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~Ac~ounlting in the Trade of CEMA I y t P iof i C P Nosko ~10 ~pp. yf ~I RO iANII q'r,~Ynesh Tdrg, No ~7, Jul 64, pp 28-31. JP~ RS 27201 S. bc I 271,254 s I zat"on on Kollrdiozes and Sov- a- Pecia 1 U zest *I'" Dml i tli'aAko, 151~ pp. Y. I I JICT, Vol?i6sy Ekonotiki, No 7, ~64.1: li 41- JPRS~ 27191 3 R E 1 65 271,193 U&~ oil -.Z, L ILI -.D!VI* I Ur sl of Af rii.,a J-n- Petr6l , lid the 17jr- ar and um Inclustr- e- N.0 27 3,1+ 7 LA USSR cozz tMODOOK 99 SON It ~Xojl SOUL a4d fra dd le 16uOT'4v-xOqeUOO! ~ 7:~ TwWT,V=QW1 QtM jb.jxoTiv~*,,t6,,o 1640% ii) TIM eTqTVQAMO UT 91 DOT T949,14ITT-14744 , *M0 St 6 Molopolj~. and DmIopment it by K. Bakbtov, PrI ~ r. e, p 276#828 MEMO 1.6 8 md Ontiar ma yp PPUSUOn wd Ll - SbR l FOR 7 Pf t ES TOR A V fSSSR IA .19 2;GOD : .i M CI IF r j271~ i ~ 'ti , 13 i 5i Aca t ol*-' rs '' . Ill 1b) LOVIO 'Fole zmal inl the History of Wars POPOVJ I proceea~ P- 2 66 301.018 ( ON r . : I. i 1~ i~ i i , , i i i I i Ji . 1. 111 ~i I )1: ~ i .~ 1. 1 1~~ J I , 1 ;! 'i !I I ~ t~ I I I (i I' q . .. 1 ~ by Leonid, Telepathy ~ I: Al I t i ~ 139* Y~ 1 14, w P. ' I F 3019741 Omu~eedl by Drying by e i4aprv v rAmvam 11'.1 46 I I 3959tv 69 SC:L se 389p837 63-20306 USTI s D ~[ :$2 ~,D i[143] [!607p] 48r~efs 50 63-20306 8 1. Sex-.b~. NL F- o r . as. r. wno. I jVnuti4 6my~ya Bumsdka, 1 I 670p. r1*340m, 6 6 7 t losive Cs. m" Madcal analysis,' as Eh& sourc e of e nergy; tic Llistit'4naly's'is' of 0owers basqd law 61 1 pining; physldal~p rinclples of the Ofj Sases ~iorq the gun; ods a eis; n'' ud6ii of the direct problen, of me " 6- ~einpirical ri4 j , soluftd'h~ fbir ~ie problenii' sdt a ' c dets oi g' ms; soltil6ti Drd C' V., I nd. 12) er) I L t L MCI of T ip mill I til ra Tube J '~M by'-K L JJBrY SYstSm and Ye- Senekbryakov. 3tika Stvol M*h lp: pi 54.;S.7,. in wd .. 337 pp. 11 R ~li Sa B K VN ~T A, IYAN 0KH4 K~ L 9 F S TC 23''~ tl TICS OF BORE~SYSTEMS AND SOLID I-AhGUAGE-4U COUNTRY-UR L S',T a A 5TVUL~NYKH SISTEM I P ~A AKET IP 12 4 9-~P- 5 9305 3110 -to 72 ON 19N iTHERNAL BURNS AND BURN bf 11 SHIL .i P. V. PILYUSHIN A pp. Ovll~ 51 1 jl~ VWMENNA ~,PATOLOGIYA PRI OZHOGAKH 19 5 -11~1 ik, Iis 15339 sel 'ED OCT 6. 