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Ur C&SUMER GOODS PROD CTION TO INCREASE, BY Popov 8 pp. RqSSIAN, PER) SOVETSKAYA POTREBITEL'SKAYA KOOPERATSIYA, NO 1962., PP 58-~051. JPRS 15,,j0' 0 U R 62 ov N 215,230 (NY-3000) THE~.KUR~k mAGNETIC ANWALY, BY A.-POPOV.. 3 S2 RUSSIANi~~PER., AGITATOR, NO 81 APR 19D ~4-36 JPRS, A42o USSR, Ec6N~ SC~':l 1~ 1464LURGY JUL: ~2 202,48o ---- - --------------- h PIEAMpL (-ULAlbi'ENCE THE GENERAL COURSE So%~,,IET FOREIGN POL,ICY, 13Y A. iT~ SER,GEYEV , 12 PP. PERK KMIUNIST., 140 18y DEC 1961, PP 51162. JPRS 12527 ~iUSSR 1~1?01- 183,100 ---------- M~~w ~ -0 ... I I - NO gil"'O iiii Feb ~,64 ,Iel SoU-Mellorative RegionaRzation of theVolga kt~,, by V. V. Yegorov, A. A. Rf"v,, er al, 7 pp. er, Pochvovedeniye, No 9, 1962, pp 4-13. p ST 249,289 A~ A. JIM-9.91. 29 Soil-YAU*Mtion RegLonaUzation of tbo chtuba nood PL%in# by V. V. Yogorov and ?;pyr p. 9 per,, PochvOvede#rm., No 3y 1962,, pp. 16 - Scripta Tealmica fo NOV u Rock Alterati6n at the Uch-Ochak Lead- !Ipos )e it, by A. A. Popcrv, 9 pp. A im, No 4) 19A. 0), per., Geokh Geochem Soc 216)555 w6t: IIW Diagrms ar mattni4A and ! . ,V: Bteelo,, by A. A. PeTov. perp NetaLUw I TO-= Obrab 30 5o 1960o FP 31-' HB 5407 *Auts 1&)taL-ae&gca 1 ;62 &e 1 nn .6 il Mciftorative Condition-c Af tt~,,, Di ki Volgd-Akhtt~ a Flood Flain, by A. A~ RUSSIA pe.,I,j Pochvoved(miye, No 71. X AIBSS 0,- t Clasgif ical Akhtdba F14 A I A RMS3 Ip p it 61" on, of Alluvial Soils of the Vo4p - ~d-Plain and the Vo4;a Delta, by pp#-59:0u5i~. 61~- 21A j, Pochvovedeniye, No 5,, 19609 Ppr-64-T.~;- AIB3 Wll~,eneej,of Nickel Mnoxide Content on the Activity Ok Al d-Hickel. oxide Catalysts in Destructive . '' 1 11 Hyd~ ena,ion at Moderate Presaures, by Ya. R. 161 1 !1 ftt ?Ili A. A. Popov, 6 -pp. HUSSIM, 3 Zhur Prik MAm. 7ol =n., No 19,6o pp AOT- 20 CB 707 ,AugAA Inflilience of MDlybdemim Oxide Content ou the Actirity of k Unliat-Molybdenum Oxide 0stalysts in Destructive A I r Uon at Moderate Pregsuwes,, by Ya. R. ogeng 6 ij A. A. popm) 4 PIP. H IuatuN, a= Framm, vol xam, No T, 1960, TIP I 5-1 Bei Aug 'rlic,~Wre of the 1"upillary Reflex in Early Ile -os' 3T~Ili[ is, by A. K._~opov, 7 r~p- RUSS ~N, 1) voprosy PsiAhiabriii i TJc1rropato-.Ic,I~rii,. -11 C, Ts 6o-2111'- 0 PL-43o sci: 1.1ed 2 Apr 6 p S~ T is Lt AV I ,rIl Ail, 03 '"aw on of Austeditte During Coatitwous A. A. F6pov bkl, PWme Tranaformitiona in lron4:arbon 11950, Brateb?r Tr 3C69 /DEC, Price .119.85 On thejj;K-lrw itics of Ferrite ForwAtion In the De-exbun.