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Raddo-Ch-mrdcall 'Reactions in Nuclear Rear--ol-,o. by J. Pucheault, M Lefort., M. HaisGinsk-l, I FRENCH, per, J de Chimte Physiqi-,e; 'In! L TK 19.42, pp 2186-293. 9095555 ABC Tr-48511 Sci - Hue PbYs v.ar 62 4~f Photochemical Or.-ddation of Ferrous Ions ii, itqueuu-,~ Solution. Studj of the Inverse Red'actiou by Atcmic 14drogen, by Marc Lefort, Pler-im 13 PP. FMCH, per, j Chira -Phys, Vol LIU, 1956-- -Or 536-;)'-'l 9097027 6-ci - Cbem, Phys ],far G2 ActAmrat XCIWLZIng R.-Al iono of ftUachemleffry. io" Etbyl: 1)1 )bm Lefort, PAmil. Bonet-Maury, Vm=e wo C9026 no, 266# 19480 pp 1 190~. AW Tr 1880 scientific - mumistry 316 Th-, ~bgrodant Proce-ev of Precision Cating arA Application in Aaranautical Industries, by Lefranc. FEWCH.. p(aw, L-A Technique Ylloderna, Vol XLVII,, Sep 1955, PP 390-392. *-Tr 633 3.. 0.0 WC Ft? fiAl C ECOID J Sci Eng 11ov 57 Lefranc. G. IWTMORM TV BROADCASTS WILL EXTEND ACROSS '-ME ATLA~MC (Dana 18 Mois les Emissions TV Fianchiront I'Atlantique) tr. by Alick de Montmorency. [19601 [101p. H-6063. Order from LC or SLA mi$1.80, ph$1.80 60-15993 Trans. of Sciences et Avenir (France) 1958, Dec, p. 614-617. 60-15993 1. Television communication systems- -Development I. Lefranc, G. 11. ACSI H-6063 Offi-f Ud-i-I S-i- (Engineering- -Electronic, TT, v. 5, no. 5) 1-31-61 tO OWbOdl NIftsUlicep by Bdomrd---. To& 1239 No B.. 20 Augut 1938, pp AW-Im"i U" C(*P Ot ftWi, Wtw"W XxPsr fta Tr 39-5k Sci - ~ I-ru4gv kv4swauggs =Val ECOM 00 10m; US XMSMZVb Omter Library Analog Study of Pressurized Water Reactcrs and of Associated Nuclear Plants, by J. D. Le Franc. FRENCH, per, Comptes kendus du "Colloque lntermtiomal sur L'Elec-~rDnique Nucleaire" org-anise par 17~ Societe Francaise CIEs*^ Radioelectriciens. Paris, 'Jol !I, 19591 pp 9c;-'114. *AEC SCI Apr 6C) kut,onamv oi' Stimuius From muscular -T R. Wnmcois, 4 Irm',% jxza-, caa livriloioste, Ifol LII.. 1960, pp 64, ffm Sal. reb &L Iijurloue Effect of Amtihi.u"J-%u--iCc-; on tb--, Production oZ the dacidual reaction end the Vbia-t'~nance of Oym Implantation, J,n, -Bibbits- b.V Y. Ch=bonj, IL lefrein., 8 pp. 2RIMMM 9 perv Comptew Readul; Soc Biolp VoI (~KUXIJ, Dec 1953.. PP 195()--,95h- S.L.A. Tr 430/1956 Sci - Biology ~2. Jun 1956 I I aftIilwa cc dw sajoet at a lost ca Ism- R. X_oajom* Jr. p1mi, a. md 1"40 A, INSWX04 SM R. 11M cmi%w at magma at imislktw 40 ftimu" forwift old haft"10"i CC Uw Air Tom (no@*)* hw"V Iftme. Sol A a I AW _u (NY-5312) Maidug the Forest Sector Iftm Profitable I by 1. Favaits Ob. Wter,, 13 V9. RVAMMM pr,, ftwists Paftruor., Val LXXV.. No 82 I*ip pp 4ftA67. im, 78-* soon -7- 011~/ "11,7 abr 61 ,'DC-5004 Prudixtivtty Problem In Deep-Sita Tiablag., by 14, Lefte"acus 14 pp. M#JaU,, per# lWustria Alimistara-P.