212,174 lid S~j EOI I NTRE~ 1141BURNS AND BURN L ROB COW, I s.,! PAkC i ~AWOJ ck SHILOV, c T "17 Pi ~,y R KT i'cH,, 44 1 P' RUS R MWYA A~ nAW11 ru if 07-HOWG T" LEklikdj~A-D, 1962, J~ORS i642~ s s I ULU 217,161 h d lor"10"n Proca~ne in TtLw-apwtic 'fi -K. fttlbaidey'. V31va3dya 195W comultents bm-em Sol ~i 11" a Go .'ain G u. I c s g the S:Aubility of Stilw;ta~il: A. v 4- e&' ~rl ko ii~2, I. Kh. m. A, 3i j LjU4 4.LfLi Use 11 sem 1957, Rp DSIR LLLU M-796 (loan) SLA 66-13635 S, AL COZ 8 C 0 zers Op6wating on Sulfite- e :jl' T. Dciy 61r. SSL Ak, fni~.im G. Krzhizhanovskogo., '3 S 3 J J-2045 1 m Dec'' J: ~6,b6-Ch6mical~,Procsvsses, Pretreatment .6r:[System6iof Boil~xs at Large and .tribal 116as, 3 pp. r ot o e Fiziko-Khimicheski-ye r ,~i V D' 6tov I o&a~e 'Rezhiny Vody na h~j s6kil i,!~Sverkhvysokikh Parametrov, 18 1 130 j J- , 777`7711"!- i, an an AM mn.-216/M ~i ld /0 ;2 RMS L ~11 54ML I its reysxgo f ot~ the Notimillon Of the Man c a Fo Illa 4a ar (hign by A. Knotek, W j so 90 -7 odn tio 1955, pp 1 USIR/31319/CT C, 0.1 tl Pir eil- ~sji !of Zo-116' and Grounds, by e .1 I - ~Plr HT All!A 11 RUSSIA ov Vod~yej oistva Po6hv i Grunt 1957, PV m 6o-F)1187 PL48 o ~qci~ io 146?225 p soviort 2r ".0 rot 9 by 'mw -30 Aug 1955- 9 ftl sa Tr center RT 368 Sol Tr Center PS-3683 Mi A ; . -f-~r -- . I T -2140 er OzrrtAtilon In theirpeoplets pepj)bjjc ! 28 pp. Ov Sb"hkl Tj es Vol No Magcov, Arm kor, Ot i iTT'', 1, it ~md, Their Owl, I ffill it the, 11' , !~ilbt!z I..,.Tyurin - 21, A-6 I Vein n a VI PI)a ,p Vp 1-187. 376,588 s V4 bikp 388,692 etwv. 39loW IP, E l4a !and Treitni tolis. ~,by li IL%Izrnuwv, 1 14 at of water -Tu-stituto )ort IIIAAE 787, Ir 2165 iJ App IT! C3 tion Oya';~Aol' Leso by 1962, 318,291 L ~A I ani I b~k V. A., I ~Livanov and A. A. VodO6 Mo v Mqum 1962. SdJL- m 304.,137 I VJ k U8 boiffereheelon'Problems of the Removal and. D. ti6m ad6es I vapors Exhausted Into e sph~eiq'fhy trid rial Establishments and ust en '~oi~ Installatim's t :dosr e I Sanit-am tya T ekhnika, ~ye~,, July 1955 /09 q0 C) w t!' IT ~Sani atr Eng~ne,-ering and! i En r ReE lers of the lUrkls.- 13 PP- set, Sep ANE; Lib Tr ~jl! j i~~i of Watere b7 ~j the Vate- Gv-dg oi 5 ppo wili~~ffia lekbaihl AIS Ub Tr 9g he y, 9 pp. e, pi Ijut. L I u mam 2 al s6i 3 V,.U-35.j Publ bY the si Ond AreWtectun YA AMS Lib Tr gap f7S 111'~3 -r= 11 IF ate c1 6:1 s6 binspheric,Deposits,, n 9:c bidehiate and At ~ib ai 2 Vodosii~bzh,-Aie I 'Sanlta-rnaya Tekhnika, s s Res Devel Lab L idea j1A 1 11 i ;~ i~l lot *,ter ~41M the jqqhei~m~v by i il'T Con, ]A s ii S ly -nd Sanitary Engineer e Tab W~tq~ UPP 4 IA ,RUSS, N ~pe V snaiz~henlie i P~p~~rpay!