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Plans and Prospects for the Ukrainian School of Uglier FAuention, by Prcf. Yu. N. DadeWcav, ,I Pp. RUSSUN, per, Vestn:Lk Kyashey Shkoly, No 2., 1966, PP- 3--8- MRS 36544 USSR Soc Aug 6-6 307, 111 Training Specialists in Agricultural Science nnd Production, by Prof. V. F. Krasota, 12 pp, RUSSIAN, por, Vestnik No 2, 1966, PP, 9-18 JPRS 36S44 ISS111, - -j (? /,, / / 2 Soc Au2 66 M7 1117 The Fifteen-Year Plan of Hoscow University., by IV. 1. Mokhov &DI Ye. M. Sergeyev, '~ pp. MSIAN, per. Vastnik Vyssh _Mgply,, ND 2, 196b, pp. 13-240 JPRS 36544 USSR soc Aug 66 307,113 Meeting of FL-ctors of AgriciLLtural Higher Educational Inatitutiorw., 5 PP- IWSSIM,, per,, Vestnik Vysshcy Shkoly No 2, 19VJ., PP.48-50- JTM 3654h USSR Soc Aug &-) 1~ 114 ,07 The Role of Textbooks iri Advnwing Teci-mical Proprima, by A. K- 5 I)T)- WWUN, perp Vestnik Vya X_Rj~~ rio 2, 1966, PP- 89-93- ins -6544 USSR Boa Aug 66 3""T., 115 Uloier School of Lithuania in the Neu, Five- Year Plan, by G. K, Zabulic, 3 vp. WSSTAN, per, Lgotnik Mast cy Shkolir r;L) 3, Mnr 1966, PP- 7-12. jpRs 36518 USSR Soc ALq,- 66 30-1,,,175 lfij;liar Educational Invtitutiona of Georuirul SGR on the Rise, by G. N. Dzhibladzf.! E , 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per.. VeE;tnik Yys ffieZ Shko y, No 3, mar ic,66., pp. 12-15. ins 3651J3 USSR soc - Aug 66 ~o f, r(6 I a M cLio),in of hondurint, iiii-,lier Eillc El.'.VocUvo and I~Cuiluj!llcftl, 1~y V- I- NVIOV, 7 I)p - HUSISIU, per, Veotliik Vyssi ey SllikollD 113 3, Maw pp. 17-21. JPFO ~')Q513 USSR Soc Aug bb 307, 1T7 Mathematical Training I-)f Economists and Plittuarm; r!.j4Jnvvru, 1~y I.- V. and A. (A. Ilinakc!x-, t', RUSSIPM, per, Vestaik Iryspi-icy ll~ Mar 1)66., pp. 22-27- MRS '162T7 USMIN Econ jull U6 Seminar of Agricultural ffi6iier a~ucatic)nnl Tunt-Itutionn on Problarriv of )!~IuctA,Iari wltltouL it Dry--ak fr%-ma Prxbiction,, by A. I., K.:)rnev emd K. Ye. Trofinjova, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vestn:Lk Kysshey S ~o~y No Mar 1966, pp. 40-43- JPFO 36510 USSR Soc AiW, 66 3(Y7 1173 Individualized Instraction in the IUC~ier Mucational Institution, by V. A. Z717L)kov, 5 P-ri- RUSSIM,- IA,-r, Veptnik Yyas!icy No 3, 1,hr pp. 35~3'(. JPRS 3651-3 LWR SOC Aug 66 3'07,1719 ,A '4rkje All.-Urtion Stnt.c-- Oc-vclopmrmt Pbrin l')r I[Icllicr find Gt.