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V16 ~I it 11A p: Lrcx~ Yu Prozozovaky,, 4 pp. nit 93 ran" latiba. RU r., Radlo.0 No 12j, Dec 1951, p 42. MUD ATIC/0-TS-7822 ~z LIC!, Commmdoations, radto,, circuit c4e4tift.-I-auctroulcoo. mdlo,, short-wave circuit ly.Source*G., ROgUI&bed!%fater Supplyp by r ~Zud- 1 i>ra',' idva uscwwirm ky.,6 pp ,1 71-1711, fiAV er Radi Op DO 3) 191,Rj PP 39-40. ATIC-P;-TS-7839-M .~Ci, ti d Electronics .,'Ptr.~ ya, J;, L:, RIPI. SIAN2; pp zer for Variable-Frequsney Signals, by M, Prozumenshchikov~. 3 PP, W~ Pribory i Tekh Eksperg Voc lj~ 1961~. ISA Sci IVRP S. Pr6daftntlk (4r vol"m .JmW ....... -No, 220! Doi 19950 pp 63 OW AM Me ell BT66;oooo PTD (TWER4 St check for info only Pias.ma P::ss of Applying Coatings ion KLyev- Pblitekhniches' JjAa~, 6~alect serial I~fly 3~6iitut. TruckV. Sbax-nik Mauehnykh Rabat 146 tov DImIkcP4ekbn6kgidheSIWgD FWWltteta. 4j. 119632 67-;~Tl !pole Drifting Station, by Erich Pruck, P.P-! per.$ W8lwvissOnBC'hsftliche R=dschau,, -No' 1114arch 1955,.PP 133-137o Rnal to IR-372-55. D! 256365- AF 67i,W6 614 ;Set aeophysica Lomonoooo bridge Gill Uftm 2*0*00 by Ili$& Prtu*, 9 Mal M 1963g Vp 54D-345. anunwtA CJA 274v"7 7. Ob-n-hda nt~m Vol 17 A New 1 11 1 tiud 11 RIP"81 p.p 1!6L~ Oct of Detemining Indices of Coking Co6les by P. K. Finkelshtein, V. A. per, Koks i Xhimiya,, No 3., 1958# (loan) P DC-4-700) ( Problem of Labor In Cammmist ,.Lou More Deeply f(ir Better I .on of Free Time acd Working G. PrudenskJy, 26 pp. Satsialisticheskiy Ti-ad, pp 35-45- ipw 1.-,1136 191a., J--1~7/ (DC-1840) OUA iE I CURE' TIMEp BY G. PRUDDSK I Yj 12 PP. RU~SIAN,.~ NP., I-ZVESTIYA., 17-23 JUN 1962,1 op llalq~ qb~ JPRS 15052 D:" -z05. pp. scmiatirp ~by r. 130 15) O."'i; 1.960 aTS 6647 USSR SOO 12 rob 61 0 ri C) L-I:- C, 0 zt-i~axrvess 1-nd tho Scicne f Bc n 5 V. rip., Ehonomialleshw-,- j 1) p, OSR E A. Aacbouating a by Ga V()P M(m) NO 4) 1959Y pp 84-5\0- Thte-m-Al Arts =d Scl Proms Vol 113 No "-rob, u~ ova -aL _ MnM I S 0- Dw 6tI%W-Aj-j H ppi I Arts w1a OcicacOs Tati "V01 I ffo 1 EZau t at6 of Ucoo~ q Hadlooonde Wloonn, PPS Atmaloo Ao. Q i q per 3L9 02 110 225~ 32- 10 AtrRea ana Nv' Cmmta 4. lciol~ ;if ip, Astronaw C-LBA)MI L-`~Icilldtiono of P-Leactron-Ton Plasma, by M. F. Prudkovekaya,; 11- pp. W261AN1.0 J~r,; Wm& Dok V~ysoliel M*01,y, FIZ -Mat -399- 19A. pp 192 PM M-230-%61 61, oscl2utl loctno-lop n"mwp by M. F. mw ftv7 gWif-361. Bei lglm~ A -Now PPA D;ry orl Diffusion Oscillatlons In a Gas by 0. V. PrmUovskayap 4 pp- 01 r~O!, Dok Ak vauk am va cmi, No 4., 1957., Awr Inat of Pbv SOV Rws "IbIlladyn Val U,, no 6 e 0, of Stationary Striations in the 0 ti Co= of P. Gw Discharge, by 0. V ir 3m M., IN Shirokovp 4 ppe 'w 46831~60~ thrice-mo per., Dok- Ak Nttuk SSSR, Vol Cy.: Inclil 6PI 57.