- .'i 'lGarbm and A.Uoy Steols~ by A. A. P" ,-Atl ch of i 14. MAW I CV., 10 Irp. Rus.riv~jq, 14,r, Pliz Metul i Metallov, Vol VII, Wo 2~, J-9 5~, pp .08-2)11~. Sci Au: 60 Sci t ~*a of the Difft'sion Sbift in tho is''ASO in,compAex Alloys, by A. A. Popov,, j nz metal: I bwAnorvp Vol VI't No 0 Pargwwa Press #9M Kety by A. APopol~) 24 pp Zz~cl 4Z6~ ll~il;iAff,. ;wxjIrj A Irers SSSRt 1956: ppll~ 148~r 59 t 1174it, 1061 of Liquid Phaseg by 1. N. Bogachev, rano 6tion. 64 Phase Transformations in Iron-Carbon ji,Udig 19~1 pp 4-17, lWbota. Brutcber Tr No 3081 hilific. Cbemistry Jul 53 CTSIDIX Price $9.75 'nil T.-4q n I'Ir +-irran artA Anli%Mnna. intil 14+1 4im 'nil T. A 61-15490 P D. A1,LIZATION OF IRON IN CONTINUOUS I. Povov, A. D. wm*d-~ 1196~1~ 14)p- IDSIR LLUJ M. 2358. ll DBIR LLU M. 2358 orderlfro'm Onjor SLA $1. ID 61-15490 Trins~~ oi Lfteynoye- ProIzvo"tvo (USSR) 1959, no. 12, 27-:28~ DESCRI at ir *Crystallization, OPIpt-s. Castink, Ir Thep ncI I fact ro In etermining efficient techno- ri pa logi lz~& cal: tera for t continuous casting of tron P~ me tubes ' Ot er M'pDnenta are (1) the crystallization ~m h constants In con 'uous casting of Iron (2) the thick - ness ofthel ooll ng shell in the mould. and (3) the de%h 61 the liquid me. Office .11 T.6sicol S.-ic- (Metallurgy, Tr, Iv. 6, no. 1) Abw Rwx-Wa of Meftylealm Mh In bannno Solution,, by Uti jis~ As no 1 1. 0 VITO zimr OW*b MAMv Vol M=v Ho 41 Bcd AIM CD A VP C-~,LOD Of aBeam of Charged Particles Wltb a -mirkh","Ov K" Gevorkov; R. M A. De L960 m0 lio 3x perk Zhur Tekh Fizp V01 315--. AV Scyr phys - Tech FnYs Vol V; No 3 Ica Pj) 6ci 6A L41;"%;.v OseillationD in a Bounded F1&sm& L. rkhanov,., A. K. Gevorkov,, A. F. Popov, e vj* 8 PP MUg! perj Zhur Takh Piz$ Vol XXXx No 3, 1960, Alp Sav Pays - Tech Phyr. Vol VO No 3 !1 60 1~1 (NY-2951). Frc~ -~~e P~Sctice of Ti-eating Burns; by A. F. 7 .9 r, Xazawkiy Ned x Vol XXLX, Nc~ RUS~16 V~~/-Tun 1959, )?P 70-73- ~l JMiS-L-1012-H imedij- Tberapeutics Oct ~91 oi Ultrasasic vibrations on the kiUrA;i 0. C&rboap loy A. G., Palsov. or, To loaucrAetAka, .10 3, 9 f) DD -10. A. G. Popov sci~''P lys Apr 37ii IS61 ]I Aile UnImmon, by A. G. Popov. It W SM, i r, oengGetilca 3t 191Slo PP In~i~ition of the Chain Decompaition of Polymers by tDiixrup~ing Structural Homogeneity Through Copblymerl~zation, by A. T. OsIminshaya, A. G. popovj~ 4'PP - MESIARIP P~r, Dok Ak Nauk 88SR) Vol CXXVIII, .It No 6YI1 1959,1~ PP 1179-11B1. CB Bei Chem 11 Sep 25 tl-l- ton scattering by I-IT q;-ri pr 10, P. V,. Sorokdn o v.;. P, u 3 r lz Alc INauk F.Iz. Vol X.