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'Th All Combing Machine Cl -450,- 1 - Description of Its Construction, by Ye. A. Aopeli~vi6h.,A. S. Sbulevhko~ 22 pp. R1)USS1AR,,!per.. Tekstil Prom~ Vol XVII, No 7, l9557, P.Pi V~i W, P 6 0 for Ovmbead Communication ut:l Radio.- ion Lines Made of Asbestos-Cement L. Pnvex-ermyy 2 IJAIII ib,6- Vestnik Siyazi, No 7, 19%. JPRSS 7t')66 1 Th jull Clm~: of Lightmeig _,bt, C n c 7.ee FoleS Iyur 4 pp. V, e s t n il n IS w,: t a z in o Thl~ 4tl~Aic Oce-an and Moder n rr~opllysics, by V -~&`In (DC S87), Ru4s ~,,AN, Itip, Nedelyal, No 20, i2-1`3 Ma,,; 196-~) Pll *JPRS Scj~~ EaAl: sci 62:-19034 e kin V, )f So%'IL 1 Put 1. Shulelkin, V. V. =R!nztq);a Sove4UW G~OWZIJ G El9'04p9fi'YSlCS ItUlp. 1-1. RT-12,03 i OrdeViriom CTIA or SLA $t. 10 62-19034 "yaNaukSSSR. Izvestlya. Serlya Traq~.~ 9f Nkad~e C~ogeziftthesiayA I Geoltz.1cheskaya 1.19481 v. tZ~ :136. 4', pJ 289,-, 5'. ~Anotfie'4' rans. is,av aflable from SLA aa RT-1203. *Ceophystc-&, *Sclendfic mrseare'.11, ~H tory, 1 (E,a~rth, Ji~iences -M, v* III,no. Office of Tech*al Ser*-n ~rlmzi or the Sea, by V. 1. shu'leykin ~s bk# Mika moria.9 ,Part IV,, 1953P 0-93 395. NeL*y 22-jo/Ho 458 List :6 of tho Sea by V. V. ShuleylLiu. A IS "lm 10 mika S lbkp Fi Mm Moria, Vol Vlrl 'Ao s c ca i; 63-9,.w 726. navyl 2266 /,ic 6phyflics Ali,I,A~ 59 THE, SEA.. PT. Vtl. (Akustlkzhforya)~ ra. J[962 11121p. 21, refs. or SLA $9,60 63-~315927 FIzIka Wrya (Physics of the Sea) 6ag-72,6.~ Acoustics, *Oceans. *Marine iwophy.. r sounds OUnderwater sound equipment. !ment, Analys~s, Equations, Propaga- ~a;sonJc profxrtics, Hydrophone's, ~es, Magneitostriction, Echo raiiging. Df Bound Waves In the air and va iter to into consideration the physical mW ,eristics of the water medium w~h" af- ~ reverberation and velocity of pound'. !jcs, TT, v. 10, no. 3) (over) 63-IS9-27 1. Shulelkin. V. V. fl. 9) Trans-46.6 111. N'sva,,l Oceanographic Office. Washtngran. D. C. mks oil TKIN" t-mbn 3rd 1 scl C, jun6 3-r T- the Sea.. by V. V. ~sics of r- IEDI 1 ~k Fiziks Moriya., Par!; VIII, Section 10, 195 pp 786-98!9. Navy P-520/yRi, 797 2 ~b DD '43~? itiow, ho s ray of the Wind IsTrunsferred to the W~466',~ b~i. V. Shae A.1u, 9 XIMP ~-C~rtco-mo perp D,ok Ak~ Hauk SSW,, Nov Ser, V61i'll"61 4,16, 5.,,MwcowAenftgm4,. 1953P pp 1097-1082. V~ dc CUPWAY-6052 I 'mica, vind-vaye enor 9y Jul CTS i 7 2a ~25) si beat nxtion of gaves ;. Un4lr the Actioa of Shcal it V. V. !n~)dnjp 2,~ pp. Perp ZZ Ak Sauk SSSR a N or U111- V-0 OvAeui~~jp CIA/nD/U-6541 (9 e(w ticas, "~IiCS3 hyd-rophyLicri Oct 54 bps m by Acad Va V. Of an RIMUko ~er, Vest Ak Nemk BE- No 12, Nowavp , I ~ -~ 11 1 1 - ' i rV. le 0 creme f loea0h of loaVa Wind-Generated Waveq, i6d it~Aulint Intermal Friction by, V. V. i~ RUSSUNj, per$ Dolk Ak Nauk MRs Vol CXIII., So 3s 11 i9'57'i~jl ' 560-- 'ConmUtants Bureau ici oeopbYsiCE; 58 62-16i!,71 OF 1 . Ci,UilEi- WA~71~!S~ IN THE OCEAN (Ani~liz I I h6reiPil Includtd) 6 re-f- Or&L,' fl-om, Cul-1.1 C!: S 1. 