~cundary ',~pr-,cialLzcd D-1-1ca- ti~)n, by A. P. Larionov and R. A. KorencuenIku, FUSSIAN, per, Vestnik \~,~sslney S~I~Ay, N) 4, pp- ~)-12- JPPuS 36752 USSR r'jc S Probloino In the Supp.1,y of Mtorinlr, nnd Tocii- nLCULl Eqailmic-nt to 111giier 1~auc tit. lovs-al Inst,itutions, by L. 1. Kafttlrikirt, 6 jjj)* RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik YZsshev Sid-:j N ) 4., jpw j6'r5p USSR soc Sept 66' "Whj Did Y,.)Il Choom., This S,rvcclaltyc" by !?, I. Fainburg, ~'J pl), MUSSIAN, por, ftattilk Vyflpli(~y N-) 4p 1966, pp-----3T-43- JPRS 36752 u S S. R Soc Se-ot 66 3.-~3, 341 P )).:Ltical Econx:V Courser-i In lltdation t-, T~~chnlcal Trabilng, nt. 111jlior I-I'tticiA.Lunfil InittAtIL101113, by 1-1. 1'. WOSSIAN, per, Vestnik Vyf2L12L.~ILI,,olyl 1V 41 1~~6, PP~ 65-67- ipy,a: 36752 _0 I'll s R 13"c S,,.?pt 66 Traininl:-~ PrOCrwls for Xjto)~,ction Enr-incersp 5 I)p - i 1,C1, Ve Lnik NO- P 13 May pp - 50- 3:3277 u F; S R 'r Soc ' - 312;j64 M, N 0' ~) "'.1wr;osted DcJL'lnlt.i,,)nn )-r c mcepts invoive(I by 11. V- Vo2(;dbi, IVESSIM, per, Vestnik No C).754 USSR Sci-l,Iat!i/.Dl- Sept 66 333, 311 Subsections Discuss Achievements Rnd Problems for Purtlior Itonearch, 5 1111. IZUSSIAN, per, Vestnik Vy5shey Shkoly, No 1, 1966. JPRS 38065 LISSR Soc 311,313 Oct 66 Contribution of Programed Instruction to lzalsl2ig the quality of Trainln$, of Speciallsts, by V. P. Yelyutin, 6 p1). RUSSIAN. per, Vestnik Vysshey 'Sllikoly, No 7, 1966. JPR5 3806S uSSR soc 311,411 Oct 6.6 Ststus and Prospects of the Developmelit of Programmed Instruction, by A. 1. Berr, 9 pl). RMIAN,, por, Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, No 7, 19669 MRS 58065 USSR Soc 311,412 . Oct 66 ..ioviet nstitaitions of Idglicir Leamin,-, r1rojoare For the !\.Imr 3chool Yenr. -~ rlp- -.)or. Vasb-iik Ussho.1-3111-1caLL. i*.O '19" 1,p. J P R6 ' 13 59 flov 313,870' Tric',aw"; if Teacmr4-r vnlova' ,,, pl- W . JSSEDW, per, AuZ 1.~k6, pp. 'IPP's -'tlhk USSR soc lk,c 11jacian2c, I)y Yestnik V. d' -- vssaey sillv No. 31-3X-. 314,033 A].I-Unlon S-piposlum or So(!!-(*)Iol.,.i!;I,:,,, by V. T. RIL I " )J)j ) , RUSSIAN) pel'y VusLiiik Vyssslicy Sako:L, No. 3, 19L)uY PP- 56-3- ,TPRS 40079 LISSR soc Mar c-,'( --,21Y OO(D Iliblic Control In tho Inatitutionn of Arhor bonmirm,, by 11. 11. Tilchonov and 1. A. '~Orialcov, 7 pp. par. Vestrdk :!0 19;66. 