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Investigation of the Use of SprNr Scrubbers on Gases W-om Lead fkaelting Furmces, by V.- G . Avrov . FUSSM, per twet. Wta.Ua No. 2: 1964, PP 31- 36. GB 72 Sci - Aug 67 337-14-67 WOO m M-orm I aF PM U loom, mof Nor Akm.&L A AWS WW w V TA.~"W 10 A~ a A*- Vor* *mow# 40 M4 UK wit I "IAJI I* so pit& 'M *qAl MOM so & AMIN Ida ou,.w OWN Aw IL bob "pump lill , MONW& Aw 1. 0.0 1. 0- -1 --, -,- llfli~~W I ,Nml- I- ~ -~- .4080* im * MaLlaw it a" ow.01 "ww- Iftc R-900 1 ictric r-m~ costs m Pover Statiomp by A. - at Large Tbexual M.Cct-ric Ys. Avrukbi 8 pp. IIUSSIO., per,, Elek Stants,, No 10, 1959., PP 15-36- jm-L-u7l-.N USSR Econ - Meat-rlc power Ao,7 ~7 ~;~ Feb 60 1-11 we unt oodu=mml 7 3b~-- n, a the spitm at ma-uft an moobdo ma fmilma sm-wo I)y I" Va. p ND 91 mgma,o pwp Pima 1969s im 14. rISM aw 62 ON THE USE OF NEW FUEL PRICES WEN U-ALCULATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL MEASURES IN ELECTRIC PMER ENGINEERING, BY A. YA. AY~Lu~ 7 PP. RUSSIAN,, PER, TEPLOENERGETIKA, NO 1~)02, PP jpRs 16501, USSR ECON DEC U2 21 1 Small Irrinnage Cargo Mtor Vesfiels,, by M. G, Av:ro?h, RUPIS'A'AN" bil Mit I.c)tonpa7.hnyyp Gruyovyvn T- r, ink 1956, pp .5 8-io, 15-,31, ('!A/FDD Stun 1729, Econ t. Oascruedw-1 of rIukau:o Vtuka, I. it UL-~J: pwo It, IQ'Av pp,37-42. -wjA ef !"4vy rT (NY-4688) Contactlass Magnetic Devicoo for Coutro."L Systems, by L. I. outexr-k ro bl, L. Guteumalher, N. L. A. Vlasomovap et al, 63 PP- RUS&UN,, bk.. Avtomtiohoskoye Uprawleniya i Wchiokutal'mmyu Tokholka, 1958., PP 113-145. JM 5779 SOL - Enar oat 6o al "o, Contactleas Devices for a System of Coritral, by L~ 1. Gutenmakhcr,,'10 -oD. 7, 0, v u Uprav-,en-~,u i -T -W Sci Z'-.cc',xonl-M3) Autooatulo-~ jul z 59 On Sow Causes of Incremned Vibrations in syncla'OuOus XUIAU-Pole bkohims., by IT, yu~ Avrukh. POSSM, per, Ilek ftantsii,, in 19 :-960j, PP ZZ N. '_4229 Sci - Engr Ap-r 62 1,Joq, i-ethoda of Balamcing *Lhe Ro-cors oj'' Large Synchronous Condensers, by M. A. Brmovakiy,. V. Yu. Arrukh.. RMSIAN, per, Elektricheakiye Staiit~--ii, No 4, 1959, p1, W-46. DuR Lui m.lq,94 (loan) Sci - Engr Oct 60 .Ig 6 /' 9.5- ~ ETA iur pj~ll: il~o Der D31~-S,tO. G-D! "TS r0he Biolo-ical Action of 1ligh Energy Radiation, by G. A. Ava-unina, N. M. ICaramzina, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Byul Ek5per Biol i Med, Vol 1,11y No 8, 1961, pp 52-55- JB sci LC, '2 un (" J A -Study of Bidlogiwa PWtOOtiOn Against Irradiation with High &msgy Protonij. E6v S. P. Tarmonshko, 0, Ao AvrUnina. ,pp. RUSSW. por* Hadidbiologiyat Vo), lie No 1, 1962- 9208799 ASC-T3r...,5428 Sol 7,11 Jul 63 wm") Wir-uschaftliches Frasen, 1953., by S. V. Avrutin Translated from the Russian original. 