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Ij Tr No Li J l R.; i 4,L [yo; ta Mofal TowDe!--c.-Un~t, 2 b~ Dina ap B. P. a0bole-tv, anobwJ41 Noi 31. 1963:v Scl, per Unp D,, s ob ol ev, 1.2r. V0 6- 4 , 1-5 A Ti S~ Big .-Spectra 'of ome ~AIJW1 Siibstituted Furanes, by JSC~O' TI. i[Aleksairj=le ~-v t al j 6 pp. r., Zhui!Str*ukturnoi Khim.. Vol IV, No 19 358 563. pp, CIB Ab tonal. Spectra of Cyc:Lic Eydrocar-bons With ti C 01:n j~ IDm~ble B" o n"' by E.:V. Sobolev V. "Einy~Ln. PP", r., 7dmr StrWctrLmoi; Kh-Uni Vol IV, !'N~o 2. PI) !CD 14 sci C R"*et in Paviatite and Qwwtz Veins) 49 Ul Aki~Xauk:gMi Ser Geoflzj No 2 pp kdon Am~~ Geogbys t O~T 2141,046 1j IF 77-77 d s ion,on the t Piezoelectric =ect g Books by ~M. P. Volamvich.. IBM^ G 'A Sobolev 3 pp u a per., Dok Ak ftuk SM., Vol G=11., d 3o 13 ~~q-., ~pp 5,15-5280 AGI' (NY-641011) ~wten the I.Atroduction of More Reliable oirat',or's by G. G. Sabolev, 8 pp. - ----------- IJAN~j per, Bezopasn6pt' Trudr- v O'shlenn.osti, voi iv) No 9y sep !-560j -jFRS 95009 'S Ned 6 cp Immt. CC Combm~'!'~iloi Temperlitture of Air Mix- and KerVWkne by Optical b 13"Luvesti ions of CI)mbm-tion Processm; P jJ0.1 Uvy 226il/P-3-58 JL I U 1. d 1j, -ing the Electronic r Mom 6d I-laa-wimons., by t !of G, In Soboll, Noy 24, 1.958. I r t NO "14 501; 0 1;, FTD-TV-62-2-1 2 I i~ ! ~ I ; I I r I I ~ I I I I I . I I - -- I I i I I ~M' ing ~hq Pa'ram'ster Gorrals:'hlonfi of two Typoe o~' ~b~' ~ jibinjla-~i,6pp, Autczatic Control :~~rBtilsmv Hith brd~ 06ai ~Ulaba with 11sapeat to tho Derivative j, by E.E. 6boi pp& Ws" 1, AVtomat I Telawkibp Vol WTI, No 1.,, 1961$, 7 0 Op j~- Pp. liA "DC: Vol XKVII 36-4 Ila I Rdt I n It a (if Pdiazuator -in mi:?~ ere a Da~-Ica's ~With a Relintav~ Aeaq. u~i pq In~' zument., L~. G. pp: ier zme-rit-el Tekh, wo J.~960~ op Sci J,~ Me I: i Ah,4i5 (A3 U ipmibtiezli -iu ~4 yet ;. 5c h flu -W Ij ~nq 12. M-30W) 8 um Researeb, by M. .,te of Vana(U V! we i 6 V NiDtally, WO 6 ---t 1933, -rP 3R 62 J-1 ~:et for tile Quantitative Imalysis o-.- C, e c :~y Am'. jv.~Sobblev, et al, 4 pp. 3c f HU ri Ir- llysshildi Ucheb Zaved, -Lieaa! i 0 5 (18):, 1,060. Tbxtlle Lis-titut-e 6 ~Iblo Lar Ife%'ht of Flax Peotuw 0 by -ni Ae4, A.11! 1A. .9 5 pari zb%tr Pr Lk xhim 1Vol M=s Ib I, L OMMatento Ekxmau 1. Centre Beige de Traductions Brussels (Belgium) EUrOpean Translations Centre I :i i ~ (MY-19mg). .11;H1 III li'll I ~ j,: , J, ; ~ I k'NY-6443) e Amplif,ier With a Reduced Nmtural-Voise 1y. I Be 'Ya! !Tur'ye,, M~ Is. Sobole,,-,., 8 pp, er,~ lleitaik Svywi, No 2, 1961. 