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Lan IlIctliad :QU lo" r. Df i ~ac la'a r, I t 3. 1 1 1 Ireb 1)7!!"* e. th- -.1tiunio by Y 1 %, pp. f~)S' PP Amer Imt or Pbyoics soviet Pbysjcos Vol II., No 3 h6 0 by: Vol 1.9 SICI rax~et Coj~njjng for Mman ID Fields. 111, per Teoret Piz 5S Ubv 1955j, PP 3r, -584 Amer. YMFJt Of I%,VaiCI3 Soviet Pkvnicas 701 lip Ho 17 7 7 0 V-1pr O:r lanct-r=C'netic vacul=- 1,~ c Poi6r:] 2 1 C'n the Fmaence of blason Interactiom by IB Bpsjlrr~, bte~eiW.C. .10 pp. Rusd M6, ~Lr., ~Zlw 101:sw:~ i Tooret Piz vaj. U lic IFOV 1955v PP 5,b5,-595 paAct Phyaj.cu., Val 11, mTO Y, eb G!1~1!1 v,61tum Staticnary~ States o:c Point Lqt.,-,-ract With the- ~L-son Field., bY I ,; PP RMS, I.,I per i 'rem-et Fiz 604 - 5s Amer Imet of Fbywics Soviet Physics# V01 II., IqO Sa 7' a C~ I.Ce 5 ) tic PropertUs of a Fimly Strattried a. M, Bytov. )bd W Vol ptmo! per# I yp Azwrt=n A of p1welce OTA9w 4 NIPS.. 03wistent Field tor tllr;: Boron Atcm 0'-.U~Wnnaticn Approximation. by, Lbo~sklla Vo V. Ki-(~krtus, A- P- Yutaizp No 5., Nov, 1955 PI) by(-- b;--L .9mar Ins-t- of FhYGic" ~11 f -. irOate)YL Fic GO: I .. I-Aon for -Lbo Borylliumm AtmS by Al F Xic v t~B.7 V. I KavetwaG3 P. P. luicis, 5 D-P- mo r Zhur Eat or i Tectre't F"z Fmv"~ , p p M I - C-p- ME: 1610 i Amer Just of Pbysice hys Vol 11., HO ftviet LP Ic Et Bic F ri ties' 7 IP Dle-i ic i in ICUAC Diele%.t*-rlcs iu S-Ulong C~ 3hp V. 11. Gribov, Eie6 F:I sol:by L. B. Gurevid pps Rms M M-, I er.. 1 zhur ~ksmr i T--oret Fizt va! 5,t ~16V I 629-bBb. 955 Awr lust Of Physics S6d-dt Pbusioca Vol Ilo gn~ 3 ,rn Tfames ~'02,, Dal .- n o: A. Lc It (omn =e0 ic Nuclei in an Intel:oe t, [a b Hi 05 Aic Fieldq by S. i). GvozdcAer; ev 7 IT I Teoret Fiz, Yoll iov, pp AM Vol TY; 170 t the PossibilitY Of Mea~inr.' the -C CLT I C61mm of a jet Diacharge UAnG T lie em th 54 Ali. tin AarA. by H. Z. Kholkov 6 pp e p'=y~ 2hur RU7 gmt UZ - V0 IMP 19"j, pp Amer Iust of Phynics oviet Ptwolcop Vol I1,, Yo 1;. IT7 Feb CTE T'I'M 6ctrl a Higb-Precluency DfLachargo at P-recsurcs 1. g i0 At-=Bpbjurlc.. 'by G. B. SoIntacm, i la-l-I Va HIM 11 1.4 Amer Tmnt of Physics I Soviet Pbyslca., Vol Us No Fel J lip St~'uctu-rc? of th-- Surgace of a M-ga-Ld b Dki 't i?d 0T Re flaction of Light., by V, A. y 3 3.0 R-a 3: TP-Qrnt V4 pp c Amer Inst of FtWsica Soviet Phydics,, Vol nv No di 4 I PbQ -17" F6b 5 ma IL, Eldws., pp,, Ir 03. Ti JAIIc 5 Amer inot o'L' ovie vol rl-., id 3pecti-mu of hxCess Silver in il-h-- Low ot L t U11- l a t iand BIO:L Tempamtwe Mod~Uications of 18CII ieo 1by P. W, Kokbawmko~. L. V. Grigonik, 3~p 1: 1. Too ,V~3 N X. c :P-I~v atr rc- giza IN)i :]:K;tl $ I No % 140V 1955 f6- V iv.. X., rImi, elf Pivaics jen '%~Oj Tj 1~10 I Ip 17 t- 7 f :xu &I r the M;ructure of Extensive Air S~O, SiI6 'aa level by A. T.