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thud Cw'rying Coutri-mace for Pr CCUt8ftners., Q. J. Poupltch. GW# ro 0- T sc~4 1 ir 5!,c IAID Civ lkw Exwr .~~CWL-Ilfor Debarking Trees and Similiar Uses, ; it I by Xaroa Poupcin, 12 pp. FA=;jjP&tCnt No 1.9091AX. Dept of Commerce Patent Office Sol Lib (,%M) 6 57z (EY-1558) em ibl of Al r1 ~ and Water Coutminstion in Czechoslova-ki,., 4 pp. MAX 1POr, a SpolocDoat., Vol X, So 2, 1961j, 4556 61 AND ME LECULA ornitte OrdL I- fr Trans~ c 1950, v. Measure otxained ftitrin'lic related t 71:: KNI extractei IsoelectT mass of The mell molecula (Author) andlVbnet, A. M. )N TO THE MDY OF THE STRUC- :LATIN.: 11. VARIATION OF PHYSICAL NICA OROPERTIES wrm THE M0- ASS.~ tl960117p. Q figs. 7 tables !is. LA m $2.40. phS3.30 61-10410 11 ; I Chem[iel Physf ique I (France) p. 391-398. ents wer . ade on homogeneous gelatins fractiorn'ting a I commercial gelatin. The 14cositv if ihese homogeneous fractions is likeCIIIII. 1.11888 try all L-1111atioll k)f Ihv 1~11(- irid whic i in the special case of fractions r ,~m skir !gelatin by liming and having an int of 4.~75 and an average molecular , 4omes 1.66 ~ 10-5 K10. 88-5. 6L point':4 geltain gels increases with the mass anj tends towards a limited value. ;~qe also ~6110386) - 61-10410 1. Gelatins- -Molecular structure 1. Pouradler. 11. Vcnci, A. M 111. Title: Variation... OM-1 T.,h.,.l (Chemistry--i'livsical, '17. v. 5, no. 7) of Oa3Atj",p V. DI%VLVdation of nalsetric ScOLutlowip* by ~-,Aivil A. N. Vemap 23 pe:rViour Ohio Pbve, 1952., Vol XMt mA 6o-10384 sal A~i 610.~ J 1,:2 11f VolI Noll 3 0i ielstin IV. Chraduts of i (bradum Alun cm Pbjvimi and xwiwAcai. Atki J* A~*rp. J. Raman, 37 Pei A* VA sod wa wou, 31952.. Vol =P No U/12v -937 MA 60-'io~8 i3 001 and A* Vol of,VelaUa 1. OUte of Dispenim "asculm? !ILOts' T"Gealtyp %W J. Ponadiwj, A. No Vemtjo jow ftft For 1950, VCQL mv Tk6' fA r otmft ot G830tint, T.V. comparison of fl= Xff$M% OrLgtnsj, b7 . I -jo .*-A~ W~vowytp 24 p. A ,()Ur Chija ftev 19,12.. Vol V=p 110 ~3 SLA 60-).CG85 Vol 1 GoUtin in CcaA Wat4rr, by -1467. R"dues 1950,1 Vol C=P MA 60-2.00~ /A 2. Apr, if Nil'; 3 cati"um or *rtmas =d Anoy. mnd xts V461 174~ ft ;R, 1g&, NP 4T-Nd ft. CM R!i32 Aii0i y8p~ numjs N6 'j, pp 385 Jum~ tatic and Poteutiostutic Methods. ~ to Predaterm1ne On Circumtumes for i or fion-Corrosloa air Metals &M Y~ IL Pam-b&Uy F. Vmmd~deuv 40 pp. pr, Corrosion at Ant4aorrosion, Vol IX., 61 PP 341-356; ftl IX# No 12Y 1961s 9087622 HW-W-36 Pourbaix SWDY pi [171p. (4 1 Order tr(m Trans. of on The Stv Brussels I ALE-,REMOVING PROCESSES. 