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Premturiu Separation of the Placenta and Bilateral Corbical Nearosis of the Kidikeyp by Hermann 14 pp. ARABICp per., Haref%wh,, Vol Up No 6,, 1958, pp 145-150. SLA 6o-10943 Sc i am, vain, No6 Sep 66 '/";~ W/" g02'ZI in d (I Agroo-m;irstay by ill t DrYing Vatted WAtar Wtuatose of the Wp W%Ur-Awel Camrstwo AtUr jujjtLj""caO tw a. G. w"bwftv X. S. "Vrm-ln. 'Im IMUM V"v 23ok Raftas No 6p ]09g, Mn LW m.130 TimjAV-F:Lfth Scientific Pract4cal Conference of Oriwan Physicians on Climatothcraphy Pim-ibletwt by Ya. H. Bl"h1taklyp V. 0. Bo)wha, 6 ylp " FOMIM,; per, Yoprosy Wrort Fizioter i Lech Fl,z Bhlltu-ryj, Ho 2, Unz-Apr 1961, -pp 162-161,-~ JFM, 9755 Auk; (31 leareft 4c so NMA-umbas Faft or a Ong"* tw to A* Ifteal"s Zia FPO *' ,,"' .?, e "--, , "" 3whim" sa 3* 6? 3bo*.U6 2baox7 of Belix-Coil Trrnsitions in Blopolymrs., The Helix-Coil ft-L-noition in Poly"tide ChLlm Under loud, by T. Bin*itein. R=Ulj porp Wqkmo3.ekuXwm& Soedigno Vol 4p So 4j, 1962,, Pp 12-W5 CSZW/no 689ci --S 17 Fc, sci JU 67 335,001 Theory of Acchanochemical, Phenomena 1. Proximal Polyclectrolytic Forces, and U.-chanochemistry, by T. M. -girsht4n, V. 1. Voroblyev, et al, 8 pp. - ---t- ltus$l,jvq, per, giofizika, Vol VA,, No 5, 1961. CB sci Sep 62 21U,400 'LntomTrT2 Rcttti-n in Polyner Chatno 01-1 7.nir llllb~rsicel XV13LT. &-r-inotrev, or ixotacti T6 MrMilzyr., A. 9 var, VYBOXcnol Soved1n, Vcsl 1, 110 1959.- pp pp 6 X! Lr InL"-rnal Rjatatica in 01' by T. I,". and 0. D. PtItL7a) 11 1,1). SUESL411, Tc',Ji 21-2.) Vol "rc-"~*tl-., pp S)Ov Plflys-lllnl~)l Vol IV, j,-.() 7 6o; Internal Rot4tion Im Folyvar Cbalm and Their Rhysical Properties. 1K. Averep Optleal Anisotropy ot PQ3q1*dbvdWUnwo by T. M. Birshteln.0 14 pp. 8=9101 Prs zbw "kh Fla., Vol XXVIII., so 4P 1~68v Ipp M3-826- Amer Inst of Phys Wv = - Tech Phya V" PKok Jim 59 70 21 I91te=al Rotation In Polymer Chaims and Their PhySical Propartiw. XI. Stretchin8 of Botatabie- ISCItOr Mal and Yre*4 Linked Polymer Chains by !r. IN(. B pp. RUSISIM$ perp Zbk Thkh JrIzj Vol XXVIII, no 11, 1958, PP 9493-25M. Awr Im t of Fh" Sov Mys - Tech Phys Vol ni, NO 11 scl - phys yd" 71106~- Jai 59 Cw, .Llc. viny., U. Or DiPO Vc- lrd 0. 13. 1-0 r 611' Zl,,Ar pp ,.,r-! Tv, vel" ffirahteya, T. M. and Ptitep. 0. B. MTN AR"libHmip wrivEEN mE MI-.HL0- SPECIFICrry tN POLYMERS AND 7m COMMINIS OP POLYMERIZATION. (196016p. 38 refs. Order from LC or, SLA m1$ 1. W pld 1. 