~ Tekh, NO, 9,1 i~lishing House of Con- . - 5 1 by the State P, it let Literature, Moscow, USSR. rue in a, Arcb 6 ~'! u 1 Engr ResDevel tab T-3881 Sci 19r Dec: 15 ! i I ~ I ;~ LL 9 Are S 11 I'lil: T a V VLI od c V. nckbihi=lyp I San Tc-'.!.,h. 40 ~Jl -,6,7 4n i~- F.-I 6o J Ll 1 L RT~qsw e dosna zhenie i Sanitarmaya Tekb, No 10, r,, IV 1958'' 111 1~ it e of Contt-ruction '~ - i i'~ ii i "'ia Ite'' ~,,iL e ctL~ a 1Ae A~ure, Moscow, USSR. es Devel ~~389 sci~~!. -Dec. !A ~IVJ ~t- lab!'lilel ~c oater~ Supply -,ind Sanitary Engineering ftakop by 61-23362 b1connin, E.1i il~il i sr.MiTiNc mii ~viLVES'OPEN, 1 1. Moshnin. L. F. C Mb~jTt* P~. vls~~, OF ql[HC~ VALVES IN 11. DSIR LLU M. 2970 DELIVER' jt pis~e~~bsos&, Ot IESIC lai kr)"Uyu Zadvj44 .anov P17ra 1 kh . a rz:47 na, NA, Dfkl 11 jyaQ, 1166 1 1*1~ LWI I 1131z~~ m ~07 Ord~lr or. hrs CA ~st 10 61-233621 _ir-nsi. 01, V snp -jaiye ils..*1313 I e infica -1 no.1 evil (USSR) 19 v DESCR F S- t Opumps. _,carting,. $Gate vaivis VaIV, V a IN-L's. Con-Ader I c ISho" f t for1pump"irg siations of wate'_-- L .. l J, ~.k q w1it, r,_v~rrd r~z6NLi. worl-Ang ,upX In mS water dirlit ale 8, ctl-r to omsumers: ,,u I. ' ! "lad tOIr Z 9 -CC 6M'1ll YGII it may be in- ntltcd; --spe Ll-~L_C,411res In a mmnber of cases. ~ Far I ucht it' i to~prmrlde chcck x ro. ~3) (Ovei) 0,61n, J-Sanii~ tr Y. 6. ~ 61-23361 Omi Pumpps i OF, CHECK -%,FA LN, --rrR 151 '% I.S AV, ' - t at k-h K60n v P sle bb likomarov 1 G M t~ ; ano r . i u o v Ilbstli 1.1.u m 297 1. - . . 6 6~ LJA~51.40 61-23.161 Tra~'-. f ~v Llriava!Tekhni~:a sn3t ni ~~ i sallit I (USSR) 19 A, P. 14 - 51 il Is it) di~sIviisL- %%ill,, ~C-!v or ill th'c~ ~ad 0 P. s f'or ~ a I I Dim t ~7;z ' tj rv ir or hA r~ [i; ovcr lm dev i,~e 13i 6 13~ Jill) l. JJ j~ j 61-233f0 A6, Si-Al OF: L R`lF-iL'GAi],j MPS.WITII OPEN 1. Tilashchenko. A. F. I ~VEL -kE ~Ll..Ivliity J~'INE (Pusk 11. MIR 1-1-LI %1. 2972 -tin k:1 s iasm-pri 0&r'y-tok Zad%,izlil:c na pport 'ini.i I I 1p. 2#lfs.: [[)SIR uxj M 297 r SLA ~I- 1 0-2330 ldr&4 ri 0 kinitarnaya c - ini -a, TF, ran s. aodo T Z (,JS InSj n& jt4l 12'~ -6. ~j R It I ~ZCSCII It RS- -ritrif u i ps, Operation, Gwc gal P ~a14~s dra'ULi alvc--i J Stn c it,art! c I a puttip mdt~t the iiate valve op4m 5con ~~ ~i illy Si 1`1 1 fics Oic auto inatioh Scherricof lpurfipi 9;i ~Y' i o' arj . 1. 