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Orpautibm of Co=tmation Otten [Emst Cermnyl., labmwo (Wk ran Rpt an lCarj 241). by lib~mt 1 affaw.0 veri. Domaituago Blot larIfti, Jon 1959s pp cu#w am P= Amu -W 0826W mom wAr 59 rr-"-14726 Labmm. MOMMLimfc Rims IN UltAmm-MoLyimmm I.. L46momw ALIANS. ~ 36 Apr 68116p) l4rob OrdW hVm SLA St. 60 7T-60-147X Tr~- d liwanial A mwbw MWW" okdkwbmo) 1961. V. 4. so. 2. P. 218-225. 6C (Mw&UwSr--ftrvmw*L Tr. v. 11. no. 11) so"" of Tomb*" solwo"s 77 t-4 14 2t, Lehmann, MONOCLUVC PHASE:* D ALLOYS. 26 Airr 63 [1.6pi l4refs Order from S, I N S 1. 60 Yr - 64 - I Tranfi. d :if~ Nuclfzar klatert Is 1961, v 4. '60*. '^, P llargy-Su-murai. 77, v, 11, no. 11) % Sw~ IAM~ and Snamo lutdto of Kjaws mid LabOre" 160~ in a BL* ewpwatum am- vlr~~p! by G=Mwr labs . v Ve~-v ArWtSJVlslol V(jil 11, 19410 3~400 - XASA IT F-42j,313 Al 6e- A mrx "1u I-h , p Sept 69 a31,534 C=#V~butA on to the Probba or OxU~*Am at a"U, Vol Sel - Jul 61 02,ObUft *f OxidatUm of X-rou at Hle. tv & 8041=y 0 . Loboam PM) Arch"I Vbtl D9 as 1/1497 - 140/- H P hag fn 335 Grain Reflning of Uranium, by J, i~aizv-wan, s, 17 PP a ......... . . ItIlROWN, per, Rvv Met, Val U, 1958, pp AECVIV TT I 5a - blimilliet -Am 59 -~rF - (1-9 w-~ 16 / 1, e Study of Trwwformation Froceirsei, 1-Li MolyWarAw Alloys of 0.5 to 10% by WCIj~nt -~ --,f 34ol-vibdeamm by Jeanne Lehmnn. 59 Pp. FBXMCHO bkLr Etuft des Processus des Transformationc dans lea Alliqps Uranium - Wlybdew de Tenewr .6 a W, en Poids do Molybderwt,~ 1955: ABC Tr_4308 Sci -.Min/ket 21 Fab 61 X~a Lila I'lleory oi tile t-~auze Toaosp t)." i.. us 37 ill's i.,ur. jaim Filys, Vol 2!), W37. J27-L5S. &C/UVfr-gi IZE Lmhtn*, r- I 6W Scb*Sm. H. 61 - 1.63411 STMDARDS POR TWMCAL MCES AND O:)S-M L Lo*h=M. X BY FACtOR A14ALYSI& (196111* 3 refs. ]IL SchDIten. fl. Order froln SLAI St. 60 61-16348 Mrans. ot SmW and Risen (West Germany) 1956, v. 76. 3 Apr, p. 398-402. DESCRIPTORS: hvn industry. OStool industry. OlndustrW PkMi. SCOWMICS. *C4ustS. StgDdUtf, *Facwr "yals. Management oughwering, Rolling Mau. (M-Woory-Manutoccuring. Tr. Y. 6. m 3) (NY-6430) INCREASED RYE AND WHEAT YIELDS IN RELATION TO MINERAL FERTILIZATION, BY K. LEHMANN,, 5 PP. POLISH, PER., NOWE ROLNICTWO, VOL X, NO 16, 1-9061. JPRS 12422 EEUR POLAND ECON FEB 62 103,135 Pr on of Coeas From Petrogmphical POLY:70tr:1 View,, by K. Lelmamp E. Hofftwp 9 pp. MN,, per,* Dremstoff voi xin ,No 2., 15 %Tan 1932,, pp 21-27. STA M 1565 Bel - ftels bI -t,4 " '0 a ~- Jul " Prl mthol! of e i A Indeporxial,.Aly of the Production Xv Lebm%nn,, et *I, UWL G2,11CUMIS -OORWO atau ;a misea., W.tiah Iron arA St*el lueA (r-O number GIVOIL) 11truve Gases; =Ltric OW A JO 74tr-.