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Iufluencu of the Tension-wood Fraction on the Chemica and TeckmologLml Uaef~Llneoo of Poplar, by G. et al., 18 pp. GOWAN.. per, Das Palpler.- Vol V, No 19/20, 1951, pp 43-1-417. S.L.A.2'Tr No 291/1955 Sol - ChFmistry 17el-11 9W7 Jan 19VI 99 CM/dex rhvestigations Into the Vim Structum o;r Fordered Pit Ykimbranes In Sjruce, Based aDn a Method of Wet Pftparutlon, b~ G._2Nfm, F. Dietrich. GERNO, per, Holz Ala Bob- und Werlsstoff, Vol VMO 19990 pp 22&230'- CSLRO 4908 set - Biol. ju3- 62 7, jayme. G. aDd jerratech, H J. K MWMOD A MODIFIED KAPPA MMR 7 DHBTEa=1;ON'F01t SENG-CHEMICAL PULPS OF MORE THAN 70% YIEL.D. Mar 61, 9p. (4 figs. cadued) 6 reft. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-14924 Trans. of dos Papier (West Germany) 1960. v. 14, no. 12. p. 718-723. DESCRIpTORS: *Woocl pulp. *Pomanium. epermanganates. Oxidation. Deterraination. 61-14924 I G. 11 jerratach, H - j 00- of T (Cherni tary- -Anal) tical. TT. v. 6. no. 1) UWAS of U& Vold Sjmlm Pulp by PAW VAPOSLim KBUIPMte ftddml by 0. Jopw.,L. schinalw'I W. lbtorlm. ammip piwt 11,Vft Vbl- ]BY RD* 7.9 1964, pp 3DB- 315 IMC Bert C-5m 6. 7,)-,~q sci - AUg 67 33T-430 Mkking XeUA OfflUm PU4 bV RVid AIMm,W-W#dt*Coddng. 2. Vapour phi" cgwdoa 7w areft Heatim, bv c;- jqmm" V. lktzte. ago"., lperibn Mr. Vca. 92, No. 11/3.2, 19&,, VP 3U-31h MIC oaf: C-5TA sci 337-431 Aug 67 62-18917 _Jayrne 'corge; Gascric, Urs; and Duback, Max. --jL V-LCHANISMS IN ACID all-PHITF. COOKING wrm 1. jayme. G. CALCIUM UR ~-UDA BASI-. 106211i5jp. 22refs. H. Gascht% Order lzon; SLA $i.t,0 62-18917 Ill. Duback, Fran- Ut C.1, P3j)lk:l' 6.~7 " lalIV) 1901 ,V.I P. DESCRUTUR-1: *V,cx)d pulp, *.S-llf!:l,l-. Proce.-;sing, Mechanical ;):opcrtiu~, *Paix-r Manufaciurw,~ rni-ili~xlt;, analv5i-s. T! , 7) I'M Cd, I & ,ILIW t =Pqpl~-s lw~VGOM 9. IW=. 22V. NAMMOPM-Mo ~-j )~L-~ Sal-mm aa 66 306ang F" Resultiff Im Comection With the Identification of Wet Strength Papws by a SIMle Color ftectlong by 0. ems F. Dramebeldt 9 pp. GIMM., port D" P*Viwg Vol Us So 3-4s Feb 1955,, pp 51-58. BIA Tr S-140 Set - Cbft S~ %113 / 3 d Sep 57 J Observatic- -~f Ramification It Cellulose Fiber Structures Wltb Use Ald of glectron Microscope, by G. "Ym.& G. bw 17 pp. GLIM,v paro Jbmteb Cbe0j, Vol LIM11j, No 1, 1956,. pp U-23. WA Tr 57-M SCI - Cbmistry Sep 57 jayme, G. and Bergmann, W. OXrM-N-R4qPSrrFVE ALKALINE CELLULOSE SOLLMONS (Uber Sauerstoffunempfindliche Alkalische Cellulose- l5sungen) tr. by H. A. G. Nath 1961, Sp. 4 refs. NRCC Technical Trans. 989. Order from NRCC $0.50 NRCC C-3841 Trans. of das Papier (West Germany) 1956, v. 10, no. 5/6, p. 88-90. DESCRIPTORS- *Cellulose, Cellulose chemistry, Chemistry, Organic solvents, Viscosity, Measure- ment, Oxygen, Chemical reacti6ns. In continuing the investigations of the sodium-forri- tartaric acid complex, j(C4H3D6)3FejNa6, dissolved in sodium hydroxide solution, i.e. the new solvent recently found by jayme, the oxygen sensitivity of -,he cellulose molutionq thus obtained was studied. Vir- (Materials-Aluix:r, "17, v. 8, no. 7) (aver) 62-12448 1. jayme, G. H. Bergmann, W. Ill. NRCC TT-989 IV. NRCC C-3841 V. Nalional Research Council of Canada ow-f S-1- F~q~ Cbromtov~*~ of eu&w idut-1--ma on Moss 71bra ftmg, by 0. JVwt and U. F-malop 5 pp- OWKW;, ow, ftdpv Own, VOL WMT, ?',> 7, 2955, p -*3. M-4 TT 57-1-1*CQ aw Aei . .1 "Ttil 58 e( 7j "'; by, G. JaYillei Holzforachung, Vol X`V, NO C S -'n') q, LZ Proftation of rurftral oid Low-Festomn Falp From Fed Beechp by G. J*Mjo 14 Vp. " '.1; ...... -.,;. :::~ -~ =NO, per,, 2 AMm Mmj, No 516#, 1947, pp 50. WA 28" set my 58 IoP, 6 911 6 FA 1' -- .,or law" us Paul mm TG=9 Saft Zm I - 1 1 Void by 0- JWM MA 11- SONMUW- =mmqp Pro Im 16", Vol Up go 17/18j, M7# " 396-398 & C I M Tr 3872 act - 62 prq?ertJ.en aCr losum &.11bute Piave in a au" of wo1w. ~Rl preammatImsp by C;. jsje.