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Reznik, M. G. Mathematical modelling of low remperatwre oxidation of bituminous coals. KHIMIYA TVERDOGO TOPLIVA, n. 5, p. 67-71, 1971 CRI, , T. 5052 Karaveav N. M. Weathering products of hard coal of deposits occuring in the zone of permafrost. KHIWYA WE-RD" TOPLIVA, n. 5, p. 124-126, 1971 CRE :: ~ . 5051 F; T 44116t's,;of: %-entr". fug KHIM.~~ WE KHIMio',',TVER,D TOPLIVA, 1972,'No. 5, pp.48-52. BISIIl 11214 F j 1 1. , :, ~. " ~~ . - ~: , ! ~ : , .. ... ~ . I .,: ; , . : , ~ '.. .. .1 Menadzhiyeva, R. A. Metallurgical Slag in Liming of Acid Soils. 7 pp KHINIYA V SUISKOX KHOZYAYSTVE, Moscaw, No 11, Nov 1973, pp 7447. JFRs 61435 Agricultural Journal Articles Su=%arized. 7 pp KEDaIA V SEL'SKOV, KROZYAYSTVE, Moscow, No 11, 1973, PP ~8-9-07 jpRz 61599 'KhDaYA V SE11SKDM laiOZYAYSTVEI Article Abstmets Given. 8 pp KhTICIYA V SELISKOM KHOZYAYSTVE, Moscow, No 1, TiW-1-9~7, pp 79-80. JFK) 61653 . m ::; !; !'!I;i* I . i m - ~ ; i :" I .. : i ~ I ~ I ~`l i , - 1! i,1 . I I ; I I Rogoviina, A. Nature of the fatig,;e ~structural changes in ,,and dynamic fatigue. ~KHIMICHESKI VOLOKNA, JC-5.2600 of tire cord.. Part V. Some pblyamide filters during heating n. 4, p. 56-60, 1964 WTO 002 Methoia Pot the Deterwinata" on of t-be ~'of 'Ph1pner,.zation of 71, 10 :VOLO t6 Borncrre both 2, ~6~ibo~ iD sulfide. f~rom Rayon-.I-v,,4 i chistry Waste 117-T C!7 1C) 17 - 13 S. ~0, 0 dy, VOL6M48 ~Fr- In ]"~If- ca' J: r, .L Vi. s c os r I a t, Lr." n Uriil[,, roces;s Re ~w 1~1. t,..,.i7,gtt-lonp AQ N000.4 t te:O -Tdg-.d- Mal PO-Tyrners and ;PO,-, s, "o I e li~6 2~ Aqueous' D!spe:.-sjon,:j fol- the L)J aell I el c ID, jadric wl ther 12 11C ice ,i6 ,4t tot -P x yl~ 731, Pp -13 iji i~ - 4 jWA I Mathematical Description of Autogenous, Adiabatic Non-Newtonian Viscous Media in Contintious-Action Dissolvers, by L. M. Beder, 5 pp. KHIMICHESKIYE VOLOKNA, No 1, 1970, pp 53-54. NAVY-/NISC-3429 May 73 7~ 1 i4--- 1:L.- 1: - !. -.;,;!" ~ I , ~: BIT -7D ,/It VOV)t"T'AH V~-. R C TO003 he P, Q "'.00 of Cella'-cse wlltl Pol. 'n ~i~lcol -lar, IV. t1b)a -of. Autbk,~nciWi ~Adiliba-mal, us*!;,Fl-uidi'.: in -No" 4 1970'. ~,a Q 771. %T0,001 InIr ',m' Of t Ile Propert~ en c:t, -17 ty Fiboa-'s laeld in the e 17' Ocheretovii, A, Investigation of some pro-erties of P the catalysts and stabili:;,,ers of polyethylene terephthalate synthesis by the method of potentiometric tit- ration. KHIMXCRESKIE VOLOKNA n, (3, p, 32-342 1971 TC-12724 may 73 777~--` VOLOKM// 197~`v jet VOLOdiA// .1 7 i 000 3 ul~ DeC',---ec! Of 3`-etchl-nj~ -ne of )OOC t$.In into' the Slructur~B C, fcellulos e- coh-c-1 Giaft Polymer Fib e.