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J ~ A I.-kc ~1-11-i ~, I ftt Avg 66 . MOW 63-20238 ON 710 PFLOBLEEM OF STAERUIT OF MOTION IN I L-bl-dc- 1. A. A. A FD4rM TIME WERVAL. 11963] 32p 6refs II Boeing Trans-1120 C COP16 aviallible from Boeing Scientific Research U1 Boeing Scientific Lah.;- JA~raryas B~~n*ing Trars. R20. 'Mien supped I Research Labe., is exhaust-i, Lorder from OTS or SLA S3.60 Seattle, Wash. 63-2=58 Tr--. GfTri"ya Matemadka I Mekh.Wk. (U&-;R) 1954. v, 16, p. 75-94. ' :6 Perturbation theory, eStability, DESCRIPMRS: *MOOOO, i3quaticHis of motion, DWffwtW equations. MW nxxbDd given1by G. V. Kanvnko is utilized to ce- f1m. with respect to equations of the first aPPrCW - mstion. ciii"tio"~ (it stability of trandent motion for ftiftitebddil, andh,Wte, constantly acting Ix-rturNii i on- 4 (Mechattics, TT v. 10. no.17) IQ thi I 6 C00130CU064 MOW Is given for determining i time liiterval iii which unperturbed nwnon is stable. QF1- W I.CkAmai sc~':t; I!,- v. A. A. N~A~~!Ni: OLOGICAI. AND I';(:)- Yj,--Ij~IN 11%. Ir. b., 1'. C. frani- -11;IIISIK 0i", 2-, ji r !III .;;.,I S, Mczeorol,.~gy, 17, V. [~o. r~j 61 - ZI Wo A. A. ~~butll T 0 lo uam:~g Soan, A. J 0 Ir -ST 4, l"eSt VVf3ShP--,' Shko3v, ~)3-94. Vol XII7, no ~4, pp 16-17 JBSITI /V 30C., 771 Jun A Method of Prediction of the vi'ater Temperature of the Barents Sea for Cold Seasons, by , V. T. Zlievnovaty. A. A. J&-bedgy RUSSIXN, per, Nauchno Tekh byull IIIINKU, IN'o 4, 1962, PI) 29-30. NLL Ref: 90*12.So 11A)4 (14) (lowi copy) Sci Sep 64 Appjicwtipm of Sinter in Open-flearth by N. A. Vecher, A. A. Lebodev,.. H. D. meyev. 3 pp. RUSSTAM, per, MetaLlurgp No 6, 19~7), Conmatamits Bureau sci -~ Engr Aug 58 Some Reflexes of a Transplantad fterinnervated Kidney, by A. A. Lebadev. ~ pp. R WS*IAN, perj Byul gksper Edol i Mwl, Vol It. Nn 1-2, 1960) pp 3-6. C3 '5cj. Jul 61 /sa) 6 3 / RZO. TIle of GeamagnetIc Disturbance meluence on Ov~rnm t1c Xlectrokinetogmph Current- HMO." in the busents Seak., by A. A :tt Lebe4v PPO FIM*Xf per# Trudy Gosud"%tvamayy Okeamograft- clwOX*y mmatitato No 50,* Im., W&COWF 9p 50- 56. Amwr Metscral Sm AF Combridip Ron Center Sci Geo0wice Ulky 60 Epidemiological Efficacy of Monovalent A2 e., by S. S. UnaDOV) L. V. Va 9 Influenze, Vaccin A. A. Le-bedev, 8 pp. RUS.SYPS, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Elpidemicd iLmml-mk-biol Vol )D'LXI No 5, 1959, PP 31-37. Pergawn Press P Jul, 6") uc. Plastic t~. i.- t,.: I CaLrpj.j ng, Ity A. A. Lebodev S pr. Priberostrip,yenii P K:LO-v, c Iv L;,- of ArLic-l-as) , 1961j, pp 33-5-340. FTD-TT-63-242 Conc-,,-,, ;'~LCjreSS Ac ~v2ei-ml c a -d- pp. Proccedi-i-iL:s of 0. Coll: S4-ly--7--,,,--L"-,7m- of Glass, cw'llem.