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. - -e . - . - . : 4 . I v . I . . . ~Q. I I j - , ,. I . . . 1... . . i (NY-71 10) R RD LIFOR,GRAV!METRIC SURVE'QyG CRONECTED WITH. P IC D ESSING ASTRONOMICAL-GEOD LEVE ILI NETWORKS, BY L. P.,.PELLIN~~A 23 PP- iRUSSIAN t~ TRUDY TSENTRAL'hMO NAUCHNO- 11~6LI VA ~L ISIKOW I NST GEODEZ I I., AKRICUMMXY, Ado -PP 3-20. 11YEIM I KARTWRAFj, NO 139 ig6o, R I JPRS 14455 .SCLI G 203,714 U ;j k pl, 2-le. -Cces~img of Triangulation by the Projection Metho an& tb L. 4,~Socliated Requirements for Accuracy rmir ation. of'lleigbts Above -the Reference 1~' I De Eli )s Id by' L 3 pp. R.1 Ss 1, Gf,.jdez i Xartog, No .10, 19(':)l, 19 pp 31 AGU 199,0300 sca- (NY-7000) CALCULATION OF PLUMB LINE K DEFLECTIONS DRM GRAVI~-.--TRIC SURVEY, BY RX L. P. 11 ERIJRUDY TSENTRAL1140GO NAUCHNO- Tc,,ISKOGO INST GEODE Zill AER01YEMKI I No 13% 1960, PP 83-MUXXU87 - - JPRS A455 PHYSi, 203,718 Tuw'' F Bases ti ,~,l pp e R) leiii on thE Reduction of Triang,.iantlon an.:l".I-lj.PL,oidlof -RelationsIffps, by TI. P. bk~ rude- Tsentialnogo Vauc.l.no -Issledovatelskc Z Prosyemki i Karton'rafii, lol ~'TIV, - lid i vao 'A, isaL,~.il c 14, vo 41 0~ comp of",9 lawd of Telluorlim With Atremy, by, G Gazz Chlo Val. Ifol. XL, pp 42oh9v 3,910. Auxoa- Tecli~ Beirv 25RIZI Set 4 Ift t"A -4 7r, q i 7 1 i- v JJ J-~ L, A 60-17656 iNEW, Icip 1 rAI RESEMIM (M 7M VjjtjjS 1. Hapadtis virus-- 6 Vi UgAAGI ~,FRENCH Identification E 2. Hepande-French 661111 l Vi a sodh X. lo ! i (A.; e rms c re I oigue Equatorial Africa tr. by, 24 &by 1~1. 1. Peltimmier. A. p Oidir LWAV.90 Wl7ffi6 M. National Lmdrutes of . Bulmd Health, Bethesda, Md. oe . f DOI. ,P. "1-403. Mow of Tedmicol S.M eta (Rio I ~-Pa6mlqw.; V. S. no. i) 1-24-61 Trans.;! of S~~4i,~ d. France) 42 See als 7 IAVFRUS 1~ 4N OLMIREAK US IN UBANGF(FRENCH ~)JIL EkPERbNMEWAL MUDY rM Dana un F~v 616uhan' fer~d*lct~m , gul (k E. F.) 2e ram: by P.1 i Hajdu!. 24 May 60, ~~i. 111. 4. 80 60-17658 "ologe'~ Jzxml~pw. IWIletin 5/6.," p. 1971-2D9.1 60-17658 1. Hepatitis virus- - Identification 2. Hepatitle-French Equatorial Africa 1. Pellissier, A. H. NIH-5-2D-60 National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, Md. Offi".1 Tc6iml Swims 1hologi a, -.c.,i-7tholog~ Tr, v. 5. no. 5) -24-61 I 1 L~ R. 60-17657 TSn1 J4 tILTIRA*RUS Ik 'AN PUrBRE.AK 1. Hepatitis virus- OF A.0k, L d' kusIN taL~mlimENm C~Q'Oso nt d'un Ultravirus H Idendi " e S&issant en Identification 2. Hepiktiti3--Frer E i l Aft p a quator M E.F , P. ti ~jdu. :4 May 60, 19P. 1. Pelliester. A. -1 No. S - l i U. Lumaret, R. Ordim I LC SLA 2.4(k pb$3.30 60-17(67 111. Ngi-5-19-60 W. Natonal Institu: o , f HeaU, BedwE P1 (F 9 '52 l l 1 1 Office of Tw*mlcel leti S 6 jig + Irr. V. S. no. 5) ch da, lea es of Md. Swvlm.