&= mmdaz: !Fitolm Acid and Utdc Ai" 9bodlas an -Lbe Tleebalcal aM Iftistdo Aaldm or Certain Gassm and Tapon an Men (XC[2)jt by & D. TObmzmp sumoils. GUMON9 VWO ArdbiT AW ItIlgi! ral Md D"erl- 01040P Vol LUM.# WIP N 3U-30- Dwo or zft = &M or ulms cantral Sta mues Pas Tr IA THE DEVELOPME14T OF THE WHEEL AND THE PRESENT POSITION AS REGARDS THE PRODUCTIOIN' OF FORGED PAILVJAY WHEELS, BY 0. H. LEHMANN. GERMAN', PER., XXKX STAHL UND E I 3Elli, VOL L/aXX I I, NG 20', APR 1562, PP 539-ig4b'. BISI 20-1-1 SC I - EN"'IR V '2 NC b LIST 151 21 The VaWng of Magmeolm AUcVaj, by Paul Brauer,, Otto! IL~~e. 6p. pwo TO* %I fw Pmkbisabe ybtwl~s~', Umv I~Wm XJXv So 7/8# PP 3iT 3181' MA 60-:LWO~ Sol Apr 60 Vol nts NQ 2 ~ha at a root ladlostlqj Discl, a so stpl: = for the Yroat FroUction Of era",, by P. lobwou. LIM Z Ve"In Doutsab :Evg, Vol Cp pp 357-359. DBIR 339W/CT scl ~- G*Oftvp ma"or-oloa 59 T Technical Agricultural Meezures From the Viewpoint of Agricultural Meteorology,., by P. Lebmam, 9 pp. WMNj per, Plorteahr ImAvirtschs Vol XXIIIj HO 5) 1930o pp, 797-800. CA Tr 57-1228 fti - Physles ~ 61 / 0// Mar 56 I poaftwpOlm to the Deftrmlmtlqm of Marth pmsft~ws Aw SOUU~t Niculatiom According to t6 Fra&lcb %Votbeels, by P. IL Wasiar. boaftelmiks Vol =Mv So 20 19"s pp sci a APr 57. CTS at WmW ISmUft ilk owdead CaMt I It an Im - N "OsortAomi tv N. $06mme 3.90 ,~9 , 11, ~~,'. r~ ,_~ ~~zj_ -(If-- I - 04 .0, imt 4dw er 329P563 Radstame of Basic Refmtory BrIoks to Corrosion IW 5. 1. Iw R. lodwam. 084:p pwa MA 2.1a, Vol 86, so 7/8. 1964, PP .9-153 GBA39/648 A/ Sci - A 48 67 3.3 6, - I & 2 Thread Teisting and lbasurewnt. Part 3. Tbread HeasuriuS J%thods (Concluelcm)., by R. Lehmnu. GEM" I per., Feingeratetechik1k, Vol IV,, No 9, 1955, pp 421-427. D.S.1.11./2Tl39/CT Sci - Engineering ~4 A/ may 57 CW/dex EXPERIENCES WITH AIR BEARIlk'-S) CY R. LE Ll,, A I Cl. PP. GERIALANI, PER) FEINGERATETECHNIK, t~o 41 !1;60j, pp 166-172. 9677344 FTD-TT-6 I -ENGP 10 JUL C6*2 2 j2.12,:): (NY-4447) Science in the Service of Prisetice,, by R. Lohmna, A. Wiemr,, 18 pp. GREMN., per FeingeratetechwLkp Vol VIII., No 10., 1959., 1?1? 