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nkoy" r. p P No Vol 1p AnS i OVII V31 -v Iv. Wro le I I 1p-Inisi-I S-01 dfitenk T. A-t -o-o. qvi 0 ry 1 dimllya~ Val w p 65114 D cop-ou-Itanta Bareau Sei ME April 5 Stuel 1 m S; 1' 9 ~~i JIM 62 6 Cban~es in Bone flarrorw Caujed oujin Glycerol at 11-79;0c. observations f Protautive Actioli of the Glywrol ltipi,61 ~Ckval*es in the Bime Marme CoUs 1.6rol! 1~rtd the ExTosure bo the Lcm by U. ~ Tqrql1oj, M. Soldati T. Arb-usi,. 24 p eA BAI~ Wit' al? BicAperlfd Vol MV, ~*3-427* Navy Tr 33.40/EM 693 1) L rs and Fishers, by'Ye. I. Soldatkin. RtfSSL p Geo'dezly~a i Kartocra-Liya, No 2, Feb 5 AMS Lib Tr Unit 42o AT, 1255 G sc:li -OP )i YA r 51 :vc L pta Blals ;S~; Li u )3-.Wtsm~ Iron and S'Dratil. Iml 56 T -65-C'No Ina. E jl'EIU JALITY-~ 0 N :TWOR~Sl 11 C) -derif t F I i(Im 9c Ja. E. A. N ESTI AlrioNsINTO TBE 1, Central Electricity IY I i R LIN DI TlqB TION Generating Board, 6 101), 1) C~S. Ct-Trams-'3923. London (England) rom TI 0 ITC: IIC:,:l O~ a. rr L6420! ans. itz. L lyss 1.1 1 lchebkV;kh 7 deniL. r t)i icsi Energctl~a 7 n8 19i4. ~u 61 *,! d I ~, I ~11 "r, I i u or N%wQvdn- amko Life Ai I rAaff=tmff I car Bwe4 ad t3w ModulaUm of Za; derv, A.. A., Mele-'r Vivo b." A~ *2303-ftfomp phou* --------------- oil va xxva No 10, 1.961, W6,776 Ti Iti, lm, LIS EI 1: II I ~n erl Analysis of the Electrical Regime of Ne sci I oi Va un Tubes by I. A. Soldatov, 7 pp. cut 'AN 1, T, IzNysshikh Ucheb Zaved RU P 1;1 r ro ye- n i ye Vol VII N') 1, 1964, pp 156-160. 1 0 JPRS 24515 M 4 258,719 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r.,' odf~, Livferen~ial-Diffe rel ice ETuations I To RUSP Iz Vys4hilsh Uabeb cave d., Matemai~,,, 5o-i6o. q5q '8-.160 Ma, ;ermftate Coupounds'in the Series Na2 e .1~r 0";'~Ho ~Bmram, Id. P. Soldatov., 8 pp. IX", r~ Mar Ne,org xhimt V101 A, NO 1957,t ARC-tr-h*56 ~i.: FL-480 804 Asir i PST c lit -hc K, Is x 1cr 11)v Nr Idatov rbo pez, Vo-,;--ens-~o zh~ j 9 c) 4 ;17J, Lj -jr -f- it s by r iiip (,Z"fr CC;* parent Equilibril--: of lthe.~Rrtent to WIA.,h p IT ant n lon-Exchange Processes Depend Upon T~' ~Irat~re 0:~ian,,~es. by V. Soldatov. G. Afi'lper."~"I%kya i MirAcheskaya Telllnolot;iya No. 11,11963, PP 68- 17:1 0 D fi TO C) 336-012 X Clhrmges, 't Y,,ol 16j No li i2 PP-- 71-68 L? T 334,255 i to which Appinrent ;a in Ion-F.=hengc ProceBseu by V. Sk-,,Idu~tov, ;ure, RM n-I 66 3OTP77D 1161ft on ;h% Po tlan of an Ul a Stretcbo"a Orthopropic Pi I t6 8 Ll! di. L~khnttskLy~ V. V~ Soldatov. 