1951. DsiR 621.914 Lending Lib Uriit G. 123q4 Mech&-nlLw--6 F.Tnw Idnes for tl~,, ci Wt,ldtid Bedin of Drottrhing i4j,',h,.nev; by A. Ill, '.'vl-ut4tL,, B~ 'li~ Pestov, IA. Vu. Puctyi'nik, pp, llUF'SlArl, per, Svaruch Pro-fi-t, No 6, 196u, pp BWRA jur, 6i. Beneficiated Askangel.. by A. 1. Avsar)dsova~ M. E. ShisbrVashvili., 4 pp. - RUSSIAN, per.. bd Dok Ak Wauk SSSR., Vol CM11, No 3, 1958, PP 540-542- Consultente. Bureau sci - Chem Jun 59 SP I? 00 .0; 6 6'~ A, R"*M Mktorl&U lWtno=t 10 VW a Amp w -mm far a Ww NOONW, by N. Z*Dljevlol ale at smorv ftw %u adis ad of tbio 0 UstntaU Is VorUm,, be, F. Avssiwks ge 990 UD VOOMW MWANV ft"a"p ]b Is 1937v pp %Mtb ul ft 6L - IV-O nor -0 Am" somo Nil an Tlttc Dexnocnitic Republic of Vietnam -.nd Porcign Trade) by M~ M. ATzarcs, 191 IMSTAN, tA., Damokraticheskayu Pet,pubtikR Vlye",iitim JM 7)137 ,-'an o1 rl Nuv 61 W I'RE-91NESS OF MEAl' BY IIIL T'',-~71TIC)I: CI IR CAIATOCAZ API IY ON PAP I..R 1114,2! II I 1p. 7 I,Cf.-. 1:ASF1B 111.1iluscripi n ), S )3-:-Z. (h-d,r fi-ni 01',, or 1,'I-k SI.60 63- 1,)(121 Tralll;. of \;4+rw;l.- Ilitalfiva (1-1,1NO 1902, v. 2!, no. :,, 1). .12-~,';. *Me.lt, *fhronlau~gral0nk- maly,;ii, Alninu acj,.L;, Aumonua, Dtvomj-.)~;itjoli. A qllll)LitZlti%'C -A die ducomp).Sition of jivai PI'LlIcins i.; IILIA' 101 1IL'tt'l-olilk' d)C fl'"Ill!CSS Of IlWat after PrOl()Ilgt'-! StoldF.L' -ile individLial aminO acids are sitldicd N,i;? partinoii tPaix-r chromato~rraWly. '111C Pl*--~XILII-C i~~ Ill 'LICtail. Odier analylicaJ nictfi,-&, MIL-0 ill(AlIdV IKICTCJ0SCL41y * pI I determination, rl~lcti~m %Nith puroxiLL-Ise, and foritiol; and visual flv,)resccm-u. lliv fro, anihio acids as seen ill dic chronwitogram arv li~~tel. 'llie presence of tllr~Nmine a,ld IM-11liollilk' ar" 11(4t-d. 63- 1 (A)21 1. A,,halum-a, A, i), 11 S-332 -, 11 Fuderation I! !wwri,an I'll !AJ)CrIlll1-lITjI lb'dogy, Y""ollillgion, P.C. IV ,c ript a TuchlliL a, 111C. %ya sh ingt I'll, I C. (Ftxxt, '1-1*, v. 10, no. efflow W T zmku Improvad Methrds of Loading Vehicles, Machine3 and Parts on Flatcars,, by A. G. Kalishchuk, A. S. Avstralkh. RUSSIAN, per, Zhelezuodorozhnuy Trwisport, Vol MI XLIV, 1962, pp 76-78, NRC/Ref. C-4217 Sci-Engr Aug 63 -ell ?70 _~ 11 ARTIFICIAL INTMIFICATION OF Tf*; MELTING OF HMMIN GLACISM FOR IWJtEASIW THE RJWWF' OF R I VERS I N WiTRAL ASI As BY GAI AV.IMKp 8 PP. RUSSIANO MMO IZ AK N" p NU 5j0 19Qs PP b3-8)- JPRS 1669( ) SC I - Cleo PH" DEC ~2 2161,443 .Pnde-n G-A-ir-lntion of the Soviet ii7-vtj(-. L,2 T)n~ by G, A. Avayuk. RUSSIXi, RPt to the lnt'~l ("orif on ~,he Sc.