4-;4-441. JPM 5842 .Mur - Germany soon naf 6o f .standards ror Tacbnical-Indices and Coate by Factccr Analysis, by bunun Scholtem. rbo GEMN, sealmo perv S 1 uDd Eisen, Vol LXXVI, 5 Apr 1956, PP 398-402- Tr 679 2.10.0) Sci - Min/met Jan 58 Amt~t'ilc Plastis Dofmatimas by 1ra. laha=n. SC) Mb Vei 39 Ma 4* 19649 pp 291-245. AEC JAML-0-1279 FJDc 0/20/" SCLINOCUFAT Sci Jul 66 Cbealcal-Serological FractIoDation and Specificity of Carcimm Extracts,, by R. Tnbftqnn-Faciue.. 44 pp. oEHM., per, zA Tummitatefcwsch,, vol LMUI,, 1934, PP 99-123- mm Tr 6-ji Sci - Med Jul 57 X Famulae for Colouring bbtx~Ls. by J. Elzel., R. tkno 0. oeigner. GROW, per., Mitteiluqpn der Forachwagisgesellschaf t lme*hvemrl*ltung. e.v,, No 17., sep 19611 pp 926, 227. BIBI 2652 sci - Chem .2- /,::P sop 62 "d IftuAft at tho v*=wuK I* I fti as IV 2. IL - - - LIMIP va 'kw~ so 25s, JI Y),J~3,- V", %"\ Lt) 4 ~"e mat4bob mama aw 840t 66. 3wsU* zloau"r*ldc wag"Ing or Faralul Coo&wtws by W. zo*Mme am#4~p *Vp -I 2ldtoebriftg Tax ZMAO Ito 14.0 1.955,0 " hPlAw - 62 go Oredito foc Devistims the P30np by we BMW W"mj MRM,p pw., Deuteahe FInanwirtacbaft., Vol XVI., NO 13* 1062.- PP 1"5- im 15WB Es ~ ammy Be= (>--t 62 62-IIW AMMA771C CONTROL IDEMCES FOR PAPER MA- 1. f AftnUMn W. 29 P" 6Z Hip. (7 Up. rob. 60 62-ISM Trans. of des Papier (West Germay) 1962. Y. t61, no. 4. p.,131-13iL DExRwrom. spapar, Paw irAmtry, *wood puip whines. Maddest. *AuwwAUan. Quality control. Manufacturing mwidwds. *Cowrol system. See also 62-ISM lr~ 4) 3.) A- ow A- (Materials --Paper, Tr, V. k M 8) ON- f T.C6"C.A S.M"S 62-11IN3 AUTOMA71C CONTROL DfMCHS FOR PAPER 1. LAPhtnam, W. MACMNBS. FT. L '29 June 62. 21p. (12 flSs. refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62-ION3 Trans. of du Papler (Wow Germany) 1962. Y. 16, no. 2, p. %341. DESCRIPTORS: Paper. Paper imhutry. *Wood pilp machines, Machinim, *Automation. Quality r rol, Man&acturiig methods. *Control systems. (Materials--Paper, TT, Y. 8, no. 8) Of0ce *1 UcWcA Swi~. 62-1W44 Lehmann. 1#011pag. _ MMTtC! CONTROL DEVICES FOR PAPER Aff0 1. Lehmann, W. MACIRNES, Fr. IL ~29 June 62. t6p. (5 tip. refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1.60 62-19D44 Trans. of das Papier.(Weet Germany) 1962, Y. 16, Do. 3. p. 95-102. DESCRIPTORS: Vaper, Paper industry. *Wood pulp machines, Machines, *Autonattoo, Quality control. Manufacturing metboAii, Dehydration, Steam. Control systems. See also 62-18043. 'KUterial --Paper, TT. v. 8. no. 8) offico of Toasical Sorvices TI.,to W.-ril--oco of the Thel- Zu' 'ol taL or L P.,.L 11- i .