119611 omittekl)'15 refs. A si.66~ 61-14934 entified inono. (paper) from Conference Ahe S61i-Removlng Prooesse [beld at] Nov Inhibition. wle,~ Countertneasures, Corrosion. 61-14934 1. Pourbaix. M. J. 4-7w qq ILI "7 ji owri JI Fundz.mc!ntL:LI Research on Corrosion and A001. ca-vi6lils, by M. Pourbaix. MNQH, np, Brussels, Oct 1959. *AEC S-i Min,~.Iet ion li.or. in callatic Soar, FIT 946, 191f7:- 109-"~- r 0 STA 57-3,-U2 kpl)lica~'40ns of Blectrochenistry to Investigutions -ii Corrosion., by Marcel Pourbsix, 13 PP. Japer, Werkstoffe und Koiroolon, Vol V, i0 11, 1954, pp 433-440- H A.E.R.R. Barwel-I Tr 524 it: C city, Chemistry., Minerals/metals, 31) Ths?7, of the Functioning of CLrtridge (;aoeo During 3A pp FMOHI pe MsmrW de LOArtillerle Francaiga, Vol i6" 2, 1055, pp 333-345. 6 OIN Tr S.L.A. Tr 1275 0211 HUI id V-ou et Tscdoses rrom Wedge Im al...' Roadings From a Telecobalt Therapy by',' t rdrli~quierj P. !&kLbardt,, L. Dan3rach.. 4 pp. oloLdep Vol MVi.rfj No 3- Jbiamal de Radi 9 up 282-284. 5T. Omlitla IMUced by Intra-Cmniol Adolin*s' 'rs~ibh of Ty-pboid Rndatoz'in in Sue- cepiv~'ip~ G~1641-Kgao Ito Variations According to iho'" t'im 6k the P"Ceding lnfe~cA~h, bi~. Poursitme, J. Webic, Grebus & mliel Al 661i66n, .6-jjj5'.-"-"' pers~jdomptes Ifendua, soc, Dial, Val CXLVIO 01 sbpA9528 pp 1365-1367, Hm sclent.1ii. C _11madicine lp I s 10 L INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL FOR NUCLEAR ''ENE J- W- M-ss-3 PP. DUT pt ELECTROTECHNIEK I j, VOL XL., NO 9., 1962., pi 20 CALL NO TA 351, ENG TRkNS. ARMY MAP SERVICE ECON 30 1~46G 62; 207.,816 lot Ve F611rmi; ~ty of Steel$ 2wl Alloys Using "eus t I ~~i Tciijt, by it. Castro and P. Poussardin 0 L 1h 0r 1('irc.Izfs tach.cantre Docua. Sider- I ck 2: 505-27, Vr63 ic rfa luly 3 8 F. 7 61-20431 Vallee Ia. REA si ON APPROXIMATION OF FLTN-C- 1. Vallee Poussin. C. de Ia TIONS 6F 1 ONE REA L VARIABLE: PREFACE AND U. Title: Lecons... Dmoo(&nON.'(!i9'61j [161p. 2 refg. OrderitriciISLA $IU60 61-2U31 Partial tr wo or M~60- Collection de Mgnographica ~ Ia Ili& sur' r c a ovZons, Y. 9: Lcc~bms our I'Appro.-drInAtion de' Fanctions d'Lme Variable Re'elle, Paris.1 1952 DEscRir,roms: ORmall variables. *Ftmctions. Numerical n4alylls,! Polyncmials, Trigoncwnetry. afahemltici. Tr. I v; 7. 1) T..h.1c.1 S.-i... 41 Xi V 1~1- Zlff~ Tzad-i Pla4c tL-tl-clll f- Sur'.6 c "Tf Vo EIRE Mell"I ar5 I XT, 1950Y pi) 83--87. "MM-T-1945 591 62-2D191 U. P. TM CARBIDE -171PPED TOOLS Outils 1. Piouzmu, P. NtieeslR port6ealIencarburedeTuriptem). 