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LACIWC 61-16498 TIM TRFATMENT OF PAINFUL SI`UMPS OF AMFU Jerc, P. TATION. [1953]Sp. 1 ref. Available am loan from SIA 61-16498 rrans. of Is Presse bl"cale (France) 194 Y. 418 [m 62/63] p. 667-669. DESCRWMRS. *Am4wtadon sturMs, Vain. *NOWVIOA, OProcalne, *Autonowic nervous system -qwgery (Molog!cW Sciences --Neurology, TT, v. 6. w. 4) 04fi.. f 61-16494 Laclarc, Frederic P. CERVICOI~MORAO:)-MACHIAL ALGIA, WnM 1. Leclerc, F. P. ANGDIOUS CUM- CURE BY SMLIATE DIFILTRA71M 1195312p. ATAflable an loan frm &A 61-16494 ftrtW trams. of Lyon OdrurgWal (France) 1941, v. 37. p. 37-39. DE.9CRIPTOR&- OAnVotation snm*s, Vain. OProcalne, *NeuralgW. 71wepy, Countermeasures, *Stell- a 1prall, Offi...f 7-60i-l S-k.. (BLological Sclencom-Nourolagy. 7r, v. 6, no. 4) A. ighm Stmineus in the '-I'reztmnt of Clalat ]"boo d of ~~ *nUestatSAM of the Gouty Distbaais~ Dr n~n~.,Laclema Dr rranc.-olB Deastly, 8 pp, Ato 47,# 1940., FWH., rr,, gim Ned 4a Freaccep pp zaR io-i6 Sal - Modicius oat 59 Researab into,: the soot aw1utum for tan NOOMI wags or! a stmaturop kW Jo 1091"40. =M RO vers Omms 2"b am# so lip 3%958m us 7ft act - aw Alpr " ~."/ 9457 Leclerc., J. STAINS AND DA COMM J'PIECE Order train SLA Trans. of l'Inituo [no. 7961 ~. 269- ES OF FMnS IN BLEACHING IDS, [196116p. 80. ph$1. 80 61-14036 Textile (France) 1952, v. 69 1. Cotton twiles-pi 2. Meschiag agmu-- Physical effects 1. Leclerc, 0m" of TOC6ACa swk.. (Materials- -Teulles. Tl% v. 5, no. 11) Determim,tior, of Nozzle Sizes and Rates Adopted for Teeming of Drawring Rixming Steel Flat Ingots, by L. Leclerc, J. Goweau. UNCL FRENCE, per, Rev M-t-,, Aug 1958s lip 710-715. BrItiah iron and. Steel Ind u45 (U 1.5 0) Sci - Mn.!Wt APr 59 m IW ftdxwum awlemp w seem 4M- pp Vbt Aos, 2963o "-A pah.- -;-- a. PAMU v - 47"~ w 3ft3b? tiom of a fteach Slater PL=to by P. lAclerc* 1, PO 10, Vol 60 No 6 54*q. ROVW 98 "02011MI, 7-IZO 1961* fpp NO SPA - Mat Akr. - 4117 -Le et B-6577 Ito ii, 1953; PP ~,-! SLP, 1A vo,- ftml AvGic Amu. wroct airjkopzux utnl*m (v4~w item awaft'l ft" pp. Iwo, ftw% Nefto Vol =Me 1070 A* Jg. ank 1"taft ~ oba"ta Mkw 55 CM/M 0202 Aqueo,as Diuresis in Coinse of Insulin ltj~)o- Glyceraia, by Victor Le Clerc - FRRICH UISDA per NC State Collec,~ Jur 5"? Conqatibility of 8tructural Stools and Carbon Dioxide Under Pressure mad at Average Teaperatmvs, by