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j4eeti_~S on! the Physics of High-Energy Particles., by, M. LeIkJnp A. K. Bwtowp I. S. TXmIlkin, 50 PP. UvReW PIS ftuk.. Vol LXI, No 1, 195T, AEG-tr-3M PLJO Sci mv & 1:13T no 110 Invest4ptions of the ( ;'p) Reaction in Copp,,~v, by'E. M. Leikin.. R. M. Osoki-ia, B. S. Ratner, 3 RP. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR; Vol CII, 1955s pp 245-248. AEC Tr 2305 Consultants Bureau Sci - Nuclear Physics Chemistr Mlmerals~Metals Physics InvestigAtion af the (rp) Reaction in Nickel, by B. M. Leikinp R. 14. Osokiwi, and B. S. Ratner, 2 pp. RUSSIAN per, Dok X: Nauk S=i,, Vol CII, 1955,, pp 493:49h. AEC Tr 23o6 Consultants Bureau Scl - Nucleex Physic Minerals /14etals Chemistry Physics A So~de for Meamuring Dmsi-~y ---2d Tezips-ratan-a 147hen Wovi~g at St~ersonlc Velccity in a Higb!Z k3xeiie:~ *div,kj, by 0. A. Leikin~ ---' rp. IMIU., per,# Iz Ak Nauk SSM,, Ser r2laofiz, No 4; 1958.- ~PY 54j- 55- Awr Mateorol Soc for GeopbWs Pas Div AgM Sci - Geophysics Oct 59 On s,~idal -Yric"Lm ou the Nb-- of tho Igu-Ul"n, by G. A. IP-ikin, ZU-,. voll Zo 2, 19c" pp 2,07-300. rebrRo Frledmn L-LIal ~3.00 scl - aeopbyolao Mr 59 _,b Temperature I u OIT"'la -ii~ $tars., by G. A. 1,aiRin Vol I X M i1, r-C"v I I, J 9 5 3 -ciP -7 .3 De,.- Sc.1 DERB, T i'lis `7 If i r4w:*Udn'~Ion of Lov-,Alloy SU** I arki SiavL=3 of Tekv"IIA4;1, AMUM., per,, lbtall=g,, No 3,. 2-958v VP 13-15. conow'.t.anta nee Stal, V61. 8, 1~-o- 10, 2i'--,~ -wLi-ds; collruer.,.-Lal Production of !L-' .~rutc:iev Trans, C,i,dc:c I-o. rrpeU,mei;ica from, flb~ 4 , Ia. raLuxova., 4 WSSTAT., Ver,, ftW. MwVer RLol i ikd, Val XWIY; No 4, 1959, pp 66-69. C=su!.t-c=tz Bmavz sci ~3P Doe 59 !a. zba pp, '-"-per No Sci Effect of Unspecific SLimulation of ;~he Chorioa.Llantoic Membrance on Results of the Cogplement-Fixation TL-s-~, by Z. I. Merekalova, F. 1. J!~~Liaa, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Yzxp ~O~PK-O~SY-finlsoiog' Val VI, No 3, 1961, pp juu-'3637 .PP Sci ji.m A I*thod for Detendn' the Virulence of Diphtheria in vitro and Aspects of Use - 11. A Method for DetemInIM the Virmleum of Diphtheria Bacilli on 8011d *dia., by N. I. Volovichm M. K. Lel~~5 pp. WSS=j, mo perj, Zhur Hikroblo1j, R~pfdemlol i Bmwobioli, Vol XXVMP No 3s 1957. Sci - Medicim Get 57 Etrgmm Press 3-9 Fz/ ~7 j Batural Foci of Wection of Som Relminthiasef;.