& L. Kd'Urp W. L. DMP 19 VV- OMM: per.0 We pawrt Vol Xf s"j, Doc 1956# VP 405 540. STA Tr 51'-675 Bel - slol /.9 / %10 ;e S&P 57 Propertie.s of Spr=e SuIrAW-.v Pulps in a State of Biological Pr"virration,, by 0. Juyn--, L. Kehler) W. L.. Hans, 10 pll.. GLO&W., per, Das Papier, Vol X, Yo 23/24;. 195(5.. PP 549-545. BLA 59-10157 SCI cbem Jun OTS 1., 10 62-10276 jayme. G. and litmger, G., PLLX AND PAPER AS VIEWED STEREOSCOPICALI-1 1. jayme. BY IME ELECTRON MICROSCOPE. 119611 4p, U. Hunger. a (16 figs. otnitted) Order from SLA $1. 10 62-10276 Trans. of das Papler (West Germany) 1960. Y. 14, no. 10a. p. 550-553. DESCRIPTORS: Cellulose, *Woodpulp. *F*per. Electron microscopes, Stereoscopes. 112 U An attempt Is made In this lecture to show how our knowledge of the fine structure of cvUuIoxe pk,% w wo their structural modification under vadow lnt~, woces may be broadened and deepened by stereoscopic ob- servatton. This %vas done by showin-9 ~Comv~_s ordinary electron- micrographs with stereo hairs. (Author) Offic. of T.ch.1-1 S.Mc.s (hiatertals- -Paper, 'I"T. Y. 7. no. 9) ehemmma in Svenlag =A Dissolution of Fibrous Plant CeIU In N&V ScIvents, by a._JW=,x X. Bwdm -Stelbbevaer,, 10 pp. am=P - -perp am Poplwp Val XN, ND 6., .1960j. pp 228-234- AM3+W+I* Sai / 9-,~O / PAOP me y 6n,. Ira 4 " No 10 61-168M jayma~ G. jlr:~,%MVITY OF CELLULOSE 11961) k2p. (1311g9. 1. )Byrae6 C. [refs. I amined). Order from SLA $3.60 61-168M T-ra". ot cewose-chemle (C4rmny) 1%% v, 21 (no. 41 p. 73-fB#j DESCRIMRS: *CeUulose, Chemical reactions, h-cwessing, (-.c-Jlujost! cliemistry, flarwr. (MatcriaLs-PI&Per, TT, v. 6. no. 5) office ef 76chmicel Services ~-All -4 , bodyamov faun, cc ntrom ndb,, nu ow 2w go I 1111 Is= ot oftlixamm Alleft6%, lw C6 J40m% u INIM gjjjqjM MAD %A- 2P* 19bks Sp ZAYM-4' idr Cad.oxen, A New, Colorless, AqLz ous 3olvent. "or Cellulocie and Its AppliLation, by Geur- JayTnrl.. lp illp - GBF-Mfl, per, Das Papier, Vul X11, 1,,) 23, !T56, ~14 32. Z>c Vol. 11 Na, 1. mar u2 stmeoseopm glootm Microomr In ft'xp am pVerp bW GOWS Ampos, omthw &Mwp 2 p. I....... ?i~btjv co, rl~ftf OF GERmir por# IMF ;2 =, No ]" pp 1-6. SIA 59-2W48 "I Fab 60 Vol 2.t go 10 1,:f 'r. ~~oz 7 61 - I U769 jayme. George. Cr6nert, Horst, and Neuha--- -, Walter. 1. Wood pulp fibers- - CHANGES IN COLLOIDAL-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical properties OF CELLULOSE FIBERS PROIXJCED BY H!GH FRE- 2. 01trasonic radiation-- QUENCY TREATMENr, 1. ]an 61. 6p. (7 figs. Physical effects 3 tables omitted) 23 refs. 1. jayme, G. Order from SLA mi$1.80, ph$1.80 61-10769 11. Cr6nert, Ii. I ll. Neuhaus, W. Trans. of das Papier (West Germany) 1959, v. 13, no. 23/24, p. 578-583. Another translation is available from SLA mi$l . 80, ph$ 1. 80 as 60-18503 f 1960) 19 IP. For abstract see Technical Translations 4: 683, 1960. 00ke of Teafm" S=wks (Materials- -Wood, TT, v. 5, no. 9) c-mx~~v--:qLiu Colloidal-obezdcal Properties of oo-32ulosc r, ibexs Pz%xb=d by E1& Prequmqy Treatment,, by E~- Bmt Crowrtp MUM Walter Neubaun, MWO., perp das Pqpler.. Vol XIII.. No 23/K 199., PP'57&583- STA ft-."