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bogy Termanent Tolerinwe of the Cardiac All*S ;r it' Dogs Treatod with Autilymphocytic 144MA, ;Iobtc . ns of Evuss, by B. 11111perns, 11 pp. FIWNCIJ,~i per,~ C R Acad Sci (Paris), Vol 269* 1969 22i4- Dept of Navy/NMS 1534 i(ORN1,41-2537) $NATURE OF COMPETENT 1111LAI PARTICLE CONTALNED IN STOCKS OF MOUSE SARCOMA VIIIIJ15, MOLONEY ISOLATE. s(kitIlematti, Bernard; llampe, Anuie; But hm, Ml,chel. T101'ranslated 1~y R. (-',retW Mainsfield (Oak Ridge National Lab., Tomi.), from 15Compt. Rend., Ser D-. 269: 2283"6(19()9)- 207p. 2ADep. NTIS. 26blonled., translidolis 100 2IMN-48 29P NSA j ICA: t j 1 j A 9 77 1' 7 : xm ITT 77"7,:i., ?"'br. AV . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Mul 7T, 77"1 479 5Ni,37 PP 176-170, IWO LL,~.L L j(ucju;-,rrana-10617-4) jEXPERIMENTAL CONDI- TIONS OF,nm, Obt-1966 FRENCH UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR HXPLOSIO~NS IN ~IIE SAHARA, jDuclam, Friaicoise; Michaud, Lucien. IoTransAtod for Univ. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab., from ' ConiPt. Rend., Ser. A, B; 270: 189-92(12 Jan 1970). 207p. 24beps Idis. 2~geology; riuclearlexplosions 2y8G, 18C 2,s'rD-35 20 NSA --XPIOIJIMENTAI, CYTOPATHOLOGY: OFTHE ORIGIN OF ALVEoLAH M ACHO ill ~,AGE., OF TIIE RAT. 6Nl:tsst!, Roland; Nlat,thi, .3van- Anik;;-, I,tkl\1111-1, J1lL'(I11t'N; Lt! H011fl',4111, IA'011. f0 ' NI HL 10 lat4d by A A. Horvath (Lovvlacc Foundation I -al Education 'iind Re,*earch, AdbLI(Illerquo, N. Mex.), from jsCompt. _jien(~, Seri, D; 2716: 24.5-S(1970). 206p. 24Dep. NTIS. 25 281)'0M"; transla.tions 2706 28AIN.48 - ~29P -NSA the' 24 .*a T , 7 , Tr. , ~~t VO 210o -1970 .VP si, iy 19707 Hu BR716 idg`~ bre; in a jamina~r aim erl 8,',: 405 be-two en N A- ~ -"" :we NIL, A ii: Oqteis A 7 'i'l t71 - Thasip Objeotap, er 1771 des' S B, to 52542 Aj po on Wdch Is p petraldan -27 -1970' -0. P~- 0 1970jpp 669-6720- 14 27 gmms~ Lu ~~!' RJ. NzAl - -I �r 0 Vol I 2 0 1 Ito 0A of goo'. LAI IT. 17, ~ilp 4041 till I iLl Jewiil-; 711- I; tal atudy 1970 tpm r J. ma i~ of the role of' the ",,* orFxn" in t the. )104 J1101 tion of moulting, in the, OnJsoold Toopod LDrgo to tuA Brandt. (Ptude expfirlmentala du r6le GkIls lo d6tsminiame endoorint do 16 mue ahez OrtiScoide Mtg*l1to di,latatus Brandt.) Compt4miliei-&.~~ 1,41-domdairt des 3eancee, X-oad6mic do$ S*ion6oi, Fhxi~s. 27L, series D: 2 573 -2 5 ~'4. rn Frorioh. Trans.. b~r ' P. Soohaski for FRT;C Dlolo.Ical St4tion, St. Andretem N-11., 1971, ad TrAnol. Serie,s No. 1 45, 5P., typositr Pt. Avail. 