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A Aethod,for the DetaridnetWa of Oem%nium in Oreas ~ Coals and Indmtrial Wasteu,, by V. A. lazeroft, 'N. V. Lebede,vap R. V. RMIAN. pw, Zovod,.X&b. Vol ;MV, No Is 19581 pp 9-12. I=tra Soc of Amer Sci Apr Go A/S -03--3 Application of TrlWroWluorone Derivatives In Colorlimetric Analysle. Determination of Antimonyo by V41 A. Oazaranko,, N. v. Lebe,3eva, 6 lip. RU13SIAN,, W,, Zhur Anal Mift* Vol XI, No 5j Sep/ Oct. 1956, pp %0-%5. Cowultants Bureau Sci .. Chas -,V '~ Vb~ -- Jul 57 the Vaca-y of Cawrton A. V. ven., 0. M. xeoeklowt p Iman-bugl, -Per.$ No 3., XJ-aV,, "'-,q-r)7jt pp '274-291- M JPPZ T-,- Set - V.1tictron-Ica LEBEDEVAS. 0. N. Table of Contents., Clinatic Report on &stonia and Latvia, 5 pp Main 4ft of Hydrcmeteorological 6ervice IISSR, Ooviet Peoples' Pommission of USSR, Pub. by Hydrometeorologi- cal. Press, Leningrad-Moscow, 1-,.)37. RUSSIAN of so= Marlow cons UPM i AntmWas by N. A. Umbdn2mcho pp. RQ9~ Ak HM"NR- Val CLJUq No 4v 196L11 'Me " Sd -~ Abd Apr 64 254 439 "Y '~0;27 ?come Pindings on the Wluenoe of Low Barcmatric Presaure on the Course of Influenze in Irradiated Mica,p by V., Pa Bmayk:Lm.9 0. P,, Lebedeva.. 1 p. RUSSUS., per., Medit Radiolog., No 1. 1959. TIMS 22B6 Sci - Yedicine Oct 6D I'Tdrvan-rbans of t-4,o ot;tn c f Una Iqm6h %In** by ',To 4", ~l #Wma ~ 1-~. J~tdalq b1z lug M f7 14, f) 57 Iff, Jan The microbardnes aof Ulnerals, oy S. 1. Leibedeva .. FUSSIAM~ monop WAkrotverdost Kinerp-lov, Swcow, .Lgc,-. *CB se-i-mm Nov 1-; 3 On the mechanism of action of hexenal. oummileation Io 2U action of hexenal. Ca th~ interoceptors of timi intestine, by V*J6 Lebedews'..5 ppe MOSIAN yer,, Dyul Owper Biol I UDd,, Vol Iti.- 10 4.- 1957P PP- 35z..,W- consultants Bureau Sci - Ned .Am 58 /0 5; //Z The DevelcTmat of Late Glacial Jandsaa~Deec im, the Con-Limutal Part of the M)Iu Feuin-ul-,', by A. A. ISikonov; R. M. !!!~b9djays, h- pp. MMIM, per, Dok Ak Umuk GMR.. Vol CZYM11, No 1, 1959., PP 148-151. AGI SCI / s- ~/ 6 / C~ Jum 61 Rational metiod or quantitative oetermination of Finely Disseminated Bawy-1 in Grelsen Oi*s, by S. 1. ~eboq-vAa-- MMIAW.. perp Trudy Ak Nauk SSM., last Kinwml Gookbim I Kirlstallokbimil Pisdkoh Elementov, 'TV, 19W, pp 209-213. ol V Dept of Interior G G(5710) i~UZZQ2= Sci - Hia/Mat Aug (NY-7171 ) REPLACEMENT OF A DEFECT OF THE COMMON CAROTID ARTERY IN AlGROWING ORGANISM (E)PERIMENTAL STUDY), BY T. 1. LEBEDEVA, 11 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, VEST KHIR IMENI 1. 1. GREKOVA, VOL LXXXV I I I., No 4, 1962 -~ PP 8kXJ 35-41 - JPRS 14936 SCI - MED AUG 62 20c,,,2o6 Cban~oa Mot%= Or SNOW. and Ldqu:Ld aKwa~-OzMa HavUe, bV A-1- Yuditf3l.Wn,- T-W Aebedwa. go, Tvg- olw,4-4. 