~ 76so Sai Aur, 62. / vzo co! Jayme, Gleorge, Cronert, Horst. and Neuhaus, Walter 1. CHANGES IN COLLOID-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF CELLMLOSE FIBRES PR01--XICED BY HIGH FRE- QUENCY TREATMENT, Ill. Jan 61 [10)p.. ( 7 figs 9 tables omitted) 20 refs. Order from SLA n-d$1.80, ph$1.80 61-10742 Trans. of daa Papier (Wk~st Germany) 1960, V. 14. no. 2. p. 58-66. A discussion Is presented of the influence of ultraeow, and mechanical high-frequency treatment on the morphologically determined reactivity of rayon pulps. (See also 61-10740) 61-10742 1 -Wood pulp fibers- -Physical properties .1. Ultrasonic radiation-- Physical effects 3. Stirrers- -Degign 1 .jayme, G. U. Crooert, H It. Neuhaus, W. ow" of 7-bo" sffo~ (Materials- -Wood, TT. v. 5, no. 10) )ayme lGeorge, Crbwn, Horst, and Neubaus, Walter). CHANGES IN COLLOID-CKEMICAL PROPERTIES OF CELLULOSE FtBRES PRODUCED OY MGH FRE- QUENCY TREATMENT, U. )an 61, 5p: (i8 figs 6 tables omitted) I ref. Order from SLA nii$ 1. 80, ph$1.80 61-1U740 Trans. of das Popler (West Germany) 1%0. v. 14, no. 1, P. 5-11. Another translation Is available from SLA m1$1. $0, ph$l. 80 as 60-18504 [19601 1101p. The machinery used in high-frequency treatment to described. (See also 60-16503) 61-10740 I. Wood pulp fibers- -Physical properties 2. Ultramonic radiation-- physical effects 3. Stirrers--Deslp I - jaymm. G. U - Crbnen, H M - Neuhaus. Vk. 00ke of Tech." SwVk.S (Materials- -WoM. TT, w. 5, no. 10) joyme G[earW and Demmill Wlerwrl. 61-1090 ME RETEMON OF VAROUS SrARCH, CUC AND . 1. Paper Lndustry--EqApmen ALQM7`E TYPES ON THE MACHM WIRE 2. Chemical waste-- SCREEN. Feb 61. 6p. (5 rip. 4 tables omitted) Analysis 11 raft. I. Joyme, G. Order froan SLA nd$1.60. phSI.80 61-109M U. Demmig. W. Tram. of des Papier (West Germany) 1960, Y. 14, DO. 101k, p. 625-630. Tests were numle to determine the retention on the wire retaining trap of paper machines of the wrygen consuming substances, surches. carbazymethyl-cellu- lose, and alginic acids. Kaolin. timMum dioxyde and rosin size redaced the retention of these substances. OMm of Tch.$vW Swk.* (blaterials- -Paper, TT, v. 5. no. 11) 62-IW75 JaM, George. Demmig, Werner, and Knolle, "OrDert. 1. Jayme. G. THE RETENTION OF STARCH, CMC AND ALGINATli 11. Demmig, W. ON THE WIRE AND IN THE STOCK R9COVER9R. Ill. Knolle, H. AS DEPENDENT UPON THE QUAMM INITIALLY i ADDED AND UPON THE DBGREEL OF BEATING OF THE PULP. 11962) 81). (11 figs. omitted) 10 refs. Order frorp. SLA $1. 10 62-IW75 Trans. of German language article from oic Nklmc v Rcwarch Officv (if the Cellulose Chvinisirv fnsOwtv, Davmstadt Teclinical College 119001. DESCRIPrORS: OPaper indtwry. Chemical waste. Cellulose chemistry. For abstract om Tectmical Trarillatione 5: 631, 1961. (Materials- -Paper. 77, v. 8, m. 8) Dific- of T~Iioicol Swvic*- Simpufted Propusuou of a roeluiu" Solumt Daijid an an Irm4butafte AajA4Mdlux OmpAm, by coma JVMB WOMW Dwom9mv IR P. QVMp pws, Roym SeUv*Uo mad AnSwe 1.956,9 V*I MW j, no I., pp n.