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,,C)IIII10 of 111(trual Decorq.)Ositicm of E)qmsud to Garawn Ilitcliaticni" ;441, 110 Fiaztio 6 1). TFUIR 41~FICIAL USE WILY JTAL~!A?I, 1wr, La Citaica (.- I'ladustria,, 'Vol "0 Vllp Nu So 11750 pp 276-281. 9181 ar 56 204p404 ScOocl.tiv,'"41-1~ and Limits of Use af the . I w ximix1oittric UmaonjAcr In Dc.-Wa-.dnhN7, 0 talo ~blcejtiaox I~aguts of PoIjocro" 11---y Ch:11aics Ind., va pp R.AX. Zl~ rk-I 11A Sell C hela 31 Now Methods in Deodorization. GIERMAN, per, Qhemische Industrie. ile up -214. Ui jo- x -f ,I'llo 4.. 1965, pp 213 & 11ITC 72-10293-07A 'j- (L --(. F /- // 11 / V ('~ Apr 72 NMR (oucloar Magnotic Resonance) Investi- gatto6 of,.Potypropylene of Different Struc-plureI:and Steric Order, by G. Natta, Ii. Lo~bavli. ITALIAN, I~cr, Chimics a 111ndustria, Vol 47, N6 4,,1965, pp 8 - NTC 69-12559-07C Sci-Chem Aug 61) 389,374 ImprovOmentiof the Impact Resistance of Polystyrene by Mixing it; with Styrune Copolywors Grafted on Hthyl~efie-Propylene Blastomeric Copolymers, by G. Natta. ITALIAN, per, Chim Ind, Vol 47, No 4, 1965, pp 384'390. ATS-14~4-IJ June 1971 1445-IJ CHARA tRIZATION 01' SMONDUY POLYNER17ATION SUS- PENSX AGENTS ON THE BASIS OF THEM HYDROPHILE- ~~LIPOP IX BALANCE, G. Benetta and G. Cinque, Chim. ~.Lnd. 7, No. 5, SOO-5 ()96.r,). (kilan) ~L $16.95,($3.50) 4200 2 T; 9 F; 13 R Po ro lof High ImWt Remisim=e Obtained by~ taft l~Polym Polywrization of ViMl Chi iidie ~~bato Olefinic Elastomers.0 by G. 14p. a ta ITALIAN.. I~er., la Chimica e 1'ljxUwtria, Vol h71 XP 9, 1965, PP 960-*9 - aTs (cheiii)-418 Sci-*ter4als 0c, t 66 313o378 3MLPM AO,! Copp4mrollObtained by Grafting ftlyacrylic , I I[ Aci onto fthylene-Pro]Vlene Ebmtomers., lby ~katt~', P. Severini. l8p. j, per,, la Chemics. e IlIndustria, Vol ;4t, 1965, PP 1176-3.1 CTS(I , )-420 Charactirimtion of EtlVlene-Progrlene and Copolymern by Diffekeit FActionation Techniques, I I Ji by P. C4' Barbe., R. Zannetti. MALIMI~ perk la Chimica e l'Industrial Vol 47, No 11i l'965o 12o4-1207. CTS (Chem)- Sci-Chera Aug 66 308,.456 T]Imrkal Cropolinking of cis-Polybutadiene at lligh~T6MPOA%turej by M. Bruzzonct. 10p. ITALilikp jxj~~.p la ChWca a l'Industria, Vol 411, No ~,,1'2, 1995, P.P 1298-1302. CTS (Chem) 1.42~ Sci-Wteri4s oct .66 313.,377 Funda4w~tal gesearch on Acid~ Basic and Vietallic Catal~,sts, * P. J. Lucchesi. ITALIMI, pe~,P; la Chimica e l'Industria, Vol 47., No 12; 1965p:4P 1313-1321- ms(cfie~)-4~3 Sci-Chem Aug 66 3080459 iew V~icobslt EnnescurbmV.1 Present in ic.