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N1. mid SCHURZ, J. Review of graft copolyrne izatioli of ct-,Ilulose. 6st. ChemZtg 68(IZ):376-89 (1967) (GB 118/GCW/2562 I OWN" ctr~, w IL9234/10 23 /Doe 69 9w b) 2tolI!xn*od#llo I*Rm Folitilm, 4) t-U*Ntttel&utschlmd (LiOuAm), p U b) Ow FVeU Vwtl 25 Alpr 6;), 1) 14, HPOCUl TAM"'b"Man"o &Mft PILUD CLIO p"4wlty DC 19299 17 Apr 69 BF East-West Courier., Jan 69, GerNan., news ..b -Wert Marierl emes. ._Oeet,, Oat Special Type"B":Tranalator's draft plus one source- do not antil PP National Report No 10/69 - Mongolian 110oplo's Ropublic. GOVERNME.NT USE ONLY GEIMAN, rpt, Ostasiatischer Verein e. V. Landernachrichtem No 1-0/'69 - Mongolische tiblik, 26 Mar 1909. *A(::S-X- j--6810 ID 2754017969 USSR 9W,mis c June 69 pwt 12/69 - loos. WE offix ID 2754,01&)69 Ecur Pbl ocr4 69 V. 393.,434 National Report No 15/69 - Domocratic Poopje0:o Itepublic of Korea (North Korea) GOVERNMENT USE ONLY G~RMAN, rpt, Ostasiatischer Verein e. V. Landeriiachrictlion No 15769 - DemoRraFi-scher V-0T.k-s-r a---I-)ub I ik Korea (Nordkorea) , 2 3 Apr 1969. *ACSI J-6871 11) 2754018469 Far .tine Last 69 The Ccmmmlot Party of Argentim,, by Dr. B~rlflO'oldsnberg, 22 pp. 00"Mmm USE Ow GM-WNj per., Der Outblxmk und the Entwi6k- LAMS3.sender., Dee 1965., YPO 327-341. JpRB COO 1100 IA-Argentina Pol Apr 66 298.,109 J-2164/66 Asian and African Remearcb in Borys Lewytzkyj. GERAM, per, Der Ostblock und No 23., Flannover., March 1966., -P ,,"PRs/sr. -4278/special the Soviet Union, by the Entwicklungslaender, 35-45. USSR L Amer - Ylexico Pol., Soc jul 66 i J-2164/66 The Commnist Party of Mexico, by Boris Goldenberg. GERMAN, p,-,r,. Der Ustblock und.dic Entwicklungslaender, No 23, Hannover, March 1966, pp 46-67- AF-4278/special USSH L Amer - Mexico Pol, so- Jul 66. Troblem of Africa As Viewed by the Poles, I)y Borys Lewytzkyj., 5 pp? GERWI, per,, Der OstbIGck und die Entwick- 12MmInender, No. 24, June 1,3U, pp. 132- 135t JPHS 33239 .Africa Fol 3ov 60 3-12..794 'I'lle. Sovicit As~;ossjllcllt of, tile A)IC tile Army ill the floveloping Countries, by KUYL 'Iullcr. GE101AN, per, Der Ostblock und die Lintwicklum;slander, .No 26, December 1966, pp 33.3-339. JH's CSO: DC 15029 J-1653/07 USSR Ecoll May 67 326,056 The 15,0viet-Chille~-'e Conflict Ovel- thu Developing Coull t r j (!..-; p 1)), Lberhard Mielkc. GIA~IAIN, por, Der Ostblock, und die Er-tivicklungs land er, No 26, Doc 1966, pp 359-368. '11IRS CSO: DC 15029 J-1653/67 May 67 .326,057 The Full-JI1111clit of Projects by the People's ROI)III) I i.