-Wuse Aniftils, Val VT31., No 9., 1960., pp 279,281. ins Esur - RWMUIA Icon Fab 61 Equottorls.1 Africa)., by P. Le Gsc, Paul G"L-Llc*,vc', 6 -7- ~IMH -- A. '. -. BUJU BCC PaQ No VS., -up h3-415- SLA !;9-154!6 S.Ci Feb 00 C7 Ybl 2, No 10 L MAIM- of Matiple Antibodi*o bry ftrwit" "thered an Wlld i and Dameftle AnlmW (Hats.. FAbbitaj. Dogs,, eatt")M~ by ~. Le.,Gw) P. diroud, J. Colas-Belcour, 7 PP- - FROM porp i BulleUn do la Scalobe do nmou-qmp Vol Lli, So 10 m90. pp 35-3B. EM 2-234SI Sol - Ned Apr 61 Data 04-1 Iv - Lt- . ' --"- ~.,I - - 57ENCH., per, Journal de Medectne de Vol 0=711, Apr 196o, PP W-359. Nni 5-WI-63. Sci - Med Jul 61 11 ~ - - .-- I- , I- /--I ,.% ~le I Communications on the Subject of Rickettsia o-l" The Boutomexrx-Pourpre ~'J-roup and t;:L- the Ae,,:nt, of Siberimn rick Typhus, by Giro,jd.- NAI LeGat~,.Fmncis Roger, 7 .................. 4." FRM,H, per, Societe de Patholo-gie Exotique, Bull, 1, ~ l')5---,,, Vcl XLIIII, 'iio 6.. PP 06'--870. SLA 559-1541C sci le Jan 60 Vol c AntibiotIcs and the Growth of Swineo VII. The Action of Antiblotlem Ujxm Suckling Pigs,, by R. Legalineurl M. Michel, 17 P. rx per Azml" d* Zoot4whae,, 1955P Vol Ivp PP 153- 3- SIA 59-20171 Sal )kr 60 Vol 2, go 11 top Z The Rxtr4hR*tba1m 4WardlVWpbVzi&l Nthimyp of Mmce~*3jn jmjr*wemtjm JamS 'Vertebmtes, by bko Asmlt" Itmaue"Ims 03movium uter pp 42-5L Cfzm fzewkb) EM 7-31 ftl - WS&CIfte Aug 59 /4/ -5 I /) J~- ~~ ._,A~, ~- O*erflow Traffiev by P, LeGall. QXM*s per& AGRA164 film Te1j*qAMLUj- citiglis Vol 16# 1961v pp 22 -238. N?C 72-;0154-17D Apr 72 Induat)rIal -Prod uct ion f0v ILF.Wi~--ilture, M.OcItys.l.av Legamaki" 9 ryp. ............ PIXIME1, per, Mochwmnlu~,:Ju .,'Ljl Wr T p6o, pip %19-il, tio 9. Ir .2.2mr .., PolatA BADE, Zan 6i. Agricultua-z-0. Machinery Exhibition In Warsaw, ~)y 1-fleezys-lav- ;~qrmmski 10 pp. POLISH, per, llachanizacja Rolnictwa, Vol V11, lt-z, 11, Warsaw, 1959, pp 19-23- JFRS 2645 Mir - Poland Econ - Mzntafactaring) AgricultuTo May 60 T MIT (DC-3",O-L) ProCrm. of the CPSU, by 211AMIDE npp Ll PamLlar,. No ib 1:;Cli. L 2, 6, pp 5 JPM 1.14'a.10 U Lbmauay pol i4= 62 wa JL& MWIp A.* IUMM=o IL loamom se &&duo embd Im wo Grawto St 4t;owb;: I ; Ivan* ARCHM FM 00 vla is so Igo i ago* LECA!, A. ~?er,;r Und EutterimamAsche !-~oratshefte, Vc,!. %,-)y c 11a. al .) figuxes, 2 1 1n:,'*'caeril',-e c.,f ".uenching fron) e!:~, crl".'11.:--~ t'-e ~Pro,-.;-rties of 'Vanadiiu.