80 6l-l(k3$9 Trans of V sokmxAekWyarnyye Soyedinenlys (USSII) 1959, ~. I rno. 61 P. 84645t. (Cheml stry- -Orgmi4c, TT, Y. 3. w. 5) 61-1=9 1. Polymers- -Molecular Kructtwe 2. Polyrnerization 3. Stereochemintry 4. Title: Stereompecificity 1. Birs&eyn. T. M. 11. Pdtayn. 0. 8. 000".Vr..W~J S-A-. iA?W .%M~ slo:r o * lp~, -.4 0. 00. oev;I!Popq dw~-.& - p Dw-lld-ol P- ,P,P,o , otsew- -* q ,a 0, ~ 6#6 ou Sov dsw.;,%~p 0, .10 'o. 40 ~~ I IL Wiwi WoU *O"M# %W Tas AoN~WdIUL&- MOU Zwt. Abot Nauk WMp ZkM. =1116m$ Jw 50 M 3A3 UP* a 1M- "L-W) smithIM3040'm Miw 63 (NY.J4,100) Vori;jcaj ZonalLty in the Distribution of Deep-sea Fauna, by 1. (1, Vinogradova, Ya. A. Birobtayn, M. Ye4 Woogind0vt 43 Pp. 'U;" 87. Z JVW 5765 jam 61 -.0bxbmklL T46 AL FALAMMEMOKM M4ANENKS GIX ET SIR. PW AND SOW FACKAW OOHMNDIG WE IMAMW AND UM ZODOMMAMY OF IMXC" Catma%ca" (UKWODA) (ftbwopbrmaW ZoosM*ndU Flovnonoglkh Rokoobraznykh 40 Ma helm". 25 rds. Chr ftr NUM E= or VIC $1. o1 63-261,062 (UNR) isoz go. & P. -a ERKMWIMR OCraftmoM ftlameabow- 63-2M2 1. Dhvbwtm6 Ya. A. U. DTC-21 M. Dodsh Traasbdma Ckstre. Rtmo ($a* Sckom--Go*a. Tr. v. 10. am 10) INN so Ifth&d jov am me me SGIM14"Gh 1960 Rsnu.~i' f! of this Dvalm1110 13,81'. Akuded,11 Nauk; SSSR. h-Wky Imstitut Ok-muol6gii, !Lt 129-131. TM Ph"NUIlk I Ulmodited. U-amslatiou by Georfe Rabobevieb7p April 214, 1961, 40-47 In transXation titled rkoerpte IN-am Biological studf., by *71tyas' In the Paoiflc Ocean", avail, from U. S. reological Swolvey, Paloomkology and Stratigraply 1krandbp Washington, D. C. hoism - Dopte 0 Interior lAbruTp Wash!,ngton, D. C.1 or from Riol. lab*, Kro Seattlep Washington. O'191nr;1 Article ',",heckeo tDc-4776) IAv AloUstArovich ZaWavichp by Ya. A. -Dirshteyn,, 13 pp. RMUI.. pr.. PpUetiul Mookovskogo ObsWbostva,, OWOI Diologichooklyp so 6, IM-9, pp 141-147. JPRS 6601. use Bios / 3 F.,, 4: 3 / s41P./6o (NY-4loo). qualitative and Quantitative Characteristice of the Deep-Sea Bottom Fauna of the Ocean, by L. A. Zealtovlchp 0- M- Belyeyevt Ya. A. Bitshteyu# Z. A. Filatova) 61 pp. FWSSIM, bit, Itogi Mauki, 1959~- JM 5321. Scl - Geophys., Oceanology lei Sal) 60 .-YA--.A.-(S-m .0#4511cAl-OVA.AYA c. Ai o Ircl .2 V'? Mas be h nLib of Congress in Englich /7 4 Pelagic amunarids (Awj*IV*ft, (kmwx-ides) of the NorthVest F"im OM=jv 'by A. DIrsteln, K 3.1 FVMM0 "rp 2mdtr boUtvft 01memolo0i;j Ak Hank MMt Val I= v 290a pip IM94M. Plaberi" Maimweb Board of 7 D"JAAML station 4m Cm NO 953 SOL - Geowftm Oft &L 61-22477 birstayn, Ya. A. and Vinogradov. M. Ye. PELAGIC GAMMARIDS (AMPHIPODA. GAMMARIDEA) 1. Title: Gammarlds OF TIM NORT11161IS17 PACIFIC OCEAN (Pelagi- I .Birateyn. Ys. A. chesklyc Garunavidy (Amphipods. Garnmarldea) Se-rcro, 11. Vinogradow. M. Ye. 7,sludwy Chasti ri"o Okeana) tr. by R. E. Focrater. 