1964 (5596) Z d; rj BT 0 1 A%tdvbo So Uokftp %W 4~ 1 4w11 & 1 56 & 1409"Wo Lrl =00 'M XL# Ob 340 ail NAM ~ Alouft awwwo f -1-11-1misolml MIAMI&O *0 67 O~pm NOUP(la Or AwMWe Qw Rawls in amim ftah Ama suar ~QQ~OftVm finay"s. I* A. 3'.. Tuattam7a. V. it. Ldwoovs. po va 45, POM01 OMWBItLon In SMke-L~ Flab, bV A. I. Tuat$ko*, ~T. N. Labodna. =33*' PW.. 80.1hoz. va 9. 1960. P 69 OB 35Z446 6 LS t'. 6f-6--Ow 4 --r IA - scl - Sep Cri -~~ 40, 071 I The Mct 0- kilsz of Action of Can - z,wU~,atoi~ua 11. liefl" la~Xbli;,Lon oi L;Qr-t;xcaJ- m-ntor Effecta P-nd Spmtamsms !'--,tCr ACtiVitj- C.' thit Animl %'multing f--m +.K- fvf Irem"n-tital on the Pntamcepters .%-r tht-, ZnUD,vI'Lw# by V. A. labadevap 6 pp. sTJSS:,[Az,, per, Byul Eimper Biol i Msd~ Vol X'-TV. 1W pp NOV The Work Function of Activated Alloys of CuAiNg 8,nd CuAlRe N. Lepeshinobtys and V. A. Lebedeva., 6 pp- ~q RMIAN., per, Zhur Tekh Piz, Vo I XXVII, No 6, 1957j, PP 1240-L247. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Cech Phys Vol 11., No 6 Sci - p2wa RRY 58 ZVO&DMUM Of Liquid Tkmugb CoUmnicating CaPiLlaries and the FLmdamental Law of Trawfer Of XDiBtQ=. In 8 COpillUry-p"Utus &ai8, By V. K. Leb6dmp 6 ppe lussrm.q mD per,, Zbur Tekh Pit., BMt Vol XXVI,, 110 5s 1956s pp 1064-1069. hiirum umt or Pb"ics Vol 1. No 5j, Soviet FIgules Teabnical. Phyalce S~ Sci - raysics Zm 57 "BMW". q., md LXMMFAO F. N.0 The Sf~wsb Of AddLws Orgaida Ocwpowmft upon the iromm, I* Zffect of Ad- ily 'the ding CCWVDUUW lop= the VelocitT of the Aw~m~~cm QoAmseed Oil tV Potaasim RrdroXUW oicum of Phowl) 2kw *A& Uli~. Vc& U, go 2, 1950 )lPeb), pp 267-271 C0nmdtUftA bureau A 11 slatim RASIPDVAIFIO M4 Ass~ Md Le CCEPOUXU Ww the Volo- Amu% ftf th altr c 306plokift r-~vaoom, 11* Sm CatALlytic i cm Aoioti of ,Ar=&Uo RrdimjW Conjamdo upon the Velocitr 4-R- Of Pro"" Zbjr WmbA Mr. Vol XY* No 29 1950 (Yeb)g pp 273- 275 ConmltantA Bumau Tramlatim RAWO~Wjp B6 A,op MO ve so 1 1 WMIRO TAW #;great ~, 4otf adm orgamu cowcomb upon the vjoa of ma Irl. The Caulytia Action Q ' hei'AwspOddeg I~L~tj# AlooboU Of ~d Aldebpbs W= the Velmity Of fjo soap, I*ift Zhur Obahch Milm~, Vol XX, No 2. 19% (Feb---),. pp 277- 281 carmultantA Bwmm Tramiation Anaplug Zff o-ab of Physiml Loma., of tba VjD-Utu w -a M*er Oxyg= Content. in Inhaled Alr on tho Rxc_.#abl-Uty of R== Visual Imalymor, "-,y -C 9,r 1.9153.. PR =36.164" 9690498 E41 -- afol 14 lbd S2=1 2 4/ (o 5-7 Coeration of Timodoolon-Ta* NoWlave Cmductames AvIsfiercl In the Klerwave an& Optical Bmdz, by ~1. V. LobfAwo V. V. Lebodeva 10 pp. ::~ I. AlqSlRN.q Wro Padl*tW* I BlaktradUl So 2~ 11963~ set Doc 6.1 lllat-.-Lo of Llme latwaities in the *t!