- mr DO. Order ir C 1948,.,v. (Biolcigia R-i 14 i OMOEAK 01, M MAWGI 1 tSur~w6 Ukmvinw' Ct q~ Epddf=dqmi Sms"M en k1u. ~24 76M re) 60-17665 1. Hepatitis virus-- Idenuncation 2. Hepatids-French Eqatarial Africa 1. Pellfxaier. A. ff. LA=aret, R. 1U. NIH-5-18-60 V. National Insfitteen of Health, Bethesda, Md. OfR-.f T-64-4 S-4- 1-31-61 ' l r 60-17576 Us Ai ICAL C EGGS A Huwtktis vinis-- Im VURI)s OF FREHM Identification ICTERUS. 2. Hepatitis-Freacb I ification IU=3nD- Equatorial Afric~ ' ime dA.E F.)'=. 1. P--Wssier, A. 1 -460 2~1o- 51-26 -,6_1 n - MR-S-26,M T . 041.80 W175-76 M . HafiGnal Institutim Hrthh. Dedxm& ; cF In Pk ft A k emz z =R m . Offim of Tedmical Sdn en i . ce*-~PAdho&)W-,TT. v- 5, nD- 5) 1-31-61 LL. of Md. icas ~~Ie Pellissler 1: limpi T~rin ~~er 60-17666 - ~ j R iroM,, GNOS13 01~ ~ ~~iM-CAUSEDI; . - Ept 1 F ( bJ L I I .Hepatitis virus-- d f I - E W R TE: Cq) %T j A . I l 1 & " F = I 1 enti ication I lolre d e1 Ict2we Diagn c do A a us ICTEIR 2. Hepatlis-French ~Viruij'jejl~A. t. F.)ir. by~P. Hajdu. EpJdqm ue ' Equatorial Africa 1 4 bit" NO'. ~-23-60. 24 5 m4y 60 1. PeWasier. A. hLo-Tn , Orde; L iniSIT80. ph$1.80; 60-t7666. from U. Trinquict-, E. t III. 1M-5-23-60 Tram 6 to-M- d hologie E"ilim. Bulletin ' ' k ~ A IV. National Institutek; of 594. o . S. ~p. 592- e 1 ~(Fran 52,1~ Health, Bethesda, hid. j L Offics of Uchole.1 SoMce. 's C Biolo,~C, cc - r~olos~- TT.~~v. 5,~ no. 5) 1-24-61 1".rinqui E !E: 11kLIS d (RIANG11 EPIDEMIC 1,tAViLLE:.A61_E,OF MosQurrOE UON (Existe ime a! Brazzaville du Aden q d' jjui. 'Role deit .aI tr~ by P. Hajdu. 'S -2240 3LAI $1.10,~:ph$1.80 60-17574 e!Psthologle Exotique. Bulletin, !5, 3. p.1 30f-305. i-~-Pg thology.' IT. v. 5, no. .5) 6D-17574 1. Hepatitis virus Identification 2. 1 lepatitis- -French Equatorial Africa I .PeWasier, A. 11. Trinquier, E. 11. NIH-5-22-50 V. Nations! Institutes of Healt'a, Bethesda, Md. OM-.f T*cLWc.1 Swvf~ 1-2A-61 60-17664 Pellissig i I'E &~~F, ~NEU~'(~~ROMIC STRAIN 1. Hepatitis virus-- A ~1- lBEHAVIC01 OF 7REN OF f7AEN'C1Hi FE-,CQ4U' ~LhL AFRICAN EFIDEMIC Identification I ~Ut.