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The Effect of Vibration on the Morphologic Oattoza of Endocrine Glands, by R, Pieschocinski, POLISH, por, Patologia Polska Vol 178 No 4, 1966. pp 561-563. NASA TT F-11t328 GOVLIRN14MT usE cNLY sci-84bi Jan 68 348,684 liffact of Vibration on Czrbohydrate Ketabo- lismo by A. Tarnawski. P()LISH, per,, Putologia Polskl,, Vol 17, No 4, 111)66, pp 565-569, WASA TT F-11024 GOII,L-RW%NT USE (WLY 348s697 The Zigzags of the InternutioniLl Communist Movement, SPANXSH, na), IAL Patria, 18 oct 66. *JMS/DC-12874 Dee 66, alkirdt's. Drill, 20 as X 139, DM 10, Provis- L~n~ml D*~J*very Conditions for,, by Roffmann-Worko, 136kOFFICIAL USH ONLY GUR10M. rpt, Pistrone, Exertier 20 mm X139. %1 10. Vorlauf1ge Technische Lleferbedinmg fur' 7 JUn 9668- 14 pp. J-OS98 ID 21204043666 WHur/Germ Mil Sopt 66 309m,676 0-11 BrISafts CrItlelsed fbr I , and Pow OWalratioup by Tatu a;., 6 pp. MMW,, per, Pma oontre ImeniWaor, ljp im 1966, 6 34wi BE-Rumanu X" Air 66 298j.142 i Fire4urmw PAW! "one Hut Not Be Ignored, by D*Ql 9 5 PPO RWANUN# part Nza 29RIn lhongUcr &y 1968. pp 2(~-21' ~ # h MS'45.944 BE Amoda Soo Aug. 613 3520714 1h .:""Wow MA at pt fteasetr'*W FMI* ftdwlmp 2. PWI& zo ~~ 'krlVwwp ib Imp tr 3f I zatftsm ar. MA Iduuft gftvlm b-imm or mmwp =-Mrv~ Baft ftt 67 3k3s.141 ISP664) 20 A* Val 46. ift Fimbwlos F*ndgri nobgries Jan 69 YA. -02 Uw ~Q~ma"M"ew of the Zoom* lbund In the nd,ii* 300mr, bw R. Sinamwt. FRl9j,M4- p*jjj jZ& pfoj~A M,, No "749 20 SW 2"7o Dwt auim or owsor" ndmion Bmwuh of ftreiv nabsides w Bar 9ftm Jan 66 AS, 536 Com. ish 037(s) R-8i36-D F1 _/63 31 Jan 68 ~ Los nouveUes ligmes do bamm servant Au me Is. Uzdtle dea douze mUles ont ete publIess By -. FIXM LI& Pealm NwItime 20 Nov. .1967:744 pp) ~ LfAsseublee mationale a insiste wr la necessite de la deflation d1u, poutique de is peabe From La Peehe MWxItIjw 20 Nov. 1967-,745-747 (3 PW French - eat for vda: Please translate and type 1 orIgInAL and 2 carbou c;:~pjes. The National Assembly Insists cm Need for a Definite Fishing Pollay. 14 pp.. FMIUM.. per, is Pwche Maritime, voi 46, NO 10~6, 296T, PP T4.5-T4T- Dept of Interior Bureau of Cbmmercial P1 r1 a Office Of Ibmign Fisheries A-31-Aug-Sept 1969-19o 63 On Imn w9ur Fican Sov 616 '7 39T, 315 Com. FI:W~ ~r'tR(b) R-8146-D/69 4 June 6Z-3) lu-ticle !.'row: Lot Peche Maritime Vol. 47, NO 1080 ma-cl, lqu):.166 -1,10 PP) By: i~Title: Uh port do peche d0importance europL-,u-mce "Grimsbv " Frcl:ich -,Ost 41,jr wds: Pleaue translote cuW type I ori,~~inxa and 2 carbuyl copies. PA)ciunent (!wi be cut. This is not f'or Publication. The "Nordpee" Went