~tyl,64e fCarbwWl&tion' Reactions, *4. Albaneoi., E. Gavezzotti. ITALIMO, per., la ChJxdca e l'Industria, N~oi 47.,~Io 12P 1965) PP T39-1324. CT6(che~a)-424 Sci-Chem Aug 66 308,791 the Td,,,~~nso par, 2hemische -1-ndlistri 0. Dmassaldorf , V ol 18 1 196" ~ nr '41, -524 IMI' 72-lC775-05C A p -" 7 P Behavior:of k4logenated Organometallic Compounds of" Aluminum,'in the Presence of Leivis 'Bases. Part 2. 4 in Toluene Dispropoftion'tion of [AlCII-CI212 Solution in the Presence of Deficient Maounts of Lewis Bases, by A. Zambelli. ITALIAN,per, Chim Ind, Vol 48, No 1, 1966, pp 1-8. ATS-IJ-1510 ctlimcia ~: (? Z 'T?2dus-tr,.a i .11, ~ . -.-'? .5 ( Vol I'l(I 1: 1 '1- L :ITC 70,-11~1'431-:07.4 j! o I o ,;, f" Ilypoil"armil Processes. Report No. VIII. 11alt of the Pentatalent Group V: io alt Thio~~ Arsehic POntasulfida, Antimony Pentasul-- fide'ind Vanadium Pentasulfide, by L. 111is. Canbij M,t FREN'Ch., p6r, I& Chinica a 111ndustria, Vol 4~, Ito 3, PP66, pp. 219-23. NTC 60-106S7-078 Sci-Choul July 69 386,691 Air B-8586-D u Aug 67 Practic~aj So1u#onS or Air PoUutlm Problems Arom Chad~ Pr Omoeo RY: D. ~&t al Pr=: Cidm" T* (Milan) 48 (3) V=,cli 1966:251-61 UPP Italian euthr wdo: Please trmlsl4te azul type 1 camerr. ready copy and 1 caxton aq~yo c= be cut 'Ocarbumtem in Mixtures at by A,.A. Dal Re and P~ 0, =on t T9;. c"4Zt . I VM~UNO ;'Per,, Lria vol 48, ~ ~ ~,~ 6v cWaLcs e pp 4m-w9. 113~LlLef--:,,~5828AF (1270T) sti~ChO' 140U7 iiii 68 360.,786 maU" .i. lbOlea AldrAMM of ml;lllllwlow Will,&& --- so 't va hop 3b To I*# 9W 3U3 3M.07W 0d ~ MWOU7 mw;;; I I wadmum wIth .- 3=0 11, ft, 440 No To 29%p il! owt M-- F~l ov ::S:IA ;R *~ 3ELpM I I set ~ - CoodstzY J i;i- 6T ~ : ! .i .i q I Uroment phi c i,',.e as DirOcl~ Potelltiogral by Sulfur Trioxide -in perl '-- --Q 61 1966) PP 95b-, 'Vol NT~c 72:-10463-07B I*chanist of the Stereospecific Polymerization of: -d,iefins to Isotactic Polymers in the PrOsence of Bimetallic Catalirtic Systems, Part I.~.'Rate of Chain Propagation in the Pr6sence of Various Catalytic Systems, by 6.,Natta: ITWAI~, per, Chimioa e l'Industriag Vol 48, 19069 pp~ 1298-Y303 IWIC 71;+16896-07C ft, b 7~,. 1465-IJ I&CMNISM OF STEREOSPECIFIC POLYMIZATION OF Cr- OLSFINS TO ISOTACTIC POLYMS IN THE PRESENCE OF UALLIC CATALYST SYSTEMS. ?ART Z. SMEOSPECI- UK 1:01CITY OF 30W IIPM-ROOFNEOUS CATALYST SYSTDtS, Nattn at &I., ChIm. Ind. (Milan) 40, No. 12, A307-1S (1966). ZBOO W; 6 T; 3 F; 24 R $22.85 ($5.50) Blap( Furx~Iipet An Exa"le of a Chmical Reactor with a C tuml~,I;e W,, by F. flimber,, T. MichaTd. 10 Is 1, 1. pOr. Chim Judp Vol 960 No 1,, 1966, CRLIJ .7091 Voi 17, N6 30 1969 Jtily 69 38S-202 ch-i'lltica ~:-, I '.61duati,irz vo 1 49,, :No 1, 706;7, Irp 1-7 ~VTC ~11 Rcl, Vo Z : 1; 1, wo ~., !, ~i 7 c(,-, C, ) --l I Ch "- qVi-0,1:4If 'I III , J,) "i ( I ;1. 