- of' 2'1-2~ No%; C7, Scil Chem Oc' An OptIcpI Deno FWar for Omodatic Wasure- zwntb,, b~~ A. A. L-.bodev., V. V. BaMkov, V - 0 vafkM py RMIAII.s Qvice-tw yer Dok A). Nauk SMp Vol Mitt., -ft 3s 1956a VP 45"60'. Sci - Goo Novi:57 Gc:L M; Lib Tr 57/2083 Some Ompertion of Goid-Ebped Gexmmaluiv Diodeo, -uy 9 A. A. 10 pp Lmyp V. I. Stafayevp V. X. Tuchkevich, am!"t 00 perj 2,bur T-ekh Pit. Vol XXVI, Fo pp 2131-214i. Amer Iust of M-,,e &-v Phyv-11ech Phyim Vol I.. so 10 SO, flov 5T Effer~vt Path:~ of tho" RaMax. A~ Le-ba-dev, by lyr IX Sal 'A13. Chang-a in tM Pax1ofte Mor AetIvIty of the Stc=ch as it Result of Stl;Watlon of tke PA=I Paran*mv by A, A, labodev 0 RPN RWIMS part vin saw wis ~~w Vol =, To Vo 6s 1900 ~rv5a 1%ramm Imt Saii m Jbd Jhn 59 Oporaing iiddvens, by A. A IV. Ak 'Nauh 1*1'1"~,, NO Foc NGV I I (FDD 2.5354) Electron Microscopy, by A. A. Lebedev, 269 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, glektronnaya Mikroakopiya, Moscow, 1954, PP 3-10P 113-175, 202-229i 274-291, 333-354, 437-494, 631-636. CIA/FDD/U-7662 USSR Sci - Angineering, Medicine, instrument Jan 56 cTs 31 A I or Pi I "stun or tbot ljobw at Ww Swaaft fts rev ocad A. A. SL 9m.% (QA TACR) Am 65 11*~- 2%04a4. Certmin Reflexes of t-be P~-innerv~,,ted ?,Y-,rv:-T)laF~ted Kidmy~, by A. A. Leberlev, 6 pi.,, KISSIM$ rer, Byul L'Ksper B-I-ol 4. Xmvf .051~. g-v 14-7-52. Jul 5 to anew# we 35-3.9s, moo, pwo is At imm um6 ow na, m xv, IF wit pr am unts" IL UT 54 A Y'a-rlne Bulletin) by A. !"N. Lebedev. ARUSSLIN, per, Leninjj,,rad Met Gilfr, VXXX-Y4-,~:':C. p 50 - Sc NLL 1.1. 21 7, . i 0 of the a la%Aqrs Ipp. J:149* I ~ xlminM6~ pw. moul Agmer Ked. I Md. V01 IJ, * 4,0 *, WO- pp 16U. ca at J". 62 wo,phrr Application of the Electron-Optieal Shadow Technique to Investigation of Germanium p-n Junctionso by L. N. Mlakhov,, V. IT. Vertener) A. A. Lebedev;- 3 PP. RUSSM,. per, Iz Ak Wauk SSR., Eler Piz, Vol XXIII, No 6, 1959, pr, 770-n12. Columbia Tech Sci Aug 6o Some Methods for Increasing the Rate of Calculation of Elomentary Functions on Digital Hlectronic Computor3j, by Yu6 A. Golubkov, A. B. Lobodev, 60 pp~ RUSSIM, =no, Elskmonyp Vychislitoltnyyo M*hiny, Moscow, 1962, pp 1-64~ 9663129 PTD-TT-62-1862 Sci-Elettronics AM 63 ou"s Of Weation oC Jkn Wltlh Msewrrhagie- Us Is the TwmJavl QblaWto by A. D. 4 pp. Rum am p p~wp vqpo" vuvoololljyj, vol nip No LOOP, ftrwom :E"t B" - Mod Aw RemmwAisgic Feva=p by A. Ao AVWdmv A. Do IV 0 OMWO Oerv Zbw WArdblolp ltpidtsdol i TW61idb~ NO Its, IMs pp W415- M =7 sop 56 Cwsl /d= Method of Pe--,~forming the PrecipItIn Re?ctir~n in Gel, by-A. D~ lebed;y and Ye. YR. Tsilinskiy,, 'x RWSLUV,,~ per, Zh%w idkrobiol Z-pidt=iol I Lwmalj'olv". Vol IXIXJ 110 5; 1958~ pp 25-32 Pexgumn Inst sci - Wed f W 59 V e7 Resulta of Expedition Study of BLemorrhagic Nephroso- WephrAis ir~ the Yaroslavl Oblastj by A. D. labedev,, 9 PP. RUBS M-p per# Zhur Mikrobiol Npidemiol i lmmundbiol,, Vol =111s, No II,, 1957s, PP 129-136. Persamm Sci - Ned Jan 59 rR~4 P~oductlon of Fluxed Briqmttee for the iron and 'I 3-teel luduntxy, by V. P. Onoprieuko, A. E, T-ebedev, D. M. Av~, 3 pp. AUBSIfial, p?,r, Stall, No 2) :L96i, :pp 97-3.oi. BISI almatum CC amorrs-befice FL-weropby MA *Dsblbp&ivo i . Iii fti & boom Vol..L,6v A. L). I Avg 66 30903i6 Diss6ciation Kinetics of Uranium Oxides, by V. G. Vlasov, ~.' G. Lebedev, 5 PP. RU63DLN, per, '7huZ Pr~k Khij~., Vol ,_-c"Ivj NO 1961, PP 1739~-17'4~. CB Sci Jun (52 a at the Uqms&,rjw iobwewo. 