~ MIMPT EN PERIMENTAL'THERAPY' 2. Ilepatitts-Frelich (Comporte ~~acrz Ili So'uche l4euroUr'ope Souris Equatorial Africa 1 11 Pi ~e l'lcW6 miq~',' d'A'E'! F. Esialsde 1. Pellissier, A. hi~raoqrbto Exp6x~' eF.Meijtr. by!P- Hajdu. 11. NIH-5-24-60 4 M ' 60 5 re& N6.' 5 - r, ,,24-60.~ M. National Institutes of Orderi= F'C 6r S $1.80 1. 80 60-17664 Health, Bethesda, Md. ph$ rans.'! of 50.ott,c de ~P thologi Exoti4m. likulletin Fra~c:e') 195~1 v. 46,' 24-26. Offi- of Uchlel S-i". JiBiologicai e: a- -,'P h~ologf~ 17, y 5, h~o. 5) 1-24-61 'a t Nili V Imphic StWLy on Central Alpine, EL pe ental 1:taly.. by : i=.Ccnt1n ploneiX Pe ~6 ~ b Btu& de. Gc-6&mph:Lc Militaire our loeutz~ati at orlectale at Litalie Pi I ~o n lb~, French ArMr Staff.. 1954. pal OCE Tr Sur F3.90 t i~7y Iran 56 c3s./Dm 3 o" 6~61 E ianism 6f t he Corm3' Effect or'.Ac ion-Aasion Linesj, by At,_Yelixsier and leinaudin, 56 pp. M.p per,, Bull Soc 7ranc Hlec., Vol 3-9*90 P~ 531-71- S3(A 3443 71,,: 5e tu 61-14932 ~ RESIPIOC3~. Gu& INE. 1. AN''[L.GUANtD[NF- 1. Pellizzari, G. I [1961] 'G P ! fo iO refs. Order C S 61-14932 ans. ckademL azionale dei Lincel. Rendicond 11 (Imly) I 9 dr 4, V~ 7 -47. no. 11, p. 40 ~ DESCIU Chemical reactions. Po HIC( XI offic..f T.J-ic.l S-i A O r a ace cm. 0 or Uigbva b. yp it Giuseppo j 1, 1.;r ~e6 d6 tra ip Vol Xtys, No lip ar -39,1 7 G-2 GSUSA Q-h635 WE )by =An ECOM . JX I I ~~i i A Ala . .1 1 by X., ~ i .-, 1, PP 3 SOL ! Octi I il I ~ ` I i 3 "W 4or the 2 1. T BIN CO=Ur L'ubs. 71 glum 77f-'.- therapy of Ce-ncex of tne t6Li o 5 PP. Br a~ I RU 7,1 WL~ voy-rosy Qikolog, Vol Vil', -iTo El sevier Pub. Co. sc. Ma5 19T, 623 deed Pro or the 53-st MestIM, of the Scientif 'Ac ~8cfel c4logioto of mcacew and Moscov ~Pr ce Mw6h 1960, by a. p :IL is ~Opr sy ftkol.. Vol VII No 3Dj i ppli: 317- pp El ci hlouee n a! of Vie jointlSession of the Sojentifio soclr~,~ 0 iladcol.6-jjia of Moscow City and Prov- th e V~scow~PxvvUoe aad City Scion- tifle Boo 01 ffbatetricians and Gynaeoolo- gla I fildl! 2';;'Oo 19599 br S. Q. Pelt- tober Mani ppi~ 10.111 vc ro RUSS p! iI p ay OWm2., Vol VT,, No 7.o 1960j, PO n9 pp mar htii.46! omference of the Society of 110 6f m6BCGW aid Wi3cow Oblast t8 bi j:wkIth the Haemtological Section of ellLie Society, 27 Efov 1958; by S. G. J1. per, Voprosy Onkologii, Vol V, No 941 24~. J ,j pp '10 XmWcdn D cm the 3hd=,-d Syntbomis, of ad the ApectArle m Synthesis UiST PiectiM of Eseburiabla CD3.i K 32, b'; ~nt et a&, 7 pp., amil 0 no 256,P 10,63o PP 523-526. vte~ 3? ABC--Tr-r,709 Sol ~mx~ :1 IJ ilia 55-year-Old Iftleo Autopsy WOPIC lakem Ceskrihs Vol XM, No 24P '~ecb Serv 2,3;mCc IF r ichinerN at Third Czechoslovak Machine B IJ! Llint', 11;:xhibi'tion in Brnu bN T. Pe1narova, 2 7 IN, !