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61-14717 Leissu, 0. SC)OW WCALIZATION AND VESTIBULAR APPA- 1. LciRre. 0. RKTUS (SLha I loka 11 silt ion und Vvtibularapparat). 119611 14p. 14 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-14717 Trans. of Archliv fdr] Olirlcn]-Naslc-nl- und Kehl- klopfItivilklunde](Germany) 1925/1926, v. fit. P. Ilb-126. - ' - DESCRIPTORS: *Ear. Sound, 'Sound t r8n9 mi..I.n, ns. 21 *11caring. 'Auditory perceix ion. Positioning react in (Unannounced) of*.. A T-W-1 S-,4"- Small Gas Thwbineis In -%rticular for Resd Vehiclev, by K. Jcistp K. Graf. GEMM, rPt~ DVL.,Rpt,,1NO 7. . I TIL Tr h839 Sci - Bugr Mar 58 r~7 / E~diaust ti=bine and Jet Propulsion Systems, by 90r--"~7 K9, I'eistl E. Knornschild, 48 pp. TP-,jCLlkSSIF= r-TaLl-W i., ZWB Forschnn-csbericht,No 1.069., May 19391. NPLCA T., 1294 ScientifiX - Aeronautics -rib r9w a activity themy of strwg electrolytes la t1w hl ammuMmt1an I byiVwIkmnhmgmw 8.0 LeistpM.,, 2 per, Wturwissamacbmftin, 41, p 510. AG~ 1*742& Sti price $2.71 Aug 59 Machwnqcial Streloses in the Famwtlan of ftide rAyers,, 1. Oxifttlon at CaWwp by Waltbw Jawddwp olml, 1 N 1uhms PSM! 27 pp. GWKW# pwp, Z. PbWvlk p Va Xvj~ 1-958j, vp 315-m6 AW Tr- ~ft Bel - r4"# cbm .2 1.21 / ro ,u ftp 62 1. fOr ttie olat~pwt i.,--uiktvr ;tltairi~~iunticv c4' ( 149 t-,y 57 Trani, S-316 Al-,!r~iuljtc The Absolute Efficiency of Yleasuring With a Counter Tube for the Absolute Calibration of Redioacti Radloact1w.. Inotopes and for Other Qkmntitative Investigations.. by Manfred Loistner.. 15 pp. GRVW, per, Z Physik, Vol CXLT, 1955, pp k63-475t ABC Tr 3:?76 Bel - Phys Sep 58 7r-Caunter and PAwsurements for the Aboolu6e 1 Detendnation of Might Specific Activities of ftdlatam Pck6r in Enora, by Nnfred Leistner, 18 pp- Z Anew Phys" Vol mi, 1956, P. 33%1,"37r. AWC Tr 32,r5 Sci - Ows SOP 58 73, 7 -S- JF t- f fwct ni' iL 9*tc P,.-u Issas iii liens Uijui~; "'CincMatiou cumttilk~,, by i~. AL. illet: MWV.!~-S (1.6427b) 'r Url 4?V The 'V'ftnmlrter Thpf ati Ideal Aluminium *dr.uw,, by it. x. iAutrits, 9 pp. (WMNP pwo mminimp vckl XEMS ND 8,9 Aug 1~%s ~pp 4%.p 497a 4010 S.L.A. 57-35~ Sci - Bmgineerings alumlidum ww 57 re Distribution and Composition of Suspended Matter in Seas and Oceans, by A. 0. Liiitsyn. RUSSIAN, bk, Sovromenuze 09adki Morey i OkeAiov, 1961, pp 175-232. *Ue-ptof Navy NOO TRANS 450 Sci-B&M June 69 -ISS-7-1-69 Paving Work on the Belo HorIzoate-Brasilia Highvay is Progressing at the