0 b 6-7 t %.,id iiii i ya Nauk SSS-R, Doklady, 10,),; if ,hrer waves. *Occean wavos, k. 1,v.:, an IN Jr~ j, j tI'! T,T urbulence, t,.lcf:ec;rLllcV,, OCE7;~n,:- 1!it~uTalugy, Vuasuremeni . it 1 , if wav- 1 antltati*~,e characteristic C 2' 2754W - , i 1Q, ;1.1111TI, f~ Di made of the vlem":n, h.--, t ~ 11 * '--S If1 10 occ-an on the basiv r, prvviot; i- thcorqtlr~~, c n-j cl - (.Al:;lcL Naul: _"SSK Dol:f~-d% -i I wi) i, (See also 61 -n499) en (Ea I, -luceawggraphy, 77, V. 9, no. S'l ivv- Te a ad -rents in Ue Oclan igid Magaetic DL-c, I Iti 6rl pp + by V. V. Shu 4 Dok RISS Moi .1 per, a Nauk ol cxix, ~ v N,~ 257--:~~(-'& ~v Consultants Bureau Mr~~ jig, eristle, Parumstem of thg'~ W nd W ti ~ - ave Id in the Ocean,, ~ by V. V, Sb,ile, in# 4 ut Rauh SSSHS M 1) Zt voi cxn, lr.~onsultaau,t Bureau h ~lk Mbx~l 397 16're Idourate Conputation 4DJ' iiiirnicj-waveti oi, ('11babi, AY.. by V. V. Sbuleikin., pp 8. S Li Terp Iz Ak Nauk Ser Geof iz., No '156-160. AGU 63 6--verj 1, bol 8azis for Forecastiug 'Ile Ocean, by V. V. Mhule", 2.c i~ro Iz ,W Nauk SSSR., Ser Geofizy No 5; 3.0-724. r me A Ymtegra-L of tbz XtItImtion of aField of e Waves in the Ocima In md ito Flaysical TIA.-meOg by V. V. 4 pp. Par p, DA Ak rauk Map vol =1, No 6,, 1955 1005- Sol i.591 0 ;2 i~t of Sea Wavea From Their imitiation ~r D%xj3mm ateepracv., by AN.-T. 6 IMNI ~Oerm- Dokft ftUk BW]k, Vol CXIMIj, 19580 47,12 5. AM 3452 CIO i rid r. Af Mil I- It -LLM fi 14, L T, & JIV . 1 11 i ii 1~1 111 lb J i le glp~', i li i 1~ : I i i I . I i .. li II I I I I Set -i i! I ~ s I I ,ep, ~ 6 1 ji ! 1 11 i~ , ~~ 1 1 tual i I Fil HU One in the lbel, B4anco of tho Doeaup by V. V9 ftl3jsj*jnp ve PIP Zz Ak Nauk WSRp icialch"IM76, No6, 1958P pp 729-740- rAt&Oxfa soc AT Coibridip PAs Ckmter lee Fob ~O I OD5 ~-q the ?her-na iLslance o'~' the Aji atio, Oman, by V. V. 7. F. Peakov, 7 880, Ser Geofi%, Fo per I p 729-7k-O. aa~ Ya t6nooon Component From tL-,, C;orie-ral All, arlia 6unvonta, by V. V,~Sbialeikin, 61)p- t:= ~L4 two ico-:Qo por, Dok Ill.k IfiaulkR Vo Dal, Ro 950; pp 1057-1060. S 11.1'. Tr 14 8,1- sc S `f~jaco at c1 C'ur cul a v.. r, %T, sLuji4. 22 tbrice-no pez- Dok'.Ak famuli CS"~'-R, SIA T i,- 4 6 5 S641e't Plb~alcs of tbe Sea After 40 Years, by v 21 pp. DINCIII!,B)s Till, PED R~MiiN~ 6~ yer, lz Ak Hauls ISSSM Ser Geoft7, Ho 3. 1 lfd'v',~ 1957, PP 1366-13,83c' 'LIS sc, sic Apr No 11 6.~,! Sol', saumos in Stwcor Mon5o= Wind5, 'PP* r, Is, Ak R auk 38,61., Sor G-oofiz, 19 pp 820-8306 AOU TT-63-23658 V. i, OF b,18 SEA (Termika Morys) tr. by ' 1. Shatelkin. V. V. o. i, 3 jI45p,J;HO Trans-4,59. 