German Marine Fishing Jhteipri"., 9 pp- I I IRMSM, per, IA Pwabe NWdt.I Vol 4T, so 1689, x9Q . pp UZZ19- Dapt ~of Iftorior BuIvau of Commercial Fisheries Offtee of Fbreign Fisheries A-30-Jul,v 190-No jL49 On Loan WE" fton Nov 6-_9 397:305 BrItish Flaborles at a Twming Point,, by mer BIWV. 6 pp. j no 1111. per., I& Pacbe maritme, Vol 47, No x6a~, Zee -lm.. pp W-U30. Dept pf wberior DUVaU Of C=nMW Fisheries Offic 0 of Pbreign Fisheries A-30-juXy Xcp6g-.No 63 on Loan WEur Nov 39T., -M Acduvity of French Fishing useoors Duing 1968,, 58 jpo. FM=z, I& Poebe Maritime, Vol 47, No 1089, Doe i96 ropp -915:9-3-1. Dvt of Dawrior Bureau of Cormerclal Fisheries Offic i's Of Foreign Fisheries A-30- Julv 1969-No 5T on lpaln lonmilvi?. AquacUture and Fxwnh Fisheries.. by Joban Mousenler. 10 pp. per,, IA Peche Nwitim, Vol 4T, No 1089, Dec M, PP 935-93d. Mpt Of Imterior Bureau ofZacmercial Fisheries Offlc* of Foreign Plaborles A-30-iJulv 1969-ft 56 On Loan Sol-Bm Nov 69 39TZM Activity of French 17islkiiig Harbors Miring 1968. FIU.11401 par, La Pocho Maritime. Vol 47, No 10811, .I Doc 196 8# pp 935-938. . *Cr-STI n' 69-52010/3 WVE-Con Ntar 69 The Common Marlwt. Modification of Fishermen, in West Germww- T pp. MWA, per, is Fache Maritim, v0:1 no 1090, Jan 1969, pp 29-2D. Dept vf Interlor Burmu of I MIX - Fisheries Off Lee of ftraign Fisheries A-33-july ig6g-No 150 on laska WaIr Scon am I Ald to 48, 39T., 306 French Fishermen in Senegail, FRENCH, per, La Pocha Mariti-oa, Vol 48, No 1091, Fab YS6 . P 84. *Dept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Office of Foreign Fisheries No A-28/May 69/203 sci-Hisc July 69 Wast'aarmow. Fishery Statistics for 1968. 5 nM=,v pw,. I& Peahe Marium, Vol 48, no -1093., Feb M, pp 93-94- Dev't lof interior Bum,u o;r,Couwrclal Fisheries Offidq440 Fbx*IM Fisheries A..3D.ju3,y 1969-N0 151 On Zamn wzur PAOM Nov 69 397,307 Fish!Mvpwts for 1960. 5 pp. perp Is Peche Hwitimep Vol 48, No 1091,, IWb In.. pp 125-12b. Dapt of laterioW Bwresu of Offtee of A-30,Tuly On Loan uEur Felon Nov 69 Commercial Fisheries Foreign FIsheries 1.969-No 58 3967,274 Cuban RMrts in DovelaplM the Tuna and M=IM Fisheries. 6 pp. FRMH* ]?or,, 'a P*Gbe Maritime.1p Trol 48., NO 1695, 1"., PP 41()-41T- Dspt Of interior Bureau Of ~ rels, Fisheries Offlab of Foreigm Plaborles A-32-Oct 1969-No 21 On Umn 7;, latin America Econ Doe 69 394,510 11w Comani of the Tuna Seiner "Jamuou.Coetw" Mxbom In tbe of Actlvitlez Diveroification Wfort of the large Bode Fishery (kwwul CcnpwWo FMM, per, is Poobe mwitj 1, V03. 