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Ancalys[3 of Repcatcd HOrpit-a-licat'llon P.ccorclltng 'Co tale 'Datc. a Fc:spt~,alj by 14. F. Lebc.,dev RUSSIAN rao pei Vo.~ enlio iMlerl ")l 'j "o Oct 1959, pp G(')-60Z' US JPRS, 2102-N :E; A~7 7, twovar iixtu ao (-(Avuwvi Oy i'l iA,ft, A ~tawk *3. oimi"~ Sboruik wwot 677chjrvsl~~ LAUT-3- I;wWI,4lwLtxil 40 196 1.9639 1 10o fy'? Iiiiinkit (;korrftt ~k*or Jivi by 3., Tall 1,.It L SWOOP elt ot wo nmlwtlm t* to it* Wbeftwo IL IL ftirmno 5 vp. noomwo pailp untive I mstauss Vol Uq ft h,* I-quo lo 516404. 031 sai am Reactions of a-Oxides III. Secondary Reaction Kinetics in the Reaction Between Ethylene Oxide and Acetic Acid, by N. N. lebedev, A. A. Gus1kov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol IV, No 4, 1963, pp 581-588. CB Sci- Aug 64 264J862 of 'u-h_,. Of the Lebe&-V, RUSSTAUI Pa~- P.;, ,., I.ziol Zkxr ssm~. jjaelil- 1, M Vol Yi*,V, No ).2,, 19~)q, pp 1462-14'0- Sci it= !~O Analysis of Multicomponent lax-tures b~ UBLUE, of Ini'rared Absorption Speotra.. Communication 2,, DeteraLuation of Chlorow, ne, Tertiary Butyl- ahlorobenseve, and Ohlorodiiahenylmthane Isomrs, by Yu. Ya. Mildmilenko, N. 11. Lebed~V, T K, XOlOhjX pp,~ T,'J5SIAII,, par,, Zhur Anal Khim, 71ol XV, No 4, 1960, pp 495-499~ Sci A,.ig 61 it .--)olving the kroblem ol by N. N. LebeE.ev, 1. 13. S~~)- F.US":illkii, 1jer, '"-'iiur Tekh Flz, Vol XXIX, NO Amer Inst of Pbys Vol IV, No 6 sci Jan 60 i vm4 acd -Vm Xbabmism cir PbxUfte Geatric jiativi-to-p bV R. N. Lsbe4evo 12 ni. pwp fts Our Om is I. IL seabsnavas Vol xuvo, I% no 19"o w 10?*-.uq6. porgamm 2w, Sel - 340d mw 59 The machanism of the CaULytic Action of Inum Mraoride. V7. L90re Abovat the Kitir-l-icf, aatxm' and Mch=irm of the Alkylatimi of W,;tb Chlarn. Derivatives, by N. IN. Lebedev, 9 RUSSTANY aur Cooshch Ki2in, Vol XKVIII, NO 5~ 195r~ PP 115-1-131-60. ConDultants Bu-reau Sel - Cbem Jul 59 I I IRW Imeatric FLQA at the " at a Plane cooftamer UoUctdc, bW N. N. LobWav, jo pp- sconwo PWO zbW IWft nso V" X==& NO 60 LVAp Amor lut of Pbys sew pap - 2*0 P48 y4a so 6 ftl - ph" 7/1 '040 Jq ** "s at I coftia.d4 ow ftemmuft I .--m 1 14, 10 bw F., 0* M~tma -,I 1. i "=5,0 lot a. 3 NO p ~~ j ftVnw I lath Worpm, a % IqUv MOO I I& I 4r zu Od ja 69 M.-343 On tkie Repreeetrtation of an Arbltrax-y Fi~tion by an Imitegml Inwlvlng lkcDon%34 Funati=s of QIPRz Orftvm by U. I.. Igibadev, UILIASBIFM MMT,uj Ah, 4iastmua. lup 12051,59 Sci -, Ampa, sarrvuutical research plov 6f i-2 I!; by 11 ,)ar3jaro C)"' 1. M51 11. Le-bedev! ObEVIA"'i, lx)vy DOk Ak Nauk 8SSR, Vol 1XV, Ni, t)-o u"21-1624. Sci QTS., yol. 111, NO # 16 (Iff -3231). The Seleu#f Ic Rea&,Arch Front is Rxj*juUag, -z)y IW. H. Lebo , 6 ' pp. RMVJj, pari. Vast V~sisbsy Sbko.Ly,, So 9, 1959, pp 57.