-,- s S alave 41n. IG. Come ause-,z o," the nonuniformity of' the pro-oer'4es 1; 11 - Q - - u - Of ia-man Piber duiring VOLOOA, 11. -~, lc?73-, pi) 68-70. TC TC-12117 777 L TO VOLOM, Of!1100130,entl'atiori and De e El r~ i ler at r on th6 Vis j e ies ")f kyc Tj 11t, CM Elg. ~roLojt- ~A/ vo C). 1T0-0 3, ;h -1-Yr Gel pw-,.- icle C n.,, e,~ -I t 4.0 1972j~ pp. O-ZO~ Gm Will aphic Dot im i' of P7 c,1:6`1,hallstc Z)nnerig P ~vo n. 1, 1~711: ~7 7% 7 Forma. Ve A, n. 4, 1972, 42,44, t ol t cl: I~A p7a J vom, muill L: !T0002P The u Z. fec:F i of Iii en -Mo 1 e c U-1. at W61.L~at, on t, 11eMITs iiNi"Mechanl c.al Modi;icstlon'of the :"star Viber Lamm 14 n. 2p lgr I* P~UKDV S. 1. voLolam// - /11,- -/1.~T, V0C,15,N001^;I,' Orderirw t-.)-f' T-4acromoleci-LIes in -~he on o-~, Lbe ,, k.- -,., Po! -* rs F-.rin~ of. Tmers, T-ith S-1 F Ch ,I. i n s (s I uo 71"~Ir W r-,J) - J4 k 1.3 - 7 kA,lykh, V. Successes of Chemical 5 pp KhRUCHESKIYE VOLOIGiA, pp 78--79. jp&c; 6307? Fiber Symposium Outlined. I-lose-w, No 4, jul-Aug ?4, PI- C 18-May-73 Uncl' RadiotVsis of ammonium perchlorate. NEV05TRUEV, V.A.; BUGAENIKO, L.T., ZAKIIAROV, YU.A. Translated by S.J. ^iioretty (Brookhaver, National Lntp, Upton, N.Y.) from Khirr. Vys. Energ.; 1: No. 4, 406-407f,11967). lop. D e f9--43. 0 0. 07E cheml.try (radio and radiatior); translations MN-4 P NSA 0 Trofimov, V. I. The Formation of Free Radicals in the I.ow-Temperature Radiolysis of Some Nitrogen-Containin6 Compounds, Part II. Nitro Compounds. KHIMIYA VYSOKIKH ENERGTI, Vol 1, No 5, pp 466-471, 1967 ATS 74A1 29R - - - - - - may 73 REQ TR CHECK 5-04-73 T471 GISINERATION OF DffERSE EXI'ITATIOIN IE CHEIPIICAL REACTIONS V - IS ! L "? EV P G*I' ; ORAYEVSKIY, A.14. UR: KIIii"11YA V~SOKIKH E.N-.ERG1:YA., 1,072P Yol 6 3, pp. 216-223 A, picatiuny Arsenal 0244/2S59 Req, 75-20 1 IP Nov 74 Title: (Ruasian) Author: Zhurkin, E.S.. et al. Source: Mlim. Vys- Energ. Vol, 7, pp. 101-3 (197-3) Lmi,quage: Russian Please ranslate & tY-Pe 1 cOPY 0111Y. Translate 911 captions & 'keyso cut & paste wh9re necessUT,"* Pagtnate ppi thb fomation mechanism of rarl-i'dal -c b-,r asq, I?Iloto3,lrsis method pp =I MmwYA vol. 71 ilr~. 3, 1973 -229! (May-~TtGo-~ t " - 58-74 VOI S r, art aim: 6,j -up, cn:~mrr. iL Spa~e r-I "f fect on ~Icicnce an d Tecl:nolog, iAl f~llr-rmml. no. 7.2, Decer.7)er I 19f 773, P.P. VIS A: UNENUM //JaahIYA I ZHIZNI// --/10/3.974.V---,NO010, PP 0037--0042 Pro and Con on SyntLatic Fabrics far Clothing 5 Pp JM 63710 ~LMN, 7~ lk I ZEMI -?Id/197J+l V- '--NOOOLO- PP 00?NZ-OC45 Value of *Ion Strs3med. 5 pp im 63661 J! j ..... -47., 15 71 W. IlTs", J .A0, Stepanov, A. I. Grain in Russia. 