-, by Ye. S.1, ~zWaa, 30 pp. RNSIMI, per., Yed ftrazitologii i Parazitaraya Bolemit Vol XVI,,'1957., Pp 140-152. Nm 146 Sci - bbdicine Dac 59 Tde &-cbamizam of the Cathodic I'assivet ui .c Dioxide E'lectrodes, by B, XPbeincv, KrinPalf0val 9 pp, RUSSIM, iw pery DoldiuV Akad liauk~ 6SS' R~ VOL If-c- 61~ 211 Ot 1954., pp 0&)-992. SLA T--,- R-1007 Sci - Electronics inn 56 IU"*tl4PtIOD Of , UO ftBOMtY Olf MVt"& Thr0u& ne"UreMut4i Of tb* laeetrode lqpW- a at Rigb "Vm*jes~l IV.S. N. Kabamwq D. 1. Leals, 6 p. =00., per Zeit X3*ktro*eso I.958p Tal LnIl., No 6/71ti pp kZ463- A04=33G sai Nkr 60 Vol 9!., SO 21 7ha Capacity of the Electrical Doable lay-ur In Molten -Suitsj by Ea As Uksbej. N. 0. Sakan., D. 1. Leikir., -op. perp D* AIL Zwk SM., vol acw-v., VO 5j, 1960., PP 1183-.U86- Sci jul 61 Daterainat4on or the Moctrocoillary Maximm PotentlAi of Silver, by D. i. z A4 4 pp. ~&o NJMIM.$ pars DA Ak Sauk SM., 'FbI CXXXV; No 6 i 0j. 3.960o m AW-1431. CB Sci /6 ;7 jui 63. mi Venstrem, E. K. -TC -)TF - N t 7, - 1~1 AI N D(' R -NTIEL DE CHARGE I 1A.- ~Vs DE BICANDE DE I'l-pNill PAI, LA MfTIF ,);)I-- DF, NIESURE DF LA DURI-Tr (Opre- jcsleni~~ Folll?w~.iaia NtAwogo Z.trvada Elelztr(dav i7 f)VL1(+!Sj S,-J-11,;;) ~Ivtcxiom lzmereniva Tverdos-ti) (1)oerim-inzion of t~e ZLr,,) Ch;mav. Potential of Lead ffioxld.~ !,~ ihirdneqs Measurement). 16p. 111'reign inclu:ieJ) ',4ref.,. CNIIS-X t,68. F-fir OT,. 1"TC. ir CNRS Sfe.gf~ TT-62-2SM~ Trnn,. ir. French of Ai.,dolniva Naul: SSSR. Dolllmh 7 - OL). ement, E' k.-L wicit v, 17, V. I I , no. 7) 17- (12 - ! 1. 1 11. 111. Me Anofta P"alvation of Saver in AUmlino by G. Lo MnIchs, D. 1. LvJkJ . -and B. N. Kabanov, k pp. AS=.. per ~ Dok Ak Vwk SMp VaL CXUV. No 41 1959,, PP 855457. COnMatWtil :&6-09U sci Fab 60 o6" &P7 ~F/ DetendirmtLx f the Zero Marge Pc-tential on the je~d Di,-xide Slectr-de, by 11. W. Kabamm, 1. G. Kiseievs, D. 1. Leikis, 4 pp. UNCLAW37 ]RUSSIAN, thrice-mo perj, Dok Ak Mauk SM. Vol XCIX9 N,- 5;, i:~,54, pp NaVY Tr 12-13AIRL 52-1 Scientific! - F'.ysicis Ck. 61-1W2 Le.wrh, 1]. 0. IIR?kT'CAI- PROBLEMS IN THE DF%-LOMlrN`T OF 1. Title: NrM computer NIAGNI-TIC -DRUM MEMORIES. 119631 1 2p. 0 figs. 1. I-rilich. H. 0, omitted) 8 refs. Order from SLA 1~4.60 61-16602 Trans. of Ficktronische Rundschau (West Germany) 19M. v. 9, no. 10. p. 36.5-368. DESCRIP'I'ORS- Rita storage sysiems, *Nlagnetic core storage. 'Computer storage device,;, DigitalrompuTers. %icmc)rv de%!ct-q. A dt-scrijYion of iN.