-66. JM-M87-H Sol - miac Fab 60 and Notacrylle 016 and, Isattm at Aory2U wd lp on hlr=. bar -.1. V. LgWev, L. V. wit pp, M,bL -V01 in. NO 1. " ~lo go. AM 55 OM The InectromDoietic Field of a Linear Eadtter Locatod Iabide mi Ideally ConductiM Pumbolic Scxeen, by 0. G. Grinberg,, ff. ff. Lebedev, I. P. Skal'skaym, Ya. S. Ulfiand, 13 PP- RUSSM., mo ".r, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz,, Val M, No 3p 1956) pp 526-543. fter lust of Mysics Soviet Phycicr., JETP Val 1U, No 3 A,1 va 17tr lem for a Purabolic -Mi=orj, by Gl- tiberUp N. N, Labedev -p I. P. Skallskaya.. 6 RIMD32 ~~tbrlce-mo perp Dok Alt Nauk SSSR,, vc&,mvlt p 961. Morris D. Friedmn $3-00 Betaiatific - Pbysics. Cm 65/Feb 55 ier I DistrTbutio-a of Cux-ent Densities on -1cho Ed~~s of en IdeaL4 Conducting RectengaLaxr 110-11ge Plax-ed in t!-,c Field of a PIwLe Electromagnetic Wave, Iri N. 14. Lelx--c~ev and 1. P. Skul.'skaya, 3 PP. RUSSIM,, perp 2hur Ttl:b- Fiz, Vol MX, 110 7 1959, pip 928-930 Amer Inst, of Phys Sov Mys-Tech Phys Vol IV, No 7 sci /-7 21,7 "I A3dsymm-".0Ar'Ia Contact Problem for Ibry N. U. j!-tkgLta~v I&. S. Uflland.* RUSSIAlp pwy PrIk Hatmat I b*kb., Vol XX.Ti, Fo 3, ._Teo* 19581, YD, 320 D=t iosammim or ww cauutic Aauou of Aiumimm Ckaorlft$ T. ReaftivMW or Arawatia Covpmv-4s b AUAAIw.. %W N. B. IM*a",, 9 PP. M38M.. pwj, nm awhab lum, VOL xxvil, no 0., IM., VP A,60-VW. cowaltuez Bvxeev~ Bel - Chm Oct 58 7,4', -t 4 *, Mechanism of the Catalytic AcUcia af -Aluminum Chloride. IV. - Kinetice and Mvlmiam of the RmOtIce of AI)WIRtIca of Bmzem bv Olefins" by N. R. Lebodavo RMIM no per Zhur mis, Val xy-rv, NO 10, Oct 1W lik 17 -M C 42157~ camptatants Bureml Sol - Cbm' try jun 56/dex j Distribution of aft*tity ca a Ihin Pam- bololdal Sagment# by N. N. Tebedev, 6 pp- RMUM, pmrs Dok Ak Sauk t'xgSR,7 Vol CXIV~ No 39 107a PP 513-5-16. :71A R -1780 sci Al 58 4* sow sam"k DW br the 0 We IL Ubsoff'o k live 1%0496% WA, 'on ONE, Plachwigm or the C&ta4tj(: Actilon of Aluminum de Str=twe ol! CoordInation Compouads a '41 C lideso K*tm", and Otbar Oxygen Cc=- tiv S. 1. Labadevo 8 pp. J.). t.-LVIA'slation. per "'ISUM Zbur Obob Mdm, vbi ma, no lo, Oct 1951,, 11 14 -~71 Cbemistry E)octrostatic Field of an Elsotron Lana Conals"CAng Two Coaxial Cylinders, by )S.N. Lebede7., 1, P. S ks.1 ~ sksqa, 8 pp ~ R.Ussna,, per, Zhur Tekh Piz, 'Vol No 5, 1960, pp 472-479. AIP Sov Pbore-Teab F# j Vol V, No 5 Sai Lebedev, N. N. THIE USE OF STEEL TAPES IN PRECISE GEODETIC OPERATIONS. Trans. on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 21 Apr 61 1121p. JPRS: R-118-N/33. