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(XU"Ot .1irmts in IVAMI :,3W'47J~,, I and Up by 11 r q?.. Ul;~` UAY p4wl, 11,2LW* N'01 s, tict "2, ;57s Pj)* 24$? -,Awr, 6? (Xmint H"vents in InftstrYt ilia Sociaty for Teohriical and inftstAsl Research, 12 ppo, GOV=-qMIT USE ONLY FRENCH. p6r, NuidIffas, Vol. No J!, 1967. PP- 19?.-196. JPRS GUO 24_5-> WE-Franco Sci 332,437 obvmm WTV I, C I ~ pwp IMEIM * 361-~_Wwve JPMB OW 2"9 Sol-Alclear Bel & Teeh ism 68 ComLesum Work,, 8 ". V" By lb Is# 1967p ALM OovaloMorito In k1larAnn ehyalcu, by zi.V. Winter, 10 pp. GOVERN14cla USE (MILY MENM, per, Nuclaus, ol 3, No. 6, Paris, 67, pp. 499-502. JIMS GUO 271.5 sci-2hysics 'Fe b 6 G 351,658 Fortlicoming LxpcrigncnLu oji NcuLrlno~i# 'by G.I;,. Hcimn, 14 pp. GOVLAMILLIT USL ONLY FRENCH, por, liucleus,_Vol 3, 1.11o. 6, 1967, pp. 503-508. 15 ub -5$ 3.51,659 E'lr4l:lcll Space Research PevI.L%wr-~d, I,y Joan G',mitomb, 13 G0VLkf.llM;N*v I-IsZ, ONLY per, Nucl-ous, 1,,Iris, I.Tol. 9, 1968, Pp. 7-13. Jl')]',S QUO 2770 Scli.-Space Tech. April 68= -3-55,1326 ALryinic Vnergy Comdouton AictiviLles, 11 pp. GO"RMENT USE ONLY FRENCH, per, Nuclegs, Paris, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1968, pp. 57-61. JPRS Guo 2770 gci-Nucl. Sci. aad Tech. April 68 355,825 SWICM~~ INYt4WtW8: ?SO* , PWU,, bar A. Coche. JR=ww per, Ruclow, VOI pp U4-123.. EM:B*f:9C93..9F (WE Mram Sed-Pbys Feb 70 Zvolutdon, Aiture 9, No- 2, IL968, 264) 401L, 525 Atordo EmM Comnission Activities Reported# 17 YP, GOVERNMENT USE OnY FMNCH, per. Nualmns. Parise V03. 99 No 5P 19613, PP Ri:iM--mv JPHS GUO 2956 Soi-Nuol Sci & Tech Feb 69 373#916 Fmneo-Canodian Spent 8 PP# GOMMMENT USE ONU FWOCH,p perp 1~ucleus. 1969v pp 57~,a--. JPRS GUO 3056 Fuel Agreanant Meounmedl Paris, Vol 10# 140 Is, sci-Fmrg3r Cmv (Non-Prop) Jul 69 384,p945 Life Ibcpect4awy In the Spatial 1mvironmento bly J- (11 M~rd, 31 PP- G(maiw*xr mild WLI MNCli, per. k:pq~cU, zaris. vol 10, i4o 1. 1969, PP 1-12; l4o 2, pp 83-93., jilli.s/l, 3100 Sci-Space Toch Aug 69 390.541 Liao of Lasers in i-lasma ehysics Describod. by J. -LO bobin. 41 pp. UUV", ",T WL LVLI 9 0 . eus, karis, 'vol. 10, No 2, ig6g, FRkNCti per &up-l pp 94-114. J,t 1161L 32(* Sci-Nuel :~Ci Doc 69 397,673 Advanco laibble-Chainber iliotography !,eported, by i4chal ikloch, l? pp. L;QVkAh.`-U'WT USE WLY FIW, i0j, per, 14ucleus, ~-aris, pp 373-381. J'RS/L 3373 ol 10, !~o 6. ig6g. Sci- fl;ys i"AY 70 Franch Atomic J!,nergy Comdesion News i~eportcxl. 8 pp. (;,jVh)-dQi-IW4T Lbl~, WLY FliifiGli, por. h1l2j,!ti~E, A-aris, Vol. 10. 1-jo 6, 1~6V. pp 41~-421. JX-11-5/L 337) sci-fiucl Sci ~y ,Ay 70 aw"Ulot"es ,or An Power Bowms,, 9 pp. ,rim= I*r . 