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T~O. .xU* Functiou of the Ronal cort6;K'; b~': ~go ponse. Gfi HN I IkIl Ir Schweizerischet Hodis- I V- --F- -- 1,;C WW '0 91-06P Set m July" 11 36.7,609 Marmaterijaixg pjjyj3:iv , 0- rToperv Or sal. M-For wa-,,~, avid Cr Eal-Wty Datftle-Wdcma, by A. G. T&'UdY Gos&laraiwaAaogo pp 1-153.019- Old tv. AArm 61-20916 ML AN Xd0g, iN THE 'MEATMENT OF DE14TAL 1. Title: Orazabol N H WEN~O;NMY. (196116p. 15 refs. 1. Pont. G.Ml Or&i~rrom $I - 10 61-2D916 tr"I from Rasseps TrImestraie di 0dontolaisla (ILAIWAK v~l 41. w. 3. DESC, RWORS;~ *Teeth. Sensitivity. Dentine, *Psveins, Otfetab6lism. ~! auto (Biology), ,Fherapy, Drugs. Man Sier~idi, Teit6sierom, Androgens, Adrenal cortical nu aut~o ra. st,%I~tinS from the observation of the onset 0*1 d6l hyop',rsensitivity in subjects tr"ted vdth cord"is, the basis of theoretical and practi- Fal piesu'imptitine'of the' favorable effect of sexua! stei6idsl6n the ''mineralization Itt i6fAS01116M Wtth cordido'e's, rekti some preliminary observattens on JB1614i"l Sciit,kin--Pathology, rr, v. 7, no. 11) ofac. of T_61CGI FARUCH, 7' O.A of Obsta4es When Navigating in Regions ,h Visibility is Zero., by H. Gutton, Bigon, pp Or~ Pal Soo Franc glee, Vol IX, Apr 1939, 58 SLA Tr 57-1003 O*Ntm~ijisl, to Jkvlption Witbout Visi- "bil s. 9irktcuoAkm*,--1tw pbou. Vwx ir V161 9, No 100v hwil 1939P mo A5- USAI~ orpsI WaterwWo 1"r Sts Tr !gjkftrUig, bydv=IUS, naval It Ecou Trapoporbatlonj, rlvwp orater AvftiLabu,~ loan at Hosearth Center Library the, Diffra;ction of glactrons. RlevtrL~y M. Ponte.,42 pp. pa Vol 13, Sar IU, 19309 114-452! 1A.Sh '.~X F 12.310 .b. t~l~xj 14 0. *AIIA, ITT Jail )n the Difrvwtion & EMectrons Uo:tronic by m. llomte. cr~ Aqualas do Mnl~o, Ocr 10 Val 13., L16-t. I. Mukbiup E,. B. Werov, B. Joint Inatitute f or Nuclear Research,, CIA/M) X-3072 Sci RUCI ar Physics Seu, i5 Orgep RUSP~~# Res6eichip Sci, -~;Ruc: I I I SeP;. 58, 4racesses band Mm-Comervation of by B, Fontecorvo,, 5 PP, t,, Joint Institute for Nuclear Pmcawp 1957. C /WD X-3070 ftsice y lbe cam6elUd) ~~804iiim ant) Antiwsonium, by B. Pontecoryo, 6 Ipp. RUSSIAll. ~i CTA/FDD X-2563 sci pho Oct 571 NO qr v gh Exta-do. Hi -Energy Particle Beams Thrai& the OT3.6tron Yoke ithe NNaetj, by A. E. Ignatenko V o V., IrcHdv:l ky.. A. 1. 15,kbin., B. Pouteconrop A. A. 