111. FROC Trans - 253 1959 101p. 29 mfo. FRBC Trans. SLrica no. 253. IV. NRCC C - 3626 Or&-v from NR(X rnl$1.00. ph$10.-%O NRCC C-3626 V . Fisheries Research Board of (;anadA Trans. of Akadem:,.ys Nauk SSSR Institut Okcanolq;it. Trudy. 19,58, v ;!I. Ii. 219-257- DE.SCRIl"MRS: *Aquatic animals. *11a, in, 1 1, am (Barth Sciences - -Oceanography. TT, v. 6. no. 1) k&A L 114leent Progreso of Pressure Rydxoganation- X)Albydv:f ri6evat, Ion (D-8-D) and of trcwtized Cvackim,g.. by UoMyd Dixtblp-r VXIW)tp perp Die Bergmimdumic FY*ibivrg Forach A BoTgbau,, Wo 17., 1953P pp 29-37. Deprt of Interior TNT B57 No 250 14ad.liam Pri~.;aux-e Ilydrogenatim Refiuin-,~ GO'll Tar Uidali.- Ulu With the JUd of a T~2~n by Riebtwd XMskbsK.DLrtbIcr, EnIn 11-ntlofi', SAOUL, 4) pp. Gaw"Ll per) it Chemische "Peclutik, Vol X, Nu 2) i953, Pp 75-78. SIA 59-15822 SCI, Doc 59 Vol 2, No It li~gmgitrmtloa of "Iy AsVuatia Petroleum arul Ttw at HaOam Pream=a in a Ccmbimtion Converter AnueordlxW t6 the Var&s Process; by Rich&rd G.IMW;p per,, Irdoel und Woble,, Vol W-ti, !,-u 2, 1,9591, vp 71-77, Dopt of Interior TH 'T, 9 57p No 's 3 Sol - rualsp MIA/mat 00 / latest Results of Hydrogenating mod Debydrogenating in the Area of Medium Pressure., by Richard Birthler. GMWN.j perg Chem Techn, Vol VIII, May 1956, pp 266- 2-j10. Dep. ttrior of Ninei Sci - Chen Apr 51B af Iluclcur l!crc=ch,, by V. -A.. $ 1 P.- RUN.Up.p I - 4rd 4k . Mmuka I 'ghlim I., No 10 M6o pp U-3A, Set Mm Lib Ho 56/0857 Scl, - Nuclear Physics 5~1. 9,$4J ~l or maw ftwplm~~ w 16 a. allawk $ftL MNMML*W M&P 0 fit I%Ml, I i . I i4 4m 1001% ~, I I: I R"Ito9o 2 -FETY OF MOTo"N VEhlCLL TRAFF I C (:Y A. K. UIRULYA PFI. - - --- .-I - RUSS I Akl~ .PER, AVT(Y~'.Offl L I HYYF DORW I No ':1j 1-62., PP 1-2. ipiRs 1, ussi:! ECOM DEC 6E 21 -;J12-11 i I cmmg w 26 ~ At of mem-Rialld q I motal-losal F A* ILO alfulya, i 0 bko WILT" 6 aasdwt lkm d~ on -M 3" Poo $5114 s4ti-aw 40" " 38104S& Tramlation cC Appemded to Roade Frcr- Lac" ftterlaUq. A.-K. 31=4rao 19 pp. I MMUIS b3;,p i~*& Mocovp M5, pp 128-137. Sol Mm Lib 32 56/1109 , / ry- um t5f .4 acoa .. V Phane DlEagrqua of the T-itsialum-Palladium Systen-, A. A. Itudnitskiy, N. A. Birun, 4 pp. P RUSSIAN, pa.r, 2hur Neorg Xhim, Vol V, No * ig6u, 1?1) ?4-0-24zi- S-ci Cleaver-Hume Preas se. P61 A Sounitive and Selootive Photcaistrio Wathod of Datersdaing Tit"ium by Means ot Disulfophonyl- flucrone, by V. A, Nazarenko,, E. J., Biryuk, 3 pp. RVSSljUf, por,, Zhur Anal Rhin,, Vol XV, No 3, 1960, pp 30$-310. ca / i~ ez 2- `7 X Sci Aug 61 %be A3rj;.UtuALcm of TMWdrcs7Mun)om Wrivativ"s In ftbUmvU14 Analplaa DotdmdmU*u of setaumv by h. A. Blrp* wd T.. A. Naxammko.. 