~o 2., Vol SP Feb 1953. )p 9S-102. ';1:-3734 lit. ICZ0 it A 65: "Wol i i0 016 5 4, j ji. so t ve 'l ik- U-3 a , C bw .,,M--:~ ft, d I c alp Vol 3-955 1. -9: De~ 9 on Thme Oymw1do ftabLUzer in a ro W& by D. 13. Pallpar., N. P. Mmuwwv.. TysohM Udxob Zaved WISW SM -ftTb""tmw"*&jl Vol vo No 20 19620 aw Iwo MsO39 I Ei RI KE --UL USEIOF,~MRKING TIME, BY A PELS.E.V, ~OQ R~ ISI Pfi' 1 oft~ 6. 0, No, 19" JPRS 1*6 JA~i 221.pii6 ---------- k V 03 !e d~n *Mtre 1e 103 Ilquide et ttJO boom bV ic -U&I. 22 ppe o F Wmp 'perv Z Ertbergabou Metal- r. ti a IVol IE;,,v N lg%o pp %-63 9M2 3U Fawrae Traw3Ation a 6, --------------- r nci--i tesearch Be Planned7 What the HUtory N~'Um Usp by 4rsan Polaeueer., 7 IIOi9j, Vol XLII,, Part 2,, No 144,, "IT U; 1955.0 psi 95 -99. CIA/FDD/U-7504 1b: at, mal"We 1w tv smi,.Alu Etz, W& jet 39%v 343olN r i.. rmum cm the Transfer pe a Heavy "ter FlomMor by J - Pelser o ,, - 4 B Pr f Ut ti l ft P/ I f a& erna W, ona ir, II 'VP o 93, , po~la Uses ol.' Atmdo Awwa W-AS it Val It. rAtermt]. Ooftf UN CTA 1-(69.9-162 by DJ In 14 w i jp~'r, V=3 ~NmUdh-lcelied Inat Gallwe~ii. 3c ua~~' p 0 v 185. 109 i0- Coa I Ru B. pol, 1 19 V -Do, t a MU ^,e i it r a 1Committee Plenum, by Re Vel'.3 1!e RUSS D Pravda, 14 Jan 3.961 IMIS Wire P.5 Fp IMP' F.1 j iT NIL ;r' .A & la Im h A I' Im do IsAuIdcx4 116 T4u"mm* 21 ppo q mo OWNS* Vol V.4 ' ail J, 7mLi o Re% V. El~ . ~c n' 0~,,; ~Rbclilll.. uern Turlmeniya Pastures ana the --"Ldjoining I zi3bekist'an ancl Kazakhstan by Pel t; N. N. Rws 11 A~ !Na AN, 6 1 r UL~, S V6_prosy Osvoyeniye, Zemil Sredney Azil, 19-55- *AMS, not dittoed :Pfl tro Self-lbOlimic 'MoichmAsm for ~ "t~v~ R066rt- isommitipalterhisr,, 10 pp. so loopq Sol lAb iL &W# lb PRE E $ED C CRETE ROADS., TESTS AND . 11 ~~ 'W [1061)12~jp. I~ref. MIS F t1hROSP. Oid r6d&i'~SEA 61-18912 110.160~ Til I'll' ut a I.m. ~!~ Istit, ~e Mq"'u, du Blitiment et dpa Tra- VaUXI Pb' lips, [PaH ]j iAnnhles (Piance) 1960. v. 12, no. 1 1. 1 L~ Ii C. DESURIIITII Rs! lh. , rete,! siruction, Maintenaricc T~sti 14~ II ds, ~, vernents, Cree~ Buckling, Defor- mati6~'11 . tinfor, , ~oncretei Bcarns,~ -Runways. oxiat'er'ittl~ I arcs e;,L Surfaces. Stres e6 no* ginef,!r ~h-dv IT v 61-18983 1. Pelder. R. Offi-f T.A.k.1 S.-I c ~Iai an of P, e S.L.A..Tr no 474/1955 tigid Favemats for BUhways and Air- u6r.