Rate of ODe-Half Kilometer Per Day, ~y Daltro Barbosa JA~tpj 15 pp. UNCLASSIFIED PORTMMIC., perj, Rodoviap No 230., Apr 1959., TIA No 69924.. pp 3.7-21. Awz H-6417 ID 21451806 WE Portugal Econ Sci - ftgr Oct,6o Tbw Nati ai"I Highwor ?"a and tba Routes of Accece CapItal or the-Sepublic, by Carlas 4 do Be; Nov goureas of Amde for Noto r by Deltro Davbma ImIto P 26 PQWWUM,~ per,, Badavlap W15, Jan 195E),, pp ACSI 0 U-25W War Pavtusal Rem y-/' Feb 5 9 Like I'a 4.4 i 2'&gu "Miniatu.-re Photoelectric Halt.! 'plier With by A. G. Berkolmkly, L, G. Leize:Lzan, Solld Cathode RUSSIM, per, Radiotekh i Blektron, Vol ITT, q0 ji 1958P PP 421-427. Pergmon Pr" a AlUeellbromics Sep 59 -5 Ca.,fAried Actifixation o-f lv'arilouO v-, I te r s i nXM Ra c, t o - El e c tr z); x-L :I- i p I i L. G. Leiteizen D. M. T J 12 pp. -, 2"'USSIA2.1, pez-, lladio~elhh i pp ccmw-,TjAa P'notomultiplier with Rasplirt-ion and larger Output Current, by'*.- G~ Dor.Wvskiyp L* Go TAitAizen, Vs, G. Pollsk.4, RUSSIANp per,. Iz Ak Nauk SSM, Ser Vol XXIT, NO 8, 1958, pp 9.90-992. Columbia Tech Oct, 59 Jim cwllmml~~ M~-Ak 'I*S&34*r filb"s A 0. subm I Ida* 1. U. emktdoj mmqmj Piro is All a"* Bow, U4 To& 3=, so 32" Ift4ft - ColumbJ llb~ J%b The Theory of the SIU*cm Rewyal Proce", by M. G. 12 pp. O=M,, per, LOJOCIO Y&Ul,. VOI Vp ND 10, 1936. pp A-40. mp%m7R Sol ja 59 Zo? 7.? g It Kinetics of Sul~onation of Lthyltoluene Isomors with SUIfUI-JC Acid, Ia. L. lAtiteman 1. IN. Diy-urov 6 "''IV, %o 2, 19-61, ,Per, ~~hur Prik Xhim,, Vol -a'). pp. '376-3Pa I. Mai- 62 TASM OF 7HE VVW I N THE PIKOXT I ON OR I VEv BY XW LEI !IKp MAUS 3MMMALUs I I PP. QUWAO PERo SOMALIVISCIC PLANWIRTWiAFTO NO 10j, 19Q* FP 3F-7- 1 jv; 1666 UM I'm GONOW ECON , wv 62 219,734 The Effect of Nlicrowaves on the Hormonal Activity of the Adrenal Cortex, by F. L. Leites, L. A. Skurikhina, 4 pp. - RUSSIAN, per, Byul Eksper Biol i Med, Vol LII, 1, N o .12, 1961, pp 47-49. CB Sci Sep 62 1-10,647 -!-Ir~ i7fll The MC-lecta of Aapha R-als On the Prc)"- - I the Apidermis, Fmiction of per, Dok Ak Ns" No 2, .9591 pp v:)i -jv; No 5 Sai T"y 60 Changes in Activity of Lipolytic Enzymes Under the Influence of Novocaine Electrophoresis in Experimental Atherosclerosis, by F. L. Leites, L. A. Dolina, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, RM Dok Al, Nauk SSSR, Biolog Sciences Section Vol CL, No 4, 1963, Pp 909-912. CB Sci- Aug 64 264,872 Histochemica-I 'Peculiarities Of pothyroif-lisn Mc-tatolisui in EXPO"I"W'ntal 14v j4y &Jul E pp, 50-54 CD CA Aug 63 Leites, F. L. EFFECT OF WHOLE-BODY ALPHA-RAY THERAPY (MMAGASTRIC INJECTION OF RADON WA7`ER) ON EXPERVAENTALLY DIMMED LVID METABOLISM Nov/Dec63. Sp, 18reto Order from FASEB $2. 