-,~o r t -3 eb r i. .s~Th.:-mt,ric~ iLnd Mror No 5, -1F,57, r,-,) 2165-2097. PIR 3-3P-.60 may OD Production of Heavy Hydrogen in a i-arge-Scale Rectification Plant, by W. Lehmero A. Seilma-Jer., W, Baldus, 31 pp. UIUM per, Linde Ber Tech und Wiss, Vol V, 1959 P-P 3 -14. AEC NP Tr-417 Sci - Nac Pbys Asig 60 Z/' rT-65-23i27 Field 21F JASWWUW H - Ziegler, K. =ax.u PROCESS OF ELECTROLI-TIC PREPARATION OF DIAL- KYL MAGNESIUM~ AND TRIALKYL ALUMINUNIS. 20P. Order from SLA: S1.60 as TT-65-13717 Trans. of ~Patent fBelglum) 590 575. Patent(A by Karl Ziegler, filed 6 May 60 (Priority: Germany, 6 May 59). Another trans. is available frorn SLA $1.60 as TT-GS-13205. NIR FROMM& SIA Bolmm" ftr *be FI=Ll Phipmesuan orb~x M*bwio palw to a low. m is ratum ~ -~ "~ ---~LA - -AL jm~awmwwmum ww 00 NO gr TAgAd Wx",;Iiby MWE raborp 20 pp. amKop fttmtp ib iooe,,ggk,. 196o. ca/m n-1490 yo 11 11 jr!n D32M Bei mw 64 USIB TAtelMl UDO QAY Tvbles and Nowgnmj, bY 3- Lebming, 5 P. OWM., per . " 19302. V02. Nc 1.4 ~ vp 480483. SLA 59,.,)C"l 8*1 Nu 60 Ul 2. To 12 , -7 le~~ 'Ef- sen ) vc! 57 t,:C fi.:; - e c. -n c, L: 4 Plan'.. FirlAclier Trans, Crje,- T~mos ot MDtion in the Linear Pinch Ef fect and Dunaway. Electrona, by E. Fuerif er, G. Lehner H. Tup---ak, 19 pp. _, pei Z fufsr '19 GMAAN VP 566-574. 9095567 ABC We T)7-814 S "Ci - -phy 13 Mnr 62 ;mt"ns Prw d-d-Rauctors as a Tool ior lllps&a P I Diaga"ticss by G. I"mr, r. Pohl. FRENCH, rpts IPP-1/609 43 IT.. AM IA-tr.67-113 &- Pi f- IQ- ~ici-fltjiys Jul G 8 357,373 on the x"Unism or wire RIPIMLOW't by. mft1A Tutorp Ya,*~ Kellbee j OwitMw Labnert 15'p. Gm"s PW* zelt AMM "."s, 1958P Vol X., No ha pp STA 59-41%72 Sol mar 60 Vol 2v No ~2 dlaf..;2X7 Z ev wA Inlute Instabilities In a Lcrv-Preseuxe Plaam, B. lohn rt, Fxppu pp. SLWp perj, Atom ftergiya,, Vol XIV., No 1p 1963) 82-91. CB won 64 ":7el ? -, ~~ , /c- , i cil wumss~ us& -J6 ------- A2v=mn v"w A IW wjpwmpa IML ftr: gamba (766-M) 1131 9s IMp ft -IN I ft & - 310~ 10- hoksma of tatroatkwl novkam MDR, Vbl MAO Chthm set .- iTIJUMEOU7 uft, aw 36.. 1964'.. H- LcllrOmhll 325 s 7211 SweWsk AUTH(DR: Bo Lehnert TITLE: "Present Dtuation anrp' I`Ulorf~ Frcsreccts -:'I- Controllr:!~- Nuclear Fusioii" SC.URCE.