10 pp. dw~ lialve 14,611.1tisk Teredo Navalis L., yl L d toyaj oi a 24 pp. j s1 pai, TiudyInstituta Okeanologii, x ji 1901,, 162-179. P of, 3596/110 179 A 11 rtil I Scii! &Astrm T4P r ristl~", ltlaae~ RE bi the Settlement of Sh rmsj~ i the seia of Azov, ov ik 12 pp. or, Trudk*'Instituta Meanologiis -Y it, 19614 P~ 147-155. Navy: Tr 3595/H0 178 -h &A E 12-'el 2, 4/Z V 63 A 10 ~ ~! T~ ' JI: t'11104 An, I 51 I 1~ S61 5p CO I Ord A $1. Trans!, fr 2 ris-, IL DESCRIFT,,Rf' - ;S-I- Filters (PI =t czwlslr~ acc re fdt~.-Jby 11 63-20067 1. Soldi. -.--a: c TT"v. no. 14 DInce W lechkO SwOms Cal 17 I&I 6136v 6. ssux~~,~4it'he 14rp4pency of a Piexoel6ctric ~.06ci U#r a' J~'It~t A6"lication for Remote Dbasurement 8 0 e van ~ple pp MICLASSIFIED nsh-.1 ion. 1~ CZECH ZEC.Up 0 PC SI-A --bzor,, Vol X;~I 110 5., Pik, 19561,1 170~--1107 :Ue FP IH I ! 51h283~ Sclen ~11 Illectronics,; oscillator, quartz -CIA 879775 /D got tv Ya pr V01 1% Mini., 50 Wl r%es Lib q 61-10680 s0ililk I V. P`Rbkhm~ u N G1 'i~~ bE'.%"AN1~31ON OF i: 1. Solechrilk, N. Ya. 0 11. Al", V. P- ?uq, Figkt~~l i4 it 'G!qm") S LP S. Ordeittrof if L.10 ti .61-10680 in or S Trans CA B imuzh[nay.,? Pjr6mjyshIen ov'] (LISSR) ! 195~,"~ 'V. ~~4, no DESCRIPr,C w flb~s,: -11Itrpod pulp, hie- 'Pe ties't; Ikess Pi ilig. T~ ! Ill. 1. Im mt iho.-2 a P.,V e ree &.:162 MhEllin's'i 4 C 94 iii9lecoar, ir wpeig, t! I ers: eldi C~ 11 itdc And plastic. p0 9 !~ '!?,I This I Wdicat that th d a Ion f Ip'durIng beat- ing ~ha,s re aI cter., er ore e correct al e I. of i I6f rh6jpre~i6ii: and its fir c boIce ct~f th e e- qu C iollj'~ 6p6rt'ifit. "Ibe speed and p natu~6;04 b de' i~e ratio of the Office of Technical S~ices I :on vari6ds, kin' r r d o to the fib e. (Maieiiiii na 6.1 ~n IF" t py Ho Il- TIMM C-1 0., Wfirsav~! PP 592-4- by e r6m-'atiau an& :D--veic, t i W R e f I em- Ta -qIjh. ko~aa cif Monkeya; by B. G. ~~G- ii'L Nikitinal I I pp Ple 10 - ------- Vv-. ~rv Da tel 19 per ~Mur s she, - NP -yat P. P&~wlova, Vol X, No 2, 1960, P-1- 2!16 al ~e"`~' 2; 14C ance Moleculai, Con-foxnation,, 401vj2i X, -.R a' y Invest&gation of Poly- and:L. their Dwivaldvess by S. 1, ITB Khot6y"ove., Yu. T. Struchkov, per,~Izik~Nauk SSSR,~ Otdel Khim Nauk., )v. P~ 3i212-330 OB ~ I ! I - l'i ~: . :~ Il 11: I.; ~, I , i :, I 'i1, .;! I ..: : I If i ~ :.I I ,.~~7! ~, ym-PIGH I TOP: 1932) Lsuzrematz, o:*E' the Xatons.',.ty ol? "1P Q.-~vwjl.14-y on Yand MiAtsv P=vlng tho ;lavat'm d:0'l-t Sawtion de GeodeEde de 1.