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W Red Deft sC ladh Ghdmav by rm Ampoo Im &Mod]* &a ROAM#, ftv,4 To RAN-iam Mb smj~jjl Vol 43., Jb slam". Avg 396$l, ppilm%&4m* 33ko465 -mozft Solowft md 040MOW90W Nw 66 on Pcasonable Ratc cd~ Cloz4a Plcialin6 0 WiturinG Varieties of Ox-yza Sativv. Subspeclec, Jrpanica, by Dee llsieb-p'inG, Xo Aal-fuak, 55 PP- CX94, m =WM,, per., 14ung-yeh Haueb-pao, Vol YI,, No 2, IIR.Y 196D, pp 140-163- JFM 945 /s Sei - Bio jul 61 (DC-4561,F6) col-nmanic-i; Mibar~ls Loesu PlaVe~au, 'by 14,c llsuleh-tserag., 120 pp. CUINESEj bkp Buang Vu Kao Yuan) 1959, 100 pp. JPRS tM:L Asia ck-og Sci - G--cmbys oct 61 Basia Zff6rbs to XWm Toebal.que In Small Coal Mine Dpamttom* by "-Uni Iasi* 9 vp. IMM CHMEM, per, WL-tlas Vavg-yejj,, 3o 21,,/im,, 7-12. JPRS Cmuft wou Kar 59 cr 1 j,4 or,/ A FEW PROBLEMS PRESENTED BY THE l9!':-)2 ANNUAL FINAL DISTRIBUT1014 TASK IN THE COOPERATIVE FARMS.9 BY LEE IL-YONG ,0 PP. KOREAN, NP, 14INJU CHOSEN., 16, 17 NOV ic62 JPRS 171,Di FE - KOREA ECON JAN is":' 21 45- The Pafticle Model Musa Surfam,, by A. Z Ore=' a , v K. Iae. IKD=Ml P/gg, PxveeWJmV of DxWrmtim -- 1. Uew cd' Atadc Zoer" Held an pfteaftl a-eo ma 1955., voi n. Imt4miati Colaf -- UN Sol - maclear Ph"Ics CIA 1-669.9.162 fts Zmera ftgaumbm for a 13pberical WeU Wlth an B920AGati&UY DifAme Bmudarr,. by A. 1. Green,, K. ISO. IMMU., paWrp P/9"p Promedinp of Diternaticuai an Pftceftl Umms of Atcadc lamw Hold at OOUWM 8-2D Aug 1955j, Vol. 3:1. Intamatl Coof UD maelAar Ftweits cTA 1.-669.9.162 %.- f - . 2-) / ZI (DC-3282). RLiles ca. Identification and Fingerprinting of Of ftnd~ js by Lee KjonAL-,MLL..9 - ,re . %00%00 ~ pp r,.QMN, Parp KLnJu Smb*Pp Jk) 7o 1959., pp 52-,56. JM 30450 lorea Pal - Legml Nor 60 Adjuntment on 76 MilUmter Scimiess Roll2ag Mill., by Lee Lien-shih) 7 PP. nil= .6 i3g, per.* J[arig-t I leh,, 7qo 2,, 27 jr-n pp 94, 95 (excer-pts). 6o A-q fo~ om 63 63-18132 Um, P. JL 'v. d. VAPOR PRE&%JRFI~OF HEXAMLOROMMANES (Ober 1. TUk__ flamwilkwo den ntru;Wnwk desk HcuchlorfthmW. [19631 [51p, 1. I.Aw, F. J~ Y. d. (foreign tw IDCIMI~4 Order from SU $i. 10 63-19132 TYans. of 7AiWduift ft AnorpniWbe und AUgendne Chende (Gei~ i9M. v. 223. p. 213-216. DESCRIPTOR& *Chlorocarboma, 013dutnes, wVapor presBure, messuremem Offict 0 Tez%.kii Urvices (Chernistry- -Physical, TT' Y. 10. no. 11) way*"* :"two /,) -1 , - -1-4- 11 , 00"moraftm 44*41 1 Vd To "Wo 11 1 7ww . I ! ~ i I 1~ 4 1 th"'kno PW . ''. 1-- : 1. ~ Topological Structure of InteLzral Curves of the Differential E uation, j# '40 )(Al 1 1 .1-4 /V -- YZ x iv x by Lee Shen-ling, 22 pp. CHMM, per, Acta Mathematica Sinice, Vol X, No l, lc96o. Amer Math Soc Sci 220,532 Jan 63 62-18939 'MUR-T OF TAKATSUKI PILAYT PI.AW ON FVA 1. 