- FCDA Reports, Vol. 1, 1-14, -Y67. Present situation and Future Prospects of Controlled Nmlear Fusion. by 61-14295 LAhnert, K. ,qpNCERNING TRUE ~ND PSEUDO-HOROFITERS 1. Vision-11teory (Uber Wahre und ScheinhororAeren). (MIJ [16]p. 2. Title: Hororxer I I refs. 1. Lehnert, K. brder from SLA rniS" -.40, ph$3.30 61-14265 'Trans. of Pfl~ger's Arrh[iv] ff,-.rl d[le) Gesfamte) .ysioqogie des Menscben un~ -,er Tlerej (Germany) .941, v. 245, p. 112-120. Offs- ~f T-h-.1 S-1- (Biological Sciences --Pbysiology, TT, v. 5, no. 12) A New Process for Determin-in,g the Spring and Summer Wood in Conifers, L)y J. I. L--hner t. GIMMA14 SLA per NC SLatc! Jwl 59 of DWII WIMS fbr Pre tv W. Deboart. I vw Mm altbey Vbl. 10, no 2 W. Lehnert 338-373 1 63-20370 Utnext. Lothar H. THE HEAT SHOCK TESTING OP GLASS AND I LA*a"=. L - H GLASS CONTAINERS (Die WUrmestoespr0fung vtm glan und Clasgetassen). (19631 [16p1 (foreign text Included) 52refs Orner from SLA $1.60 63-20370 Trz.ns. of Glastechnische Berichte (West Germany) 1957, v. 30. no. 3. p. 79-83. DF-3CRIFTORS: *Containers, *Glass. Temperature. Stability, Shock. reristance. Thermal stresses, OQ:jenching (Cooling). Antong the various testing possibilities for the &Mer- mirtation of the-. temperature change stability of glass. the quevching 1:estwas selected and standardized. Ac- cn-dIrqj to DIN 52,325 the working material glass" is teited with the aid of well defined samples which^ must be free of stTnin. According to DIN 52, 321 the Influence', 00ime d T-b-i (Matertals-Cilromics, TT. v. 10, no. 12) (over) 1 62-18126 LetueM othar H. MVESTIGATICN OF S`1rRF-SSES IN HCLLO'~N' GLASS 1. 1'ehnert. L. K VES!',ELS (Ober die Sparmungspriifung von I Hohl ,glaBgefassen). 11962) 1141p. (foreip text in- I cluck4 3 refs. Ordf r frm SLA $1. 60 62- !9126 Trato. cg( GlastechniiBchel Berichte (West Germany) 1956, v. 31, m. 5, p. 176-179. DES';P,]Jrf ORS: *Pressure vessels, Walls, Photc;- elasticity, OM, so, Stresses, Model tests, Light transmission, Refractive properties. 7 55 (Mate2i-a1a--Ceram1Cd, 7T, V. 9. fiO. 3) M Trchqn~; 1'. ~r or SI ANDARD 'm STING METHOW FOJI 1101 LOW GLAS, VESSLL 5 (Entwicklung ~on flohigla,%elmoise). [Paper pro-entrio ac ote Gisse, 'rethnniogy klecting (nu. JO) rut,ngen. 16May'kS. (foreign text included) 14 refs. Oraer frimin SLA $1, 64) 62-14R69 I rans. of GIsHirchnwhe Serichre (West Germariv) MY,. v. ?J. n,,. A, 1). 114-319. DUo,:Klrl URS: - I -,omn, Test methods. miukiard&. Qualit) comfol. *Pressure Materialk. hJ- 10159 Letincit. L. 11 'nile! Glass. L i . Intraftett be to aw v -I& or al~ gjgxmklgtym ?a ono v. nodw, z4ow a. tabnwtp switi Sabillso-'o xg pp. ]PP MA 994LOW sai Cbln M 1p 22 awl 59 90 07, 07 f (DC-6) We Are Discussing Socialist Morality,, bor Dr Temsda Iqbpckivim 3 PP. tQCLABSVnD CZWR& VWV PIVdV*j# No 26m Jun 19588 10. ve jm,/bc-t,-7w BE - Csoch sac - JweniU DeliNuency, Bmancipation of Oct 58 -7 1 -!