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se- 0!~ dd tt'-!'Xnk6i -Z 'A 0 4 Aq cGtMWEdXw, 'W'"- OZWI TO q 4WjS= OV an 'a M, M T~no ............ ------------ -- 4" A V~~ - -0 W (DO-5458) ntsiand Tasks of the state kta ~~p a in Ru 4wtan People's Republiaj, by Gabor Pet ;1 10 op. Me inarodni Zemm4elsky Casomis, 1301 97-36. im 8190 ary V-PF 7~1 - ~ o r son a Su.'Lpbide- L im L o r, h en 1 ( Barue7 ~y 0'. N. Kawnkin, F. M- N. jPet6shi=-, stj pp. s V, Optika i Spektro, Vol V--,' . No , ;67~-677. of America 0 3 4,f,.Z 0 I I I .I q i . .i1 3 i6l Mkim ~ II . P~61~I Ii11. p, .:1 I .T ,i Ift ": I I 0 !I :I II I 9/., rof i . 1,1iI i $1 jjW is Pain it aws and pl,c H JIL jl~l:by 0 ~'Ved Prac Lek Pak FTD! 3p Wolp pp qrs- 93. I 7-i 65i 50- (Ckl' Lolm) 287s376 rpa-Adtion of Corrosion Pronessoe Dw to Ion,, 'by (ternazAa fttlmecbl,, 11 pp. Mrs IA matallurglut Itallands Vol XLIJ, ;l4go x-6. am go" Acen 966 71 NC (l 999' F d 6' i C ~ e ITE Jillev, RC Tmit M H BRIDS 0 SPBERRY blethrodiw F 1 N ti l L di Lib f Gib 4 Isliny? 65 e ( p. RTS-2810. a ona en . or rary ng Science and Technology Cirmd r m N I 6dis ]`ITS-~~810 Boston Spa (EnglaW) rai 3 . Fri j:SSIII ~47 n6 0109-11.19H. r cil. OrY, le Trualeverse Thermal G.-C-1vanomagnetir. R RM I A' 0 r Fiz Metall. metau.ov, Vol 711. N'. 3.9591 pp 5 L sca A~g i I H ill H ilt'' i2o 'of Sciaetific-Practical Astalstance to ic Ll:tl~ Organizations and Establi Rhmente by ~Tl farillic Advauced Trainlug of Fj~yaicsians; VI; Sibl&hnll B. D. Petrakor, 9 pp- Sovet, Z4rmwahh.-anczAya, Vol M, No T. pp i4-19- JMZ -460 ~4. WA Obbor AsW i!vb!~ D6 you"%wo DD 191fto 32- =o a P513 Da, ph the of the Cambm- 6f the- Nw* iu of the r, ~V. U. PatriLturs 3 3m. ft& -At Nwk WMx Vca MVUo No 3s. AM i; r ;T lAl L, ~r the Camb:ro- it 6 t~ gra a ta QI siti of the Basin or the eirt by Vi U. Petrakj)v. 3 - pp r,, Dok Ak Hauk SM -V01 CXXV I, No ~19 'pp ~~1-6~4. sc, Iliaor miterWs Savive the Structu" of . i~ I Pi. by V.~)IL, Guiavs, IN. So mirsalaramyst rim ft Ak no* smp m"1 Tank SIRA*'. PP! PA 2 rM A*, J. ed!Pla-6inum Electx%qdes in Electrometric Y, IV is~~'b I E. Petiekovich, 6 pp. I s Mi, per.1 Viur Anal Ihim, Vol XVIII, No 10, 119 _bp I 161-11168. CB c Aug! 264;794 The et~,, 6f ~the 1, P116rmtion of Alcohol and .1 1 : I~, ~ jji~ iclli P.66'etim of Pippyleme and An. 6., fti ltrio~'i cil; Ob VU. 0. Rmteliny V. E. po ~10~ G Ro Me Chirkovp mr-I 'd Do4c Ak Rauh SSSR, 'Vol CXIV, No 05, 1957 Conauatanta Bureau Got a4 try I lift 77'' J i' L of co~qer and Oobtat Admixtures of of Nickel Chrmium Fer- towp 0. A. Petrako"hiv. WAYS per,~ lzl~188hlkh Uclaab Zaved2 Fiz) 2212-2n. 16 IJ In Oika the Mm=faalura of Hiah ~QaaUty I?e Lgt and matenic cbromium, by _j. Petrum. Elatalkp Vol Us No 5.p Praguep 1959p 6 Bin 1949 Edo twoft) we In dw dw" to water Rad"don Demb", Is No lp 1964v 27SAW :,D 01 IRCHANICAL TRANS- ~iPbRTI SYSTEM BY EVALUATING AVAU.ABLE I IEEMXC PW15 BSULTS. 