48,, no lo95, June iW9 *MWI TT 69-52057 RAW F4M Oct 69 FMAV,-~ItWO 00008noW Tuna Vesabms and Six Fafr1serated vassou Paruaipmrb3 in the Arrica. MUM FlBbADWY. Fmm=p pwi, ZA Peabe _P*zttlm,, val 48.. no io95, Jum 1969s, PP 419- *MM Tr 69-52058 Afrima Boon Oct 69 Oanpod Tump by A* ft T=vnt. 9 pp. FBMNXp per., Im Poobs Maritl Vol 48., 50 U95,, 1960,p pp =lm. ftpt of Zuterlor BUXORU of commexcul Ylsbwleo Offim of Forlegn Amberles A-30-Oct 1969-ft 3.18 on T.Olm Dee 69 398,542 Sh-ri,nn EXploitation Off the Ivory Coast: Solid Reasons for Hope, by J. -11. Troudec, S. clarcia. 8 pp. FRCK*, per, I& Peabe Marltime, Vol 48, Bo 1095., 1969-,-Pp-T3T:4W-- Dept of Interior Buma of Commeraial Fisheries Wfiae of FbreJLgn Fisheries A-32-Oat 1969-no 62 On Loon SCI-BM Bee 69 398,526 Shrimm Culturej, by Joban MousW-er- 10 pp. Vol h8, per I& P"be WrItime NO 1095.1 Dawt of Mxtorior BWM*u Of 00umOrCial Fisheries Office of Fwelgn Fisheries A-32-60t jL969,.No in On Lcmm Doe 0~f .08,540 SbrIM TeabnoloMr. by H. P. Wmen. ;~) pp. nmkm# por'? X& P"be Ybritim, Vol W, lb 1095j, Dapt of Materlor Bur*au of Caumamial Fisheries Offloo of Fbx*lgu Fisheries A-32-Oat i969-no iog On Xoan Do* 69 398,538 Eq*rJ*Ontia Sbrlxp Calturo PxoJwt lml At4tftj-Uo ys=4 ~Vwv rA pocke MWIUM). V03L 48" No 1095j, JUMP 1969, Vp 449. IT 69-52063 soi-Bal Oct 69 M13-UNUM Of a Not Bound PRobe, lim tin pelao,6 rawalm of mwuw. MMM-0 pwp 'a v Vol Wip NO 1095ip J~UWIW- IV - *amn ~ 2T 6s6526a. 4.5 & Sal-HWJ3 Oct 69 A Few~Aspeqts of the Shrimp Fishery Around the 'Wor*, 116 pp. MIMI,, per, is Poche maritime, vca 48, ig6g, pp 455-4b4. ftpt of Matarlor B=vau of Commercial Fisbaries Office of libreIgn Piabarles A-32-0at 1969-No Uo On Ioan Boon Deci 398.,539 Shrlap Fishing in tbe Oaf of Oar"iftaria.. Austv"ia,, lly". FFx='O per, ra Peche maritim., Vol. W, no 1.095, ame ZM, pp 463-464. Dept of Interior Bureau of Ommarcial Mberiels OMCe of ForeUp Plaheries A-32-oct. 1969-No 5 on loan ftl-B&M Doe 69' 398,506 Place and Future of Aquaculture in World Vishertas, by Johan Mousnier, FRENCH, per, Ls Poclie MaritiM, No pp 739-742. Dept of Interior BCF/OFF A-36-Feb 1970-No 137 On Loan the French and 17 pp. 48(1099), 1969, Sci/har Sci May 70 The Coast 5J.c1tc:rs Kany Fishing flarbors of Which Sete is the I-lost linportant of the Haditorraucau Coast, 6 pp. FRUNCL., ncr, La 11cclic Muritire, No 48('1099), 196-9, pp 755-756. Dept of Interior Bureau of Coirnercial Fisheries Office of Forui~jn Fisheries A-34-Dec 1969-No 52 On Loan h, Fcon i E/11 L"lar 70 404,768 La Peche 14&ritime, No 1104, ]~~rch 10'M pp 70 Pull tr by *CFSTI TT 70-57239/3 Available from Ly Serials JulY 70 .Parra u RibPart arn ttm) warine riu~wry of the USSA, Part I (Aperqu Ow toll 1)2bhoG Aw itilwa at% Union tkin P";itAiitIquk;u Soot LI'Miar; Sovylti uO Ld, Ww 'IlarttLmo, 49uilZ At',g.: 59t-601. in Arun0h. Trurull. by TM for WIRS, MI. 30P., typescript. "all. an Lwan - 147S, Waah, D.C irt-.11 A!