-i.,,ibl,-- -fl-riple-to c~ vjaml2rj,, by V, V. Lebedevap V. A. Fabrikmt., 3 FaU traimlatim. ROWM.. bimo perj, Iz Ak Hwik., Ber -Rxivs, Vol X-.I.X, NO ly 19551, P 7- CU C 42053 Colm:dbia Tech Mr Sc,,ie,atjslc - Rwailm C 04- mml 56 arip/dex H--xA c Chamteriatice of the Salt Content Of t6e Pb4d Ratim of ftpUA in Children's Rr-mes, b;y A. 1'S 19 pp- EMBIAN.p bk 0 Trudy Banitarno- I I I Letitu Vol xxv, 195% pp 25-40. .YPRB 28f)0 Sci - vAd Oct 60 i6obt In VAkJM Out- PA*~"m for Nutritim CbLl&vgllig lumututiums.. by Ye. A. in =Tst4 Z. P. Koshiss 25 yp. s hl~~ admOv*.&O Tmdy OOD bk L Vol xxv.. TW9 7 -pp "M 2690 Med 0c t 60 -2520 (DC -2977 'iLocal Antiairpraft Defewe in Rural LocalitieSo by 1%. Kormbl.gzv,,, Yu. Lebe4avaja L. Shag-terikove,, 156 pp~ RUS,Sjf~jq~', b1z., BWvo v Sea'skoy Restaosti, 31-959, I)P 'A.-Rooq JM-L-1852-D SC-1. - MeB." Sep 59 TW Rcile of Atypical Variants of Shig&13^ noquirl Ii the Clonesis of Dift"lonp iby U. A. LOVOGWUr RMI'm zbw Num*w RpLd=Wl L I amp bW4A*1*3.p VOI =Xp ND 4j, IM., Pv 97-ice. Pwrommom Press Sai /M, 9-?Iq Wr 60 014: or A WOMMIC MM6 W W-immms 5 VP6 i I I j lira *74 VOIDOM INMYJk# IS ~# 19=s, ",m i OP Oft ITPAV vm* scl 16 NUC4 FM go 03 U%ODW.A knee$ IV MAW Aws"A Twomwo Rim %"Use 26 fto 10*0 !IN'- 0 *bows 7 Jay 1"40 vp 179-176. 27-39W 8-4391 00 RacteTiolleal Weapoas of Fortign Armies and Ulefeaast. Against Tb*z., by YU. A, Lebe46Qpt, V. A - ~3erebryakuv, MM14RI,, ljkp SMY-terlologicbeskoye Grublye Inostrauk. Tuovtmnzq)r.W AirmtS. t Zaahchite ot Rego,, Moscov,, 1957 VP 3-M. US JMB/VT-L-451 Oci - Biology sov 58 .47P 4 RUMUS., porp Zbw VAkroblol NPidt=101. I lmwm~~Qlj,. V0.1 M=p No S-j. 1958, 16-19. , ftrp6wxi lum t ftl - VAd WV 59 o/ ProtedUan of Me and OUs Mmis OxUlatlon, by Z. K. vA4acft=ftkm-w POM. Vol lamj ft PP 4,7-W- ftl Chem 09-9p ft &%am 5" ftv $8 a Thia F-fuct of Fore~ T'n T on n V---:Lzrf,. of Scl, PW 4 -op. RUS,SVON, 9 59, M"t I T" zrreati ~~ of PW*J4p P021" am, the Proeem ar ftrtlUmtian In Oorng by Z. V. labod4nas It pp. RUBSOMO Vero Vok Ak Nm* BMO Vol =3110 No 3t 190# PP 539-0-AC Awr lut ae Siol Sal Sci - Had ~Pwl, A2 6 The Structure M=t be ChwWd, by Volostaorv., loeba-diMich i. .--, " PUS;7-.V,Ki, nip., Krasnaya 7.vezaa, 30 .-pr -06j. FBIS Modern TV PAO noting MUcass, by A. 1. RMIAMp per,) Ueftwwaax, Igo 3jDx 1958,p pp 32-37. Porown Prose Sci YAr 60 ///, --? ?r com"tional Festmos of Yawn Telov1sion rat by A- I. lSb"rr4bZuRWr- ROSS=, perj, Uektmvyasp IND Ils, 1958j, Pargmn 'P"" fti wr,lo ONY-5202) A Standard Television of Medium Capacity., by E. 6, Glazman,, 19 pp. VHF (UKV) Radio Station A. I. Lebedev-Karmnov., 1. 