0i) !,oan - 1,01n, Wash. TI.C. OrIginol rtlc;o 5 fieckedw~ ' J P ~ 12:7t, 1970 s 9 2 ' 30 i ei 77 I.S. i Sol PhYs Vol 271 CO. 77 f 0 :T It JTI iid O r"i I :27 p 1,t cm 235-238 1970P ITT 71"71, 77-117 T, 71,11-77-11"'T lik 0t, itox by Bromian -' $stalline Sm-face o AL ~* n sai 1) ~M 1970 :pp 298-3M ~21 Alt: Ak j: S~ 71 !,I 7T.7 ov. Vol 971 4 lit 4-w bVINAL SIMPLIFICATION OF WIN DIN'0 PRO1DUCING A MAGNETIC CONFIGURATION OF THE ST,ELLAItATOR TYPE. gGourdon, Christian; Hubert, Pierre; ~'.,Vlartjx'i Denis. loTranstuted from 15(,oml)t. 11011d., sor. it; '~271: W3-5(Oct 1970). 2051). 24Dep.",i4-TTT.,--- 25 20)hysics; tran.OlationS 2120 2SMN-34 .,01:1 NSA ------------ .... . ..... . .777 Ap LbE ho'f;o'~' ault !b6tween the Rif t and:', A 69; L .4, Obt Y r e r n O~! La r J.Li Olivet :9~ pol c j~,t, iiIi Reildlio Acad Sci., Paris O'~ 49:~ 95T. 7. 1 9 011 ari' 2N , j: ~; , :1. r "")!;I ~'Tm -7 1 1 1 1~'. ~i tY -7 1*8 0 Carbide and 4'quu!4~:D~ppsltion of Iron on A 8 s 116f Utb6h:'and' Diffusion li I:~ i i:.; I ,~ ~r (11 1 1 i0 Bo Oem P #nd 4P0 O'Hembrandum, by B AO&Aetiqi4es Soi6rlom bxisl gnt pp 974-977, OT 1970 F . . . . . . . . . . 01 Ms 1970 1 4 ~j~j~ fli .J .(AEC-tr-7289) 6SHUCTIVE DEVELO4 MENT OF PI'lls MA S~I'A~INLIISS, STE-EL IN AN OXIDIZING INIIQIII~lm. 6RI6111111'r, All1w; corloti, Mimi; Gurard; f1,0111 C; 271, N ()~p 16, '01-4(1.970). 1051), 241)cpo NTIS. 2T11F 28NIN-.25. 2,11 NSA -7t I T' 110: 1 bb ir tti'r,6 one and deep circulation n Il t. L. Olivet,, X La., c by 4 C 0 Renduti Acad Sci., Paris, ke C V 1- 119 0 'Apol!1848-m-11391. a n L? 3$ Oct] I U lij., C' IAT A HISTWOCYTARY CELM OF THE PULAIDNAM' Al,\*I-"()I,I; C, y -110C -AL ANALYSIS 01" THE, SECRETION AND INFRA- 'Illizilc "i'TRUCTUMES. J. Anorv; Vilaill, by A. A, Ilurvatil Fc-nillillitioll for Mudical Education ;tIld I((!- s Wild. ,witi-ch, Albuiltic*(luti, N. Nlox.), from ser. D~ 273: No. 22~ 2011-1-11:1970). 20111). 24J)vp. i 20)jolnod; trallslatiolls 2T06 28NI N-18 2911 NNSA h e Tograp. y at ib 0- by ot vol 2172t' I' T: e SCOULOMB AND YUKAWA P().- T13NT14%1,Glt(!Ll"S- 6Wyler,Armand. 10'rranslutedfoi-tlniv.of Callforilia, 1,4~,rencc Livormoro Lab., Livermorv, from 15gomPt, Rend., Ser. A~, 272: 186-8(11 Jmi 1971). 2051)- 241)01). Nl'ff. 2akysics (particle); txanslations 2T20H 28MN-3" 211) NSA P20 2 i ieno I 1 2720:' 4d .1971 tt' 9 10 6 `4.1'~ i' 71 lit I ni 1:A fli Agenl~t r Poree -05 A*~72-0001 72 h- Titio:~ Gi ~riiie analytlque-C.tiioinatolr~il-)Iile en pk~4se gaseuse je complexes i-iotalliques do!, la thenoyltriflUDroacetone. A utilorl C J!dequelotv P. 0t T.110"ut'll, G. Source: CII.R, Aca(16 Se. Parii3,, "P.272, Ji Fev. 1971. 