-kip La Mellie~ ~4arifiiw prodtw~len of Prenon fishlimS.Indimtry (La production de 111tidwi-ti-io tie XU peelte Ott 196 tok FQlobs.)Uxrit,l.Ao, 49(1110), Sopt.: W-2-605. In ftench. Trzinsl. by TPU for wM.S, Way 1971, 14p.., typereript. AVail. or. Loan - NIM, Waah.. D.C. Original Afticle Checked,'k... Report on tho wArIne f isherlas of tbv US3R. Part 2 (Apar?v s~w Its peche m"Itimas an Union due RopubLijuea Socin latii 3*vliotiquar~, -) JA 11~'bha Maritime, 49(lLIG), Sept.; 6551-559. In Otreneh. Tram I. by, TF3 for H?3PS, May 1971, t~?&uorlpt. Avail. on !,*an 4 N.M. Waall., D.C. riginal Article CheckedR'!O~ Parres, A. 19-'1 RepOrt on the marine f ls)mrioa of the U.s. r~. R. Part , i I (Aperou our Ion pSoh*s maritimen on III *me partle) La P6che MarJt1-%&, ~L)(1114), at,.: 35-4- . In 'Prenob. Tranal. by TPR for MITS, Oct. lg-;'I, 2-7p., typoseript. Avail. on 1-oan - NXFS, Wash. , D.C. Original Article Chdacked.. 1,6 FfFoht !.IttrJ t1me (fes r6sultctt; f V~ rm Trgnb 1. 1 ., '1P.:: for 1, 14p. t., r'~escrj pt. A-usl 1. on 1- ar. Wau,. , DrIginal A-ItIclu ~.* hecke-d-M 142UrItaniUn SGaretary Ovnoral for Firsivirlas 19,70 and Meiv6nnt Marina maurite'nian flaheriam (La p8che maiwitanienne) sccretHW6 Oeveral do la Narino t1archaride at de la Paotw, Ju.ii. 19P. In Prench. Trawl. by TPS for U173, Nay 1971. 22p., typescript. Avail. on Goan Wash., D.C. Hogefts Discusmes Social Problens of Commudomp bqv Anc~mx Hqmftao, 6 pp. HUNGAFLWg par, fq~d%2" Sseml,*L Ba&pestt bkm 1968v pp L04--*-IW. JFRS L4?,04?.5 EE-Hw%'av7 Pal liar 69 375#961 777 7 77' Development in the Study of Vltavltoo. by D. Adamovska CZECH, rpt, ;ada&ogicka Fakulta. Sbornik Bi gic& 010 Ich a GeologickYch Veil, No 7. 1968, pp 5-33. NTC-71-12139-08G Nov 71 Dev'610PMmt of SeCOWAry Education in Czecho- xlo~akial 1933-1966j, by Norbert CernY,, 34 pp. GOVpMmm USE ONLY CZWII,, pex-,I Pe�,agffiika Vol. 17,, No. 2,, Apr 1967,, pp. 224-241. JPRS GUO.2430 F&-Czech soc June 67 329A598 Cutviodt Status and Future Dwv*L)pvmt of M131- t"7 Mumstion In the Caechom2mak People'r AnW# IW Jalrss)Av Fowl &W Ottv P=g 10 pp* GQVWI#2NT 'WE CUM CZHCHP perp Lt�ftqAjmffi No 4# Avg 1967. pr 493- 5000 im Quo 2396 Nov 67 343v768 The Ukrainian Pedagogical Scientif ic Research Institute, by Nikola Potkanjak, 10 pp. SISR80- CROATIAN, per, jVed&%wzj',k4, Belgrade, No. 4, Oct-Dec. 67, pp. 551-556. JVRA 4502B EE(Yugoslavia) Education