6 pp amma prp sbw Aul Mftt via x1va lb 3; 19590 w OW-30, eassatmau DOWU selolmm Jun 60 per 4~rnur. PX.Lu court" ton of Vanadium by Ymns or li L014 'by V. A. N"A"nkoj, Ca%4*t4a Meat "r.0 =z% Ow Awl M" Vol xp NO is IV"# VP W-3L* CIA D 151314 A~" M1013.0-tiou. cou"Itanu Dmvau modBU7 as 6811by 55 -4.0 ;102"r OPS -/ J.-:411kA c(r) Ill, of 1~0-1-j:'Ivzpor ~'-:vnlap ., - " . . torn 1.1.1 A Theorm on the Mdateaw of QuQuipariodic Bolutiona of Some &$*Um of NcuUnew DdLffereutlal Zqmtims Wit-b $maU ftrwmteres by 0. mmims thrice-M pars, Dok Ak No* 6=,, Vol Xffl,, Igo is, X"14k, VP 5-7. 20960C 346" 40 -Not Pbp lAb of Mia soleatifu - watbawtice W" I Ida Rd Now Delhi-29j, M2dia Sevea Minutes Aloft,, by V. Babkin, Al..Biryukoy 8 pp. RU&SAAN por Avlato I Kosmonavtikm4 -R-o- 7-, 1093. 9691282-V FOR OihcDA~ USE ONLY HE off FTD-ST-63-7 Sl Feb 64 250,696 A Theoretical Determination of the Oscillatory 14otion of a NK Winged Rocketo by A. Biryukov, Is pp, RW$AAN.t per& Is Vysshikh Udftb Zav*d, Aviats Tokho No 20 19610 pp 3-16. 10673082 PTD-TT-62-477 SO, - I*gr, Aero A//,, 0 71 Sep 62 Results Achieved by the ftobalcol Banitation Indus Ury DarlAg " Mmw. Yeors cor - Goyea-Year F3 am bW A o. A. R- IqLAWNYP 11. A~", awo 7 ap - L p 76 4 ftn Tab So 2. RUB"" pw Vadookod"t 1963,, IP 3- IC93, so %* 4" so -g ftg Tri ArmW *9 Swviae Um zbm ?, CP,7 al 63 Iota) BlectrIc SV&rk Metbod or Producing and Repairitig ftrglne Dies, by H. N. Ulitin,, A. A. Blr7ukov,, 15 pp. RIPSSIO mo per,,_111M~Lz, No % Moscow, WY 1953a pp 21-21. CIA/FDD/V-511.3 U&SR ~;; 0 7/ Ecoll PLAuziag ""cir Msiolagical O-ciance, by D. A. Bi Wc-av, k pp, I RWS lo, pmr,, tit Zhur W3R in I - 14. Sec nenov, V01. )IV,, No 1.. 1959, Pp 3-6 - ftrpXmon In-pt Sol - ~kd Juk 59 //,, /'v-s mo& of A"tan or Pawtvatin ftdiation m +jN-, NOrwous Optamp by D.. A, w4awv" 5 pp. WBSrMp per.. rim zb,. =a i-mmi amellenova., Vol XLIIIP NO 7j IR570 pp 636-641. Perguma Press S" - Fb,"Ica Jul 58 New T'"ks ror Physiological Science in the U40it of McIalona Takem at the June Plenary $is.