71de. Gosel FIBERS ~ (GbSM NO. 1). (19621 35p. I - LAC. S. Order firwi SLA $3. 60 62-18939 Trans. of Kobunshi Kapku (Japan) 1945, v. 2~ P. 175-194. DESCRIPMRS: OInchutrial plants, M?dyvinyl a Polymers. SynthetLc Wbers, ProdwtiM MuKdActuring metbods, Host treatment. (Materials- -Pl"tics. rr, v. 9. sio. 6) Lee mki, Kawt*smi, Hiroshi, andHiwm~, _RCCRESS OF S-11,11"Y OF 'SYNTHElIC d J'K'jorcl D~ igaku Nippon] Kagaku sel I - [Kenkyuslit.j K,vrNhu (Japan) 1940, v. 5, p. 115-136. DESCRIVI'CIRS: OPoln-inyl alcohol, -Fibers (Synthetic), lieu treatment, n'extiles, Processing, Synthetic fibers, 62- 1 b943 Ill, Hitxm, K. IIJ ~T. wis - 287 (Materials-TattdIes, 'IT, v. 9. no. 7) 62-18940 Lee, Sh6ki and Mtorni, Kiyoshi. -4FLUME OF GLYCERIN AND WMYLENE GLY- I - Leeo S. U COL ON ~THE H6T TREATMENT OF PVA FIBERS. U. Hlt.,.I, K. [1962] (9]p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-ISM Trans. of Kobunsh! Kagaku (Japan) 1945, Y. 2, p. 235- 239. DESCRIPTORS: 6rlycerolg. *Ethylenes, *Glycols. *Polymers, OHeat treatment, Synthatic fibers, Water, *Pol"yl alcohol. I i .2 (Materials- -Plastics, TT, v. 9, no. 6) Office of lech*W Urylus vawvr w w U19 SOWN4 1-4p 9 tok "I Cavity Ww -U L.1 lift* SUMMARIZING PARTY LIFE TO AGREE WITH PRE- PARiENESS OF PARTY MEMBERS, BY LEE TONG-SOL, 7 PP. I KOREAN,, PERy TANG SAOP,, NO 8;. 1962., PP 35-37. JPRS -15913 FE-"KOREA POL., Soc I'lov 62 215,202 (DC-5-071 Tumour Chenotherapy), IV. Syutlaosis of Some ArylallpUtic Rtroalcohols and Wltroetyroms and lftwlr, in Vitro Antitww= ActWty.. by KRO yen-all;w, Illm Holu-700& Lee Tze-we) pp. CHnWR, per., AcU Pharmawutias Slnlca,. Vol Vri.L, Feb:1960~ Yp 70-76- JPRS 8936 Scl - Mew /73, 4-:~'JP (DC-59A) in- Order to E2evate the Qua3 IV 1~f the Training I~Iwalnm of the Cltiy (DdLstrJct) wid Comty Partyp 3chool.j by laeo Vmg Rom., 6 pp. MImmi per* SW swp# Jon 1962,0 pp 39-42. JPM 13VI Asia - Nme-a mow 62 , ,'br I i-5(20~ ftrfaco OsqIIL"Low of gvem-Rven Nuclei., by aben Rung-tfto'O'.;!~~ Tw*-kous Jon OUD-WOL., Ib pp, CUIMM,, per, Wa-11 ftuah-vao, Vol XVI, No 3, 1060., PP 13P.-W. MIS 7695 act - ym pb" Uft-a ;p 7~ ", r4x~, avo son 2 0.4 3v ft-mx" I &4-poma 11*v 6~ some omstvwtum ft a paldtble mw to AgPLMLUIM* by Im Yage- voil 84,j 25 ftr (*.. a ~3,9 IL --.) Contribution to the Datermlmtlca of Low Boron Contents in Steelp by A. J.. ., F. Hecht. GERMAMp pwj Raftz Rm2ftchm, No 1,, 1960, pp 62-66. BISI 18,4*6 Sai - min/lftt Feb 61 / '//, -L111 The ~ Pres"3t State of Re"emeteoroLoV by Lee Chi-seagg 24 pp, cujiis%~ por., vo itimb rml Pao ~ I No 60 1964t pp IITZM. Pmffff67 6" FTD UT Z~, - '0~ Navigation .mq 67 3240967 --:5(' CIMB TIUIVAAlg 10 tbO FoundatUn of CwAaudst iftajnlqj~ by UM CbU WK196s 9 IPP- Nm*wo *j, Smog 0 io wy 1967.. pt-~ 2 & A- JIM 4" vs-xwea POI JUXY 67 3MOG9 A Sericusp so far Unkziuwn,, Pest of the Java-jute- The Spiralburer (Agriluc Acuts Thunb), by c-;. ~~pjis' DUM, per, Meuedeeling Van Bet Instituut Voor Plantenziekt.en, No 56FNMMMW~ - IF- - MI DiSDOC-T2121", Apt. 9'* '-~If ~/Y twzo Md4p ~ 96 LOOMM16 Q=U4 Dwo winum vou )462 No,. 40 1963P ~pmu, 5T. AMW MW* Sol MY M67 04-037 Tapimlqsrab of Particle Size lWallysis-PrinclpIcs Equipoent, by R. Lemmarts. IM.U.' Ith, per, Vol 109, J-1-66, r:r J-97-2t~7. HTST: 5406 -D Sel - BUilhavioral and Social Jul 67 ProducUon of "l Chlcri& on Industrial Smlej. by J. 0. Vlvatwj, J. J. rAeadertse, R. H. Nmt!Lv1Amr-Mftw, 15 pp. --- TWIMM, per, Chimloa is 112mentris, Vol XXXXM, ib io, im., pp &3-&q. ou 6D-i" al Vol no so 9 1-?51 mw 62 1 rcakiggr, L. de and Boodt, M. de. PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF 'ME USE OF )vIAS- SIVE DOSES OV SUGAR LIME (AND SEVERAL OTHER PRODUCTS) FOR THE IMPROVEMENT Z)F SOIL STRUCTURE (Signification Pratique de I'Eniploi de Dosen Ma-Hi,,er d'Ecurne de Sucrerie (et do I'Emplol de QuelqueF Autres ProduitB) pour I'Amelloration 0e Is Structure du Sol). [196111121p. Order f rom SI-A S 1. 60 61-204S2 Trans; - 6- -7-.orjc,. International Symposium on Soi I Structure [held In] lk--Igium, 1959. Proceedings, v. 2~. p. 128 --16. DESCRIPTORS: *Solle, Acids. Physical proptfril,-F, Stability, Car I)jhyd rates, Calcium compounds, Gxido~s. Chemica-, r,-actiorts, Plants, Growth, Fertilizers, Ek~-ts The ~:,( fin abundance of finely W%dered cat - citim carlonatv viiables the sugar Ilint- (a by proK; u~: r of (Agri,: ulture - -Plaw Cultivation, TT, v. 6, no. I.i(ovur) 61-20482 1. 1-cenheer, L. de 11. Boodt, M. de _ locker, R. van and Dory, J. PRODUCTION OF WRAPPER TOBACCO AT, LOWML 119621 lip. Order from Y -H $13.75 K -113)84 e Trn:is. Bulletin Agricole du Congo Beige. 1952, v. 43, P. 9199 - I OG9. DESCRIPTORS: Production, "Tobacco. Agricultum. 62-22823 1. Leer, R. van 11. Dory, J. [It. K-:i 3084-e IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation, TT. v. 9. no. 7) offict of Technical senim Cinchonap" by P. MMp 1~,H7 Teycmen.-Aap Vol SIX,, No Ss 1W.. yp SIA 57-2889 AUG crone, ty "a ()Via and, A. e e r. Sh) C.'.,rh,h 2bl- ilo pp 3, crone, ana A. i:,i hV per k2, te ~2 COWUMtOd SYstem,--. Ln. The Addition Of Alkyl MUdes to Dlene Rydro=bons, by A. A. Potrov, M. V.