('. 0 f Ch i 110 i 11 thO DOVU 101)i 111, COVIllt I-i C..; by 1'.1olft'llill', GERMAE, per, Der Ostblock unj die Lntwicklunoslander, No 26, Dec. 1966, pp 369-376. CS(): Dc 15029 J-1653/67 FE-Giina Fcoll May 67 326,058 . I Co=*mism in Chile (1920-195B). by %ris Goldenborg, 29 pp. UEJOCAN, per, Der Ostblook und the Elntwic - . lamd!or, Wo 2e). '50-c IM. pp. 777-Y;,17- MM 1 2363 U-ClAle Pol MAY 67 3a5.4aol The Armmmmt Industries of the Illoutral Statem q &Lrope (ill) " 18 pp - GMW,p P&r., O8t*riOiChl9Clle lalitlMiSChe Zeltschrift No 5. Sept-Oct 1965.p pp F5:376. DXA El 4OTa6T MC-Sast Gemmy X:Ll inn 68 3473,278 Pond Farming and risbary in Israel., by R. Vanackaro 12 pp. mmowi,par, Oistarzolabs Fischerel, Vol 22, NO 41, 1969, pp 10-55. ..... . . Dapt of Interior Bumu of FiWwries Omce of Foreign Fisheries A-31-,Aug--Oept 1969-Ho 96 On Loan Sol-B&M NOV 69 39T,321 i ,Moser,~C.A. 1970 (100d :fishing In the Azores (Fischwaid nuf don Azoren) Vsterr(tlchs 23 (213): 21 -26- Tij Oemuw. "'reulm I. bv ".VH r-r Jul; 10"'(1, 101). , tyj),~Script. Avail. on le->:m Wash. , D.C. MT % -S -r -r 7 1 R Originol Article Checkecl.tt~6r-~, i 'oeont Uonauramoyd s of tho of . t" A Qoucla I~dlltll OpUcill. by ostorr.,clicac.11o 'rn;-~ lnf~vnicua- L 97~TrT -'ait schu'l. 0. . I AppUcmtian of Rpowit Research on Somd and Therriftl blalzUtion to Austrl= 1;odel DiAlding itogiaAtions, by 1'. Urtic.) ",yer. (11,-TUAII, por, Us '."()l 9. llo 5. ISY66, L I'lof; 5196 (1390) $cl ~doh Aw, 63 363,6v., ll"~4, ~~ by nftrrle Nolse to Mmu,.., by F- Mru~ro J. INW. =MN" Imeri, ootezr. 1966.0 pp T_3.77.-- ""- yAlb V*l n,, No 3,, lim ftf: 5196 (3L433) Sa/#~bmvjar YAW 60 i 380j,995 T hL STk A I zbY UF THL USA A NO L SSR L A 1"10 UA OL - 6 '--- C L LiN T P*y -uR UST L-kk L IG I- i..-,L HE --,I L I T AKI IDLH E I E I I -~- CHk I F T V6L i,~ illc I kjp 1,,-Ib F S 1 L- lil*-- 23- --b I'-j- I., A*r;La3, and Anti-Airomaft VAlts in Gi, Ltzer- land , 4 by Ernot Rylarp 16 PP. G;RMN.p per.. 2g&gKrgicUacl&,m RUitar-Luclie Zeitschrift lb 4. M M-ItM 5 j Sept-Oat 359-36 Mar-Germn mu law 61 32().P 198 Frontier Protoction of the Warsaw Pact Nations, by Michael Czixmas. (;ERH,ANj,p,er,, Oesterreichische Militaer- isclip Itschrift, No 1, 1969. *ACSI 3-66V6-- ID 2204002169 L-Eur Idil May 6 9 The MarshkIls of the Soviet Unicm Yesterday - Today - Tomorrov. GMUMs per., Osterreichische Militarische Zeitschrift, Nov-Dee i969. DIA W 724-70 June Aust" Journa AnslySM SOVI at PoUcy of Pwpl*ul Cowdstances, 14r Qwtav Ao W~terq 32 ppo cdoftwo pwo -4 -9-1!amm2p 