1 -- - BU-130m,, per., Vestnik Bvyazi, -N,-- 1., 1956. JPHS 7072 Sci Jun 61 1.4" 7.1p Vide-.3,-met Trp-Lsfom---rD c.,-L" ,,. H.i. lo-b-~tiev-Kraain; LI pp. rladictekliaikA,, Vo ABSIM 5, 1957j. PY 38-16- Pergawn rerae.,,, 6--1 - Electronics ,72"? 17 Sep -58 of the !"a)-,ion of La -Mriv! Targetj T,:Lk~A; !irCz1a, of Attack. of thp leigill 47 125-3-5, 0". ir StAten, 1959; rrs3 ATIC 1~01,70'1/.I. Watew Rog-Ime in FeA and 13,tmrV Soils ira the WR and Crop yieids, by N. F. LK.-badevich, 6o pp. HtEM.N., bks Sbo=,Ih NauabrqUh tAn2dov in5tituta NeUmmatelip I?o&oM i P41otno&) Doz A%r Nauk A-35SR, voi vto 1956. 9o89781 OM 60- 51054 el Aug 6P. lpff " W, LIU Cutalythcal v:;Elritj- 17 Tseba-0logy of Sauer by A. 1. Lebedik. peri, Vesttklk -v-t-i,, aj 2.. ;.qS.,jffl pp USDA tr Cuttivir. VAivoer wt the Rotary 6-ithe, by I PRUNCII, pier 10 "Vue du Bois et do ses Aiq-li pkt.:~ons_, Vol go ro 120 Nlr.;;J W-13,127-131 5ept fig Density of Meteoric Matter in the Vicinity of tJie Earth's Orbit, from Radar Observations of Meterors, by V. N. ly--bedinets,, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XL, No 4, i~)-63, pp 719-732. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Astron - AJ Vol VII, Ho 4 Sci Apr 64 254,52C, The Structuxe of the Qgadrantid Met-re-or Stream., by B. L. Kaslicheyevo V, N. lRbedinets 4 pp. RUSBW., pep, Astrou Mw 1, Vol )DXVII., No I., lgbO, pp Ug-122. AIP Sov Mg Astrc;n - AJ Vol IV., No I scl Oct 60 /s 6 j 3 I On the Strmturc ar the Gemiald Matoor Shmar,3 by 13. L. XaGhdhwwjj~ V , NY lobeclizwto n per# Astrm muro Vol. Xmm.. so 41, 19590 pp 6204k0. Amr W~t of Smut Astrm-m Vol rIx" so 4 SaL Vq or 60 ICA, 7he MorpholoGy of Induced Sarccxua in Rats Depend- iug an tho Type and ft=tlonal State of the flexims System,. by S. I. Lebedinskaya, A. A. SolovvevPT7 Pp. MMM, per, Voprosy Onkologii, Vol IV, No 4, 19582~ pp 425-431. Pergwon Press Set jan 6o 7f f *for Zloctromarcosin and Method of Its MC In BUmp 2bemigg, by G. 8. saundarovp ppe TAN M =Iup,z oluc per, PI-Itol Our OBOR iumd I. N. BeI60noi~kl Vol I'll"llit RD bp MOCOV/Leningradv Nciv/Dm 952, pp 751-735. CIA/FW/U-Q39 USSR Sel we"al" S-1122/64. Man in a Space Vehicle, by A. Lebedinskiy, S. Levinskiy, et al. (DC-lcg~6) -' - - RUSOCIIAII; ap, Medit Gazeta, No 1-5 (2342), 18 Sep lgt-','41y P 3. *JPRS Sci - B & M Sci oct 64 1 Lebedfu%W. A. V.1 and Nakka'nitakeya, Z. N. EFFE)CTS OF IONIZING RADIATION ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 1963, 217p Order from ~cdpta,1TwJzdca, bw- , 1000 Verm -mi Ave., N. t.