%ACiy oi, Ice, Woshington, D. C., 1.958. CIA-4TT.) 'X-2765 6ci 0 p 411,j Aar 58 Fourth Anturctic Conference, by 1. A. Avvyuk, 5 pp. RLESTAII, Irreg perf Ye-'ld-a;-,arcdur., --ofizlch~-Ftkly r'od-lnformstsionnyy Bytilletwil, No it, 19581, pp 112- us Ccid Wasteland in the Antarctic Continent, by -1~ A. Avsyuk K. K. WarXov.. P. A. Skom kly, 19 pp. RrSSUR, per., Is I Ak Nauk SSSR, Sar Geov Xaf, jiu 4,, 1956, pp 16-25. oTs 6o-21.094- (PL-4W) 6 7 353H .*e Z)g 3ep 61 Gx-~L=phlcn-l Cbt~rnlnratlono in Rn knt%r~'t-ic by G, k, ImAyuk, M. K. Markov, P. A., "Shum,4LLy, 53 'PP. -- --'- -- '-' RMSTM, par, 17. Vfma Geograf Mahch, '11W UTS 60--21,325 Pi" -480 LWR GsogrWilc .Taa 63. m? 6 A Trip to Franz Joaepb 1,Emd; by G. A. Avsyuk. RUSSIU, per, Iz Ak Nauk, 8SM, Ser (;eoF,, No 3,, 1955, p 34. ...... NavY Tr 1563/aii-39 USSR aeog J-6.1 e5 ~ 40, Dec 57 AyAp)6 Q A.. Budy1w,, K L, Gerazimov. 1. P.. Tr-63-17714-8 (p. 3-13) `rigor'ev. A. A.. and MvitaM F. F. ' I. A")mk, Q A. M SCIENCES. GEOGkAIW INTIM SYSrEMOF EAh U. Badyb), X L G--t 63, 11 p M Gerambnoer. L P. Older from A(Z $1. 00 In Soviet Geography. .eview and W Grigor'ev, A. A. Translation, v. 4, no. 8, p. 3-13. V Davitays, F. P. Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. izvesdya. Sertya VI. American Geographical Society, New York CcografIcheskays., 1963. no. 4. p. 102-ILi. (Abswtct avallabLe) DE;SCAIFq'Oi,.S:- *Geogiaphy, CUsatficadoN Scientinc research I-ceding physical geographers take stock of die state! of theIr science. urging more Inte-r-disciplinary reesaoxch to halt the pain trend tmard Increasing LIM L-XV111 of the pardt-ulax phyf4cal-geographic dtac4AInm ^nle authors look to greater utilization of geophysical aind geDchernlc~J vwxbods in physical geography and to a (FArrb ScJences - -Coapgraphy, TT. v. It. m 3) (overij Q alArli-A il. aw-r; &AKW14.0.",%Ol c -lxu ol -~x /70 Jul 1: vp Rnmall"-; of of ts-" of tiv!i Ice (4.,a in ],Nti;14 'oy 0. 4., 7u. N. kru Ilk., V. 1. roptev. HUSSIM,r per., lh-Vormt Byull Bovet, Zkoveditatv,so No Ils, 1959o VP 9-13- Univ of wilac=sill (IXW) Bet - OOOPIWO 9Z1 Apr 6o 'loop 07 ,p,,.LLj+-S Sels and arch rl. 12 rid 19 pi) The Functional Mate of the Choroid Plexus Epithelium In the Brains of Mwns Dying of Tuberculous Wningitie, by G. 0, Avtandl2ov, 4 pp. RUSSM.. per., Iya Mmper Biol J. Med.. Vol XI-ra,. No 3.