~- 7 saming pf the Re"-Treatod Prestsw" fteals at "S071&, ty W. Leftwt- amm- Ingars seue matteq voi vn., mw 19620 pp ~- nn 3m Sol - " Aug 63 -14,41 -211114" MAenk A=A CmptrActlanp by FAlman lehatsky, 29 1, 4) MYCARLOL. 'per, wal7apItestudeawyl ezemle, Oct/ .;8, pp 484-497. Req igr ACSIV Mr -1 MAnipry seen aighwayll Tob 59 - zOchY; A Itigbvuy Bridges) Charles 3 B. Road Construction, by KaJIL-ir- 29M UNCLASSIFTED go 10. Mlay-May 19-95. AX-81p G -079 Ncon Res"rc4 on High Spe*d Tillage In fluagory,'- by L. Lohoesky. won* yorsobb Govi 4unka a o z 0 Study of!3Vw Vaecular Reactions in the Course of iie S'' rtzmn Hemortbaffie Pbenumnon.. by: Bv~ust, M. Leboult, 72mul, wr,, Comptes Renduso Soc Biol, Vol CXMP OctI948v 1233 etc. ScUntific medicine CisAm Vleasurement~~of Circulation Rate by t4is rluoreseein Tost the Douras of Stpeftzental 33 Int=Icaticus by P. Goquet, A. Delaurtayo J. Lebrtm~ Y. Lehoult, 4 pp. ?B=M., I per,, Cagve!i2a Rendus, Soc.Bpoi, no 141,. 1947$ pp. 272-M. TM Saimtific - Biolocy JJ DIR, R. Zeitsio'hrift Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, vol. 79.9 1." figiires, 5 tables, 3900 words; 1935- Infl-uence, Fillets on Shafts with Reduced Section upon Bending Endurance Strength. Brutcher, Trans. Order No. XbAftaoamatw Vltb TOW7 emu FkawArum LAqgtb I -~ &-~6& and. w MR= of on Cb %, MOU lAqw I opup bf Z. to uhro a. arumahwt 38 J~pv~ j, W ;=,I* 0 pt at mr-Aw 19A ;pp ou 58-W94 ftl Aug *116towtvis o"Ovilaw of Pmm F*A"t, t" R=dl, Val 242S so jsa~ 19560 pp &R-636, OISI 47" 64 ill"Seft w of a plastic Deformation in tkw canoe Of It*, Traw. M~tl4wq by P. Lehr. W340 pelts Sgaft AM&P Val 2420 fw~ 19569 pp 1 4747 Apr 299,457 A CCRV&Tative Stu4y of the KLlcrtropic Tmns- fo=Rtions in Iron " Unudim, by P. Lebr,, J. -P. Eamaronp 15 pp. FRWHj per, lkw do HataUurgie., Vol LVv 110 9,o 1958v PP "-839- Bel Min/Not ASS 713W~F im 59 OM 19 ID Redrystallization of Uramium After Passing Th~ough the Transformation Points.. by M. Pruna,, P. X Lehr, G. Chaudron FMCH,, per, Rev Met,, Vol Up 1954t pp 589- 50. ABC Tr 2343. Scientific - Min/MmUls, Chmistry Jan % CM A Comparative Study of the Alloptropic TrarLs - fornatlons of Uraa:Lum and Iroa Md Their Structural Consequences, by P. Lehr, -(0 pp. Fmu., rpt cEA-8w. Asc AERP- -846 Sci - Nue Phys Aug 60 Robber Flies of the Subfamily Leptogasturinae (Viptera., Asilidae) in