119621 Order'frx SLA 10 62-2DI91 Trans.11 of Ccntr~ ~,17&1' 'nique du SoU 1PArIaL Cahier (Fjran~'e) 11959 no'! 37, p. 2-A DESCBIPMRS: compounds, *Carbides, i o *Carbid6ltbole, saws, *Moldifg, Drills, N"idw prom ides. liardmMe. Brud a. Grain struc"i (wiat 16 IV6 Operation. maint6nmhce, Cut Content,-' Geiieril remarks the characteristics of the toas and thei t, 1 ra'tiorw U~lizatjon Mouldinj toolm 1! 1 (Wc~,imery--Wndfactutimg. TT. Y. 9. no. 14 (amr) mm d ha" hm6m T0016., by 1), or 7' .-c c. OQ 112 1.-e, 36.11 ~A&~! UU7 oocmnm 0l Impomusa), foe 8 Om 19", pp 4. OL')e Waracteristir-'s of Foci of crimm a llj~Oiorziiagic Fovor in Astrolhan Oblast. s t ~LlaI ' Papers of- thi, 11th Scientific 1 .~l acts 0 ED 'Pl1w. o Via Institute of POROT.Velitis ~phalitides,t by T. 11. I'malishina. S, 4 Irpt. IN Tick-bomw Enceplinalitis, 0 ; Tick-bom Fevew, dc'morrilagiLe- crs!~ 1 and (ther Altovirms Itifections, C001,61 1904, pp Z-/V,-Z3JL. `4 la I 12- 81-66 ((hl Locm) N~i 6611 Ii ~ I ~~3!lraziLlogical Information on Foci of Inci- 011ce k` CAu-can I)q)e Hemorrhagic Fever in irzi~ ~wi Oblast, (Abstracts o--" Papers, of ti i) ii i Scientiftc Conference of tdie Insti- u:~iPoliouwclitis Luld L-11ce-phalitis. by '~pvalysiiina. IN 'I'ick-boxne Ence. a phillitis tk~iwr 0 'rick--bonie Fever, ilewriliagic 11.0rexS111 wid Other Arbovirus Infection~._ 11"A C;0~4101 1190,16 pli 271-274, PI `4i 1,114 ~2-32-66 (Cal Loan) 1~14 D 13 tj~ ii Aj.~r 66 1 23, 1; 0-36 lay of~~tbe Besuitivit-7 of the Steppe LemijI. rgur m I.Sgurus Pall) to P01102velitia 1. The pDesibility of Usixg the L~ a miag in the Study of Poliomyeliti.! a 11 and IV,, By T. kro it ' ' L. bonova., IIST iper,, Vopr Vitusol, Vol V., No 42 50.9 k*-4o6. pp 63L K tIO a Of 2 Q Fam r in tha 1.). I'll. 5.11 Fuver II u1, i~kjjja~v C;QiasT,), Gy E. V. !P-SllC-hlA-L3l0--Yn p S t Go DY-agumir pp - V.-.-, I- TI. RIMST P-,!3 Vo-proxy Viriv;nlogly; 1957j, pergalron Xnat sci d ,-~uW;Iloiu of the Molature Content in D--Sign of R~b', 6jp Is. I. Povalyaev. si I EE22ERLlen e Stmit-V iio 1, 1963., I~Crj, id, 51961 i963 1187 L't4 lats 67 -!1,36,496 ~Ogar#Llc Aud io Fraquency Logomater and _rtr, on "o Oustic WaslUlawntap by V. Povalywev, ~Al- ~~38)- pa,- r. TrWy Kmi(;sii I* Akustike., Otdel ii it rAuk.0 No 8. 1956,9 pp 5-11. ATIC IP-TE-9037/V Ph ICE - - ---------------- by ftum 21 Mail A=# No is, M80 f ADD Tr JM*7 (Dc-4,ioo/i) I I'v., Systom of Donus Paymnto to Sailing Creve f or ftu bage Ian nilfillmnt and CArerfu]S12.1=n-t., by 7 ' 11 ' .'.