* pp 1023,1026. Imer last of Mys Bov Physt "Dokl"y" Vol nj, No 1 D--O~ 57 N lot k7- 79 ws Blectro4tto DMh as a Computlug 0. PO Irp MbWY I TOM IUWWo So 3s. 1959, VOI Ilp So lit Do* M9 1XM KAIISI lRy T .&IIctil a Metallurgii, vol. 12, no 2 Teorlyv I on-llliDrd Pbstra~,t; 10.1,0 fs, f v han 3' 4 n"e irst Standardized Plast I ! Ite , Furn, c1 Ils 7:rc d in Russia. Brdtolh Ir ahs Order ~!o. 1016, `~.1.40 TM a, umis at o:r +,I* Turbulanas of A! r now and 'r Ism" Optlool-Diffmion Notbadj, Vor Pil pip. AN 11959j, pp m -24-440-69 k"10 Acel Selena" . I ; I . i I I Oki In A,; P. 10160s i ho Opmatlowa Calculus J, by YL5- PP - Dak Ak .N&Uk SSSR., vol cj=.. mo 44 974 Amer ftWi So* Vo3.-31# A) I ,z /,/, -5::~-J, or Yledlum ParmotArs of a !li~~ ~6ivftlwlmeg by A. 0. Frudnlkov., 23 pp. RMBrMsl, Mrs Ts Ak No* SM Otdol Tekh Rauk VP ANS 3-8304 MD 23fiU36 j hLidn PARAME R 119661 07~2Sr, e' ir rd r '4~6 ME 0 Aytolmad 19 (Ch. M~I~tlr' -1-phys 61-12258 ATION OF THE AVERAGE 1. Flames- -Temperature i:TURBULENT FLAMF TORCH. 2. Flames- -Turbulence 1. Prudnikav, A. G. MDF P- 156 50 11. MDF P-156 111. Friedman, Morris D., ,a] Nj~ukj SS~R_ Oftdelcniyel Inc., Wear Newton, Mass. 41. tzvegtiya- Energ(etikal I 10. 1. P. 43-54. TTI V. 5. no. 4) A C~qparatt ~ el st'~Oy, 141, of Chloropbyll Renewal in V,~Ao"* Pa" of I the Plant. by A. A Shly . 1 11 "Vone&os I.' V. Pruftikovs, _ 4 vv 1~. C V. iukbtenko, i H 91 pp", mss, lq~ Fulol Rutenly, Vol VITLm No 6, iof;njl ~,h 60r,.A%7~- =Oat PaUsUm ca Oe DneloWnt 1w 'Unin" Baden w1th TAVO 2aazvm" Vgailiis IA. 16 dWMUWj U. It. PZU*dkDVS., UB sell! Fob 0"; T't1b I :t~ jpl, U 07,7 by A, A k joaak SSSR., Otdml Tokh Hauko 194, 130-133 59, c/ 4-2 7- No QUAW at Electric Currents and Voltages L Ah6 H%U Effects btr He 33o Mamxwvjp ~ m4q~-Jp !; pp. jm~# I~OoW I UWI ftowj So Ij Impt Boo of Awr rim= T%Itulezml in a Strong 144~~itI6 keMj, 'by He No Prudalml 8 ppa Rft Is-Ak lf=k MM, Otdel ftkh No 20-131" 96&308 19 60~ Ole~ huehoe' of Certain Anti-Cholinesterase Agents on +,~e'~ rjilim_i~ls"idlssion of Excitation in the Nerve of ~ 11 ~ ~. ul the FRr g, b~rlj F. Prudnihova 7 PP- _TUJSSDUtJ,' per,,~ Biofizlka) vol vi, no 41 1961. Elsevier Publ. Co. The i and RUSS '6 p: p sci jui 661 'of Eserine on the Action Potential ~ppedance SpA6 in nimng Nerve, by ikova, 10 pp Biofizika., Vol IV:, No 6, 1959, Fergamon Press Fm- MR L st - r CG&at Obf4LOtelv by S. A. lit AZW Dlpjlqose~v~~'ox~s (1933-1938) wid Their Corre."ation W:~"~ O~thsrzgl