xj No 3p Amer lust of Biol Bei Sol gp 901 mn&,es in hreolar Cometti" Tiasua in by R,, H. Popa-val 3 yp. ,UMI; 1, per, Dak A-It Haukj Vol. CXV.11~ Ilb i957: pp 71,0- -P Amer 1mri, of, Blo Gai 'ai Medicine he "Ro C Efre ot on the E, V up pi.~[,~ lFarmakoi I Tuk~alk,,!, 1959 V 113, I!t 91 3tro~bsaLMa im U'lo'cent'raj. 1. V. P pp. A` per, ftrmm...-- iTrStsikoA., Vol XIX, Conevaunta Durm I Prwams of loatcuumizoat Pp. IQd6tj 1k, At 2962p WZ Tr BulleUn va vo lb Rip I 9, ftelwAlur") ror the ft of Wom mdial Oa HUB16MM Idb DD 5111899 - Lori J07 lotc;-ri; of Acrylic Garler, -r)5, A - A, G:. E. P. Icalrerva, RUSB:YAiy iN-,,rp Dok kt Naak SSSR, Vol CMI, No I 1.959) &3'-;35- CO-1113ILroat's Bureau Jun 6c) 06h(q-6n!! ton 'De-lom-rization othd & fit-tif Ty~- ot A Poij-11staim (Polyester Acz5rlatenj by A j G.. Lo Popova., R. .7. Yzayeva.9 I' p Pax) DDk V'. Touk SWRt Vol =III., No 2.1 "STAN I SSU '59-151al I 1064 .59 1 Fi~ed Ai~'-Depolmrization F-lectrodes, by fl. I. U~ina,JC,- D. L. Kondrashov,, R. M. Bu~a~tel~p-5 PP. RWSIAN,~per.. Zhur Prik Khim., Vol XMI.. No 1.0, 1959'~ pp ~2'247-Ml- CB sci: Bios3ith6#ia of Coeaz3me A by 'Tissue IbmogenaWs, by ~iII'Mannov,, G. 3L Popovit., 6 pp. Blau tr WS-61AW. bd= per., Bio]Lb~.. Vol XX12 rco l., 1956, Pp 3-9. CauuItants Dnvm 6a Bica4hg Doe OT b~~ 'Opy or Aging 10-1 inyl Chlbride, by L. N. Pirozhnaya,, G. S, -popowNra'! ppil R US I AN pet~~j 11-1 A Nauk SSSR., Ser Fiz, Vol XXIII, 1,10 10 t,959,~Ipp 1202-120h, Columbia Tech Sci NOV 60 fly s hw" Of CoP 207 X~Cl l lio 0 01, lwab I o V'ov 0 An!:,Appro; tatithal lop~'jq SIA, mate Analytical Solution Of the OR% of sulmrsenic Plow Past Equati wings, by 1. A.,..FDpovaj, 25 pp. 4U4 x AN Vest mminered Ltifb Soriya Ianiki~ i A3tr4M. No 7, 1962, PP 87-104. 9669773 FrD.IT.6.1,1-392 A4$i 63 ,=I Jk~ plumb (Y-Am~dws)~, lby 1. I's I- A. Top 5 Opp TJI Didth1w I Vol xmt so 60 *610 CB Var ish I 1~1~3 ("Bittiaeos ") in Allkyd Ehamch-s 4 p-p. IWM !.ter Zhur Prik Mim, Vol XX~vj, No 4, tTwI 159 o- S/' Re,wi formqj~qt Phosphorus Fertilizers m Light- Coi!il~~)k'ed 8,41ine Slerozem, by 1. Popova RUB per, mlopkovo&tvo,, voi 4., no los Oct~~' i954,~ 34-34. CIA D 1=973 USDA 31 7 Sol; wx ; Vl~ by x. M. ProiuYltso I. I. PQ;KM4,t at al., zh= mulba mis., Vol ~:fxl; No CB Pb SOB CO Meson-Nac eon Seattering up to 33.0-Nev, p G. N. Tentiuko~mt b I V . Popova, np 3 Ru0c TANt~ ~~thrice-mo pqr, Lbk A. Rmli SSSR, Vol CXII., void:! -19 t, 19! To pp 236-238, Amer Iast of FAYS I 130V Physp "Dokladj," 'V01 up No 1 llitel"Cry4tal.Line Corrosion of t6-,:~ 'I-j- 1. 