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ti sir Case of the Slant Derivativc.- Frob-'-Z:- r 3rmdld~ ii~xnctionm in Three! -Dimens ional 1~ yj A. V. Bicadze, 2 pp. i ~rj Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, .5ov Math, Vol CLV, 9e~ iPP t730-731- Amer Math Soc Sov Math-Doklady Vol V, No 2 *611 SC thO Principal Indices of 8i by 1. V. Viten"ko., A. N. Kostovskiy, Dok h1auk b"'SSR, PP 732-734. Sov Math, Vol CLV Amer Math L;oc Sov m&th-r,,)x1aay Vol V NO 2 e e Suc Problem in the Large for Nonlinear ond d for Some Quasilinear 6ystems of the ur O~n rt Or4g r With Several Variables, by g 1 Xnilkov, 4 pp. S. ,!]er, Ook Ak Auk SSSR, Sov Math, Vol. CLV ~~(6 V941 Y, pp 743-746. ner Math 3oc Math-Doklady Vr-:. V, No, 2 9 ILgL=IcteIIj,,&~ti6n of I;L-guiar Lattices by Means :':6 111 F44 Oicte-.1tial tropology, by K. K urato-irski, P.. S:; AN, .11*2-~ Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, SOV MaUl, liv 1 1 $v., 1: d40 1964, PP 751-752- Amer Math ~~oc Sov Math- Doklady Ilo 2 Vol V ~si ke~ $3 of Level Lines Under Arcs r1w lent 'Imformal Mappings) by V. I. Pol-"Ov, P. e~) Dok Nauk SSSR Sov Mntl,., Ak IAN -7-760 '(l I t oi 4, 1964., PP 75 ~v Amer Math 6oc Sov 4a - )oklady Vol V) NO g rbedd 9 Mlearem for the L(l) (JIx3V, L~))acc 6 d leir,! I ILPArtnov, 4 .~p ications, by V. U., Dok Ak Nauk :;SSR) Sov Ma-Wi, :11); 196h,, pp 761-76t.. Amer Math Soc Gov Math-Doklady Vol V, No 2 re at raf9men-Lindclof Type for Harmonic ns! Space, by E. D. Solomencev, ~ s~17 t DA Ak Hauk SSSR) Sov Math, v f~o 19641 PP 765-76,40 Amer Miath Soc XSov 14&th-Dokla,-.Iy Vol vy No 2 Au A V r4 -14:r trol Problem in Bar.ach by Z.1 I~Tal~4 t ~4 pp. tMi ?or Dok Alt Nauk S6SR Cov I%L--l S: 6, V61 ~o V, !I; 3~ 4, 10 4, PP 767-770- kner Math Soc i5ov Math-Doklady Vol V, NO 2 .~66 IF J city of the S'pectmn of a L~clfadjoin-'L-. rerstential Operator by A. V. Straus iser, Dolk Ak N'auh S.&SR, L'ov Ilath, 6 4., 1964) pp 771'J-174. Amer Math Co c Vol VI IN'o 2 M4, of a Plans Wave on a Wedge bbying r*4 ii V610OLty,, by S. M. Tw- I vp. U~, I Dck Ak Xa%*.SSGRp FkWalce Section', CL* Apr 19"., VP "T55-778. CL~ i 65!'~ Amer IDst of Phys SOV Phys-Doklady /Vol U, No dabal lowteady Mion of Fluid vith AnA Devolqpment of Cavitation., by B. S. I pi. Mr., DOk Ak Nauk SM.9 Physics Sectionq 10 4.9 AVr 1964.. PP W9-752. Amw finst of Phys Sov Phys-Doklady Vol IXp No I* 65 i Sdidoonduatdo Quantum Generator Ah'~t ftit IMeatron 9ftu, by N. G. V..alogdaskevicb., at al., 1 pp. W4 Nauk SMv Physics Section., 10 Apr 19" PP 783 Amer Inst or Phys Bov Pbys -Doklady Vol IX2 No 4 Iiah =,the Mechanism cf a Spark Lievrmal L 'ip LC*19 Produced by Artificially Ent ing a Space Char?,e into the Ins6 ting Gap, by E. M. Baselyan, I. S. 3t 1! nik . 