1967, pp 7-15 vol 4.91 110 '1, . P NTC ?()*I '1l .,,',o 3, t) r,8c) (RICT) p C T 1, - of all 1. maim Lu Avg 68 A. NO"* vol 49s 3.9679 0 ii~d~ (200) 362,040 Process for the Eanufacture of Lthyloiic- I Prdp~lene: '.Elastomers, by G. Crespi ITALIAN, per. Chimica e 111ndustria, Vol 49, 1967~' PP :, 7 3 ~ - '7.~ ~-- 14TC ~1-16-139?-llj P Feb 72 . ! I -li . ! .L i ('111 (,? I!, "Tildlot tv"a Vol. ~19, vo 18, p ) 847-86*0 ";~'Jl , . t, T- ") I I pic-uti Ar~b m-1 764% 16 December 1968 wat ab~,Gawoa PAdiation Ansistaws of Explosives, By: 2.0 lvi"*bida. Frow Ohim. Ind. (Mlan). Vql. pp. 851-4. (1967). (4 PP) Italian!'- SA for WIS: Please ~rana~Ate and type 1 coW only. P. MW.teve Detend.nattion of Traces of CILIoride in Polypropylene. ITALIAN, per, Chijaica e IlIndustria, Vol I X~7) A') 1070-1074. Ordor from RAP as ItURA 1597- $10-00 112C 72-6o678-07B 3101Y 72 43~-;Ij COMPARISON OF TIM SIUVICH OF 1117MVIr HONOKWS i9kMXNG OIM OL&FIN COPOLOWS, 0. Matte at (Milan) �0) No- 1, 18-25 (1968). Ind W; Frp; )I R $24.30 ($4.95) lie U:~! LC i'TTC JEM 73 i0'"luon of nkvlem lad ProwlOW me. n. whloride/dietkWl la Systm VeMAIM Tau ChUlwidep by S. owes. Cblndcm e Ind Vol 50j 3D 2j u 8~ pp ,71- 1~ Ref:qW~2.84 (1622) Sol-chm Fab to 401m486 r ion of MAy1wo and PxqVlem v1th a. M. Va=dJLum to MA , 00trichloride me. DetwoInation of Mmtunti= In j by Be Cbmmo Im porj, Chicalm e Indp Val 50,. No 2,, 19W., pp JAJ--413. NLL'6r:g*.84 (1629) riollmlDgical ll--,vekpr-ents in ll*=wy deh ~x Q'Ith b 14Lwtrolysis Oells, by CXMZic D(3 'Jora. r.biaa ;10,, 4xir,, Olifilica Ind. Vol 50, 14c) 6, 1968, i PP G 12-6 417. W 31) ..aid lAv U42 A sci/o'baa, is, try amv.~ 6 9 3880669 )cIWInbus Iii U-je Pailatisation of Irm crxir~F-,-.,, ~.Pj por,, adin, Iml, Vol 5(1,, ,,Io 7,, 1960, '7096 sci/ ~~pt 09 390#893 New DeviiAopments in Polypropylene Fibers, by G. i Nat 010 IALIAN~ per,, Chimica e i'Lildustria, Vol 50p ~0,7, 1,968, pp 784-793. NTC-70-12774-IIE eb The Effect of Some Metal lons on the Free gadical Graft Copolymerization, by G. Natta. FRENCI.1, perp Chimica e I'Industriaj, Vol 50, No 8,:1968, pp 851-859, 9TC-76-12773-111 Feb 12 1 1; iu ,11 - The S>o bility of Pentrite and Dipentrite in Nitric Soluti~ns, 16 E. Camera, M. Mauro, 20 pp,, ITAIJA~,.'. pis'~, Chim Ind. Vol 50, No 8, 19689 pp 892r~897, AIX/11104-Tr-1695-69 Al i C, "Id o(_, sci/chem Nov 69 396,023 lge*y: PicatintW Arsenal P.O. 99-1/0 Tluo-. Tfimv14 bebavier of nitro.... pp,900-902. Jim Plassiv IL 0, at al. R-110~64 12 Nov. 69 ChIm.. Ind. (MUan). 1969, Val. 50 fg). at~.*: It,# aUan. Special Instrwtion.. Please twanwLets & type I COW OWJ, it.