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Laropsium &coamtc Cawammity Aid to Lolaune. Is pp. per, AMriatws liftLillas., 6russels, 21 !iarmh 68, pp. 143-150. JPRS 0,167 bara-Africa proveme in mAwk Africa Tvday.. bk 2mus L*Mkme, .~ pp- 14=4 per.* U**- A:rricatulm, Val 711 Ad,952,, 3 lkw " PPO I -Z. &~W 3"3 " Atrica-Zatts-Atrieft POI ion 66' e-st, fig. II. A Revolution in the Making,, by Ddle WqRme, 6 pp. FRENCH,Inp, Le Monde, Paris, No* 6129, 29 Sept 64s p 9* JM 27641 Africa-Congo Pol 272s,215 ~ Clues to the. Congoliese Problem I. "Provincettes" and Parasitism, by Eadle Lejeune, 5 FRENCH,, np, Le Honda, Paris., No. 6128,, 28 Sept 64., pp 1, 6. JPRS, 27641 Africa-Congo Pol 272,,214 The Coal Ter Phonols., by Michel By,, Guy L--Jeune,, 24 pp. FRENCH, per, Chimie et Industrie, Vol aDIVIII, No 6,, Doc 1957, pp 619-628. CIA/FM XX-471- sci - Chem JUIL 58 17 70- 70-13469-06P YjtRej,;-TurpIn, R.; Gauthier. M. MONGOLISM. CONSIDERED AS A CHROMOS0,161AL -FD DISEASE. Academle Nationale de Medecine. Parts. gr BulleM Y. 143, p. 256-265, 1959. Figs., refs. omitted. ou Order trom NTC as 7D-13469-06P: HC 6.70, MF $ 5. 80. 11%a Genetic Effects of Ionizing Radlation in Msn, bir R. Tkirpin, J. Lejeune) M. 0. Rethore, U pp. .Per., BI 0 1SIC.Luii;1a sik 1958, pp 571-579. AM KW Tr-17 Sel - Ned 10 Nov 60 List 45 1, a-Lc wn.- Z~ Firet gymm" Aberration, by Jerome FREXCII, ppr,, Ant! Genet... Vol :F. 1959, PI, 41 -4c WfAvy T-Y 317-3/n-!S 7" Jul 62 Reports" cn New YA*Awms Ta rL on the Irmtiers of Morcew *ad Timisla., by Maurice twr9es-W=OIX7., N= ~j;,eAmj, 5 PP. upy Le PILrUienp 13 Feb 195T, 3=1 to IR-235-57#OAM, Prime. ID 2040253 HI/A - Moroccoi Tunisft Millt=7 - AVr 1957 CW/dez Some Separationa of Ra&ioisotopes Usiag Ethyl- Enediaminetetraacetic Acid, by G. Dayckaertal R. ..WAwmr.-*-.5 pp. J'RENM., per.. J Chromtog., Vol 111, 1960, pp 5F-)'-6 Am AADc,/Tre-m -6 sci jun 61 / -..' ll:~ ", f //, Ilote on the b3fra Red Bpmta of Fawderop by R. I L-jeumj G. DVcbwrtfj . ~ - -A- -%-.& ---R MOMP P.-ILT# kft,, Vol Vl, Do 3o iM-hp pp ]A-2m. Cam) Be - va" out 61 / 713 4 7 .0 Angioter~slik., 5-Hydroxytryptamine and -Ut!~ P'-z~m"narj J/ Carlier, G. r Ir" Circulatiom In Dogs, by LeAarit, P,, Barac, 6 pp. FRKNCII, Po.