236 Dp iug.rl,.9 IZOS31:1. T.~Oscow, 1973, 320 -pp- JPZ-72-7741 USSR Russial, CSO: 18e- -Li C".'L j,,in li S114 III: T 3 Bz)ok, Khle-L ROGf'3-.'l,YE by A. 1. Stemn,)v. *Jprus D27 Foltorak, M. I. Plans for I-lechanizing Baking Lidustry D-iscussed, pp KMIOPi,-'KVNAYA I KONDITER&KAYA Moscow, No 6. 5 JunP 1973, pp 6-8. JPRS 61890 Burnasheva, 'M.A. The collection of common (blue) lucerne. . KULOPICOVOWSIVO, 1969, pp.30-32, n.7, NTC 73-12279-02D Cby ~ 0- -IepYS - 16&3 7 Ngwen Th-twet 1971 Pislldng Industry uses arttficial light in flahing Mos Hoo 71huong Thuo, Hanoi. June 15s 3. in Vietnamese. Tranal. by JFRB. Sept. 1971, pp. 22-24 in 68p. "Tranal. on North Vietnam No. IC, a: It3 rooessed. Avail. NTIS as prpi*; ~ JPPIB TrSr3l- NO. 541 3.00. Avail. on Loan - YMM, Wash., D.C. 0091nol Article Checkedy, 1:1 ,,led Fungus l1rincinal Cause of Low 11heat Yi.pld in Lao Gai, 8 pp. VI7H,T'IAJ.','ES-',i,, per, Khoa Hoe va Ky Thuat 1,Tonr,: Nghiep, Hanoi, %,Io 12, Dec 7-2, pp 897-900.' JPR'9 ~8782 A-D r, 7 3 Green Beans 2'"rovyn in th-- Lc-wlands of -,\-orth -%7'letnRm, by !T F ID ,uyen Dan- Khoi, 5 pl). per, Khoa Hcc va Ky Thuat Kong .Ta no 12, Dec77, pp goo- hiep. To 7FT'778726, ADr 73 Results of Studying Brucellosis in Bovines at Livestocl~ Installations, by Nguyen Huu 1.7 linh, 6 T) T) VIi~~VAIIESH, per, Khoa Hoc W, liy Thuat ITOng 4TITFh' eTTanoi, No 12, Dee 72, -c)T) 920-922. JPRS 5d726 Anr 73 Research Results on Erysipelas Rhusiopathiae in Hogs, 11y Pham Van Quan, 6 pp. VIBETITADIESE, per, ;'Ighlepp Hanoi~ JTRS 50702 Khoa Hoc va Ky Thuat ITcng 7ITo-T2-,'-D -C-77-,T)T) 92~-9257. Apr 73 Spring Rico Cultivation Benefits, Problems Dsseribed, by -,;ui --Huy Dap., 13 PP. VI-EMMMESE, ner, Ehoa Eoc va Ky Thuat Nonsr Tlig -.1ep, Hanoi, ?*11o 1, JsLh 73, 'PP 10-15. h J-DRS 58954 I-,Jay 73 in I Guidance of --~'aisinrr 11am 1--inh, Distrii-,t outlined, by 'Pran 'Jan iHa, 18 -on V IETNIAIVIES -.1-11', per, Khoa I;oc %ra Kq '--'huat '-,-.onF, Nighiep, ~,anoi, -,-,o 1, an 73, T)T) L,15-52. J--PRS 59096 1,jay -7 Tran, Do The Wheat Experiments to Determine Strains, I Sowing Dates, Insect Control., 6 pp. KHOA HOC VA KY THUAT NONG NGHIEP, Hanoi. Ito 2, M 737 pp, d7-91. jpRs 59425 Jal 73 Trung, Ha Minh Initial Results of Research on the Wheat Disease of Moo Hongs 7 T)P- KHOA HOC VA KY THUXT NONC NGEIEPI Henoi, No 2, Feb 73, pp 92-95. - ~JPRS 59425 Jul 73 