0, ~10 s =rmt~a 40C Pffo=M So tba 'JUMwpbM IPP 33103U* 5C& i of 81MIrosomi with NUclei,, by A. K- 008 i~A A. I. L*boaevp 5 1IP- In FIOS~MNp Ver., Zbw Rkwpor I Veore Fizi, VOI MMMj, No 1957., vp Im-1226. Awr Inst of Pb" Sov Faye -JBTP Vol VI(33)s No 5 Sol - phys Jul 58 6,71 ~ I mumly of ~Bmtron smtt*rizkg 112 the coultualb, Field of s3wlisus,, by S. B. Gwasiz-vr4r, A. 1. ;~ql? 4~, qp 6f p. RMUNV PWI, MW ZkBn" i Tat)"t F%z;j, Vol XLIII,, ND 50, 196P.,, pp. 1872-IW9. Amw 1-mat of N,e &M phys - JM val xvr.. no SQ1 J~m 63 3 ~/0112, InterRrAlon of SXav FI-I Mesons -,,rJ.th Nr-clci, by A - M, Baldin, A. I, , 12 pp - RUSSUU, monoVaph,, ftaimodeyntvive Medlennykh Pi- Mezonovv S Yactrami, pp 1-12- US JPRS/NY-L-8 USSR Sci - Nuckear T-rhysics Elementary ParticleB (01,14,11 Note on Betatron Capture, by L. 14. Vewr' A. 11. Lebedev, 6 p. RUSSJAK~ per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXIXI No t~ 195-9-.f Am.cr Inst of -P16y;, Vol IV., NO 6 Sci imn 6o Meory of' injection irl erators., by A. 74. Wbedey 6 PP RUS IAN 2hur Tekb Fis., Vol Kf.CK, -,'c. PP 1339-3-31k5 Amr Inut of f-hyo Sov Vol IV, Tio Ul Sci ,Tun 6o 70 Classifleation of Errors in kialog Computers,, by A. H. Lebadevo 5 PP- - ... RUSSIAN,, per., Is VUZ Priboroatroyeniye,, Vol i, No 6v 1W, 9p 67-70. imis igi-86 sai - ELectrouics Agi 63 231,.6-f4' J~u ():? Botatrm oscil.laticolas lul Syncb=tz=wv by At- A- ly m. d A. V. t,-bodc!,7y 'I' r-n MM-,c4ZM, per., Am lkergj Vol Vp -~io 5,~ rip act lkic 59 The Role of Tectur Yesencephali and Sub-Thalwnus in the Formation of an Rarly Bio-Electric Reaction of Rabbit Cerebral Coitex to a Total- Body Ionizing Irradiation, by A. N. lpebedev, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per.. Radiobiol, Vol III., No 3, 1963, pp 4081-411. ABC-Tr-5436 Sci mar 64 25-3,846 ec ts A a t- i? t-lk:ne -,leetromagnatic, "'O1 omens k iy., "rur '7ks,~er -Aner lnb-, of Vol XVII, f.0 Transformation of Related Static Errors In AnrJog Computers, by A. N. Lebedev, 9 pp. RWSIAN., Mer, 1z Vssh Ucheb Zaved WiSSO SSSR po kazdalu Priborostroy-eniye, Vol V, No 3; 1962, pp 77-81. JPRS 21014 sci Sep 63 a-43#748 Plase Stability in Amplifiers with Arbitrary High Frequency Field Configurations, by A. N. Lebedev, 3 pp. - RUSSIAN, per, Pribory i Tekh Eksper, No 6, 1961, pp 21-23. ISA Sci 213,334 Oct 62 510my at CLV"W AGOMIMOUVOi, bY kjo. maddy,, A. N. Lobod&V. 409 Im. 06 ZMM', blL., Sawl3a Tamuckmadkh U"Xwlteley, FW4 two . Ur*p 179 1-3510- 9KN po"W"", mWIT tNw ad - ]MV3 64 ie Properties of Orbits iditions of Slull-arlty., S. Lebeftv.. 