-,-,al'-oye,*, (!rder PLOWNGERi, Z. p i LZMTV A. Dergund "tenmannische Monatabiefte, vol. 87,, 450 wordej 19391. Now Etching Agent for Prinaz7 .19tructure of High- Alloy Austenitic Stools. Brutcher., Trans. Order No. 87Zp $1.00 milpma R. IMIT6 Ae Bwg.i,- Undilut.1 ---antdAcho Namtsbefe,, Val. goo No. 12, 2600 1%2. SuosrsoaLiqg and SvVerhesting of the aniLtion Procs~ Of STOSIO Bruteher T,.pm, Order No. 1971,, 3-90. ell Contributim to the ctralgW or Boron- jktanosr, A3.joyed S~ecjej fteelss, by A. 'Emot. QUION., p6r., ft==%MM, ltowt&s 110 109., 1964. pp 7-95 ai4vhO35;-W/- /) Z- c e, ,, /' sci i- - Jul 67 3311,~45 IAT irc r, i; (.,I, r w!v L Fj:;.4 T.0 H Yetallwirtschaft, vol. 17, 6 figures, 4 tuatles, 4700 words,; 1938. Investigations of 18'0 Cr, 9% Eli Steels. Brutcher TrRns Order No. !~! -70 Cover Pr PtatoWn ror Swooled Dwin and the Likel,o by BMW L!gk, 8 pp. AMMIU,# ftbMt lb 183,532. US-Do" Pf Commerce rw,msnt Office 8ol Llb fti - MAP ww 61 / 4f VIV-1 j fur dw 'i"n-L !q^- 7, rp 297-',406. "lei tp- 6 Vol. A3.1., Ev) 61-19477 LAWt, FIRDS. COVER FRA ')M FAMTNM FOR ENAMELED 1. Bolts--Design BASUG AND THE iAE. tr. by P. C. C 28 Mar 61. 2. Title: Basins op. (5 figs. omlrtem~' I Legat, H. Order from LC or SLA mi$l. 80, pb$l. 80 61-19477 11 Patent (Austria) 183 532 IH Patent Office, Trans. atAustrian patent 183,532, cl. 34c, 28. appl. Washington. D. C 22 Jan 5:, pK. from'15 Mar S5. pub. 25 Oct 55. The cover frame or or other fittIvS by it can be faftenid to ti sultably bent~ifree ec edge into the openiq porift elements ab verwly bent Inner e and displaceme basin opeming. tting is ftxed indirectly to a bast Rns of aipporting elements which basin flange or other firting. 7h m which extend over the basin thereof. or portions of mW sup- against the lower side of the re- ge of cover frame, thereby pre- splacements of the cover frame red perpendicularly to the 00-fT '..1S-1- (Machinery- -Machine Parts, TT, v. 5. no. 11) A Study of the Possibility of Using Ion Exchange Resins for Purifying Complex Antigens From Inert Substances, by E. A. Srairnov, L. K. Kas'yanova, 1. M. Legatj 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Zbur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Imunoblol, Vol XXX, Nc 9, 1959, pp 97-100. pp Sci Sep 60 he Pha-mactylogy of Diascorea Gaucasia, by V,Ya. egehayev, 3 1-~p- RUSSIAN, per., Farmakol i Toksikol, Val., XXII, No-. 