1;, 11 S i inllstt~vjr, by V. V. ".0rusinjov, K. PO va Rl i5plAT, 1~11. i Tern ixr, Met... !,I v,6 1, 19 P.P 13, Alll'i 6-2 ~An of -`I~a tlokchaaia- of th'~, kj A 4. CIrr-0- n13 qf 1. C1, -11.1 ill Au tf- Iv, IT. it. Pon 11 T)p. st ij Y1 1,)./, 3~9 j,1 '4- Color wa cro'dot."AlB f0i f C I'l 1)1r F-21ibtosrapkv. XuRps in Tonn of Dya CoDconluas- bv Y13. Fla B: popova., Vo y.) 1~ 57/3,755 Sci., Thl sp act - vp - 20 Is Ak Nu* OtAel %kh vp sci Aw ub so 56A874 rate. 02 63 Agr ~Mat Refw= MA 00cs"ativifttion In 1 vill 0.1 and Noxth Korea.., by K. M. Popcemp A. Zelentsov N. P. Bmwm.. 97 I;V. MJ%)lMlpMqWbk, Yoprosy Ekwoffdki Stran Vostokap 38-70. 19 PD! Ps ."~No4b Korea, North vietumm Hk6~ - Airiculture 84 1 w ' I 61-15965 popcrva,,~ 14.~ J GROWINO BEEDS N THE SOUIEN (Semenavodsm 1. Potatoes--USSR naYuge,~ ANON-60 3p. Trans. A-1210. 1. Fbporva, L Order fr Ul LC or~ki ml$1.80, ph$l.&O 61-15865 - 11. Trans-A-1210 ~~7 Trans. ofel I Ovoshchl (USSR) 1960, v. 5. no. 1, 216-21. 11 MedlDjS Of :~-kato nlimuma, are discussed. office of T*6plcol Service% (Wcult e-Plant Cultivation, 1 1, V. no. 8) RO'Jti ])If f~4 The T!Wiwy,u6l: VU301 tr ficulties in Paper Mariufacttwe and Methods cr~ Proventi , by 1, -F, Dy=chukp -V&' A. 11. k Im r L. A. -Topma and S. L. Taimua, 6 pp. 1~~ mc pa, Mur PrIX Y,'Am, Vol XXIX., Igo 41 610-616 Cow4ultants Bureau The Idit 11 Actin Proft~s Ba I g4v i Rusaw"i of P400horus m the Duvolo~mcut of ~~'Iiwsofadmw aud'on,lts Ability to 6~Utra4y*Jiziwp by A. A. Prokof'ova- I.. At pp. T~,"U=Moloos Vol XXVIZIP 110 1) hoar Inot of Biol Sal SOL -;:&~i Coy3ditic of Ponution of Ntracyclim by lit-p-ns im0lesia., by 1. 1. Belmisova, L. A. 114 IMF r Patibiotlk:i., Vol Ill, 1958P Milo 'A Method of Determining the Cca-relation of TeArao line and Chlortatracycline in Liqidd catwelap by 1. 1. Belouoava,, L. A. ~~avu~f_5 pp~ H RUSSIAIj, per, Antibiatild, Vol iii, No 6, 1958~ PID' 2 4 siA 6D-10983 A c P Ho 6 :!I FormtIon In Culturea of Antibiotic Itimweetes., by E. 7. Surikova, pp* P6 SCi'- jMed Avg MikrOblOlOgiya, VD1 Mp NO -437. Amer Inat of 'Biol Sci rY Of U10 01' tho Acoustic Dwelopment oT 'Ybeir Fmctjosi ill D, A. It' ~O v pp RUEZ J~rp Uak Alt Muk S8,Wj, Vol CalVj, No tue Ii! lat - 195' 1~317-1320- ADS Oct (17 A Tvo--6~ Wvt;cinatiou Against Q, J'ever,, by S. M. A;'.