R. Darras, D. Leclerc%, 1. L*riers,, 21 pp. - - FROM., rpt. Centre d'Studes Rucleaires, Baclay, Fr*nces , -, AMC-tr-5303 Sol jan 63 M I ~' F ~- 6- Clwvffliard, C. . anJ Vkarian. R. OXIDATICVNI OF ,:,RDINARY Oft ALLOYED STFf---.s HEATED 1\~ GAS UNDER PRESSI*RE, b-,-A. L. ~AonkF. [1,)f)2J'43p. 10ref.,. S LA S4. MI A I- 'I )f C~~1'11' Iii'll, H I 1,i DES(: P.H,10 R~: All~~ (loll, Al~.immiim SO L'. C I oi~ -~ ~, p I it: 11.. c I, ItCL!1 1:1 W611.11 !,11 Ill 1;11 JX)III, gal ifillit'! J~l illl~! ~.~;0,1116(--JWC C, pa ra 1 .1: k I ht. I is I d,l I )(Ill K; n 1- 7 1i , ~~ c It I r t .: mW ill'. ~fi.~ , I V klkl, addltly,- cI, llwill~ IA.I~ '10 I 1 31 'j)01~ ! E' .1 1 1 1 g h 1 A! ill Itil 11 .1 it] I I I I il !III I I ~31I 7) Eam of Carbon ElOd" an suddwm sod at . S- lu em D. LOC&Orcq- Ehi"W IWUWMMM-M V JF HO flel FRewma uw-. mm-m-mgm-fm 01 doM - 4w IrA -- - (;-M 3, 1 i-1177-IM& 03596 1 Sd ~ Chem jam 64 261,12D Oxidation of Ordinary or Alloyed,, Steels Heated in Carbonic Gas Under Pressure, by D. Leclercq, C. Chevilliard, R. Darras, 43 PP. FRENCH, rpt, CEA-1407. 9089616 AEC Tr-5195 Sci - Chem Aug 62 208,437 Sf~jL LECLERCQ$ J. Investigation into the Parasitism of the Mealworm Tenebris''Molitor. Lambi-Llionae, XLVIII9 5/62 19-48, pp. 43-47. PIL From DSIR list of Dec 1950 Nemurewmt by Tbazwbalance of the Vcast:Llity Of PrOPOMWt PIMUCUwsp by C, Prejacques'. X Leclercqp 13 PPQ FlWM# Pcrp Um Pbuftess V01 1= Is 19551, Pp STA .57-2778 set Aug 58 7,0):717 Reconstruction of the I& noride Quay with the Selo of Ammacbes Caissons,* by R. Ioclerc 10 pp. I;YJNCIMVIBD FMCN,, perp Sclome et Irdustrie, 1954., Parism pp CKx War - 1prame NM 54 CTS fto6cmd~ - r*coomtvucUoa,, calssous, 4- '1y by uric DatermingticM Of Cc-'istil iz-elerce, , 7pp. co FRIENCHI, per, AAD&IeB in3titixt P6zt,---ur...,VQlkmF Ned SCi by- FRIFINIC F, '-Ir7-~hlemes et Ile-hrlin-- (DC-M 1807) An Appars" "Unlike the Otbers,," by Augusta Lecoeur, 8 pp. UNMASS37ISD ------------- FMWR,p bino per., I& Nouvelle Worm, Vol II,, No 2, Parls., Jon/Fab lg%jp pp 310-31AS. Us JM/DC-L-217 WNW Frame Pol - COMMMUn )ky 58 ~1117Y Thoroz mid Togliatti Heirs Face Crisis 0 in I~Jorld Communism, U3, :~U.~Ust Lecocur, L, P RENQ I,n-,,,) Le Figaro, 5 Oct 64, j, IS Oct 611, 9. MIS 27299 IlEur-Ital), Pol Jan 65 -67 Western Ew~'Ppe/ Sci 0 . Behavior of Polonium and of the Active Deposit of Thorium in,a Gaseous Current, by M. Lecoin. FRENCH., Journal de Chimie Physique, Vol XXXIV, 19-3-7. AEC Tr 51 1 6, -,111 L,-: /-/ ~ i, ;-I Hadioacti.vitY4 A fil-1, Gawom DOMPMud Of P010nium, by Irene oiwier Wrool lAmin) 3 PP- FPJMI, Per OaqAes Readusj Vol =n,. 