- information store ck-velofwd for ow Pt-rin (prograM111gv4tCtWr1t: KJrktronigchcjjcchcn- aniage Milncben) digital computer. The drum is 22 cm long by 10 cm in diameter and rotates at 15. 000 r. p. m. It has 2M trackq for storing 50 hit words at any one point around the drimi. The "bit" spacing around the drum lit 0. 6 min, giving a total rapacity of 8192 d T"Ift" (Mathernatics-Computing Dvvices, TT. v. 10, no. 5) In'-% LeillSti, K. and Ditgens, K. 1 62-16585 THE.BEHAVICA OF WIRES WrM SYNTHETIC IN- 1. Leilich, K. SU.'-AFION (PVC) FOR DIRECT CURRENT VOLT- 11. DitStne, K. A GE~ L Repor: presented at the VDE Convention. "ll. FlUe: VDE ... Karlarulie, 1.1-1.6 Sep 59. 119621!7p. Orl~cr .1rom '~ LA. 5 1. 60 62- 165b'~ or ElckLrtzir1f(s,&lrtf;chaft (West Germany IQ49 +8. no, I L 1). 264-267. DF SCRWIFOR ': Vinyl chlorldeti, Polymers, Ineul-ving msrerit;i, "Meciric insulation, "'Efectric -wire, Direr-, current, Voitage, Wire. T-.F'jj J! t It -:::It! tea j, Circula-v Knitting Machlue for tM Production of Stockiw 'WItb Coutiowus Rotation of the Cam Housing~or Needla Cylinder, by Wilhelm Izilich, 5 pp. 71- U.M. GERNW, Patent No 517PO99. Dept of Commerce Patent Offl-e Sci Iib (G.Ift) Sci Eng ,votsm ow ar"Ging I-mw MWON& **man. 1L. 1k sw1w &i 0v U4 NW%b 009LIM, Oute ODUMP Flcrii Canditions on Open Lift jet, TMI, Airerosft., K._J~uim .30 yy. GMWj, Wj IALftfah--tt AAl Attacbment to PlicamMarkm= Report 5 93) 1 lus, 8., 1962; lyp ).98-2D8 - Navy Tr Sll.) I /Cgn 942. Scl - Aeroswe Jul 63 r,wrdwt Radiation From Neutron-Induced Ground Activity .; T-Udt arl for a Given Bomb CoLVosition, Explo3lon Alt., U Groiand Analysis, by M, Lciadorfer, 4 pp, 90694,53 GERbM, rpt, The Section 4, FOA 4 Defense Research Institute, Report, C 4135-4S4. 9069453 AEC--tra5:;87 Sci .. Nuc Phys Doe 62 A ContrOution to the Tbmiv, of Coronary IrAvXficd*=yje bb H. TALOVA-6t., 9 pp- MMMI pw, Nbdizizdscbe, NO 49, 1 ,159, pq 2408-2412. c ATS-TIAM Vol IV; So 7 Alw 6e (xy-&'-,-4o , Repayment of Fimess Prctits--An Important Job for Price Centrol, by Herbert Lein, 3 PP. GNMO., per, Deutsche Flow virtschaft, Vol SV.. No 16, Pas 1961, pp 499, 500, JPM 13313 Apr 62 M 61-20759 Ive*A'_ICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF OIL SEALS FOR 1. Lein, ROTATING SHAFtS. 