4 pp. US St N$piar, Dak Ak Hauk SSSR, Physics ct,, (n$ Vol CLV, No 4, Ppr 1964, pp AiTer, InIt of Phvs Sov P ys-Dckladv- Vol IXI No 4 ~ug' Spark VOI CLVo 140 4v 2700461 I q .k. damoltifth it""Of i' , LT '' , " 0 1 r ""T., ,&~L!U-M i , ", Ai k ApptaxImte TbKwy *f WAstic Waves in Ula by*. to Fedarov., 3 PP - 31 r0ok A Nauk SMO Physics Section, Is 799 -794. Amw Inst of Phys Say ?bye-Doklady Vol Ix NO It A4 65 u U ChrOMILtWaphy in CoLumns with a !I, ScWbent, by V. P. Alishoyev, I r6zkinj Jt pp. 3*r,, Dok Ak nauk SSW, phy-sicaL C h e~d.Oa,7,) Vol CLVs Wo 4. Mar., Apr 1964., ~ci 51 dr AzoysobutyTic Acid Dinitrile- d .12blywrization. of Acetylene Hycro- bly Io M. Barkalov) V. Io Goldan kiyy 3 po jibrj, D& Ak Nauk SSSR, Physical e 3~ry.. Vol CLV.. No 4,, mar, Apr 1964., p 083, 885o F C'B 51 Of ofithe Thermophoresis of Moderately 6sol Particles,, 'by B. V. Deryagin, Yaiamov$ 5 pp. Dok Ak Nauk SM., Phy9ical try Vol CLV, No 4, imar. Apr 1964, CB CJL! s A tics Qf Butadiene Polvinerization in e Belies Of amplex Cobalt Catalysts, onescu,, Be S.,Mdvedev, 3 PP. 3~erp Dok Ak Hauk SM., Physical eld's vol mv, No 4. mar., Apr 1964, Ee4lt 479, 89g. L ot Patty Acids at Solution/Air z/fUrcury Interfaces., by ovidh,, V. M. Otravich.. et al., 4 pp. r.. ~Dok Ar. Nauk SM. Physima vol mv, Nosh, mar., Apr 1964, 51 CB at of a Di ei.. as e iffe ffusion Current of a! actAon Products of a Flame on the Oion of the Condensed Phase,, I- lenunskiy., 3 Pp- perj Dok Ak Nauk A-SISH., Physical e' ~try . vol Cu., no 4.. mar, Apr 1964, ~p .97 989. St,~ate of Aggregation of Dyes Affects of the Photocurrent Carriers, %Sarenin, 1. K.*Ptttseyko., et al., 4 pp. per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Physical iry-, Vol CLV, iio 4,, Mar,, Apr 1964, 903 I;B I ies Imethacrylate Pblymerization Initiated ily e Reduced Proms of Clmlorophyll and I cpwo#Thyrin., by A. Ve Unirilihina., "novskiyj, 4 pp. per,, Dak Ak Nauk SSW, Physical no 4, mar., Apr 1964 em Aryi Vol CLV ~9 907. CB Sci 165 *~the State of Iftter in Phosphomolybdic the NuIcear Mmanetic Resonance Mdthod, Ch2uvayev, V. Ya. Kabanov., et al, 4 pp. per.. Dok Ak MA* SSSH, Physical Y voi eLv,, no 41 mar, Apr 1964, 93.1. (IT te 11 a 0~ the*Xwaamtion Method in an Investigs nl~ii ture of ZLne Oxide and Nickel thdi Struc 0 th x Vith Additions of tl2e Oxides of Lithium I ~ndll um, by