'Raut 6 pp. Jun At= &wp No 5j, MY 1956., PP 5- fS- ooa&wtr, RLMVIU Electr 5 pp., RUSSIA No 6(i anO Muon Neutrince, I by 15. Pontecorvo., Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fizp Vol XXXVII, PP 1751-1757- Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP vol xxxvii., (io) No 6 F ils. A] tile iia: ITALUM Cc AM$ los ITR.Tlff~R~R) Drums RASETTIS F-s Hy*Ogen Pontalmiq; Substanoes upon vity ln&cied 4 Xeitluxorm lentificai Vol V 2j, No 7-80 3.934 AEC Tr 194 9 at (2/49) Nega IV sou Production Thmshold, by M. Danysz, I iI, P. tecolilvov 5 pp. ,iUss:,I RN CIA/FDD X-2565 Sci j~hysics Oct j co O-OA':~ - at rec-d" &* by B. Ozorov;, .:rp ZUT M%W i Tdorat Via, SO 2(8)j 19!93# VP 3hD-347- Am4w last or Phya soir Phys .,JM V101 ynl(35)t NO 2 APW !i9 lufted by lbutmin bodmi-ftmats by , 1,~ ti ', 4v, ol L B. ectentirite', Vol, vv so 20 No U-12s AM Tr -fimle" R13mics oat 49 are (1A9) Totat se'lBectiono of PooLtivek-Woons on 13~d;ro'gaa'O~'' by A. H. ISateako, A. I. Ozerovp B. M. Pontecorwo 4 pp. RM61mr, m perj, Zbur Maper L Tooret Fizj Vol Nblll~ Jan 1956) PP7-11- Awr Inat of ftyeics Vol Mv No 1 Soviet Physics,, JEW 80% .pr CTBI A 71 i t* ~ , I , ;'~, , N., dlt i ikv 4PAAW Le subwbw~m UPI% Ati t=::tby X %1p ow p by E. For ~w Arca Sciontif leap, Vol V# No 2p No .7-8p AM Tr Oct 49 (09) R 3 60 That 8 a of at-rarms =:Rrdropn. i. tagalar D I i at mergies or i76,,0 wD. eko, eTo and 3 rfI by !IA, I* N&bb; 3, 13. ORMT; S. P=tft0a-~: PPD' vo,t 1413,,g Iwo PP 371-385. Sol AmDr luft Mysics Scyrist Pbysico JRIT NO 2 va IV it; latx-" El ind the Density r Ye, Era,' rod n mlal Lots] 1 . ,;l ALF Sl,-',v pby~j Vol XIII NO , 1,19-1, '621 monium and Antimemitm, by B. Pontecorvo, 7 PP- 1957., pub]. by Joint Irwt for Nuclear AW Tr 1032 Bei Iguall !.I OC-t Physics .2 it Rellarks!on the Role of Btranpness in Slow ), 11 Elewnbarj,owticle Processes, by L. Okun., . I I : I B. P~iitecorvo,, 5 P'P. HUMINIP mo per., 2hur Rksper L 'Baoret Fiz,, Vol XXXII, i 1~ 1957.*'~ OP AW 7'x- 3029 Got 57, A by lbutron -bodardwat,, by y i InduM D'ApCOUm, S. Fa=t, D.Joup. gm 11 vj~ U~Np Ricofte Stuatift4ml VOIL Vl,, 30 1.. No U- 121 1933t AW Tr B~Iontiflc - luabor. Pbptes oct 49 409) The lau'trin6lland By B 6'PoOacorvo rQu RMM. S Sol Aug 61) its Role In Ar ropbysieft, pp. 12 ,pskh V", Mwk. Vol LTXIX, no 1-2, 196-1 Amer Inist d.' PWm SOT Phys - 11apakhi Vol VI no 1 The 8-s of Production a Heavy Wsons and 0 g I V.I. ticies. , by B. No Pontecarvol ppe RUSSM.9 b~Lmo per., Zhm- Eksper i Tboret Piz,. Vol 3CaXj 5t5.p 14o-146. CIA' C 41569 pp A-of can IrA o viles Atari sci ;:Lfid PbWsics May!'56 Midex Tie T-osalibillty of the FormtIon of Af-Paxticles by Protpas with Ewrgles'up to TOO mv . by M. F. I I Bal~~,!~B. D. BaIiWbov V. A. ZbXdcoVt B. H. Ptmte- RUEWAN., .15imo -per,, Zbur Rkner i Tearet Piz, 'Vol X=., q Jai. i .955)~ ~jpp 265-273. CU C 41569 Amerimm Inat of PIWeics saiiq~tin6'! - physics al! so Section I . of i4ptiva IT-Hooons and IVA Intemations in the 3A0 to 400 Ifev n bi~rgj "916 1 t7 E. 1patako A. I. Mmgd:dn, E. B. O'serov, B. M. Pontecorva, 9 PP. RUSS tbrios-no.perv Dok A Nauk S3SRq Vol Tri 5s pp 209-2120 ABC Tr 2257 dop, Bi6jenflilic Rmlear Pbysics N o 'it 55~~=/DEX lnteralctic)~ or'd-.'