-jgjjozj cif tho Ctztrdl Cemittee of thr., Comm- rAiat Pm-l;y of the Soviet Uniou, by D. A. Bir3h&ov,, 4 pp. puro Zhur S13SR 1-n-mi T. M. Beictionova, Vol XLV,, No 100 1959., pp 1173-1175. Fergamon Preus at low lbow or Berlas -AAb la at vw Bf ra or c A=CU :;~- A.. SIVINkWo 5 JW - ftwm4mooi moloos too, ifis mw so Val )=I, so it i9o) I PUY*Iologiftl Reaftrah D:Wuw,v# 5 pp. ...... - "., in FLOINdo by D. A. RMIMO verb "a aw am in I. M. seahenovap vo~ Xt&j, we ips iVAs pp 380-M. pwrosum Ust ftL - *6 Aft " F-a 121-9 ." / &%." r Sotes on the Evolution of Excitationj, by D. A. Biryukov, 2 pp. HUBBIM,, port Fix Zbur SM lammi I. M. Seche- nolml, Vol yo 447-476. Pergmmon Institute Scl Ned N5.V 5D 41, ~,~Ze -"D D .2: 1 Ti'le Comparative Phyulolog~r Ll;l:a Ci~u4iticined Rof lexea., by D. A. F, i 3 6 PP IqIjc-z-IrLII;' blito per, Zhur Vy6shey rt'(Stellnostlt Vol f, , No 4. MoLcu-4p Jal/Aug 5 3 c -1 A IFDD, S-11559 Problemm Concerning the Cerebral Cortex and the D. A - alryukp!, 9 pp. (DC -215 5) InterreIntion P4~tveen the Internal Organe., by per, Fiziol Zhur SOR, Vol XLII, tic) 2, Moscov, Pleb 1956, pp 142-1118. US JPMI/DC-L-875 Scj. - Medicine EVOWT 144 Cf THLI N I GHM NERYW$ ACT I V I TU AW PSM11C.S. BY D* A. BIRYL")VO 2-1 PP. 14 s Klis PRIMA* VOL L$ 140 9v IgUi, pr=9 0 'm 16399 SCI o t4VD JAN 63 ei8,68b Is Telepathy Scientific?, by D.A. 14 pp. RUSSIAN., Swr, Vest Ak Modik Nauk sm., voi xixNo 1, 1964. JMS 24, 638 Sci May 64 "q ~3-~ 4 '!~g (DC-21h2)' Data on the Problem of the Effect of Penetrating Radimtion on Central Inhibition., by D. A. ukov.. Biry 15 pp. bk. Prdbl4w P"-iol Nentral, Nervnoy SiSteMy.j MD9COW,/Leningrad, 1957, Pp 71-83. Wu JPMADC-L-SW Set - Metticine 71, 'T 17 ft Im - --. .. at at .. or cc go IL SsdmW - I MUML awn"& go 9o001616 p W 16 A* !~~ F. V. va"Wevo 20 W+ vw~M ~ 0 Ip w solkloo"s cat so SLO zo IV 10=10- lwb a" a ad Or " g, oz... j *~-, -XI (pw 245eT) The Ninth,, Moslon OC the Acadepw of Me"ca Sci*W" OW Otv4A% the Problm of Inhibition,, by 44 VV. MMZWP Omlvk vap mmd pApat so so., ea-25,, ma"WO 11 or 105) p R. , ClAft) Tr 419 ma IV 9t -OP 4~;~j j 'd? 00,101- Sol - %Aidze - CM 68/lby 55 62-15M Biryvkar, Lx A. FORTY MRS OF EMRIMENTAL MEDICIM IN 1. Title: Paylov's teaching TIM USSR AND TVIS ROLE OF PAVLOWS TEACH- 1. Btrp*m, TI A. M IN ITS DEMA)MIENr (40 Lot EkWeri U. RM-S-2D mental'nal Meditsiny v SSSR i Rol' Udhmdys M. National Institutes of 1. P. Pavlm v Ee llmzvltfl~ l3p. 3 refs. RMT S - X Health, Befteds, Md. Order from M or SIA $1. 