-~OVELI Vdyev, 8 pp. . .......... . . . . .......... sallm 1 Per, Morskoy Plot,, Wo 6., 1960., PP It, 5. mw 6472 .um js 11 1 J~j ~[ 1 1i ~'Ie~ I Ardn s of ~Uerals I, by A.. S. PovamunykU, i I rI I I RUS~I~AN 1p . AcadamW of Sciences of the v pF I iti Ifirldn iui ISSSR. IL963. UMA I I I w To tj it OrA is tto nm cc 1w I va 940 196-4# cl T7 4 a-d&wntul I'll'jblkA,4 5c~, ko ""'U'l') 9-1 -Zvan -V-, t- I 16 lostv P,; 07 71 r0" RX1119iRL~_d,3V~V; j T,.~crdwil t4inerc svyaii).~! (06,21 r~ h ~~ Or Lie r from ~ OT S DE ",.(-TI 0*1 IIQ': .Ct' . li ~;LIIALS AS DLPLNDEKI' ON THL 11. C;' L BONDS (Zavialmost, iv~ ot SoErtoyanlya Khlmtchcrkoi 1.~ (forelip text included) 9 refs. S 1. 10 62- 16VII~ Iya Nauk SS~R. Dak-ladv, 19.57. 6?- 16663 Povarezinvidl, C 1)9 7536 C_ T", i: la';r, "n 1 1r, - I t.i liiO~'l 10" ';'Rh 1~lt T; 7. ~'l t t M,- 1~ - 1"w ("i IL1.41111' ;11 01W ;1 creaf~v'&l Oit Inrt~r- tc-id c dlbaavce.c~. On i 1-6as of lamonitizatica of Iron A. S. Povarenaykh. r 'Yov Vo 67 Sb. 1~.v 102. 223-5~1 R /Y V Sci ~6' j ui 333,746 kki ;F A eport' bn t'he 1-7ork of the Boa-rd of Di --ec tors o--,' the SC4 eT Le li~~radl IDraDch of the All-Union _I'- C Society of n 1""', 8bathlAogists and Ps cliiatrists From Dacember 1c)94 1, 11 ~ Y to J-~huary'1953, by K. I. Povarnin, 0 pm RUgS�M-1, - ~k, Vo-prosy Psil:hiatrii i Nel.-ro-patologii-Y 11q C. "4 OTs 6o-;,, 1.74 FL-43o SC41 Ned, T PS~,~ 2-1i 61-13243 5. T. 1.1, ftrih'."r OF 1TVE, LOCAL 801UNG OF I - Bolhrng--Ph~-rical factors $ATE"ill DURING In FLOW AT HIGH 2. Water-Vuporization lil"I'kGH TUBES (Iseledovanlye 3. Pipes- -Therniodynarnic T ' 'Nadogrei oy do Temperatury properties Nalv shthcfld~ "i rl 1) i:i eril ye c a Bol shay I . Poyarnin, P 1~ Skoro-s6'&v, V'r ma, ~p 60 r2olp. 13 refs. 11. Semenov, S. T. RTS 1526'1~ 111. RTIS-1526 S 2.40, ph$3.30 61-13243 IV. Department of Sclemific Orier froth 3;' m15. and Industrial Renearch Traiin.: of, -.~tlka ( SSR) 1959 Iv. 6] no. 4, (Gt. Briz.) p. 72-ig.il Result~ a~vle:~onsldded of an investigation of the local bolljng OPSL6' Cooled 6ater during its flaw in tubes up to 3. e dependence of qr an the alid the 06sjree of subcooling (Atd 0 to 2000C) ai~r preadre of 35 atm abs and A 16 it) 45 m/se6. Author otfi- S.-i-S (Physlcs -Therm ynamlcs, TT, 1, no. 1) d , N. Ka RUSSI imip i Sclaft Aug 63 DI 13S,,: I tistical-Phytosociol,ogical iest Associatiow, by pavmrn4.kmm. ic ImAspadskoso lAsnoto 27g, pp 6SI-104o CSIRD/Flo 6196 s I ~. , .* I I I I sA i &-I.-- - I AkWo 6i i if 11 1! 1 ~: 11 ~ Pq lj~i,96 C-~~''~ounds, XV. The Reaction of 2!