1.40 4 Vol 7s Animinr 5v pp MRS ~l 29235 W&M."Auntria ftl I'lar 65 276,,475 Laternat Damage form IrradLat.Lon of Metals, by H. Tutschek GERM&N, rpt; OsterraLchLeche StudLengesellacakft for Atomenemi-S. 9GAR M-23/1968, pp 1-8, 1968. *Nat Bur Stand 7T 70-59134 Sci-Phys Jul 70 Preservation of Bread by Noans of Gamma 11 diation, by G. Stchliks 1,14 i~aijidl,, 23 pp. (11PUMM, ppr, Usterr. Stud. fu~ Atamener ic Gas,-jn,b.it Inst. Biolo,~ie uid Land. SeMrsdo;T,- 1962. P9112544(A-V I'l I C- 15 uct 68 S68,295 Wotor Conservatim onlaw constawc. '[~)p. M,I,MM,p per,, Oestorre 4-hlsclu~ 14anserwirt- achart, Tomma Ia.. NO :L/2,j, -Feb 19Yj,, -0 DIA JUI 6310-66 sci-pm-th sci I Mul 67 316., -.: 11 Rec~gnt Data frou Tests on High-Voltage Genorator Windings, by 11. Ziticknagi. GLIRMAN. per, Osterr--Z.-I.:Iakt Wirtsch, Vol 20, 1967, pp 455-466. NLL Ref: 9022.09 (2466) Sci-Eloc Apr 69 379,9217 llra~tic4l Experience Idth Periodic Insulation Tests on Power Stntion Cojivratorm. by F. liold. GFRO.IAN, por, ostorr. Zatt. Ockt. 1,.Irtsch. Vol,20, 1967. pp 366-47E NLL Mef: 9022.09 (4774) Sci-Elec ,N I a r 6 9 176.0847 Operative Treatment of Chronic Osteomye- litis of the Jaw, by W. Schulte. FOA OFPICIAL USE ONLY GERMAN, per, Ostarreichisclie Zeit fur Stomatologie , Vol 64, No S. 1967, pp 1180-184. ACSI J-5964 ID 22040.19569 sei-M Mar 69 377,531 TbwIghts wA Suggestiom on Nkwlm Deodmwp Wrl". X31134ant Gmwj, per. Ostenviablache 2altocirift fur ve ! - - b"np Ta 55,, No J.- TMI 196T.--pp T5-82. AM TC-15M Sal/waomean MW TO Dropping a Normal to the Ellipsoid, by E. Ecker. MPTAW, per I Osterreicidsche Zeit fur Vermessungs- WO-5110 Vol 55, No 3, June 1967, pp 82-89. =Clc--~C-IS21 Sci-Ear Sci Aug 69 390,078 Remarks on the "Tellurometer Measurements in the Austrian First-Order Not" by IK. Rinnor, 19 pp. GOVEMMLWIT USE ONLY GER""Vi1q, Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Vermes- 57, No -i~pri-F-, 1969. ACIC-TC-1734 Aug 71 Ilrob,I c nus,of Thooretical (;coLlc-;Y, by 11. Moritz. I OSITIMUICHISCIII.-i ZEIT VERMESSUNGSWESEN, No 3, 1972, pp 80-85. *DAIAAC Ma r 7 3 i Oie Willect of Khrushchev' a FWU an -tl:ke Frencii Commit,dat Paartyo by rxve=-.Le Fejto, 12 pp. par Oct&u!!W!p no 4,, Apr Op - Zri -234 JFM 39YTB5 WZ-FT=ce pt~l 65 2B2_,845 The Peaceful Road to SocieLlism, by Fritjof Meyer, 18 pp. GEWN, per, Osteitropa,, NO 5-61 VWw--JLmC 1966, pp* 350-363- JPRS 36716 LPCI -GenwAy 10.)l Sept 66 309,831 The latout Criticium t)f jj,,)munjEuj in C.1ttrax 4=1 I'Lit Relationship To Vic Sino-Soviet t~onflict, by D. W. Pokkema, 