106111161p. Order from SLA $1.60 61-20759 Trans. of IKonstruktion (Germany) 1954, V. 6. no, 10, p. 384-389. DESCRIPTORS: Shafto. Rotating structures, *Oil scalls, Friction, Seals. (Materials- -Sealants, TY, v, 7. no. 3) i I omtvuotion in Latylas i , pm covits, wap to * IV T~ P. lawo 6 im. MMMI, gp,, gontmUp lstffUmp 4 Aug X962# p 2. ago lQ39 um Nam Iff 162 .111 j? e: I tn., I'i cirrco -I e D-posi t. e(,. -mn Z-eel, T~--217 ..E! C: 7 pp. pe3 pp IA XLectmThmetic wA Chramtogmphic Studiec of the Maturing Prmavs of tho ~%st o? Slav&tersd Aulmls,, by L. lalmti. OMOMp per, Arcblv fter FjqperlmnteUe Vetze.mrocasin, Vol XTr 19P.. pp 13-21, COIRO 4210 set - Ned 1/1? //,/ '41 Apr 62 7arther Crzatribution to the Knactledge of Roeckl,E; 1-~mnulo=ap by L*Leinati G. Corsico., 5 pp. ,=::==L .TALTANp ppr: Atti"Seella Soc ItD.1 delle Sci Vet, 4ol IIX , 1955, pp 432-434. NIB Tr 7-11 3Ci - Ned %ug 57 nticuloses of the SkInp by A. Leinbrock., - np - ~kp per:t Akbmne Problem der Dermtologie., Vol L.- 1959s, -mP 382-411-,, SU 60-16947 Etci Vol ivip so 8 15 wv 62 I I A=re;Ue:tjgll8p8"~l Ww' br NO.WWWOUN BVWLbwd and br tM Vft Ot Ctdkw Air Photos, I? PV# MMA=Vn:D AIM. Tr nTs--L,. 1; 3"2bwd-cg lawn-4 I 1 13 wa 1 09 Ila NWWUM w Id t*t iki-* Removal of Iron and Other impurities f road Beryllium %1f ate Solutions by Eloetrolysis vi th a Marcury Cathode. By A. 1. Laineir Pnd M. A. Kolenkova, p. 5 0201~- RUSSIANp per, Zhur Prik Khir", Vol '-M; No 6: 1962.. pp. 181.5-1819 OB Sci Jun I z Dwricc- for RV-)~rIzig Bloc-lzs, JY 9 v-0. au-NANP Patent HO 52()j 502. pRt--nt, Off E.NP-* An r 6 Portal Crane Balanced Jib Without C'ounterba-lance Weights, by F. M. Le-iner, 4 jp. - -4 RUSSUAN, per, Vest Mashinostroy, Vol =, No 4, 1961~ pp 23-26. PERA Sci Jun 62 201,92f-, Ilm 0j"IyCollen in polo;-~-Yxv Cwtrlbutigos I'm il:q-tibianic saacritw, 4-- 11alk"Stris 4:.,rftff, ~'4 loinar. (~-IilbllAk, ~tor, Itcl V~I, et; u(, III,, by U~ il C' i 17.17- ry-) ~;Ilado am, klllyw~PIU4,callv, by LUA, Pli;:rcl-. 22, IA?6 ~'clWtyx4i Pulustris Craft, Lc mr, Abtj de 4ci I., Vol NVI. MR, 93"f-73. li!A: 4,1xi-I n' WWI I pelw= pobstAs Gvnff with am to the 9*=1*4* of the Asival. byt ek I Wleer* Gtp.kw*ITO "M*U at p"ambmb- Vol 470 iN~ Of 949V pp ZSJI-397. ABC, ANLI-itlr-m Flabb Siaphoti=_ R--49,stln~, of bSetxa In ihAphi&ev, by G. Ya- t .31marovich, et el. Z_ pe:F; Tp-v'ptr-,- 19!5ri'.. pip 19-25. Preaiaioa We"uring Instruments on the Baois of Flcv, by XxM= Leinert. ........... GEMS, per,, Werkstatt u Betrieb, Vol XXXVI, 194Pt pp AM Tr 2439 necruw 36., cP- 76 Mar, 56 M/d= 1 lie lt~bl G" U~s voU 55o 7 fleaves, 5 tablms -12~1- I 7MW, WCOADO 19350 -a mitb bow 810 OM" Rotr&*%WY ftrMwe. amUbw ?"was, Or4w So. 19"s S 7.20. ,4, ./007 tartain Problem of Immmity iv, Belatuthology, by Z. Lowdna, N. shimm"lova. MSUM. Per. dl Rink BLol Qer, Val 28, No 4. 