-f.yVI, 10 r . 1 5 1!.Ug =4 tor Spctrowteft -Aflor Marged Particleo,, A 11 1 .1 Zubritskly, A I. Fcqovo P- V. kinjil at, al, 8 pp. RIB~3UNJ'11 Paper,, Procaminp of the Co&erencse on ximi"r lk~ctroulcs' BelgMaip, Vol I, ib' 9200074 'y 1961., ipP 591-597- act - Mv.-n"s Dee 62 DO, . lie.. D1~. i U4"ag M'PStic SPe(,trcmter by A. S. eko P0.9orp P. V. soroil, k J~er, Is Jar IT&uk SSSB- pp 924~-qp.8. Str Vol XXV, j57 The i ix'~,, and Evolution of Fbasil tee by A. 1. A>op~ R Irp Trudy Inst Uerzlotovedeniya Materia-l'y It.0 dcvm~'~heniya o m,.,rz3.y!Z i,,onakh ze-nmoi Ircry, Ak k 8F No 2, ~p .1955.s pp 5 25. ATS RJ-I(Ab Scil~ Vi4eal',hys 59 ereaes OWRImilroad Dimensions and Rolling i A k2 bk:Al. Popov..!e pp. ARV;.p pwr mmitzoputen lbvnsport,, Vol Xiv; vp~130-31- 1p 15817 ;62 I . inci Of 310 Ar"nia Contiont on tbm Xis~' IQ uaftr vtbrittow of R%U Stools, by vo t1l j8v~b,,Meukop At 16. parvo W G. MUM. WHIM4.1 pro stea.0 JLUS 1958j, pp 7-V,?- 7411,.0 33ROlD 2 ILLb Ra toldent-ftwevalt Fbp lc,60, 6 rA21 mtr4 PAwftties of Bistuuth-Antimony Anoys., A lvswvl A. AL Do ,, 8 pp. poll WAC per,, FLzik4 Tveraoop Te3.a,, Vca V2 no 9., ;3, 21wg-R419. Amr iust of php Sov Mp - Solid 5tate Vol vl~ 110 9 1 6A 4 254.,534 (NY-4851) The Pr Sheath,r RUSS Sci Feb 611 s on of Damage to Nonmetallic Cable y Rodents., by A. M.,Popov, 9 pp. Vestnik Svyazi, No 3, 1959. JPRS 5996 Th Command Post and the Pilot., by H 1134. Shirobokov V. A. Kuznetso-v,, Popllov,,v pp - RUSSIAN per Irest Voz Flota., Ro 10j 11016o, 96 46 p 1 27- Desir"Pticni of a. Ca3e "When the Whit(! p k' L) f 'I!n~-'Und rrnLIrfl PRM41 Crkble Inxtined TI a c 1, 11, pp Pop A u I ~r r I vilrp vcs'nik 13vyazi$ NO gi, .19~0? p Sci Elcu~ riunics mar i"lo .. Jill 6W T"o R", OSUMI.. p P M- 3 5 1 lp 4i IT i RlTi qr6m'ent of theiTealmology of Manufacture of Pipes of Prestressed Concrete and Their y S. L. LiVver. b A. 11. Ioj&v Alp, peff, Trudy Rauch -:Egsledo,.,,atel ImAt 'ji Zhelezdbetona, Akadp Stroitellstva i x,~,ktury S=p NO 3P Hoacowr 1958,9 pp l4o-62. Aw n-vr46 59 (DC-1551) Cewnt and Pia,~z Ground Admixtures FLt UUZ+ructions Sites, V. I. ~er Sor 'r. N. Popov,, 23 E IF A lmopopapb Tnewnty i Tonkomolotyye, D6bm L;i troyeabnop A6 Moscow,, 1950P 5-12, 11 78,- USSIt Rco~ Bldg' Materiale industry of the ftvelope of the Dam of Two W- ,on into Fourier Berles of a Rounded Sm I-Oscil2atlons, by A. 11. Popov, N. K. Titov, Tr ~m OtIt p~r, FAdlotekbniks V 22-27- Vol X? No 8s Aug Anc P-Ts-ioo67/V at6 ~~d` Tlpanof ormp-t ion (.