~Abroalmovj, A. A. epin, lu. A. Recbinp V. I. Cf ~, P" TO i. zats 0 ev*a B. Khristiansen,, P. S. Mikinj, zhur Llc~r i Teoret Fiz, Vol 0 pp CTjtgB. Awrican Just of Physics Soviet Fbya ic a,, Vol II,, No 2 ~4- Sai Phya .0's Photo acc., oxdIng of Spect4m Of Cambimtlon . of FoAjery l4w~erjals, by la. S. (*~m set 109 Bab al I A. Pivo4arovp 3 PiD. 2anw mimr eoret Piz, RMSAT ME Im mo Pars mw 0'). .9 15P x Amer Inst of 1?13~mics 86vist Fbyisiam., Vol Up No 3 Bed 1 - J,~*WrsE j74 F~ib 1511 CTI Meson T-al"961 VCLLx rp 1~ 11 tAle Theory of Beta Decay., byr B. Zel,Da7i(ihj, pp. J,9.5~p Pp 0~0-bw- Amer lns~ oZ Physica Soviet P47sics., Vol 11, Ho I 44 5r R03~' Spin. in the Study of the Radiating I by A r IL~tveyevp 1 P. lksper: i Teoret Fiz. Vol "P Anaricati Inst of Physics sawiet ftysical Vol II.. No 2 Los usJc a co~f-Licieut, of '9=', F~articloa in a klag- n lltevsteLiar Modium, by A. A. Logunov., P, ioskiyj I p. ILAAJI p BOmper orat Fiz ,q o oevs Zhur j TF3 c 3!'955..l VP 701; 7M. Vol American Inat of Physics Sovidt PhUsice., Vol 11., No 2 ics F 57 T=he Betw the DiStl"Ibution of a Qtmosi- P.. - een Proceaj3~ and the Distributioa Onaxy; cd, iu, lby S. 04 Pqta7p 2 pp. RUSSI 0~ M~ I ar, zhw~ EkRgav i Vol In , M 51, 76v ~955~ pp Amer last of Physics Bcrqiet Physiesp Vol 11, No 3 IY b CIT4 De IE Lon ~Of iba D1q1wtr;Lc ConeWrit of SU.- Oik ion' b, M. Ia. Azbel, 2 pp. R" U TAX RU D per,, Zhur, lgw2er :L Teawat Fizj, ---T 705-4 195 W.- VO Americom Last cf Physics Soviet Myoicap Vol III No 2 Be m lea! q%e i-m rig Hypo eejaj, by S. S. Filippovp 2 pp. ,2w, EksWr ;L TDoret Fiz, 5, Nov 3.955i pp 7M 1 Amer last of Physics Boviet PhyDiCB), V01 Up No Ys i~ On by: Meam of LeELders the; I ve~ CUNIn i 11 ui&, (Rep3,v to the proo )f I Old, of, Uq, ev) 2, 2 pp. Re-a9x -1-95 .0 - 7w.709 0v 5 pp N m= Tast Of PIVOiCI3 voi. LT., No 3 Fdb i F I -10:1 Aadl 6 y RUSS W~ r a Ed'Itor is Through it Paeudoecalar Meson Z 2 pp. r,~ ARYL.Aimer -1goret EIEL_ 5., Rov 1955., PP 709 At=- Mwt of Physics Oaviet Fbyaic~a, Val n, No 3 1 US-14 VL Ir Ni et! al. .In ~I~otons with tritium and the excited state of Ile4 Z6u I I Ulksj)il,iTeolret. iFiz. , 28, No. 0, 639-650 (1955) RJ. English Euratom on! th, c I r 6f [the: Do -Van~Alphen Effect for r Icia' 1, 41ih a~ Itrary Idx lon Law, It I II "I. I I pezo b y! tt A,, X~ 7 P. RWE L XMINar ftorat,4~mhcskoy Fiz., 195 I AA 59--11'677 rob M isho BoL. It it-m-ationsp bY s. 0t UL P. pe r i -, ka or Cl 170 6! t t F4-3. vol. 55, 1 '770-777. Nua Tlb 5 7/426,0 SOW 5. 