448-1150. Langwige: French to E'n'!"Ii3ij Spea.141i IrWtruotlons: Please translate and type one copy. URN011LIM I ANI-4MUE] Trvui~slaked Rend. ISer metalbirgy; MN-125": P -#T-722466) SUPERPLASTICITY OF ALPHA UNG RECRYSTALLIZATION, AS REVEALED BY Ali CIMEP. CA)llot, Jean; Citeron, Goorges. Swidia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex., from pAmp. 272: 520-3(1971). 7p. Dep. NTIS. ~tnslatlons 11F 'NSA 4(AP,4~L-Tnxn!+~08) ISTIMMATED EMISSIONS OF THE FIRST ANDSFWKD POSITIVE. SYSTEMS OF N2 In, mjusl~ SCIerc, Michel; Schmidt, Michel. IoTrans- lated fv,)r~~ Argoiffie National Lab., 111. , from 1 ICompt... FL-nd. Ser. B; 272: Nor 11, 6C.8-71(15 Mar 1971)- 206P- 24Dep. N71S. 260homistry (radlo- and radlatiou); tritivilationS 2Y07L 28NIN-4 i91' NM iq, lo Oil I. 1 ij A I'lliNg (0~~NL-tr-2531) STUDY OFTHE ~ainma RADIATION ACCOM,PANYING T HE Dr CAI' OF Mi4 Th(ll) ("IlAo). Dalmasso, Josotte, Marhi,i flonduttv. 1'ranslated by David C. West (Oak 11idgo Riltion-al 4jub., Tenn.), from Compt. Hend., Ser, B; 272: 81p. Dep. NTIS. physics (nuele~q,); translatiom -90H MN-34 P NSA ~T .5- iwkuran T-1w 2739, 1971l 7. 1, It t AA qpi;l -,Tit the 466 1J. -Lal ! T! of QRM Aqm HT-4, 71 -~-- .. e ~ I j 9 47 ph Uhl, 69 Aq T 7,i Agency-'. PLD #1~' HEW)I~DA I 72kall No. 9 Author., ;Ann6 pres Title: RUW~! livii Source; iC. R lnstrucbionB:~ Langua e': Fri~- C.D. Vani 116' r ation by Mr. Raymond Ferrando, nted by Mr. Maurice Fontaine ECONO'MY - Toxicity relays of meat and s receiving hormone implants; first results, Acad. Sc. Paris, 273:1224-27, 4 Oct. 71 Please translate & type one copy only. ing, D.V.M. (VM-1) YT IF !;.i isk f tu urat imto t 7j: 171" 7 31 ' 04"" 9 W- 1 11971:0. 2 7C TI L/4;0 T'7 if , a J ~~i L4~c m I . oil Ill j 9T] i(LICAL-Trans-10618) SELE CTROCHE MIST Ily. Herrman~, C.!d.; Lamy, C.; Malaterre, P. loTranslated for Univ. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab,, Livermore, from lscoplpl.._'~pnd, S%or. C; 273: 159$-6(1971). to7p. gDep. NTIS. - - . '. - I 2$Chen"'Str'31 (phyWcal); translationB 2707D 23MN-4 OP NSA Agency; HEW/ A R-15788-D S.F. PLP #06431~--r3/ ipall 1j0. 4 7 Dec. 72 ,I i~,a ymo nd 4-orrando ot Roger Jioivin, presentee Author: d(! ~1, . I M. HawriCe 1-onLahw. Title: stir M fecondite du I'at, de vf?ialux.ily1mites iu diethyls-.illmescrol. Role du teImps qe distribi.ition. Source:, , Q.1R. A(,-',id. Sc. Paris, t. 274 (10 janvier 1972) lnstructions:'~kease translate, tyiX, and paste up i when necessary one copy only Ian, age: P.O. 0614 rt Autheri~ !Cott soulres 1,; qbmpt LO Spec ft I* conformiatton 4m I& chains poly- am dovis I* solift worpbo par aitrusion do Oux patits M1181) Famous, jesuisk, mons, picot. rendus do I'AmUsia, d#.s Sciences, Mays pp. P. tish9l Pl!" trams.