1963. vo 10-504 MIZO/No 7262 L Sol - Aug 67 335.078 NEW MM106 OF REPAIRING C014CRETE PAVK- MENn WIT11 iPRECAST SLABS. 11962114p. (figs. ~omitted). Order from SLA $1.60 63-10208 Trans. of Beton Hcratellung Verweedung (West Gemany) lm, V. 10. no. 1. P. I-& DESCRIPTORS- *Psvements. 'Concrete. Maintenance. Roads. Traffic. *ReInforcimign-aterials. (Materials, TT, v. 9.,no. 12) 63-10209 1. Title- Slabs L Title: Precast concrete 1. Laims. W. mw d Tolland bwvbm 61-14022 Leiiiweher,iW. F. AN ANALYSIS OF THE BLENDINC OF FIBRES. 1. Textiles- -Processing [ 1961) [131p. I . Leinwelvur, W. F. Order front SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-14022 Trans. of Rayonne et Fibres Synthe'tiques (Belpum) 1952~ v. 8. no. 4, p. 57-67. 046.. .4 T-6kol Smvic., (Materials - -,rLxtiies, TT, v. 5, no, 12) ,Al)ra*ics by 1,1, Leipnann, IXTIVAN, par, Lrkebn D-, Cesant !ed!zijlo :.G 10 19200 itp 516-543, *ACS1 J-1159 sci-iWit, .1-71 ,/, C ~, I'/- ;) --) --7 (-,- / , -' -) AUg V) B ~M= A the Jev's Harp., 'by Emile Le FMCR., perj Angeles dog Tolow--linIcNatims, Vol XVM-O moo 5--6j, 19T3-s, pp 06-W. 44W/W,43915-IR/SMIAT. sci - Isw S ep t, (5 -3 katfivs*t ion of mwid F-locuiews in Thiu F1 Ot 4011116650 92999S9 Wilims ire. AUSA. 4, ~~Paro U. Fig. a Vol IS9 No 00 19410 Pr tou-40,21. -ILL ~su*'4!4r (lifts) $4014 340,146 W723 GE-I D. 1. LEIPUNSKAYA, Z. E. GAUER, G. N. FLEROV Neutron activation analysis of rock i;amples and ore concentrates Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse von Gesteinsproben und Erzkonzentraten Atomnaya Energ. , 6, No. 3, 315 (1959) Kernenergle, No. 2, 151-155 (1960) 415 - German E u r a t o in SSWY ~ *f t~v strwt~ sc the 0 111" surf&" by a IL - siffftedem of "d al"tramp V,' ~ 4. WOO be m4am"m INUSSIANO Ia U, !U Vol 139 go 69 at Sus,40. (11$S2) Set PhY19 hug 67 5400"1 Nmtrm AOUVILUM JWLIYSIB Of BOWI" Of ?4x-k And oze ommitmtesp bV 3). Z. WjRwAkWo Z- E.&M r,~ a. X-~ f2sliarp 5 pp. MOVX,, Vbr., At= Rmm, Vol Irls ND 3L, 1959, pp W-320. cm 3 ",,z Doe 6D Operational M~rrie=a Niith Mhe BR-5 Reactor by A. 1. Lei m2lsili, 0. D. KazaahlDvakii, 28 .pt,, Conference on Operatiorral Exper- RMSIAW., ience vith Atomic Power 4-10, sei - Moe oct 63 11he Propcq- U ,ation in JUr of Gamna RacLat,; cn c i 1.1c,menta.ry Point Source, by 0. 