119011* ~OideifMmSL $t.60 a Fredt(erger) forBo4ungshefte. Rei A. ;irinavil) 1961, v. 222, p. 511 r (was c ro, !HydrauUc systems, ROTORS !Fl ines. P. ~"Jct ce PI pump,# c;i ch were designed by irva uAd.ng ri W restdto; aod~queatlons of 'e~c&i6wcs a'' cieite&li Hap6dany jamed wt are do imiemse cumm (M.'acm'iie". TianxpoM 7T.!v. 10, m7) 63-18025 1. petras. 760 9100 a is,&" OV AUS NJ T M* W I , 7 71 I., 771 11. lys A~Potu:i at, the cmaitimiax i op"Utims'o i tae at al. 56 oo~woiis;. Vol MILK SKWUT w4 isedIaser Generation in Neon and in ilur ~fiNeon~an d Helium, by G. G. Petrash, x 1! N. K yazey, 5 ~ p p- I us AN r Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLV, per, Zhu 63, pp 83.3-839. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys JETP Vol XVIII No 3 Apr 64 256,1059 WzIortjons void lufts-PAtd .Syw Jill by 0. 0. Ftrtrasb,,, mmalirebo ris zb=" NW TT902 VAL SrAl 46, 7 iw AA' of optiml Demity 0. by G.. ---------- V"goln oDy Spektrwk$ Hour 10 I= Tr 9o4 71 -1875) Snfleyiimn, Moimtain, by Yu. Pctraf;h; Religdya~ No 10, 19.51, JPM9 .127917 Ime tonal Imb Prob),= for an Infinite ab B*unded by NmlLel Planes~ by 36r ,;R Xmj 'or Dok Ak Rivak SWO Vol. LXrV7 No 61 pp mar Moteoral Soc T-R-4W b W If 1~~ le D6Urmination of 3=11 Qx=tities U. Veewa., by ChkdaM Usty., Vol XLV 514353- p p; sci chal A 2 Musm Losiml TM t I of Cancer a ; l : Mfiod: by'Oo, ForAimay IN fttrarols., l ~ , l : Mi iMrM MUG% VCkl Up NO 85,v $I W ro xn 7.641. 4J, Had SO.. End f 011~ Gas in 11.3pine Ss-It bi J, Pt~r ii r, I e c i~; u R~~ I t t e nn. n0 Y, a tIvo , 1 1 SIA 57-3057 go or:coca md, its, zuriumee an the cl at I il it i" to by jlp~ W. Petrase4ta. 7/8., 1956 375-W4, 1947. D*t of Uterior US Bar of Ktnes Cmtral Experlmentu Stat--Ir,-v, Pitteburffti, Pa. Tr 62 JL d DeterminatJow of Uranlum and Thorium lu hna~louiI, by'X. Petmscout, 0. Geeliu. Jill '95, Pm eedjW of Internatiowa 11W padd P/10 Oil Uses of Atomic Energy Hold "V~"846*9'1955,, Vol Un. Mmternhtl Couf UN ciA 1-669.9-162 dco-Chimical Prop%rtlee of 'A.Uoys Borlde and Nltrtft,, by G. V. e i Obrabotka vd I No 4o 2955, lip 19-24, lkmtehtw Tr No 367,,; LIC Nlu/bbt*U WY 56 M /DEX ~!O~ A& Of ~C~~tical Demesity Woswurw=ta., by Ipet~ 66ill is. ptwxtym~. St PPO ~F#x lf~ ff., Vaea, Somkobwaira ftBktrvk(Wii jA maya v 957., if~ id iody ft Jp Nkaektftyw. 1 1; 1 L ioe-106. 08 Xya.'. -34,35 Jul 12 "uremants of EWarp Absorption Eliul~mU6 n of tImi Wfect of the j, by S. 0. Rautmn., G. G. Petraah, Os OP 11011 1957., No 1., W1ekuI7wmsYa iYus PP 107-U1 I= C-3436 lid of scl~onimg Rute Optl min Time 9 nd ,?A IL SUr G. G. Petviish, l a a P*rs Opt#km Speld;ro., At Nauk SSSR 9 iq~-791: Vs 4, Sotical Soc of A=er Is ~;O It C D, 11 ENM W1 11ME I ~1 opth Plo'knosi 1pri, Or'de -0m I e - . I iTran i Im. I n f 1958, 1, 1 61-12623 -Wid R~utyw~; S G. ATIONS FOR ji~EASURING OMCAL 1. 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