00 in Federation Proceedirigs Tranaluion SttWement, v. 22, no. 6. pt. 11, p. T1210-Tl2t4 Tranx. of Medit'sinskaya Radiologiya (USSR) 1962, Y. 7. no. 3, p. 45-1531. DESCRI17TORS: *Radiation effem, Alpha panicles. Ouldds, *MasbQsm. "RadlotbaraVi, Hypo- Myroklism. Cboleverol. Tr-63-17973-6 (p. T1210-TI214) 1. Leites, F. L. U. Federation of American Socletels for Experimen I Biology. 1,"ashingron. D.IC. 6.. 280517 (Bibleocal Sdences--Rsdiabioloa. TT. v. 11, no. 10) Offl- 0 T-h.i-f S.-i- likxrpiaological Cl-AnL;es -in the 6kin in ILspoasc to DLternal q Irradiaticm, by F. J, Leites, b pp. R.i 159- T, T, per, T-hrill M's-2z Illo-I1170" XT f.'- No 11, 1959, pp 113-117. CB 6 n A. Study of Ue Effect of 2siparaturso Smpdmtiaa of Air U 4 Direct-Flow TbrIWx TW*, by N. S. T(.vw.b#vMdk*vj, 1. L. LvIteiss. T. R, Brodyankly,, ROM^ Wp Zbw TeM IF:Ls;p Vol =Its ft 6v 190s. 99 1229~3.:~36. lunr Z"t of Mys G*V Pbya - Teeb ftys va Mr so 6 Vab 59 grl, Three-Membered Aromtic Heterocycles, by L.A. Leites, V. G. Dulma, et ea, 6 1*. RWSTM, per, Iz Ak Nauk SM, Otdel xhim Nauk,, No 4, 1963, 0 731-737. CB sci may 64 256,891 The Dependence of the Frequency of Vibration of the Ge-C Bond in the Spectra of Alkylgermanes on the Nature of the Substituents, by L. A. et al, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Khim Nauk-, No IN 12, 1961, pp 2132-2139. CB Sci Sep 62 211,822 Comparative Study o1c' the Pmaan ISpectra o--:' Allyl Silanes,, Gexmk,Lnes, and Sta=anes, by Yu. P. Ef--orov, L. A. Leites, et al, 6 pp. RUSS:U'Ll, per., 11-In, Vol TI, Z~mr- 1.10 5, 1961, pr 62- CB 13 I 13 jo 62 202,,A, Study of the Vibration De:~ivatlves Containing Leites, Yu. P. E-orov, Cl SSpectra of llethacr-,-!-'Lc Acid Group I-V KLenlent~;, by L. A. 0" - .13P. RUSSUAD, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSIIII, Otd7el ll'auh, 170 11, L '9~1, PP 1976-1981- C sc--, ju.i 62 205,,M Spectroscopic lnvestiEaticin of a Silicon Ltom on Louble JrLanosilicon holecules. Etorov, L. A, laitess A. 9 PP. PUSS-AN S., . per, Iz Ak Hauk SWRj. OWel KKim Nauk., No 3~ pp 445-454. CB the Lffect of t-;onds in by YU. P~ 6. Tolsti-kova, 1961~ 6 sci Apr 62 Structures of Subst=ces Po=od in the HiSh-Tempara, Condemation of Silanes ConUinlug Silicon-Attached pyuvgen With