-29. SIA 59-171M eel an 60 To& 2j0 No Caqwison on the Reftutlou of Rosin Acids on the Pag win, mbim Wftm In the 13jeeseme of Various AMItIv"p by Oearg Jdq!!,mv Wenwr Deumlg, 95 pp. mm=,, parp 6" P&Pftr, Vol. )CIVO No 9j, 19w, pp AM-414. SIA 61-1001!i Sol 03 Apr 63. On the Significance of T-mnslan Wood Portion in Puqlmmp by COMO J"mp 6.pp- OMM., perp Holz als Rdb-und Wntstofr,, 19% Vol U., No 5.9 pp 3-73-315. WA 59-105M Sol - Chm CO 1., 12 ja 59 J&_VqbL_Qeors&. Denimig, Werner. and Knolle, THE RLITENTICN OF STARCH, CMC AND ALGINA ON THE WIRE AND IN THE STOCK RECOMER, As DEPRNDENr uPON THE QUANTITY INMALLY ADDED AND UPON THE DEGREE OF BEATING OP THE PUL.P. ;, 19621 ',,p. (I t figs. ot-nitteco 10 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-IB075 Trans. of German language article from the"Wator and ~vwag," jzciearch Office of the Cellulose Institute, Darmstaot'rt'chnical college 119601. DESCRIPTORS: Vaper Indinwry. Chemical w"te, Cellulon chemlary. For "ract see Technical Translations 5: 631, 1961. 62-19075 1. jayme. G. 11. DemmI&. W. III. KODIle, H. #2 4 7 (Werials- -Paper. 7r. v. 8. no. 8) S-1... - : and Final Version of tile x!-Lormiaa~tion Method Ar-cordi ng to Jae, C3 %. Herbert Kn3lle, -rT) GERRAN, per) da3 Papier5 Vol XIII No 17/,6; j3-t-) 464-467- SLA 59-15362 3ci Dcc 59 Vol 2 p NO 11, Cadmium Pzdm, CcuWlox Bases ao Gollulr,:3" SO."Nontop by ftorg Jwjm i(arlhol= ftusebat."ors 16 Py - GAMR, porp )ft1mvw1*ka1&m Cb=ie, vol ix"Mrin, Zo Is 31957j, -pp 7143. 81A 59-10751 Sci Mov 59 Vol 20 Mo 3 Setondary nuorescence In Bleachad -Su+4phite and Sul- pbate A4pap by Georg Jayne- Gerhard Bauer, I-Sartarre Hardem-Steli3haum-', If ~pp- GEWAN, per., Das Papler, Vol X!, No 8 23/24, 3-95?, pp 536-539. SU 59-1.0279 ces 1.. 9 Jun 59 A A Si -mi. le Color Reactim for IZe Identif Ication of Wet Strength Papers Made With Aninoplasts, by Pr3 --drich Braimcheld, Gewg irsym, 20 pp. GRIM,, per, Das-Papler., Vol VIII., 1954, pp 43-46. 8.1,.A. Tr " No 292/1-955 Sol - Cbemistr7 ,1x4 ~",/ F- Jan 1957 CT-8/dex 61 - 1 ('555 jayram, K N. DIGITAL COMFILITATION OF DSMSE VOLTAGE 1. jayram. B. N. DISTAMIMON IN TRANSFORMERS. Excerpt fran, 11. Hannover U. (West Dinsertation, Kqntmyver U. (Went Germany). 20May (I, 20p. (12 figs. 6 refs. omitted) 4 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 ti-lfss.5 Trans. of ETZ [ Elektrotechni ache Zeitschrift. Ausgi A. 17A-,ntralblatt f1dr Flektrotechnik) (West Cennany) 19fl. v- 82. no. 1, P. 1-9. DEXRIVI'ORS: Digital comp-aters, Voltage, 11'ranit- formers, Electric insulation. A design method fnr series capacitance is develop&J which cAn consider all variations in the design of a transfo-mer. A formula is given for calculation of series capacitwice -,n an interposed disk coil windirg. Several computing methods are given for determining ofh- w T., 6- ~I S.- the stresses as they result from various shapes in (Engineering- -Electrical. 77, v. 6. m 6) (over) The BaDvA-Mad PALUvaj Toy A. Jazeau. wc dOutrawr So 71; - *I 1959P ., 7%,7ZO&Wtri*s at fm go V "- (CaU Jb Ac 9*442m, &a ;r I AM3 $M/A - ft=4 I bxm *w 60 - / t/It/7. /` 7 0 L, f - 17 J-4760 (AY) (DC-3121). The Anti-Scientific and Reactimary Nature of CmUopwary Rellglo= 7, 7 jPaiths by Neaulai Jdesrap lUtkWMp Ups COUt4NMVOranUls 18 SeP 1959.% P 0. MRS-L-1928-D Egur - Ruawda Boo - Rellglan Ndy 59 /,g A Sinkl- tl-olor PdmwUoim for the 'Ulemt:Lficatloo of Wet Strength ftpm HMe with ftLuoplasts., by G. Arfe'"p, Fo Jk%nnaboUp 19 pp. GEWM,, Perp D" PaPler, Val MEs. 1954.9 Pp 43-48. Soi - Chez MA Tr 16i8 I A.,,%, / 9S'7 APr 195T 44 (~, / (De-6o26) 1he Demlapomt or the Clothing LoAwtry, IDY,!I.B.., 9 pp- HUWARrM, per., p Vol X111" No 40 ic,61,, PP 35-37. JM 8762 F.", on //0 6., sv 61 orus and4' Av3coi,., in Steelr'~ a Colori=txic Y, Lly t ho a d ,by 14. Jean. DJ'I,Cl(. per, 11mulytica Chimica Acta, V "r Broken Hill ftru.. Clo sci De c 61 ColorUnetrIc DeteriAnation of AlumjA.7-Axr,-,i J.!3 b.y )~!