1931,, iv 145~-IW- S.L.Aq Ta! 114 W-2169 W&V ~ Fraum Scieutifte - Cbemistry ) ~~5 S? 0040 11 Conet-ruction of an fAutcmtic .Applicat-icni to the Measurement ef lives and to the Cmparison of 111Gditm by M. Tiecoin and J. Robert, 38 PP. . I n.,KVM;- pwr -7 -Pbya Radi=.'Vol A-TH, lqf,,"~ pp 158a Ai.)g 71/ FIwtio Dwta=tUm and Rupttum cC U=mliam Ungle MYstaU in %=:Eon at --196CC, by A. TAMOPOy P- T4aOOhfOj, 8 -TV. FIRMEs per., Jouatal of bwlv~ Vol VIU, p9 3.16-325. Sol - Mys Jan 64 i on " TbwuomcUor Prqplgon- ESdmAft . saw Pedormom for a Been EAffOPew Bdomwi by R. Adier, J. Lot=DPV- 14th Amtro- Fluu4cg* AP4 bm 1919mg -- naided COOMMISL ulp 196& W" TT F-SW Sd-Asm Fueft & Prop M*Y " U4. GOVERMaNT ONLY 257.488 Possibilities Afforded by Study:of Fa~t Constituents, FIFLENCH., 016agineux, Vol V, Infra ed Spectrum for ky ~tecompte 11D pp. No 12, 1950, pp 685 - 688. cy~I.n rrr O-N-281 Sci - Chen Jan 52 PT3 Researda on the Factors of Motivation in Blat-ena Germarza,* by J. Lec=pte., 8 pp. ul-imomi-vim 7MMOT., pev~ Bulletin de la So qjInte cue de, la 'Llrar-ce, Vol P-P f.'ci - Biology,, cockroaches Aug 52 CTS DEX of sollw ed AbbKxvtlm Sixomtre 1,16,W4111COMPMON JW)*tv2Rowtamw ~by J po#'s C~Cvlm-p 200a 1921a, jV Ad3-m7U73---. T%nnj soi 371#097, E*O. G3 a&& Aits 9401a in the Rat =dfituitary-Ad"Aal Iio6wj*s**j, Ig. van Camouborge. J. Loccote, tt al. 7 poo peips AcIl !A11irtolosia, Vol 6,, 1953,, pp 20$P-3031 SLA 4b04 sci /041m Jun 67 327.773 "*war got NO& HBO" Vw Im Admomh 1w am TA 34s I=* NO #3 aep~L~, , . *W iJ *iw 6? 3MW to of 4.vor&mm"* 01~mur S-940 Wt"* by NNWIS la 2 in tue IVFNAWIIIAtie nrLog I& by S. SM64 a* IA*wwe,, 27 3XII Ty 2163 Jog Applicati. h~ ?Of Infrared Adsorlition Srpectvti 1 o Stu~y of ]D~grce of Coadenwtior, of t1he Croup P03 1.6 1 "-iiallfc Salts. 1. by "Ifelm I , t Andre 0 coc. chim. ?Mtsce, VO-- r,-) 7164-7-,-Y, .194s. AEC-TR-2011 Adtim at Pewrpim on Swe V*aocu3-q-- Ch4ansous i, R98L-ticxmol in RM., by K. Duvmtt, J. Lecomte, 3 pip - per, Coqftas Ron&* (Joe Blol; Vol CLTTT~ "P 1958.. iv 367-369. Nn'rr 9-41-60 Sci - Mat Ned wav 6o 3 Rofract6witry~v- The He"urosamt of the Disperslon of 4quids J~ timi la&ars6 Betnm 24 wA 30,,