-r, Soc Biol Comptes Rendus des Seances, 1958, Vol CLII, No 6, PP 1034-3-038. SLA 59-1-5490 Sci Oc~ ~'o Vol 2, No 3 Z'~, ;" IL~~. lillu," lql~l solo UNIFORMITY OF TESTS OF MEMEBER COUNTRIESP BY GOVERNMENT USE ONLY CEMENT STRENGTH IN CEMA L. LEJSEK, 12 PP. CZECH PERj STATVIVOI VOL XL, NO 11., 1962., PP 39~-4oo. JPRS 1-146 1 SCI E14GR FM 63 221,374 i I . k- . I v CDOWO IN #!,VMTF~~ I I w M-- -or -W. 2 L o I ="T MOPOO . .: t M;w- ~ - im""NIMO i~ cot~6 p0 I*& rp 14j". , . iwmnt% 0 $1, Im I on ri"7 *U, M*#173 9 (DO--2107), t)L t4d auality of C41, jsek, 2! pp-, w pur. stavil"o, Vol I=, F-- pp 44a-453- W J-IRS/M-L-743; 1.3ur Czachoslovskis Y-;,--on Cmrtruction mterials The 14ols of the Phoidatrician in Childrens by V. CUOIs I-erg ~tsk__Qtol!~~-ngv Vol I-p 172, HEW NIH 4-3-&J, Jun t19 scl,ovis for I~ejsi-a. 14, '.;o 3. Dt:-~-, L Coyintruction of Rsdio Relay System In Khrgh--'o, by K. N. Ananlyev, M. N. Ie4teino 6 pp. RUSSIANO per.. liektroavyaz',, Wo 10, Oct 1956. OBASIA.. Tr 905 USSR Econ Jun 57 :04 PAVowtUs at Almftlm RItrIAm '0464. M* o 000- MW6 M CCLVn* 9 -10 /*7, 046 soil I I alim Iml m (w ODWOMISU * (Aq 1&L-0 1 W,9453 I.-A V~o foruatim ut 4~,o a tt r, 2 A 62-10757 L 0 'ar'e 'nd Collongues, Robert. 1~ft'=ON OF AN INTERMEDIATE META- 1. Lejus. A. -M. srABLul PHASEJ~OURING THE DECOMPOSITION OP 11. Collonguos, R. A NdN-MICHIOMETRIC SPINEL. 11961][31p. 4 refs, ~ Order fnxn SLA;$I. 10 62-10737 Trans. of Acedlemle des] Scilences, Paris). Comptles Rendjusl (Prnncpl:) 196(X v. 251, p. 959-961 (pub. by Gauthler-Villars et CU.. Paris). DESCRIPTORS- ~Sploels, Decomposition. Phase studies. !Temperature. *Alumlnwn compounds. 2USt'370 Kbem-latry-Phisical. Tr. v. 7. 10) Offi" OfTe"CA Sw-A"S 1 1 i -MA. lk- 39%RP .01 Aw OWN=* imp wulw. I/ I- tr Mbk 4 ; I Wo 6 GrIvIr-m-&-a- AM-M ambpents inmoo Oftu ft.. t Cf-c ~ L c - L- c~- L, Be&-ftabo Two aw & mlor MW ja 69 , 3MirWo Lob" IL odbkw nM MOILEM OF UM NAWM OF =ANYL StL- PHATE SOLAMONS Mw 66 Osdo ftv= rM $1L OD TM =in 7AM CC lAbokamodbe M4eddy I ft pd~w 0=0 1*4 3, P. C-26. 1. LaImM )L IL U. osuatm L & M. rm-)G-us IT. TAMMUMN ad Tick" Lm" O&vAd&U--ftbmN TT. v. 11. m 11) Are Su*hl T-raining Sessions Nftessexy, by -A. --G~ I*kauoV.,, .3 pp- RUSSIM,, per, Vent Yoz Plata, No 3., 1.959, -rP 37-39. 64922-,-- ATIC MR Hil Sep 59 ~7 7 zl~~ -? .1 ElcctrOSIA9 Rem1ting of YAM1 Jbtv-lj, by E. K. Lommenho.o =Slfisj, Pero &MIM HVIONI, Vol 37., go 9. 196ki, yp 90-9L 01~5828.4 1965 (5616) Sci pug Gr 335s.825 Mbftuw mosaw PTO & .1 smoom . i I 4' I i ;,1 . ! i I :~ I,I ~ II i Transistorized Direct-Voltage Converter With Power Su4ly From a 60-Volt Direct-Voltage Souce, by D. Mlekarev, R. Ya. Putnaerglis, 7 pp. RUSSLCT,-,p-er-, Test Svyazi, N o 12, 19 6 3 3, pp 7, 8. J-PRS 23488 Sci Mar 64 252,647 Isaw koaOtters ~17 6 PW* am!