_ Jean;, UNCL C-EMNj, pq AMI. Chim Act&, V6,1 X, 195-4, pp 526-553. British Iron and Sttwl Ind (no number given) SOL - mp/wt Sep 59 -2 0, 7 in the S~Ur:jt:-i, -:,f par., 1 5-9 Lgbt AUCWajp .-IMP DWp ShM VCOL Vn, M2. VV 523- 60. "t= 74263 Cbsmfttry Avg 5k CPS (0., 3 The Hole of the Electron Cloud in the Phenomena of Fj3dIoectI*ityv by R. Daudel, AL Joan 5 pp. FMMH,, per., Compte RaMu9s Vol CCkXrX, 1949,, pp 354-356. PEC Tr 3084 Sci - phye Nov 57 On the Do. "a Pmauaa:DqAIAMMGC the Iwtav of Ifttal surrec"s ~y P. A. ammuet't me Jbw B". lbtan-V has MNOTP:lm- Is"a mwwwa um Mr 3b 1/433 WAS3 61-10417 1- R.-and Reverdin, D. THE TOTAL COUPLING SWITCH TUBE (Le Tube de 1. Tranorrzit-receive tubes- Commutation'li Couplage Total). Aug S8 (461p. 8 refs. Theory Order from SLA miS3.30, ph$7.80 61-1(M17 2. Electronic switches- Theory Trans. of Annales de Radloilectriclt6 (France) 1956, 1 . Jean, R. v. 11, no. 44, p. 165-183. 11. Revcrdin, D. The principle of the new TR tube, denominated total coupling tube, is based on the use of a tuLal coupling directional window located In the side of the wave Sulde connecting the radar tranaftiltter to Its aerial, this window being Ionl2ed by the high UHF power at *sch transmitted pulse. When an echo is received all of thc; power coming from the antenna passes throtqph ft total coupling window Into the auxiliary SWde towards the receiver. The high power and low power operation of the tube described is treated on the basis of tbeotetical and experimental data. "Me essential characteristics of a tk-al coupling tube in the 3 cm band are its pass- o"M 01164W54 lwvi"s band (5 6W to 9 SOD Mc/s), Its insertion Imb (0. 7 ab (Enginee. Ing- -Electronic. Tr, v. 5. no. 7) (over) Total couplim 1 Tube, bry R. Jew and D. Reverdin, 39, -op. (AF-74,5PI3) Ppawk, T:*ryftdIOe1ectrIcite,$ Vol. 11.9 Wr. .,4.. Apr 56., pp 161;_ T P 143 Am P-v--gi34/v /* SPA - ]UeCtX-,=tCG p ?J=U-141ty Dee 57 Cr-Iteriv. for D--termining lnstabiji~vy Due to Terir-per--tuxe Changes A=ing l6mnsient Reactor ( eratio-n;' by R. D. ~P _j~cai~, R. ~.'- Desayt 6 pp. RMIAN, per, Atom Energ, Vol I-Xi No 5, 109060, pp 375-379- CB scj. /7Z" 1?e oct 61 use cd a Mmh% Bad Im Imae aa -Parnaw6n, by i so cmu UNKNDVINO emu= unknmu *AEC - -S. J-5 R12) kLp 1965 to the lft%r at go L14MA elf lolet BysUm UWA In Nwd VvdAb& lqr,IL _ op"of 0. Odmb do SM. 1 14 MIS 1wv pwansdep am 29&,v vp 3"t-39& XMI SM6 Bad - BW ~3o 73*1 I&w 0, fto-owg by G. Mlcbfw~, falls c ABC-HW-Tr-73 SCI-Bid e,: tdw Sep 64 267r%W Meeting of the "Cie Generale ~!ransrttlant i c, i i (Report on Operation.,-Cost and FiDaDciBg of Re- neval P_raL-,Xam)> by leam 1.1ar ie , 6 pp. FP.4UI0H., per., Journal de la YW~Ine Marcbande, 9 Jul 1959. Dept of Commerce Maritime Admin Off of Prop and Supp Div of Office Serv (Lo&D) WE - France Scon La Oct 59 I&VOSUSStita Of VAN* ftft& End LMISOM Fvmt In ma Z N, ig sbeck Tdoo by P. joami"o H. ulwaborge 13 pp. GF-RMM,p pW& Sal trw ame Vol VIII&O 1963# pp sul-Ma. W56M17"Jif Dopt of ""/Gul TV th 22M. SCA - Eleft 4 film ftV F" 67 COFMGHT now amow a* as* rams in a v-vaeo &_; ra to 228WIM Amg Testosterone Propbylaxis. of A&,NirmO. Atropby Due to Cortisone Thempy,, by J. TurW, L. Zisinep Y. Joan- Joan, 9 pp. FuIl translation. MNGH,, per, Pregge R2j&j Vol M., 19539 pp 825-826. S.L.A. Scientific - Medicine Aug 35 Bmaget 941. 9420 by Pierre Jeand-rain. FrMCH, art-, Air Revue, 1960,, pp 224-227. 