~40 pp. st:wonico do lu comfRecion y del ex of the. Chanama SUbilimtIon of the Cl. smi of the Xb*rrmhW=-Ab%mz noai Ja rAME &w 1-beber, et a--s BMW Arco" ft 366j, JU 3,c)(O-,v 3W 53-R, CMR Tr No 252 ROL 11 TT-63-18576 Pelltler SIT rb�: ro!Duv~l. C!~Fpent. on p A qC OF~ !~f~ GRAVIMETRIC DETE11- 1. Peltier. S. C, R Ind I ,MINAII OF C~A, "~j!N ITIE PRESENCE OF! 11. Mval. C. mA.01,4139 (9c1 QF!ilque cluiDosage Gravim4tri")Ue du Cailcl&vi en Pr~ ajgn~-sium). (19631121t, g6iclj~ic'it Ind , ~ = I Aviilibltll A loanli -~Lk TT-63-18576 Tri~sl 0k, k~alytl~,,~ Ch~lml~a Acta~ (Netherlands) 1947, v. 40d!416. DEkR S- *di c Magnesium, oxglates, che'Ic'a ipit's p c "don Grlivime't -::analysis. m rl (chemist Inali al. 17. V, 11, no. 1) 01fict al Itthak6l smictl 40SIVIty of 19 -loot 1.6,971 04 s 16n D--termineition of the f 6t4 e:of ve, C16.a., by J-~ . 22 altae~ _ .. Pi Chu Z. An tq~obi,lte Vol LVTII m 02 VIA S.L.A. Tr 57-136 &n,ol~ Air pp- W-17574 1. Peftonen, T. ider 66~d K-H $1 .23 K-H 111291 11. K-H-11128a M. Kresge-Hooker Science U* Tr: 9'"i 911 dvnt.11~jdl Ironalthe Office of Library Associates, Foil 0 Unl*relty of ~Turku and from Detroit, Mich. Ow Wil ry Hospit~~W. 2,1 n. d. I s1 I -.V I U11 i i I DRS6i ORS- OS kiks, 00prettes, Tobacco, VT11 t *military ps low ca ncel Ihysiology, W, v., 8, no. 8) 01fl.. 0 T.ch.1-1 S-i... 19, -91 0 tit 111~11`~Ct arl J*ai;ft on B"te Dmunity Reactions--- ''etrniit 6r, Pain ind Araesthesis on .Ac;U*Ity cit ffman Blood Lev- ty ~3 PP- VAkrablial Zpldamlol I No.10, 1958, pp 70-72. 9 (M-44 EX 0 In the Ixyloltation Of Interurban F O P611to ft PP - AUB vV65tolk BVY"l., 15D 2j, 108,p P 5 im 6651S 50), Cables, Th C K.'l Inclu4try Bet-ueen the 201-.11 and 21-v,rl r, I Io'li cqae~,j by Ye, 11, PA.!tqm--n 1 ro- Th I Tate ication of ScientiLfic-Researab Work u of Boonades In t1m Facatrical I ee B~dustiy, ~by Ye. U. Pelltsmu, rp *,est Elektrogmi., Apr 1961., JM 9533 .iic~,Application et a Raw Method of Select- r(ir Incubation After Preliminary Warming, V! N, I tv ~ b :T*a rko,~,, S. 0. Pel'ttser, 7 PP- Ik per, Troy auchno-Iseledovatel lakogo , ~,Aiui ~AkAptA,' PtJLtq0vodstva,, Val XXIV,, Inkubatsiya, 06 176-1* 11 k TS Assoc Tech 8v 4OJ14R ~j 01",0 I bLi, 5'~ ti 1~ ~ ll ~tt bliulito swtl-Ao*mo by stwa,u Btnno 15'Dev X05,p ftttift XM SNA DWO3. Iod so ~:nvmi~w sstwm) Sol 41 lp, Quo (By- -5061) b,isui tail Agrioultural Work in the TaZlc ostan tLivat 14 pp. 9~ b.7 A4; ~perj ftatipstikal Szem~A, Vol XXXMI~ 8kl4)bg. 