- 1957.. pp Consultairts Bureau Sci - Med May 58 (SF-1876/1) Notes From a Travel Notebook, by A. i1vtandilaran, 7 anp- RMSIAN, per, Nauka i Religlya, No Tp 1961, pp 26-31. ms 4995 UWE 1761, ;~2 7 Soc oct 61 movhmloal Changes in the Orp-nim of tbA GRIT b.7 AdIminiatratiMn of b/ Az T~psht,~!~nz, Bz G. Artilqwq N. E, L~W--- pp aYSSYMI, por, B'Iokbin, Vol XYV. Mm 3, 1'9&)~ Ot Feb 61 CodBtzy of ftUMAm ( SaUs AUAVU~ml of XSEWWO 1w T. IL Akio 09% 2aS p- i96P-. uIrMOR - --- - d3w tPOT-2DB4 - - I- 1 I / Al", SOL-cbms ltr%c im 66 3D3v Gwmml Pw*om Amaqpto.D4;tUkl by V. A. Avta-xx=., 20 W. ., lwr,, Xo4dnUvvumWe VychoUtellWye AU6=ys Tmew V'.'Qr-.f ve"Va rcw rscriver=t"i- )o Feb 67 of 'Ljr',j~-g 7)JI%jt4o CAtCLQjCj~ (;oMutdaaLion I. C.,31jtu"UaIXJ of Residucr, fj'Cj4ft ~UIIC ~110c-(' Z: A. .5yehev, V. 1. Avtorwmov, PI) S -.n--r, Zhur -Prik nil-,; V,-"- YX4.. 'No C,..rt Bu ChIcriden of Rutheni= Hydmtes., b~l V. I - Gorei*ldn, T. D. Avtokratovs. AUSSIMp bim per, Iz Ak Nauk &9M,g Otdel Kbim Naukt NO 5, 1947, PP 427-434. - Rese&mh la(m-:k4Qa Servlce- It 562 ~ 0., 703 Scientific - Mx=lstry j= 56 ms)bm A A oo ,TP:*" 13 - 2 1 O'j - TI.nol- Ptiblow at SoMmUss GoGmPbli: pan~$ %w =to A* I ~~p 5 P-0- FOUMS. IV's -- --- masp 30 ~)Ct 6k# V- 3- MIS 39M U0811 SrA-," :m 65 "~353 a - A- ---1b ~~ ~, Nm1w - - - xwvwmr~ ow - I *1 ~ g 016 Map lMkWS4M avaua%w% a moo fd~wd mw" Suomi ogj-(q~ .1 rkit,a. uv it. I 9P .;al.S 0" ',,~jjj -le Lc ~;4 Cj- 1 1. E, Cj r int-oxIcut-i-on 14 tth OrnitborAs Vix-vi; A P A vt s y i i c mc n ov , A . 1* 1 1. p: 7) Rl r,-)STA,-.l per V a urosy Virwsologiy, Vo I IV I o 1959, Sci Jun 60 ,-u,,)jcct-!Lattor, Goais, and btli-ods of -30vict Cleo gra i-,Iiic--l Patholoas by P~ F. 101 12 J~;S IrL, Iper VL!-,t Ak Aodit NaW- NO 11, IIJ64, pi, 3-11. Mli-6 29171 2% 7 ci Sci . mr 65 I vilm goo POO 40 Am 912k im"Wom 19 WOW= w *WIN. me Oo "i amm or lwwjill~ A. f"t MINT *10 am v& W, wr 63 Basic Proble= in the Etiology crr Typhus., Avtsps 7 PP - RUSSIAN, per, Klin lied, Vol XXII,, No 4, 1944; pp 44-52. Sci Trans W'czTe.r W-580 .. .. j, - ,,, Scievr,tific - Xv,-dicine i to 1 9,5-1 M- /I)px HistopatholoMr of Rickettalal Ra,mmonis. ii, White Mice, by A. P. ArtVn.. H. A. Sellts4li-aya, 9 P-n. RUSSIM, per., Zhur Xil=biol-, I Inmundbiol., No 1-2. 