*., Wi4bington, 5, D. C. Tran& of mono. [Vtiyanie lanoziruyushchikh lzlucheril m Nervnuyu Sistem6, Moscow, 19W, 186p] DESCRWTORS: OR&&ation effecM *Nervous system 63-22637 1. LAbed1nekil. A. V. H. N&kh11'n1b&aya, Z. N. M. Scripts Technic&, bw-, Washington, D. C- (Biological Scleocts-Radiobiology, TT, v. 10, no. 1:4 uff~ d I Effects of logolzlng Raftatim on the Herrous Systmo by Audrlo Vlaamworich LebodLnukli. RUSSImp biL,, 1963. ABC ad mitr 64 a-31tr3 0- t1la 1~artb., by ", I _1- p.USSLkrl p 1")Ej , Prirrda,, 4213 Mar 196(), -p 6. !GC 115 Sci - Geolillyz I,jay 6o 11415, ~ -b- / (rC-2800/6). landing of.a Heavy Bomber p by A. Isbedinskly, 5 PP - RMIM.. np; ScMet Avlatoiys, 16 may 1959, p 2- JERS-938-D USSR Kii Oct !59 (;?, , I - Y , 6 z , ~wl Rotation of the Stm., by A, la Iabadl kly,, 27 pp. RVSSIM, perp Astron MWO Vol XVnI, No 1p 19418 pp 10-25. AM WL-jWI Sol * AOtaVU 1-4 Doe 60 jL Z20 ixt-con Zhur, '701 :=111, Wt Se-P 58 a!~ of Diffum Nebulwo by A. I. lebedlasky., UNCLAMMED ,,,thrice-mo per,, Dok Ak Nauk MR., Vol XCII_, RUSSIM go 50 19530 pp 911-914. fiavy T-.,: 96)INU 466 Scientific - Astronomy mar 54 CTS 1;ust:&~d Gao in Interstellar Spec*,, by'A..I., I4be 1i i: T We UJOWS817M RUSSM, tb~ice-mo per# Dak a Sauk SSOP Malmo Vol Xdip %> 3p 1953* PI? 507-'510- vevy Tr 962/NRL 465 Scient1fic - AstroumW )kr 54 Ors // / &16 Upper Triaesic VoIcanizu in tbit Crimea.. by V. L I ebeainsky, A. K. Shallnov, 3 Im. RUSSIM2 per., DOk Ak Neuk &98R,, Vol CXXXTI.. Wo 2A 1.960, PP 425-427. AGI Sci ,7ui 61 Physical Conditions on Mara, by A. I. ~Le~bed ~Jkil, j5 pp. RUSSUN,.Ver., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, V-31 CVIII, 1956, pp 795-798. SLA Tr R-13,10 Sei Jun 58 ~.-4- fl?07.1 Pm$iUo Morchanism of Productim of "%rrestrial- CorpasculAr Radiation" Ua&r the Aotlon ct Oosmic RaYs - *bv 19. N. Verawi N. L. Orl4prov,, 1. P. IvEmemko'; - j V. S. Mrsin, A. E. r,bv4akmp 4 lpvpm Dok fac, F=2% MM, Vol C=, -1k, Vor. 10P.2-1.025. Awr U9t Of phys Sov Mu - Dcklady Vol IV, NO 1 7 C a I - Pori The gueory cc tbea Cbomosphem, Irl L. -7, GU-Mlrich, A. I. lebedim p 11 pp. MM IMSIMI., per.. Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz, Irol )a, ib 6., 9660825 Apr 61 i*u-c= iu 4oaD3 "2.3) On the Amount of Water Available in a Free State on Mars, by A. I. Lebediaskiy, G. 1. Salova, 8 1-,1j. RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XXXDC, 14o 1'62, pp 494-505- Amer Inst of' Phys Sov Astron - Ai Vol VI, NO 3 Sci Apr 64 254 - 31-( Dynv*co of Diffusion Nebul4, by A. 1. Lebedinskiy, 9 Pp:t 689952) mmftft%W AF pers Sove"ka Max Matewt" pysika, owi6q Val Nj No 20 195hp Vp 327., 328. Aric ir-,ra-856i/iii Sci - AntroaceW J&n 58 Bay#'ud Arc of the Aurcm, by A. 1. you Ah w! OSSR Vol LXEWIV 3' D Tr 0 -2 Jk* 53 qM imnary 20'. 1953 1 4- 6 J.. REQUFM DUP FTD-TDBDII CHECK FOR INFO CWZ. 5-t-" ENG. TITLEt INFRARED SPECTROPM)TOtOM OF TIM EART111S THERMAL RADIATION AUTHORS; LEIMINSKIY., A.I.; GLUVATSKIY, D.N.; TULUPOV,, V.I.,- and others. Swwz: UMOWN PAGES: UNKNOWN NO OTHER INFORMATION AVAILAEffZ. 