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"One. Questi'on of Methcda for tle! Determination cf the S I'malture ',of Tertiax7 Acetylenle Alcohols and Acetylenic~, Glycols I by A. 1. TAbodeva, T - A - ]t4ic.-mina, 0 6 RUSSIN9, per, Zhur Obshch IMim, Vol XXIII, No 4, April 1953, PP 572-576. Consultamts Bu~:,:,,au Tr r3cient-Ific - Chemintry 0 S", The F=matim of Stwid 3bbers Frcm DimtaW - It L Cwbiml and Their Catalytic E~ydrogenation Undcr MMI ConUtimsp by A. 1. Lebadevas L~ F.'Mmshis 2 W. RMUKj, tb--Iqe-m perp Dok Ak N=k MR,, Vol IXKM., No Is 195P-.p Pp T5-78- Sol Tr Ctr RT-3407 Scientific - C%ezds+.ry may 56 Ms/dex Syntheligis Methyl p-Tolyletbittyl Carbinol and rts Derlivatives, by A. I* Lebedeve 'dad T. At MISIMina.. 41 pp.' Ruw1up aq I*rv Zhur, Obgbch gbllp,,_Vol XXII, No 8l Aug 1032j PP 1396-1400. Conealtauts Bureau Sci - Chemistry Feb 54 CTS of the Procem --f J.; A in R, elation to -I"be pli ;:,I' -11. Action of V, 'Lie Chloride in Hydrochicr,~c --i ,,i i'l YJ nylcairbinol, by A. 6 p-p. w -per.. Zhw- GoobcL, ina-i. a- Jun 113,11R, p-p '711 D%Lveau r - Ch a i-r; t a -sv- ry -M n !Ion Of DlamtYloac Glycolop by A, %. j, 6 3$6 Hum"'r "Pm,~,r mw 0* map Val =,P n so lo, Oct 1951 1825-L". Scientific Chmistry ' the Methyl Rotor of Metbacrylic Acid vith -Ditw~ Compounde. 1. Reaction of Methyl- ~ with Isopropy2wguesLur, Bromide,, by A. 1. E. D. Vaynrub. 4 pp. RUBSIANp roper,, Zbur Obahch KhIsk,, Vol XXII, No 11,, i952o PP 1974-IM- Consultants Bureau Scientific - Cbemistry may- CTS/Mx /.7,0.20/ k - A. I. R. P. 12.111're.-Itil-ations in the Domin or A-IJ-,Dhr.44c L Acet-lonc- Glycolo. I. Ile prera-r-tj*c~- of e t r i c~~. T. ic :'U U lj'~-urr!d of Griaeral Or' 2PIC), pp !To Rea'XiCal; or It3thyl 112thaCrylate With L. Compowds. 32. 2he Action of VbthyImag=sium and Ethylmpesium Broxides on Nethyl Xbtbacrylate., by A. I. 1,6bedevap L. A. ftvrilom., T. B. Sardobintgeva, 11, pp , RUSSIPS.p ma per# 7-Vn2 ObShCh rhi ., Vol nv , No 9, sep iq%.~ pp P.43672438. Sci - Chemistry Feb 58 sci/ T'lie S=-t sis a,~ Id rc)nv,mr-:-,-_*, on s of - er" Arcmatlic Al~,ohols o." t';,-.e 0~ 7* nol .an~i inol -0:.- A. I. Lc~(!,,;rnra S'lll--a]-,crra-, '7 WIN"" LEBEN VA., I... Lab imeni A. B. Favorsky., Leningrad Or&r~of Unin State U. imeni A. A. Zhdanov Synthesis and Conversions of Tertiary Aliphatic-Aro- matic,Aloc kols of the Ethylene Series. II'. Action of Oulfuric Acid on Methylphenylvi,-Wlcarb4nol and Methylbenzy1vinylearbinol Y~5 7 Zhur Obshch KhimP Vol XX, No 3 19:~U (Par), pp *-OR:- ~:1_2 4. Consultants Bureau Tr-,nslation vmiDEVA.9~~ A. I. Electrolytic Hydrogenation