-JAWkQL 8 pp. RUSMy IUD PWj Dnw Obabeb KbIm.0 Vnl MI., no 4, .Apr 19%,, ~ PP =3-11M- cm-sultauta b-.10eau set - 'cbenistry ~e ~ 6 6 'e1 Feb 3.957 CM/d~m 7 Lecl-sum, E G. van. A NITIMIC'O FOR F-AI711-ITATING MEASURING -1111: 1 1-4 cy L C. van RLCX)D PRESSURE OF ANIMALS. (19611 15p. (9 fig, Omllt-c-d) 9 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-20567 Trans. o, Archiv Wr Physio)ogle (Austria) 1911, V. 142, p. 37';-~195. DESCRIPTORS: Elk),xI pressure. Measurement. An!malsi. (Unannounced) Laeuw, F. van der. ,IN GRINUNG MACHINES, 15 Fab 61. Order f. TM i2l. 00 TTIS-5017 Trans. ofVerfkroniek (Netherlands) 1960, v. 33, May. p. 184 -189. Machinery, Fabrimlons and Accemsory Equipment, Tr, T. S. 100. 8) 61-12950 1. Grinders- -Development 1. Leeuw, F. van der 11. TTIS-5017 111. Translation and Technical Information Services (Gi. Brit.) OR-0 T.."i..l S-i- ., Locidug D19ferentials, by A. Kh. Le7?ar0lr. ftw RUE;SXAN, per,, Aftombil Prola., No 12., 1960, P-P 4 -7, NU V,- 3565 ~C-; c i - 3wr - I Au3 62 -. 1 1. . /, .", I,I -/ ~~ I PTO',:) e 1-t fl :5 aT C~ I I I a on and C.- ~'Aj-~* pG:v$, i-,11.tzcA I w, igen dE: 'V: G~ 2- R 1.1c 75, 19,61.1~ pp 243.,1451- 62- 0122 R. -i4. ~lmr PACKAGING FOR FOODS. 119611 10P. 1. Lefaux. R. Oydej Irom KIS Si4.14) ATS-57MOr It. ATS-57FV-01 111. A*wwixtcJ'rcct,nir*l Traiis. of I'mhodlages (France) IWPU, no. 20D. %rr,-iccq. Inc.. P. 161-J& EamtOrampe. DF%C,R[M)gs: *1 00,1. *pAckilginiL Oplastics. v ri, Paipwo. The pblyqrcuc polowalp Lofdm"e mma4 Pen mmcdLAUMM aml~ du ..- ~ ~M& Ammal dha do in '&No;: =OEM -!- ~* --- bu -a" voa. io, I 1963,p pp 1192-1225. ITC 71-15W!Ill Maw, 72 The lawat4pua" of UWAKTIZO i2 Bwt-ftrp by J. Piomp Jp DooLrmtg & Zaftbwv, Qo pp. IAN o1 Am .ftU et YMA$v,, Val =v M3v vp MA 5&EA40 v l2kv -True* Be= 0. pool 4ym 59 -1" Y-~ ~ ~-s j .'LEFFBVREE k. G~. Revue. De Tletallurgie, vol. 313, 1-300 words; 19'-`~6. .Soda Treatment of Iron. /? vl~'. - -, 1 BnAcher Trmis-,, OrCier No. 555, !!'~l . r" "DU-5328) "-'he Dispixte Concerning Alianation, by Ecnri -N, 1. IL. e', 10 pp. C-27MIAL U", F2ZIUCT, bkl La Somme et le Reste,. Chapter VIT., 1959, pp 114-IP7. F OPES 8195 VF'U'r Flame CORMIGNI QC the 7horium Bm,, pj jean perp Jour-,-%al Calp Am 63 - .- - - - 0 - ftftoft Muma to a // or kft Awatfiew %W 0 wm 6 ZVI IV 160 116 bdoo% G* - -.- "L on* left S. lafebv" 34 4. loaloow modomm 3g&m ot I ContributIon to the stp%of -~ho Distributicr, of the Urlimry Organic fur; by C. Lcfevre; M. Rangierp 25 PP. FRENCH, pj~2-, Ir3u-3--, do 1& Soc. det Chimic, Biel, Vol Mp 193T, pp 1697-1710. NIB 7-10 Scl - Med SOP 58 1r7 ftamew caner wire, by 0. Lef'ev-re,, 6 P. rfa=p vollp't Re"* Gemmle de IONIfttricitei, 192RO' Vol Wo No 13,, PP k79483- SLA 59-2M6 Sol gar 60 Vol 2t, No 12 /a ~ lelq iw aitl Technology, by Henri L F4 R_--14 C u JFRS/DC-bo~.4~ F,--a I I kI Pol Aug, U,21 MUSA'S, lisym sea! Oawxmbo J. Istobvm, J. Z,- par twime I*Wa*aquk 04 Vol I StA SaL tj Actim of the Brain oti the Cx%Wium Duriag the First yews of I"ej by J. Letebvroj, at al,, 7 pp. p L-E-FE6PR6 FRZM, per., B. do Padiol 3!t d'Faectrol,, U -9-- Vol =(VIm, PP um 9-41 Scientific - Medicine 140V 56 cTs ;.4,dj -~lv so 92--A.0- at omeslum4m oat atrantlum-W for v4pj" the PM"~ ante nsslM Pxcduct r== IV AO,,C=:op Jo LeComp 12 Vq. NJMMI~.p xptp psmom cc as omftremw cm the 0 i d "a nigb4Lvml Magamative was"as A=D4MrftU-Tr-941 Sol - MMI "I Aug 63 om~ lie lb 97110 4 1 ~tudjr;of the Scaudium Zircm-oxide 11 Systei~,, Comparison With Otl"r AO %,03 4ystems 0 by J Lefevrt , Is 3P. R O#FICIAL USE ~M Y RNAL USE 11= IM DEPAMENT OF DIIFENSE CNLY pwr,, Rev Haaes Lemor Et Refract, Vol I*' No 39 B-670 pp 229~-237. P1000610767 FTD HT 66-324 Sti Mar 6 7 320,1792 4-wcavp for tite Truatment W~, !:.4;1, oi Waste W4ters From Cauneries, by P. H. Lefobvre, D. Dicklmon. ---------- FMIXEs rp,4-0, Paper prosentad at tha Jcurnces Tn- ternationaloo dEtude des Raux, 11 N&Y 1957. DSU/314' 76/CT WE - France &-~? (/- /,- Econ - , ~?/ / Her 58 ;I__ 'Itsts of Adrenal lnziX.L'icicnay Par.tothevir, Acid Deficiency, E.- J. Lefebvrec sel,aLj A. Rakot4D)WR PAP He* fteaqg, pcx, Clam:pt. rendl 6cjw-. Biol, Vol (T/,LVII, DMarlOrw 195-3., pp Z-ft 2012-2t,116. 60-18649 LaW Binois, R. APPLIED CHOLOGY AND THE PROBLEM OF 1. Accidents- -Psychological ACCIDENTS JLa Ps yclhologle Appliqu6e et 1e Problbme factors des Accidents). [19601 [151p. 27 refs. 2. Applied psychology Orderf2cm. SLArnIS2.4(X ph$3.30 60-18649 1. Lefetz. M. U. lknoifi, R. Trans. of Revue do Psychologie Applique'e (France) 1958, V. b, no. 4, p, 757-264. (DeMvioral Sciences- -Psychology, Tr, v. 5, nm 4) Similarity ol- Cytological Action of Phenylzlrethane and Colchicine on Plants, loy Jose-pb Lefevre. T'IT-MCH LISDA rer III - - State J,.,,-, r-,!,', Inorganic Chemistry -- kbUstence of C-.:nz,.1nU-GU.- Trf.m-czition QJ'' Q41ad-ratic Struc~:~trc to Cuc,--ic d:1 Rare Earth Zdrconia Oxide Systclas, by it-nall T%.r.%7 :. T' pp - per, Co=tus R ndus, vo-1 ix)uax, j-959, pp 2-:i~--2331- AEC- Tr 3ci - Chem I r C, Variations in the Nitrogen Content of WheA Graij), Rulatiunship3 With the Vitmosity of Soft- Wheats and the Starchinewss or "Yellow Berry" of Derum 14heatso by Y. Coic, J. M~ Lefebvre. FRENCH,.per, Academie D'Agriculture de France Comptes Rendus, Vol XLVI, 1960, pp 369-3?3~ b4t MU/T, 413 S c J- - Aj ','U r 6 3 IntMretstidn Rule of a Generalized Pbase Diagrm.. by ~Q M. Lafevre, 4 pp. ------- FRMM,. per.. C--- RerA%Wp Vol O=Is No 51 Jan 1951.P PV 381 SIA 3195 may 58 6 -q, /&