1. A. S. Strelhov, 7 PP. -------- RUSSIAN. 1,.er, Atom Enerfg,, Vol 3 CE Sci jul C2 A flevie-,; of Our "I'Uclcar Futla-l- ..,hat liu_:-L~fan VT~I., ~S2 of cki-,aaa et a!. ,t!L 3C rij~ Lz- Rays in an Atovd.c Explosion, by O~ 1. 6 pp. IOSIAN, per$ Atomraya Energlya, Vol VI, Tic, P59 - .~L 3 r) -3 Consultantp, Burea-u- [7 A LIJ 11 -Yr 2 0 .,T, the Surface Preheating of Burning Explosives, Z. 1. Arlstova, 0. 1. Leipunskiy, 5 PP. USSIAN ', per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LIV, No 6, Cs PP 507-509. JPRS 5555 ci - Chem o2 6 Caum-Radialtion of an Atomic 83giloslon, by 0. 1. LeipAw4y-.-:L67 PP- RUSSLO., blL,, Gomm-Uluebenie Atamwgo ftrryva, 1959. Aw Tr-4516 sel - IHue phys /71, ,;-2 -2, / oe-.t ~61 List 00 (a-4842) The Mestlag Up of the Surfaae ct Burning Powder, by Z. 1. Arisiaft., 0. 1. lot ~puswdy" 20 pp. RUWIANO por, Mar Fis XMm,, Val ZZ, No 11, Jun 1946p PP 1391-1391. JMS 7312 Sol - PWS ftb 61 LeipwuW, a L (NovozhUcyv, & V. , and V. N.]. ~ PROPAGATION OF GAMMA QUANTA IN MATTER. 1963, 230p Order from Scripts TectwAca, Inc, 1000 Vermont Ave., N. W., NV&vtdngtou, 5, D. C. Trans. oftmono. [RaxprostranwdeGamma-Kvuwov-v Veshchesive, Moscow, 1%0, 2D7p]. DESCRUTORS: *Propagation, *Gamma rays, *Quai-twm ~mechanlcs, Cieumis ray scattering, Bounkry layer, Attenuatlo~, *Shia1d1q& Absorption, Gamma ray spectm (Physics- -71corefical, TT, v. 10, = IZ 63-22650 1. Leipanskil, 0. L U. Nowozbilaw, & V. M. Sakharow. V. N. IV. Scripta. Technics. Inc., washingtoC6 D. C~ MCI 0( ItChiliC39 SC-W-Cl Radioncti-m. Dempra from cont Teat- ~~MB Atorde Bcob per. Atommys EDergU%p Vol lys go 1', 1958, PP 63-T0. set - MwIamr rnv Dee 58 On Synt4~mtlc IDiononds j, by IALipunski.. 15 pp. FuU tra6lation. RUBSUji ' I peri U!Zpn Milm, Vol VIII., Do 10, LWR, 11939j, PP 1519-JL"4- Navy Tr 609/DEMI 34,8 -)- oi; Jun 52 CTS ~!scientiric - chmistry DEZ Dwtectlm at ffimb FOVUA 16=mo by P. A. TMED)w ,i4# oll L TftMMPJ~x 216 amp A. iL SUN= Ap. BMW* bim Pus A-a as -906 86r- n2 VOL =,p 1b 3~ 19W# is 3"$,35L* Oolxmbbi ftab 2r 41 ;7;7 par JF 4A~ at , MbdiA*Itn In the Air Above nor&, by 0. 1. V. R. sobh&rV'rj, 3 IN- XWff=s VW# Atft MuM Vial VIs Ift 59 w 505-~W. 1* CB W IM, 4 77 1061 I I , LEIMSi4l, 6,01110 1 ' ii i: I I ~The Disintegr~'tion of Uranium - Russ per Vest Ak ?Iauk., !SSSR, Vol 8, io 1; 194.1 ABC Tr Oct 49 CM - I i li . - ./ I-. -... Studles ini~ the Phyadca of Past fti.