of Dimethylacetylenylear- binols IT. Effect of the Cathode Surface and Con- centration, of Dimethylacetyleryl Carbinol in the I E -Lectrolyte Zhur Obsh eh Khim, Vol XIX, No is (1949), Jan, Tip 61- Consultants Bureau Translation Res~arch O~h the Isomerization amd. Polymerization of Dimet6ylvibylcarbinol as Functions of the Reagent pH,,.by A.I. Lebedeva and the Student L. L. S hc huko-vsUy-a-,----6- Vp RUSSIAN mo, per Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXI, No 6 USSR, Jun 1951 PP 1132-1139 Consultants Bureau Vol 21 Jun 11051 The Electrolytic Dehydrogenation of Diethylacety- lenylcarbin6.1 and the Dehydration of Diethylvinyl- carbinol. by A. i. Lebedeva and the Student T. A. Mishnina, 8-pp RUSSIAN mo Per Zhur Obshch Kh-im) Vol XXI, No 6 USSR, Jun 1�51 -p-p-1--l-2,r-1132 Consultants Bureau Vol 21 "'un 1951 Mixed -,~'stenq of .~-=,ci.-doro:Lap-oropyl)phos~horu3 A-~-~d, f IC-hairullin, A. L. Ledeneva. 1? 1) pLtx; Zhur Obshch Khim, Voi Ciz 2 'l.'51 5 ~`5 2 3 58 - M,13 x Tbe Preparation of p-Y41ene From Dlisobutylene,, by V. I. Karz ev, A~ 14. Lqbedava ). p .1 4 pi RU$SlAtij :,)erj Kbim i Tekhnol Topllv i Masel Val IV, No 1-0, 19k59., 91? 31-34. ATs-2im4oF( M 2 (FDD 25762) Invest4ption of the Nechanism of Cbewreception, Report So 6jo by B. A* Lebedirre, 15 pp. WSWUo no per, Syul Wwper Blol I Ned,, Vol AIAIJIM,13-19 go 'IV Moscow) 1900 pp 19-2T. CIA/JPW U-7M USSR "13, 0 & 4:1- Sei - Medicine,, pharmacology Effect of the May Contwit cm P"pertles of 4pn*uteotcdd Tool ftwgA, IW Yu. A. Oeller., B. A. Lebodem. RUMM M&t&Uov I Tent Obrob MatiLUov. NO 3,9bUj, Pp 31-JO. RD 5328 Aota lbtalluroca my 62 941 L stue~j Antimar Psopw Um at Sokka Lubricants V by il~ cr~lmdumctsv* *am*,, by va. a. zaeuvokly.9 To Do labedm. IMMASO BMZA#I, molipwwo ra A Muk,, OUtel T*kh Smuks No U., 19530; ATMC 7-49-W3 3 18 !~-arly ll;~or,phologica! Ohanges of the Wistroin-~ebti.w-l.' T rez After injury by Radimctive G. A. Let-adeva, 3 pp. XULI:I~j;-~AUy pe ll~kdit RaLlioloi;, Vol V, !,-.,o .r,, JM 5763 Sci - bL-d Nov 60 rr-63-24467 0. I= 19 TO 7-kiB,GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT IN I .Lebedevs. G. A. CHRONIC RADIA710H SICKNESS PRODWED UY RH- It. FASEB-S-145-1 PRATED X-IRRADIATION. fl9631114p] l1refs , III. Federation W American 145-3. PASEUI 16~usc-ript 6m: S 1, Societies for Experi- Order from. OTS, SLA. or HTC $1.60 Tr-63--2"67 mental Bioloity, 'figs. available an loan from OTS - - , Washington, D. C. rkbiv Paiwo d A ffl1(USSR) 1962, v. 24. M 12, IV. Scripw Technic&, Inc.. p. 21-26. (Abstract available) Washington, D. C. DBSCR[rr=-. Radiation effects, X rays, OG"tro- inteatiod system. ORAdiatim sickness. 