142 W., LlWist Co ACSI 11-8045 rD-p-L%416 WE - pInmes / ~- 4~ ~~ 3 ~~ mn 12 sop 61 COUP As CMISM 3 ad O]ArU=., by JWI CbeAWS"o Jam JMTOMMutv ]Mwb He Mvers 2 pp. a Boole" do FLUB]"* CNMPbft 19STi. M0 sidicaft at as oft JbMW &a IMMDWB# %%I LW* 19A ad an 60 VbL IUv ND 6 BM* of Omlw AWNWIft M$W"pd In No In 00 coam at Vddos =a of mapp 1w a ft-jeommCW6 :. mmu"Of 5 pp. Mom=# W.0 Omwbm mmaw am fft~~ do 3A abown maqoej, Va an# WIN Mb "s Va., irm v4"s ow MlikIPW QYC66 b V*M& fbr the SyStM of NUWIG RMM% by R. Bmword.. Goi ~-JLWO It A447-1 . F 1. - .i. m aliftm 9-14 SV 1963. Sd-Pbys btiky 64 259,719 rntervational TechiAcal Assistame,.. by U. Jeenr-Plioulat,, 32 pp- 1 0 ,~~dC5 x Ver I Framep Hu-&-AWil 3.958,, pp MOL44 IC-347/a/60 sci - Imectron /,;lo oat 61 Botmicoa RIOA lh~ in the V'I&urw"c-w n, m%,,4n, at u, ;.~Pvjbmv tv jmmr W=PlVxp IL )k~,~, T, LZ lo Awl 41 M IL:li:l~l-'.2'ill~*li,::t""_~I ,molt! A ~l a cumb priftow in Uldr I wo by - - -- -WOi,Jm I F ~ P~ ~Iipwws A6. 4ftro~v Nbm - - rmw-~ ACU'*-3W-C-- IID 22MM AfrkA - bsoro= i i ItAld .263,39o leaswast- Charl" SAM AIM MIR 19631 2p. Order from OTS or SIA U. 10 63-14516 Tram. at Proub patent 669, IOD. appl. 24 Apr 28. pab. 12 Mov 29. DESCJtvTMS: *Sam. Material separation. gpititarlan (Sep"adoex ONitrat". -miarides. Osulbaes, Mixtures. no iny"fias concerns the use of a asturm" soludco of the sou*k pan of a wi=we to be treated as a wedlum parmmift do seWarion into several parts ct the said inbaure ivtxa&xwd In a state cg MopOWOM bNO the ocdufion. the said spWation beft eftmusted by mesas ci a process. (ReUdwe or absolize fkatability with or wbbm reagents, cao&=Ibilky. parmeabillry and dielectric powAe2 - (AM (Chemixtry-"Ical, TT. Y. 10, no. 6) 63-14516 1. jesaprowt. C. n. Patent (France) 669 100 Oft~ d Tecbkji U-im ,&us*)"* is SYA& cgtwslsn son of UZ S*Jeaft)v by 16 Jobojims. VMMO pw* %1 3216 ro Ilow -- . . - sodas M70 fA 302al" Qorft In GI&M - a - - - ofth& Dpwuve IdWVUW Of wBddme v by N. d serwafts Vol XWO so 70 pp 20-M. 94d w Cbm MkW 60 Interfacial Vnmcrgy Causes of the Webstnict-Li-n-, of Phint Films. A Contribution to the Nbrybology of Faint., by ff. Jebsen, G. GM",, per Far-tie und Tack, Vol LXVI, ig6o,, pp 314-330. cSnw 3ci - Chen Jun 62 ~7- 0, fts SepwatIon In DAMA porn Of Bulphime- DMWIVG Oboe melts# t7 E. 29 pp. ==no per, opmu"I,, Vol ..Lgxvo RD 1-3/lito 19k2p pp M-UM. imA 6o.M51; Sol 1q6 19A- 40 Apr (A I no in a* lauxulcry CIO wwrbl4a iIftitive A m 1 0 1 0 P bW * 2--. A. Neekw. MUP PWP CL"b"& NWv Va Ells, lb ho. 1"50 pp 109-W. AU2B4Mog &d Avg " 9e1 /To 10 The Stnwtmv at tM Bi4p of Wobor DroploU LD 000%wt Vllh M~ SEA Its gLlpdfte=ws by Mm Jobom4kneftlo . .. ......... O~p pw olmmwh swp 3.02 Vol. mm" v 0 PP k M.A 59-LOMB Sci PkWs ONS I v 12 ja 59 Ann4eis of tobe Dmge of a rMatimme in Flat Glans, by Ham jabaon-Maivcdeip 6 GMIW, pev, Glwtcch Der,. Vol XCa, 1,10 3, 1958, pp 93, sg~ - SLA 59-109.33 Sai - Chow 7 aep 59 Vol 2, No 1 prw 7"Ume ilumsuft. = ID11,01,11,11W ~~. ( pwi, Cuba* swil imp va imp 80 3U-30, =A 'PI7 e me matift am . of ILMIA la aboss by_PM 'r 91D Joe ~k pwo =was* &wo 2M.P Td% ms lb kJ, 0 20-M. MA "406M Ba - Cbm an I.P u Ma 9 9poz,* 306 bv=Uve UqvAA4Unv OMIT Idwim omd procuca - Omme Saftaso by 311M -.- ............. G~v pwp Vol nnj no 6jo MA Sal - ftm am 1., 22 ja 59 ism-mi-ow- FL ". DdqW. F. UMMKA-SWER OF BQt MMRWM OF 7W8 G" COKrENr OF DWPHREWr MOLTEN GLASUM. AS A CRrrEUCH OF REM= OA TftVkUffw dlijd~ do Io, Tomw = Gaz & Unkgib Vw~ - FUNION comnw Crl*l= do I'AfBwg* 119631 1181P. CEDrdp tan Wud4 4 retL Order Imm SLA $1. 