M. D. Shibanava, G. M. Zhabrova, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSW, Physical eni s~a7 0 voi mv, No 4 , mar , Apr 1964, 93.5. CB ie 51 g. Promsses in Portland U116 During the Pydrotherwal Treament der Atmospheric Pressure cretes Un cind iicM 9 by P. P. Budnikov, L. Ya. 4 pp. i~US5 Dok Ak Nauk- SSSR, Cherical Tlech',~,I;gri' Sectims , Vol CLV No 4 1964, pp 916-,919. CB co. -CIO L~Suwa Of as Kinetics ui pzzms in Plasma JUL* YU0 I" i3lant, 11 r,, Pok An SSS It Vol CI.V1 20-03: MR5#6 '-;41 10 28906&6 ing the Viscosity of Dispeme by Vibraticrjdd:ktxSbm bv Nik. d,.avlov, N. V. raJdiavlov, 4 pp. 9 perv Dak Ak NaWc SSSR, Chetr-Ical oW Secticns . Vol CLY . No 4, 19641 pp 920-92-3. CB ISCI 1.4.Ug ependence of the Strength of Bmding the Adhesicn cf Ri")ers, by Retr~ovi;kiv, B. Z. Kamenskiv, ,, per,, Dck Ak NaW~ SSSR, Chemical ogy Sectims, vol CLV, No 4, $ 1964, pp 924-926. CB ib4~*on of Acetylcholine Esterase in the Taste ofo6rtain Vertebratesp by R. A. Prevzner, ~r%,,Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Physical Chemistryp 0 Mar Apr: 1964, PP-930-933- CB Th~e ~=~t &patd -tb: 4iM. Ru~l 4ry, ~n of Organcuietallie CouTlexes with the P- h of bcternal. Metabolites of Marine Algae, OLY1.ov., 3 pi) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Physical ~Iljol CLV., No 4. 14ar 11pr 1964, 70-13320-06M DTFECTiVE A ! N- .IRRADIATIO Uo MAGE. 1 -7. Akadc 1 9 -939. 1964 p. i 37 OWer from NTC Is *F A Ilys0enko. B. N.: Mlnyat. E. E. OF ACRIDINE ORANGE AT THP HACIUARY DNA OF BACTERIO- tliv- "- a Nou)t MR. Doklady. v. 155, -TRANS-146. -TR 7 3520-06M: HC $ 6.70. MP S. 90. N735', of tne Accelcrated beveloprient of I ~iul' qa t ~pa aracts Provoked by I'MICtUrc of the ~r yl~ latb. li.ens, I)v V. V. 110novp 1'. A. (;(-,Iicilcnl.ox., ie 4 -ir, Dol. A Nauk 9SISP, Eicphysics, V61 Is, Ici 41, 1964, 11r) 940-943. CB Aw Cha b f ibe Ills V61 6 ilt An-inu Acid Composition of Total Proteip 11[t);Istibtilis T- Grown in a ~-Icdium Containing, lfi!!~AiMog 5 Bromouracil, by A. S. &ntonov, Ska v, et al, 3 1311. Dok AR Nauk SSSIZ, Biochemistry, T, 14, 1964, 131, 944-946. CB 0 thi MbonwlOia Acid of Nualooli and ild Cbftmwo~mp by M. I- ImInni 3 PP- C E U* Dok Ak Vauk NO, Diocheyidetry, V~" Jkn-JUn, No 4v 19641 PP 950-952 i 4'.1 ) CB i 65 Fa~ty Aaida on the Structure of the led ulep,by V. V- Nknoloys 3 PP. Grp Dok Ak Nauk 880t Biochemistry,, Vol 'Jkn-jun, No 4.9 '1964,p PP 953-956. CB 65; gm Sin hemis in the Silk Mand of the Mulberry -C Is by,V. N. Suirnow, A. S. Spirin, et alp I tuxt i.Ai PWO Dok A NsukSssRp Diocheastry.. p Jan Junp No 4, 1964, PP 957-960. C CB 165, cai otaimy Dimpm Ion or cowl mr, or it 0 060 Aulno AoMs vItb Ions of Metals, Tdi0hiBikLY., " L 0. Korenm.. 