-z2qw qtj GooDhysiqu6 InternWbdonale, Aux la or 7 Mll Ybars 192,0 ~'to the I Of G;r,,~"ity nm,~Cfs bf -10 -19 :I DA &-a 2) ring ad Ylevvo 1914.. 'R71 .011 QL,..re a~ 16 saeulon, ae Go a I' uhidu I zicaplailz(rue et GoOOysique si pp 31 656 AMC P~l lc~ OR! a SDE T, -,-i M"I -av. amento o? -;~ao Kuxbonstty of G4rcjvity 5j,-j;y Of t-aw-nd y do InaS t; IIF -a.val.IX do: d'a Goo&-132-e d 0 13 (me et Goolillysi(vto ourale, -39: 2.41 sic 6 3 voi~i cffff.Y Dy. ?kmadiffiT OF J61, Ai, ni.c, 'Nr 2W Al ll,~ kyr ~t. all '41 Cat- WIN i 6W 6p,' 0"11 Il T~ 'n 1;) ;11 7, p D ES C Ill rti Gliimica Ila, hi,Pa? 1.9151, v. 81, r1 plounds~,! Laurates ii~. JTj v. 11). lu). 11) 63-22489 I. Solerio, A. Ill.. Kresge-Ilooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Nfich. Office of Technical Semicts TT '659 62 lslt-~kil E V LIAC, E, RST~TTED !-10rdei rolp JEW I Irmai n p Field 8i 1. Soletskil, E. V. 11. Gimer. R. F. 111. Technisebe Informations- bibliothek. Hanover (West Germany) European Translations Centre Th :3 4-ot 4.n hemolatic disease c Goom"t) lir T. G. Solevleva and N. S. by E~r .1 -sbe 3) p'. emy Gemtol.og i Perelivaniya IAN VC-1 '0~ 6 1959,, pp123-26. Preac PC l 'f fox 1.111. i rill t i ?4-0:3 Actike Diffuse 0TV3 - it 01 3 lcroviar, by M. A. c ITQ',3rcv Feb 41?3 U~ 3t inferenC66., by N. V. Duchoo-ko, G. Solgalovl A lo fr-a Pp - RUSS Nape I)ok Vysshey Shkoly--Filosol's%-iye h k i0 -96 189-193. Pp, r(66 jpRs ic Sci : ~'! 111 ~.T~!-', -7 - El inace tics~ in ~-~IieAlbanian 'People Is c -6y F j ~Ob k 1v I ra, rmacautie- a zor, y ~e~j, fio 4, 19%, PP 97-103. -TPRS 11854 j ania /SP ~~62 M ALI dot- 'Cal s ;if , 3'and Pha Lv-ItY Studies in Vit-ro,, 6.7 LD S- To Sardo, 13 PP. J1 iv,, 315 77 Biology -.Gk-,Zr 55 CW/DEX A6 ma xw NOW -Mlildma ZrA NUo- 195LJ, Vol. 10 lir amoked f:Lq Gorelova; P. P. ,khocsi. by N- D- 1 and As V:Ej, no vciprboy Onkologiril Vol 1-37, r 1 pp c2 tl,) for cli adlinak 1.4 vnz net" bk Vol am 6o-21~'.65 /7 i,ot Is p e em i of ~ Ela8tic Equilibrium in Cylindrically ri d,.t B A r., Pok, 4 Nauk SSSR., Vol CXIV, No 1, 1957.. ~'Consultants Bureau jof flie Under-Machine Climbers for On tHe Design 1!illess Draidng~ of Shee- Glass, By F. A. Solinov Floa BxorisoV 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per,~Steklo i K6ramilca, Vol XIX, No 6, 19612, pp' 4-9.~' CB S cil ~Tun'':, 5 2593,824 Furadl ont6l mmations 0t sc-tentiftc ch 6vi B,xp wi=-Utaa Cozatr=tion Work. in the Gla&wAtlmdwkx7j by- F. G. 01i, CIV parilftmUo L Kw=ika., No pp .