60 63-14rwm Trana. of Verres ec PAgractolrus CFrawso 190 1w. 11 Av& p. 19,25. DRSCRIPTOM *Glass. T-mp-=-&. G-sm. 1 4 vibwmo*umlm The t=pmuwe at vhLcib dw eWnlbdm cg do gum eftch It c=Ww beghm tD Ime wet= war&= cm- awwamy tnm me WP d Am ID AW&W. k w dmibbodly depends cm do quouft of best bnw*a w dw) OAsawlsim-Cormwes, 7T. Y. 10. mm 4 tom$ 1. a--Muvodd. IL IL abow. IL Oft d Im"d b*u flam "PINMVIA-M: A RSSLYLT OF DYjRACrIVU BEHAVIOR OF SrRIATIONS (SMEAKM ("P&dmr tat Gbo--Woo Folgo -Dya"vcd* Verkakgw vm schnerV4. b==o at the Gun-frocbmbv mmumov (UM SM TUMDpu. L6 May 56. CommusdcaUm [no. I " 68 ReUdug tDCAn-Tedwical Mx&A*auriq grrom 1190113*6 (twmp to= fmcbAso 11 rvft~ Or*r,-Yom SLA $Z 60 63-14DZS Tram. ol Gbumb"cbe Serridu (Won Gormoso 1956, v. 29. m 7. P. 269-27& DWRIPTORS: *CWmm6 smwkkmg, Pumms. Hydno dy~ UqpAdmt, To=. &wbm muft, From two aresocCo pMrog Ug" cCa mok wh" 04da sub War at tbo surbm, tho ~ d the 0ampruls-c"amsm 7T. W. 10. am 0 (ove" 63-14M 1. job*=-k%rw"*L IL U. Titk-. GIAM-TechWkW.. M. Tftb: Qw-TerAMoL.. 4 '94 "~643- AW owm d leek" knbo About the SaWdblUty of "Ambidowt" SO frm GIL54erntod Oia" Surf"Of am no to the MUIX16 Constitm*a of twit almas'p 17 Iva& MIgstenfafts, Dam Jebmw4ftw"elp 45 pp. OMW,p p"t 800 sarlebut 1958., so -170. Vol =CE ft , pp I& Mh 59-M6 Jul. 50 Awt-14014= DUE TO FORMA*noN or NEW BOUNDARY SURFACES AND DOMAINS ON THU SURFACE OF VISCWS MEDIA (MODEL LKMP. LACQUEM (Mateitabransport Ober the Nembilduas wom GranzWeban und farzdkm an der ObulNebe 7JMUsslgtr hUdivo. 14odiSed nd I I vendon ct a locatre from Mass Techoofta Pokettog (am 34) ftylls, 3 may 60. 11"31 119p) ow4dp Sat twinseq, 16reb Order from M-A $L 6D 7T-63-3D366 Tr-s. of Glastechn[Lachel badichtel (West Cocruxavy) 1960. Y. 33, m 11. p, 421-42& DESCRIffORS: *Glass, Surface psope. es, Models (Simulations), *Fluid flow, Shear stresses. Phmograpltlc analysis. 77-63-2)366 1. ftie: Fbaw vLwAllzatian 1. )daw-hbrw0dsL IL U. 71tic Glam. (Mate-rials-Ceramics, TT, Y. 11, = 3) (ovvei 0hKe 61-10507 jebeen-Marwedel, Hans. TWO LAYER GLAZES IN CERANCS AND EN- 1. Glass--Melting AMELING AS ANAL03MS TO MATERIAL INTER- 2. Glass- -Surface tension CHANGE PROCESSES AT THE SURPACES OF IN- 1. jebsen-Marwedel, H. HOMOGENEOUS GLASS MELTS lKeranilache und Emailtechaloche Zweischichtglasuren als Analogonzu Substanmechaelvargingen an der ObartUche Inhomagener Glasechmelzen). 11960)[25)p. 15 refs. Order from SLA ml$2.70. pb$4. 80 61-10507 Trans. of Glastechulache Berichte (West Germany) 1953, Y. 31, no. 11. p. 431-438. It to shown that surface energy processes which take place lit the surfaces of glass melts greatly aft** the material W47chanp. They occur In an analogous way in ceramic two layer glazes, and in enameling, ,and thus afford an explanatlon for certain docarative effeas an well as for the troublesom effect of a gas phase in the form of hWes widdn the glan ar Offtm.f Tecbicl Se-i... enamel layers. The analogy at the two belde affords (Materials- -Ceramics, TT. v. 3, no. 9) (over) 62 ~1134-. ROLE Oi ilit. SLJKFAtI~,:- h iE I SION C~ (;:-A5:-,, I.Rosi, J, JJ r"r.-10,1 Su;).-rfici,-1!L Ditig:z. K. Cjrj,-i, frur., S;-A S1. 16 62- 10,54- 0: dL Bulictill (France) 194A. A,,c,!:!Lr tj'rx~.H. ;z, -1,waila:,1c from ','-A ni;~-'. ;it, FuwJ mat,--rij;iv, *Glaot; ' *.Sutfact. 9 7 t-onsion. Manufaciuri-ag method.. I Technical Translations 1j; b2, 1961. 