1 Sclerotic changes. disturbsoces in the neurawascuiar acd 1 -7 d lymphatic apparatus wW changes to the cell compoettlot of the strociii were~diwowrod In the stomach and intse- does cjf 4W In chmft radiation sickness wit! radiatloc ' 1cainiii prbd ed b reips"ed exposure to X-ray* In a ~4 it 50 r. In sWition to the general .41"Orbancis cwtsw special features in the dismap to Oft d Ink" WrAm LebadeTo. G. A. DEVELOPMEM17 ~OF D"STIML POLYPOSIS IN ItATS.UNDER THE DMLURNM OF RADIOACnVE CERIUM.' 119631'112p)3OMe PASEBwanusCrlpt no. S $8-13. Order from OTS. ~SLA. or RTC $1.60 TT-64-13502 figs. available on loan from OTS Tr no. cif Arkhiw'Pstolool (USSR) 1962, v. 24, no. 11. P. 734. DESCRWTORS: Olotardow, Railloactive Isotopes. *Cewiww.~ ocamijoaftic &gnu. Inftnumfion. TT-64-13502 1. Title: Polyposis 1. Lebedeva. G. A. 11. PASEB-S-99-3 M. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Washingioc, D. C - W. Scripts Technics. Inc.. Washington, D. C. (Biological Sciences-Pethology. TT, v. 11, no. 9) NY-3428 ). The State Of the O"tro-InUatilAl Traot in ACMU . the Administration Padiation Sickwas 20 Caused by of Raiiawilve Stroutim (%or#W)Ioglc Study),, by G. A. ~~ 9 pp. 1. RUM10s pers, WdIt Radidlog., Tca IV,* No 2,0 1959. scl - Medicine oat 66 B-408/60 (NY -4135) Characteristics of the Reaction of the Gastrointestinal Tract to Chemical Stimulation Under Conditions of Injury of the Organism Due to Radioactive Strontium.. by G.A. Lebedeva, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, perj, Arkbiv Patol, Vol XXII, No 4, 1960, pp 21-28. JMS 5194 Sci - Ned Sep 60 Certain Data on the Nature of DevelopmenL of tile Pathological Process in zhe i44 Gastrointestinal Tract Followir-16 Ce Administration, by G. A._Jeebedeva, 4 pp. 7- .0 RUSSMN, per, Byul Eksper, Viol i Med, Vol LI, No 6, lcl,61, pp CD Sci Feb 062 195,090 Davelor,wnt. of FP-r3.y XorphID10jr:LC Ch~*7013 Of the Yam, KoomsommmUmm Gastrointestinal ITuct, after the Administratiozi of Poloni=, by G. A. -ZsbmImm.,,8 pp. RUSS 'IAN.. perp ArkhIv Put4log,, Vol XXIIIp No 3. 1961,9 pp 16-oa. JM S1663 Bel - Md. 3 Aug 61 THE ACCUMULATION OF STRONTIUM-90 BY YOUNG LEUCASPIUSI:AND CARPI BY G. D.-L-EBEDEVA) 6 pp. RUSSIAN, BKO RASPREDELENIYE BIOLOGICHESKOYE DEYSTVIYXE I MIGRATSIYA RADI0AKTIVNYKH IZOTOPOV, MIS moscow, 1961, PP 319-322. JPRS 15067 SCI - BIOLOGY NOv 62 216,25,'~ influence of Beryllium Chlortde A---wit! c Or.ganirms, by (s. 1). Le-bedleve, -,,T. -,Iogicbc-Gkiy '7,hu- -,.Tc.