& Jim* I 63 2f 116 917-xl~ Twn at nutw lletorim"7 sm"Ice ct thin iO~~i Anw* bar V. U. Uimvv. RMM& UP PW* TOWINUIOS., Va =j, No 28, Peb D WMA vp 3-9. usm Ir O's S wor 56 c2s/bu UNOL RVISDIC4 W'Do" PD 1"Wroiii i zr~shchite J*tallov; 19"1"3, 'Pl?' 9, 10. Z/ DSIR Im rfkE Od. aca - Chem$ DOP 59~ W-5399) PoUsh SuSar Plefts In Wosp t7 Jbrxy lakuwaki., 6 PMM16 1mvp PraegLed Tedb"myj, Val TMMIp No 25 Ow 19WP vp 10-12. F3 - China (NY-6507/3) Plant Bmed:wg Methods, by J. Leltczyaaka St. starzydd, 13 PP. POLISH,, per,, Wave Bolrdetwo,, Vol X,, No 5, 1 mar 1~6-1, pp 6-12. MRS 9966 13ur - Poland Been /01/1 (/ - - P., BMW he% li 4--- llulpw ---- An MUMUM *Bode tv A6, Jokbso=o 7 M Alasswo Mt Aeomm" anam"44 No 90 W90 ir - mwffid~ unime ms 4gg7g USSR Boon Nov 69 pb4--cw*dQ&j Urgft*~ PrObXmW In UA Prepamtion of Bt"mtsj * 2. A. po RMUM Pero, Ust VYM64W BbWlp No 9j, X959# 30-ifi- Intenal Art* anq fti IV*" sumt aftwouan Vol Ilp Ilo 2 Apr 6G hc Quoct--'Qz~ of thu, BtIvea Dist-ITcution i-r! ~~, tic Hg-LI!4P.-Plaw With Variable 91vic-Ac Ibduluk;; G. TAkhaitskAp 7 pp. yvr~ UsIvI ro Uprug 1. vp 6k CM Torsion af an Anlaotrapic Cunrcia bar, i'.;~ :>, ~ l4kbaltf 7 pp. f Al/ RtMIN, per, Prik Ywkh~ Vol X)Ptlv, No 3, 1-%,O~ PP 433-437- pp ftl mm 61 / 5- 71 / cP-2 Axisynmetric Deformation and Thriion of a Transversely Isotropic Cylinder Under the Act.-Lon of a Polynomial- Load., by S. G. Lekhmits 11 pp. RUSSIOTI., per., Prik Matemat i MeXh,, Vol X-XV, lio 6, 1961,, pp 1102-1109. PP Sci oct fm 62 216,038 On the Torsion of an Aaisotropic Rod by Forces Distribixt~ed Over Its Lateral Surface, by S. 0a. Lekhnitsiy.. 18 pp - IUSSIM., per) Fr:Uz Matemat i 14ekh., Vol M'y No 1, 19061. Pergamon Press Sci jui 64 263,526 An goon for a&uwoinuw BUM"" In an &NMI= Vblcb a i ~ rim" -w- -- cu-cows, bw a- a. a 36 Va 17a 1953 Obb 70 kmvOT6 Influ"as 6t do POSLUOM oil an 31liptLeat B610 cc/ Stnoj con6aftaLas in a strateWA Ortba"Le IPIate# by $1, 0, LakkaLt*kLyt V. V, Soldstowt 10 pp. goestmo pace Isw ZM MMAHUM L MWw*LuLmtEmRiya-' 110 1, 1961 o pp 3-8-P ALR/MAM,23-653-69 13 June so C112~- Some Cases of the Elastic Equilibrium of an t-D AnisotroPic Plate with a Noncircular Opening (Plane Probleal) v by S. G. Lekhnitskiy, 37 pp. RUSSIAN. per, Inzhenernyy Sborn L, Vol 22, 195S. pp 160-187 AIR/I'TD/IIT-23-366-69 Sci/'.Iech "ay 70 61-16155 I-Akhnitski , S. G. jrNf5bIt C-'PLATES. [19611 352p. 80 refs. Order from OTS Dr SLA $21. 