60 62-15M Trans. of X3.irdchmkaya Meditatne (USSR) 1957 (v. 351 no. 10, p. 92-99. c DESCRWMRS. *11alhology, Physiology, Etiology, Im i e a di d h c n e cm remearc . Discases, Mo SmIet puftlogical physiology has tranderred its the C"Ogy main foms of attenticin frim, LM shady of -d the otudy of the pedsogenesim. tMt im6 to a shady ot d mecbmidsom of disco" processes. Potw decadles ago, nvxKcim did m la-m at its V- even ft ekam l (Blolatical Scienceit - - Patfology. TT. w. & no. 1) "1- *, To"00 woo" over) ( by D*~ A. 91L Vp- Of rivaolo"s mmufto pwo fts ow ~ luml 1. K. s"bwamp "I 3=0. 3b To AM# w 71T--~Mo- PW Imu old go, P" jklx!;a e; 4, rgr-/- i-,~ Lh;! in Y. U. Pol svyati, JPRS 2,~2-11 S The Use of Pneumtic Wedge DeviceS for Drilling.. by B. A. Diryukovs, R. Z. HakWlevich. RUSSIAN, perp Soft Khoz Val X]Xllp No 3.2j. 1954v PF 9-13. T(mb and Ccamercial Tr X2 2135 Spruce Street.. Plailadelphia 3. Pam. Scientific - Nngineering plue~ Cm 'M/Dec 55 el/ TT-0-32505 F teld 61). 5 F Illryukov. B. V. A DISCIWSION OFTIIE PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEW OF 1. Joint Publications Retwarch CYBERNETICS. lU4ep(,S,7p. J111t.$-32011. ~%itxhlngton. 1). C Order from C Pirl, HLA. or RTC: IICSI.00. NI VS0.50 as TT-65-335D5 I Trani. cd Alcmic-Inlyll SSSR. VeMnik. v35 n7 p99-102 19-65. Availablo o:-1j) %ill not -,wrinit fully Irgible rrproduction. Cybometics, '11iought, Life, by A. 1. i~erlp, 6. V, Bilyuk -et al. - .-Lay, EUSSIAN, bl~-, Kibernetika 1964, pp I-Sil. Sci Nl'isc Feb (is 11yS111CIIiNIC 7jjjZhjj' 'JOSCOW, Conference on Philosophical Problems of Cybernetics, by U, V, Biiyukov,, 11 pp, W--~"~ RUSSIAN. bV., Problemy Kibernetiki, No 9, 1963, JPRS 21446 Sci Oct 63 ~) Ll / - CC? 6 am m I -- M-1 a f %I or I-Ijf f 60 .. - -, #Im- am Lowlto Va xvis loot 00. NZ vo"=141*1 an 11* IKI * OU No is w3s;W 'i'Lo i,u;liu Uf llbYBiulG6IrZL6:~ the r.A.itt D"ttsimn of -Uie Twonty-Pinil. Cojigrettia 0:1~ tbe Commuist, Party of the Sov-'.-t U1,10Ms bY I:,. i'l).-Yukovi, 5 PP- YfO ~.'Izialcr, nur SS T? I-ncni n lib-', XLV, No 5, -1959, r-p 513~.-:-,17- 1102-A", n Pre S;~. SA jwl 60 F" All-UMain Cmferonw on Vaterlmry I /.,"I Vl"*Wo by M. F. Soms D.Ya. at a PPO rNUSW44, ygglaNgm w0 Avg. W-1123-126. ` I JJP-FtS 26,51r, ~k-j - B & M Oct,o,l 267,927 np6riienae With a Tmael IUlnjq by U. A. bitkov. UMIL RVIIIJIM, Ilers Stekla I KersmIkaj Vol YIj 10 Zj 19450 p 35-- DGIR LW X.1196 (loan) M - 2131p, TO 60 JOE S '7--5' 71.1 Under the Flag of Now Yorkp by I.- Biryukovp 5 PP RUSSL,Uf,, np.. Komsomol'skaya Pravda,, No 201., Moscow., 27 AuguAt 1956 US JPRSIIDC-22o6 USSR sociolo6ical Nov 58 (DC-28W/57) IAQCWtOUt blfttt4rr~ fOr ftrtY Oral=, by 1. Ziryukxw, 5 pp. RMZUV apt SontakLy fttriats No 75j, is Bev 1960.