61 1616, 31f 11h ;TI lit- !Vi L~ C7 Conference ce by L- Ka;rrizhriykh, N. Sobolev, e PIP TV lgqg, qVS ia O.r Atom rc. 1,564, 7,6 ;tc I nim, Bx= by 11. (rim & 'ring ~19 U J 1 1; 1 0. 1~ ,, ~ I ~, ~ - ~ ~ ,~ ~~ ; I.. I i~ ajiguq~~ by AN 0 ~obolev, 14 pp, ~ 0 , ~ ~11 I ~ I " 1 i ~ ; oc~t, - SLVA uni $k% ustalosti. I:. 3-36,252 9th j-T' e6tiOnS! f Therwal Stre) c I-Air to eex-irLg;, by Ya. B. Fridmall~ et al,, 311 pp - N sc V. lid rg, VC']. 11C. 961~LL2 F-TD-T' Is 6 Ir rCij 4 01~ atl~ Iniiial:Ruptum, by H. D~ ,b,6~ ur e Z, 0 0 Rus P pp 'Ameir Inst ot Phys I Sow Phys-Tei!h Phys iVol: II, No 10 Sc J~n h r t ar 6f 9JU 6";o Zol ~~Jzrxll C-0 I C, s(3 R~~lfk MSR vol J~ L Mu'ai of and Air Behind :by Oc Wave ~'F. is:: pay H. N. sobolcvv Sullov L 0. Dbk Ai wauk BBBR Vol CA-Xvn 110 'Cr%, hmer-Upt of Pbyv dor Phyis-DWAdy Vol ',,IV. no i~ cr~; i.J.,- UG~it. ion of tL-.a s-cF%-V,-e ~:hih 1A sbxg-il Wave) by At' -N.- Sdboictv, - ~1A. p RU s Aaf. r 17. -Ak N.Awc SSSR ser F i z" iqo6 730-736 - Cmlumbia Tlech 9 is t Ik. 1 a c., - D L, i.-I i R o -k ?q. P71, Sobole Tc L~ !a!-. C.!. j :7, "Oil 1073-1075. -,-~J(ic at-, air il)f Boron 0 .L rzs~'by: E. Mirkiia aiad IN~ PP J. i Ic Ak- NAuk, Ser, YiT,7~ Vol cl flo 15, Se 1, : ml~ Idth ofi'Llne'a In d.~. Arc Speactra, by 'ra; --q ii. '9.0bolov ~ 22 pp. r, Optliaj spektroilcoplyal Vol It 1 pp 130?-,320i, 6ci Cams Lib TT 0/3150 ARTM &rwe 11 Lib Tr 712 a allift MoneuM fax May Oak MAN dW I I I ~ , , , 7 - 6 n & me I a-_& cm, bim tion Spectra f Boren Ardydride. j I i -ral trumian Structure of Boron An- d b~dri ft Ou loop ~T A, 81 movq 5, N, Sob,plcv. ~RUBSI : A pe 1 ika i Spektrashojpiya, Vol Mv ; Pt 11;6 o 7, , 560;- Aiu 49 - " 1r '[,lave, :Mj by F. 1' Ioc D* -av,, un. L!q OptUM i S-PChtl'O5XO-DlYa, V01 VIII I ~ lic . s1 lo! sl I Lac-' of -Arc DiBehalY- SbI Vol o it sy J046 quence Teapersture MaijurQwute of I ~Cpl Jdwitby an 00tical Mathoap by M. H. v. N. Scbolcv~, B. M. v As PO'Be e i6 pp. Eksper I Teorat Fiz., Vol PP 990-995- JM 73L8 tan I NTIFE'S-RI G L clv&.I~ ili-olill i I, or Trank, of 'Ili nial (1 Re"all t, ii Ir - - 11 h ~ ];g an 11IL02A ~j I ling, talwO 4 1-m I dl ph( I Cond6se I, Ill. (ligh. ix-rsi'614 hi nat( plac,,~ 'hi q foll, 1w iiii.1 o -cg r! - ice r~ 1~~Ilf bee of I hd ill iaq 71rev III-, R!1,CAI.' F I IS I ON 01~ 81 p.~7 rufl,,~ j~ica7driny Arsunal 8 1: Ti 1, mi 60- 2311 -5 1) 1947, 9RO-997, 11 i'livC.stj Ia Condells f. 1 411 AM of ' vhvs~ obiallicid with Ille nd i -ollcd( micni shutter jind.instaj~_ ~i thc~,Idischarge of a alfusion-like 1jq- individual fraim ,1, n ents takcs Iy a ~urrentbrva conditioned at ivimb~rl of fur ions; after 1111) ~villl m1el.11 Vapors - plillsi. L Who') Tl', 5, tip.i 3) 60- 23115 I Wire- -NIC11 ing 2. Electric dischargTes-- Physical effects 1 ~: Amtiowil aph I SObOlOV, N. N. It Trall.