00 61-16155 Trans, c( itiono. [Ani=ropnie Mastinki. Nloscaw, 1947). DESCRIPTORS: 4Metal plates, Anisotropy, Elastic:1tv, Beams, Rods. Structural parts, Defl,!iaicn, Su*cs j es Oscillution, Stability, Load distribution, NiechAnIcs, Sheets, Contems: Prdac~- Basic eqtuitions 0 the thwry of elasticity for in -.ml - $Otropic bW)' 'rne plane problvin of the theory of elasticity for a:) arilsotropic boJy 71te bending of anisorropic bearns and curvW bars (Mechanics, TT, v. 9, no. 7) (Ov-~T) DII~- L'! Sr !z!. ic LL*julitjkiy, 477 lated v U9 3 tilly Tootiopic "Lm"i'mr-to twl Cal by lio',irnits' iy, .15 n7). I -- .-r a. 7. TT67; 111"Lic ;Arassod :Aute Und lioadijl_ W. frarisvers-uli.-v Isvi;ro,-ic Plate, jy S, 13 All ~ IlS S i I I fi.,~I`#or, Izv 6..ek*j -~u 10 19bS, ~,ii 61-07. A 'lk/!T;)/!' L 'p-mocary o4l i4jdotzxvic 'Illick k~~tos lowmitskiye 9 iv* ya Ali' 6A*rp IZVWt). -4 0 Z r A Y."M t ra NO r. Distribution ~ f Streh;ses in an Elastic R(.d W-'- GIL~rvlj.Inear Aniuvtropy Under the k2tion ~-,f stretcbing Force and Bendiug Moments,X by S. G. Leidmitskiy,, RUSSTAII, per, PrJk Maie i Mekh, V,1 XIII,. 11, 3, 'IS"149, jr-P 3-7-316. T Sciclitif.1c -- phy-sies Sci, 55 CM/DEX TT-65-13787 Field 23F JLOJL-~l Bt HOW THE RAILWAY TIE RESISTS DISLOCATION. 5p. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-13787 Trans. of Vs6somnyl Nauchno-loolodovataloW Instibit Zheletuodorthnop Transports. Vestnik (USSR) v23 ntS p42-4 1964. 1 MR 665 Taple of Contents and Extract's rrom tho Book, Graving Potatoev, b7 V. S. Dqkbnovich, 6 pp. RUSSIANp bk.. Vyrashch YartofEiliya, Leningrad, 1949P 59 pp. Sci Tr CenUr RT-2428 Seientific - Abndmtm Biology Doe 55 OTS/M of Weed Er&AUCat%.04,, by T. G. EMIA14 Mmvdav 35MOS-Wo, 1946., 420 P933. UWA Tr Xo 79 sclantou Bioloap barbicifto UWR (sp-18al) Ccasmerts' COOPerlLtivft we thf, OrOMnizing Fbme for Agricultmvl &wPluwai, by 1. I&Mxms, 8 pp. IMOTMO PWp "Mt TbrBW4&, AD 5j. 1961., pp 5-8. JM 4849 USSR /' (5~ & -7 ~ , C) Iftom sop 61 UTILIZE MORE FULLY THE RESERVES IN COOPERATIVE TRADE FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, BY Z. LEKHOVA. 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PER2 SOVETSKAYA POTREBITELISKAYA KOOPERATSIYA, NO 91 1962, pp 44-46, JPRS 1644,c USSR ECON DEC 62 217, 1 12-KHOVITSY-T, I. 173 -1 a 1, vc-1 - I , 1-lo - 4, 1-3-CY.1 .. o~ I ~, ; j t, ez; ; Eest Heat Treatment 'Lo-- M-tgi.,et5 of Chromiuni Steel. P~~'izlchcr Tran.5, Urder ',o. 1,2142, ~' I. Lu,wwdlytic Depwitim Of Silviar ;4JA-sh Yvarlodic. RoTersal of Direct Carrent., by 3. A. %ar_`ha;3k0, 1,mIr-hovitakly; A. 2. IMyv..Qva, 8 yq. per, Stur Prit Klt:Lrs, -,do J-0, Sa i - Obas Nov 59 Influence of Ultrasonics In the Process of Crystallization on the Structure and Properties of Alloys of Aluminium-r"'ilicon, by N. N. Sirota, Ye. A. Lekhtblau,, .9. M. SmolYarenko, 5 Pp. RUBSIAN, per., Piz Metal 1. bletaLUov, Vol V11, No 6, 1959, PP 879-883. PP Sci Sep 60 Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of the Work PuiDetion of Several Sewlsetals N. Lekhtinen, M. A. Rzayev and L. S. Stil'bans, 5)9.