May 68 357,73:1 Ilie Craiitlvity of Soviet Pedagogical -11-ioory wid Prucit1we, by France StrMDnik, 11 pp. SHIM- CROATIAN, per, Pe Lka, Belgrade, No. 4, Oct-Dee 67, pp. 557-5153. JPRS 451,328 Wyugoulavia) U'lucatiall i,~4v 68 357,728 6ociodlst $econdary Wucation Alms Uscusavd. by as~dslAv k*ran. 6 pp. uuv W&WIT WE UNLY uizd. pier, l&*g2g:Lk&v vrague, June 1969, pp 459-"2. J., ~PSA 3132 E,B-Czech ~~Ol cet 69 392,009 llozultz Ubtainod In the Treatment of Acute Infectlow-, Diarrhea of the liairsling, by G. Constantinescu R01W,TlA;.', per, Pediatria, Bucharest, Vol 16, 1967, pp 517-524 WTC 71-15131-o6L., mar 72 l it to; 1 lj T ! ............ l l , , i T A klUCUMLI P P EW : 6 V17 P193-197 19 06L c jq~q via P63-72 70-13546- VIG P169-174 cam PON NM libcparience of the Bacau Pediatr-Lc Department In the Treatment of Severe Briteric Infectians in Inf an ts by M. Mnculescu et al. ROMANIAN, per., Pediatria. Bucliarest, Vol 18, 1969.t pp 33-5-403- NTC 71-14268-o6E Feb 7 2 FIR, pi IIN", I m 9 w F Kul .1~!A. NAPOLI seem") 6 *75 P780-71jo 70-13457-ObA t*)- I kit,Lbiotic Therapy in Infancy, lZr L. P4 to. in I ITA~UAN, per, Pedia-tx-La Napold, Vol 76, 1968, pp 587-599- i NTC 71-14764-o6o Feb 72 T it, toll; ial ISANISAS 0 Ot C14ILL 4 11,466 Vy PIIV-12 70-12513-06E 4(0> OYU= IPMM mc ijifc Ct by szczOpe De 11 72, 7 A Vol .1"), 7p ju b It 17 A Cajo, of Kasabsch wid Merritt SyndIrom-10, by liwwy Hmok 0 5 pp * pol'.ullo pw,, ?Ogetria Pgm"t Vol XL, I~o 12, 1963j pp i4og 1412. DDpt of 14av3r/IW 1246 sci IB &. B I June 68 358.4c.16 L.IjAical Picture mid ui i,,--Ukolji;i -,.-1 udldr,.~up by A. iludarz. POLV~i~ r Vediat Pol, Vol '11, .,tar 64; ZS0,717 Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia Mrvasfoxmlii~ Thrt.te Times Into the Acute Fat= arith an Episode of ~&ukxmnilc Man-Ingools. POLISH,, -per, Fediat Pol, Vol 42,, NO 3s 1967,, PP 3~45-3118- BBq-Mw p- -,,, -68 bci-F&M mar 68 350,711 POLSKA P793-727 V36 PRATICA, SAO PAULO 4 M4, PIJT-146 ~Ibb* V3? r'0-lR5b9-0bE NV P345-3bo. ?II-Rlal9 C.), Infant 14ortaUty in i-aist Years knolyzed, b~~ M. Toc!nevo B. Zakhariev. 7 pp. DULGARIM. per. L9#&tFivjk. Soila, No 6, toov-i.,cc 1969. pp .534-559. J.LRS 50213 .5ai-B and J." Apr 70 406,266 PP1 i 0 il 0 u 3. N'ethocj 0- Bgsic Stp_ to Pedology, 'Ly p VR,. Dr-"Lessciie. ,!"lit C 11 r, Led _aI o,.- i e, i~ ,IITC 72-10633-0814 Apr 72 Investi t u gation of the Reactivity of Carbon Black With Free Radicals, by J. B. Donnet. FRE.NG11, tier, VOI 421 1960, PP 76-87T.