-tron Pkcactorz, by A. I. Lalpmaki)r, A. I. Abrumv ". V. ff. Pmdrej--7v A. IL"EMY OIMX&i~ 1. 1. BmdwOnkD, V. I. Galkav, V. I. GaWAV., A. D. Oullko., A. 0. GuoeincFv, 0. D. N. V. lbalams N. V. SkamwYarov, D. Miz viii V. N. Mozvwv, JL N. It kol 0-yev, N. ftirenlum., Yu. Ia. stmieft, F. I. Lo 3. Uswhav., W. I. P*tisov, L. R. RUBUO., PsIr. Atam AMSP Vol lx No 3~, 1958, pp 277-"9310 CB R Radioactive Methods of Studyii% the 11.1rocesses of a LiquI4 Flow in a Porous NedlZm, by D. 1. Ya- A. I RUSSUI., pm;, Trudy Vow gmwh Takh Konf Priftenion Fj~uoanlv i wAbil Wtopov i lzluoh~nii ~v Mwod Mtox i Nauke,, 1957., Vol Ivs :L958s, 0. 65,-69. Sci - TOW 24 rob 61 Am Tr-42a6 .ISO al c NO Ir IN I 4w~ go a GoLl ACTIWWO 1, - lN M* W16 UN.P"% 51 OF- ",*~ P14 t gal" Q"NK#ysmtw4 " ;R lio , Vt My 90. VP DMW03- in s I-tw. SO 0 AD 4 FM 61 saloon 61-14794 '4CL CO IRN NG THE INDLlC7rION OF TONICFFY IN 1. Lem, F. TVIE APPARATUS Of-- 117HE OTOLITIIS (Ober We Tonusinduktion,iin Otobtlienapparat). 11961112p. .5 refs. Order from SLA $1 - 00 61-14794 'Frans. of Zeitschr[ift] f1tir ] Hals-, Nasen- u1nd) Ofirenheilk[tinde I (Gerrianv) 1926, v. 17, p. 12 .7-13-5. DESCRIPTORS:. *Ear, 'Physiology, *Autonomic nervous svstem, *Reflexes, *Muscles, Pressure, *Lymph, *\Pesvibular ni!rve. (Unannouncod) Offi- f T-h.i..l S-i b I - 14743 LA--iriF ikhe. Cb~~INIG SLA-SICKNESS (Ober die ScArat 1. I'Vill, F. [1961] [191p. 13 refs. Order from SLA $ 1. 60 01 - 147Q3 Trans. of Zvitschr(iftl flUrl Hals-, Nasen- u[n,fl, Ohrenlicilklundel (C;urrnan%-) 1920, v. 16, p. .565-:;-, 6 DESCRIPFORS: *Nlotton sicknvss, *Lar, Aulon.~.mi, nervous Hwacm, 'VeSlIbUlill- TICYVC, Di-LIVS, *Arropille, *F_pinqlii')ne. (Unannounc~-d) Offi- M S-i 61 -1 47Q2 ODNICERNING rAZZIN-LSS, I (Ober den Sctywindd). 1. I-Cm. F 11961 j I 6p. 20 refs. Ordcr from SLA $L 60 61 -14792 Trans. of Zwoscliz-fifil flUrl lials-, Nasen- u1ndl Ohrenhuilkfuncic) (Gx~many) 1927, v. 17, p. 392- 402. DIESCRIM'ORS: Vertigo (L Ina mjoun4 cd) Offic. I T-k.k.l S.-i- 61-1 47Q1 CONCERNING DIZZINESS, 11 (Uber den Schwindel, 11). 1. Lciri, F. [1%11 36p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 1 Trans. of ZLitsclirlift] flUr] Hals-, Nasen- u[nd] Ohrenheilk[un&I'l (GLrrnany) 1927. v. 19, p. 139-162 DESCRIPTORS: Vertigo (Unannounced) I Offi.. .1 T-6.1-1 S-i- IS THERE AND SKTRA-LgMlCUIAR ACCOMO- DA71ON MECHANISM IN THE 9YIL 1196t] ji5p] (role mutteco. order from SLA $ 1. 