Trichl thylene., by V. F. Mironov, L. A. Laitesp 3 YP- MOSM, per, Iz Ak Nauk SHE$ Otdel Khim Nauk~ No 11., 1959., pp 2051-2053. CB Set - fty 61 LEITES, L.iV. Losses due to eddy currents in electro- static s.c reeha. Elcktroiekhnika (7):33-5 (1968) (GB 125/IBZ687) :Lr livactors by- alter- ftmorvaX of Fluarlm Gases From the Air Produc- tion of S%wrompbstep by R. Leltes, 0. Gmvv~il, g 0, - MSSMO per., ale i 81m& IW) 2/3p 1940P PP 40., 41. WA R-2589 Sal - Chem J= 59 Jr?', Fat-Upoid Metabolism in Diabertes Nellitus, by S. M4 laites. 17 pp. RUSSLWj, Oer, ProbL= hn&*ri&o!%AY i Gormmo- tenl~iYp Yol 9. No S. 1963. pp 3-12. TT-64419266 j Jul 66 305,921 The Gas ExchwW in gqmrlnental Hypotbalamic Adipbsityp ~y U* M. Ndmkp S. M. Laitesi V. P. Al tkbi ayk*s BMWs* peir, Dya jkww Dicl i N" Vol Li No 2$ CB sej?t 63: "The Inffect e,~a )tWIrjais Prepwaztlan of c!- t-,T I-..tol jt!~ Fat tft-tebo3lf on, by 5- BMTPJNo per,,, PmblaW woka n, I aormmotArv, Val np Ito 3m 3.956.p pr 49-53. C e- Yv) ;SOL a* AdXonooW a dad as der- Almom cc NL IB by to so spk"p WA as opow"s ma at cwu~ ~= Gor- tWA I CC KUWSM V&Uh~Uft In a ra lot '-W iAW IZ, BV16K.U 5 AMP WA U"W am, I sme va =it lb 8,p low 59 Forty Years of Soviet Experimental Endocrinology., by S. M. Leites, I. A. Eskin, 24 pp. RUSMN, per., Problemy Endokrinolo.-Iii i jorutionoterapii, Vol III$ No 5P 1957., pp 12-26. FDD/X-3511 Sci may 59 Aj*tion ~~f the Nervous "tem in the Nltho- Partic 1 4~ geneala of Actuta T=lc Fulzmarj :Rdwam, by S. IS. 3 PP- XL'-r, No 8., qag, 1956,p pp 16-17. COWUltgnt4g BUrC3U Sai - RWd y Dec 57 Method ccf Determining the Comsumption of Heat in Caking, by R. E. Leibovich., V. A. Leites, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Koks i Khlmiya, No 4, ig6o. Coal Tar Researcb Assoc Sai o~t' 6o Shrinkmas Phenomm In CMU=ous-ftst Steelj by To So b9teap To As Lelt"s =OUR, per, Ut, IMsp Val 1l,. No 12p 19580 vp 10-12. JIMY Bmkcher 4554 $8.66 sai - Ingr U1759 a, 6 -~ f j~,teristjca of ilev Cc=T;er~lc' Some sci Yul- 51) TWOi-STAGE CARBONIZATION OF ALLMINATE SOLUTIOONS., BY M. G. L1,E'ITEYZENp N. M. KONTOROVICH, 5 PP. RRUSSIAN, PERp TSVETNYYE METALLYp VOL llp NO 12, ig6l, pp 49-53. PS scl FEB 63 221,526 LAA-~.-AUJIIA.L 'D of Copper . Losad and FA4wIWdWWJN40b.. jra~ UO MrbaUle ImA in tko LlqvW State,, by Wo Wtjobalo 7 pp. 19 OUMP PW9, Wool wA 3bmo Vol MMII, 19349 pp 0)0- au/muu 56, ? 