Stratification of the Loweat Layers Oi A~' Iij6a 6ver the Water, by H. 0. Prelealeben, GMILRI, Treatises of the Meteorological and Service of the Gorman Dmocratie Ro~6iic, ~61 U, No 10p 1952. Navy Tr 1407/190 396 Dee 1.56 CTS 4r 'Demand I ger Excl~ nge,, H. PIrfor Fore-gn kuec~:j pp. Der -AusseJ haudea,, Voi YI, 1~ rov n6i, pp 6, 7. JrRIS L3J 38 GL~. ~nu ny Aprl(~ clowcYounswit for W-A.~ Pjk~ip2ov; MNP~i~pp -I-b' p &942j4.; Ike C t ~1-0~w USDA 'Pr W? 40 'lie Dift. U~si n'' of fig in Sn Foils, by 1! 1 ~ . Ii, ~. Pruqel. 1 . ,EFU4kN,r,']perjI Z. Metallkde., Vial 30, 1938, 11 Op ~5-~7,*: I. cesl3j, vaporization Pro the ij tatment of !he )y e PV 40 pP. wie3l aaturwe Z mid. 1P. e PP 1940 ASC Tr ci gr,;z ci Te. ,12; pe Pbv Ilephoto Lense, by Max Prugger, 7 PD. ,iPhoto-Magazine, Pp 480 49. ATIC F-Ts-Qal3/V e'ri i i P; -i, ry o 1t h o !Lov p- r ?ki n iu~ y s B y V, A~ ilal it Pusslstp,, par. Byul Biol i Medt Vol X-L-VII-P jl,'~,959',.~i lia; p Consultants Blueau sdpt An tar Dureastia lbum's- Andy*U lit by. 10 Prawip ve elm"* Wip 1, aIJ-1 IMm'dWat lveW$ VdL V# IM 19611 ftpt of Intailor li No IL766 nr~s'sl of Xotribution of FertilisoT t3~~I ISO atorm and its amet on Crop Tield., J4i Date=. per, -,Vol. 13.,30- 91 325: Price 2s .6b u 12') XT, 3,15-979 u9 ~ m I* r Distribution of Fewtiliser rs vind its effect on Crop YieR.I. by , P* Drqtew. r, Undbogumph Vd:L 13y No 9, 19 11 - Price 2a 6d J - P /a e-t- / 334,219 (.NY-4171). The 8t~ ditm Tobacdo Production and Measures for ti .Puls i'l n ~by Ivan Prumovj 17 PP- '3ULGARIAN Or, R41garski Tyutyim, No 3, 1960, -?P: 9~' .04.' 1p ims 5645 Our!~ .-iBul ia par li,cpn~ -j! Agri IdIulture 9" y g Oct 66~ ;LhM t A&Hcult-aral Tasks, by BETIGARIANI Wm, nooperativno Selo, 20 JVn 1961, pp 2' JIM ID472 (a-2429) som; ~tt on, the Directics aiA Oreanivaticm of work jibmI,dl6lWloIULfLte& TM,* by Ivan Prumovo 21 DMW=IIj pwr# avvro Vmmaariap No 2-p ""Of ins. 1959, pp im 1599-11 BMW ~:Do 'Ia 01~ MY F3 RecTiYptallization of Urardum After Passing M66pgh the Transfor7ratica Points, by 1M P. X Lebr, G. Cbaudron '19 4BIbiUll, perp Rev Met,, Vol Ll,, 54,, pp 589- 5rl .2341 ftii4s by~ Dec'195~# sat 4 6 0*. Avg 5 7 of Chlorprommine in Different Gouzons A. e# V. Donnet, "a Readus Soo B1,44, Vol MMVIIIS 2040. SIA TR 57-709 ban ot~; lof the friftsims of aukw-cooled by djupome stfttemaes, by Stow) R. 0 60 no ir, Z AnSm Umth uW I"lk 1953j 40 .16. MIND-" Set 59 -330~Z The 221( 11 :as a eparate Wicomaissance by Odinokov, V. Prus-, 4 pp. 4, 19620 vy 1-0424 1) CS A ILI 219SISM old C'mwmt StAtma -or C'swasy oxf-I czwbmavft~da 110twow. 1945 and Y, PP* oky A 5 4 363,70-c 7 To parp'~ lot ACIUVIV Oentered In the Geodetic and ic Serride by Jwwlav pn", a XarWgrmr1WW Obzor,, sk (DC -39)-6) Tble. Subb Ance and Importance of the Wage Tariff, P'' 9 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY P - Tv", CUIC1111) 3., i.o6o; i Prace a Mzda, Vol V111, No JPRS 3674 E UT~ (1, ti.choslovalda Div es Au" O'D bl,r p Er.,~.