the USSR, by P. A. Lehr., 18 pp. RUSSIAN., per., Batomologicheskoye Obozren-,Lye, Vol XLI 110 3j 1961,, PP 378-387. AIBS Sci jul 62 MetalIogmpby - On the ExIsUnco of a Plastic DefOrmilon of Iron Daring t1kediz if Transf ormatlon,, by X. Pj*=e Imbr, 7 pp- OWN W, COMPtOn Reudus, Vol CMUJVP 1957, pp T7-W. AXC Tr 3238 Bel - rbysIcs AM 58 i IN I Raceut Obou-mt-tozw cc the Deomqpsitior, of Raw Phmphates Witb.S*Ipburic Acid,, by H. Lehrecke, 2 pp. Swx,o is H SHR". pers Tak Tld UPPI C., Vol LXVP 1935; pp 81-85.t 97&- SIA Tr 163B set - cwm AX4~/ fff APr 1957 An Apparatusq Operstiag on MAgnetic Priaciple"; for W~m-marimg Oxygen In Oaf., Mt*cturei3., by S~ Lehrer and R. Kabinghaun, 19 pp 4--'- ; GZHW, per, Z, Angeu P4vp; '~W'ol Ily Ito 1, 195C),f pp 20-2-4~ MA 3314 Scl A u g 6 7// z~-~ 7 'i?t~klvss for AcetyliDna of the DOSUP. of MWUVe SepsmtUa PlauU t Sow Nwic DM* Eq=,-Umw- fthr the Distillatim Prwmp by 1. DMtwr&4, T- labr*r. PhThs PromalN;s of pow V 0 an Passaftl Uns of Atomic Imrgy S21A ft 00i~:&RD Aug M5.- Vol Vl=. Utermtl fkMf -- un ftl - smalmr Ph"Ics Apr 37 crA 1-669.(.).162 VOW& Parallel 4y :j:iat. Patent NO A Method e& :SPRVing Timberi by B. Lebtinen, =L .vrl__ - SWaDISH, per# TimberyottAingsme'ji0en ftperi Ja Puu Vol XXIO 1939" pp 81"18. DSIR/3U25/CT Sui - XMr Feb 59 ,f/.. Part Vx. Technical Construction Principles and RegW.a~tioad for Roads *ad Strimets, by E. J. 25 idh.~OA v (ID 94503). MMAWN Fnwmj, bx Rautstteu-;a Tionmkonaus, Publ I - by itst orVechoW gy,, ReUtakiv 1951j ftcl 6 to 0-288-52, I==I FidlAnd. G-2j, GMA 11743? G-3i65 C =Ur - zown FIUIWA Be OC*,c construction NOV % CTS Part rvp antrwtion or Ballroaft acA RoMs 05503S - 190 VP- (11) bko ftvftt -460 M a Value V to a.0&522 rJAUMA. nur - ~rtauld ftonmlic - ftiUoaft i / A, 40-eP 7 Constru6tion, Spwiricatiom for Railways aud Laying of Track,. by I J. IAhto,, 29 pp. (ID' 945~03) bko Rautatten-a Tif"WWWOMM8.1 1 by~;Iuot of fteh"Loao Iftlolulds 1947,P pu~ 1 to R-28EI-520 FinUot. G-310 A Etw tPILmUnd 1014 Clapelfic4tion or PublIc Roads,, by K. F. Lehtola, 2 ppo~ (3* 94") F20=j bkp TS a, v 1-]r 1 nue, pub]. by Oteve Publ Co, HelobAd., IWq Vp 16,17. 0-2,9 GOWA 0-55". 3gz6T Nogur - Finland I ./ 'geoportic "I I- If ,I/ J-959, pp 27--3-. ri./Ii t a 1,; THE.P'ROBL04S CONCERNING THE TEACHING METHOD REFORM, BY LEI CHEN-WU,23 PP. CHINESE, PER, KIRIN XXTA-HSUEH JEN-WEN K'O-HSUEH HSUEH-PAO.. NO 4, 1958, Pp i-io. JPRS 171~~ FE - CHINA soc, ' JAN 63 22cj.v 1 C-)7 girl I on a ow "416