-FhOr-y3 -1,3-Dioxolana with Vinylethyl Ether, by B, 14, Yi. .3-n-d A~ S Povarov. 6 pp, RUS,~Tffla, jj6j.- 7hur Obshch KhAm, Vo' XXXII, No 2- 3.90.4 pp ~1146-451, CB scl~ Fe~ 17 i"Yov, Povarc-.,, RU-SSTAN, N 'Per. lzmeritel-Tc-kh, !fo i~cl SO)m (NY-3257). 6theals of Electron4lo ConvA~ and 9 Circuits by G.... Up Povaraw, 9 pp Logidbesklye looleaoinalys., Kwoov., -414. JPRS 2220 luth I 'I To Thel:~NaUjlILuotical (1) k) -Terll~.ihal RUSSLtiN ner 19A :h 7 Theory of the Synthasis of Switching 1jetworks, by G - 11 - PCVL'.VC)V Dok, Sdi USSR, Vol. III, N 1, 2-1(:4 . 9 9 3 ) U 3 S) MY, D - P - 127 Wa r6, TO THC~~4ATHEkIA~TICAL THEORY OF THE 1. Povarov. G. N. simiiiilsl~ Of ~~,:k) TERMINAL SWITCMNG 11. %4DF P - 127 NETwbii S. 119~1 11 161p. 5 refs. Mr)F P- 127. l Ill. Friedman, Morris D_ Inc., lni OTS lr. SLA $1. 10 (,2-:1.1210 Order i West Newton, Mass. :A[Rawinlyal Nlauk) SSSR. Doklady, 19',6, Trans,'~ o l V. 11'1~nc.: 1, 402-104. 1) U-C IliffORS -10S,witching circuits, Circuits, Dectri4a) netwf)rks, Synthesis, Special functloni,, -rheo~',. on the construction of (tj) -teinil- ll,orks are explained. These nal s,~llq6lng ii'v I theor6niW perink th~- number of switches in (1, k) -terr n, I awl clihig networks to be estimated for larpl:k, (Set! alijo'62-11409) (Author) I' Ii, plg~iie+rlng-~-191~ctrlcal, TT. v. 8, no. 10) gi6; ~nd Atitom-blou., b7 G. 5. I?ovarovo 16 pi) t, JPW-2=-N To t~ ~Wthemstical Theory of the Synthesig; of (1 11 Tei~6innl Switching Netvarke, by 0. N. Povarov. ............ RUSSIM~ poi.. Dok & Nauk v Vol X I I No 11 1956., i10-1104011 of Boo) Pavi 7-opot i.c-)Yj-;; y G,7 I" 0 A a~djaplv r~t?yj,, 711 pin RUSS Anal. Mint. Univ. !"AL. 1. Cuza~! din Ilopi v, Series) See. I (Nath-p Phys.,, Chemz), Vol NO, Io 1958j, Pp 39--Wi- MW - P-147 FDD X-4496 Bel Electronics Imov ?k.trix Othods of Analyzing Rolay-Contact Circuits 1111 t~~ of the Inoperative Condition, by .44i PO"Mror., No 4,, R USSM j.,Ver, Avtomt I TelevekhO Vol XV, 332-335. Morris D. Friedman T P-129 Y 6ulla P~tbod of Aualysing Symetric Bvitchio'g- cm by G. H. Fovar,DV. ~m air ito Sci - mo perlp Avt=at I Telmekhj, Voi XVI; 3& -30 lbrris D. Yriedr-an I Ing vep wy-6463) A il Lo6k at Cybernetics; by G. 11 ?o ov b h ~per., Priroda., Ho 10., 196D, PP 78-80, F TAN JM 9781~ Aul 61 2113 00 1 61"0t, 11 f DOOlean Functiono and Salf. colrmcil -Q, 'Fpv Fro;a The Point of Vl= of tho Erlang Prov, by G. N. povarov", s pp. RUSSI Infomltail', No los, JIMO j~p Doe 62 C'M J~'le Siaiay h P,-x Jul. 61 l' ,of Symmtric Boolean Fmctoicus Fl%-im sTi Y.