19", pp 29-34. Scl Trans Center IIT-61,B Scientific - Medicine CTS/DEX *am od--M rabas mftom Of 'cl2e cor-'ent- o' Tobl-f y%ifundlsh~mn., 5pP. tc. per., CB %e 2nflueme of RL%ropu in ccommucm with phospbMus ce tbo a Ch in the Ooqpwltim or ue Fra Am1no-A"de aW Ougm In ftbmco PlWts.m by M. 0._*muAgqm. RMlMf pw It Ak MA AraWanWcM SM: Biolog., Vol xxv., 90 tv 1961p pp T,4As ML M BD68 (low) &A - Riol & ~bd J~a 63 1P .4 u-ittions in tbe Campos, tion of the Fvvc~ Acide in the Roots and Sap 01' P01Y,90MM ~---b--ntale in the Different Develow"ntal Pharsei3, )N- 7 ~ S. Avundzb7an. RUSSIAN, per., Iz Ak Nauk knolaw;Aoy L93SRp TAclog Rai 2k, Vol XITT., No 21 ig6o, pp 3-16. CSIRO 5371 3ci - Biol V, .4,ug 62 The Transfer of Chl'orophyll in Plants, by V. 0, Kazaryan, E. S. A~~Zhmr 5 iPp. RUSSIA14,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SWR,, Vol CI, 1955, Pp 181-183. SLA Tr B-1321 Sci Jun 58 '- '~Y -7 9 & ~ / 0 Oc' investigation of the Capture of a Norisomorphous Impurity by-a Cry-stal Growing from the Malt. A, N. Kirgintsev and E. G. 4XmkNQQvg pp.- 6 RUSSIAN, p--,r, Flz 'I'verdogo Tela, Vol IV, No 12, 1962v PP. 3427-3434 Amer Inat of Phys Sov Pks - Solid State Voi IV, ?,,'o 22 sai June 63 Oct ';of- sm"Mmus ad M - --- so imo*mwy ad uw AQW-ma. ONAONN% IL TO lb"U% V* As I ft -W~-Ar 16 F* INNOWpokv lb 300 So 61 jert st,-Cwla. lay 4 27 - kTSSIA~I, war. Gia, 1;o :1959 Eav Faramagnetic Resonance and ParamagLetic Relaxation in Salt Solutions of the Iron Group, by V~ 1. AvvaL'Umovs N. S. Garif'yanov., B. M. Kozyrev, P. G. Tishkovy 4 pp. RUSSIAN per, Zhur Eksper i Tooret Fiz, Vol MVI1;' No 6(10~p 1960.- PP 1564-1569. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phyii - J-,:',TP Sci pbyr'ics Vol XXXVIIj (10), No The Dymmical. Chancter of Us Zahn-Teller Effect and 114 Influence on the Paismagnetle Resonance bY V- L Avmk=Dv.- 7 P- of CtFT R SUB., per., Zbur MuMw I Teorat Fi:zp Vol XW p No 4,(10), 1959P PP 1017-ice5. Amr Inst of Plrje Sm fts -JW Vol JM(10), No 4 SCI ;? Apr 60 ,I of Iron -.~roujl Elexanto Wict"a m, El;-i HT ISS) I Miql'. ~,vr. Mclt.,O.. i Vol. TV. 4o 57 91 -201 - S--A Sep ~--hotWajhlc Nuterlal With a Qma-U%at CocITIcletit 4 of Coatrast In the Vlelble RegLon or the Spectrmj by V. Lor"J, A. F. Rulovul4p !a. QA,IU'k.ZUV,* S. A. r* perp Mwx Tebb Fir., Vol -11 No 8'l 19541 1499-1502. I;ov 19% CMAM ILI-V"I-d metbeo of Detolldmttou 99, polatum " Tbtal VOIStilno b7 A. A. Avylm' and S. 8 - KI'mr mblvaj, 1. sojp I Ippo RWI67ALN, les vtki 10, no 80 IMq p 21 sci woom so 50839 