~!T.)- pwsi, Ft. 1. Zubkcvn. L. D, Ponova. 4 RUSSIA,I)vp j. Zhur Mkrdbiol Spidemlol i Immunobiol, I I- 31, 1958, pp 25-28- Vol XdX; 14 6~ Pereamon Inat d JILI 59, 17, vet in Dapstan L Fedorova,, 1. V. re -see CIhj A* Is Sargeyeva, B. D. ahliakhtur- L. 14. P9wv~p 3 vp. ~S per, Zbur lakroblol, Epidemiol i 1-m MUM Vol XMI, No 6, .1-9571 PP 36-36. Forgamon Institute Oc td Jvl 58 1 Pol6% I.. P.1 ox. !,'I I-IONJ CUK o SMOXE FROM TOBACCO.~' SLIB- 1. 1 P. JECTI, ) 1*0 DI I'VREANt' FFRMENI'ATION CONDI- If. K-H-IMA-c rio'~N 119611 ' ' ~ P~ Ill. Kreage-ifookrr %cirnce Iof., K -1 01 (~ i C ' 0. W K-H 11518-c Library Axwrlatrps, Drtrolt. Mich. Ttallpl. of livel, 1 1yo) Vym%hlkh Ucheblnykhl ZavedenLi. hml~la ~~a)a T(, h r*ljoglyaj (USSR) 1961, no. .1, P. 9,7 - (11, 6 ' O 1 ob3cco' SMItes, Analysis, (81C. o). CIA) I'( kllc ~*- -Ngany. rr. v. B. on. 4) 8 011.1 i 9~ o 10 -Out= Bmdo Under the of Dlazo CooWoundo. 1. PAmtiou of 86~ mines of the TrIphaUbnatbano Series Te ~t~ DI C by V. V. Pomlmlluj L. P. PP. ikirwlmo Per, zbtu- obishah Milm, Vol nwo ppj~L'26-1232~ ark c 414,79 coomatignto Buraau ,I-ehtirk-chomutry gLi I; ~ II" /dez w $6 M 61-18830 Fop6v qqm~p~vpoN. 9p smou. FROM TOBACCO PRE 1. RDpove, L, P. PARED BY DIFFIERENT METHODS OF DRYING. [196119~..16 rqs. Order's U.cim Ot.S1 or SLA $1. 10 61-16930 Trans, a izv[esfiya Yys[shikh) Ucheblnykh) Zaved.leiiii). Piohchievaya] Tekhnoqogiya] (USSR) 1960, ho. 4 1! pi 15-39.11 DE5CRllyrORS*! Thbacco)*SmDkes, '(1hemical analysis, Cod 1clotine, Plants, Agriculture, Botany, CIzf1r&6~,'*Dq4i''ydratIon. l~ h I T0153c o f the e botanical grade, grown in Identf- cal,cotiditions, dried by different methc>ds, jave smok-e'!havving di 'eer t chemical composition. '17he pH of in 1! 1 us Sol t) C11he smoke is acid and Is dis- plac .11it"Ithea 'a' ne direction on in6reasing the time (Che stry-- ndi 'Ical, `17, v. 6, no. 10) (cver) Offic. .4 T.thMc.l S-i- sf~ioolc or MAM An* of by V-16 V. P4 PP.". RMZM,p M6,lporj Yp Sei Ayr ~PM Carbott-Oarbm B=ds Under the Influeace wwds. - 11. Ikewtion of $me Tert4tu7 0 DiphoWIMutbane Sorloo and of Drl-f w Derivatiwas vith Ift Dluo Compcxmb vWlrLj, L. P. Popmtv T. 1. Abzwmrich., Zhur Mohoh Milmp Vol XX*IVv No 7., Owsultanto Bureau Chemistry :Lri ream! ng HAZ Strength in Vhrtensitic Constructional :~ :t!elsjil by L. S. POPO-,ra,.