-- p 17-(9--1782. No -lo6o, p- Cheri x jaz- a The Effect of RadiWtIve Stroatium on the Survival and Multiplication of Dmpbnla Wgaa, by G- D- Lebedpvg, S. 0. Sinevid, 3 PP- R=10j per.. X Dok Ak Rauk SM., Vol =11, No 4, 1958, PT- 586--588- Amer Imt of Phys Sov Phys - DAlady IC Vol n1, Ho 5 fti - Phv ita 59 CF-A-tr-R-1173 Uncl. WELQUES R101ARQUES SUR LIARTICLE DE LEBEDEVA G.D. 11LE PLANCTON COMM INDICATEUR DE POLLUTION DES CITERNES DIEAU DOUCE PAR DES SUBSTANCES RADIOACTIM .11 (Some Remarks on the Article by G. D._jAhg4ey& "Plankton as Indicator of Pollution of Fresh-water Cisterns by Radioactive Substances). Transluted into French from Med. Radiol.., 3: No. 4,, 91-6(1951)). 6p. p Biomed; Fall-Out; Health and Safety; Translations NC-41 C-41 NP NSA Dep. (mc) (CSO: T176-N) Lovering of ~tbe reamativity of Water Contaminated by (Sr-89) With OertaU F$drbbiants and Silt., by G. D. Lebeftva. 4 pp. RMSIOj, perp Glg i Bmv I& 8"D. ins.. ik..9T4 Bei - Cbem FA-T, 6 e NY-1649 P2saktan - An Wicatar of the ftllutlon of Pma3i wmkui Fwv#rvvUv by ReAlmativa Sabstances, by 0. D. Lebademp 9 pp. ltuss*y,, "or N#A Fadiologs no 6p Nowums Nor-Doc M7P pp 4:4. Us am/*Y-L."]L 7 I Main 'Pathways of Sr8l Kgratim in Organism of Benthos-Feeding Fish in a Freah.-Uater Reservoir By 0. D. lebedeva pp. 10 RUS-91", per. Redlablolog,74 vol n. No 1, 1962. 92MM IJE-Tr-5428 Soi Jul 63 Eni-line 4ear j, 'a C t ~.V e Tr8CC-L' Kethcd, L.'~ T,_~. IS. Shavp G. 1. Leuebev~~ 1,iaui- Cz L; s t-~ :, 1) ~N "N'1 A 1. FS 1) 1: 170"'s. r I ( 1 7c.- v I o" Td l1l: H I.AGr P-)l -11 I.A PRETAIR A A If)% 1, IT' I 'M l,N, (;lM.S f It P; I A IN 0 P I's !,:.At - I ";, 1;11 sl I! t. Ill VIP, It'. ld~ .%?I" S .1iITI F[ 2- 1 1 i-! uw~*~vsv *ad G. B. L4b~"Va ~Ctio~of alcouaft mat from bmvy Mai tar bao4b:. 8 ips M!!~~Pr~w 9440"'t 1950P Vol 23,, SCI Awsm Lib ]b 52/2237 Desipins a mit ror Profteing Large-Crystal Ammcgijum %apbate, by G. N. Lebedeva, G. L. Goldvuseer., 5 ppo WWI"., I*rl Koko i Khim,, No io., 196o, pp 42-46. 13ftA .0 Apr 61 Z/ ~ /~, ON067") Uzi! 101, po am Sim m UK L WIT* IN umoxv% CT ALL* Utz VIP WL III# to 0 %rl (a -335 'by G, cb- c ~, c Nature of the Water and Thermal Regime of Chernozems in The Onon River Valley in the Trans-Baikal, by I. I. Lebedeva, Ye. V. Semina, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, xpef, Pochvovedeniye, No 2, 1963, pp 58-67. Scripta Technica Sci Jun 64 259,881 Certain Canoe of the Appearan of Bright ffoctiluemt Climid During the Summr of 19~591 by 1. 1. Lebodeval bkp MBBW. yx 1"ledoymiya Sembrixtykh Ob]AJWV.. Ladvsmds. No i., 3~(~,. py 59-65. 9%7387 San 63 ';~- I- ",I J.al ` I: -'~ r, -- . - ". - , - --: - , ,- -. ; J. jL~Ilti t' Of C~!rt:airi ThIR-oleaexboir. tOSSIAN, per, Mur Closhch n-im, Vol C 0 ni -, -a I t v.'