-uroint., ovvxov" pp. Dok AL' Nauk SSSRI Va CIV~ NO 2., e .9 DW P-121 3,9j F a nui act i s c 19 ss 52 540 h lonal Separabildty of Boolean G. N. Povarov,_~ p Doc Ak Nauk SWR, Vol XCIVI P 801-803- IMF P-12B on -Ne rca: RUSS 195 pl. PI Sol Jul i6 zis of YmIti-Terminal Switching G. x. Povarav-.--6 pp. ---------- r, DOk Ak naull SWR,,, Vol XCIV,. no 6s 175-1078- pp ~901 ridlt,ical Theory of the Is' ynthesir, of (1,1c) lai ContQctSj, by 0. N. Povarov, 7 PP. K At K A ~lv per.. DoX Rs V01 C., No 5.t 1955) o Wwris D Friedman $3.50 P 0 Iy e r't'e' G a r i p Ii P01ye'le wdr, Mikhailov, 3 RUSSIA141p' per Vol. M11 ti saj. blar 62 ands. M. Synthecie; of Monoax~vlated I bi L. S, Pciva-ov D "I" carboris~, P. Zhur C-)shch KUm,, ;,la, 19i1; PP. 167-169 ST -~ZZ-~Qtitlou 6. S3mthesis or methyl De tiveill Of 0() tw-Diphenyl Polyene Hydrocarbons,, by; B M. Rlballov, L. S. Povar)v,, 5 pp. RUM Is Ak Nauk SSBR.. Otdel Kh-im Nauk., No 3.1,, 19591~1 1p-1953. CB Sai lbi POlYeil Synthmmis of Ubsymm- Diar~l. tri~~i PO Rydrooarbomz,. by B. H. X. VjkbAll S. 3 PP- H I MISSLU W& me Ah Mutt S=j, Otdol Min Nauk, No 1 1 1959v CB 1,111W 63. i: /3~3 ilyene zatur6t- .I'd Ri0iiwas 'PY B. M. Mikhailov, La 3, pp rSSIAN ;or, Zbur Obshch Khimp Vol. XXJY.'.; No 2079'~21 82. Consultants Bureau ar~tlo'p'of Compoundig With Silthiano-Cafom !by Dl*~ S. Ramtkino A. V. Topchibv,, L. 13. RUMP47, i1i y~r# Dok Ak Muk SM, Vol CXVIX, no 21 19V ~ P.1, -M - PP CovmlUnto Bureau OIA t j - All sz~lbh J. s aa-I Polye-nic Bydxocv.rbons, by P). 6 Miltha j Pomz PI'D RUSISI p Ak N uk SSSR,, Otdcl Miim Nauk., No 2,, 1.959 111P' P '33-4-319. it Consultanta Bureau lit Sci -i c ~tlc-111 le~ Apr, on or BemWAebyda Diethyl Acatal ulth ~6~1 Vi~yl nWr, by B. H L. s. Povear-ov '.per,, Xx Ak M*mk =Sit.. otdol Man Mx*l loy VV-3244 C=v~4temU Buram ell -CUM "'t, r~-%Infounda Vyitb Sq,%Ilazinc Tapchlev, L. S. Povarov., G. 4. cO.-nf)uI+.rOzt; a Etimau Oci M Doc 57 Ice-mo per, Dok Ak Houk SSSRI Vol CLX; go 4 781-" jiai/Aug 1956. lf)~ Bis jjtTotra A V'!. I'T-0 0 1 . REMD3 Lip3 'zrgA=rlrnl) 0? the T-ity'. UL4 owthana) cyclodiozide"~y 17, S. Rametkin, L. 8, 12yaroy ,, 4 pp. Lrco-mo per, Dak Ali Ilau% 00. R, Vol CU6 ?-335- tYul./A,-,g 1950' sc 1~7 71101-1n. 1~ Doc consultvints Bureau On Some Anomalous Forme of PolAxization Curves on a I i 11 U 1 11 , Dr~lng Mbroury Electrodey by N. V. Nikolayeva- FeddrovIch'! Yu. M. Povarov. 