-I;, F. ILEL1311ko, 7 PP. I p, r,, Svardeh Proiz Ho 5, ig6op BWRA 61 9 63 of lhargy Terms for thul kwim) by L. V. Pc~pov-,~; J.'(- pp. aAw Strukturrtoy KbJmlJ,$ Vol Ill., pp 299-33-5. CB 2341u,56 I -'M s-1 i n' Pie:` e e r a t, -4 on OJ. Skeletal llluscu:Laturm Ifter Radiation I D a TA Popova, Van Syu-pi., 2 1'7 R S u SUN) I Konferentsiv 41 ~ , , . a po Voprosam Tsito- i Gis s~ol.*.hirj. Doklady, Dekabrya ig!d I 0 P-oda , 19(~O) pp *JPRS Yed I r ti '.0logLeal Protection of Skeleto-elluscular .sow Againat Injury Fmm lordzing idiations by A. I BtudltaUy., 14. F. 5 pp. SIM,. p=,, Dok Ak 'Nank OM.. Vol C=V,, 1 P19620 pp 19&2(XL. J.PJM a 16333 Mai - Ned !bv 62 Deter~wtlpp.of the True Beat Capncity of Solids pt t;* Tinwraturea, by It. M. OVOJ, ve PO Koleody 12:. vp RUS91W perk ~i mm ombdoi oft, va xm.. 1956,, pp 2~815 2393.1 WA R-30e4 JTUI pp Cast4s at Baran Carbides.. s5sas "I up ime 1b 42 1~ L DATA ON THE ut. Ecr OF iNTEho6mRi bN THE CIRcuLATION. 119631 4~) 8 rks FASEBManuscrilpilp. S 187-3. Ordel;fjl~ IO-FS I. . On TT-63-23S33 ~.')A or BTC $1 Trans. or Kllalcheq~ya Meditsina (I&qR) 1963. v. 41, 1p-24. no. 1. p DESCRI ~S: *Etdorpns. *Blood circulation, Stimula On Menial, 9, Nervous Hystern. (BI'logicil 'rT, v. 11. no. 3) 17 46 - 23831 1. Popova, N. A. 11. FASEBS-)87-3 Ill. Federation of American SocietteR for EXKri- mental Biologyi Washington, D. C. IV. Scripta Technics. Inc. , Waiiihington. D. C. Office of T~hnlc,l S-victs tilit~~i wil Desigi of V-C -S &julipllen b" p PI). UtISIAIT.d~per, Ves t Svyazi, No 12, jp.~s -r)~2 M. P. S!DbDiOVt N. E. FG- F/P. PIUSSIAN6 lpurb Vest Svyazi, No 3, ,A! lac !I (NY-5207) TYP VS -3 Hquipwnt for Nultiplexing Steel cir A. Zlem-a q uits , by N N. R. NX.,Popova, A. e1j 7 pp. Mr. IAN, V)r, Vostpik Bvyazi xo 6 1956. ims 7067 Sell 2- 5- jul'111 61 ~'C7 20 001:1 ppax,a,tua for Multiplexing VS-3 Toll Telephone J~r 1 W. o Circuits, by N. A., Ziamnp N R. PO MO) A Sh6idell~ G. Yo. Yarttay, 7 pp. iATIP 2 PGr, VQat SVYatis ffo T (196), Jul 1-956P ATIC F-TS-10055/v IT h Mol ~d=6~ and Tungsten Oxide Modification of Co r CA~lysts for Oxidizing Propylene to p Aclolein',~y N. I. Popova, R. N. Stepanova, r elt~~,a,l~, RUSSIAN,~j)er Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol II, No 6, 1961,0~pp~916-919. I A C8 210,461 sci~~ SW62 N1, 1. and kfil'nun, F. A. AWOF TimmaDATION OF isoBurYLENE OVER COPPER CATALYS75. (19631(13)p. It mfe. 0'rdei from ~L"(Chetn) $4. 