- p 2. im awr um I~CQ IZ47 poi 7 Apr 61 N'ew lHata (m. the Occurrenco of 1.~wmsal Fauna in I)cpozits of Arals Strrita, by "... N. Biryukov S pp. .1 . 1P i i por, klesulk A Anuk Kazuikskoy .,. 0 No 12, 1962. lop 77-79. CIA/FDP X-5243 Sci - Bial 14 Acd Oct (is Wx .action of Antixuorty by ElectvoLyslu 170~, -3 r of Antimony Thio Salts, by N. D., Riryukov. 9 pp- 'RUSSUN, for, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XM . No 5, 1962, pp 1048-1056- CB Sol Apr 63 ea-2 6 *7j I'll R.eioiarity o~' the .7, AM-tr-1405,4 61- Itifluelme of Addition of XKKW Aulphuric Acid to Chromic Aeld uion Oxyrwduction Procesues in Cbrawlism Pluting., by X. D. Diryukov, G. X. galikho vi UMMM, per, Karrosion u. 9ftellsebutz, Vol MI, ~Irutcher Traseq Order No. 26449 go Scientific - Min/wetals Ladle TmixwnVGf f"1 With Slos.o by M. I. ILLru w. rs Uobeb 60 ILP o N 0- im 6D14 Dut A met 06t ~P, SI&nthetIc TltamUeratw Smd,, Cbern. NbULI, I 'Ciiic I'l., Of Sit, Av J. at Usftl4i; Renultfi of Calculatimg tate Grcwth Rate of Allantic nnd Scandinavian herriags for Ochoalz and Fo~- Studyl:4; i~UFrziticia lloutna, by N. P. RZY581101, pe:r, Voprosy Ilchticlogii, Ho of' Int-.~rlcr of Scl InvoOtIgillitima Into tba by 'a, S. on 1);~=11boutarlp P, 0 or ." IA" Tlrt I "T 60.5 ',)Conn 69 ftoct of yuLzov, E-111w t all, a "oro 22 Divertor of the -.t;irius" Stollarator, Z':y (41, It. Ifiryukov, A. V. C;"rjtyevskiy. Ru.44-1AIN, rpt, .34 pp. PY Lt- Kov- Aak 6V, 3S 7, 3 N't nf the Anodmic Counc-t nf D3~stiUite of Nucliar 5% PIP. P.19-30LAP., per, Atumnaya Enerstya, Vol )0:, uo -.1, 3411P i.961., p e6l. XIII Seesion of the Learned Council of the Joint Institute for Ikelear Research, by V. Biryukov and R. Lebedmv, 6 pp. RMIM~ perp Atom Energiya) Vol XIV) No 5) 1963., 502-504. CB Sci jun 64 .->61,4o4 (SF-iQ,I3/a) !Untb Session of the Scientific Council of the Joint R.-w1enir Reseamh Inatitate, by V. BdLryukav, a PP. FAMAXAM, Ipw, Atom Omit No 3j 1961x -UP 2WO-285. ipm 4929 :1101 .., MUO'sar Pb" /~. ~ -/,J';7 ,-~tp e.4. Heat. Treatment of Cutting Tcx)ls with Righ- Frequency Currento by V, Blr3 kov and A, RIMSIAV,I, paq Derreoper i L--!3c)khim PrcaWehl, Vol Ill, 2o 1956~ Pp 3-6, CSIRO--33i6 S c. 1, Aua 58 4~7 7o~ lwl 1~z (I ly-~00,)) REPOR-i CIN NIZI-INlY TAGIL METALLURGIC-AL IWIM.-DIl"C' XKLIY V. BIRYUKOV, PP. R'liSSIAN, 14P, IZVLSTIYA, 25 JAN 1:)u2. JPRS 1 ~aj,) 62 .IF4--4Qw ( D, - ",!-) ,-, c, " ) . "'.11th the All o' the Publir, 1) 7. ml-nikcv. prj, 'Sovet Patriot, I