scioutl2lc Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Paramagnetic Relaxation in Liquid and Supercooled SolLtlon of Ti~'* Salts, by V. I. Avvakumovv W, Sr Garif Iyanovj E. I. RUSSIMO per., Zhur Usper i Teoret F.14, Vol No 5 (n), ig6o, pp i215-im. AIP Soviet Pbys - JETP Vol XU, No 5 set 7j jul 61 A "-tudy of the Acid-Base Reaction between Arom&tic Amines and Garboxylic AcidE by the Deuterium Tilxchange "ethod, by A.I. FhatenElitein, E. N. Avya -ova, 8 pp, _._.gint-seva., Z.N. Ovchinnil, RUFFIAN., per,, Zhur Obahch Khim, Vol XXXI,, No 5.v 1961, PP U32 - 1h39 Rai liar 62 A- WWI ~Tmm or comm. w - AWR I VPW"l W6 =~ M6,1rj& Alx 0 to WMA 4M W.40" a" q. WAN a ON "K M 63 ftq,0703 sm some amly --- or lbubm" In a suvdm 0 1 it 141-M a am* MLOV bir 0. A. DwWAJWWv T. a. Awspowt CO. mon#A, rm, Mm Umv6 Vol Xv lb 5,, 1961,p N 478JAC es 6" alol (a 2*410 Beport on Drilling for Petavlewn in 1961: by K. A~-~9 PP. PMIMP Per., NaftA%., Vol xvuls No 7., 1962, pp 198-201. JFRS 15366 P,,,;on Oct U,2 T. pwig Stud-las on Lignin. Part III. On the fimctiou Between Wood and Sthy1marospUin, by 1, Awa JAPUSSEt pwo, MU ANUMM III Ky2maz"i.rm- YAnkyu �.lahM &a&, Vol 10, 1963., pp 49-55 i,;n, 71-i5196-o7c Mr 72 CbmileW RmUstion Prftectd~=, by 19. S. M. Avad. (Abstract only) 009--mom-, AMM, pWr P/1109., FAMMOW of YatermUonal Confermue m Poseeftl Uses of Ataido Nwrgy He3A at Oweva 8-20 Am 1955. internati -- us 7 Sci - Nuclear PbyojLus ciA 1-669.9-162 61-22126 Awada, E., Ikegami, Y., aid Nakamura, A. FACTORS AFFEMNG TEE DRYING, THE 1. Drugs- -Preparation STRENGTH AND THE APPAIKENT DENSMY OF 2. Vehicles (Pharmacology)- - GRANULES. Pt. 3 of StujiL, of ilic Cranulanng Preparation Process In Tablet Making. [1915119p. 3. Particles- -D~nslty Order from ATS S 14. 70 ATS-2814491 4- Title- Tablets I .Awada, E - Trans. of Yakugaku Zasshi (Japan) 1960, v. 80, no. 11, H. Ikegami, Y p. 1567-1573. 111 -Nakamura, A. IV. Title: Studies.. See also 61-22127 V .A rS-Z8N49) Vt. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. EaqT Orange. N. J Ghl- of T--Wc.1 Ur,4co. (Biological Sciencr!B--PharmacoI-,gy, TT, v. 5. no. 11) 61-22177 A_'ads, E Morioka, T ind Ikegami, Y. RHEOLOGICAL SIUMES, OFF TR2 GRANULATING 1. Drul )--Prep-ratlon PROCESS AkTrH A RCTARY WET GRANULATOR, 2. Vehi -lea (Pharniacology)-- ESPECIALLY OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE E)Cxusicjn FLUIDITY OF SEMISOL.IDS EXTRUDED FROM A 3. Part icles- -Physical CYUNDER. Pt. 2 of Studies of the Granulating Prooesu factors