~L-Bons with Nuclei of Beryllium, Carbo a .1~ Oxygen in the Energy Range From i ~t~ 4oa mv, by A. E. Ignatemko, A. 1. Muldiiny 4o~, I 0 Em Be 0=~, v. Be M. Po tecorvos, 6 pp. RUSSTMIj, per, Do?, Alc Nauk &SSR.. Vol C1112 105s. pp 3.95-397. aC Tr RM 42303 Sci, Nucle'ar Physics ecattgring ja 7ttaisons by HyMropn. II. Discussica 11 1 t .. I MA Dfterp~oitauon Of the Besuliwj, by A. I. )Uddn,, pp nmr,m,,, m~i perj, mmr mceper i ftoret ns, Vol =a, No 4~~, i956p~~ pp 550-559. Amer Inot of Pbysics Soviet PIVsics -jw Vol rV.. No 3. Bel rival JjAy "P Ir -KAsOUs With lead,, CoWer,, OVOM', ~ amA I PK711im Nacleit by A. H. Xpatenko., A. t Alwii~ 11. Ozarov,, B. 14. Pontecorvo.. 4 per,, Zb= Eksper i tMoret, Fizo Vol. No 4p' i,956j:l pp 5h6-549# Amer Inst of Phoics Soviet Ploics-JM Vol ly;, NO 3- The'! Possibility or Occurrence -A.AO-Meson E Pen,I.:A,j-atj~K'jjY, Radiation Durlug Collisions j 1, 11 Betimen Migh Energy Protons and Nuclei, by A. J~.!ToV~kov, B. M. Pontecorvo, G. Geil~, 110y, a 7 Pp. IAD,I, reprint from I.N.P.., Ac. of Sci., USSR., scl~ NUC ABC Tr 2266) Physics by Neutmu DMbaranati.by pl 0, D 'Aawttlop R. Fermt, Pqvtq~~, ia fugem B'slostirlimp Val YI., No 1,0 AMC Tr Oct 49 cm (1149) FERMII~$I F POI-ITECORVO B., and RASETTI$ F. Effe'6tlof Iydrogenated Oubstances on ftad-ioactivilty J~ t! . I., u Prad,~cbd Neutrons La hiceroa iiIScientifica Vol V) Y-10~ 10j, ITAI, IAIII i ~~ 1~ II AEC CTS ct lQI)9, (JILtg) I Bet Receptir Blocking Agents in the Tr~"Wat of Arrbythmias During A=esthesia nbalm. ICH per bxdecim, Vol. 80, 1964 pp ioig-1021;7.. GB Wftwm, rms 1-56, Aum'! Of 337-1,61i ftvpxwftA.dA Ckmzm**d tq Wmw tob ftWWW# 5jV jum M- 6A* In VOW as of 30 . i. -Ing O.D! Paper on ftlt-Covered Rollers, Compariac v !;vIben li!Vfereut Types of Felt, by S. Ponton. Wffix !~mr,, Bvewk PWarstiftbig., Vol LXII:,, Ho .592-699.' PP: Sc: E& ZI Bet, a lisni Of the Placenta and Fat- 5yntlnesi,.~ j r, Oppy S~esdq I By 1711,~ Fqyitorvich, pp 6 RUSSIAN. Obr, Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol IX,. Nlo I, .196?, PP 32--40 ABS soil Oct 3. of* PlacerItIl of Po'rpy ifor' ItIle Stud of the y FoMation Val ir thesis Of: Reserve Product., T'0.-.ttp-j'jCjj P. 363-31). ziolog Raataniy~' Vat .10 Thv~~ plati,, oAcid Coutsat In Uts Fmit of tho OU - Boaft~ ftjppy by V. R. Poutovidip L,, M. ftw-hul, 3 MWLIM, vir,, D* AIL Ma SM.. Vol CXX; ft 1900 , A k Amu lost of 91o1 Sol Sol am Ift 59 V ;P4~21c'.n 1h Kh, K MIS.1 iv Vo v Y Uo pp I:J-59li Amer io~l S", sci Ph , ypiol of Oilpiwlt Fruitij Studied by Mean.,; 0 C14 f V, pp. ~F I tr 120 ion. iiiiS`W~' bkj Conference of the AeadmW of ScianceB 0~ 1. - I ithe LSSR on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 1~5 41JI k955, Sessiona of the Div of Bioloeica-I S~ience Nn U1 OTUI ~,Iu tants jjw OPO 2!5 VTCLww--L4Th St, Xei-Iork Maclear Physice, 1 )6~,, ~ I, rpt6 for $350-00 1 62-13451 flo~jojich, V. A~i~ E ~ M:1:1) CM.'run (INi)rR 91'ERILE 1. Pummich. V. E. COMATIUNS AS A hirnIUD OP StUDY OF ME- 11. Tratis-A-1320 TABOl'iw ol--~ j i-IM.