5, 1959, pp 424-425~- CB sci Aug 60 /c. 2 ~ /a , ~o/ ! ~ 0 .11 %70 1,19COP95) X=truxVlons for Aarowg2otl-i %rveys., by A. A. Lof~acbav~ 9.j. pp, WSSIAU., Igugh, ot.0 DO ARE2 Semkos woolmit lop-s yp .3-59. mA/ym u-gi6o soi - oe*wgjlost PM*oatlng "Ve":5-16 ftt. 56 m Beent q*mmu#c&tjLou Devi=, by bm Silva, rVQwmmAr"4mGmw"* 3 pp. YXMDNv Patent So 745,95V. Boo of D~mrcs MW orrift eel Ub (gift) SOL 049ft"ruw JIM 59 . Ii i II I i i A i& - some" sw smoda " if- I ]No- -ft*IWP- f ..: "I 0 - *w I P. D!gar MAN "-wail - I 11 1 An 4r '' - THE VALUE OF GRAIN SIZE IN ASSESSING THE HOMOGENEITY10F THE STRUCTURE AND THE TRANSFORMATION BEHAVIOUR OF STEELS, BY A. LEGAT. GERMAN .1 PER HARTEREI-TECHNISCHE MITTEILUNGENy VOL XV., No 4, ig6o, PP 218--222. E3 I si 2767 SCI - MIN/METALS AUG 62 LIST 143 207joiaL A~i TR TO TME QUESTION OF GRAIN slix K-eollmm STEEL,, BY A. LEGATv e ET AL QE"Na PERj, RADEX RL#4M-.HAU, AUG 1961 PP 6'57;"3- El I s 1 2415 WCUR 4 QERWM ECON NOW 6 1 172j,M C(mitribution to the IIataAlv:r.,bnIy 03: ~Icron-alloyed Special steels, 1~.jaU A. I-loser; et al. Bm-Il'uttan , - tier, . 1'~-Ojijaatsh., Vol IUB, ~-*'-Ctr 1964, lyp 95-97. 40.55 1-1:";u I y 65 7'~" , 7 Underwater Deep Sea Divers and Frogmen, Also Designed for Sneak Attack, by Lupo LegaL S pp, ITALIAN, Patent No 591,0M Patent Office sci.-Engr Wv 63 3,-;,3 nni'.-ut::on~OA-&atizatIcn for the Mactical Air Baser. ;rbblems of the:Main Aspwts In a New War, Chief Lxgoen A.~ Leae*19., 15 PIP- UNCLASMPM-D translation. .~CINC711., qu publ., La Wede2M,A2Lqq9mtiQue. France,, ~d qu 1950., Endl to IR-122-52p AA Fivnce,, 9 Sep 1952. -3 59 17 IT 403013T !1litery Air baseo., sanitation Oct,52 CM/DEX cm 671673 Now% "Sqomloo Mr ic bomb tow -71 Legenchenk.), 1. t%. ON THE QUESTION C-17, BANE FXTtAC7I7I0N BY MEANS OF WELUS (BORES). [1963] 14p. fts. Eables omitted) I ref. Order from 0Tr> or SLA $1. 60 63-16213 Trans. of [Khimicheskaya Promyshlennost'l (USr~ 1.956 [no. 81 p. 469-474'. 63-16213 1. Title. Leachin_ 1. Legenclienko, 1. A. DESCI.IPTC)I;S: *i.oclz salt, Boreholes, 'A'ateL, Fluid flow, Solvent action, Solids, *Mining engineering (Engineering-Memical, Tr, v. 10, no. 11) Offixt ot Tedmk~o Up. SLzul~vj 411ort Lm the First Hationvide C:.)nfor- eWt qon AW-!~Sp by Le Xhwo 15 pp. -,uc la;)& VIRtImmm., Per, an A t vair, Who% NJ* -up 19669 We mar ilvr in the Ok2boustion of lho bW Z. V. Dal4puwm., L . A. PrIk Nbluo VD1 XMs, No 7y jai X9560 pp 961 Coamitents Bareau Jun 57 e Researches on the Hardening H4h Elastic Limit Alloys of er est in the Field of Chronometry, EL, 1A _dot&*-J. L. Castagne,, tot al po,w; FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR ERNAL USE WITHIN THE DEPARDUM OF B~5f. CNLY Ndi, per, Societe suisve de Vol 11. 