1 8 * Ram - La amrue &&SUMMO, TcavW; 1 142 NO 3v 1967-0 pp 266-4.700 JPFO 30, 6014&Wlear ftl & Tech 00%67 342o790 VEF TW IVurrout Situation In Chint Viewed by a i i spipji~ camudstp by santism) Carrillo,, 14 pp. GuPiW=j, Per* Ingim- ftWjr~u, 110- 53, fir'st TuAer 1967,, pp. 91-10D. JPIkSI !41520 FR-Chim Pol July 67 329p886 Simtiah OP Stresses Need for Effective Recruiting P;= -~y Eduardo Garclap 9 pp, 8 1. per., Nuestra Banderaj, ND- 53j, first qi4arter X967p ppo -IM 111s JPM 41520 WE-4pain POI July 67 329P887 of Cuban InstMuts, for Develop- olh__Lv~j~j it m ot Chmical Industry., 8 yv. loth I I rio per,, Npostre Tndill stAs., Vol 5s 140 3,, "PAM PW. v PPO 1=0 IA"40~~ *com jim 65 24,273 'llo Central Iaboistary of tho C'jboLn linnil- tt,ttc for Machine I)ewlDlxwnt, 7 ppo SPANM., per, Ibiestm Iri&-istrla . Alig 19650 ppe ll-~- ~~- - JM 3ZW5 IA - CAS ECCA) ICka t 6.5 290t713 lho lbibon Martines VM-ara TexLllq3 Plant I Paquitex - Undertakes First Prod-ic-tim S"tac"Or 5 pp. SPADITSII, per, Maestm Inak-Latria . A,ig 196.5s PP- 2449~- mr- 32415 LA - 0abs S, a on Oct. 65 290s714 CI4bacladustry, 13 Pp. SPANMp per, NuDstru Industria SePt 1965. JPRS 3LM3 LA-Culxk Econ Nov 65 291,144 .86cond:81actrIc Powr Pbrum, 11 pp. i Aestm juj=4U, SPAN=., per,, p an 1966., P~. 4-01. JPFS 34959 LA*Cubs Econ A-pr 66 299..145 i The Nat, loml Bank of Cuba; Its Financing Sys- U69, by Salvaftr VlLweca Ybrme, 19 pp. $04k%., per, Wmetra lnfts*tr:La Revista ftqncu4ca,, No U., Feb 199A-p pp - 3-19. JFYS 34544 LAi-Cuba Econ mar 66 297,027 A6yeet.a and Problms of Cuken Becoomic *~24mmto Ilp by Migml A. ngamms., X ppe, .*AkOks per. Mmwtra Induatr1a Devista V6&&--A~ 3b Ut Fob ZWp pp. 20-300- JM 34544 49 L46Cuba mcbm PAr 66 29T,,028 Stai'.ty of ProbIrems ConoermiM C--ita*s Industrial I:melqwmt, 124 pp. 5"PANT191g, per, Ifueatim lile"adezLevista 1~~ ~Qao Vol 111, No 12, Apr 1965, pp 1-1350 JPW, 11331 1A - Gui ba !,:;con Aug 65 A&Wrt of the Cuban Delegstlim to the llth Cox~renticum of the ZcmaAc CAmlesion for Lwi.in America, by Lt. FraneJUMO Gamis Valle, A vp. OPA N=,, per., Nuestra IndustaAa. Revists. Vol 3j, NO 15.- Oct 19 -13- Ecomadca., 1-95, pp - 3 JPMS 34M LA-Cuba Boom mar 66 296..850 SiNWatlons for better Cooperation betvaen D6iixtlo Econmy and Pbrelgck Trade., by Julio Gonzales 11orlege and Julio Iftmero Y4wta,, L>8 Pp - SPASM., per., Wmetra. Indh, IwI& - ?Ievista sciononica, 1�6~5xpp~-~- JPF6 34702 IA-Cubm Econ Apt 66 297,,981 or LA Programdust to a Prob- or~;,pwmpwt4v* P2mwdM of tim Cuban Oil by Ibberto ftms Amador., 7 PP- MM, per.. Awstre ft4m, tria, FavIsts 0"ca., Fib X970j, Pp- 56--U- LA-Cuba Soon mar 66 297p029 GaV*ml Infonnation on the