3 1?P. Dok Ak Ibuk S88R,. Siochoodstry., VW5 No 4 Jan-Jun, 1964., PP 961-963. CD 65 of 14. pp~- Sci .feat of Sap from 113ize Plants at Varicus pH Levels cn Grvrth rot Callus, by S. S. Andreenko, Potapov et al $ 3 pp. N. per, Dak Ak tiaWc SSSR, Botanical eso Vol CLVO'Jcqn-Jijn 1964, -966. CB A Jdy Of the Flow of Electrical Current inA ducus and Ccniferous Trees, by Kh S. ~i odasevich, 2 pp. RU!~' per, Dck &Nabk SSSF, Botmical I Scl 4 Vol-CLV, an-Jun 1964, Ipp i 67-968. CB Isd Aug 55 A i on ~ the Symptic Ox,gmnization of C x df the Turtle Prosencephalon. Dav~~dova, 4 pp. perj, Dok Ak Nauk &cSR,, Physical Vol CLV, No 4.. Wx Apr 1964, 70- 3-, CB 65 Mae in the Organs Df the Lateral Line of ~U 68, ~by L. K. Titova) mad M. Z. Aroncva, I ~er., Dok, Ak NaWt SSSR Physical Is Vol CLY) No 4.9 Mar Apr. 1964, tr, (171t-~s 7,17 CB c uil'5 l Ll!ti�-.:t I of GonE.dabrapin on the Condition of E Ifi, On -t~ L Synthc!sis of DNA, and on the Rate of ik;:Ion~ Tb.~mus Cells of Sexually lamature Rats. 'b ketOvU, A. M. K=in PP - i~A. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Physical t tr~ !Vol CLV.. No 4.. Mar Apr 1964, pp-978- 90c CB Ij e Electriwa and )bchanieal Activity e ctor Musele of the Claw of the Crab is, duo (Herbst.) during the development and SWplementary (alpha) be ~ it ,tic by M. Yas ramtsova., 4 pp. 'k Ak Nauk SSSR., Physical Chemistry., ~Lv.-, 10 4., mar Apr 1964.. pp 981-984. ~UN5 in nous Hypercholester:&emla and Arterial S k 1; .1 in Rats as Affected by -nrolonged lati, d of i the Central Nervous Systenio by 'Al e.6 ilova, 3 PP- WE U~ 4r Dok Ak Hauk SSSR Physical Chemistry. vcia N' ,r6 Mar Apr:Ll 1964, PP 985-987- CB Sc j ogiWc. Wtemination cn f1tutiary Prohactiu in bt a Ein W -fo. by S, E. Levins, Ea pp RI 3 LAN~ I~er,, ~Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Physical tj:r; Vol CLV.. No 4., Mar Apr 1964.. 89! CE ~C,:L ~5 ffie Q of the n "Shinins Rim: when Using Lint msckO Sera* by. Yu. No ZtibzhitskiY., 3 PP- WSS 1: 6r., Dok Nauk SSSR, Physical tri Cm Ivol CLV., No 5 Mar Apr 1964., 771 o' CB Problem Y66 M. ZbUdd" I Val CLVI a al -ITAI )O;ant Groups, by S. E' ahad.-e, R X SI W, )qr Doi:: Ah Nauk 5-jv Math, ;v IDI 1., Pr 1003-1005. funer Math lioc Sov Math- Do'Lla -1y T! Vol V) C A4g 04 Th~coi-y of Volterra 1ntcC.;raI lquaUions.. ~ex! !