-W365-D P.00 wv 69 TIUM M at aLtv6*00 COMPLU* 2vime nofto AL a" IML (&Mo. 19100 Va. 50 (a). Puma tmnl&U & tm I ON* Behavioi of ~Iilogenttod Organometallic Compounds of Aluminum in the 11rcsonce of Lowls Bases. Ptirt 4. Disprop 6rtioilation and Recombination. Some Thernio- dynamic'and Kinetic Data ' by A. Zambelli. ITALIAN7 peri Chim lnd.~ Vol 50, No 11, 1968, PI) 1185-1190'. ATS-I-J-1510 '41 r C p ai //,~ / (- zp-,j oil T k y 1. cj 2 L, 0 vol't, ezaes he n id the ~U.!iei C ~;Ollrse of thc P-Oces 9 2.1 TC T VI) C I C ') 1`15 C if Sy q t; eg is by S. Cesca-.' 5 per, chilaica -.t I, 'adustrip, . Vol '50, 1968 1 1) p "1 2 91 9 -- 13 0 WTC 72-11 204-O"Iml M, 9 y"?:" Continuous Production of Polyester Fibers Froti(Dimethyl Terephalate or Pure Terephthalic .A C i di'! " GEMANq perv Chemische Industrie. Duesseldorf, .1 .Vol 24p No 4p 1969, pp 251-254. NTC-76-12775-11E C/7.,.~, 17 1 -T. I( tria i "I I )I:, I- r '1 9.1; 17 vo I "I ii,;:) 3 .1 .)(., .1 1 11, "". -,, i W - .0 1 .7 ~11 IC- 7 0 - 1021 C r -0 F,9 . I IT , " ~!l o t).a, f-~ (, 11 "" i 1) , Ato 3, '.1'' 1 ,~r Vo I f I j i ') , . j A, 'I I j-I-, jl~.:, (11.1,11,11 4(ItJl13-il'ran&-I21) GAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC A,NALN'ISIS OF ATMOSPHERIC GAS POLLUTANTS USING A META~TABLE HELIUM DETECTOR. lCastello, G.; Munari, S. 1 110Trans'lated from liChim. Ind. (Milan); 51: No. 5, 469-75(1969). 209P. 1ADep. NTIS.* 2~Chemistry (analyLiCal); translatiowl 2y07 3iMN-4 29P NSA turd ~to citaxyd ~VOL '5 P~ 1970s Pp IA Ir if, A (.,'I IV I'I Y t, I;) L; 1: 1:11 h I S U A S L I G k A P H Y ~l L I I b f: f) T I P M I N A I I N A N CU A C I T C I IN I I ill I f, 11", 1; 1 f. I V Co L j I P I I 71i -, 121, F ST('~H,T- Igno VOL 45#1 (I)0 ow IL and M. pj~lo PION* U111*16to type oom may. KA.L. 1,4H1 L I I Y N tj F. 1-,:": 11 C 4 R Ili lhi I l" 0 1.1 1':%, 1 t, IV, 1~ f-, Mir L, 6 L - I T I E L 1 N 1~I I V ~,, L F S TC `;r : ;I, 0~ - '! i~ 1*.,,;e.--,-- ". I . IN ; , ; ;I II I I I, . I I , - , 4.)Ili".! Vo Z Rh- "o 51 114)(76, J)J, 1143-1150 j 1 0 IVTC-10g-%-)(3- "I CS id T! C 0- fligh Poly-mers and Copol.yrers of risialfides, by P. Sigwalt. FR-~-NGH, perp Cbimie, ej. ILidjis~rie. I - ~!jjjj tjj-a3.qjia, Vol 96~ 1966-1 I.IP 0()0-01 ;.'iTC '72-10769-07C Apr 72 CondiltionsiJor Succossful Tochnical Itesea4lch, by It. Cheradame. FRENCII:, pa's, Chimie ind-gon.,_ Chimigue, Vol 964, No'i, 6, 1966, pp. 17617-75. NLL ref: 3,313.4 (56SO) Sci-Ge ueral July 69 387,722 C, 7, pp , , I , "", 0 1 " , -, :~ ;* .. ~ : ., (~ . -I - ol V'I . I , ! I.' I t , , , , -1 p 11 , . . i L , 1. 1 , 0, . . ~,-) ! ),J 1 " ) 1 ',' /' ,jl~- 1 L" f. ~ ' ' - I ~', (7 7 7 1:1 - *11 '~ 7 i , 9 -,'-) 7 ~' An,0ysis!