Geological Structure and~'Mesozoja-Cenozoic phospIlatization in BL-di- ments of Pinar Dal Rio Province, by V. Pokrishkin and ~V. f4drokov, 20 pp. SPAIUSHp pero Nuestra Industria Revista Teenolog- ASSpIJul-Aug 1966, pp. 20-31- JPRB 38038 IA-Caba Sci-ES/0 Dee ~6 316,023 Arge#tine CbrXILMi8t Party Fasolzition an -the Elections,, 6 lv~ ~ GOVXMMT USE CULY SPANIM., np,, Raestra Palab."a 7 Apr 65, p. 6. JPRS = 723 IA-Argentimm Pol Yaw 65 279,970 r -vol AxjT,4mt5.rw CP Arstlyzes OAnt-i-ecs-~-n, Jii, 1,1-1 In Ail-, ,entLa. 6 pp. SP - , Alil,361, npq Iluestm Falxtbms. 14 JA 196.5, .p 2. JPTB 31756 !A - Arg,,entine pol Sep (15 2879767 C-lonoivl Confbderatim of Workers Corw-ittoo rliscapma Economiap Pobti(al Problawl, COVL' RDIM U-% ()'Ws, 5 PP- SPAIM"Up r4o, Miestra PaUbul (Our Woz-,4), Jol 196!jo p 37 4,.r LA Ar~.,entim POI A,., g 63 2569728 Patvxgus~rnn CP &xpports PencoPid, A-.-. ~acl Discussee PAIL-ty Dificraliceo, lZ pp. , SOWIS110 np., Nueetva Palabral 2,~ ka~ .1--)65., P. 2. JJ?lqS 31939 IA-lh-azil Pal 8(-*Pt 65 5'[4 Aromt.ih.e Cp Org= Zvaluates ftlation of SIjcui Cpagress aW World Sitaistion, 9 pp. SPAXIM~, per, Mi0stra PAIAbjft, No 603 and 304, 17 30v 1965, P- t; 24 HOV 196~, P- 6- JPMB 33h81 IA.-Armemt, poi Jan 66 293,987 lkwrt on the Session of the Central Com- ndttee of tale Commmist Party of Argentina, 6 PPI oovmupmm USE OMY SPANIS'H,, per., Nuestra PaWn,, 2 mar 1966, p. 6. im Guo u4i lik-Argentima POI Apr 66 299,298 ~rgemi~ino Cm=unist Party Policy Outlined by Central Cormnittee in February Meeting, by Victorio Codovilla,, 10 pp. SPAN18H. per, Nuestra Palab No 82 0., 16 mar 1966, po 20 Taw JPRS 3.5051 LA-Argentina Pol Apr 66 299,284 Ar&nUm Commimist ftrty Makes Specific Commadstions on Proposed Chocon-Cer a ColoredIOu Hydroelectric COWlex,, 7 PP- 8~ per,, Nuestru Palabrt., 13 APr 1966., v!T. JPHS 35336 IA-Argentina Pol My 66 300..193 Appeal by Venezuelan CP and Others for United L6ftiot Front, 3 pp. GOVWWRT USE ONLY SPANISH, Imr, Nuestra Palabre,, 22 Jtme 1g(>6,, P. JPM GUO 2161 LA-Venezuels POI Oct 66 312,384 bector Agooti Outlines Party Orogram to ~,w%rooxp tW d6otor F4 Agooti v 6 pp. SPANISho np# NuestiA P04 . - -Ormo Apr 1969* p 6. jPi,~3 48395 IA-Argent Pol july 69 Wenos Aires, 22 3BB.048 :300 lip Position by Satellite, by J. Molina. ITALIAN, per, Nuestro Occano, Vol 2, No 5, Jan 1967, pi) 3-7. ACIC-TC-1483 Sci-Ear Sci Mar 69 378,670 Goa.'U; and I-zchJ.noT%y of --.,ocial ;-,obJ.I.lvatlozi trorram plitilli'd, 1~. pp. 1 M 61-A,lilbil, per, la Nueva Cronica, Uma, 4 L'ar ltl)72, -0 V I . -.il J-PRS -',-5C")Oc) APr 72- President Juan Valasco Alvarado Holds Press Conforonco, 7 Pp. 51'ARISII, np, La Nueva