51-CT ipw; LWIR Soc k,bv 66 313,377 lbo --l'stablish-rient and Jovelopment of tho Ilighor Sc?"ol in LatviA. by L. K, Pdyenoris, ? pp. 0631.V', per. Ilestnik asshIM 1966, ?9-877. JPRS 3859.5, Pov 66) 313.873 :.ntilc-,1Axt-lcal :,odolE; in ilodr4~o.s-,y. by 1~- V. 6 pp. RUS;AAI,., per, Vestn!Llc ~~ssho%r Slikolv. io ,iopt 1966. pp. 25-31 ------- J PIW * 38335 USS:( Soc i)ec 66 31 40 ',;xprona lonitor-Ing of Lalmrntnry Operntion,3, by 11. 11. Vakhollskiy, V. P. ~'Ilrmr, R. 11. Ryitbikln, 8 pp. RUSSIAN. per, Vestnik 1,10 Sept 1966, pp. 37-337- JP'%5 3M35 USSI, Soc i:lec 66 3113.9119 Activities in the Reabr. of llftty~ior MathomatlcE; lCki,m-Fttlon in t;ii(- UIR3,110 5 [)j). IWSBI/W,, per., Vestnik Vyss! y_Sakoly No. 19*, PP. 51-52- JPhS 3J\X-)3 USSR soc Jan U-7 316yc-,)B Porsonn-31 ~osorvos for Aghor 1--'chicational InsUbAlonn. by L. 1. irirr~ansldy, p!). oor. Vostnik VNo.-Imv Jhko 0 po. JNU'l Fab Possib M ties of University Science Fxpanded by V. 1. Kratov, 7 Pp- WSSIAN per, Vestnik Yyl!sh ir .131-A-zo?, 2 - y No. 11, Nov 1966., pp. 7-12. jpFs 4o3,t4 USSR Soc Apr u'[ 321,13C Recent Advances in Soviet Plogrzir-ff-ed InstrAction, by A. I. Pi3henichniltav and 1. 1, FoLmdlko, 6 Pp . HUSSIM, per, Vestnik vyssh2.ir shkolyp No. 11, PP- 33-37-7 JPHS 39359 USSR soc Wa- 67 317s301 71 The Industrial Laboratory within Teacliing and its liclationr wit.ii -[nJiist,ry, !X!!.) Vestilik VYssh,--Y sillk~-,-Iy, !~o 1,.-, Dec PI) 11-1--, Jp~,S' (o Birth of Brest Civil Engineering Institute, by M. Dulpovskiy., 7pp. 1,A)SISIAN, per, Vestnik Vysshoy Shkoly No 12, 1966, pp 3S-40. JPRS 39765 USSR Soc Feb 07 319,243 '1namirom .4.;Ioated -to Incroano Uo ',olontdric Potential of the Soviet School. bY Docent A. F. i~otelkln,, 7 !),). per. Vastrdlc Vyssll(3.L.~~t Jan pp. JPR,; ~.'~X")i'~5 U35~~z soe Jun 67 325,691 SOviet Univeridtlas StudY f"Ach OVinrt s Teachinr Mothodn. tv V. V. F!rvotloov, 9 pp. RUSWIAN, per, Voo-tnilc Vymstl 110 1, Jan PP* =M.. JPRS -*685 U51511 Soo Jun rx? 32-5,692 7~nirW, of SpociaUsts in Standprdirzation Vilist BO Immv0d, 6 pp, .RUSJI~.-IlIpor. Vestnik Vyssllol~j~, i0 3. 1 -41 ",ar 1967, pp, 7: 0 JPILS 41.129 USSR Ecorl &un 6,7 -323, 520 I itottorvon of ~.'tAoTjv,:rjt3-j,ocj, jj, ~ .0 r , ~rjj l'orsonno-1, Lw Le K. Jwcmv arc) *,~'. D. Lobin, 6 pp. M;.,;IAI~, por, Vostnik Vy.