-late and type ems copy PRO, of IL rl 4e HN" pi 5A spar-, -73) jEVA1JJAT1()N OFT11F. Nll(;I(A*1'1()N IN VITI(C) ()V THE'ALVEOLAII 111STIOCYTES. OF THE, Ei-,j-,i-.'ic,r OF ANTISERA AND OF PLUTONIUM OXWE INTOXICATION. dNolibe, Daniel. 10Trans,lated by A. A. Horvath OL,owlabe FouWation for Medical Education and Research, Albu-- quorqtm.) N. from jjCorqpt_..jjojg1j, Sor. D; 274- No. 1, 77- ,40(1972). 207P- 24"op. 2sbiomed,, tran~.lationS 2TO6 28MN-" 29P NSA Opho j -IROMATIC C02 T.E.A. ,j. 4(U(;'J,U,-Tvtnff-.10646) MONOCI LASER. ~ sBalo6hln, Yourl; Dupre, Koques; Pinson, Pierre; Meyer; dlaude.~~ 101'ranslated for Univ. of California, Lawrence Livermoie LaN, Livermore, from jsq2qipt. Rend., Ser. B; 274: 1322-5(12 Jim A72). 2051)- 24Dep. NTTIS.- 26PIlYSiCS; translatio"S 2120 28NIN-li'l 29P NSA Unc I L A-~1-73-109) Experimental study of the dynamic k1ollpre inito i ty or an aluminum-coloppir lamel Jar lite. compotif Romaln, J.P.; Jacquavion, J. Trian a I a I ad by PatrIcIa NeQman from Coop. Rend., Ser. 8; 275, 637-64k)( 197,~' Elp. -'Dio,. NTrs. 13 engIneerkng: translatiuns MM-36 P :NSA is Aboci,t1~11-1oxi,iof Polyphosphatea by MW-I,.m nrid 'Poputt.o Plitithilt by,!Y. Coic. FRMC-Mj per., COMI?tes Rendus Acad Agric, Vol 51, 19654 pp 4435-4Q5. -Mr.M/TVA '17 71-55024 AvailAble IrTA Only may 'ti Studi, of the Inhibiting Action of 1vo GWCO,i~jkotoin KlJomwm as-ois Tobacco ~(lialclllhrus, by P. Limssssit,, st al,, per,, ~~Amtlqs Rendus Wic Fmce., LIX. No 119 19660 pp Mi-792, NEW NIli 4-1-67 Ms~ 67 326v889 Pifj-"~~ion From a Point Sowree ip a Surfaw ~Ur t~#er With Unstable Stratification, 1). 10~14VAOV.Spp. rlzi~iqclli pOr CwTit Read Acad 6ull" ZC-t. :1 A A Vol XVIIIS NO 2,0 MS, lip 109-112. 9231974 AEC 0~2,'L TT'-9us ',!96,1.483 SchlsoVhrenlam: A Rehabilitation aqu#,. by J. U. lbrdeleau. C2!pte Pandu duC a de Pmnrah:L t, 14,72" eumloade de Lama* Frawat so - 6k. pp 342-MIU. NO 167 3W., 132 ~US~ TA34 Unknown. WVI;APILNI' tM CNLY i Fl&=, rpt,t CCrfpte RendUe D'Essais No 8/65, :d'Etirles et Pecheroeshes Scus-Marines, Groupe 9 July 1965 pp 1-13. *Dept- Of Nall), NavSiips Wans No 1112 See Cheryl Sept 68 dratt: of tbo GMV:Lty Conter of the Aw major sadjud of a owmal J. J. IAwanolso H. W it POO vv6L wjTvp 'my A%Fo %ww.