7 S Ild Co6weision of Colcr Centers in Potessim Chlwdd*o by ova V 1 29a, 1b 6 t 12) L9559 o l.PjOOj?2eA-V Sci li 364o?76 A126 FGJ-Ilx. ion a. !,,-N~-soa lz:,Poaitron AnnVAlatian, Bf j3t.6tsl&, p(mazemebuko 2 pp. R jl~ j M= Sam & 3122mt Iriz Vo "1 5 195 p 064. Amar Inst~ of Pbptco Soviet 11,AYB:Lcsp Vol 11., No Fat M-5 alp aiioa In Scalar MIectrodynam-las in th.- Re on C Sm~~ llx=~tAp by A A. Logmov, 3 pp. 4 1 per: zhur Emper i Teorat F;Lzp Vol ------------------ - -P NO ~o MC A rlm,tu just of Physica SOVLOt ftSica., Vol IIq No 2 u So tic! wsv~es ~in a Ow; Dischmvp P3mam c Pli V. KcayukMp j, by .1 Tamt na, 190; xv Tr 279 T6 of e An=aloua Skin Effect for Arbitrary 0 'teg' al, b r No Yu. Azbel, h. A. Kaner, li. lo Mr-AUBWE-i ThqDr Piz, Vca XX3X, liol pp 76 -876 Uci M is L:, W N o 56/2436 Sc yo ton for Charp Zwb~s or Slow iT J"~ ~f t,6 66me Ueiiont, by Yu. H. KMpn, V1. Zhw Zkoper i~Teoret Fizp Vol Xxxxt '1955 ABC Tr 2'rrd). 't-107 Relativity clir a Theory of Of PP - ED zblr r 1. Teoret Fiz Vol XXX,, r I NO 13 : pp, im-137. ,; Aucr Mast of physic,3 ]III., so Prmiet myeics) J= Se Ace p ce ArtiXicial 84tellites of the pal bi I V, 0 C~'. the, General llbtiory V- Rclcatk,~ityp I V, 1'. i RIM V.011 I C4 lics ~uj 71 Tw m cts 10 metals, M. "re. Axb*~Ijp M. 1 0 rAganoy" RM mi I 2hear Y:isl Vol Xnl j1d' 3,~ I" 2'MO-M 6ei Am Lib No 56/2k5i rai sci:L tai ~C) I i, lk~! c-tm,,.l -,PLI Hucloar S,J-in I Aon~ in tuitiformil4c Turov IL orct 1-. TT 19561 raj I E1 o i_7 Un of the 1 0 ftml~mti ally Reflected Surface Film of c B , , opper Oxide, IPPS R VMS V~I I a, If POP us t6 Pt Of CO"Was sweat orstowumn Di C 5 air a i M~ t' ' Dii-h th i Xl ti f C t l e c - on on e as o w m a rye l i;i~~btein. mm r Zhu M63yu I "Orvit n2., Vol NO '56 7 c- Astsoc ftch Sv $4.50 Sel 1- 7 7,4 AL* 15 015 ~densratoi and Molecular rb th T14 v feftwr 1 4yi.' N1. Or Basov,, H. Prokborav., Rubs b I ew, mcoplar i: TeGrat Piz, Vol fi i ~pp 560;;m564:. Bell a tbal ; ~ I JJ L . (~, icVRS566 60 p ~95 ft:l lie r 51 !, Of saft FilLmtionj by twos ~ v I i Ia. xieousk4, 3 im. ur I t -ret,-JrLzl Vol ma ABC Tr oF 4Ftotron Resonapce in Metalot A2.bel,~ir.,: A. Kanei::, 6 pp. or,,, Z6w~Rksper i!Theor Fiz,Vol ~c t ifts Lib ilo 56/24 37 GO Lea cooductIm in a Lallatir, 6 pp. or- 0 fift Ike LU 54/2450 voi Sdi j mar ;e 0 E*&y of Electrons Reflected %,q by H. B'' Gamyiv 8 pp. lb'~ Piz# perp Qu:~, 1., 61,1 1~56,"Pp' 132-13 W:Dept of Ccomeme Pr. Va2lwe ~ R. Brod Aswe Dir Hatl Bmreau~af Stand-:do do f mp)d~x It iind L Sitedis A S-il- W, Tt-or Fiz 31 .