-"' NTG 72-10541-110 .Apr 72 Idcroorganisms and the Daterforittiorn of Iaints. by .1. ijortoaux, 25 pp. FREAN't per Pointure, Pigments, Ve:mis. Vol 44, No 12, IL968,: pp 740-753. ARNVFSTC/IIT-23-724-70 GOVERWENT Ikc)E ONLY sci/cham July 70 Drying of Paints and Laque17S by Electronic Irradiation, by M. Grandou and M. Icre, FRENCH, yer. Peintures-Pign6--ni--s-Veri-Lis, Vol 45, No 1, pp 3-15. BISI 8770 Contribution to the Study of Antifouling Paint Propertiea: The Effect of the Toxii:: Used and of the Solubiligy of the Binder, by V. Rascio, J. J. Caprari., 18 pp. GOVEMOM USE ONLY FRENM.. per,, Peintures, Pigments, Vernis, Vol 45, No 2, 1969, pp 102-113. ARM/FSTC.,/HT-23-726-70 June 71 Wood Preservation. Products wid IDrocessex of Aakii'pati6n, by IL Al"I 16 pp. Govpt~=T, USE Owx TR==, pers Padnture,, Pimogts, Vernis, voi 45, NO 4., ~ 1969" AWAMAIT-23-725-70 Doe 70 Biolo cal and Mochemical Aspects of the Degradation Process of Ligneows Mutter B Y the Orja~,Isms Attacking WooR, by C. Jacquiot, 7 pp. aovxmu=T USE ONU FMCH., per., Pointures, Pigments, Vernip, Vol 45, Ito 4, 1969v --vp 251-255. ARWFSTC/Ir~-23-727-70 Bei/),*t Jan 71 Biodateriorittic.)1i k)f by F. D'Og B. Pivell, -11, 1)1). 1 . P ziy, GOVEIUMENT USE ONLY FRENCH3 per, Peintures Pigments Vernis No 4, 1969, pp L-05-270 .2 Vol 45, ARM/FST6/jIT-23-723-70 ' March 71 The.Civil Code in Senegal.& Tradition Adqptsd to the Modern Vorld& by Gabriol Arrlglils 14 pp, MOW,, per,, Pmmt.. Vol 75j, No 706j, Apr-Jun 1965, pp 155-169 JPRS 33062 Afrion - Senegal ;soc Doe 65 293v.'$5 Mm Judicial Organization in Sexiel,-al, by K6b& M'BwA, 26 pp. Pimm, rPt, Penmt, Vol 75j Mk) 706, Apr- June -L!)65, PP- 191-222- JPRS 33391 Africa-Senegal FOX Jan 66 293..749 iana *ad Agronten naftm in MWIPS&I, by 4boune Baftm MoMpgug, 9 pp. FM=.. per,# Penent Vol 7.5, W) TC)7, .*U,-Sept 1965, PP- 29T-3D3. arle 32902 Africa 26M 4n 66 293s,622 The Boamonla TWw.*(Wr of the lvv)z7 Coastj, * ple~yft Rques" 1-0 ppf ~ per., Penant Tbi MMt No Tll., AjOv~rftw -lWj,- ~ 137-14T-~ . I pp PW 36" ww"Me vc~n Au~ 66 3w..955 Review of Claude Meillassoux I a lklmomic f hRVhr:2:)I= -of the Gauras -if the Ivor._ C,~Apt 5 pp. FBENCH, per, Penant, Vol 76, No '711, Apr- Mny-June 1966, -PP. 265-269. JPIt13 36314 Africa-Ivorj C,)ast Econ ji,ii 66 306,964 Fn 11 m y Life and Now ~Iarriago L,.tws in the Ivory Conimt. 1:~yjlaitro I-Zictta Abitlx)l, :12 pp. FRENCH, por, Ponant. Vol 76, ~Ib 712. 713, and 7J-4, -jul-sept -1966~. -PP 363~-316. and Oct-Dac 19M, pp. 455-467- JPRS 39Yi5 AF/IvoiT Coast Soc Mar 67 319,282 Icl.entification Procedures lu~ylnond Rozier, 14 pp. FIW,NCII, par, Penant Vol - i4z~ 000t 19661 PP- 393-405- JPBS 3d435 A;rrica-lhmindl Six Nov 666 in Burmdi, by '(6 N,) .