77 A Sw Indicator )%tbOd for MOSSuring the Wave ilengibs at the Receiver and Its Use in Deter- adnIng t1je operating Wave lanjth of Different R9416 Stitions., by It. Alberti,, G. laitbauserL' 17 pp. =MI, per, mAktrotech I., vol tm, vp 1W7- 1030. SIA Tr 57-" Sci- Bleetricity Auz 5 7 "Nala Lmadc', Dovelomix--lai- .-Lailluaillex-r- 4 pp- per, Christ upa Tio lc;~ ip- I'sw ic)63., p "4_ "FPS e, ju~l 61 R ol e o, f t f h c T C) L Voyevocaskiyj pp RUSSIAN,- per; Zlhur F z Kh im, ;V D I T 3-959,. TiP 22faPu--- 2259-2263 - Clca,.ler-Hume P-.~cor Sci Aug OxidviAon Losees of rAquid Aluminum acd Aludnium Alloys,, by S. Palicki, i .T. TAM. POLDM, per., Prace LwtWW; Hatwicz., Vol x1p ND 2, 1959P VP 71-674- RD 512:Lh Feb 62 IJ;.2,f 7.7 d lnve~~iw of the Modbanimi oC *.tabllissr Avd~n in the FboboCMjdMU40D cd, i2o4TtyTwmp bV t. A. I ,=Suzi . 0,1*ro ujgaqk~w ~rol A9 1.16 7m 19570 Jr, Sal Doe 66 368,752 I ftansport of Carbon Milack via a b)rztem of Pipe-linen at tho;Koxm Y*chauiml Bablmr Goods Workey by L. D, le~"ujp P.- 0. Ocklimakop 4 pp. RMWM,, jar., Kwabuk I ReWtua., Vol XIX.. No 10j. 1960 pp 51-54. RAPRA j- Sai Aug 61 Development of Methods for Preparing the Repellent, Diethyltolumide., by Iffa.I.Ioeit-n and M.S. Fevzner, 6 pp. RUBSTAN.,,per., Zhur Prik Xhim.. Vol XXXVI., No 3~, 1963, pp 632-638. CB Sci Pay 64 2533401 StUV1 of the Kinetics of (l;2j3-Trimethylben.zene) Sulfonic Acid, by Ya. I. 5 pp. Sulfonation of Hemimellitene and of flydrolysis of Its Leituman, I. !% Diyarov, RUSSUOT, per, ~;hur Prik Ehim, Vol XXXIV., No Pj 1961, pp 1920-1925- Sci CB jul 62 202,664 6 ;~Mj. CO, Heat Effect of the Sulfonatiori of Xylenes and Sthylbenzene, by Ya. I. Leitmem., M. S. Pevzner, 3 pp. RMSIM, per, Zhur Obahch Khim, Vol )MX, Vo 1959P pp 26T4-2676. Consultants Bureau sci Aug 60 by Sulfur t_~Iyjj- c.- r! ic by r T PkI17. C- 1: 72""LLT' 1959, pp .16 2 llii~13, AL,-g 6o Kinetiqs of Staf onetion. of Xylene Isomers and Etla, I benzene b:r 3,,:32uric Acid, by Ya. !. Leitmwn, S. Pevzner, RUSSIM, per, Zhur Prik Miim, Vol ~DaIT, "o i'll-I pp CB Sci May Q'2 195,234 Too I* 6' to zkw prik swiat Vol. mavo Ift of got AAM 62 X4 'y by Vi~ Am-d Vo~ j1p '1~3. Jury 591 Kinetics of the Sulfouation of1,3,5-Tftmethy1beazeae and 1,2,4-TrimeU~yllbe=ene .-110 --,a Co. cumene) end Hydrolysis of Their Sulfouic Acids, by Yu. 1. Lettman V. I. Sorcitin, 1. V. .~Taelinskiy, 8 PY. ====UI RUSSM, per, Ztkur PrIk Khim, Vol XXXIIT, Nr. 8, 196olf pp 1875-1882. Bel CB jui U On Some Optimum Rocket Trajectories., by G. Leitmann, 7 Pp - RUSSM., per, Prik Matemat i Mebih, Vol XXV, No 0', 1961, Pp 978-982. ]PP Sci oct 62 216.9024 Laitmew, Alois. DMCB FOR M tWMRPMATION OF MAG- NIMC PLUC7VA7tNG FMLDL 119611 4p. (2 tLP. omittelq I rat. OrdW &*V~ M CC L SLA $1. 