00 C7S(CWn)-337 oul6equent ~opiee $0.75/ea. Trans. of Akad[eniiya) Nauk SSSR. Sibirskjoe) Cid[eleniel; lIzvestilys) 1962, no. 11. p. 59-65. ~~ I : I ~I ij~s6mrmks- -Butenes, oxidation, Reaction idnedca, Cojper catAlysts, Methyl radicals, *Acroleins, ; Iyintt"is (Ciiindstry), Carbon dioxide. (Cheinlatry-Thysical, Yr. v. 10, no. 8) A 63-17991 1. Title: Methficrolein 2. Title: 2-Wthyl propene 1. Popava, N. 1. 11. Mil'umn, P. A. Ill. CTS(Chem)-337 IV. Chemical Tranalating Service, Palo Alto, Calif. me d Tod*W SWVAN RPM r -iOn 01 DiOlefins Over CO-Pper Catalystsi, by A oDova) E. Vermel 5 Pp. e r) 11-2inetika i lhtali::~ V01 VK II, Po 21 1061., 23 5 -2'~' )9. CB S _1 ilul 62 20 1c; Oxi de,~'on of Some Unsaturated HydrocarboDs 01 ~i 6j~per Catalysts, by 11, 1. Popova, E.lVerriiell, 5 pp. 'P~USSDpij per, Kinetika i K;Btaliz, Vol III, pp 241-246. 2~ 1119b2 CB cl ipm 63~ 220, 67 Thp~ Iff4wt of the CoMositicin of the Gan Mixture n ~t IsIA of CarhoWl Compounds During the at of Propylove Over 0,)Ivw Catalyst by 14- Ho We Stukms B. Be Vermel, 4 pp. ~WSMN~' per$ Dok Ak Nauk 688H, Vol CUU, Bb 6# 19578 10D0 JOM) cowulftate Bureau O~t 58 of ay re ~i, n the Cbemical Compooition and AcfjivJ-ty of L%-,talysts ixt the Process of Oxc4di.,zing Propylen CO talAcrc,,Jcin~ by ti. 1. Popovu,, Es. 113. itUOS.M1,11., par, Doh. l0c rTaW,,. SSOR, Vol 110 4, ATS RJ-191 01~1 Ca c 4~~&naticm of Doubly Unsaturated 7 Yuig a CorLJtv Izated S.Ystera of Double Boadep Co' ='MI~atiOn 1.~ Hyaxogonatim cf Biieocrotylp by B& A~` N. I. PDPM&,p 9 pp. IRUSSiA~, bi'~b per, Iz Ak Is"CISR. Mel D-tm Piuk, 1i ~~''( , .FAN% --I- No a~' kv-~Uh 19528-~-P-422-432. Coralultants Damon Scie~'afic ah=ilgtrv Mar 54 CTS/DM Th, ItItnerit of mmew'-wo il-1.1,1h ra r,%:! "PqrIsOv Uyl Iq z;7L Popova, 5 pi). RMSSIM, btato yer, Problemy Gamatologii i Pereli'vinlym,: Krovi, Vol lip T-10 3;, 1957 18 - 22 Pergamon Press Sci -4edicsthe mar. NCII-200 67 Field 11r Popova, N. Al.; Sokolshtf. D. IF. HYDROGEN.NTION 0,11~j BENZOQUINONE BY SCIRBED HYDROGEN ON SKL bi-' MAL N1, Pt AND Pd/CaC03. No;, 64, 1Jj) (Iloretgn't6t included) Brefs. NLL-70.504 order frvi~ ~LL as M 561, Trani. of Akj tit! iyb~ I m J. Institut KiiinilcheskildlIN.1 Kazukhrikoi qSR. Alma Aia. k. Trudy. v2 p70-6 1958. 