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 0-19,312 Trans. cd Geodezist (USSR) 1940 Iv. If I no. 10~ p. 5~41. I; DESCRIPTORS: *GecxjesicH, Measurement, Instrumen- tation, TestLi f I - 19512 1. Title: Steel t-apeo 1, Lebedev, N. N. 11. Title: Soviet_ ~ Ill. JPRS-R-118-N/33 IV. joint Publications Research Service, New York Offi-A T..4.i..l S-i... (Earth Sciences --Geodesy, TT, v. 6, no. 2) h New MeOrtod for Solving the n7obleja of Diff raction of Blect-romapetic Waveo by a Wedge with Finite Conductiv by N,, N, TA*m4ovv L, P, Skal aluWaj, 6 pp, RVSSIANS per Zhur Takh Fizv Val XXXIIq No lOg PP Amer Tmst of FMz Say Ptv Irech Phys voi vn, so io Sci 907 Apr The Electrostatic Field of an licmersicn Electron Len3 Formed by Two Diaphragm,, by N.H. Leb*dev, 8 pp. RWSIAN, per, Zhur Takh Piz, Vol XXVII, No 9, 1957 pp 2097-2-104. Amer lust of Phys Sav Phys-Tach Phys Vol II., no 9 Sci-PbVs Axially4ymn*tric MectrostAtic Problem for a Thin-Walled Conductor in-tbe Tom of a Half-infinite Tt"v by N. V. Lkbeclev,, -1. P. Sksllskays,, 9 pp. RUSSM perp Zhw-Tekh Piz, Vol MM, no 4,0 1958s pp 792:". Amer Mut of Pbys sov fts - 'Amb Phys VbI =0 s) Sci - Phys.. Electron I Am 59 i PU6 Two, =4 MUCT, No N-s, 2mbad Or&r of '16 Ino,t of Cbm ~~ Imni D. I. NwmULWev, The Neshmaim of the Frisda-Crafts Faaction. x. Tim nfth*Alil of the Catal7tla Actlon of Alualnm Qaoride ZI-iur Obabak M21up Va 3Mv No 2g 195D (Feb)* pp 283-287 Barsau Tzmalation illnetieft of the Reaction of EtWlene I Wde with Anilln . by N. K. Lebedev., M. M. Smirnova. RUSSW.p per., IzvestUa VUZ IQUmiya i XhiTnICheLb3a Tekbnologiya, Vol 3, No 1. 1~w., ipp 104-108. ATs-l4s83R Sei-Chm Aug 66 309)203 -1:1emeritary Populations of Fishes, by N. V. Lebegay-- -~U'38LAN., per, Zool Zhur, Vol )DV, No 2, 119461~ up 3.36--164. Dept of IntAwior SHM B82 No 353 301 Bic)]. / q1" 'V~?Y .1 Apr b2 A Method for Calculating Components of a High-Frequency RM Activating Circuit, by N, V. Lebedev,, 26 pp. RUSSIAN, bkp Vaprosy Blaktroavtonatiki i ElektTo oborudavaniya SaNcleta, Moscowt 1962, pp 78-W 9683140 Fn)-IT-63-145 Sci-Blectronics Jun 63 3,2j SWAcUm of Bmahed Wheataacpyrau Hybrids of the Wlnta~ Typ~., by x. V.mbeftv. Mmlw.. par., Prixaft.. Vol xunnj. No 2., 1959., pp 9&166. CIA W406A usm Sci - Bialmw JU 5 9 1a44, " 4~ /-/ --:~ 1~-7 IEBEDEVP N. V. TMIN., 13. 0+ ,7 T7 T.' DEMITOSITION OF TIPT, BINARY 0015:10-UNT) ~17 G4L WITF SODIUM rMIDRIDE.* 8 pages. Zhur Prik Khim., Vol X-ITT,, No )1, !.pr 1950 Consul-tints 9urean TMnsl;itinn 7 C-~altrlbi.itll.-jn t.) the -)ii -.? th- C, 1 pse Prissurm C.islmg ;11. ~'. L~ebedmv, 15 pp. MMT-40, zor, &-fty-I -~:-nv -,rR tv X~v 17:: P'3 -. 