15 PP- G per, OsteLiMa, No 5-6, Wny-June 1j)66, IT - 364-3T(. J-Plr-3 36716 FE-China Pol sept 66 303,352 t 4kamon -~-- --a I oil Comamt an Ita1um CP or 106 Crlols~, by U62mut 9MIS, 21 IM. mm.4 $or.. *oNJum 1967s VP- 31AP- a 0 4w0 WHO-Italy Pox ft 67 1. -414s,473 3 1 ;&&at Oorman View of Coumnim in &c.laidinovia, by Volfgang Hopker, 8 pp. GERM, review, Osteuropa, Stuttgart, No. 12j Doe 679 pp. 900-905. XPRS 44,178 International PolitIcal Uri 68 348,154 Coiwmmists and Castroiftes at the C.roosroads, ~by iKobdqt K. Furtak, 12 pp. WVEILIVEW USE ONLY GERIWT,per, Osteurope, Stuttgart, Feb 68, pp. 112-120. JrRS GUO 2763. Lft (Cuba ) Political April 68 355,524 DC 21.(',99 4 Apr 69 SF /TIw World Federation of Trade Unions since the.Warsaw Congress of 1965, by O.R.Liess Ka.mi-tal, Germn,mD per, Osteuropa, XJX, fio.2, Suittgart, It Feb 69, P.P97-10 4eclal Type"B";Traual. draft plus one per- do not mitilate, C) copyright, Cutolg RoUtionship with the Commmist Wairldg bV P~ter Sahenkelg 27 pp. GOVEwma USE ONU CdUUO"o per, WOMMo Stuttgort, Vol lqj No 4p1 Aw 'I 9p PP 267-285- JPRS GDO 3ID33 Lk-,Cubs Pol Jun 69 382.024 MOM lr&luenoe on East German Agrioultural Policy, by Eberhard Schirilce, 13 pp. GOVkRNMENT USE UNLY GEWAMip perl Osteuropa, West Berlin, oct ig6g, pp 731-739. JRiS/L 3186 M-E Germany Boon flov 69 396,340 i Av, co,nfehen~e, for European Security, by K. Mehn 27, GEkg.A'g per. Osteur v I , '5 1 ,opa, ol 20, No 1011 Octob~r 1b70,--pp--6-TT-*-678. NAV/srIC-Tran-3326-72 Sep, 72. Ariti-Islavric k~jovclincait In tho SovAut Union, by Dayidrza luxylt, 0 pp. GIUU,W~, per, j~steurgRa ._, Berlin, Feb 1972, pp 114 118. JVRS 55997 1-AY 72 Prices, In CKMA Foreign Trukle, by Ik,ln Callcou- NaKy, 'L! pp. GFdMN, per,. OateliMa-Wirtschaft, Far 1966, .ppo 1-10. JPRS 36003 EB-Cerr-mmy Econ Ju! 66 3o4.,547 44W litonwde Aopectis of Csechoalovak Crisis Lxardnod, bq lWm Raupmeb, Joarn Kook, 21 ppo ODIMM p at DOC 1 Stuttgart, No 4, pp 257-272. JPRS Lk-Czmh 1-ban Apr 69 379t227 Choice ot Joba &m-1 Vooat:Lormkl Gt=4dwce in USSR, by Thomas Kuvvmam, 19 pp. GLWWI. per. U4fftMV_MVa Ar-to-OMA, Stuttgart, No 4, Doe 1W, pp 296-310. JFR5 47720 USSR Soo Apr 69 379.114 West Source Weighs CrDR Ecoisomic Valuo to CL, A, by Werner Droell, 20 pp. GE10AN, per, bsteurRj~&-Arschaft. Stuttgart, Vol 1. Ho 1, i~~ar 1W., pp. JPRS 48230 L~ L AVFAIia~ beon july 69 383,901 Dotalle a.i PrialM of Polish Ctal Providod, Iw JWdrwIdh Meabowaki. 