-ishoy ohlcoly, ;10 1967, W) 45- USSR 3con Jun 67 Prog,mm for Upgr&ding tho QuaLificationS of vum Instructor3, by v. F-. starao, 6 pp,. Ru3siAN, per. ye-stTalc V-vgxh~M: -sbkoly. No 5. 1967 0PPO 3-6. ims 424.-rxi LUS R Sm sop 67 340.527 CrItIquo of lAcAng2*d Vuz Admisslon iblicion, Adrd3nian lu)mm. by Prof. L. 14 4elll and A. M4 Prudimldys 9 pp. RUSSIM., per, V-Qstnik 3EnsLcZ_L-b "o~. No 5. 1967. pp. 14-18. JIUS 42451 WSR Soc s ep 67 Y40,528 Dervalopment of Ugher Edur-ailon in the Turkrmn 3811, by Cho A. AtaYev, 7 PP-. 11 -oxwk VXs~ IJO 5, IMSIAN, per# V _shqff 1967, PP. 73-??. am 42451 USSR Soc sop 67 40.529 The Iligher 1-Abdima 3ohool in the kvdvorzary Year, by A. 1'. Serenko, 7 pp, RLESIAIJ, per, Vextni~ Vash i'o 5. 1967, PP. 77-81. JP16 4V~~ LmKiR Soo Sep 67 340-530 rill-Letry Schools Adopt ,mglarned leach'Ing, by P. A. noirdstrove 6 pp. por, ME h-C 2 L. a! ~ LO Ly 1967 )n 13-M ims 42631 uat 67 ~,O. 72 '~ciantiflc noscarch and tho ~ uz. by dl.tskiy, ? pp- RLB611iii, per, Vestnik vy -0 -C. o 6, 15-167 pp. 51-5.5. i vj;s 42)67 Ski .boc sopt 67 Y'S, OYP Tho liosoarch Role of the Vuz. otanical. ~';.anden. by '~Uplyov and 1. i"lulltLan)ov' p1 RWw'5-:UU,, per, ~,estnik vvBshp-y 6, 19679 pp. 5s-61. JIW 42367 I'L 'ioc 60PL 07 3 7-". 0 3 5 The i-othodological zicaninar as a kay of Up,-,radin- Qua.Uftcatdons, by V. I Pp- Rakilki, per, %Iestla)t v 1~0 1,167. pp - 74-76. JPRS 42367 .Soo Sept 67 3 76 036 Tile ;Clfm-lt:lllc organizaticna cf abor D-1 Mucattion, by ;:. L. F'sela, 6 p-p. per, LofLt Ic 14LE h1co :0 70 JM~ 42;?56 L~";., ~, I ;. bduc (jct 6,i vroduction by A. Deyllolcop 6 pp. p'Or. 17 0 427 56 Tho 1)CI-Alirtment of alriy. 6 1-,1). iwsak--, par, %,gstnik ~yA~ pp .16-2 j. JilU, 42756 ~SL- ij.,)r, Lduc 6r, 3 72- pg,ical institute), by At I~ovokuznmtslc Pedal, pp. *o6i, JP['-~' 427.56 i'6!AL ifte -cct 6,91- AIL orolthavo-Zuyevo Ile"irog Ics.l k; . I., ladimirskoya . 5 ~P- per, Vest. '~:MshM, 4k ft 1967. n) 2-8-35. at 6 343.475 Irlin ),.J.rat Picduct of tho Urzt 111-apirt-Iront. pp. Rlk~blk,s p"s Ves- 3.96-1. pp -28-35. L 6 dot Y~3.470' Soviet heamereb aDd Persomal TraiWmg In Bimics'r by N. P. Nuumv,* 7 pp - Yessimo yerj, Vestnik NO TP 107s pp 50*540 Of 6 h-0728 USSR soc /p4on Dot 67 341,693 F o- I t? low till :j I "~)j 1(!o jjc'~j k )I ti 14 Vestrij k Vyss'lev 'M') ;o. 1), 17771 Nothod for Improvinry tho 1-Atlen-tion ';o-tontioLs mul Rosalti-ch by W.N. Semorlov, 8 pp. RUSSIAll, p6er, Veatnik sshey Shl.