1 m4w Strms FWatom Fouod In ~-P-J-DOU SM-Od 11 Cgow0mrTuats, by Owdomw A* L. Wbodin- 5 et al Pr- -uzms APP p U. tow '1~5 61 -11 10D .A~~nd Gershman, 1. 1. 'W& VAS LTIPUFLS IN AUTOMOBILE ENGtNE:S , SE L I .Internal combustion (Mnogotoi~ivnost7 Avtomobilnykh Dvipteley). [19(01 engines- -Development [2t)jp. i 10 f i__s, lxmtted) 10 refs. H-671 1: JPRS 2. Fuels- -Development (R-1122-D). 3. Title: Multiftbels Order from Crr&$0.75 61-11100 1 .Lebedinsitty, A P. H. Gershman, 1. 1. Trans. of Avtomo'bil'naya Promyshlennost' (USSR) 111. ACSI-H-6711 1960, no, 4. p. 18-23. IV -JPRS-R-1122-D V. joint Publications Research Information is surveyed on same modern engines Service. Washington, 1). C. (mainly American and German models that are not., yet avai la'ole t o the general public) that operate reliably on a wide assartment of fuels ranging from solar oil to high-octane gasoline. Glfi~ of 70t6sic.1 Swvic*s TT. v. 5, no. 6) i solve-e-l" Aasvews to the Problems Published Ln- I 'r lo~, I =d, 2 of 1955., by A. R.-14 g4 A. I, --4j,waovskiy; I"t Sbould the Moptr?), . 5 i)p - If RUSSIM.9 ino per, Vest Voz Plat., J;o 4., 1955., Cn 5- 3a Anc P-m-8665 US&R L71 Sci - Aero eb 557 CTS Bwteoi(~~Loal warfare in tlae PLans of tim RTwuai0t3.. by Lt; I A. krilippo*o., Mj S. Lebod1nakil7j, o pp. RUSSIAllol d r4po rx-a-zoom Zvezda, - Jbseaw, in Oct 1954i CU/X-21134 ull. 45;, 59"-) VVU - likWtAWliolosiml 'erfare . , r The Biological Zfrects of Radiation., Y A~ " Leb&&Inskiyo 131 PP Atom EAcr9P Vol VXf NO 2; 1959., RUSSIAH, PUTY pp CB Sci / ,, 7 , -~-, / ~/ Oct 60 Biological Ef fecte of Healution and Problem of Raaioactive Isotope Distributiorn., by A. V. Lebeainskiy., Yu. I mosksleys 137 pp. MWIAS., bk, RLo1qOAb*skc~ Delstvie HadlutaiL i Voprosy rzasprvaeleniya R&d1mkt1vnykh Izotopov., 19611, pp 1-8j, 29-48,, 35-118r 128-191. 9200978 ABC-tr-W65 Sci - Biol jan 63 On.the Biological Zffect of &1&11 DOes Of lonizi:-;,ng RaAjatjo~, by A, V. 14-" aidy, Ju. 0. Glrlaor'ev, G. a.. DQI4rCbo9-iyf-w-',-'i6-* i6v Atca Zaarg, Vol V., So 3, 1958, 310-320- C11 Oct 59 S-1416 (D., -164 -9) On thp. comeauence.'-~ of the "Pea".0-at of th", Radicactive Tnotope of Strontl-im. (sr-C'0), by A. V. Lebedinskiy. 15 PP. ITWLASSIFIED RUSSIAN, bimo per, Med Radiol., Vol 11, Tio 5, Moscow, Sep/Oct 1957, pp 22-32. Us TFFs/I)C no Sci. - Medicine, Radiation M-ndiclnc- Cortributims to tho ftudy of the, MetabolUm of ca"iux~p Sti,=Uum and a MU%we of Bets-ftaitters in Ca"It by,A... Y.J.- pp RUSSIM,j, rptp Bel Cm an Jbd fto.olcay of Xin of Relath.goscow., 1956, mclap Tr w6 Bel - Abd 59