31 PP. umua~v per,, 2dgmmm imo. sttrttprt, Jun 1069,, pp 89-112. im , EE-.E Germarv Bow Rsvni- An "- --n "T fir stuttswt 1-4 13 hov 6, '1 by A. ~,~a moos. r.dftmp Aw OfUw"jMW&*vIW limbebm, -taicuj~ .013 to tua4her laomawtim. Pun Oft OMO I?Umma soft= womr. "H ODOM, lparp, cwtmvqpaosjwo PmberAw. aa r :R",7 t~wktz.tj, vp I'l-Wo 14j" Aat avljt,,,UmL tmtaUmlw plus oos co", Floom do zot moft w mMuw so Y v9 Latin Awerica and the Tri-Continental Conference, by~ Robert F. Lwriberg, 13 PP- GMAN, per, Der Osthlock und die Entwlc)UuS~:,E;- IsAmder, No 21i7,-June 1966, pp. .121-131- 'T J PRS 3 i30 LA 66 312, 555 West Genran Traces History of C'ummmiat Party In Brazil, by Dr. Boris Goldenberg, 37 PP- GOVERMMT USE OMY GERMWI per,, Der Ostblack und die Entwickl2ys laender No. 24.. J 1966, pp. ilt4-174. JPRS GUO 2210 LA-Brazi-I Pdl ))L-c 66 314,o42 iie~lr Ltj ace Temperatures of -10-Ton Stee-L - V so;~a C: 'UCI Ls 13ISI NTC Nov On the Effect of Aluminium and Titanium on the Nitride-NItrogen Content of Steels, by T. Myslivec. BULGARIAW, per, Ostrava, V,-rooka Skola Bgnaka, Sboralk Vedeckyoh tr"c . Bad& Hatnicka, No 5., 1968, pp 37-46 NTC 72-60114-11F June 72 Particle SlEe of Powder Iron Made From Iron Pentacarbonyl, by R. Rosenfeld. BULGARIAN, per, Ontrava. Vrooka SkolA gaaekA2 Sboraik Vedeckyah Praci, Rada Hu.tnichly No 5. 19689 PP 91-104 NTC 72-60115-11F June 72 Z. Zamyslovsky Effect.of Hot Rolling Conditions on the Mechaninl Properties of Universal Mill Plate. OSTRAVA. VYSOKA SKOLA BANSKA. SBORNIK VEDECKYCH DF&CI. A - _ --W -Hgr]~I(~KA,_-No. 3, 1969, pp. 169-192. BISI-72-60854-1311 Feb 1973 Lags 4;oan Li Ilostock Nucloar Powor kUnt Project , by li;%~l 1.~Oosohar. 3 pp. Rostock.-, 9 (et 1968, GM,JAIN, np , 0Ajgft&W pp 3-4- JPIL9 46832 lici S -[,~,fth L~ec 63 353.749 lummation and Psychic h~-tlvltyj, by Jiri %ema IL5 pp. MjMK, per, Otamlar mwrjdtlttc3w~ flioz0fio No 2. 196511 P-pl--M-1713- lJpW 30943 EE-Cswch mai-p/x Jul 65 261,111 "tivp Q)la3JV and Cybernetic Mchuniums by JuImj Baber,, 6 pp * i W"PX NU mu-3datlauej filosorip, i . 9.0r,, je, llo 2p 19 p Pv* 179-lub* jPRS 30943 1"Zoda sci-ml= a aa 65 281,112 Liwtumsp on the 1-kw Syotom of Fla-mVq,-. wtwd. :AuAgonent ixt the Econav, 51 MWARIX,i, per,, GlLahutviost, i Kontrol V VI-A X. Jo 6s, Jiln7MPOPP 271-,274. jpriF--; OvN* Eli: - RxIgal-ja Imon Octs, 65 290-337] R65ults of Beonowde Amlyste of 1964 SM O~emeloas In Malstlan to MisterW Mcpandl. tiu-ek, by V"il Monava, 7 PP,- per., Otchetnost 1 kontrol No 2, F~b 1966.. pp. J101M 349~6 Z~-Bulgvxia Econ Apr 66 299,14o i I Administration of Agrlmature,, by AW1 T4*kav., 5 pp. 9.tdftlD0ft-A )U)Atrolp NO 4 