*txr~ Eco4 may Ai anisace Mind v- CSIR., Pra,;Luc!, Igri5, 53 70 -vT 2 p 120 JPRS 2589 ;Vslovakia CZNMj, Vol V3 Sal jun 6 ~nt ![oil the sec d Five-Year Plan wid the Mqdn cieI6~..Iovak,Qeodemy en& Cszrr~ajpby in the MUnJ Iw Jaroolav pp. ir,, sodetiel Ickf Gbzor, 'gr a XertogmJ ~9) I., 19a., pp 1-6. ipm 4674 5j as WSW" Ift in lanuum vw **low r Mw*- T" 3W Ps, too im M&M Devel b y COWIR III /XL Mir Eco it, ':r C-ecbo Ivak Geodesy and Cat -ography AtWns of the Buildirg .)f Socialism., 16 pp;. ~Iilvsa UICIAS-011FIED. Geod*tic a Kartajr,~f#ty Ob--Yor,, Vol Prague., Feb 3.958., -pp 21-26 w jm3 /bc -L-6ol Xo~ Clismb 11ovatia C2 PP IG OFITHE UNION OF 3061ET REPUBLICS., RLISA. 12 PP. NOVA WSL2 NO 12) NOV 1962~ JPRS 17372 BULRIA 63 059 Bowdo, by 1. Pmlalr- rIaIPWI Vol Vlll;. No 11/12, 1958, CSIRO 9122 h/Z Z- 5-7 7,9,7 um platIM of Woodworking Tools, by 3.9~i pp. M Drevarsky Vyal.hm, V01 II; No 2, 5-249. pe 1 P'_D! 9 2! 150 2, SIA 59-10183 lie I~re Condensing Helium, by Jan Prusak, ,pp, Veda Tech Mladezi, No II, .1962!, -~1368-369. 9668316 PTD-17-62-1669 .1k ScU-Chetn.'i 71%6gitTacall! Paces for Evaluatir the Service Life I 111 !11 ig Of'TO'ol 0 6~ing Edacsocby Jan Frumk. 27 p. MICH vsx-f,Dmva=lw V~sk=j 1956, vo. i., No 1/2., 1 1It' !~ I MA 59-17419 Set Pei) voi No:, OPY A Di- 4i laiij Da- Midy of the Chrcm-to,-rmvby of mt ~; lons over the B-Aw-val ar rrcm 10-1 -to 10-9 11, by S. Yu. -PrtisakOv..- 6 pp" ,*r, Dok Ak I;u-&tk SSSR., Nyol CXII L957: pp 684-687. ?r3 Py"th"Is brA Mhout 1mv-4ti in Relation of can i DoveUpment and Comutlans of wstc~, by L. D, Pzunmk= 6 pp. RMIX Fula R"tMAYS V4A 31j, No Sol Oet ,PY-5973/1 C01W 4aj~~On Of AW9101091cal Reficarch in F&400aug Seven-Year Period, by A. A. Prokofyev, pp. -nuIppa.mai Oar, 1z Ak wauk 5M, ser Biol, Ho 6, Doe 19' pp, 5~26-934- Sol Bi I may! I in f J n;bh I i~ -1 -2 a-i-ld LealT' G%- RUSS Ildf,' D-rp l7i:~-d8b ra Dec!! 61P Wazl.exr Relatk)nq On -ib of Wheat., by L,,D. Piz Rasteniy, Vol VII, No 2, 1960, Arm-,.- li3jt- Blal S),-A r lat and Crop Yield,, by, N. S. Petinov, P, b. iom &W Z. A. Sinitsym,, 10,pp. per,, z 01 Rasto Vol IV,. no 6,, 1957., Amer, Inst of Biol Sci Sep 58 9-91 71, nei p6p oi`1j3~.'teiQima;q;tioa In VID Raf3vcWr N"Juitim Auttbool by Z. X. Pmaskovap I ~ YW=tUup RUBISWII'~ b~p lp2vblem of Ajp- PAMa-rtlv:Lty to Dweaticu-- I Fmwn". lmhgmd, 1.955m pp 236- a2, 111101 kin yo~ A.