'JPRO 76A s r,, ew,-:.for the Measurement of Timer L vai b3r!l A. It. P xkh, A. V. 11tronyushkin, p2, Ipr Prib o y i Tekh lkpse2.,, 11o :pp ISA io~3,348 OWN T-65-63123 P.I~kb N. I , A, DEVICE, swit A : 9 OF T HARY t Inkfivxv V V~L A Mar l V4 i T ;,276; AD-61'~~ 4 i ordei ft~6rrnlc 1. ' , H 11.00 ,WIF$0 56 Al 19 54 1 I , 1) ' ;;; ' I . 1 f Ediie d Mac tr". I e 4680. , 1 '69705 pste~t app,ir 2 61, p -2. 1. Foreign Technology Div., WrW-Patterson AFB. Ohio 5-,6 r-6 3 p ' DEVIC JNTER k, Rg 1 1 M 6 F ~TE!!P9!tARY 1. Foreign Technofty Div., - i b O 76 6~ D-610 , Y~ J! 549 -MT- . Vr a 2 1 Wright- Patterson AFB, 0 I , ~ ~ ~! ~ . Orciejr:Lrop~ 6F .1. SLk ~ s X ' Ohio [ l1 r, EM HC$1.00: MF$O. G a ~ 19 54Uj Edite4l.achtm rans.p 56: t. 0. :Paten p~!. d.697051? 6j Feb'rl. pl1-2. lrux~'** for M"W"ilmg Tim) Intervals with a ~y NI.A.2017kh, A.V. Pronyushkbi., I P 4iWr,7 iTel& ftsper,, No 2,, 1962S 3, pe AND ING,PROPER,TIES OF MGH PbUALr7rXY JINJ ON M(?ULDINIP- ALLOYS YL, CONFAINI BER JUNL; 27 Feb 63. 63-17003 1. PeIze), H. , 11. TTIS NS-64 Ili. Translation and Technical Order'tz;D m IS $3 TTIS NS 64 Information Services Trans. of t 11 (W st (Gt. Brit.) Germany) 1962, v.J6 [no. I I] P. ll u DF,SCAIP,T0R J~Me '' els, *Castings, czl p~opertl -Zine~sljci y 6 Bery , ~,' lnjiction,' jQuality contrul. 0 no. 1 Offic- of Tcholcul Somt.% ) 61-10149 THE! C a l A N kYN4 D: M AGE RDENM OF 1. Aluminum-zinc alloys-- 119601(2~JpL ~5xefs. Hardening r0 i r OI 2 p -zinc alloys-- .7p. 1$4. 801 61-10149 1 2. Kuminum Trains. of r (Augi g - uwr il 3 Aging F tenmAnniBche monatshefte 3. Aluminum-zinc alloy- : p. li+4181:' Temperature factors 1. Pelzel, E. j The~6o d warrr I g 6 n g solution -treated. and 7a l zinc r enc Ll SIt' 1 O =t==W ilumimum- ~ if the cri - 1'0*8 al simpI6 law pp 4 ~1~ teji~T~ Is Y . red ta'aitain' maximum hai6eBa. 11 0 he in 1. lkg6-haidetied alloys !*i -%)&reihevn;ai i 6 mi t~ 81 It. ., , n ( stable, Fit oC m ten rkuie alloys 0 to t. - 6 zlW_ ' B naryjall I Y ttal . during Jim xi mu ~ .11 1 room tet"T We 13 wbei r-beailq allois, FnI t, ten rom ti~e~ temperature office of Tc6dc.1 S-4- dej:nden, e ilt M the, tnj;~times, 4alues were i I i (Ov~ S . uI y. ( : ; S UR 1 llmtp 1~ rki oidir Trans DESPIRM RS t "noi .0; OF MOLTENMETALS AND HI 11~961[1 (221p. i (4 f1p. ondneO 1111 1 . , 60i 61-2D205 Hdnenn*AnniKhe Monatshdto 42. p.,248-254. dmeWs, *AUoya. Surface 7. Mo.! 4) ji I 61-202M 1. Pelzel. E. Dk or~ AmuoU of Pzoaastorone I imp[ N. Ellwo M; Li maim I IM, 1"61 FIXE I 711 42 it 'I IN 1 j, 7 i .It Ike, All 6o 19M* cil 4:i so kus 61-14762 ~11 P zP1. T ch. SURFA E tENSICN OF MOLTEN METALS AND 1. Pel zol, E. C THEIR C!961120p.