'f~ 4 AM UVRIT-M AM-11115 Al MeEhods of IRD inating Manual Labor in the Extraction of Siime From Magnesium Electrolyzers, by K. D. Muzhzhavlev, 0. A. 1xbcday, et al, 7 pp. RUSS.1AN, per, Tsvetnye MetaLly, Vol III, No 10, 1962, pp 56-62. PS Sci - Mar 64 2522717 Wdation or Amime With FertwWtate; by C,- L~ ~~b.odev, S. N. Kazarnovskiyo 3 PP- MWIM, per, Zbw Obeheb M3dm.p Vol UX, No 9, JWjj pp 3105-3W7. Sci CB / Y e, 7.;~ e oct 61 Catalyttic Oxidation of CyclaheVlamine With Hydrogen Peroxide to Cyclohexanone Oxime, by 0. L - j!eI?sA=, 1. V. haipins, S. Ii. Kazurnovskiy, V. V. Lebedeva, ~I pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur (Ybshch Xhim, Vol X)CIX, No 1959, PP 2534-2536. Consultants Bureau Sci Aug 60 Lebadw, 0. L. and Kamunmldi. & N. WMWEDLATH nODLXrS OF OICIDAnON OF AMWES BY PMMWSTATR. S Doc 63 113p] 32roft Order 6m OM SLA, at CM $1. 60 IT-"-100 12 "12. TT-64-10612 1. LAbodirv, 06 L- U. Kazarnmeldi, S. N. ~2, (Cbmalmtry--Orpudr- 7T, v. 12. am 0. L. , X hidekul, M. L. , and Ra zuvaev, ISOTOPIC: ANA'.,"!S1S OF NITROGEN BY I H ZZ L H IN, F"MAM-1 GNETIC rESONAN'~.: Ti E! ~('Jp. 3 t 1roin (;TF; s:,: S I. ICI -;AviC Nauk 1 It,: 'CA I]!- anaINsis, Ma~m-_,tic ffuldimL, *Nitr, f"Piantitarm-, 1 HVIX-1-fillu -4t;.!, I _17 ]'ho sv.idico in 'it Litt I.- it.-- v: o -PA tN -,,t n an p2cal-clinezer \;lth - I.Ad :mui all opel;Lliiqi- fr~!qu-'Ity 'M', V. A, (1) Uwe r, r.1,7 Coll Dus ZaVCKI Lab; Vol Ui, Catalytic OxIdstion of Aliphatic Amiaes -u-i-,;h Ry&ogen Peroxidej, by 0. L. Ldbeder, S. W. Kazurnovskly., 4 pp. RUSSIMP Rex, Zhur- Obshch Kh'- , Vol No 5) 196o,, vp 16_-.a-i6*. Cm 6 Ava 61 Reaction of Nitrogen T.-etroxide WA+-,b Orgsnic po=ds. 111. Reaction of Ult-rogen Ix--tr=tde with seliz cxr Aliphatic Nitro CcvTounds, by S. S. Hbvilmv o lebOaY, L. 1, *mr-Isnitskiv. Yu. P. EF/prov, gp. RUSUANp per., Mur Ubshch Kbim, Val XXVII-1, No 3, -1956, PP P-305-- CB Sci - Cbm Oct 59 hadU 0'AO' and Li-vD.na, N. N.Imetentfsove, V, -1 Y d M 03 lll~=IAN.P mc per, Mur Obahch K*uL~,, 0r) 6s 1955o PP 1097-3.100. Consultant.-, kur-w) ROactima Of N204 with Organic Compounds, VII, Syn- and Anti-Isomers of AX7 Nitrolic Adds 'by., L.I, Khmellnimi~,, 0',T, _.~ebedevv V.I. Slovetskill, i~pp. -7 RUSSIAN, per., Is Nk Nauk S&M, Otdel Khim Nauk, No 41 19619 pp. 67MB2,, CB sci .v- eq':~; April 62 ag~.! or "ke-4 'dP WSMU: COWOM" UAAAmi So A171 NUT9216 Act"* Aid I a at as"" "morrow, ArA A'26admas b Le I* s 3o Se N*VJUwvv 00 To Labodevq 0*1 POW =MMO:,p&s In Ak Nauk SMv O&MI Ma Nalska No Gilt 19WS, pp 2M96-2025* ft=tlcm 02 96% With orsude O:Mpousada. X. etuay of toxi C*tmaltlafw for ametim -it 9^ with 4tfcm of Produmft =d RpsUm or tho hmpiAces, by S. S. lbvlb*vs, L. I. Mwellsduklyp 0$ T. !Ate MEMO.. pw, 2hur ObshcbW Xbl,,% (On) v Vol a z .30 Op 2.958p' pp 2296-63as Ao Imb sr sci - aim AVr 59 ami IN I.. No -3 X for f8vtostlas" OW Uaca"Ang = a QwV of a &M-ame by 04 L*b*&V* Go No LPVJA16 06 ONO Poltip patmt No IIS3930 tz Oft 1 19". 