- %,V~AA&ILMV intern~il Perf or~iance.q STAN] 1000 Brub B.4 C;6't ng of Cutting Tools for Improved IN,' TRUM Vr., vol 19, 1948,9 No 11p p 20x ir Nol ~,525j 7"'T by B. Let Vol 19,j go 9.4109 Pp 1025-9- act: xnwm ft. 31/iRF132 /Autoxw%AO! phaprewsed Air SuPAY Equipment, With 'ica bal. p1 Regeneration,, b7 V. F~,uaenko. Ppq Is, PribcrostroyeniyeO No 2. 1961, p pp TaVLor Francio Sol 6.1i ib Ma RlmommU In FQddWUQ 7 ]WO U630 Poahvmeao ATA scapts Madudca 268' h I j. ~i A 0~ zdm-. c Y'li-%]A bletbiDd for Determining Content of Boils cmd Ground, by pp. IL, Vol OTS &D-21526 ~-j ftb Oli thiorrtrpu Extemlon of Plays., by V Yu -"m .3, pp lp Vest Vos Plotap lb hp 19%.s pp 73 .:*zw the ActiVity Of Seft Wd OQUAM Swra"jo by V. boahbinw, 1. geirj-- M. Lovam, Ta. PzUs3in, (AF 62M9). Vol by AeMov of Sciawes of the pp 16-24. 9A 13 ideutouic Fbplco Mar 56 am/= H i Ai~ S~-,i6ntl a Le cif~do~toutslBibllosmpby of ~Ooj; r.~- L I --. ~ : , , i a w SUWK -Ixts of the Activity BOL aild aamal~ftdlatlorw'* by i W! pow, ~ OCLUM37M 'Pubj.b.V~4&wA4w'l of~sclqmomo 19538 ~123 Nov,1954. CIA D-U34i4e- AT 642511 physics Feb .55 CTS 2 RLdioackive Methods, of Study, Processes of a,, Liquid Flow in a Porous Maz=,p by D. I. Le kayap Ya. A. Prft~UAp VIE a IbUC 16*kh Non pri6 Dan. I stabil Imotoplav I 16ia~a& iv *110d Khoz i MUM# 19579 Vol IVP 1 11 1 .." 11 1:,.. . 3.9 Am Tr-42o6 Detormizarkion of the PreBaure of Roletaccicg wi-b'kn an Aperture in an Endless Plate When t Latt' Z~ ta Stretched in '1'w:) Directioas) by -15, PP. 14.1i S t!ewt'yev,* I. b., Frul3ov, P I I R TAN, per., Frih Mekh, Vol I., No 4: 1955~ U&9 1.18-3 P ~J; SIA 59-1(57;2-f P~S Vol ii--, No 71 100 (ny-29W/7). r problem in tM Further De"appmat 0~1 oad; k":I~w I~xaaizgj by V, T. Tedorov,, pari Stroltolluoys !L Dorozbnoya troYmIjus No 10; 19' 3-~5- 99 JMS 9258 ~Mlctwl ^Biwa Woht*ry and mmst4 I 160: Pp- Gv \1 IAUNA%-W OL StImulauts by L. G. PruBova. I's, mer;, &oUkovofttvo I Zvwomdstvo, Vol 7. '901 S~d J 'of! dvelonment of Weighing Installations in ' s~' ,14work s, by D. Fruss. GER W , ~ the International i r Presented at S 11 tep 1 . -ork : sport Conferenae, Milan, Jun 196.-L. Trun A BIBI 2101 Sc S Ea . . . . . . In GWpvglbyp by J&m3AV ftv=.. a auftwmridw Obzors iF CPA= To, No 1. Pragmo Xq59jp Ipp Is 2. Cmcb ~ !101 zom 59 anA the ftpivauction of oC, an 0 pUml Imp by Vaptograpb I =(a -an IL FvJmmwl a V6rk)., by 2~ pp. pi pail zhar Much L I.Wk Pbto i Ktmt VIH N6 3p 196% PP MA~-228- CIA/ps IM-1537 so FORMIN zomoom M l Ji.F le un OW-Y 25bpO:34