1064. pp %-1---9-74.11100063767 FrD I-IT 66-350 1 3209782 Mar 67 . i . -Al 1 1 I .t REGULAR LAMMR SEPARAT)ON Ocollemew I Aminalre RWIer) tr. by D. A. Sinclair. 1961. 4p NRCC Teduilr~ Trim 952. Order trom NRCC 5D. 50 NRCC C-38M Tram or (AcsdenU des Sciences. Parial Comptes Rendus (France) 1955. v. 241. p. 732-734 (pub. by Gauthier-Villars et~Cle.. Paris). 61-2S&08 1. lAgandre. L 11. MRCC rr-992 M. NROC C-36M TV. Mulonal Research council of cans" DESCRIFMRS: *Fluld flow. OlAqdaar bound&ry lays Boundary Layer. Pressure. Separvalon. MathemmIaM analysis. Differeatial armums. 0 3 (MacAmics-Hydrodynainica, Yr. v. 7. am 3) om.. oflecweel swlees aepwution of 7hroo-Dimen ional Lam:Lwr Flowv by IR. lagandre. PWM p per,, ftebardbe Ae=nautique, Vol LIV., -1956, vp 3-8. m/4Trr (NC:R/TP-981) fti - pbvs 2,-~, a,, imp 6P RJ*LWvja Functlow and lategntla, Uitb Reall Mdulu-9 in nuiaNwhantest by R. LegetAre. UIMAM77M MCH, per,, Oceras No 71# 1994 a SWA 1435 ' so t - rtv oat 56 7j " J-6 ,(- or ammuvaests., by 9*ot non, rOp OMWAB-133.. 19 :PP- NASA VT F4420gra I - (-Cly '12e jo~o b cpf 6e , I~y sei-rdwa ssgt~ 69 391, Ah vib~ok*" ke vidd46 by twbw,~-f b16 Tocjbz~ PS!g to. 164) Pygft ogavy It, 9,'O/Dwbfj* I L, 93U ryl of is Sluabs noel to this Amplem aud =UMUMS by M*~ t It a 3f pp. 403p1.72 Meni, the Forward Tip of 9k HI&ly I t WIvIS At Wdium Auges cd! Attack- I.: '!by Robert LeSmAre,, IL8 pp., nups, I*rj. Recherdbe Aerounitique,, No 3PP 1952s Pp 3-8- 1YR4 11-337W Scieutlf ic - Atronautles Jan 55 CTS flow Uar the Forward Tip of a Righly Bwpt I V~Ws at Midimm Ana) a at Attack- Part 11,, W by Robert'lopndre., 12 pp. P. FMCH., part Recberebe Aeronautigm., janpei 19530 pp 3-6. 0 N-33709 Scimutific - PArommut1ce Jan 55 CTO In- euretical Study of Blowing Hear the TraUing of a UinC~ Prt-,Xile, by Robert Legezidre. UUMMOMMOMMOMMM FMCHt OMM N.T. 1.2/13C6A of 2C Apr 1954. Navy Tr 1.554/MI-43 Sci - kexonautiO13 I Dec 57 3-6, et 17 i Frph r-arj,,3 OncillatIons of &a I"al Hcoagawmw LI(Pdd lit an 11 liate canal of variablc Cross se(~tiou~ by A. L%enlkovj 4 yp. AN, per., Iz Ak Nauk SWRj, arar Geofiz., No 1956; pp 989-90. Urj4 Amr Geor Ovj Bel Doc 59 On Sveirdrup Waves, by A. P. Iegqn!kov, ~ Pp. RUSSIAN, Der, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 3, 1962, pp 434-437. AGU Sci Sep 62 210,595 cn the Stabalty of Wck., Rectallcal&r., Fi-c:O:L-v S',~Worbi~d F-lates Under the Action of I. D. I'absema, 4 pp. par, Dok Ak Nauk Vol UAL, iic; ..-p 7 16 9. AIP Sov Pbys Enk Vol. VT J, No 10 The TYNuble Photoelectric and YA.nometric Registra) tion Df F.4pid Reactions in the Gaseous Pbase and its Application to Cold Flames,, by J. R. Jutras, E - (" - _Yzv. FREMICIII per, Canadlanj. Technol, Vol rlar"' 1. 