-;:C kimc;i"lium Nitrate from, by V. K*- PervIlke: A. ri. Popov, 9 ILA) Zhur Obsclici n1bzi., Vol VII,. 19--lill Pp LI/ri-2430 13 Apr ~ijq (S B"' rd Ulf) sulpz2ate by A. P', If.) r "-I! lz ll*--Wlxu:r al'lz,~ v)6., jrj, C.L.-Ot. U06 f Rs Icective SultUr (SY") for Vatermimtion of ! 1 ~ II On ~Ir~'O 11 ratt in Syllfenated Coal, by I. P. Drozdovp A. pp. Zbur Prik Xhis, '701. M, Do 7, 1957, PP Camoultents Bureau Sot Popov 9s TU A. Palm, "TAN i 1 1) 2411RU Stall, V~A IyOV P 975-~! 3. P 133BI 3,,'?45 ito I~a ra by D. Ye. Rozenblyumi H ~ IFUnUment0feProblaw An Pbysiology of Accelerationp IiftrweraW Pnblms in the Field of c 1,610g;;' 'of Accolontion, by A. P. PoPov, U) pp. Perp iwam~ Zlmwo No 6p pp 85-91, Rw)'I to IIM-57.. M3N-Ml. AP 1MA152 (3) Set Medl SSW A*61 nics andTrogmoo, by A. I. Barg, pp. higuotoft., Vol Uv~ NO 51 1959, pip iro 057 Ily - IMe 111'1~clcntific arid Tecthubl-al SocictY of ftaal- lo~~io-"ring and Rlectri-al Cmimunication:3 S. PaPnv;; 7 PR, 10153"pof, par, Vautiatk ftyezi, 1-10 5 1958- 3c De (J :0 t~~ Doltect aM Itecord Metetriefil OsaillA ~Onmoi~~ by A. S. P6~wq 13 IfW., Vol XXV lqo ii qn I-) P-136 set A~ 60:~ -17 Vol M;,140 a-1 :)Adatioa f TbyrArm and Valine a&L Pm.diation Injury t, o I)' IPISOT":i.1a, by A. G. PgRm LL pp. FUSIMAMP vpr., RadJ4jIoIo&tya, Vol 11, ro 6, pp aU-818. ABC-Tr-51,33 mov (DC-4453) soIvi,et Slientiste ana Efigineers Continuers of I ~1 I t 4 lWork I of A, S. PapT5 by G-, H. Davydov., 12i, P.P. MBSIUP !!per,, Vestaik Bvyuzi, No 5; 1948. JERS 6425 De~, 0 seie~iu pp RUSSLUI) um Biog my 6i -~,leichnical Conference in Memory of the rnary of the Birth. W A-. B. Popov, Vestuik Svpzi; No 5p 1959. Tpgs 5968 tuull union scie of ntif ic Tcc'~jjjcaj Society of Elect-Z\tc Comz"Inicatlons 0 A~ S (Vaorie) p 1E!; RgAi0telrbaikan, 761 !X-p No 2, Mar/jtpz- 195411 'CTA 605055 pp 1-%T.*10 F-TO-8434/'v scl. Vol III NO 2 14, Nct ir 6-,1 Qlwulut"n at Votarlmry C* Rawist b RUSH Veterlmrlya, Vol MM; -W ~195 vp A -17. mu Der. 1934 c"Is Rus,t~qn Gi .Re-ocidlim~, AS-9ii ity i RUSSIkIT, I x1v ~L'-? 5 1 I P sci JI') ie Roports. Vol 1. Beaver, 1'51-171-71;. d,mition of the River Deaver in the Tat,-u- V. Popov. ~rj Voprosy Biolugii Fushny',!