6ci 4P methods 4 Equip Nov 6b CouptesSiVe Porces of Light on Gases, by 11V PotvT L*6*dew. Gr'.P.m*N. O'er, Ann Physik, Vol 32, 1911, pp 411-437. NASA TT #-12,066 Sci-Phys A p r 6- #:" 37,1 492 kislytic brte=lmtion of TwI6i-Ijmk Rechanim With F. A* Lebodays 6 ppe DdLirpla in a spaid.-I QxttwUng Levers, by WSMM., pearp Is VyoobWM Vdab Zaved WiSM SSM po Pascalu stroeulev Iral Vs no ti 3,962; pp 115-119. im 1&;29 sei 229j,049 63 (sr-l") Tae of MdwtiAe at Higber Adwatiomi lnstltiUoft'l to 20=7 MA PM Map by P. D. Lebedev, 10 RIMSM'. ymp Veatzdk V~s~ &L%ay, no 5, '.L961.. pp 90-06. JPM sci - Wee, &-p 61 .-A OrrAiatIveTranaLtion in lbwry Mes4c Atmus~- by Malatz L. W. Kondrat'Yell, L. G. Landfiberg, 312A 1 0 -21 LA Lebodevs 3 PP. RUSSLAn., per., Mur Mwper i Tetwet Pik., Ito 6, ig6o, pp i7i.5-i7ig. AIP Sov Pbyu-J=l vai xr, Yo 6 Sal liflar 6.1. The Use of Vicual Aide In Mucationp by P. M. -L*b4ftvv 5 pp R09STAN, par, Sov ftdftogp No 9p 1958, Intermil Arts ead Sel PrQsrj Vbl I., lb I WSR Sac Fab 59 fl" d The Staff and Fli&U,, by A. P. Bilant I yev, P, T. 7jelenov, P. N. Lebedevj, 22 py. RUSSIM, per,, Vext Vos Mtm, No 2, 1961., pp .15-40. 96=79 PM USSR 1;7 a, M41 17 oct 61 Supe=aroaa of -tbe Sim) by I V. V. Vitlm~tchj P. H. T.ebedev., 14 rp. U= I.." RMIM, per, Priroda, No J.P-:,v 1937P pi) 15420, 966M3 A= tm-62/v scl / V/9' I~y ~' Apr 63. IV 3mttron Tia)A in Inelastle (k)1.11aiaas of 14-.1-L-v ffeitromi with Miclal arA Cross Section for the (nt 20' Reacition, by PO-Pe-jabadmv, 7*4. A. Z~mln., Yu. A. 2ysl3it yuk so ov and B. D. Stulbomkly, 4 pp. RW4ZAN, jper Atam Raerg, Vol T, go 5) 1958, pp 522-525- T-In Datennination of Gassr, i.n in thL, couvsc~ 0-l", a iia"it -b-'- UxtVactiOn Method, by P, S. Lebacev" RUBSTAW, par, Zavod Lab, No 4.. 1?-94o~. pp 436-44h. am 8cl. - Chem May 62 62-14848 LAxidev P iT Z~iE~kiCXL MEASURES FOR PROPHYL"IS 1. Mitt- Rhinitis OF MEC77OUS ATROPHIC RHDMU IN Pla; 1. Lebedev, P. T. (ZopgWenicheside Meropriyadya v Pratilak-tike Infek-tsionnago Atratidieskogo RIWM Svinel). I I M21 161p. order fron OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-14M8 Trans. of Veterinarlya (USSR) 1962, v. 39, no. 1, p. 66-69. DESCELMYOM *Swine, Ohlucausn-benibranes, Wec- tions, Cuntroli Feeding, Veterinary medicine Use o(AW-value foods durbig the ftW stage of puvidIty of sows doer. mc preserve the young han being affected with rhinitis (when they are kept togetber with the saws Until sepamtI66), When healthy young fenudes are grown for breeding purposes under conditions of lsolatlor4 it to necessary, In order to avoid rMnItle, to adopt fivorable (Ag-rlicult~re - -Anirnal Husbandry, TT, v. 8, no. 