In Tablet Making. f 19611 10p. 4. Tillo: Tablets Order from ATS $17.60 ATS-27N49J I .Avis da, E - It. Morioka. T Trans. of Yakupku Zasshi (Japan) 1960, v. 41, no. 6. Ill. lkegami, Y. p. 721-727. IV. Tltl,,: Studies... V. AV. -M149J VI. AssDetated Technical Serviam, Inc.. Esest Orange. N 0#4-1 T_"-f S-k.. (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT, v. 5. no. 11) Etudes Des Reactions Anodi-ques Au Cou,-.,~ ).,! la Galvano-plastie par 1e Cyanure (ic Cuj.vr,--,, I. ConsiC.-arations Sur les MoClifica,'tions e la Surface de L'Anode en Cuivre, b . - y 1. Awa, '7 1?. JAPANESE t~) FRENCH, per, E-1-bon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi 1'-')55, Vol .4IX., !,.To 4, pp 26'~-271- CEA-tr-Xl2c, Sci Fe-o 6o Vol 2 y ITO 10 T)7 by T. Awailop Oc C')V In-:1 T n";`-- Bls:~ 1419 a n a on" SWAN SHAKEUP 11-1 THE 1111`.'1 STRY OF SC I DJT I F I -- RESEARCH; 4CADEI.'Y AND COUNCILS ESTABLISH(-D, BY 'AWATIF IABD AL JALIL, 4 pp. ARABIC., NPI AL JAMHURRIYAH) 31 kAY 1,,o2, P 5. JPRS 145~11:~, SCI MISC JUL 62 Systematic Aualysis of Antihistamines, Phenothiazines and Compoimds With Cyclic Systems Resembling Those of Phenothiazines, by W. Aw.g* GERKAN, per Oulsphe JILIS"t Vol 107P 19929 PP 1333-1339. NTC 72-10936-060 Kay 72 On the Ideatification and QuwitIt6t'*'.vo Determ1wtion of Turke"vdou In Ph&rmoeuticiO Specialties and of Plant Extnacts ir, 2a" Pho2mmeutima MIxtues ContidrIng Turlwy-Red 011,0 by Pr Wsatbw pp. UNCIAMIn MMW,, per, Felt a Vol Lils imo . -VUL-=Lft:-Lm PP 474-476 CrA 15U01 " Tr 1117/*ahips 571-B Solentific Chooletrys Dye coo 20 aWWX0767 Sol-Rush 16W 6T The Present State of quartv. Cryczu*~ , 'N chniquas, by H. AwqGdQx,. TAXI, .1 GEPJM,, per, Emsbrichtent.-ch Z, VI.:' So 5# 1958. RAE 792 Be I - Chem c Jun 59 ~r q ~ / z The Current, Status of Qwrtz Crystal Develop- ments by Ho Avender, 26 pp. GFJMN, per,, Hachrichtenteehnische Z., Vol X1, NO 5,, 1958, PP 225-237- ATB-64V8(; Sci rhys Jun 59 OTB 1, 10 Frequeucy Stabilization in the Ultra Short Wave Hangep by 3. ~yqudsr,,,.. 20 pp - GEM", por', ftaktoch Monatshp No 10j, Oct 1937, Pp 302-306- BIA Tr 57-595 Bel - Zlectricity 3-d ~ 6 6 Aug 57 Quarts in HISk Fxvqwncy Technology, by He Awmader,, K. Sms, ~I GERMANt per,, Han&uch (car IIochf3,vqu"&-vIRd E I* ct ro..T* ker, Vol Aast 3:1914 11) 2204020767 c f,;-c Sci/barth Sci Aug 67 3369,581 v D Cmcf-l Clearnnae In Tcmns, by Bror lix., 9750,27). FIIMISH, ier, T.~elcht~tj No 10 1954p pp 22, 23. G-2, GSUSP G-504-7 EEur - Pidland 55