96 It. Title: Physics... n OTS,~ SLA, or EETC $ t t - 00, TT-63- 2,3658 111. HO Trans-458 IV. Navy Hydrographic mono . Fi,zika hforys (Physics of the Sea) . Office. Waskh-lngton. D. C. #caw I 953. pt. 4. p. 243-3,95. OR tirine gLop iyoIcs, *Ocdalue. Solar I ' R t.tr !w1afer, Evaporation, Water, Surface e, utrl Ice. Diumat variations, the took on "Physics of the Sea" discusses 1 ng a 6pe cts: (1~ldlux*f beat. Directsolar~ l nd dift u s~ radiation of the celemial arc. (2) at to e aporation. 3) Loos of best to strool- Lhotis i Imeasuring evaporation at a" 4) Looi "I radiatiob, (5) Process of 0"I" f 1 1 1 0 V- It. w. %(oved C r i t - . '. .4 aurface of a Liqjid in Proceso of ;bt,iness., by V. V,'.'p Bhu-leykin. 4,pr !6:j lis. T DA Ak Nauk SMR,~Vol CXLVn., No 1~ M%SA TT F-837, %-or- e o a claid Im P~rocess ~of DoAng Its &~' bas, by V. V. Shulc-A&in. ,per, Dok Ak Mauk SEIM,, Vol MVII., No 5, 1075-1078. NASIL TT P-8374 63 a Wfolate of Ooemli: wA Monsoon- a i Circul IF, -aUons,, by V, V NO: 1P YP 49-52, 57-6o, 1951, vol 8794mp 1951s, Val -wn; No Am Mbt Society x-326 )otheais 4~-l- Tes-lu-JAg of the Hyl EXP cli=tion., by V. Da 0j,, 6t P-9 S-SSR) VOI AM a", r iac r Sc Ice, L of the fieR. IV, by of I : 11 ~ 11 ~~ ia/m by. Vjl~ V &Tr-204 i 1 FP- 0 Vol IX, / ~),--2, p 276,991 Del rafum and E~paatmams ActlvlV Fetus Duzlzg NabiYo9mois, by X. PP. c No 3., 1959., 1,4111 ~ e / - f .! 7 I. Ii i I I, I i11 : I.An aw oemI .1. 1 1 t: 11 ... 11 1 -to mam"Petto 1, /- tv To. To &A"MAN I ~ -W L M as v6 1 0 P.P a rturvbion Dj? Asbrpsac Aruncu by X V. .10 pp. Akus)t A GinOwl Ogi Yu, No ho 1958, POP 53 Sol me i..e, amusbiwo 36 c" Of Anp 21= *I Bel ~~u lez kt-6 350$,52k biei*y of n=m',o ptme mw Poloft IRM 936 Aid fit vftnva"I, &dkt*k% 7 L.T. =4997 .L.uv!a,rj V~MaMIC btabl 1 ity of a Criindriml She Mgh-F -L! czhL 7 PP, RUS'S 'ps r~. U.rrain Mate Zlm--, vd.[~ xv~ NO P,P CIA/IrDD X-5319 Sol hysie'". Jan 614 h FOR 1,~(m ONLY Stability, of lldn~ Blastic Amiso- Lut" of Variable ldluiay,, by .[Mr. prikladna i . -T' Ya k~st p I Vol o 2-3 JU)42, 1=1~0. U,6 Thd TMa 21ilistic Aulsotropic ftIdIty b P. G. Shul9shkat. U22h A mokh, Val 61, on the Novitum of the Fractu-I'le of, M'dit-btle in Streas Conditions.. b; 'IN. IhtLI ga-~ 3.0 mp. y Fiz ).,~at4a 'Ifetal-lOv, V 5 PP 5991-6o6. sci Dilaidlilwi~ri~ u .0mi N. G. Shul"ga i,tudy of phase transformations in !at '18. 8 pp. NO 9$1 h "I m --.' Sratigraphic~ Pzobleins of Pre- r t 101 dc'."O iffin- DepoBits of WeBt,'-n-rn Vol-,,raya, by P. Zvlerko P. L. Shul!,I&q,, 10 -ro. Waluk SS-R,. Ser (,eolog. o Q. 1;': -per. IV. Alc I! LGO 3 31 6- dth Formula for the &-mimum Production .~r " I IOF- 't'.Ie 146~-er4ree and, Gas-Fme Oil From a to., _U64 Pmnvyl~g Bottcm Watt,w axA a Gas, Cap,~' by Zavedj, Redt I, Gaz, -Rj 1-ee I I 1 S-4~ ~ 1 1 s us Pao Ility in the -BaCl and A &Jr-teme Na2F2 2-W2 'K.101, 'Rac, BaCl bY V. '9a _�hul ,A. A. Bukhalav f.