6) (over) XIITSeav~on of the Learmd Cu=ill of the Joint i Lwtlimte ~ for Hwlzar Research, by V. Biryukov wxl. R. uibeaw,, 6 pp. MWIM., _Ver., Atom EmrgLys, Vol )tlVs go 5, 1963,, 5M- 504. CB Sci Jun 64 i3l,,4o4 InUW"tlcu of 9-9av Prot=& Wilth anaslon Nwleil, A P. Doguib", V= Sbu-Fmt, I., X. GrammAtWdy,, L. r. mirinam, a. x. Lobed", V. B. LVublaws V. 3 pp RMIM, par, At= Boar& W1 IV, No 31 1958, Sal. -, Mmle%r ftyw ftb " On the Qxmstlm of Form Cons tants of the Molecule., by R. S. lebadev, A. V. Gerkacbevj 4 ppo IMS10p per., OptDm I SpecktrD., V01 "M~ Uo 2., 1959;, PP 164-10. SCI .Apr 61 Concentraticm r-apsadence of Intaimsl Y&,ctloa -in Defomed Ir=-based Allffs, by R, S. igeoe"v, Ic 6, rostakay, 6 pp. ------- RUSSTMIO Piz YWt I Motallcmed, Vol VII, No 3, 1959,. YP 10-417. pergw0a Fmas sci Jul CalculatIou of the Vibrational Spectrc. nf ttc CrOI0j)*ifttAAW and Dwt4woepIqpwtww polealija3', Ruasim per, OptIka i spektro, VOI VI, 11TO 2. 1959, 3;jp 154-161. Optical Society of America eel - ft7s Out 59 limm-, rastwe an tm .*%go Pomdft 46 bra* A* MWOMM79 s 5 pro Owl, a mm ns KWLMO va =To No 50 MW 6 -2 CITY OF GOMEL', BY S. LEBEDEV, 2~) PP. RUSSIAN., 6K., GOMEL', MINSK, 1962,. PP 116-159. JPRS 17035 USSR GEOG JAN 63 219,i6o 22 Lebedev. S. A METI-IOD~017 RECTIFYING MOSAIC REIAEF MAPS. Trans. on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 3 Feb 61 9p. JPRS: R-108-N/95. Order from OTS $0.50 61-211,38 Trans. of Ge(dezist (LISSR) 1930 [v- 6] no. 12, p. 43-48. 6 1 - 211.38 1. Maps--Lrrors 2. Geodesics- -Theory 3. Title: Mosaic maps 1 .Lebedev. S. 11. Title: S(wict... Ill. JPRS-R-108-N/95 IV. joint Publications Research Service. New York OFR~AT (Earth Sciences- -Gt!cxlcsy, 17, v. 5, no. 9) dt-niversal Computing Machines, by S. A. RUSSIAN bk, Konferentsii "Puti Razvitiya Sovetskovo I It i Matheniat Mashinostroyeniya i Proborostroyeniya, Plenary Session, Moscow, 12-17 Mar 1956, (VINIII, Moscow., 1956) John W. CELrr III University of Michigan Apr 15, 1958 Sci - Electronics May 58 J.eb , S.A. and Khaikin, S.E. r;ffr-A) SANONIALIE5 DANS LE COMPORTEMEN'r DES METAUX CHALIJIFES PAR DFS IMPULSIONS DE COURAYIS DF GRANDE DENSITE (Nekotorye Ano- malii v Provedenii hlkallov, Nagrevaemykh Impul'saml Toka Bol'sholl1lotnosti)(Some Anomalies in the Beha- viour of Meta Is I leate'd I)v Current Pulses of Great Density). .151). (Foreign fe\t included) 8refs. CNRS- X 277. .)rder from CTS, ETC. or C.NRS $1.25 TT-62-28082 717- 62-28092 1. Lebedev, S.V. IL l(Nilkin, S.E. Ill. CNI(S-X 277 W. Centre National de ]a Ilecher- cheScientifique, Paris Trans. in French of 7-hurnai Fksperimental'nol i 1-cor. ticticskoi F i- ziki Y.26, no.15, p.629-639. Trans. of exerpts In English available from LC or SLA miSI .80, phS1_.7,qFYq_9ffL-T-245. DESCRIPTORS: *Nfetals, Threads, Electrical conduc- tance, *El4h_-trIC CUTients, Density, Measurement, Heating, Resistance (Elmrical), Tungsten. Exerpts rran~laied inviude the synopsis, the figure figure-7 also included) and the con- Off.. f T-b-1 S-.., aire captions (the clusion. I I rr, v. il, no. 6) .......................... ......................... ............. T/C and bk i~eview Electronic Galculating Kichines, by S. A. Lebedev, 6 pp. 1 RUSSM, bk, Elektronnyye Vychisl.itellnyye Maehiny, 1956, 20 pp. Head, Lib Sv Sec Pir Inf o Div, Lib Cong A-ug 5A , ConLouter Rng-Ineering, by S. A. Lebedev.. 184 pp - RTn5L,%ff, n, Pergmaon Press Sci - Electron CIA Library itm 6o $10.00 I//1~r 17ed a I T"" I~tlm or now ftm the aboloo-rm" To tl7A fliop4imm Ifttes by Be A* labodws v., Y. ummko. UMPIMO Wo AK ZUK 000.9 IS Otftl M" NNA*,t I 3b ?v IL958o vp 56-60. ftpt or Interior Tr So 230 ftl Jon 63 CN,mor-a Description of tba FESM Blectmaic CaTp-uter ead the Methods of Exacutiv4A the Operatic-s' Lebodev., Y. A. VAItullav, 127 pp. RMIM.p bk., Obabeheye Oldseniye BMM i He~oaika Irypoinabiya, os~siw.. 1959- ACOI B-6749 xD 2163943 Sci - Electronics Aus 61 16 ;~ ~ 0 TP 875 LEBEDEV S. A., MEL'NIKOV V. A. The BESM electronic digital computer "Obshchee opisanie BESM i metodika M)olneniya operatsii", Vol. I Fizmatgiz, 1959 Pergamon Institute, Oidord - English E u r a t o m Random Processes in Electrical and Mechanical Systems, S. A. Lebedev, editor, R[JSSIAN,, bk. *Pergaman Press Aug 59 Computing Mwhine ca Scientif-La lhawtaj by S. A. Lebedev,, 8 pp.. RUSSIM11 nVP Promda.. 4 Dee 195.5. M/M/XX-:L31 WM REULAU= TO FOR= IUMICKUZ It Soientific-Imactronics 3+,; mathemUes My 96 =AM TAC INTIPM 9W CM 61-12370 S. A., Usenko. V. P.. and Shvidler, M.I. -- ' - FLOW FROM THE SMLE- p TwMM69 0 1. Phase transitions- PHASE 70 THE T*O-PHASR STATE (0 Fil'trmsij Analysis Potoka, PerikhodysiRw1mgo iz Odnot&=Kgo Sostoyaniyi 1. Lebedev, S. A. V Dwukbfa=6yel 11960) 7p. 11. Usenko, V. F. Order froim! Wit $8.~ 95 ATS-21M46R tit. Shvidler, M. I. IV. ATS-21M46R Trans. of A"emiya) Nauk SSSR. Ou"enlye) V. Associated Technical TekKnicheakikh] Nauk. Irveadya, 1958. no. 7, Services. Inc. , Eam p. 56-60. Orange. N. J. Off- f T-1--- S-, (Chemistry- -Physical, TT. v. 5, no. f) :WOOAI~l bko V4 lp lvxt 4a 1963- &m. ZC 3b. 040nfi juxie 66 303s,302 Som Ann:mlifPs In the Babavior of bbtals Reated by High-surge Fulzes (exceepts), lq :3, 7,,-Zv, S. S ~ N a sum.-aln., 8 pp. RUBS:EAN,, per_, Zhur Mwpor I Teoret TU, Vol. MI, 1954, pp 629-639. ABC ISCL-T-245 act - fts Jun 59 Exa,xthin~-,- i;he 'i'lechanical Of FroTil pootographs., by S. LebelaCY. per, Geodes,! J pp ATic m-n.-16-VV USSR C e o 17,, Feb 60