-~ojy, No. 11, scow, 1967, pp. 45-48. .-TiltS 45,435 USSR :"i'lucation i;ay fla 357,936 Denteription of Researcli Activity nt llighcr ftlucattonal Inatitutiona. by V.I., Krutov, 12 pl). RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik reehey Slikoly, 1,loscow, No. 11, 1967, pp. 56-64. jr;~S 45,415 lls"M l';dUcation y 6,13 -357,937 La- I to Uli- .t,.K.)rt On 1,111"aml.)n versity, lai, /,- per, Vest..Ji",- Vl:,ISS"le',7 G'j US LiR I-AuQation .i.r-arc'h 6G 2 132 Ivpraving tho Training of scientific nx,d 3cd-untific-Teaching Cadrea, 6 PP- RU;~;JAN, per, '~ostnik IvymrAiqj, -Jaoly, ~-o 1, 10,69, pi) 3-7. lki734 Jul 68 0 r,".vantur .ih 4 'o of ~.Otworjc Wwationul ilenn, by B. r. L;iwrkannov. 11 pp. Ubil-kil Pere 1. 1968. PP 45734 Itchac jul 68 36- 0, C 12)" -Initial. IArsmotorv of a Uraph, LV ,.. , . ;uj-nj>v,, j pp. per, I:,o 1, 1-,,)68, pp 1-5-20. Jrl"W 457~4 LL);.),a ixiuc Jul 36 0, 02 t Amlyzing tho Cmitent of Courses, lz~,, .1 par, oostmik Vys Au~.-Ilkl pp 45YY-) -j I.J. 36, vn6 tl 1,)nr. C tnlj~, -51 cla j,riorj.ty ancl .5tato inter"tv Ili t7in Arem of solentifto Idscavories, 8 pp, Russi'L.', perp '~ostnik~~j~hqy_~LA,), " o 1. .y. , ig6s, pp S4-87. JPAS 45734 U~6R Lduc I vul 6B .;6- 0. 02L 5Dth Annivorvm7 of the 5ovie," ?,Ughor 'Ilitupy Satml,, by P, A. Rotmistrav, 9 ppo ItUj,SUZI, p&r, VestrAk yyshey_ , o v, !o 2, 196,8, pp 7-11 * JM5 45550 USSR Eclue June 68 359,V09 SciOntlJlc i"10thodological Contar in J,lv-ov, 1.7 G , A* Papaw)Aya, 6 pp. AUSSMAI i, par, 1-0 2, 196US pp 23-26. JPRS 4-5550 U~~A i~duc June (S'q -, C) 1,.'?0 J5,0 1 Lim FUnnlrkg of tho i:dueatiwal. Procoms - In the Intmet of OptirdzIA-,;- Irurtruction, by L* B., s%miarokov, 7 pp. RMSSIAlie paro Vestrdk -Vyqzftioy Shkgl ';o 2# IW# ~,y pp 26-29. iFEs 45550 USSR MUD jum 68 359,473 ;.Iuat aro ioologinuil ;ciantivts b.Y :~. 1'. ljawlov, 13 p1). AUSSLIN, per, Vestnik Vysshey Sl~colv, .cl 2, 196.3, pp A Syvtom for JMwov!Ljjg Profemsiorml Sic:111 -- V&D4 AttenLion, 5 pp. RU ;w4, part i,o 20 190-it pp 52-55. if-AS 45550 USSR - Ed= 3599472 Professm-lal Datieri &nd CKigations Dojl.