-ti 122' Sr d a 14 St en 0 A. 0 S* -, DANS CHMO Eickir Pla= E I sci. 1! B 1196 3 12t Ordei f S Tvin lj~encl Te6r[ I DE S: do, (physics Skepanov. K. N. NS Dljj PLASMA ELEMONI(PE [AGNETIQUE (0 KolebanJyakh r ~h Vibrai ions: c t - by P. Liqui ne R 905 (lem 1,3 ;LA S2.60 61-15750 Zhipr. #I] E"per lrnentf~lj~q.fl~ Mal (USSR) 1195A no. 10, radon,~ Oflast~& physics, d. V. 7, no. 7), 61-157-50 1. Sitet*o, A, G~ 11. Stepanov, K. N. Ill. CEA-tr-RW-) IV. Conuntamrtat b ['Encrpe Atornique (France) of T"hultel SWAC.. bte~l~ of 160 raev Pions on Eausion A. p L. P. Mzdrinj, SO A. P3 :0.* Eks i Teoret Fiz., m0 I:k In, ~Awr last of Fbys sov Phys., JET vol V., NO 1 1~7 Se 57 onji in a Fe=i LiqUid., by L. D. Landau., mo ~er, xxx Wi 117 6~ an 957) pp 59- Awr Last of Phys SDV Physt JxT Vol V) No 1 57 5-3 _4 f o' AUS b a magnetlc xc c ret. t. ~32 no. 2, Ek I ,1957 (7~1)1 ,A "Jai" 1 f" Wescn IM ftr;eaho]Al. by 6. ghw Bkoper Tetwet Fit,, Vol 3,99., Acl I A E Tr -70/1 rp r. Skin 3~~-Ject in Film-'~ and ly B. M. Bolotovsk IAN RUSP, pe: Zhur Eksper!Teoret Piz, Vol XXXII, No 3, 195,7jp; 55 65 1 'riedman for tincolnLab Morris D. F, (will appears in SIA later) Sci Si Sep, 57 t~y 01 1h, I a lvhem'I'c! ten al 6:E Fiel y 1. EE RUSSfAN, 1 . . P ~Zh~ir o 3,~ 15 PI 3.5 is -1 apr- . . .... .. ......... 0 b ,e,~v ing the'~ Variation E e.trons of~ Of the "I a Magnetic M. Lifs.hits., K. D. Sinellnik I pei T ~eo r, Fi z, Vol XXXII Firiedman f ar in SI.A 1.at~ ncOln Iab r) :Ln arl Fielli., A. &~Sevich- uNommbsir. D -Z ire j, -h L~-- Iliew. 1-,4va. USSRP Vol P 73 LincoLli -Tjnb "I~14 Lfi Metals, by M. Ya. ,on Rdsonande I Theo f Q~F 9tr kzb4~13 RUSS per Zhur Eke rTeoret Fiz, Vol XMIJ) No ~7, 07 Nov 57 1958 set, soi V Cbsr~,Ftsrlstlca of ap'o', 111~0' ok j rarr6impotic Motala and Durlvg LVA ~f T6me~Dopoiltjo. 1. lqickel,, -*01 xmala go 5.. /ODD XX-all To ponlax wmomuz 0 lmi~ 11 /met, D 6 t. ed ~Re6r,tions~, t~~y M. 1. S'Vdroko-, pp. :Buss e"r,'! Z, u r Iiik 1, T6oret Fiz, Vol C IA /FDD X - 0 'IEC T-r 1031) ys 5 3 7 777.-7 It 66ouance in a Plasm, by E. A. C;yc r6 Et ire I jKai IRUE, D.r, Zhurl'Eksper i T~oret Fiz, Vol XXXIII, S16 i "0 95 PP1 4-546. 8 5~ *Morris D. Friedman llAppear 3,ater as SLA) bY NO 00~ Elec'ir I Q, 6 6an &i Aiccibie"rati6n of Phisimg igunche-q- h Eldctr nam cceler'a ion of Plasma Bunches,- by L. A Ar sim'ic~ A,! S. ~,u. Luklyanov, Im I. bf. Pod Crny k. Chuvatin. Y RUSSIA pe~., ur' Eks'"per ITeoret Fiz, Vol XXXIII, No I i PP,3 RORRIS D.1 FRIED14AR f or Lincoln Lab sSIA later) Nov 5.7 xuv~at i0il t, 0 f I- P, 1e, pus 1 ~'l t k aej, 9b;~Fjl~j N. BGlorg NO 9,~ ~%aracteriat'lc Energy Louses ~iazjdary El*ctron Emission From A. Yu. Raltankaup 8 pn-. ipar I Teorat Fizj, Vol )=III, .:7, Petzat OfMa Sel Lib The a, am pt (*~rlum., by A,. 