4 ipp. RUSS,IANp per., Mur Anal Mxim,, Vol M, No 6,, 1010 ~p 60-667. CD Sci "7 17 4 Sep 616 ties in the Propirt4as of artain e9 uLri lo bV A. 1. Gorbai6O,, % IN. Kesslar,, Yu. Ne,Pt^va3wp poi, lVok Ak Mwuk W51t, Vca CM, wo 1281 32&6 Apr An atiptlon Into the Themodynmdc Propw- ties of Solutlema of Strong IMectralvates JLn vith HL5b luxelomwic C=fitwau.. uo M. KesslAw., et al., 3 PP- Ak Bonk SBORs, RW"Cal VCa Mp DD 6. Nbri, Aaw 25&,, llqp~ 35 The Ph JA41- d"t"01) "Or the Rbeniur -Mr)i - RUSS Lond on an C 11%e Re,. as t,66 Uzation Diagrm of lilhenium, by E M. af~' ~A, Ra'vitn Povnrcnm) RMSIAR.- pfjv~- ~Dok Ak NaUk SSSR, VDI CM., HO pp 274m A=r Inat or rhys Gov rbys Vol 111, No 2 Sci Jul 5 r-tii A-1 ~z 0 ILI 1.1tiv "to 140 kJ ovarava* 11, A. Tylkin~.~p ~A at. 00 i Mbealm Atb Tms*ten 04 440R-14 1w it. S. ponnna, 10 pp. man IL lof Pi1*1asuDsis in CS, 'J0. by ~rqp~y ii0ovWtlova. 7 pp. AS A -70"0 Sim, pi-k, vateriumdta, Vol 40, No 7, M3, p p I , 0 Stj L Bi~ 1LI/,L u1, 303,797 illab Ion Of Vukanlration Accelerators in PejUt 8.1 Novikov, F. A. GaILL-Oglyv Z. G. 13 I R"iJmp NO 9p U59* 37- Res Assoc or Brit Rubber Mwu t 'Br !,,t Lib 1w,lificistion of HaWa., L.11 ~ adukcVa. 6 IWO~niTi, Zinc by Rectification., by VII p hiu, L, Go Poveds V~i kaya, 5 pp, 0 34A~,~~ ~er, Tsvetnya Pietally, Vol 11,, NO 1~613, p 23-26. p PS I ~62 0 JT tiorl of Cw-.-Dl x Com?!)uricID o-C Procollacon ac','Alj~+isrLl- Nucleic AcidS, 'by P. M. R7iF--rez2iiyy, R#33-INN, 111jur, Blolthim, Vol MV, ND 53 1959, 777 70" ,Twll~ 60 1170140 7 y Olcpz. for Irerhead C( . !on Lines Wide of Anbcatos-Cement .r.iDe6 by, V. Slhulleykln., E- L. Pqve-,-z~naYi- 13 MIS I i, Tibrj Vc.->tn:LLr- Swyazl.. lia 'i 19-6~ v MRS 7066 7.9' Sci. k c,-!It 6J' (1gy-520,T) Reinforced-Concrete Poles and Attach- ,vith Turn-Over Woftim Molds P by E. L. 6 pp. 5j, per, Vestnik Bvyitzi, No 6s 1956. -nIRS 7067 Sci Jul 2 e-7 (NY-4695) POIDIS qmlfty cmrol in the anidacture of !One 1~4owrete Poles and Suppwts., by 9 24 err, vest eMzi,,:.No 6 (243);, 196oj am 5517 An '?bve~,'j' Para Sol Wr ~dtiptlion of the Vlampautic affoct of the .i~iobjlri,f blood witHbut stabilifer in certstin iisa by A. 1. Blim~ova 19. V. Anto'nova, 0. P. Yakovlava,-9 (10 Wp. .4;- r bIT6 per., Prablemy Gematologii 1 '30 aniy~;Krovi, vol n., 1110 3j, 1957~ Pp 32--4-0- ine Pergamon Rmiss --- ------ ------- A d 4. nt of the Effl=cy of Certain Om 0 ff! reotment of Chronic Laukoemins (X-rayz, gadii~nAi~Fj VhC)fjphi7iuo, Vrethan-u, BmbichiD., Arsenic, YLY S4-.,Io Sher-man, D. S. JKLI-i'mint L. M, H. Kis6leva' X _a.,-Rovargo, A. D. Va t 'Ink 09 RMS! T, 'kp6r, ProblerW Gemtolcgly'. 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