~Jan, 4 pp. Dolk AAJJ NaWc S'SSM, SOv Math, voi 5.p 1964, p loo6-1cosi. Amer Muth Z;oc Sov Math-LoklaJly Vol V, No 2 Sc~i Aus' of Prwdlnity I*j'pac:er,, b- Olei ljl~ov, It PP. I, !i`, Dok Ak Nauk OSSR), &jv Math, Ycl CLV-, o14-1017- i~ il-96 rp 1 hner Math Zoc Sov Math-Doldady Vol V, 7,10 2 uxtion of Lipschitz Sleces, by S~i! er', If PP. M., Is it i- '7bv Matli, Vol. C1,V,',o Nauli 3,9 "R, Duk Ak 06' Amr I-lath ~~oe Sov Math-Dok-lafly Vol V1 No 2 Alig ilAd of Controned-System Bmtbnis,, by iskil, 3 PP - iriDoi Ak NaUk SM.. Ptq�6cs )I OLVp No 5,9 Avr 106A., pp 1022-1a24. Amw Inst of Phys Boy P hys -Doklady Vol ix" No 4 of, Cae CUss of Discrete Self-Correc- 8 by 0. Mnmko 3 PY. js;~Dak Ak Xauk SSMj. Physocs Section, L%Lv 51 0 Avr.1964, PP 1025-1028. Avwr inat of Phys Boy Phys -Doklady Vol Ix NO 4 Absolute Stability of Automatic a. diwj~vlth~kbbctonic Clarecteristl= of imin's'ptj, by Ta. Z. Tvypk1n., 4 pp. Doi BAIL Ikuk MRv Physics Section., 16LVII 0 5p Arr 1964., pp ice9-1032. Aner Inst of Phys Bow Phys-Doklady Vol IX No 4 3. 263#129 1 , I I ~ . h . - 1 - 4. - i-11 .. - -1 ~. . ~1-17`lw 1-7 p . " . I I II I T'd MY* * to ~ 11 ~' I i I i"; i : n; I' i~!. 00 by, 4 k ihm~yv Vol CLIVO No as 1 It *WmI Waves in Chain Structures,, by 3 VP - Ddi'Ak Itauk SSSRv Physics Sediong Vi 6 5v Avr 19".. PP 1042-1045. Amer inst or pbys Bow Phys-Doklady Vol II.. No 4 'Calau2atift Of lktrJLx IMammbe for V,"tor ftrbialft,, ty A. A. Bogmh,, vinj 3PP- Dok Ak Ikuk SM, Ph"ics Section., 0 5,, Apr 1964., pp loh6-1(*g. Amw Imt of Phys Sov Php-Doklady Volk Ix.. No 4 State of Two-Electron Atorrs and M. Ermolaev, 17. B. Sochilin, 41, pex, Dok Ak Wauk SSSR, M-,,sics '12 Vol CLV, No S. Apr 1964, m. 953. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Ph,,,s-D(*,lad,, Vol IX, No 4 'gfeL -t of Nickel cn the Colk Brittleness . Petr*it by Ya. I. Sp,-ktor, B. I. Sarrak, ~t a , 3 pp. S$, Nq per,,Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, P..ysics c'n. Vol CLV, No 5, Apr 1964, pp i0511 iu576 It Arrer, Inst of Phys Sov PhN-.,-Dcl-,lad%l i Vol IX, No 4 G.LVO stilt te#mtion and Differentlation of Ilec- S by;X. A. Rosemblat., 0. G. K"atk:inj, Dak Ak Ikuk BOOR., Pb;ysias Section., 5 Ap 1964, pp 1066-1069. Auer Imt of Phys Gov Pbys -Doklady volix; NO sai Al A ~11 3s: 5,P talloorganic Compounds with Si-Si- i-Ifg-Ge Groups.* by B. S. Vyazankin., Zuihmvp E. N. Glad�yshev, T. G. I 5pp - per, KkIW Nauk, Vol 5,p 1964) yp 1105-LUO. 1-64-18sh6. 322 j, 31L h, e am of the Disocklution of Zircordum S~iuti6ns tof Flucwides., A. dillmanj Ya. M. Kolotyrkin, 4 pp. 1*rj Dok Ak Nauk SSM Physical u h, t h h PrY Vol CLV.