~ `,verey i liotnich'yego Promysis (11S'13), Vol )'T- 5 5 Order from T-inter, Cnnada Ii4l., livzfln, "Thcorioa!' au a Tool of al j., ly.4, Y~j Pmn !I., Al.'s ~Plrico-yr porp Voproay Mosofii, No 1 '9) PT 1~ pp: 258 ..,ut 19 1 Cis ION OF MW f(MIGN CAR% BY Wob a awww VAWOP.To Too Ivp 111 1946 VP t*37, %VM lank -i MOO il in f"milroad Cars for ~Iulgarian ilailroadss ;~"I, ks im PO )OV 16 J)pq o4uIM"'IA12 ljj~6r, Zhelezoputen Transport, ~IIG 8-9,, j P) ~4 2~"j 2-t3ji i~.colj '4171 745 thi; T ift of the 1~& MrAen b~ '~OP071 8 ppo 13* op 3-33o044 -b-uiqueo o the Seven- yt'~-rir A-I'Mlf 'i C-11i T(N F9c;l' B R I (DC -2-71'C, '70) .7 ev eT e & turf aclAnery Durin" t c n- %- ~17. ~*)Or;r f A, . er ~-)l j lj~j r) ya P avd- U,uslv~ 14" ton Firiiii I.- o ch-'Lner,! j SCM 14-mOlorw Conceming the Fishing Indua- try,i~l~ vxili~arla, ly Buriolav D)jpov, Vio:Lt-ta pp. IXAI~J~'l pclr~ Idboo Stopamt-io. ib 61 1961 pp ,19-16, trims ipo6.3 of Molaume of las of ftto With aiculAtA gum Raps by S. A. lbVCwq ZL pp. TrW Ymn Numb-lacUd lut Wrok ox M"kr ("IRO)o va mv 1955.0 C P" Wpt of Interlor Matitry of Aerlmd-Wm, ndmwlw =I FWA ORML W2 No 181 C* o (NY -2aYJ/fD) LGI ..1 [,oj!3mo-I'-'rov LrQuaing Coinatructioa Coffz)j.nLj-j ftmievich, B. D. Popov$ 6 pp. 0 R Ln pers Dyul Tekh Infoamtsul, ho 7, OZ~~ U..t:L 1. , oy B. 1101 lic cl jtl-i (_1u Be c,-L*- du Ci- "'S 3.0- 1L :11ch L- 4-X., CEA. fte 1.=Iluen6e of Ultrasonics on the Structure ccE Film'' ' Mum and Zinc Obtained by Evapm- tio~lj in a Vaeum by b. R. POPOV, 3 PP. RUSISIAT) pe iz Mtsl I b%tallovp Vol IX, No 3., 1960 1' ; 36-11-368- pr s ct Apr ~61' lb:6~aas the ApUtatim RmSe of a Righ- fteilplaV UUtw TAv UIZ-ILOp by V. X. Mmzbs~ V. io ovul Do as 3 PP. li, Irol fti6w; ftl& Eh"ro SD it ~*)j ~n iM' ISA Bad. Ex .erien'Ce in 0 i !I perating the ATA-5,0 Automatic L.t%tYj)j%'r by B. I IF'opov, 0. &1". Law4rheval 6 pp- per, Vestulk 10, 19,r-8, JPRS 7015 wlz 6-1 (my-4695) Tb4 16troinatIon of Teriduating Mo (a=) Ij '~ ~;ll , Sidgle-Curnat Ocnomialatime Opratiam Up/ A.1i www'AW.& f at, STA 91 w As tried by tAw Gcwlkiy I f IQ is,b Popov# 8 ppe RUNiANs, ~Oero Vest SVVBIIS, No 16 (243).. 19601 p 22. soil Octi; oaslian't and of tl2j-- f C., ent L~rll-olft n Catalyctj by L Popov, 11 P- r o,~ r 3.107 .2.1 ?S or] Apy- A ;.FW V383) ~)f th, laroclavl nydrcmeteVrological Bareala; by 7 PP, ~Pero Wt I Oids, RO Is Lfttingmd., Jan 1956., 2., OIA/?DD U-8385 lot ij B"ed ca Boxium Ca': a iu,-.1 :Ti, '-eFta~ and Adsorption 1111opartle6 of W-04, yst6mt by B - Ch. Dyu* 13. x ii, Po 13 pp RLW ZtN Rfidlotekh i Electron, Vol V, no 1960r 1Z.