&Wn Mwo w JLMW 47urf pp 4914W4~ ACIC *-1410 Sed- D&C 681 W09543 .V4 ti f the Distributiam of Mean SAd U 31 0 uo, t Volodties in a Dw:t as a Functicn vilf the - IOlds Number., by A, Comtic., Of t (21, lper,, Comptes Rendus llobdo=fairozdo 14o des sciag to 20v pes, var2N. A" 3Mes 4 and Bt 19672 pp 849..852. WA TT 361 Gdviltwtmd USE ONLY Job 347o651 ~ h 1~,, i 1, Note oh Phta4ic Acid us a Normal Lipid Constlt*Atp~ilby A, liaurica, J. Ikiraud. C r. jlebd. Sounc. Acad. C-i-# Vol 26 4p~ 1961~1.!, p* NZDIA aU6 A69 lon-Romlmrdnont of Polymer Surfaces as a menns to ImprO1.1,Ip Ad~,'iosiveness. by M. Chavillons, F. Mahieux. FRI-MI,~per,;X, r, Scea-nc Hebd Acad Sci Paris, Vol 261, S 0, 1567. 1)"pMSB-5610 CSIRD/No' 9281 sci/pbv~v Eleiiibd,Qj#stry: influence of the Condition of 64imr6ti(MI of 1,10303 an tile Kinetics of Dis- .r I; mutAtim i4tO IAIU2 at Idgh Electrochemical PRENG1, IscV, Y., r. aiebd. Seanr-. Acad. Sci., Vol .16 1 7, No 26* 1968g lip. 1749-1752. CRL/D 1827 Rug ang4ish #tlo unknownp by M. Andraud r,. academie des Sciences, Paris Ccaipt~es =due H Vs don Seances. Setio C t ~!~ SCimKMS 613, val 266, Ap2~4L~ 19681 pp. 1200-1202. C110401 14notics: kinetics of Discharno Ory (~Ils,~;, by A. Fltuidrois. Flu-Aa"j, I)ut,, C. it. HabLL. Scanc. Acad. 6ci., Vol M, lit) 8, 1969, pp. b64-669. CJIL/D 1832 'Lug 369v626 006 c ant 6f Uckscatter in the Case of Mmokluetic 2100 Ot~ikUg a Warget at ami ObUque AnSU, by Iper,~~ Cmteg Readus Robdc&UMres des Semces (Saience; 'I tAn&Avm6b'A&a finiomass. Pwr4m. Seriag R p NO F-3., IYW., PP JL>km--L:)4Y- aw Tl 77: 70 1 197:. Malonflit, J. !~ txpe~t-iidontri 1~ mtud~ of ti.p 1V f~ ~,:)I&Aqt 1011 or It 11, ll~ the o1, 11; o. it, dc, onlt3aoi~J~, des 3vai,cpo, oz 3 -2 s j ,,t. ej; A"A i 1. 0-1 all Oticlinct Arlrtdc ,Aljw~fld- On Tooogri~oliic, Geologic, and lostatic Corrections, by L. lakrula~ 7 pp. COW;v--s-imil,'mus hr-BDONIADIARES SEANCES IM I ACADEME Vol 272, Se--rles A, and B, No 13.9 I-Mr-ch 1971. Mar 73 W F i !~ . V~~ 7M F 711 , . ~-. 7 , pp 17 0 Ink id'i N IO 14 T j j .. . :11. ~ 1: 1 ;I... . 11 ; ~ I Isostatic S Seances Blanohilt :M. -Fj~ and 14. Cl*rnlaux-Cottoi) 1971 colit~oi :of f~~.ie ongot and di~ratlon t)f stago, r, of Uio InLer- Inowlt clylle 14iialillyst-Wrollo, In the Alliphipod Orcll*utl~l alar 'ro)~A (Pallan); InteractiOrL 1,fith d au ",a 1111 (coilu'alelodu 0 ~lolenchement et de la durbe do la pt-riode du cyclt Iintmiinue par lleodyst~rone, chez le Criatact'- - I Amphipo6c-~~ Dro ~stla carranare114 (Pallaa); lnternctio!, a-c: la -"mpt~'A. Liii'~--' . "l) FrQ1h;:.- lizil Ots -P s Se,l ell P; 307-31 Transl. . by -, .1* $ooliasky for FRIAC, Piolot7ical Station, St. Andrews;, V..:. 1972' as Tran3l. Svrie-s ',~o- 7p. Aval I. Orl -Oun Nbl.1'2 ~!aj$;.'. Orlolnol Arll'Oe Ch,i'cked~.r..