1. international Nickel Co. (Mond) Ltd.. London (EnZlxnd) De MiDIA ion of Free and Carbide Carbon in Austenitic Cr'-'Ift Stbels, by Zaslavskaya. RUSRIAN,,'j,per Zavod Lab., Vol, MCI; 1955, pq 1285-1288. r 5q,2 Q2.0.0) sc-I Rld/met J-7 J6T, 58 Oil irk ftutive in haftstrI4 Training ar C~ 6,61 ildm Vndtrgmftat*s., by R. 0. 8 N. N. ftpmt lb. 1. XDrenovskep., rm luw~ varx Gig I esup NO 50 1961.. im 100170 us~lk SOC ~t 61 kllal-si- ol',,1-he Carbilde. Phases in Stcel) by 11. M. 1 1) ~O -111 popo'i r 1 , RUSSIA.K, b The 1-tAck1lurgy and B~uik-, Treatment 0i' steel. h(l tc',list Iron, Chapter 11, pp 1-16-118. ITU m. 4101 Sci me~IM'tundriatIon of the Intermetallic FnazG ~' 11 A in ?F- -eer Ilo:7c. , b".r hr. M. Po7mra, A. F pp R U S' INN Zfivod Iabi Vol XXIV; NO 7, T95' Iastru Soc of Amer Alz Dota MW Lou of Oubta Cbmtm cubide I I ; i . L1212 6 ig Steelp bV 1. X, popova" K. P. Solk AN pr zsvw Labs No 9v 1953m DIU 1721 (Ia. um. oil.) set ch'aii /17 1~ , ~, I", De - uiL c~ uoc~mi)ima am coadw ir-orbw in tt*~-mo by. I C. I if,~ ~~o It. F, Pybima. RUSSSqi j, ip Vol XVIv 110 3, 1950P Vp 1! 1_283 Bruticber Trans No 2912 ftic'.u iflc~1111- metallowip steelp cubou L4 Helical Pprings Fabricated fpDm 3013 Steel, I b~, P.."solymv0J. N. Mt, Popova, ot. Ral.,8 pp. RUSSIAN,~~.psr. Metall i Term Obrabotka Motall, ~ i~ I No' 11, 1.961,, pp 36-40. %792715 PM-TT-62-124!; sci-lminA Wo, 162 i 11,1er6i.6nal Iarbide Ana~-isis at the Surfiiceu of F-rac.- f."id bdenum Stsdp by L. V. ZasImIc-aya.., W. TL popolmiq ~Aqli' pp~ MMSTIIIIwdir. Zavod tab Vol XXV-1j, No 22 1960t pp T4,(Ib 61 fw'4krlm liloaorviahl.Advp 'by H. Fqoval L, POP.) V= Frik Rhilap Vol Mly No 2j, 53- cowultauts Bmau 59:11 1"10, ill Ryllom of' liydroq.~:!natdoa of Benzociu-1,none 0 n- and Rr.[-rl.C~y Tljr--ke 1 131C.Iy, 3 PI-) F. ti IKE -3Z 'Ilmr P71.7. Mim, Vol VX-~.TTI. o jo5. :,)p ~,r170-2q78. r7 Be caolru tr DetendimAdou of Comblued Carbon I in r,64.8-i I . Comstmtlml Steelep by L. V. 1410Y zoo" N. N. pa' # Zmd Labo voi xxir:r,, xo 6,v 1957.. Lori pp 65,6, 657'~ HB 5084 sci ftem. 1I IL i na on of Columbium Carbide in Steels, by P '0 Al. F. P"toum, lusslIAN't 'r Zavod DO!, Vol XVI,, No 10, 1950,, ,p Bratcber Tr 3155 it'n~l if ic i141-aarals/*tala 'IrIC6063-90 Nov 53 CTS 7o?741 ('al COI Id 011 Of Iroij Steel. 'j) avoal Lab I.Tol i ik and S= reaturils of Thorium The Oppa~~tio sulfid*'I~,y G. V. Samsonov, ki, it, ilvpwru.' pploI Mur O~Lvbch Thim; VnI P-7. vo 't~ 195e), PIP" tonto Damau