- FORMING FRUITS (Kul'ture plats,tzt,y IScin~ $n Y Sicr11*nyLh UjImlyukh Kok Metodl lzucl 1648 Mctfti~livma Parini ruyushLhikhs yo piwm)q 27 N6, 1. 12p, 1 i (4 figto. txnlttdKJ) 9 refs. Trans. A - I SW. I orik-s (T~cn O'M jor SLA $1.60 62-13-LSI Tran i4 Akad ~ ftiuym Sauk SMA. lityestlyo. Soriyo 8101 ,;c nkxy~,'~ 1961 (Y. 261 no. 2, p. 733-238. ot,FA~~,;RIIITURS: fiPlants, Grcn"h. Ofteproduction. s, (!,jI1urv nixIlm, Motabollsin, Gltxvie, acl%is. Cultim ail tit t. placcrits of the oil poMy, isolated r itho rrult, d MD: i an arlificifil nutrioin modluin, , 01(mod groAt I iy siological role of its tissues in the oft.. of I.W.J 1-1 (Riol, 1 11. T. 4) (mor) b1stc-irali A, A tt 11 TAN,, :U.X.o up. LM :3. us doy IG Meal la-eatiption of Dymmic lq L, ?WLryagin A. Andi-mvp P,W"rj 71W Mwptl i Teoriat 11933,t 13P 16ci-180. BABA TT P-8187 MIA L. ftntrp4n Im midplas 149 pp a to k- M- Bauk, 19,17 Sci Wseum Lib Jb 5:9/1077 j4;ls A 4wpfp py 10WIlwt, 11 dd scl nod 6 3T, .sl3l II .U , '01 fferent"a, Gamo., by L* S. Pbutryaginp 5, D* Ak Mw* SON Sov Mathy V MVI No lgap pp nPla. Aaw Math Sm ftv ftth - Wkl~ Vol Vj, Ito 3 odt 64 267 5h0 1 17 v w to pro A io Of J.n Vol I Sdi- Aug 1~j , I Ptid Behavior of the soaalti=g at System, ~ftzv6tw ]ITMttow With a anu Parameter berivat0soj by L. S. NqqMjb 4N,$ jaw.4 T.6 I; ". S=J, car 3a,tQ~a%p.V r7., 1' pp 605-626. Amr Iftdi fte %th 5"L dr(Unar~ - LdffOMDtW Equations, by L. S. ?6iArp*O% 298 pp. 'bk) OVUIMMMWG Mffcrcutrdaj'uyy-, as 1961P 3U pp. Addism:-Weelay Pub Co Itm 63 Oro tr al Ye. pp .. .. ...... RIB Val 9,xv No ri I s" The of 0~-biml Processes, by v. Px.,Ityanakiy, R. Pvakt~plldzex L. S. Pontrwtgin, 5 PP. HUSSXAIIA~ mr, Dot: Ak Mmik SSSRt V~i! Ca, Tic 2., 3.0"56). PP inn 4645 Sai jun Rev, V Ot Pe So Mekautdrov's Books "Cedblimitcrial by Le So, ~as 7 pps Ru* 0 per$ SOV jwips, 1k) 20 gowmjp O.A 194 23-250 CIA/PDD/O-"35 Be J;~ ice Doe cu lift Uspeftl Vkhm 1buk UTP 1103. ft 3.0 JI'T nti Some !!t)pol( f 0 ld.ji, 54 -RUSS'll, pej mateiiiat,,icb agin ical invariants of closed Riemannian maiii- Izvesti3ra Akademii Nauk S6JIi, ~3eriya caya, 1949, Vol 13, pp 125-162 Sci Museum Lib Eo 1112/110() L. Sil. PontTpiagin Cha i-eri-131tic cycles on differe-ontiable manifolds, 72 pp R.Uss i p23' p 3 Sbornik, 1947, Vol 21 Matei aticheskiy I Sci I'luseum Lib 11C) i C) of r,.r, (rs 0 into a b vhose Gvoab a,. --..i , G-~,CUPG CX Dlwawiif~riz,, vol Dea /),,p L4 A iibbrn R Pull tr FMCHt S4 Aex~ Oct: 57 lar8, by Pierre Ponty, 16 pp, (AF 1007752). r, L'Air, No 712, Jun 1956,, pp 40-48. ATIC F-'TS-M5/v 8 I I I thq-Aatlvit*,Qo of 111CAWLrIlal Plmyt yp 49-51. 