10 61-16445 Trans. af Gum= patem 952913~ cl. 42g, Igr. 10. L6345 M/42g. patimed 22 Now 50 pursuant to appL pub. 31 )a A2. imiu announced 14 Aug 5X issued 20 Oct 32. DESCRIMRS: OMagnstle amplifiers, *Sound rqwo-. duction sysomm. Frequency toodulation. Patmats, Germuny. An auditory bead for the reproduction d vmvwd sound re=dIngs i*,described, dmaracterly in that the lrukpmdc rsalstince, of the device Is varied in rbydim with! on addikkxW sufffied auxlUary trw#mwr (carrier fre~uency~ and dw dirouSt e upertmpositim . 61-1660 L Ldtnw, A. U. ratmot (Garma") $52 qL3 Offi- -4 ctlc~l Importsuce of Influence of Different Conditions on Uscrostructure of Steel -':RMAN, per, Stahl und Elsenj, Vol L.. 1930, Brutc.),cr Or4,~!* Price 43.90 Minerals/Metals H Jun 53 CTS ...? -) y 1~ i LEITMR~p F., Influence of Mold Wall Thickness Upon -Lngot. STMM UIM EISEN, vol 46, 1926, pp 629-63lj 2300 words. Brutcher No 39 $2.30 I I L-HITNER,~ F. Archiv iii-senhuttenwesen, 1101. 7, no. 5 fif4ures, 3 tables, 11~00 words; l"35. Inlf'liience of Base T,etal ori -,:orosit:T In Arc W e n P-. firans, Order --o. llt7, :::'I.cO I4w in Ir'ho 1. o:P U&ht-8--ation Coutimions (Ict Bz=.Ir by LtAtmr., T. Bduddt. , .0 ~pe , Stahl Uod Eisen, Vol UOM11, 1b 15, MOMN ir C 3-958, pp 1028-1032. usury 4-330 Bel - mw Ocit 58 rapronm=to lu Pusbar Pr%allsm, b7 He 7 PPO IUB ftIft at ommr" Mout. OMOO &d jAb (9M) sa - AIM YJ ON I Llei~toft of the Appraisal. of the FLW'damwtal Properrties of Iron O"m and Sinier. by J.Lei or, J. VInaty, GIMMAR, per,, er Forsclwngshefte,, (B62), 1961,,-pp 1ft36. BISI 3761 M.-rcer sx-i/Imir Pyr 65 27&,SCG Metialur-giical Characteristics of agneti,tc-~")- M a -)y ,. Con nt ate Pellets, i Le i tre r. Vol -14, C."nitill, 1;~er, Hutnicke List 1969, pp 5-13. IIB 7743 Sci-,:.at June G9 3L'3,2f~5 L V ITLIZ4, 1. and Ila lousek, J. Tt~ ~.f_ I ~(:I: ()LT DE )LICTION DES XIINrRAIS DF FFR SUR LE-UR RAMOLLISSEMENT (Effect )f pi!grec, 4; It educt ion on the Softening of Iron Or-_-S). 23p. I R~efq. (.NRS-VII 527. Order from M'S. FTC or CNRS $0.B9 TT-62-213099 Trans. in French j)f Humick6 Listy (Czedinslovakia) 19.59, v.TL7i~_.';, p.650-6677. DESCRIFFORS: *Iron coinymnds, *Klinerals, RWuc- tion, Physical propeirdes, 'Plasticity, Derermirotion, Experimental data., TT-62-28099 1. I.eitner, 1. I,.