* RUSSIAN,, per, Zbur Tekh Piz, Vol XXVII, No 6, 1957, pp 1221-1228. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Teeb Phys Vol II, No 6 Sci - Phys MY 58 On- tbe Com-putatio-a of Relay Scrvomcchanis=, by S. Y2.- Pull ttimqlction. M per Avtozat i Telemekh, Vol 12, No 1, LISM, 1-951; ni~ 15-2-7- AUC Tr 1-350 Sci - ihthlt' Engr? - TI. Aur, 52 CTS IMK ? 70 196 0 pp bull, Pip, gimmkMI&WI.Lo 26fib p am 47ftO usm Few, b%W 69 3M496 lAtViAn fUMW FrOP0605 WUD.UlV- ..00tr'Dl -:JAW. 10, Yo )AAtmag 9 pp. llcw,swi, ver* ~-WUWM b#-t!-Uo 4m- 140 )C-bral, lovp 69 Grarkh!camal,ytIo A%thod of Calculating tlia Cknrteristles of Magmt1a Cimaits uud,-.;o Coitbined Actift of Direct and AltermtLag FlelAB, by 1. Ya - Lakht~n m ppj, Unclaisalf Led, V/ RMTMp par Avtcmnt i Telem3kh, Vol:~6;, NO 5, 1955? VP W7-475. AT2C F-TS-10-051/irl NOV ~58 Graphical-Analytical Method fDr Calculating the Chaiacterdstics of Magnetic CLrcuits Subjected to thetomb-ined Effects of DC ani AC Magnetic Fieldo (Contimiation), by I. Ya. Lekhtman., 10 pp. RUSSIM,, per,, hyto I Tielemokbi, Vol XVn, No 3s Mar 1956j, pp 264-273. Cmaultanto Bureau Sci Mar 57/CTS Table of Contents of 1'1~ientair, cf- Autunatic aIIA RemOte COntrols,'wby G. A. GinzburG., 1. Ya. Le~httran,, V. S & ftlov, 6 pp. .... RUSSIAMI bk.. 22LwM Avtamtiki i Tolemechani", MOBOW/te-ningrad, 1953. CrAAFTOAX-1323 Scientific - PhysicE dex omly 4",70// C) f 4>--, Phpl6logcal amis of Pbp:Lma CUlture and Sport, by N. Vei*d~, A. T. Zordbkav, Eft. D. 7'"'s !!n1 n Va. A. *Vli6,Wq. A. I. VUVtd4j,-M jje PAMUNJ bkp~ -kie Ommary Flzlchaskoy maelml* I sporu# M5. AC814T19 gem sco Mis'- my 60 More About the Combimation of Muric~ilar and Meatu.'% Work, by Ta, B. Lekhtaianli 12 pp- RUSSIAN, bimo per, Voprosy Paikhol, Vol 111, No 1, Moscow, 1957i Pp 152-156- US TPRS/WY.-L. - Sci -- Medicine (psychology, psychiatry) i 1% aw1 09 t N I kit I" fcw %zw YMBLOWp tq A* -~ i .lowo . 6 0 WO 9 vft~ ME& so !iv Aw w 37 ow too Ikom iwv-i 00 236tow 7 fir. Sensittmetria Xweatigation of 711m Processing Control.., by T. L*ld. JAPAR=, per., MIK QLjutsu KOV1., vol. 15, 1963, pp. 737-744. nic 71-ni7T - 14 z August 71 Tntmas.m-pww Luu:i law,, IW NIWIA np;p A lon- 65s pp 1 and 2. xg-Musomlavia Pal ~ Apr 65 279..154 SilLoste alailses Shw4ag Blfttrcm (,%mduatLrlty,, by 0. T. lbsilrLat 0. A. Favlowat S. Ye. Lova K. L"Go 2 pp. w Wers, Zhur Tbkh na, Vol XXM# go 12,, 1957# PP 2"Ic9i, M3- Awr Imt cC Ph" 8m ftl - 2"k P" Tbl Ut No 124, 1957 ac:L - Fkwa 6 7, ja 58 Coni.;truction and CLassification, cf, byYu. K. Lekciztse%,L pp. r I -gill: pliSli,-.1 -,FTA~i, per, D'hshinrAyy Perevc-ji"r-* l!", 1959, 15 ? 