1. Likhter, Ph& YU L. F.~ Voieshchagl1no 7 pp. 3 117 ~~,ur HMMS T*orot Viz., Vol XXXIllp 13 A ISO ITr 3249 Scl Ic JUID lut't~ractioa of "Dae v 1 kiy, H. Sh. finets lolar c '~y I . J1 Mrs UE;-ORS Vo'l Ax=llo 7 tinuoln Lab a-a i2j4 aeot Gon Ictivity of' Ferrunat-suetoic Sal nC' llctrl (Forri~ea J~. rm Mpg --1 --Tfheor-Phrz-~,, Vol M ---I P19 Oct M-3-Z7 MDI! Liacola rAb SCI. I E-21. e cies Mar! 5:): i2 212 Til- ay Chem"' lar iDe FO by A. G. Serq Y4 Jiv~ f!1. 1 in.ifi.iutt~ a. D. :Latychav,, Yu. IV,. "S.IRe-mannyl. UNCUSSIFIM2 Rus I At. .741= Mwpor i Tedret FIzx Vol YMIII., 57 Kz--y Tr 1788/NRL 6,(4 I.P ai L MIT Lincola tab V ~u Sc tw6 of Electrons Im the Betatron, by Dv'! S.~S. 6emenov.1 UNCIASSIFIED r, N!oret Fig Eksper i w-1, Vol XXXIII, Ded T-15-11;4-51 . P cs C ~c variations of Antiferromagnetic Trans- DrIlati of Manganese~ Telluride Under the lx:bm 0 [~ enc, ~re nf oy s,sure., by N. 'P. Grazhdankina. il SS IED Lj I" E t I"! er,1 tser Teore Vol 0 6 ~_fff -1525. Kk iij, 9 1)P 1524 on IVw i~ Sup6rc6nductivj,ty Tbeory, I., by tI mov, rr i Teoret Fit, Vol XXXIV; RUWOST Per hur Eksp 11 MIT Lincoln Lmb~ Sci 7 Apr on ,a- w Yj od in 0 titelty; sOper onduc ablil? 7 ~V. lqy -OV va. hkR rlb l;l � 5 -4, P, r 1 M. n o hri 1-,,b s 0 d in s4erconductii,rity Tbeory., M. by: ~N. Bb~ Ilyllbov RUSS P6. ~~h!'S, er i Teomt Fiz, Vol MM.. NO 770 :J MIT Uncoln Lai) S c J. lyn i Aprj ~Bo lyubov-TYablikoy Gene, 1~ of~the,, 90 )htbbd to the:Namstationary Pert~ atiop O"y Case'j, Von I.therepanov. Fiu S' mi Vol XXXIV, pe:L lir Rkigm, KIT, Lincolp. Xab scii! mayi5 g 4 Ij; leldi Thaory Kethodo in the kW)Y 1 A- V iable n Galiteldyj, A. B. Migidal. by,V , l RitS fer ~ r Zhur Ekoper i Tcojlet Fiz, Vol 1XIM No I 9 Pip MITt Lincolm Lob May ZHUR ORET PIZ Vol 3i, Ia vo 1 3 5., 1,0. '19"58, vo 1 3~ i4J s 1959 116 Vol 37, 1s 1 1959 Cover-t -~,Oove'l mer Inat of Physica vaila~bt~ Br ibrary Vol 3~, q 333-335 JPRS 304.3 pp 1 1 , Vol 37, A 6,t pp 1543- 550 JPPS 3240 ORET FIZ ZHUR 6f",) Z 38~ YO ~9 60 I 9~0 oz 3 1 ~ i o 1 40, 71 t .;. over, ovey mer, Inst of PhYsicif ~ lAvaiMb e Br ibiary vol 38, ~ o d~ TpRS 5701 rp 10~61-1073 Zhur IE aver ii Teorlet Piz ll'o Z41j~ 108 Vol 42 os JL~- VO Z 431 o jL~, i962 1963 vo 1 44 08 1 Vo 4 45 ~os ~963 Vol 4 6' lVos Llp: 1964 Vot 47' Lai 1964 covei Lollil Am~r Inst of Phys Avai a Ze LI, y~Serials A LUS I 1~ I fjIEl sti Scatteriric of IIe3 and n I I, I a c Pall J oles on B~sis ~of, the Optiiml 14odel. of :s', L'Icle, b~',- V. ~Z. Goldberg, b~~e U_ 9 RUS lki, ~ ~11 Jr, Zhur ~ Elxperiin i Teor Fiz, No 471 ~ -I i'~64,~ pp A ' . 