- 712, Jul/ $ 314,0c)2 -"'alally lllr,-,hts Amrg ths OiDeld of by Ctla'10 6"QMA Somba- 36 pp. nnN,.!a:q(, par p t 1967, - Zanan-'-' ~~' 77, '0 .pp. :6*3f;-~b ?16o Apr-jun V-,~v JOW, 4v AfKcia. Aur 6 Iloper %tol ta, 73.5,Jam.;-~ar 1%;7, PD , . 15L. 9P 7 3354 1-1 1 " I. . .. - . Reform of ChadUn Judicial System kradyzed, by R, B., li 14 pp. FMCI, r '11, poro Ponant J&1141&r 1968. pp 65-76. JPRSI 45546 Afr Chmd Pdl June 68 359,453 An Ar*XYvis of the New Cawroordan rl-iminal Codso by ijoi,m r6LUsifjr, 9 pp. MNCH04r# bma Jan-Mar 1968, 125-134o JPRS 4~ pp Afr/Cawrom scm , 1 June ,6B It 4-.51 C' t6iii, lawn In Africa floviowixl, by ift as I i . 0 -57 pp FRU,Wlio, per. LejL&nt, Vol 78. No 720, Apr-~June 1968. PP 147-193. JeRtS 46392 inter-African Soo sop 68 367.181 Again;1vt the OD, Labor: PartV, by SPANISH, por, pp. jci~ i ~6. JPR,S 41363~ 1301 Jul 67 ,wrvativo Trend In tho Guatemalan %lio del Valae. ! ' pp. danionto Critia, Feb 1967, 3.7 "0 ~~Otms an 'wne"Uss &UM the RfyaLmQw?. by ftcliid, App. .5PAtllSH, per, bgMEldento CAt~Lqg, No 4, iAy 1W1 # pp. .195-205. JMS GUO 2553 U.-Cuba pol Sep 67 3409645 TheAnti-Irperialist StrO9916 in UrulMAY* by Arjol conazo 0 26 pp. SPAI;;ISH, per, bwesolm~ crMAM, ita 196?, 1 pp 8~-:Loq. I ins 42583 LA-LITuguely POI Oct 67 340,666 C,, P wdmrt~ seow Mdloan "Reforalmall an Eloaking Rusl~Cbsngep by Hnsids Novo&. 18 pp. GOVEMMOU USE ONU SPANISHo per* -PjRMMgqLo 2dt&qo, Jul 1967o Pp, IU-1350 JPRS GUO 25(a LA-Cbile fta NOV 67 340.887 FOXWVGxd to AntbalojW or c=CW To.,,, QMiWAd Ipp? ftvauuamu7, by rnmus:, on any SPAmmu, per, i PV ~ -1470 ~IN JPMS GM1639 LA-cola"A POI Oct 6T ME CrTIMM July 1967, .34ep8m %I* Matt" of the Puerto Fdomi Indepemclence Movauent, by Amma 1,A2dcn%do--DwAv9 151 ppe SPANISH, per, bmeadmAe ~ Agg. Jul 1967. pp jL49,169. iFfts )&549 U-Pdarto Rios pa -)at 67 L 340,75'1 NatiamlUbwatlon ArV looms Yanif*WWp 3 ppo GOVERwim USE 0m SFMISH, pW, Lqme3&m&g jr=Lgq, Jul 3,967v pp 199-202. JPRS GUO 2564 1A-BOUTU ftl Lvt 67 340.8%L i~ a at the B*UVIaU OltUgtlClnl, by .17 Ipp. FAMAT owx I%- M4 ~ ~ per'. .. CrIVAC lb 6, 1967,o 1w RM-me GM:250 LA-BaIV14 Pal Oct 67 343.,06C4 The Mture of the Latin Amerimi Left, by Leon Rositcfterp 31 pp. Si'Aumm, rm?* onto Gritl 1. Jan 1563. Laap-mr4A--- pp 131-1830' ipris 4370 LA-Cub4L idol Jul 66 361.363 il'Aafesto 1110. 1 of 26 July Movenent Given, by Fidel Castro, 13 ppe SPANI.Silp rpt. rMeaudgatg ~dltAcof Havana. 1968, pp 20?.220. 4JPRS 47488 IA-Cuba pa Mur 69 374.825 A%budf-dato No, 2 of 26 July 1.;ovetunt Givert, by Fidel Castro, 6 pp. SPANISH, rpt. Es - qggg%ento Cz!:Lt:ic o. Havana, 1968. pp 221-22-7. .FRS 4?488 LA-Cuba pol Aa r 69 374,8215