7 "DC-3901/371 The Structwe of the Vlwtnmwse Verb 5yatagma, by Ylt. K. ;-m~"Pe~vp 18 pp. RUSSIAN: bk., Vopromy ftatintiki Rechi.. 1958, vp 131-148. ipps 6%31 sai - MISO > S~ 7 1- / Fab 61 (DC-3901/91 ) - "Assification Principles for Simple Sentences in .'ietnamese, by Yu. K. Lekomtsev, 12 pp. FUSSM., per, Voprosy Yazykowanlya, no 1, 1960, r,p 52-59. JPRS 3796 S -2p 60 1,2 47'~' /6j~2, A* Desulphm#zation of Pig Iron Outside the Blast Furn,a~ce by Use of a Mixture of Lime and Nepheline. STAL -8, p 75; 550 words. vol 1, 1941, -Nos 7 Brutpher No 952, S I- >-v KLUed-St"I Ingats of bWroved Shape, by A. It. Lekcateov. RMIM:, per, SW 11, No 6. 1V,,7,. PP 512, 513. JU; 4708D sci - ma/mot mar & J'I/ / s ~;j I vanatum rrlDm Iro* in a Coaw-rtz-"r 111jeCtILCU of ftjVerjyACt oXJ-djZ-rC.., by A. 6 Rwsulf, per, Stall, So 61 IQ60; im T119 WM- Vcotl C"llnical ibservatiom or imayiauals c~:mtAmumteu by a Fi,=alic Rater of ~~Viyjfluomphf~eptiine Acid (8-jusn), by D. Lekw, nmra 4"'. 14tZkovs '3 ppo :DjEroWJM,, per., Voemo meditsinsko aell.), N-). 4, v~ku, pp. 47-52- J 0.!is 33tJ2,3 Doe 66, (SP-IU*) Pratecting a ldvlnim Modleal Mfton Fm ftd4 motive ftUcUtj, bV D. Iska7s 4 pp. zMaNtwo pus, Vbmw Neditalnela Deu., vta XMt .1 SD 10 IX9.p PP T-W- JM 139W- Isur . B034pwft I-Y,7 P63 Ka Jun 6e Ditt Sam ?OCW17 LakovIcks 10 knit pars PP. 3C9r2D6 C F,k pax; r-*,Zc,--- Ew+e 40C Social Caltrol,by Vojc, Lekovic. CMk=N, per,, ScwA-J&U=., To) 2-3,p 1962) PrI 104-126. PW Ehvn 3748 Esur - yusoolavia j"0 V, -~- / q Ecom ju.i 62 I to Pteaft oil Id " ir MA mals"s --;4 (1, lw Ir In voodft OVOISIMIAGMA R~~ ril 17 lp. lb 3, an 10,p mpt 3- Iwo 13 i; ORA 2-j rAy k, 0 LC-kC)L/ I C, mlll-mooosuw" 9k3c ow 66 3006W Steraotwdc (TarMt-LoceLlizing) Brain Operations, by Lars - - g ~% 3m GM106 bk., BuDftwb d" MmmehinirgLe, Vol VI, 1957j. PP 177-218. AMC UCRL Tr--803 Sci - Mad J'Un 62 '7, PJI~ List 69 or, Blaatiil f4uclean Scattering by l0w~ pi , b-Y G. A. leksint 11 pp. RWSUN.* rpt,, Joint Lotitute for Awlear Resaarcbo 1957. CIA/YM/X-3065 scl - NUC)AWX PbYsics Sep 58 7 1;,#$ r d j, EIB-Stic :scattering of 2.6 Be-~rjl'c pions on Neutlrojj.3 by Yu. D- BaYukov, G. A. Leics- I RUSSM~, per, &iur Eliksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol (LI, I-Io 4., AIP Sov Phys Vol xiv, ""'o 1~ 202,733z, Jul U2