571-576. Wii d~6al~j 300 (Loa") 'q24,3011. he ged Par~cles.Wtth a Turbulent Pla jby,'~t. ~,I- j per'; Ur "er, I Ireoret Fiz,, Vol XLV11p o WAS -~033i J11 scl U VERNMENT 2740328 ONLV 1 11 Azriblutioi~i of the Intensil-lt, L)-- 1 1 " L Chex 6-1 ~o I id-ialioni f rom Broad Cosmic Rv., llir s V.11'. Zatsepin. . 40'I,'E!' S i Im 1, 7, Zhurnal EjCSperj,-jq:ntC!jn04 I Teo EC-1 ic [,,o i Fizi-ki Vol ilo 1~"h, G13 2~z( u 334,06,-) lsj ;i E f PT oa;of c eMpt Of oducdd Rdmon~s k, levs, S. Akh, r & Ii 'L urniml Eks, cb .:f) tion; Using the ing, by !let al. 11 pp. 'itall o i I n Y 4, IS- -May 1965, 309,466 t c I acteristids of a Cas lAser With a *ft"-a q I nf, iavv,,~ by ~S'. !N. Bagayetv, V.S. Kuznetsov, mo~ iM,, Zhumal Usperimmintal,na i Ros; o i&iskoy iFiliki !Vol 1, No 4, 15 May 196S, p1s IH24,1 PIOD030266 M 6 s P, I-YS, .p 6 309,469 a A t id Halu;lon of J! I ~ i an t g Lcm d I a cjo~~d O:E bl, icev~t rted Loii ~Lifb lonilliation I f-iox the ~ Shoa Waite of a r Beam. by~. A. tlrVan~! M. IS. Rabitlovich. at al. pe~, i6urnil of F.44rivental tiCa Vol~ 1, No 6. 155, lSwQS.'i 08011 t 0 IONI! Tr' No 2145 PVY, Ph s 6 302,175 yetals In Tempered r. K42~~Ve W Ifirpo, Ior Physics WSW# C I I Yp 813 Brutcbe~lr Tr 1748 UNT M 0/*t~iu of, Radio Waves Amund the Earth's Suff e V Fmk;, 32 PP. .1 ~~2f R S J! 'perl lViz IV= 0 Val IXj No 4 j, FOR am(Mul UBE ONLY 3 3 7J-" Se It I L.hl:rj plws~cfi Feb 56 CTS/bm t~icnj or Waves Aromd the 3wrth's by IV. =0 12 Vol lxs no 4j, 1945. Cli/PM/1-2oo6 wx 311 3 I'd 'm 56 CM/M I I of the~Problem of Propagation of 38 lee etle' Waves Along the E&rth's Surface t1k ~-tb k~ 6d of PamboUc~~Xquation, by ~Aouitovichp M. Vu Um V. Pock) 12 pp. I bim perk F':Lz Zhw* Vol X., No 11946. . .......... CIA tFMIX-2002 YOR amein Um ONLY 3 74 len, l iiie PbYsics Feb 56 ms/Dix bt cm"ItA IndaieW by a Plow j 10" me~ ct a Condtictors by V. Fockr AN Imo ~tw~! Fit: Ours Vol X, No 2s 1946. CIA/nDfi;-20W P*I) 56 =/Wm alf 3 7~4 IL Puma Wime Nmr::tbe Surface of Boayj,,,by V. Pwkp: U pp. vol X., No 5s, 106. 7r pbpui m % Colm nd i 6ri Vitrifleationlemperstures of 11;1 to i rills !on the-plite of Reatins ~t~ "6 O=ectiiion -6etveell i'itrineation Tem- I L andhailvation ftei by 0. H. tte imA 1.4. Lukyanov~~ 10 pp. per, Zb%w Pis Kbftp Vol M=j, pp MA R-2529 B'i I Oall neriullon sis of Aromtic Isc e i71 F~i I 'M=XV. Is rization of C- "I I. RiW~s bY M- Konovalovi, 7 PP* um MID e ZIM, ii:nz KUM, Vol XXX., I 8980 lip 16 MA Tr B-825 Oct .511 ipd*er arA Us SMaW 1, by kbro, 5 im d 71 VC& XLvn 1915 v per MA Tr R-= L6 by 0. V. ob *~a&vlm-v Vol M.? 1~19 lmbW*dall RWeSo Vol rv;o ft~e ODE'$ 58 os tro0w Flz $ Rhim Vol ]aV SIA R-10:Lg 5 pp., -191.5,