Cronica. IJma, 23 i-Ar 1972, pp 4, 5. JPRS 55709 Apr 72- Requiremonts for ~eedod Labor organization Given. by Jorgo Zeir 6 pp. ,arra Obando, llp~ !,,~ Imova Croni , L"Una, 25, 26, Apr - I . - - - - 1972,. jl,;--),s 560,02 1-jay 72 lt~' Ulfl 1! "jil 0 0 -A ft Vdli6 by J to sxp3A pp Lim , 23 SePt 1972s ppi 0 ow'to Christian Pit. ' JlAT:Vuov&:-~- a&, .4~a 17 Nov 1972f ' 17' ~ ? j Transporta.Lion, cottununications Davoloplaent i,olicies Wtlined, by Luis Gon7.Rles Posada, 5 pp. SPANXSE, per, la Nueva Cronica, Idm , 17 Feb 1973t pp U., VIl. JPRS .58579 Apr 73 Arl-ruitbw OP Amism Anavc: Foreas a-ir ')a:~rjf- bildtwivv to av t6. 16 PPO par* it J10 ~ia U"M6 POIL 1:J0rjrjl,v-Ip~" Of Omu rievemoont&t-Avc-pa CwUw- tj5r V&tW,a3. ftwm Con- r,aselm OW 1:4.~~.torua 00=cu of iten Per,, ('N~w -JO 50 pp S!.ir,v 'ry of ArT IXk matinian of U~a Eoomctric Studles V4 4,v 6 ppe SPARSH, per, aleva Ezu June 1~63v pp im" 31410 LA- Argentirm Econ r; I i'~ '. - * Hationva Amvombl.; Ckmmisnlans I-V Olow Era), No 5p 2B6vO72 Ori*lizatioml and Operational Problems Conr~mt:Uig Wo Arow-tine CoLmmist Party, by VLctoji- lAtrlTJAej, 19 pp* SPAWIS11., per, Nueva gre Ifol XVII, NO 16., ~ju- 196% pp. 25-47. JPW 322,30 ~A-Aijgentina poi oct 65 2-39,764 The Soaquicentennial, of Dwr Independence And tio Cuban Revolutions, 8 pp. OQVMUOKM USX ONLY SPARIM., per., laeva Em Nc) I., Feb 1966., ppe 1-.109 JPBS GUO 1141 IA-Argentina Pol A~r 66 299,299 Arepntim CP Journal Comentis on the z#iasi6n or Fernando cisudin from the SpaA,ish,CPj, by Carlos G. Paeup 8 pp. SPAKSII,. per., Nueva ISMO Vol mil., NO (i32).. Feb 1966.. PP- 74-82. JPBS 34923 LA-Argentina Pol Apr 66 299,o84 ArgpntcUw Ccm=Lmist Oripu ft~ruLry Plenw7 Meeting Central.Comittee, 10 pp. 11P per,, Nueva Rm muff9ap JP]Ri S 35336 1A.Argentim Fol May 66 IdItorislizoo on of Argentina CP Vol XVIIIV ND 2p 300j,191 'I 4r%r, Paview and 1966 Prospects for Argentine Econorqy, by Jaim ftchoo 16 :pp. SPAR=j. per., MEM Vol XVIII,, No 2, War IL966., pp- 12-27- JPW 35413 LA-Argerktins fton Jun 66 3011,809 Ai-gqntine Commmist Party A# Ldeological Struggle,, 6 pp. SFAMH,, por., INOVS ft Vol XVIIIv No 4(135)p inky 1966,, pp. 1-7. JPW 362 30 LA-Argentim pol Jxx:L 66 304,960 Argentine Cammmist Party B? yt)uV-j,)jovewntA by Hector Santamnp 10 pp. Vol XMIA NO III SPAStIM,* Pan, 'quen amp NNY 19661 PPt 3641- JPRS 36230 UrArgentina Pol iia 66 304,961 Mrgentiue Commmint Party Co Financial Campaign,, by Felipe Beoradnik, 6 pp. SPAMMI, per., Juas EMO Vol XMI, No 4(135).. May 1966, pp- 65-72- MRS 36e3O LA-Argentins PC)I Jul 66 304.,962 Now IaMot Review Announces Witorial colicy. 