OMLCL48M. per, A~,r 1966, pp- IL53-156- - JEW 35536 IN-BOaarla Soo 7 I-lev 66 3001 Lx" WWs lz Agriculture =Oar the N&V SYstent b~ Georgi icostadlwv,, 6 pp. 1 . per. 211b i kontrol xD 4., - sta"t tp Air 1966j. pp. J -IT2- JM 35536 XM-Bulwla soc MsW 66 30D,,300 New FUnds on Coopemtive Farm, by Gew Dpbrev,, 6 pp. :BUIGARM., p"a, 2&sket i k=trol No ky A~r 19661, pp. 178-180, mat =P JPM 35536 MC-Bulgeria Boon aw 66 300001 T~e Price Bystem In Agricultures by F:Ll:LP Is.Kylcv~o 6 pp. rmA,o-WA w 4t "RTAW pe . Otchetag!t I kontr*lf 50 M Air 1966jpppo ia-6--ml JPBS 33536 lo~.Blagwia Epeon my 66 3C*J,302 6bme Erroneous Prescriptloto Lit the I;bgu]A- tion On Prmiums for Mmm*Vmmt Personnel an Str~te rum., by Sotir VaBLUffj, 5 PP - .. SUWARMJ, per., Otchetupat J kmtrol, No 4,p Apr 1966., pp- lazziw.- JFPS 35536 ES-Bulgaria Soc Wy 66 300,,303 Thsj~oonmmlc Fights of Stato Fjkrmn Under tha Now Voorwnio Systom in Du~.!arla, by 7bdor Patkov, :5 pp. BUMARI.&M, per, Otchetnost i '-.-ontrol, Nlo 9v Sept 1966, pp. 370-373. JPRS 3L11159 El,~-Ilulcrmria E00n Doe 66 313.893 ucifj(~ Orlacs &~aiwt 14rrlc,,!Itur(: Inti, rct--I'~ ll'y T. 1 pp. per, -tchotnost i %ontrol. 382 391. 1963, p. JP'71~1; 46;':'l7,"3 Dec.- 63 35,3 . "-!65 tlr~vsr.r.dm,g (jv'er~jme Wo~rj: DV. 6 pp. by Per. L.tcke+, at JL jgont2~21 M-- 1, -~~Ofia, 99 $Opt -1968, 469.18 Leon Lw! 68 353.984 I,arm Data Procemaing Problem Outlined. by Prodan Prodanov, VaAl Koliovski, 5 Ppo BUWARIAN. por. S&cbg"o I IL%t-rol, bofia, 1,~o 32, Nov :L968. pp 409-503. ins 47242 Scd,-Agri Feb 69 3731,106 Working Assets of Coopwrativc, F&rms AnA3.y7 tW Pro&ui Frodanov, 7 pp. ed, BUI"RIA140 per Otchetnost I Kontrol, sona, NO 5t I-lay 1969: PP EFOPM.5- im 4Wu Sci-Agri Jul 69 386s, 363 -thO POV01OPMOnt Of StatO FArms BoUmen the Mlighth and Ninth Party Congrossos, by Stoyan talcimov, 5 PP. BUWAR~N. per, otchetnost i kontrol sslslm stmanst-vo, ;,~o Ii. Ro; 1967PP, 45P J-PHS 39308 Burg &A a sci-Agric Fob 67 315.216 Fmotions of New State Fam Bodies Definod, bylodor Petkovp 10 pp. LVIOARDW, pw, 2&gbptnovt I Kentrol v Sel- AW212 StopanjqO-v SOB&& APr 1969v PP 195-Ml. JM 48,--64 Sci"ftgri Jul 69 386,197 R 10 71 n A ~o rd',i-. u C , ~ x n I irakov, 6 pp. , t lietpost i.ko~ttrol v I ~ s 0 t Itopanst of ia, No 10, ' 0 &0,6 4070,?pp 1464-469. 523 Ji HE ulgA"ila ~~,Ec IT dd 1,7Z qa,!l s 'du ""TJ 0, quciad U9A469T40G40 ci ci, 13A olp lit! It ~(j OL q9a 'T dd 'TL OG(I dm~ XT,~VOOX~~Aq gOT!;TaD XOTT03 OW vac 0 al UST Gizolle UVTJv9Tln(l ,- J-~' il, ter 11LON tv Il d 1 i T.1 400 111 l a zmnox mat