. IC au Sci 'Purl 60 Rele-7t!rberation Chamber Tecbniques in the Measure- nie-at of Acoustic Absorption C(wfficient,. by I. V. Lebdavap 5 PP. PUSSIAN,, pers. Akwt Zhur, Vol Vnl,, No 3,, 1962, PP 334-339. UP SOV Phw. - Acowties Vol T-In., So 3 SO. jun 63 2340it)5 'lorLoomds With Potential Antitifberculosis l'ictivit- y II. :1-Substituted Mioanides o' '.L 11 -Iia-ol-Garbo~~lic Acids, by 1. V. Lebedeva, T. P. SycheNma, et al, .70 RUS3VU1, per, Zbur Obshch Elim, Vol 1961, pp 2618-2622. CL Sci Jul 152 205,27]; Synthealo of Some Derivatives of ~-Phem7lcywtel-ne, by Ti P. 81chevap 1. V. Lebedeva, T. Kb. Trupp, RMIA.", Vtwl Zhw Obsbeh Rhim, Val XMT, No 8, 2,057.. Pp 2287 -2M - Comultants lhwomu ft I -- Cbm Oct 58 Experimental Study of the Effect of Stable Phosphorus upon Accumulation O.f p32 in Fishes, by J. D. Lebedeva, 8 pp. RUSSIAN., per2 Radiobiol, Vol M., No 3, 1963, pp 377-382. AL-,-Tr-5436 Sci Mar 64 253,841 Xffect of Locally-Applied Ant1bioticis on the Belptericidal Action of the Skin, 5 vpp tyy RUSSIAN,, per,, Zhxw Mikroblolq Spidemiol i Im- j mmobiol, Vol XXV-TIP No 5, 11P 110-114. ftripmon Lwtitute Sei - Wd Jul 58 e7- uwpi-o~lng ILib,;-.., 53IMN, per, Tsvetmaye Moll Vc-I f-I The Mys,-tery o2 the MaLlee b.v, EAVAL~ RUSSIAI'll. yeav., Friroda., Vol )CII., 1962, r,:.) "Ov-.1-08. CS-00/1,11o 5~36 Sci.-Diol. out 63 0 Blood Sugar Level and XKM Inroul..in Regulution in Hyste.-m-sts., by R. Sh. Airapetyants, L. E. Lebedeva, 3 pp. RW-SIARp per, DOk Ak fiauk GSSRj Vol C.U.11, No 1957t pp n74-i176. Amer Inat of Biol Sci Sci - MOLO&Y A u 9 58 fame-gebak %Wwwww7v) f4 Am a. =mine Tk r ~w Im owww"ll NWMTW IN .i~6 7' A N I 1~1 TIP w w0 TJ6 amm L. 1. wrap 9 pp. AK WX UPo VOL QLIVv OK 0 so t2 210#797 InteracitAor. In the Spytem 7 I~valeat Irons by Z. G, Golybtsovs, L. 1. .ya, Yu. V. I-loracbevski;y,, 4 pp le-b!24e 0 Ru5slA.N,, per, Zhur Aml Khim, Vo3. XVI, No 2. 1961v pp 191-195. CB -7-6-1 sci Apr 62 -Spactrophotmwtrio Study of I;hb Reaction Between Tri~mlezit iron Ions aad Diwthylglyox.Lmos by Yu. Va, Moraahav&Uy. L. Ie Lebedevao Z. G. Golubtsova. 4 PP. RUSSIAN# per, Zhur Anal Xhim., Vol XV, No 4, 1960, PP472-476. sai Aug 61 CB e'1' Rxperimeatal Analysis of the Kffect of* Radiation on Cellular Nuclei in the Culture of Eknbryonal Human Tissues, by N. P. Dibinin, Yu. Ya. Kerkis, L. 1. Lebedeva, 3 pp - RUSS.,.A1q, per, Dckk Ak Nauk Vol CXYVF NO 5, 1961, pp 1212-- AIP Sov Phys - Dok voi vi, No 6 SCI ~2 jan 62 i ISWW 6f CbddixW& Papdatiout Usft the Mediod ,4 i6i ImUtion In a Body of Wam, by- K~ A. YombvwnMyo L. L.'LaWev%,. . 