~ -I W Ill. Joint Publivations Rewarch S---] -vlcL" Washillgi kill. 1). C IV . AD-240 588 Offi- f T.A.1c.1 S-A... NATO 60-4 - 1. Roll I, Reel 10750 OLE Broa 6 ,ons L I' E161 T Z) 113~( of''if*Uring t~() Temperature in 19. N. SobvIev, 27, pp - per" !'I Tewat FL; Vol 20, No 4, V Wit'; pli Museum.Liblqo 51 0466 qq:W-~l Jet Ragine, Oy N. L 6J ~14.~ Weigoov G M Rodin, A. G. if a myssimuff Zhur Tekh Piz Vol '0M, No 1, 1959, pp!12~j jAmer last of Phys !!SOV Phys w ch ya !Vbl~ :EV, No I A 59 L`~of ~ii:;Liquid-puel. Jet Engine. Td by" !NJ va ij~ R in, 0F44 F 8 d z 6 pp. f RUSS I ur, Tekh r-':LZ, Vol XX Ifo 1, 19W, PR Amer Iwt of' Phys y8 Vol- IV, No :1 7J ~u(4 Fl-mae- I a" an =irgan-silicon- . N.:Soboloy." S. 19. X-riGh, N. I&S. fa. ti: 6 Zhur.-~eWi Fiz., Vol-mx' TO 4., 1959.. AlF sov- Phya-Tac Vol IT, No 4 ~ 6 11-A dutid Mirr r C onf inen, ent at a Plasma, by YO: . e R. Sobiolev, V. G. Tel"'Mr-MO.Y, U. Y hmanb v rr,~Zhur,Rkeper i 11%nmt Piz) Vol xxxlx~ wc f (12 1960, ;pp 3-6ne-16n~. I AIT Sov- Phya - JETP Vol xiii wo 6 piuma rr= ~a Msguetic-Ittrror -by Z~ . Iroffe; R. 1. Sobolev, t al, 6' V km e 1ppt Rw~r Eksper i Teomt Fiz, IMI, ~b 1,) 1961j, im_ 4o..48. AIP SOV MYEI JETP Vol =,p no I 1ju 61 c ft 1 al. tO V, Vol &VII 4*1 lp. U P- sit if 2 47 loa of the irmi~at of a Plasm in conta eiie, NUTwa. Parts I and 11., jb'y R i 1*: Sobblev V, G. Telkovskiy, 58 PIP 19W ABC Tr-1W17 (BY-2900/7) a m coil. i mious 10daction Vhe4um lharmncas; by si.~ Sobslev~ 3 PP- ............. .- U. , per Ve4t Blektroprigilorablemmosti.. 2.. !PP 13- 761ogical: Mchlixery and Itwtr=nta ome vp kit tic , tl~l RUBBLklj: m6 If V.''. 6i1 ~ ~i punam ona Le,n 62 OTS A iji T 61-12W7 N, OU17SIDE THE F PI 1. Iron- -Purification SING ~A POWDEREDI f I= 2. Sulfur- -Separation 601, ~4w ! 3. Alumlamm powders-- HB-SM 1 MetaUurgical effects 4. Calcium o)dde-- UL on and F'rocessIng of Steel Metallurgical effects 960,,'p" 5-14* 1, Sobolev, S, K, 11. HB-5M ~ 111. Brutcher, Henry, Altadens, Calif. Offi-f T-ImIc.1 S.M... Ma Vat TT, opt Y., OtOle~ Systems Under Control, by A. M. so= atimipi by H. 1. Mrugin., B. L. Soboleir A 'IT t13 No 2',1 sdi I b LqXressi6a kor th~~ tb~ 1pbot-cri-tit, 6i Ldni Per, i~~a watan Aimaysis OR EH, by f, JbkhY Vol xNp i 1, , . : ~ . I ~ 1 1 ~,, ~ I . ~ 1 ~ (NY-4784) I I ! / 1-i 7, 10 ~~12- I i rll i ~ I ~ - I I I I i I I f