3 pp. SI-ANIS12, par* Nueva bs~ra . ;5*ntiaf.,,o de Odle. - - Mt-Wi-& No 1. JWv-Aug IW, pj 1-6. Ji,-IiS 48794 I.4,.CUle Pol sept 69 391.878 Need for Ideological Definition Outlinod, tW A3.ojarxlro Chalon Rojas, 5 PP- SPANISH, per,, 14uem Estrateifteap Santiago, sopt-Oct 1969, pp 35-39. JFRS 49115 IA-Chna POI oat 69 394,928 CAItlook for Revolutionary Movement Anelysixi , by Oscar WmIne. 7 pp. 5 i,-ANISk,. por, Santiago do Chilep fiov-Dec 1969, PP 7-15- j,iss 06olq LA-Chile, tol lob 70 400,721 7 Md ITIFM llmi~q CWJAO -7r TA-r 777r- vi AiWlAa I T I .:,.. ~ A: I Peasants' Congross Issues Statecment of Aims and Noods 0 10 pp. SPAWISh, np, Nueva Jornada, La I-'az, 21 Jan 1972, pp 1, 2, 80 JFRS 552-55 Feb 72 Dotails of !,~,,trovdst lCmeration Zafra iliojn' (J.ve,0 , '~ pp. no, :uova Jornacla, La iaz, jr_'~ kob 1972, pp I p 6. ii~RS 556oo Apr 72 I ~ l'i i, ~ !;,.; I I ~; "I' ~ I i7 , 1 , "' ] : ~:, _ 7 ~ 7,7; ~, i ~ I ~ -!;, - ! ?; X, --!I I , ; .,: , : ! Ti;! fl, . -- .11. fl',~ - 1~;'. . I -, I ~. -4 . : . I i. I ~~ li 1- !1 1 ~ 1, "1 I :: ~ i P~;,' . . 14 l t l ica i 6iwt twit; 6f., sive Po Ld -14 I%z 22 Nov 1972, JPRS 779, q Imeor of the National 1'0110crutic Ijavonent tjw Zij-1--ation in (;olcxnb3.ap C~ ppe ::'PA' Hama Pronsa No 134, 19 J ~l .1 1ITSUl 0 :L9652 pp 40-52- JA - ("olcribia Pol 65 207,668 Z* ColombiALn Opposiiiorn Partios 6eek 'to Unitol Will Ilwy Vo S)o? 6 pp Gl'U v "ISHI lips, la 111c, t Pmisa, ',-o 136, 16 A-~,e IL9639 pp 12-15!. JM9 G,-,'Os 899 Lk - Colombia POI Oct 65 2-57 t 37 8 Comninist lasdar "erwimed, 3 PP. sjulsli, I~P, VqA POONkro 30 E"ay 1968. Lqs-v4L - p 16V JPWo 45994 JA-Vemez I~a Aug 66 )63,767 Prospects of Development oX Nuclear Power.in Jugoslavia,, by S. Suica. CROATIAN, per,, Nukleama EKier&ij_a,, Vol 2, No 1, 196SO. pp 1-7. NLL Ref: 9091.9F Lt6S (Ripley Tr. 910) Sci-N Sci Jul 66 .503.929 R4seareh on R,-r%t and Kame Trmnsfer. Bom.-x of tl~e Propamtione for the Construction of a Nuclear Pmmr Plant in Yugoslavia, by P pmastasiJeTic, 14 pp. StM-MATM, -per, WWae m Eqmija, Vol 21 No 1, 1965, PP 8-32- 1?100325567 YTD-RT-66-581 Sei-Nualear Bei & Teehnoloor Deo 67 344,452 ",,Duro;Dakovic" Work on Nuclear Power Siatico Equipment, by D, F4,rotic, PGATI-AN, par, Nuklearna enargija, Vol 2, NO Is, I96sa, pp 'M-21. Nd Ref: 9091.9F 1965 (Risley Tr, 911) Sc-i-N Sci Jul 66 1030928 Hetkods for Detormination of lWactor-Grade 6rappito;Oiaracteristics, by Slobodan hiarinkovic, CM)A,TIM, per. Nuk-learna linorlaa, Nu 4, 1!)65, pl) 71"11. 