- No 5.. mar.. APr 1964, 4158. B 5 . --- - ~t ~ ~. ~ ,III , , e .11~~adkly Rectification for an Electrolyte, 77 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sensitization of the Internal Photo- f 4 of~Cqpper Phemylacetylenide by Dyes., Myllnikov, A. N. Terenin 3 Pp. Ak Nauk BM,2kU Physical per . Dak try* Vol OLVs 110 5) 1964, Mari APr; 0 _U7 ip CB ci, hb~ O~rwtures and Gel Formtion in Isotatic ne., by N, Ya. Rapoport-Holodtsova,, MBc*&Msk&ya.. et al., 3 pp. per., Dok Ak Hauk SM, Mysical 6b trv Voi CLV., No 5, Mar, Apr 1964, ~p CB isci j the Caase of Thermal Death of c4s of Cold-Bloo&.-d ge 'A Isp 1by Ve IB. Ushakov, 3 Pp, IfitIper, ~ok Ak Nauk, SSSII Physical el stry, ~01~CLV, No 5., Mar Aprj, 1964, Ch CB SOO, I J4 k ~,~aii laud'Noradrenalin Cel-Is in the Porcine by Z. S. Katsnellson 3 PP- iu rj, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR'Physical r ~h Ist Vol CLVP No 5: Mar April 1964,, pp..1182- CB Au Of 21"Us oUbtl3.is Matants with a Defect in U By q* Fe Gaitzey 0. 7. Kochetkova., V.' Bibik0vRi 3 PP )w id jm..~ ier, Dok Ak Nauk SSW., P"ical ~Ch tril Vol 1 CLVp Na Mar Ipr 1964., pp 1184-1186 CB sol Mf re of I!i Sin 1e bliole-Hody Gamma- Irradiat ion on A6 r hao! by A. 1. Braude it pi).. I~U S N Dok A), Nauk SSSI,',, Bio.),hYsics, v: 5"0 1964, pp 1189-1101. Allu Iteration of the Cross-Striated U., Myofibrils with Shorteninp of the An.s Opt Disks, by N. A. Gab-.-lova, I, S. ~1~i il o6 12 pp. 'Au J)ok A Nauk SSSR, Biophysics, ~S, 1964, pp 1192-1193. CB ha Vo~ tt sitinng A ility o Adsor ed Carotene, issarov, V. A. Gavrilova, et il., 3 m). Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophysics, 1 15, 064, lip 1194-11,.)7. CB Ir t( f, tO i of Riogenic Amincs in the 71ectianism of it 0 1~ I iop-6tective Effect of histamine, by Ya. A6 P(PI) 1.~ Krichevskaya, et al., 3 pp. S! 111~ k 4, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Biophysics, pp 1198-1110. ~v ~l 15, 1964, C13 Afmdw Acid Coupwition or Silk I In I. 7Z' owl bAuced by Ana logs of the 36840!*f W and M, by A. S. Antonov pp Nouk OMg BlocheoUtry, vc an-ams No 5., i964., ppi2ol-12ok. CD iuii ~5 I khelTh"I After-wroct in soluti Of Z AqOosed ito. X-Irradiation., by V. N LU 1 2- B133~24kkvftp 3 PP. ',Dok Ak Nauk SSMj, BlochemUtry To, . 110 No 5,, lp6h., PP 1205- CB go It I ms ., 1208. 