'P : ;"I'l.'r,~,",'> k should I)c raorc 6videlvl &Ii~ AL a"d op' t wattil pply ystenl-'. an tlfi~ 5 lou J tw- 1. offic. .1 --c'. d I , It revi,sion qfj qur~t.',n, standat-d, am! n on n for ffic design of ~vater supply (Engincc ring - - h,i tit, a 1. 11. ILI sl V Sy's (Aurl'ti t. no. 3) J 61-23359 e 0 ll~ COPE ye. 41 I F, 5, PN SWITCHIING L 'nmofeyeva, Ye. T. OFF, ' A (Ja&ka! Obi4tnykh'ik1apqnov prf IL DMR LLU M.2973 'IV I t n il soso~" 10611 [141~'. 1~1 reti [DSIR LLUJ A - OrdeT, fm 0 61-233591 r 0 $1.60 I r L Trani Iof~i it~e I Sanftarin#'ya~ T cU-nika sna lull 19 ;2). WIT-= ~DESCRI~i 1 'Ch k -~ oW g i l 0 ,1 nta : et a ycs, n . p AtI0 11. no data ~ V P L-d.s 61. thnt io' maki,posifble the start- I 1 .." , P &a ~ exnm ric - Ith d it Rie valve o~n:, it is ncccsfizry~ -ndlt~m f i:h6 cheek valve and IC104 ! il-o 0"c- i d to c ' , in mind, re-' h thii jign or I ci:k valve wl~ , .it" , L 6'th-- provision of a bv- ' l ~Paii; 'lnoj'f rJ r , 1~6ne ~i the. ~'c val ~'q hals bee n Stalin Offi-I T..WtJ S-,.,. ~ static6 I twic v a cr,~prki. (Enjiheirl Sanil~licc, M v..~.J,no.~ i) K HYDRAL 14611 f4 0ri ~r Tra.m. -23358 1 6 U. r %NCL IOF UXPANSTONJOINTS~ 1. Karavayev. Yu. L --;k( S:,prodivieniii '6mp~nsazorovj. 11. DSIR LLLJ N1. 2974 )GIR11i L',I) M. 2974. TS i S A $1 :10 61-2335E h 10snal 71 cniye i Sanitarnava Telchnika -no S. Linsion ioinm I ests. Hydraulic va I U11C ~ ~ re 'a b'ulated for the rates of ;of 11"i aLl (pr"Isurc). la:ndthc coefficient latic,,4 -slided land 1YN joints in Pirk J#nc no. 3) Offi,. .1 T.CWC.1 5-4.. ya S . a x C 61-23357 ainnii P. I.; INVE. IST !r I:. V N F A BIO- 1. 'I'll 1e: Sludge COAG A U I an I I L ROMPA RIOPILTEPS 2. '11i1c: Biocoagulator 01:0,1g6lyato, ina ile posle 3. Title: Iiinfilter B106160 I I lbsil( Ll, .1 1975. 1. Yakovlev. S. V. Ord6i! f 61-233,57 11. Calanin, P. L III. I)SIR 1-1-LI M. 2975 irra S. ye i Sanitar 6yal c n a 91.11 0. 12 71=11 . DESCRI I.Se Y E TY 'In mi'ita cering, Sedimenta ol I *C( u a lon wates. l1we filtr Tel s TTI v 6, no. .4) 61-23356 ~N. n F I NV TE~ kaki & WOOL L 0,7herel'eva. M. K 1w C, KS k- il ika f.,-c!z~)4,Ih,.,6d~Fsbrfkl IL D-SIR LLU M.2976 !1 1961 A 6 f Il ~ . ~ re ti) 1 1 1 1p, 6SIR I-Lp ~ z76.(l 1 r2ai ~rorn N or:, 11 i.10 61-23356 rans.il IS -= t S' tamaya T6khnika c US sR 150 L d3 l~ tMI 4-15,61' ESCFIF, 0 -uk-I a:zzrs~Wllc~, Sqn1tary h-.Lstr- 'Wodl= Ec-itilles 'Tc.x!t 0 Olfi-f T.6.i-l Do- v. & 3~ Faj FUL' ING, ~khl, nvej I size, have iri)~. I .