11 fo'. Rif;RSAN, per# ZMLagFj Val XL106 No 4, . W9 Sd -, 8 & M jid 64 263~~iU azwting Function of the Liver and Materoasytors, by 1. 1. Ub"m, 5 RUMM,j ipwr ftsUa Zbw BMt Inal I. M. SOW~Baavsif Tca )MY* No- 8o 2W.Ps PP 9ft-987. Pe.qpnon Press Sal Apr 6o 4px 4nomo lamp*$ Cbm to ow t%Aeratmw lnow*l Fourbw ioWks b-Un=SdM -Vadwdo by lo'~ IPO LWANksO IS i W 4 jowl tic 3i r,eg i7f-APL-JHlJ T 1378 4MM Set Ph" 2W,013 B-536/60 (W-4594.) Burn Shook In Dogs and the Mfoct of NewmPlogic Substances on Its Cmwsel by To. X. Gindln# 0. L* Polwynkayap L. V. Lebeft-TP., 18 pp. RUNZAN* per.. XhLrurglyas Vol XXM, No 5,, 1960P PO 87-0. JM 556D Sol - vAd oat 6o 14icrobio,logy, by M. Lebedeva. ------- , RUSSIAN) mono, 1960. *Gordon C'- Breach Aug 62 Chomos in Bated Fish Durins Storess in 69!-~ Salutims., by L TA. M&4mmwv,, Z. P. Usv~j IL -I6msvm.. 19 Tp. Rumm.. bkt IMIM90301-dya ]%MWkh ProdWrWr,, Vol mvj 19586 OTS 60-21&;5 EVI - YAiL iso 63. po am. log Leb-ere-le a, pp IT", SSIAN, rer. Nov Mir Arkh, vo-l:_ :mcaa.-L, 452--d S-i -Y..rA Mar 5 B ~jT Imar - 0 W volotb 14 va um bndbw am go Oftors 1w U. Lamp. t* a ~ m -IV a W, 4"s oft Aug 65 3340WD '.'omprrati-tT Eva.1wedon or Variaus Hubberc in R~peri- mental 26040 tyflasp by 149 A. Lebodevat 3 Pi). per,, XauchW: J Hezimp Vol Ml 9., 19600 pp ..Tul 61 Wftet of Motakuw%ranuve polve in Pbl7cristauiv* Ade, ty I.. IL am, M. ]r. Ldma"a 6 pp. MEOW# Tft* lut FAftUwg Imus A. A. lkdkoval so on 60-510T PLASO Bel POT 19T,662 (NY-6503) a of ComwmAst Labor in the p A. M. slacricovo m M. R=TAN,F lpr., Pgbechuaye Delo.. Vol X.. ]Nb &3~/O*t 101, pp 6 -8. JPRB 13069 M Mac Aw 62 Iepq, -3,.Zf Sovl" - pyi, by M. U. Lebo&eva. R=rM,p so pw, Zbw Mlkroblolj, 2916=101 I Sol p No 3* 19k3o VP 72-82. CIA D 407218 um Tr SA10, 4 T& ftlentItU - UedicUw mar 56 m/= (FDD 25341) Distribution of the Quantity and Biomass of Microorganism in the Sea Depending on the Distance From the Shores by A. Ye. Krissj M. ff. Lebedevas, A. Ye. Rukinal, 8 pp. RUMM., thrice-mo pers Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LXXKVIj, No 3j, Mosc~visff-.'Ngi 195-20 pp 633-636. crA/FDD/U-7266 /WO? USSR Sci - Biologyp micrcbiology CTS 72/Sep 55 QDD 25339) Vertir.al DIstribution of the liumbeer and Biomas o.L Hicroorgaulaw in the Deep Areas of the Black Sea., by A. YO* Kriss, M. N-. Lebedevu# 8 pp. RUSSUN., tbrice-mo per, DoX Ak NeLuk S8SR Vol LXUIX,p No 5i* 14 ;p-. 