~IlnjrC,. Ill. Ilal(pj,,eI:. TV. CNIIS7XVII 527 V. Centre Nati,,TLil de la hecher- Che Scientifique, Pari,; (Earth Sc iences - -%line ralogy, Tr, v. 11, no. 6) Ofh.. ~# T-#-.-I S. E- T,.."b-, C~ The Sffect of the Degree of Reduction cf the Softening of Iron Oreo, by J. Laitner. ='H, W, Hatniche rAsty,, Val Xrv., 1959, pp 659-667. Broken MU Prop Co Ltd (CM/T.660) Sea, - ma/met '1414 -~/// Ap 62 WaU and &wLrth ot a Beale Mi-Rumace, by Ke LktMr* Berg-Uwttens 14matsh., Vol 10F, J. per# 14V 63; PP M--2W XSI 39DD :3cIjI,VI4 Apr, 65 278#464 Lining Problems ic Are Furnaces, by J1.11. Le-Ituer. GWK4S, per,, Berg- und Mittemannische NotWaliefte., Vol CVI., No 9., 1961-., PP 311-315~. sisi 2626 Set - Engr 1,q I / way 6L> / & /V~~ Ilat 132 Experiences With the ApplIcation of Basic Brickvork in :t Oyon-Rearth ?ura by &Cox 7., GERM, per, Neue lbtte.. F*b/Jkr.4i56f, PP" 142454 -w" Tr 615 Sc i - -TILI, by '11, pip Itritiah Iron aud atool Ind (iio number given) f ~.c Tj 139 Rco's for MIT ss F GIER1024, per, I'l'adex-Runductliau, 1958, pp i46-i5-~~ fv Trjq Sol .- Enju- 58 the Solia"cur or SolUm An Uw Fjdro-VwtaLbUVLcal V. A* - lieltalno Noodko4MIk fradw Numb.- *0 1b 1.0 1-00.0 MA cbelpal" Z& M Ond; Jet i3 ii'dzuItapeously Adsorbed on Fibrera, by A:, Laltoymp fjr6 por,, Zhur Amlitielpeekoi Khimii~, Vol 0 ,val, lk h~l 1962, p 511-517 CID sit 63 8611a of Li-Rela-Ho District of Uangsu atia iiWs Of Improvement and Util.imtion., L-y I-ei Wea-&Iln and Chu aura-kuanp H (WY&MiMU USE ONLY I pp. CHIMM., per., Vu-jimg Chumt-Men, No 3t), ~ct 1964, pp, 130-rig, JPHS. (100 icn- Scl-Agriculture HOW (k) -V.- , C,2 The Operation of a 1.5 Tba Basic induction -ftmwe,, by A. P. Nablukwmkly,, L - P - Solod'Wn,, Ya. S. Ielzez%)V.. S. D. Swrokbod, 5 P3?. WMIAN., Per., Hetanwm.. Iro 6, 1999., PP U-15. Act& fttallurglon Sai Apr 61 tin zu Mwo-m INUUM ebm viave iowip Iral 392 AIW U68, naoh Roastirg of rloi~~ 9W:Lde to 9ulfate Ores, by 0. Ya. Lialserw1cos at al. h RMUNs parg TavetrWe Mstallyj Val XIIII No 9j 19578 pp 19-95. Rewy brutabir hku $3.40 sel- mw Jan 59 An Angple of the Distribution of AnUmis the conatiow of a. famperatt. cwift--~s byli*. S. lvbws 1. B. Lelowavlah. o3 vw Movsk Bla Iwo in". Vol X4 u%my ft b i Bw X Of Cato" xa stas ft. Azdrems, IS Sol - DiAl OcIt 6L Synthetic Mica and*its Application in Saw Rl*ctrical 2moulating Materials, by H. S. RUBSIANp pogo. RwAlotekb L Uoctmmo Vol 11, No 1957m pp 1OT7-Uft. Perpmon ]hat Set - zumtrmlco Doe 58