*d Optimization of -tile Process in a Nictory 14siny, the Simplex Method. Application to 11i'tiatiowif of Benzenes by R.M. O'Callaghan, J.D. mas FRETIKIII: Per*Chinde et Industrie Genie ChimiSue, v6V98 140 8, 1967, );p 1400-1-105. NIt. 69-11002-07A Sci/Chem July: 69 387-272 F.ixediBed (,tatalytic Reactors, Part I. Survey of the PiinciPal Problems in the Study of Fixed Bed Catal~tic ~tcactors, by J.P. Giguier. FRUICII pot., Chimie et Industria Genie Chinique, Vol 08: No 100 19670 rip 1993-1699. PIX 69-11003-07A Sci/ch,On July 619 387~73 .'),"dua tri,4-, ~',on o ('11 TTC 70 ;. Bad ' I Bomb=. %ft N. ftt* I I a I 1 04 Agb)& by J. NA. Rhaaem A& riAnstria . Omni& p No 0,0 Was if LL2""02- "L..&V.6.- 69 391A35 d I I Ch imie ~et 1)~Idwstr~e, Chi?"27~471'c - f, " 1) '., I . I Ifo 1 .11,17, "C' .111, !)J~ 1.0 pp JTC 7P-.ill%Q;=07A. " I at Induc-,ttie, 'Wmic 110 't plo -i ?.- , .# 1.0 .70, 1" ~"8, pp NTC 70-10,,70-97t' Model fbr a MatJIlation.. by W. me Be jeantst. L.G ~trl*- Owl pp 66b.6T3. ftb, -M 403o0& C=txol a a Superfnationatizu Colum by of MSItal OomWuUrj, by R. Awbatelp Mt or B pi *r, admis et xm&,. I*. Gemle pp W55- so Fo~ j 401-101 rt 1 Vol l(il, vi.;) 7 I.?o'.l) .0 1 ,*"I!Yli-(,, )p 1 1 NTC f*";,-,i*)?!il~. ~at 10C0, pP .127-441 1 P 5 E' 7~? J, 4(1,A-tv-71-27) 3VELOCITIES OF PARTICLES OF A HEI-TACII)HY MATE'RIA], IN-JECTE'D INTO AN Al(C PLASMA JET. g-4emoitte, A.; Le Goff, P. 101'rittislated for Los Alamos Scientifit Lab,, N. Mex., from lsqhjm. Ind., Genic Chim.; 102: 1304-11(1969),, 2016p. 24Dep. NTIS. ;,6iyuttorials; translations 11 28MN-~25 29P NSA 91 OVOJF 4 j9 ~j 77- - - ~~- =~ " : ., ~ I 7. 77-7-u- iq~ t ge:6 On, the Deterioration-. nyt 6ride) by P. Agnes* i tlli'e:p etLIAdustrige Vol 3L 1970~ pp 781-785. 10 N 4j TO 10 NP 9, 7r IJ; jEFFECT OF THE DETONATION WAV E ON -1-1 IP, *1AT FRIA 1, SU RROU NDI NG I'll E CIIA RG E. Doff0t. Ikmis; i'oaso, C. 101'ranalatud foi- 1,oti Alamos Sai- entific Lqb., N. Genie Chim.; 103: No. Mex., from 5qi!!p,. 10, 1208-::L2(1970)a 2014p, 2#Dep, NTIS. 26explosions; trahstatiow" 21,191) 2SAIN-38 2f,P NSA 4ri c &I ..lapor ikaheso ti +P!ta ago '19700' 0 1278-1284 t T Frugharld by per ;~Ijlol::105, -Ro 12, 1,9701V 5 415 , ~A IF, ):i ;l! ~M- cym. TV I ~*-'"d Pbsisibiliti Gw' 6 tries Cp-po IT I J I 81 Pro We , L Ila I 17 !p~. ~ ~111-'(; ~ I, it 1e Hy ro- tilile Develoi3ed- tr. 8 Gjg" TI ~'l 971 pp .71 -82 It IA qj g ifr the 6: -0 bumo du r ;igerde Cb:Lmd q~e aii V I i , IJ Plastit Bag~. GEMAN; per; Chmoische Industrio Yorpackungt No 4,*, 1966. j1p; MZ2: NTC-69-'13169-13D Sci-Mkh Sept 66 3920780 The ~essur~~ement of Surface Areas With the Ar6mmeter' by R. Johne., D. Severin. Gm*N'l I*tp Chemie-Dkgenieur-'rechnik) V1 373 No 1, 196~j pp 57-61. ~T-6&"3.0340 ?F. -T cw t,,.Vqy Sci-Chem e'- Sept 66 310,374 NCH-201:104 Field 7A CAIXIILAT~ON OF '131k: FlAX)DING POINT IN IIAC*)O-'I) (~Ol,lltlNtj. 