$j-jY-W PE, Set ja 61] Idar ssion of Bariwn Cxide, by Yu. G. Sedon Jl~ 1: ) !, AnIjIS,6v, i B. !q- POPOV) 7 PP- RUSSIAN,~Per~ Fiz Tverdogo Tela, Vol III, No 6, -196, 1 j'~ PP: 1768 -1777 - AIP Sov Phys-Solid State Vol III, N 0 Ju 2 Lie Properties of Bwrium Tanpta% by A. X 1. Ilellulkov.. A. V. WrWov, F B. Sobalevskays., B. M. Toamv,. Amn I, PP. J Rai-ota i Bleurcu, Val In, No D 0-I%6. Aug 59 Pme f 7 Nbua 190 Aug of the fffeaft of Own and Oxides of Babolon at ZRAm4pitADd and Form- bj D. 1. P*Vp A.- A. OqAlnt 13 ppe 1 shatnal, Vol mo no 8p A lli&-Araw; jr -Electron Microscolizi f o r I wi.~e a t It nl:~'; - 1 ~t h. V. Erruzhin-in, B. N. LLj:"L Irm AIC SIS S, Ru 8 19 ):A IV, ll~ 19 59 sci i'lle C! tii. oll Hiol! V44 6umI;',hk"s!on Electron Mic*roscope, by B. I V~ Drutbini 10 pp. RUSSIM, 'ftftotek itlektxcn, Vol ni, No 190 peremon Press Sol At% 59' Co*p"C"+.~a Fo~War C~gthodeb of ]Mrium-Celclum Aluminates ut na TIU. p a, by A. 1. Mkov A. V. Morozov, pp. ~Pp'jm~ Is Ak *WSM, Ber Piz, Vol XM, WD li'P 613-&*].- Columble Teeb set Fl~s jai 203 BarAkul'! RURS-gurt ~i 70 " 5 1.9' Sci KYS Jul 50 iwicn from 11borium Oxide Activated wit1h R. Pajov, V. F, KoIiYerdov, 10 pp. 12 Ak IF-ult SSSR, Ber Piz, Vol )MI. 4 o6 1 -504. Col.umbf,-, TP01 m A F6, ing of Steel IngotB With Electric Arc Beating ~. ~Heads, by B. N I%e RLI Tfix metauurg, Vol I., No 9, 1956~ pp 4-940- nrutdher Tr 4029 $3-90 1. Hot Jim z6 ~i (ZOD Pik' lology - Contribution to the Study of iio:a of *u's luvu%ocortical Conditioned 11P~1'9xqil IRole of t~ Dywitait: Stereotype and of tkww i~ cy, 0' nialty In the Goassis of Neuroses,, by YC Pop"j, a- Popov), 5 IT. per,. to& Pez&w HabdoasdaircB des f:$, do I I i a Bodewes Vol CCIMIM S CIA/)PDD/U;058 U I-Z / 44 aci W1 cimp phyalolo". higher nervous system Im To* 20 h6ifiysiology ~Contribwtlon to the StudY ~6 C:01~tjc&j ploactims., IV, Effect ar 64 c6useautive Imp; and Conditioned v by 10. A,, Pupova CPC A 4d zeo phriologY CIA/MD/U-6395 Apalp 21 92 Ps k m C61 ICC cal W&tlobed t V91 0 P, Sail: Cciatributim to the Study of Amotions by tIm Method of nectro- Beflemat V. Second SIgmI -,POPOVP 0* POPOV) pp. twill, rarls,,:24 Ift %:Anai i4siaoa 5r, 'pp2il8-2120. CU/YMIIU-6397 Forni~ f or.,C,,oinbat I. MWI 6c, t62.,;: Training Accowiting,. by D. Popov, 7 i)p Voyenny Vestvik, NO 52 1962., AOSI-I-o424-E ID 2191530 214,300