9:952. -.scow, XXVFIX~-~, CIAADDA-7473 USSR Sci - Blologyv hydrobiology rMwititative astrsbuum of not4krotrqpblc i- I I " dame sa "w ZwUma Oomm amd In jid.)6inlij AammtU Ofts. by 16. X. Imbeftva, 4 pp. RUSS=# parp DQ& Ak Nftk ~Ip VOI CMMp No 3,p 1958* PP 557-- Aftir I=t or Biol Bel Sel - Wd "" Id W/ The Drqg Resista=m of Hicro4)ripnismp by M. N. Lebe"yap S. D. Voro"va, 7 pp. RURgZAJF,o par!e Zbur Wkrobiol Vidamiol I ZAwuwbio-2s Vol =vmw TA I,'* MI s vo P*raawm Mat Bel - DOW ~7 f 9-t1P ~ Jan 59 Quautit~AiveiA*t*rmdxstJ4n wA Sdamw of micro- Organi"s la': the Qqsm zone of -the Black ftal Lebedevs., 4 pp IWIPS 10p pw, D& Ak Nauk SM., Vol CXV., No 1., 1957'. pp 5-e- Amer Dist of Biol Sci SQi - Med May 58 ROSIPI-T, L'icr? Dok All: 17"-'~-%r, 7-1 195% iD, a5,4-196- Dcc Obtaining Folyploift of Solum Po2,yadeuium Gr*emm,, ~y N - A - TObe&vap 3 PP - 4 RMSIM, perp Dok Ak Nmuk S=p Vol CXXp N0440., 190# pp ago-- Amwr Zwt of Blol Bel Sol - m" 1?6 1 5797 V L t, f4iran-osome Mim ol-phology 0l Potai C) Jp :)-v ;4. A. be-b pp Sc! C-~ Ak 1-7a pp 463-4AY. .,-nangaa in Some Propertlat of !Wosino n u-ndar Tnfluence. cf -A Tvanav., Yu,, No Bert..W. A. loebedeva, -IRO pp aISSTAllp porp T34*khim, Vo Y-YV,, No 1, 1960j, pp '486.- 505 Feb 61 v T211B M"telm as of the Kulneyst now asum aad Qrj"I.at Raft FolUwlft VwwW CaMed by tho AftuUtratUm or Rewwr galtst bY 2- mad shlor Vol ITS PC 50 pp m Jbdp ruUQbI*IQV OyaVmU ad.0 Notm at Pboupblrdc J~~ cc Awl&* m=. A"ttUm cc box** pbomlbamflmwb~ MA Its xxmftt by A. V. to vooftwom o" S. U. za"Not t jiK ~ 1004ft- M *MO-4, re" 3* wwe* /y- tv 7 ftweateaft valm wv~ Reaction ~ of Additionand Phosphoumcstons ard of Est~r* bj A. X. PWovik.: 7 Pip RUSSUNip tbrice-wo Vol XC# 210 5* 1953v 19709h sci - Chemistry ita. 1956 Condenvation of the P12asphonoacctic W, per,, Dok Alt Nauk SSMI., PP 799-8a?, CIA D LAbeftu, W. M., Nommalm, V. V.. Ity"ffs. L D., and M"pkbai It. V. SBUWM)N OF' TM ormwm CONDMONS FOIK THR OXIDATMINI OF PARAFFIN IN 7M MANED STATE. 119661 ?p OWN bvm AIM $1. 25 ATS-49R74R Tram. d K"Iyal i ToMmAcoys) TOW 1 Mssw4 (txu) low 1. 8, m 11. V. 15-30. Yr-64-12669 1. LAbodwra. W. M. a - Nesmalow. V. V. M. Ityamms, L. D. IV. ATS-49RUR V. A ssocbuad TecWca I s"Wims. 1W.. Eam oraw, H. (Mmmistry-OrMadr- 7T. Y. 11. =6 12) Lobmdm. N. M.. Nommolm. V. V.. Symmwa. L. ID.. and Madpides, ii R. V. SBIJ=ON OF THE crrnabA CONDMONS FOR THIS OXIDA710H CUP PARAFFIN IN 7= FOAbMD bTATB.!11%41 7p ordmr Min ATS it. 25 AT5-M74X Tr~- d owlys) I Tob"(coyal Tow I sked (UM) low T, 11, m 11, P. 15-30, Tr-64-12669 1. LAbodws. N. M. a. N"Molow, V. V. M - Ayssom. L. D. IV. A7S-49R74R V. Aseaciated TechWc*I savic". UC.. EM orup, H. J. Actildty of the Leaf Appamtus in Formation of Seeds in Sumflo;verj. by L. P. ZbAanm)., D. M. Lebedeva, 0. Chvizhs 7 PP- RUSSUN, per., Piz Rasteniy, Vol vii, no 1. 