1 I TI i 7 o of Arsenic on Sensitivity ompoun" IP L* *M ?I b P Ki ~ . . ssue, nayev, y 3 IPP. j IDak ~Ak Nauk BOSH9 Blocb~wUkryo aft-Am 36 5, ig6h, pp 2209- I irsiblogical Significance of AbsC"Dticn er Vapor by leaves, by L. 11. B&x',hkin, 4s~ 4, per, Do Nauk SSSR, Botanical LV BS 1sci6 WYan-Jun, 1964 ~P Ivol c 1~1 6-2219. L CB Au 6 ne n Pictococcus, E. I f feci cE Light on Phosphorus ~btavcl by S. S. Baslavskaya, P Mc 4 pp. Byst~a temical N $pers Dck A,,Nauk SSSR , Bo Nain-Jun 1964, pp 1220- es Vol CLV CB 1223. Lsm 111~~njp in Resting Potential Of ~n* dual Nitella Flexills Cells d ~nso d by Liq%t, by (7. T.-Volkcv, 2 pp. per ,Dok Nauk SSSR . Botanica 1 ~u Sc* s Vol CLV-r~Jan-%hm 1964, ppl224-2225. CB i jAu~ 6:5 0 my of the Ekixea., Ratbits and Pikas Th tal t., *Iiimlift) in the IJght of New tA co N"e,~ntology and comparative morphology. be 3 Y67,o 3 rp. III Dok Ak Hauk SWRj Physical VO)i CUP no Mar ipr 1964., CB .Voj biolae of Cholesterol on the Structure and 'I, 1~! the Thyroid Glandp by M. E. Aspiz, 3 PP- j w., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR.. Physical Chemistry k iMar Apr 196-+.. PP 1230-3232. CB 6,a,dIso-by 6. 0. Oftenko. 16 Val CLTV No 30 Cie 7:7 264,996 a, I ion (I PrO VaO ~rol 6r the Correctness of Cmc-Mionsional ms,for !kyperbolic .153yatems, by ~Y; 3 pp. tr, tb k Ak Nauk- Lo-.- ImlaUl, 196h, pp 1247-1:?4~). ~Fieber Problem: The Existence of ons in the Algebra of Sufficient i~s bY A. M. Kagan, 0. V. salaevsluy, 3 7:TI. bok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Math, I ~vj '1964 It p 5., pp 1250-1252. kwr Math Soc Sov Math-Dolrdady Vol V, No 2 E: c qLct rtlue of the Paley-Wiener Constant, b~- I. Kad~ :1 3~p. IRUS., Dok Ak Hault SSSILI, Sov Math, *01 q 9 pp 1253-1"54. 151 64) Id. Amer Aath joc :~ov Math-Doklady Vol vil NO 2 ~ci g 40~ Bdtween Finitely-Projective and 1 ~:- active Classes of Models, by .,kiy, 3 pp - L ~r, Dolt Ak Naxd,~ SSSR., Sov ?,Iath, 64, pp 1.255-1257- vi, 5, 19 Awer Math Soc Sov Math- DOLIULLy Vol V. No 2 Aq A IN an zed Homogeneous Test Ir. the %-hranc- iiis I p ~emjp by Ju. V. Linni.k,, I"'. V. &-manovb1dy, 3 p Dok AIL va"- sssR., sov 14at1j, ~,u 6; ig6h pp 1262-1,2164. Amer math soc Sov Math-'Dok-laay Vol v No 2 the Scalar P:mduct of Heclix's r 63 ~WO Quadratic Fieldis., by B. ' Moroz, IP ~r, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, ik-v Math, 1 6., 19611~j PP 1265-1:267. Amr Math Soc Sov Math-Doklady Vol V, Ilio 2 isci !Ale yn~s ils Vith 0=11 Prinet Divisors, by 11m,* a., 4 pp. it., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR;, Sov Mathp Vol C1,111 196. pp Awr Math Soc Sov Math-Doklady Vol V, No 2 ia~i Description of the Stressed State 'by V. A. Somaklms 3 PP. P!Vok Ak Nauk X SM., Physiew Section, 61 Aw 1964, vp inh-1M. Amw Inst or Phys Boy Phys-Doklady Vol ]XI No JA