Tra, N90 Thanh Dom Nau Disease on Spring Riooe in Quang Binh Province, 9 pp. KHOA HOC VA RY THUAT NONG NGIfIEP, Hanoi, No 2. Feb 73, pp 95-96. JPRS 59425 Jul 73 Experiments on Some Varieties of Jute for Pua-pose of Comparison, 7 Pp. EHOA HOC VA KY THUAT NONG KGRIEPs Hanoig No 2. Veb 73, PP 99=102- JPRS 59425 Jul 73 31,3ecialization to Har1r, -t~-x-oansion of ho- I~roductiori in DIRV, 13 --3p. ~~TorjC, ner, 1---hoa -L-~Oc 'Va Hy Thuat e-0 '.To 3, 1,iar -- , I - noi, T)P 1b3-1(,)'3. 7, MEI 5 9 19 1 'J'all -, --) Miechanization of Agricult--irc, state by -i-Toanj- 7-jan Duc;, TI i7 rp 71 1 l7hoa H-oc va '-la-1.10i,-,o 3, !,jar 7T, jl,:~3 92~) at- the 21 Senteriber 5-,)n Ky -'j-"huat :'Ong M) 199-210. Dap, Bui Ray Expanding Cultivation of 'Nong Nghiep 5,, Encouraged, 13 PP. IMOA-HO-C VA KY THUAT NONG NGHIEP, Hanoi,, NF0 4, Apr 73, pp 243-247. JPRS 59 41 Aug 73 Xgoc' BFIUI Causes of, Solutions to Problem of Spongy oranges Discussed, 6 pp. 1KHOA HOC VA KY THUAT TIONG ITGHIEP, Hanoi, No 4, Xpr '73, TP 26-C-266. jP'-Rs 59975 Oct 73 Technical Advances in Hog Raising Seen 'Necessary in Near Puture, 14 Pp- KHOR HOC VA KY THUAT NONG NGHIEP. Hanoi, No 4, Apr 73, N 27 "-77. JPRS 50/975 Oct 73 Phu, Nguyen Ba Hop Asthma Epidemic Eliminated at Lac Ve Hop, Farin, 6 pp. EHOA-WHOC -~A KY THUAT 14ONG NGIHIEP, Hanoi, No 4, rp-r 73, pp -264-2157v JPR,s~ 59975 Oct 73 Winber Crop Should Be Prepared and Expanded, 7 p-p. KHOA--HOC VA F-f THUAT NONIG NGHIEP, Hanoi, 707)!l may 73, PP 3z -32b* aRs 60189 C-, '? 3 Tman, Dso The Erwar`~ I'~Iheat CaDable of Being Grown in North Vietn.qm, 15 pp. KHOA HOC VA TI THUAT NONG NGHIEP, Hanoi, No -r;-, -73~- -pp 327-335. JPRS 60189 Buu. Tran Xhanh Development, Destruction of Rice Hoppers, 8 pp- TMOA HOC VA KY THUAT NONG NGITIEP, Ifianoi, No 5, Ma-v.--7, Pp 335-336. JPRS 6ol8g 11-1 1-, Nhuong, Nguyen Van Effects of Sowing and Transplanting O"chedule on Productivity of Some Tenth-Month Rice Varieties in Pormer Zone 4, 9 pp. KHOA HOG VA Ja THUAT NONG NGHIEP, Hanoi, ITo 6, Jun 73, pp 409-FI5. .TPRs 5q975 ~ 1. - 1- '7 '), Chi, Tran Viet Results of 4 Years of Rice Retransplantilrig, 7 pi) - EHOA HOC VA la THuAT NO'NG XGHIEP. Hanoi, No 6, Jun 73, pp 415-420F. JPRS) Q!. 5 9 75 00't '73 Nhuong, PhRm Binh Guidelines for Figb-Yleld, Early Tenth-Month Rice, 8 ppo '-KHOA IHOC VA FY THTJAT NONG WIHIEP, Hanoi, 110 7, JTUI 71, - JPRS 60232 Oct 73 Phar., Ho Si Pilot Project to Perfect Irrig-ition, Drainage Worl~s in 3 Years, 14 pT) . KFOA HOC VA KY TRUAT NONG q"THIEP,, Hanoi, No 7, TT-73, J u JPRS 60232 Oct 73