~,lal 21 entil Directions oZ BaLentiflia ch &m&. gxperitmntaa~ ConatzmUoM3- ASSIN lmswf;ry3 by F. G. F-T Ite "I 59 CSIRO INVE fjLXI lig6l br~el .'I TTzim 07 DESC piciu: icttr (mat( Al fttikl.,.~ ~N A. JF THE PRPCESS~017 CLASS 6Y MEANS OF MOTION PICTURES 1!. 90 ATS- 15N51 R eran?1ka (USSR) 1,959, v. 16, nD. I C ass, Photojiiaphic analysis. Malon m on IMotion plct~re'ca ~ eras, Mot i oLssing. Purification nics, '17 v, 16. no. 2) 61-22615 L Solinov, F. G. IL Pankovs. N. A. 111. ATS-15NStR IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. Y Offic. S-i... mental Dbtermination of the VelociTy le VIC Its ,by G s ill F. Solinov, w1k ova 1 ~6 pp. USISIA., p'er !Steklo i Keramika Vol XIX, No 9 P62,~ pp 13-13. CB A C 2`0,225 P. t M, 3"qAW ~md Vegetati6n of Pichincha Province., B dox )y Dr Oae~ Acosta! Solimp kr T-not o Panww'wleano de Geografia e p itut 0 Plain Moto' del b-amdor,, Vol CCXLiIX., 1962,, *JPRS/Mp-gWT/M3'BCIAL 0Owille r dolti: Ali L i I ftd IF ding of jFlateus In Presses, by E. S. iite6u-np nov,* RUSS pe ~a hchaya Promp Vol V# jq6! p 13 =3B-057 [ij I of Photographic Materials it I rrie-i-' i ,hano %m:ine to limro-ve- the Aiito-. -ad j~lxaqplrtic 'Nchniqpe, b%y A, L, ~ar ;i zhanskiyj j-,,. py, per Vol v-. ~,.,O i~ R S5 'T, Jan 01 mm i-1* ec' "111 4-L h., S=mrstvo Viol 14v 31 f I 63-18731 iad i, 4oura,' " R, [oberto) Soares de. LDXO SCULAI ACMOM OF GUANEnUDINE 1. Sollero, L. o.-Vagculare~ do Sulftto de 2-(0ctahidxo- 11. hlourr4 P,. S. de Gtinl"~ (Guaneddhm). ~UIV 631 l6p. 60 er LA $ i63-18731 raii ioipl~~ (B 61960, v. 58 [nit. 1] 11-22!1: fdpr. I S. 'bcarldiovascular system, IG n *Aid C agents, Hyperteludoa e Injeci dl ot e in a doee of 1OL20 mg/Kg. in lal ' L . I exerts a triple effect on blood h' an followed by (b) 1: Imm. tee L' LUMMal U ..-I Sze of pressure which exca3ds the al m t3 of M and lam ?or 45-90 61 lutes 4 i~. ~ Alchll er a constant level, ogic A k~A' I8--Phil -IT, 141, 10, no. 11)," affl 7ecimical Semi-$ I-ence : j i !, I " (aver) E at of Small, Addrtioj~s of Zinc on the pr ferrId s irecition of Growth tailiographic D am ti H -k! 61~ium 6-yate.10, by D. if 0 nar evich, Yi L 3. S. Sonertinalmya, ID SIA 1per Fla Metal Me 0 Vol IX, 0 -541 Op 535it pp 61 62-12175 1. S311mina. H. IH. SCIEN=r.QL Sclemific and Tochakid Tra"- lauonz, Ce"Iar4 Ohio 40 IU-4-1 3, bY K- Vol MIXV111. No 5; az IT pain"ll2 Vn-l 1-2 G-j ai Ilu 11 au nil art. 1'. by K, sollner, J -),~C) 2L M W7, OF, Ca-p' 11 X7 =1 0011(bid Chendutry Since I soliner! I~y Zkts6hrift. Arigev! Chem,, Vol XLIV.9 121, B L.A. Trl,Pool or 77