1065, 04rolo. 1'(!-804. order fr6m iC: $ Os. $0 as TC-604 Trans. of Cheinio-Ing mieur (West Germany) V37 n3 p2l9--2T19W.' T!~BA 1. MvrAnvinn, A. it. TC-80-1 Ill. Trans-Chem. KnoxvillL, Tenn. i r ~ so hwelb"'l-OcImAcws, by VIA X ~0- vnp 11 P-940 .0 i i 14 Ms 61 il OS* OrIVIAOAU U-4T ONLY 285*00 NCII-201 108 Fleld 7A RHEOLOGY QF 'STRUCTURALLY VISCOUS LIQUIDS. 1965, 1. Rautenbach, R. 101). TC-804. 11. TC-804 MOT from TU: is TC-904 Ill. I'r,ins-Chvrn. Krioxville, Tean. Trans. vi Chepilc-lngv -nleur-Teclulik lWest German.v) v37 n3 UEHMU, por -Chumulti&-Tach. Vul. Y/, No. 0 13 11 1 LY Sci - Sep 1(~6'f N('11-201 7~4 Fivid 7A Kindler. H.; 6ohuler,J). CONTINUOUSIPRODUC41ONAIND PROCESSING OF DIAZONIUM SALTS. 1166,7p. ATS-69S44G. Order from AT$: $11.0 as ATS-69S84C; Trants. uf Gormany) 07 rvI p4OS-5 1965. 1, Kindler, If. It. Schuler, D. Ill. ATS-69S94G IV. Set vices, tile.. East Orange. N. J. C1 y t:-) L. ~q The Industrial P.Lant for Hydrochloric Acid Moctro, lysis of Faxllbwerke Holechat Ag., by E.,Donges'~ J. Schucker.1 GERMAN,~per" Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, Vol 372 No 5, 1065, ~p 498-500. TC-1092 Sci-Bhem jul 66 307)587 A 131Stnuriout for the Exact Cofitl~,Oi Uf 110tweell .190 all by U4 Iniplhardt, ot al, pur TOCII's, Vol 371, Uct 615 310,466 Cptivdss#~m La i9lectrochwLeal Res"rch 1. 11 Tw*uiqus~! by N. Iblq 2-~ AdM. Gn*wl, O~. Qgmis-iag- XSAD. Vol 379 So 6v 19659 pp 5,1-580. O.A~ Trammol 1020 Sci-"I81.ac Sept 70 Contr6i of:ia Chlorine Liquefraction Unit, by H'+ ~ottfibohm GMtM(W par, chamic-1wnieur-Technik, Val 37, xo 6, i965j~ ~P-581-586- TC-1696 sci444..m jul 66 307.,588 j) ri~oAion of CurTent of Eleetrochemical kl6ctrQ'i'les, by K. JT. Buler. 9p. pert Chemie-IngenieuLr-Technik, VOL 3T ~No 6., 1965.9 pp 5OT-590. Tc Sci-Chem ae~t 66~ 303.,676 Zbectrochemical Celle for tIM Determination Wdrogen and Chlorine, by J. Guthke. ~,G~EM~ per., Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik,, Vol 37, 61 1965, PP 587-590. W-109P s~pt 66 305p514 Rebtifi Ier Equilpent for Electrolysis. State ofithe Mechnology and Develcipwnt Trends, W'W. IdOnmann, W. 0. Reiche. 15P- Ch~Mjl~ per, Chemie-Dwnieux-Technik, Vol 371 i0i, 6 i9'-65., pp 601-606. Tc~.100 Scie-Chem Be$ 66,~ 30510 CurrentlDistz~~tion in and Around Porous Eleatr6cles,, I?y K. J. Euler. GERIAN, per, 'Ohemie-Lm 1965, p~ 626-l631. g.-Teohn., Vol 37, No 6., Oo A. Trans. 1022 scilEtect feb 71