$ per., Zhur Neorg 'Khimt Vol. IT, No 9., 195T, 36 -a44. !Aw-tr-4o59 ;FL-480 'kUff 169 FST 63-20379 ,-RACK UPPER STRUMME. I Shalga, V. Ya. SLA $1. 10 63-2D379P loroz6yl Transport (USSR) 19,63 1,1,rom,d tracks. *Reinforced concrete, kFoundmions (Structures~, Inforced ete block-based, concr irms the expected stability of tise otection of the bellost from con,- atticant dropln, retpdreawnts both I fbruack maintenance. Offte el Teebde* Serficel TT, v. 10, no. 12) ii'AuMi ~ z, 6f Cathode Potential On Connection uijd tion of Pole-rizing Carrent ir- Chroniun in by M- Shill go Gj im 2hur P.-Ak Khlj~~ voi Ym-nT, wo -1359. QB 57 5-3 61 AbOt.11, t1w cri;alatic climses CFC WeStell-il z Cleogra-9 Obnh~ 'V~01 XCV> NO 2.9 I.T 1-1 o 7 AwtTlOil CU3~ Clem as a Scientific Di, eipline and Its i6itives,, by A. M. Slntl'giu., 7 PP. Iz Vses Geogrof 0 )abeh" Iwo 3... 1960, Boa Amer Gsogmd! Aaxt= t;i&-ol,. Vol Ii ver, we Pp sci~ AUG tie 10801annco op LUrdnogea r1t rys t I by Ln 6 AiRM P, -P 1j, IL96-2 loll A 7TVArl"-23-1446-67 ;V 3.5:-',,,276 A SWL~ii ~of ~Iall Electrical Phemc~mena 3n the 0 'b~ em C in Connection wit1h the Elaboration C of Cohditloia6d Re:rlwws and Internal Inhibition, by pp. RUSSIANI~ bk,~I~spmrimmtallnqy 19~~Ucheniye Zakonoiraernostcr,:.- Rabo~j, Itbry: Ishnikh Palwhariy 1960, pp 14-20. JPR3 12969 ch 16mucts of the studi63 of Lig" MA Pbotocalture 0, Tria-ats b-k,"Sln., V. a. Khp-zaaa,r, T. B. VII, xo 1 1962 pp'i 34-4o. go88i36 USDA 'ilr A-13104k ,,, ~Ilj i1 i c Ii 1!1 I . Chaxaeveeristica of Xe--=iTby aa~L of Plent Leavps,, by 1. Reflection of Light as Related to Leaf isti m16ium 10 by I. A. ShuV~gin, V. S. Khazanov, 3 1* FM~XAIT, per, Dok Ak Nauk: SSSR,, Vol CXYXIV) :go 1960j 471-4T4, ATWELE Deell! ~P of pizat lia-r-yea. b,,, A. Slaul gin., pp. Houk SMI., Vol =Xv, NO 5;: L Amer inxt of Bio:L scl D7Wexties of Plant astwea optiesa T chloroPbyl *Mtmt, by d A Uesbnia, 1 2 PP - Pers Dok Ak Mm& 880.1, Vol CW1, Amer last of'Biol Sci Sal 59 istlastion or the OVtlcal Properties of I&a ty Plants thim the OF-4 Spmtroj*otmeter, .!&In, A. F. -.-Aaeshnin, M. 1. Vewbol Ic44 "*y.. 6 pp Ig perp Piz Fastealij, Vol vpj., No 32 1960, 13DO-t a rJacu of the Studida of Light Pxd PbOtOCUltum 6f r-leUW- , by V. 31. Khazanov, T. B. znan RUS..PY k Ic Lv-, je Veatu:l NO, Val VII., No 1, 1962, 344-o. go.88i36 11 PP, UWA Tr "A-i3h4 a6-1 62 pp Deb r,,)' eleties Of Plant Leav'ss in t--he Ult--avinle-ll 77- A. Sbullgin, A,F, Xlesbnin, V.Z- pe,xIFlo Rasten4, Vol -,,Vll, No 2, ig6o, A)~er inst of Biol Sci A Phot lec~ -ic 1-tthod for Determining the Optica]- Pr tl6s 0. lPlant Deaver. by T-~ A. Shul'gin, i, M-1. Verb;loviis 6 pp - A. Piz Haste nijo Vol V, No 5. 1958P pp pcr 4734 Amer Inst of Biol Sci scl tp ~D "1 5