191 ACSI 1--505N, rD 9P265.15 Til: tnland Gilli..prious (flard) Variation in the Gw Exchanr ge of sllel;V~~ 1)y !~L ('I. A Trubitsyna. RU& W! por, im-.4 lz VyushAb Ucheb Zaved Imst Fi~- favI go 4., 1955, PL, 171-175, Univ of ilblbo=e T. 238 J, Ll 2 3i;-ectre of 13jor)'T n L,, - 4 - 11an -_;mn nn-' Tts Ccmd' Loll Prodiicts Diur PrL, V(-l '71IXT)7 C sci se..) 6~j 6 *Wus PoIxft of -Lithium and *odlum le'r Pl~*Onfts up to 30,000 )MICIfe, by MWo liver, ns MffUa I MUMV, Vol X1, pp WZ1.7-t 96VT57 lq~ MD HU,-n2l./l pt CrIU61 blAat on the Polymorphic Clonvervion curv'a Qf 6,6 iium., by R. 0. PonA,tovuLVj 6 pp. 14* Ak Maik SURv Vol, M; 1958, RM-P L Sci o Pbys Doe of Zinc, Cmdatum. ThiO-3-Jum I ? '- add Azt,141CILY alt-, Yvastiures to ',0,C-*:CO lrg"C:~L-p by rl Ozov; Porqatovahl.y, G. 1P. Shahhov- u B MOLMIS J71M lve)~, DOk jkk 54U)~ SS19R; t"IK., I;(- LIM 57 '8 11 Ou laus /441 M:1;6iLvx:h Chom 6 fif-A IVI i D. ~"F voi t of, Press"r'O an! the Temwatme, of th,c! 01 ~ Lgna efto ~ ~ tic Transitim of Chrotumi, by Lit. iu., 14 G, Ponyatovskiy, i p.). iV.I,, DoIc A Mauk Physics Secti ons, I.,Vr AlL.1,0 I. may 1964, -~Ip 69-71. Amer Inst of phys itill O'~ Doklady,sov IIIIIYS Vol 1XI "10 5 ~11 2 70 S fwftbe *ftm-d'bw" of Uwe ftfti=.t =d Md=W at ?m me up to 0 pf ButUMp S. 0. PccolatmkW., 09] PO 3 rp. RUM , M~ th*04W D* Ah M* OMp gWco; Ls A9. culno X-9ma 41", Ddter~inatiion of the Static Accuracy of ,ch6sed,`J~Ystems With Random Properties, by S. A PolIV!rko. 9 pp. I !. -71 - RU~ ~IAN, jiler, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved 0 :1, li .Pri.borostroyerdye, Vol VII, No 1. 1964, pp 57-62. ~Jcv 5 P Ful J" n;' 44melde Mull Ge~. A 41 Pmxts,, Eo 23 Damstedt/Ger= ny, SCM Trans 550 lot lTeiecoumnication tavera ECO c lec~~,~~Cationi Towers.$ by Heinz Poocb, ib+irin Hu- 33 CTS --2 The Roa~'Ito t Satellil~~6, b RUSSIIAN, ~perj Sci oc 6 o Cosmos. Soviet Artificzaxial Earth Yu. A. Poo donostsev, 8 ~* e pp t Voz Flot~ No 4, ig6o. 658028 ATIC PXL~ W'*ct Of MOW T~rw upm tho endDtheliUM I I' : j of I~ca,wdi~p viaves IZ t1sous cultum, by M. P. Pufthov, Rusols, orploprosy Chkologil, Vol Vl,, No 3.,. so oc~ 160 'Otal T~m&rdt~ 'wMeli, Irby, A.1 hw,!,R6c6irer Factor of tbo 1-31,L.L. Air Tli=meter Probo In a Wl ol.,' 10 014622), 7/11/51. V)A3/TlB T-1126t) Aus 54 Gm aW'T*iotfts cit a 20142 Tampmt=e Air 21 VP by A$ PO& Rev and Pet by A:~ ink ckr6 O~ otuoy of uke RO&WItcuty of Sint-at, t4 by raw" bilm"nt %at wtbodst I Sh 1404mr. POPW hWented at the JMMUMS .as 4o Sifturgle Im, Lundmunj, pp UT-M), BM 3D32 :2./