1956, PP 29-38- B ASLL ,R-GB39 Sci ~7 Apr 15,; Ach-Ic-mraments :Lvi the U*,;-Ac! o.i~ w-nmiim IJ:U-ieTal3,7 'iry J, E. LeEIna. n-;LJM~z pox,,, Encrale INaee~ixle !,-,o tm c g:-: ........... .-MILIAN wir, Eneztie Alaeaixe No 4. la . 'w"ll- the -!.r rk:,13 rt;~ 7,7 L. ;nd,'Audoly. P. T=~MEN F ZONA BY STELLATE INTFIL- 1. Lem, L- TRAMON. [22 Apr 531 2p. 2 refs. U. Audoly, P. Available ou lo" from SLA 61-1f493 Trans. of 12 Pres se Mbdicale (France) 1942, v. 5D f-. 421~p. 588.: DESCRIPTORS: *Herpes, OStellateganglik OAnvithet- ics (Biological Scimces-Netwology, TT, v. 6, no. 4) .1 1 D ONAL ANALYM AND 173 APPLICAMON TO PROOLMA OF GLASS TBCHNOLOGY (L'Awlym Dimmali ~ i. (AppIkulouideafroblikDoode TachoolVi Verrleri))~ 11960) 1351p. 8 rds. Order fr&6 3LA ml$3. M pW. 30 61,10516 Trans. of Chmtechdacbm Saricbte (Woo Germany) 1959, V. 32K. m IV, p. 34-37. 61-10516 I. clam--Mekft 2. Purnsom-MoM test romhs 3. 71tle: Dimenslaml awlyals 1 - LqW, L. 11. Ildr. bftroKloW Owgress an Glass (m 3) Ofam of irech"cal sm lcm (Materials- -Coramics, TT. v. S. ncL 6) PiLmrdiative Acticin of rfavmaln AvImst Rhcch~ (XcuxlLa Mx.lr4a Latn:'mams Pratinims sod During BloW Trawl'asious, by PFdMM:l per,,, I* rp"sat Hedica:.a, 1949 'Voj 90 60t, PP 837-838- SU- 59-17819 Sol Peb So Vol 2 bf 1, 0 V) Pretpaxatica of Thin Mlim of :4'mwiqw.~ Uso t'-. 17tupp gy Pky-Ads., ll.o for Muttllic le -era %11 I-Tuclem, y 9 -D b- TO &Mto H e 3.,e Jourml de Pb,,miciu-a et -1 P Va XT., 3.,t 1954p -0 -TA. �6-68- 256 p 4A & A4 0. Romeft Ay 06 4L LINEW& 9 an& sma* 0" "amoad ju 'Fishes of the Son of Japan and the Adjacent Areas cof thio Sea of Okhotsk and the Yellow Sea, by G. U. Lindberg and M. 1. LeSeza RUSSIAN4 bh-, 199 pp. '-I'LL RVF~: 4983.90 IPST 1772 July 69 33 5 _Z5 3 THE KASS POLICY MUST GE REFLECT,--D It,.' j*J--Ili--IAL ACTIVITIESj BY 1. PP. VIETNAMESE PEI-% HOC TAP, 140 12., DECEMBER 1,.,62. JPRS 171y)-.) FE-V I ET NAI,'. ROL FEB 6,;, 22'~ A Proton RalAmtion in Fqdrogen Fexvxide Solutions Enosed to VCLtmviolet Radl&ti=j, by V. M. Vdavenkox E. K. If~ 0. B. stehu=: 4 pp. RUSMM., perp Dok Ak Monk SM.. Vol MUM, No It 1960j, PP 645-647- CB ftl .Tul 61 lateawificatlan of the Prmesses in the Rlast- TurAsee Hearbb, by V. I. 4&gftvy- MWUN,, per., Xz VysslbM Uobe:b 2&vedj, Chern~ motol..9 NO S., 19Q., Vp 21-28. VB' M8 aft, a Nbt out 03 of amp" owdww" UMNO ~ $16 lAdd- 80 ~i *& %, xqo-,# a 5* w - - 1 -- ;. ---. ~~ V '),)l j , Z-111,60,10 33NM & OWS86MO of Cb4PMW Cbmdamul V. 7. -1-- Nowasaw so V, IL wmol~i ows Ingammummip M6-9 ib i% io L547. J16,4 M!aw* (an Lou 4w pwmbmm) I , "oo"/?, I ~;~ /It",/ ~Y-- .A4* 65 Usat Tmusfer of 3cepact Ch(..Okeybomrd 10~~ eaW to a TMVMeMO rlov., by V. 1. p V. M. TA&u7j ILL pp. MMM.