%V'ind 61-23354 1. S. NESI [GATIONS k~ATER-COOL- 1. Farforcyckil, B. S. Suiyye~jis-,red~vanf)-i Prudov- 11- DSIR LLU M. 2978 91 [0�1R LW]M '297& 11 60'' i (1-23354 i Shnhai-~aj-a T~khfflka 12, 1, L - i~ ~t ling rfteryoirs of laT 'aI ge Stic ''I liige eleciric1pawei stations. ~on~a~ rable 1~~flmmc~&c'f Zh6 wirid botb 0, CS rs i nd on the dis- 11 ns ~, strcat~ a 6)q!er. keg 61 A ernk .! !At high itof t~e ternivTature was ob- a r ~.d il~! r~servolr, and in the verd- i;,jjjg ct tl~6 ~vaicr of the ld 6. ~, , 0' ~' ) 1, c T n U 0 ffi.. f T.:' ~i..l S~M Rf EXW~L. P .0 Cogs 10 WC MJ.4T 114 TH jLIKit, I 0111t, Srxt~tej" r Mal I 1EI S(,Oill I ~ I I u ~Prnkt Z (196 11 Tef. c+ r o-m, I S ar Ord f (U! ~, r2lo DESCR R OS4 ~,Switir ui~~A c c es (Rnfon~-. IVI sv,;RUCTIONAI~~ IN- 1 1A'N? %VA# 1111.1t~NNINQI,lllttk(',I'Icl.~- ov Vyi lll~~'Iw Sni ~41eniyll st(illnotal, mlfoil+ii 11~oopr~vod4kh Proclairoys'nill U~rgiproprodn)- oik!~'LWJ *7.1 $1.60 61-23355 mic t Sonitarna"'Ifa 11Tc,khn1km -S~njtnr~~i6gf.n"rfn& iriv6tto6i. coiii. ussR. T. v. 0. 1. Sakun. A. N. H. DS11t LW M-29n -23.353 6 1 Yak[ N]iW & R; AL~ 1111 L LATON M,~E-RIALS POR 1. Yoklmov, L- K. - -6 W UN I I DIM 11 PIPKS (No'.-YYi: IL DSIR LLU Kt 2979 3 A i6i 14 , ol, al 4 ont 1) 1.11CO ly (11 7C.Mn I j I-cp,,Opr bi A ) -k 2979. 1 1 1p. RR O.A.11 M. Order ~ 1~0 I ~j , 61-23353 rrI!jIi. 01 4 DS11, x n IYC Sanltqrnn~a Tvkhnika (USSR) I o.: D I ly ra i1sulitton, *11mulaiing , ' Hts, notiture, Ft r 10"s, 1 611ing, r i~ fi 6i 'I ) C( 8, l tiv y, I)Cn ty I..ulati ! c6in n 6ria w 17C c arninobd that were nwdc I n& Ord i , b nl t( SO) ( d Minol(~y fr6m cum d((' . f i f tu i L Mf elecir a l I q d C vw C rent s rom I cl altd: m6: r a~ nb T 61-23352 JL~AY~V,;~q 'i P p li ff ING I I 'OR DIS- 1~ 1. Bubell'. Ye. G. HPUT; 00,~WTS F '[`Rlcr~~li [ , ~ N t-., h 1 WORKS (K AI ~jirosd u 86zkaivaf'-'~ It. MIR LLJJ M.2980 - ~' S nov 1 N PL) L DF R , ~C I ( k Cp . e te I ) Iff) I I I-S]P- I J J Order, m so or 1 1-233Si $1 to rans f L " a Te khnika nit , , q - Y DESC~Rl ;M I ts' Onpes. Installation, Pipe fillin o It A - tag I disa re slfi~marizcd of &.e , me pr o] I I by ~ A- ~k- Lyamin m3m.~ , (%,Od6~ *ma ri Tekhn~ka 1058. no. 12) ror ~~n in a in ~.Ce Mc. *1 Tec6icml Services ~ (Enjin~ in c inite Ll i ~Irr, v. 6,~'no:. 