*'Imdp by A. A. Komwftntyanskiy, 15 pp. RUSSW4, pars Vestnik Vyvsbey gbhRJX, 1-o 40 1we pp 5"3. JPM 46vI05 USSR Bduc Aug 68 362t,317 hicreasing the J.:. ffoctivene sn of by V. i... Potrov, il. ~'. I" 1,1 1. Vustjdk ~',o I-), 19681 PP ~~-R- if-RS 46, 3LR'--) U ~.', 0 1 .6, i~duc :~Cpt 3~ C I 51~11~7 Ldormticn Center of the Uglurr sclioal, by I.I. V. Zaletayev, 5 pp. RIMLUI, per, Vestr4k Vy 'i _qshM h-lcpl, y, llo 5, /~a'lqoq pp 41-44. JPHS 46 o 346 USSR Educ Sept 68 366p547 A Courno an Atomic Tochnology bi All. cultural digher Schooln, by V. V. Rachinskiy, 7 rq) - RU&',IAJ, par, Vestnik- Vyg!s), L;hkoL,, -..*o 5, 1915~4 mu 77-79- ji,jLs 46,34k6 LISSA Educ Sept 366g543 by Conditions for ilultiple4ob Iblding Explainedo tW V. 13. Kayrukahtlev 13 Ppo RUMIAN, pers Yeatnik VysshRz Shkoly. doccow, lio Bp 19680 ]pp 65-70. jpRs 46,796 USSR Edue T,., - 4 0 - -1. 1. 1 1 Centml Labm-atories X)whanee Exparloncop tW $, v, ArArayovo A, S. Chochulinl, 5 ppe Vegtnik Vys l'oscawt RUSSIAU, part ~LbM 'I ,~o iot 1968, pp 66-68. JPILS 47t317 SOL-I'live Fab 69 373t889 CwtMcatian of Scimtific Womi-mv P-mriGwedt W mo No Valk-ove 12 pp. RUSSWiv p4rg Veltrdk &Lsh!ML Sikellf 1~0300wt Ho 12, 1968, pp 52-60. JPRS 47,593 Scd- I-FAss ljkp 69 378,098 Agricultural SpeclaUsts 1'equi:re 1-iott,.-3r I~ralnlng, by B. Z- MotcUtza. 7 PP- tply scow, '10 2, jx)r, AotnLk ~Iypq)iv gy 1Q,611, pp 15-19. j0 A JPRS 48352 Sei-Agri i i ay 6,,~ YM I Oil Teachers fleedet! by land ImPPWOnEnt uZOS9 by B. A. ~ Asil'ye'V. 5 pp. ItUSSIA14, perg ~ estjm YAUS 16, h-ial,):, iloscoll, No 2. 1969. pp 20-23- ji,iLs 48352 6ci-Agri Ju3,y 1, 388,010 lmaguaj!,on Got Now Ilghor Bducmtion Syllabas. by N. !;. Chamodanov, Yee 'V9 Sinyaviskayaq 7 ppo ftWSIM. per, Yvts~roc 11.0scowt MY 1SA9. PP 31-35. i :RsWi6i.5 Mill, W. uc Aug 6a 3'-,',0,586 Rosearch on idlitm7 History Ur-, .,od, by F, F, Shuptlyev, 5 pp. Russimis Pere Veg&!i shey q*oly, .~.'osccniiq Jun 1969, pp 45-48. JMS 48e47 usm AU Sept 69 392vtr-'7 Training of Lherdcal I!hgineers Usmissf36. by V. ~. iAfarov. B. I. L;tepanav, 5 PP- AL661AI., per, jj~nli~~k VV_ssliqF I~y, i~iuscow, .. . No S. 1969, pp 33-38. Ji R5 49658 Std-bel and 5ci Onan lieb 70 400.633 ltrqOmcvrB FIM Need for Mathematical Training, by % . 13. i olyakova, 5 PP. I~WUAN. per. Yestrdk VLqzh)Z i. ivo 8, 3.c,49 0 ~~41-430 - - -( *o-ly, cioscow, j vies 50144 USSFII i!due Apr 6o W6,105 Licientiilc Research in oovict JhAitutos, by S. G. -cetrov , hU>SlAj4, per, ~oqtnilc ~yashqy 1~69. Pi) .53-52. 5JU3,1 boi-.z.1ci and oci urgan I-Ar '(0 AL,,ricultural i .. 