196o, PP 35-43. Amer InBt of Biol Sci sci I Sep 60 / ? 7/ & ?/ *v. *AAMA for tm alubhools of rAoqpbudo acd A*U Notwoo XXV. Oks AdUtim AM MrIle =d ZU BXW44P to wA Utd)m of Ukkoetwate& OutwcAlo 1* A. IL Pudowftv S. M. !!~b~ RVGUM~ So VW* SbW Wmbob DIMp VOL XXT# Ito it IV gto-sm. on pavo-cp rwi 37,70 soustafts" &ARM= AM$ 156 Or. fto8jboDaW&tIc lister and its Howlap ted XI*ctrq*d3Ic Rngents., b7 A. 11. F'p. xvsola~ per, MOr OiAkh XhLn, 22, pp 2128-2132.. sc~onts*%c - chmintry 30 53 M/M 62-19035 N. N. , ed. HAN FOR POWER WORKERS: TABLE OF' 1. LebedevR, N. N. CONTENTS. [1962] [8]p. II. Army Map Service, Order frcFn urs~or SLA $1. 10 62-19035 Washington, D. C. Trans. of mono. Spravochulk Energetiks no Stroltel'sue. Moscow, 1954. table of contents. DESCRIPTORS: Oliandbook. 01ndexes, Engineering. Electrical engineerlrA& Safety. Mechanical engineering (Engineering. TT, v. 9. no. 9) Ofte of Techakal Servkn Study of the Coneentratior. of Synthetic I-atexes bi~ .mL , by N. 3. lebedeva, Eva-,-~cwatioa in a Current of Air L ~T. Fa~v N. I. Smirnov, PPCI j, ]mr, Zhur Prik Wn~ Vol. :U-Y,.TV, :To 2, 1961P N pp. 319-!~22. GB A liar (.,P- ii,~ the Stmtlgraphic Divialon art the 1- cfee2:~ -1-arboniferms TOTrIVU=s Depositil in tb:e Southern :ee o tion of ~ the Kizelovsky ftsin, by H. V Bag6asarava, P. GrorAilova; N. B. TAbedevis, et al, psir, Dak Ak Nauk SSW, Vol CO.-IM, Nv J.960v pp 49-651. AGI 2 At E14stit scmitowing of Polorlsod 4 MOV moutrms )1Y 14*4JLUm!mn4 00*vy Nuclei& by G, T, Gorlov, M, S. **bed**a, V4~ m, *Owes". 'ter- , -t 3420297 The Subd*lrislon of the Lower Visean and the Beds AlMg the BmMftry of the Vissan-Tvarnaisian of -tLz Nuuntalm of Bashkiria Accoiding to the Flommlolteral Fw,na,, by 0. 1. Twftrovich., L. P. MvrAllova.. N. S. lmbsd;pvm,, 14188M.p per$ Dok Ak Ilank 177EGR~ VG.L 1-9~9j 7,m U20-U23. AGI sci 1-1-3 3 i= 61 The Use of Trlh7dro2yfluorone in Colorimetric Andyale. Re4ents for G2rm&ai,=, V. A. iftOdLrewlco, N. V. L*bodeftv 4 pp. RMSTAN, per, Zavod Labt Vol MIV, No 8, 1959, pp SW~ 902. Inetru Soo of Jaer sai Aug 60 Derivatlv*,e of TrIbydroxyfluorene as Reagente for Tin and AntUsonW. by V. A. Nazaranko.. 1. V. Lebedeve., 4 pp. rull tZOD43stion. RUSSIAMj, Woo perj, Zh Anal Kbim,, Vol X, No 5, 1955,p pp 289-29e. CIA C 41024 Comultents Bureau Scientific - Cbemistry 3 3 mar 56 CTS/dex I claww aid fteewMim- Jwo PRO XWOM ALIAMM J, #05" 64ww S-4233 (NY-15h5) moideration of the Role of Dysomic Twbul&we in Doveloomat of Conv"tion., by N. V. Lebederm, RUSSXAN,p no per,, Met-I Cids No 2,, Feb 195% pp 21.26. UB JPM /WfoL-153 Sci .. riea"Ics