1 (Materialg-Ct-tamich, Tr. v. 7. no. 7) "Patbolow in Tachnolow., by ff- Joboon- marwaaa. amos, vw-,, svvdwmlp Vol 10=0. so 5.1 IMs, SP 9(~-U' *- ad 0 Xed / 71 3 CF/ oat 6L I 60-18772 - ~P- h*_0S09;j. K aW DhVer, IL jP-4W IWORTANCE OF SURFACE TENSION IN THE 1. Glass--Melting MELTING OF GLASS (Role de Is Tenwfon Superf 1clelle 1. jebsen- Marwodel, H. dans Is Fusion du Verre). [19601 flilb~ (foreign test H. Dinger, K. Included) 10 refs- Order from SLA m1$2. 40. ph$3.30 6G- M772 Trans. of tnatitur du Verre. Bulletin (France) 1946. no. 5, p. 15-21. Te"s shcrN thsE Ehe disappearance of the striae of lower tension than that of the surroundixg medium as well as the existeace of defects In the boundary surfaces are due to the surface tension. A cullet of a higher sL:xj!ace tension than that of the coinposition glass should riot be used when melting glass. The considerable influence is shown of the reducing atmosphere of the furnace& on the surface tension of the vitreous mass and on the dis- placement of the layers. by which it to possible in the manufacture of amber yellow glass, to obtain a rcgular OW-f T_k.i..1 C010ratiDn. (Author) (Materials- -Cera-rnics, 77, v. 5, no, 2) (DC-2900) PROBLEMS OF COOPERATION BETWEEN MACHINE BUILDINC, AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, BY H. J~CH 6 pp. 22EK J. NEUMANN, j GERMAN., PERY DIE WIRTSCHAFT, VOL XVII, NO 22, 30 MAY 10 21 P 13. 'o JPRS 14678 EEUR GEWANY ECON AUG 62 205,,u6o (SF-1855/7) mbalmullcal BbW keerlag as the xomaima Force in the DevelOPMent Of ChdgdcBl EqUlPwclLl by Helm Jechorek 4 pp. GM"., perv Cheodwhe Tedmikp No 10, 19W,, PP 565 im 4"2 Peon Sep 61 J=hL W. L=AUSES DE RUPTURE ET D'ENDOMMAGGEMENT DES TIGES DE FOjRkGE ET DES TIGES LOURDES ArN'SI QUE DES DEC I'S QWON PEUr LEUR OCCA- SIONNIER (The Causes of Rupture and Dama of BDrirg Rods and Driving Rods). 8p. CNRS!)& 34S. Order f ram (M, ETC or CNRS $0. 80 Tr-62:-26725 Trans. in French of Nafta fugoslavia) 119591 v. 10 p. 337-.37F.- DESCRIPTORS: 'Drills, Drilling mchines, Wining engineering. Rntation, Vibration. Stabilization, Fracture (Mechanics). (Machinery- -Niachine Parts, 77, v. 11. no. 6) TT-62-26725 1. jecht, W. IL CWRS-XXV 345 111. Centre National de la Re che Scientifique. Paris oqh-w Ub." S-~- F I r ,.b. - I E',emvto by G. Pfloldarer~ D. J Yg 0 7 a 5- allot""es is "Itwev by J. is==. MCN NAIIIIIIIN"A" -M Im.0; ~ OMNI 7 LIOZO= M 77 Sgi w 51" Aft " 7' -~ e c me fl~ (FW 27759) Ore progpeating by cWmmtcSmpNj, by A. 4 Irp pokuk w Iwo nwgw GOWAO-gimwo No 39 Or 1956,, Sol - Oborbyalas C"Itl V.&30 go Iftnum" cc Thom awl on, cu the ad A -2 Pimorsties Ct IrImtvmmm me OIL. IM pp. 114~ , kW L 2 W.73 =a% 9W, 14~~ ojooj6 te 469/1-gAr xmW - assaw eas"Urso - elmsmhm,% no Uffed" or Xot^U In Us lkdid MUtes Alf- fadom od %nod= of Cappm4ldad AUoys zo 15020 we 79-"--807* Atode xm*V %me"& fttab2U)mwft Suvall P 22OD9T 61-16541 Wicka. It GRAPHITE COMPOUNDS AS ACTFVE MATERIALS 01 L jedlicka, It. GALVANIC CELLS, PAR171CULARLY M THE SECDNDARY CELL- 3 Apr 61 [31p. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-16&11 Trans. of Z[eftschrift fUrl ?bturforachfung] (West Germany) 1947, v. 2a, p. 534-535. DESCRIPTORS: *Storage batteries, OGraphile cDm- pounds, Elec2rodes, Electrochemistry. (Chemistry- -Physical, Tr. v. 6, no. 6) Offic. ~f T..h.i-l S-s- mm W131 Ve Two a Trip io the NoW by I. M. JedUdns it pp. .1 ... .... -- , mvp ZmWkCUQw NmUwp fty 23.9 1961. 9673-40 VMM5-61-365 BaL - sinm/an 4ROF 04-? 2 WX 62 P.*