1. :.oslco, 5 pp. ihbo4f .10SCOV-7, I!o 3, -,I.,J-,,6)2 Developrwnt of Solonoo Research in Vuzes Urgod. by V. ]P. Yelyutin. 8 pp. RUSSIAilo per, Veutxdk Vyoshoj__~ ~CO, i-1013COUp 1110 9, 1969v W-4~529 JPRS 49c,064 Sci-Sciontists & Sci Organs Mr 70 402 v 378 Vum Scientists Work in Soieroo and Industry, IW V. 1. Kmtovo 9 pp. Russlkl~v per, Ventrdk Vyisshey--shkol-Y. ;.:Oscol," il~o 99 1969o PP 52-57- JPRS 49964 Sci-Scientists & Sci Org - Mar 70 402 p 379 M&III&M sohlou for (IfLows Nam 4 L-i". ;=V. $ pp. Aom" a plisma 0. ndm&NAIIP swoFa Le Hoaom# I pp 6 ipm svin USSR Al ATS'70 9* ago$ MOM I dIll wo lmodk - 11"Naftw%, *on 00060 1 - - 1~ lNuallp lb. at- IV%* 16 Aow -tl~,Fp ~ - - - Almilk 10 to mt puld~ 41, lorAdobwlb &on j7;VM~ lbs~of KA-Alre A - Upostim Urseds. bY A.q Axio Be"* 6 ppe ifollomor h.-VAdmg#-q& - ~~, $0 BW 19n, v pp -- 470 .1: JM 53193 m *or :n tj*#dM iot Awtrcmio Hnessera Desexibods bY 0 o ~ 26 bf-V$4%Wv* 9 PP- V~Wo. ~ IM* pp 20-23w Olkk 333.93 MY 71 'U" ot AuUmtia CarstAml, fitrAmove Lftodi VP OM 33OL93 "w 71 Autom*io Coot"]. tar 9 of Tftohkog RquLpwvt ApplmWw4 1. T. (Kwave '.10 pp* Au -4ftlx, 15DOCCWt 3. ign pp 016. .53193 MAY n. III= Aw4mitede tw 3OL-32, j4v 71 A0i;liv9mw*s of Soviet Migbor Edneatian Revis+1 by!N4 F. Yelyutin, 9 PP. ;per, 192tSik y No! ~ j,2, jq,~2, pp 3-32. V. N. Moroz Spawning,-Stock Characteristics, Spawning and Fecundity of the Perch (Perce fluvintilis L.) of the Danube Delta Waters, RUS-STAN, per, Vestnik Zoologii, No 4, 1969, pp 49-54 NTC 72-12543-o6r, Sept 72 A Light-Trap Study off Lasporoys-In Pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Tortrieldi.fte) Flight Dynamics end Popuj&-,Uj,:)n quentIty, by V. P. Vasilev. RUSSIAN, port yUlpjk 'L -_ -- I _122 oaji, olo 6. 1970, pp 63-69. NTC 72-6cogg-06C May 72 V. T. Xomrov spseds of Fish Movement. RUSSUN., per,, Vestnik Zoologli., K3,e lo 4, 19719 y 1. It pp 67--71 MC 72-60538-06C "'k) )") C, -) /V' ),)I /:-,~ s Oot 72 .Wlit..ol Charactcrjst-ia~ of tJ!4-. D,~o-2(xx, i I (A ik'- Lich jlet.c.): (A t I I )x C. ii o it it -1: J'y IA-14 Li :,iv" Tnmr; .1647 Activities of Scientista in Departrent of blologic&I Sciencoa, Avudarc~ of S,(.Amices, SSN, Dul-irN-r 11)"JI, 1.1y V. M. ,Ivreiitlyev and M. H. Kupchinw, 2' pa). .0MRUSSUS, per., Vestsi Air-alerli NwA)R, 11,3SR, 1965, No 2. pp. i28-133- JPRS 33321 USSR sci-B/m ~C an 0 , J 2~5,038