~(Btig~s. omitted) 12 ~ rl&i orde~sijo SLA 1 61-14762 Trans. 11 HurtenmNnnische Monatshefte (Austkin 1 49, v! ~no. 11, p.'10-17.. DESCRE RS: *L' lquid metals, *Alloys, Surface terl~sio'n. ,me Syriac ! tens o f~mal It,en bifiairy.systems tin-zhic, I alumin ri'nc, i'linkinum''-imagn~sitLhi3ndmagnes*w~ni- zinc et~ it -d bV means of !the Inibble-pressure 7 m6ib sel iio~ of the systems permitted a com een JW 4ita~rac'terisiks of molten systems out C( ' Ocilform ibns in the solidstatc-, tationi 10 he molecular Structure of molmn 1, t~ metal al 0% wa YrIpted from the characterizing M.1 .S.riii~ affecm. (Author) (m~to Illu-K.,.l Tr, 1. 6 nol~ 3) plelz T Ich. THE EC IFIC ~N~16F i6i~D AND ~LIQWD~ St ALLO Was SpeWische 61'1i~ph este ~Iusilge!,S v d r u '~F mob-wi muv- 11 . - Wi 14 ng I k [1310. (5 figs.6mitted) 7 reh ~e_ , N' 1, 1 Order, ro &A 1 40;1 61-10564 0 I [eits :.'113kunle' (West G no -395, 195 P. (Nietall __No..Ierrous Metals. IT, v. 5, no. 7) 61-10564 1. Antimony-bismuth alloys-- Phase stuclies 1 Pelzel, E. Offic. of T.A.ic.l S-i- ev4lr J~Imx~ led lisorbed 1 13W 7 Toxin-11 6 Of tariat Foyer k~v~! A- klvwm,~ A. N ~AWVII 04. S EAM )Kkjvbj*j I.Iddeftol A Qb 1 59 8). 3 -Cemzlt Po ) NO 21 (J~~ ;SM 120 TJ301 asi'o or-Potential F= the Apex an&I Reixrt 6C %= Blobaed Ani mal a l7il 0" 1'',ji ml or in the =, by H. T 1: 1 Y, . ilir~rlc P 9 pp. rs;Areldv, Vol C=VI,. So GEM" rl 194~ WIN 7-25-60 Bed! ;r De ere6 by iLazaro Fena at the 13.6b ~al ~~ongresu of -,~he CTC-R, 0 L "67 PY8 5 Bev 1-962, 4 TFRB A561.8 LAI ba C161t v 2 BL. 2OF ormyto umcit Eit kACA SWTHW. 13P. lamu. brder s L.Go -65-i4567 (FraftC4 i3 6W-'~31 I mit 690 0 0v 211*173 .. I , 4 I . I : I I I ~~~7 I O-OPW . UL . C9 11 , I i i .I i . r i I I I I I I I W ,E - I Wit ~4 I 1 1-1 . im 6~1, V 0 im C Icks Depending t~6~ ~ in 'he t~iiio~ ~8f Fol-I c Acid Ai~ VO Truf anov, B I 10 ~p,r, IIIt*hIn V01XMI,~ 110 3) lt:6 pp -3 54 al penui THEMadN, ~~rloN 3F, COO i LT IN THE URINE FoLL~ 6RAL1, J;'MUNISTRATION TO. MAN. 63-M762 Or Tra 11 Valo Medl n9. of 81 rin.a Wustriale (Italy) Iqw,;~V. it, 2 OF-SC R If retim-tu,11,;I., *Cobalt, Man, TdieA , ~p .1, c~d~ esi r 63-18762 1. Penad, F. 11. Ruata, Ft. (Bioio~lcli,L~ 11 c!!s- r x1col8gy, T~, v. W, no. 1Z Ofte of TecbWcjd Senica n ' ~ n T l ~ ' AMA"