- Vws TOPlOMTWft"w, No -3,, 1962. PP 53-56. OW320 M-W-I]L-106 SO& - ft" jea , - -- -j cartqn aiobgiw Properd" tot D. SftrlcvA CtdttXM 109906 In CoMid Rayom (Egetricts) Of 1~0, PrIMWddy KM (CUMLI Reffion), by K. V~i. RU iladtum Eoklemlologd I Im POsters Vol XXV, Uningirad, scl Blol Ik bled Sel Crewo Bomb, Accumtely at Ni&tj by F - K. Leglwv, 7 pp. - .' 'r -.. I RMUN, p*r,, Vast Vos notj, No 7j, 1958o Pp 24-27. 647093 ATIC Sai - Aera MaY 59 F~ s /':~" Some Information Regarding Exanthezatic T~Yphus irl I '.'*he Primrle,, by K- V. lAgkodi=va,, 3 pp- RMW# per# ZhUr NdltrdblOl EpMeMiol i Tmmunoblcl, VOI )=,o 90 11,, 1958# PP =BM,1-77. ftr9=30r, Last Sal - Med Jul 59 ~?/, ~,;, ~? 6 (Nr-7(klo) 123W~Ift*W* IS UO SWrOC81 TI.V6tMGUt Mi6la~ bm=, bw A. L IAOW 9 pipe ONZWO Vwg Vast Mdr DwW. 1. L 0. ov, *I LZUMI, No 1, 3.962, JM 1301 ftl - lftd :F Apr,62 Thorium-oxide Catbode for Pover-OaciUstor Tubes, by N. G. Arobwmkay&$ N. G. Ban')covokiy,, M. Yu. GOrIMJ 0. 9. 1481'DU,, N. If. SwDva, A. A. lmgkova~ 16 pp. RUBSIA~jv per.. Radiotek I Elaktrual Vol III, So 8, -1958j. pp Perpam Rnma Scl Aug 59 ouvriow of a Gas Jetu prom a Vessel of Finitc 'by Aslanavp V. A. Legkovap 7 pp- sIAN_, perp FrIk Mat i Mkh., VG:L ~OCITI, Tjo 1, 1959J. pp 190-192",- ~qcj - Matb Ccat 59 The Influenca of Fastness, by Ya. Dye Concentration wk on Lig4L A. Loegkun, 3 Pp. RUSSUN, per, 2hur Prik Kh1m, 1959P PP 156o-1562. Sci Aug &D Vol. XXXII, rio 7, The Influence of rye Concentration on the ReBistance of Zed Fibers to PhotodegraUtion, by Ya. A. Legkm.. 5 pp- ............... .... ....- ,TP-SDW,, per, Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol X=11, No 7, 1960, i636-164o CP 71 y Aug fil mw St~tutt"t DuuvntLm of Illoctro-magative I ! Ll~ - a"" wLtb!IIL&b neld strawths by W. Legiar. GRRMWO per, ftLt so Vol 16a' 1961, pp 20-261 * C.&O Tram S"a sci- J4. jum 10 First Comparative Remilts of Bmtine and Fortuitous Detection of Tubervalosis Among the 65,oOW ftPlOYees of the Northern Railroad System, 1947 to 1950j, by I P. IAW.. A - Nsclouf,, 5 Pp. FMGHj# per., Rev Tuberep Vol NW,. no 4/5, Mar 1951, PP 432-434. EKLA Tr 2%5 Bet - Iftdicine J~7 Jan 58 "'3 e ~I Hydrodynamics Of Packed Absorption Columns; The Role Of Preferential Paths For Liquid Flow, by P. Le Gaff. DUTCH, per, industrie Chimigue Belge, 196--, pli~-i-6-*; TC-2o2 635 - TC-1314