10-i //10 o - 11 & " /tMG IA-tr-66-43 ( EDC I sep~ 66 scijp4ysics Sep 66 CoWitims and Po"IblIltleo fbr the D&velop- nont of A=] Pawr In Iftgoolarls,, by S. Sul*& p . per& XWLIDBVM Wav TOI 3,w *08 2/jp 0 pp UL W'. %*1-9F ryd;lw %m=- 1139) Bel-NMIAGr Sol Ax* 68 362 y 1M Technical and goonomic ChatvAterlotics of ViAcImAir Flover Stations and Selection of T~rjx of Ikeloar Power Station for Yugoslavia, by D. Popovic POLISH, pero Nuklearna ftqrgi~&, Vol 3, Nos 2/3, 1~66, ~~l -23- NT,L ?A-~f: 9091.9p (Risley Tmns. u4i) Bel-Nuclear Sci Au g 6,9 362,165 SurvW of Scientific ftowarch Pr*joato I wOor Coutmot wIth the ftleral Condoolon ror Axelear wborgy fteelved As or 31 may 1967.. 1~0 vpq 8MFW_CMOXTIMj, perj, Lrna, lRqzgLL&, 196T.Iffo 2., pp 25-31; No 31 pp 29-32, jpw 4 Bel-Scientists & SclentMc Organ* Kay 67 3".,209 Rerdearch Concerning Technological I-vocess of Uranium Dioxide Production by Electro- cheinical Reduction, by Darko MaIjkovic and ~4rko Branica, 17 pp. SERBO-CROATLU, per, Nuklaarnn EneraLLa, Belgrade, No. 5, 1967, pp. 1-6. JPRS 45,020 Sci-Haclear Sci. and Technology April 68 355,351 15.190r.l.av Activfties ancl Conferences III tjjf.~ Atcloar i"Icticarell pic. pl). S`iWO'CiZOATIAN, per, Nukle'CZUS-LngLrgiia. -Belgrade, 1967, pp. 24-27. JPRS 45,241 Scf-l" Sci. and Tecia. 1y 356-1,051 Stimmar Seminar on lietal Ceramics and Cerisilce in August-Septeinbor 1967, by Dr. 11. Ustic, 5 pp. SE."aO-CROATLIN, per, Nuclearne Encrgija, Belgrade, No. 6, 19677,-p- .?. 29-30. jl?R;,;, 45,020 Sci-Nuclear Sci.and Technology Apri 1 68 355,352 Yugoslav Association for Nuclear Equipment Meets, by Drinko Wcmnavic, 7 PP- SERBO-MOMAN. per, Nuklearna . 9 Belgrade, No 3-5~ IW11969~ PP 3-5, JPRS 49761 Soi-Nuol Soi & Tech Feb 70 401065 Nucleari~ Chemical and Biological Warfare and Pr6tection. by Milorad Saulic. CIZO,ATIAN., bk, lukIcarno lfemUsko i Biolosko Oku'zj'o, 1966. Dept of Navy tr 5270 CNI tr 2,359 Military Jun 6 7 327,630 b1tasurment of Gas AmplIlIcAtIon In Methane at Lo1w, Preastwes with a TranswUmlon Vroportional I CoWster for FI*Non Producu% by 1-1. J. -Iochr. P. ~-%rmbxuswr. GERMAN# per. Nukk"n1k. Vol VU, No 1, 1965, PP 8-14. 9231905 AEC-ANL-Tr-253 scl - Ejec Feb 66 295,454 1 1 1 On the IlAeory of Radiophotolminescence in Classes. 1, ~y lielmut Vogel, Klaus i;edcar. LIADVIj4, por,, Nukloopik,, Vol 7., No 1,, 196S, pp 18-330i P911076866 AEC OANI~tx-1223 66 ,.!'84 311 311,584 vie Iwto of Sinterint; of Uranitui, IftoxiJo NAMor thidar Oxidizing. told Ibtlucitil, Goa- ditims wid Collsoquolicas Concernillo the lo mse ai LIssion Product Cases ( Parc Gase!OIJ-h-,sion in Solids, 16), by P. i~4vllor, K, adagonor, per, AW~leonik, Vol 7, ~u 3, Mar 1965, pp 113-117. 9232375 jA!:C HP-TI-1555 Sci/Physics !A -a-Y G 6 300,429 4 am- a6 093 In Cbe Lnorpy 1"'RINP From 12.6 w 190b Mov, Iy F"MUIS044 Rr K404ft% GEI,lM'.f-kN* P=v [A*bmxa. Val vue :,~,) 3, iw>s, pp U7-110~