3) n Gli ME voz( do or, 61-23351 7ioN ~vnii,cloolLn'G !OF 1. Clushkov. L. A. ,la ka 9 OkhlazMeWyem 11. DSIR LLM M.2981 il 10; 61-23351 a i~'g 6_1 IlarT-3 a oi~~ OReffigera- r ot ~ I.. OMt..f T.Ai..l S-A,I.s v. 6, bo.: 3) 61-23349 Ka!k~sh N V PREV I ' M1 !OF I ~CCIMNTS N BOILER 1 1. Kalyaahin. N. V. ,~ , I G HE Ii iiALL ' A ' ONS (Pred re,~h enlye Avarit 11. DSIR LLU M.2983 401&111~' Ic6ic [196i'l 1101P JDSIR I-Lu'l M., Bj or~(' ps or 61-233401 Trans. of iTakhollcm I * I Wm) 19 2 . 129-11. i~ DE, R R p i er Al e 1 0 s', ccid, nts, peration, fly'.: qiy d Y' U S ~ re, A P1 A ase f dents are described. (See . als o! ~1 2: i t ~ 0 FA.. .1T.A.1-1 (Efi' tlce~r d i rr. 6. no.! 3) III ~J i oyb E I h WATTR TUR R -IjItAT 0 tks ( b 1,~ATE rqn c n Teny P,, I ~ 6~ 't 111T, am, Pa e v a, T A a f V'oy~v ury "Ehergiyi!) 111961)17)pw I ibsik L L . Order Ir S6," 10 61-23348 1A $11 T Ti 0 r~apsl .. t . 1~ o1c hnika rnaya I (USSR) 1 59 0. 1 , 1 1 31 ~'32. DE SC S t Ic r,' OTaimparat4re control. r ' i 'a s e Bps pt s Jc l 6d t~ draw~attention to serlou' a ~ ~ =0 In I in -T ratl ofbolleisand~szea ,on Wate"i-66 wor ' ' ' at press res In the USSR i 23349 156 ? I ~ 1 ~ ~ (Engineer S 1c; ca 3) 61-23348 I Natkovich, M. A. H. DSIR LLU M.2984 DEVIIEE F& A! n yi 1~: TI.- bI !1199 jei 11 :)n OTS ~rr; a f osi (Uss no. 0 Al T, s ck SI( l nI( 1.1~b AssE~~r('IS-CEMENT a ~sbcstozs6rneiit dlva' fdwz~zh, j) ~M 2985. SIRATI KI 10 61-23347 61-233,47 1. Bulygin, P. M. 11. DSIR LLU 14.2985 N11 Ir 7111-"4 f 1 6)-23346 APPLI 1017 tAffli TES I~N .1 Title: Emergency A WA!tPl I RESER ,, 17 . RICA7;, ft F1' [Al, [A~pj E~*4C;i3OCY 'WATER If. DSIR LLJJ M.2986 FIGI-r tirde r2dl! 'WE snPop "stId Vody 1 riom Pqzharn~m ZapaseNody). 1961 1 19 jp,~j ~ , r'el'40,8 I 1 'L W1 i OxV f 1 -23346 6 L Tr~ns of snab., ya 'Tekhnika ~6,1 rns L (USSR) 19 no ' 2 8 DESCRIF O Wa I Miiicati* *PhDs phates, Corros on M we~ ppues~,f US~Rl,, Fires. (114illeer rig- ~ -San t Mee of 79C,wtal serAtes On. 7T11, Y-16. no.~ 10) 61-23345 T,,vi -,I., Yc. C N iC I' ~Vjl i LLS DY. 1. T,. S ?IJIVI~Q, I 'I. DWI ~VI~i'IIOU-i' 1-.X(!XVA-I1ON H. DSIR LW WiM VOWbepl) I t 1"nosii Shzi0iih)-k'h~Ko1i)dtscv 1tCrn*cp'r n I dii adit't'N~kh Dren). t k1a 1061,1191p:- ifs j ~ILol 1 2 rde r! f rg'n, 'r. .$J; 1 61-23345 ah-0 n Trans~ f n. I t ~Tckhnlka (USS6: I r5. ~i 12LIiM 36!. *W &xlr~es :.,& tt~ DESCRI all -in nl~y ClIgineerim! Drai' 14: 7: 25 carried vit Th ee, rm7 tc~t 10 ons C jl~g si~rlfl ~C' ji S~ of N~J'J~hof at On I III I fill. t. (German bcMOCTO0 I (ICSC,.rib(,d OMM -f TOO-1col S~1'.* (Ell Sanj 111 3 17, V. 6, no., I k, J.j