60 TT-61-14216 Trans. froor (Absed von Greaft'st Arddv tUr Ophftlmobglo (Cormany) 19U, v. 121, to. 1. TT-61-14286 1. Lairl, F. L 2 (Biological Sciewes- -Physiology. TT. v. 12, a,. 3) 61-14797 M:RCi-FflON DURING N1()vlIhu:,\-rs I. ixtri. F. 01' THE VYL WIWI d:u NVAhrm-limung %Vllhrcnti Avgcnlwwv.~uragoi~. 111161111 31p 19 rt:fs. (')t,l,i flotil si'l 51 61) 61-14707 Ts-l- A Whrcohij vlonjGr.t,!fc !; ArclilivIfIlIrl OoilWhnjo)f.vr,wj (Gwrinany) 19A', v. 119, v. 711-71~ DESCIIII'VORS: Itye, Motion, Vi,ual percMion, A2 17 1 C 7 Vcrugw, llercerimn. (Unanliokinced) O#N- .0 T"t-4.1 Leirim. H. de. THE MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF FRACrURES WAnslyse Morp hokWque des Cassurem). 119631 142pi (nix ornimido l4rels Order from SLA44.60 TT-6-4-10356 Tram. of Mmux (Corrosion-lodustrioal (France) 1951 Iv. 261 no. 316. p. 471-4%. 1. Wrol, H. do (Metallurgy. TT. v. 12, so. -)-i' tiva Solex Micrm&.Az~r to AO :Ixatloa c,"L' atrc" -Gzr. -',-I to ldia- streng-U.-i of Mater~-O-s. -lion of the Solex Xicrcmwetcr to "ic-- Applicall rutt-Ing by Tools; by 67car. Outtn, M. 1-1. dz Be-ns:Izr,,n,, 27 pp. FIMCH per, M-c=ique) Vol XXI, No 2(1: 69 -1'7 ,0'5 al-k 5S) I Sci /14 jaa 6o Vol. 2.-s No 7 , on A Sjumle Stiguator for Magnetic Tn.ac~u- Eepses, lby S. LeiseT!m, GMWW, per., OpUck.. Vol XI., No 2, 1954, pp 49-60. ' Broken Bill. P"p Co Ltd (MUvA-".6%8) set - pa" r Apr 62 AW1 ~//411 ~Uth~ Less of Zma of P*et Uectrom to thin !A 0.;~Dluncks S. L*Loopngp UIICLAWVM Gxnmo 1wro z, r. Pb"Ik, Vol CMITIO 19500 pp Navy Tr 487/XRL 381 Jan 52 CTS /,5- / 4F sclentIrle - Pbyuica .Lc-,.3 at, -tile 'Inr LX~Llt I ~ c he No 461 -465; -4 L~r Econ Tba )kt&Ul 91 - I Plant in Doktjarks and In t1w Swipmics fteUt by 0. J. 81witim "vh.mi IAd Who J# pp. G~v pwq Ibtal =d &a,, Vol =p 19U9 pp S.L.A. Tr 487/56 Sol - mixerals/Obtals Aug 1956 I v bF Ud Shlb- ww OdAmm of ftobsu. I: Pbm NO it 29640 =Ai~ Plop IMANNS - w w 66..M I~ AA&0~04 -46~0& ~W&WW-I%Kw I I ft v i 1. , to -- 11 ea&41bv D" 69 YAthod For the Separation of Gsse3 and Mixttu-es of s : as Chrlstlawsn~, Karl-Friedrich otopeg b j8 l Le -4--rj, ppo GMWNP ftteut ft 1.P055P508) 23 Apr 1959. AM Tir-4733L Bei oat 6j. 71 Z List 59 On Clbtalmlug~;Xlew MorpholAWIcal CharacteristIce in Plante and the FoosiblUty of Their Inheritance,, ,y. F. F. Leiele, 3 pp. RUSSIM., per Dok Ak Nauk SM,, Vol CMV, No i. 19571 pp .163- Amer Imit of Blol Sci Sci - Mad MY 58