2 Vp. Imm 1 in Accelerators in by A. A. Noloomakiy, 1, pw,, AU= Naerg., Val 1:11,, No 1, 1961. PF 61 Beam Stability In Stacked Orbits,-by A. A. Koloxonrkiy... A. N. Lebedevo 1 p. RUSSM., per, Atom Nwrg, Vol In, No 1, 1961. py ,' j BCJ - >-;,fc.. .4;~ mar Q / A 2 / J~-/ I The Effectlof Radiation am the Notion of a Relativistic Mactran in, a Whan6tic Field,, by A. A. Kolmenskiy., A. M, lebodevi, h pp. RUSSIAN,, V*rj, Dok A Nauk SSSR,, Ilya Bec,, Vol CVI, No 5, PP 807- Amer inst Of Phys Sav ?bye "Doklady" Vol I " RO 1 sci L ph" Aug 57 '~ * r u ~'A d.. Peat, rms of Rlarritam, by Ac A~ US 3 T. AN - C 0 Lis u sed. .., ITIP.0-oar f7hiyn A Metbod of .. the DamtIon Of Pxec~pltaticnp by A. IS* L4ebeclcvp La A. saity1ma. BMTM,, perj, Tnidy GU;v Goaiz Observ, V61 p 1961, pp 48-.60. IU~ M 3983 Sci - Geopb3m 3 -, , - F-mb 63 , C~,/ -) -t, The Clinate of Africa, Part 1, Air reamper- ature Precipitation, 6y A. N. LebedeV, 482 pp. RWISITAlf"', Klimaticheskiy ~;pravochnik Afri;ki , part 1 CFSAII TT 69-55103 sci/atzmls F 64: Xlofftt~ Of OD119-iCtiVO inteMECtUrtl In Cycllc Acootlevvitors.. by L, W, T pp. WJMXAN., per, Z4vAr Mcxpc-. t Tocirat Piz, V~)!, xW., Mo 4, 195G.. pp 984-. Awr Y;wt of ftv Vol vi:c (34), ED 4 -7 E*W 58 U*dn f at ~lrallw Aed" a I % m I I p tw A. A. lb3Aximn"r# A* 16 labofty. mazolp ra),wr-:~4-A wv It uvF am sa Doe cA - - 3, 1. 11~1.pq Zi- Assimilation j~nenomena as Illustrated by id-nor Intrusions of the aVumashkhma camq)lex, Armenia, by A - P . Lebedev, 9 - 0 - MLUh".yan, 11 PP - MWIAN, per, 1z Ak Nm* SSSR, Ber Geolog, No 2, 196o, pp i-i-A. AGI Sei Aug 6j mwentA CyoU-t-byA.-P.-Leb4d~rT , r7 v .5 pp, " - -- Oakol*641" Vol IV, No 1, am"-j P% T 29%8 pi VP ~ 42 - 6.-. -. . Perammon Inst Sci -1 -04 Apr 59 dpl~' 4 -.4-2 The Fost-Io6wor Jurassic Diabazes of the Lower SWay Ttwguskaj, by A - P. J~ab"evo 2 pp. ,UUSSVXt perp Dok Ak Nauk WMf Vol CXVI~, No -,~ .1957v PP 665KJ66- ConsultAajte Bureau S'A - o0ophysics OL -- 58 76~ -Z 4 -Z, .00 I . i I .I WON of; UM Rftrtd 2r"s of the *-96"o ftb=IAM RatteMp br A. F. TAbodev.. 1.5 304 i NWBW, por, Is Ak M* ~Jl Bw Gool-ag,, ND 5i 19a. AGI ftl Nov 62 23-7j9% Associ-aUou Ja Townto (Canada), S.3PtezzDez 10-57, by A. P. Lebedetv, per, lz A.1c Nwai- K->SSRJ. 6'al" G-~Olog' llio The Gaochemistry of Carbon in Siberian Traproch. an-~. Certain Other Basic Rocks of the IISM., by A. P. RUSSITANy per$ Geokhimiyap No 2., 1957p pp 161-16, Sci - ~Iin/vlat Jul 59 ATS 103B Sme PrO33AW Of the PeUVUW MIC the Dlamood- BesrUj Racl~m la tM =Us WA. P. L*bWWvg 7 ppe . . MBIM,t pars, Is 4k Smft SMg. Jhw Goam, 1957., Vol lait N6 us pp 50M. SCI - MMn/Nbt MA 59-2031-0 Ev: A. T. . vol,. 15,, 1940, No. 11-2. , pp. 61-6'1, -- f worlb. "lie Icnic Stnte of' Austenite. tcher Trans, Order No. $1.65. .9cu,,., -f'or L:Lcmaze in I-j~ a ::~f "ace -'U-cxy F'Lmct4oa4 Qrl rile"tron !~I- ixel by Ya. A. Golubkov, IL. V. Lelbcdt;v, 'W Nekotollre Putl na Talfo-rvyft KLektron&-iykl,6 ;;:--:.,~-atel IxLYkh 64- pp, ol's 63 T Xlectrcnic Measuring System DAU-2~6/1 Re='dingj- 'by A. V. Lebedov.~ E, M.. m. v. Tyupkin, 6 yp. RUSSIAN, per., Priborostroyeniye, No pp 14-17. & F-re-ancis 4TPRS 90M Y-nfl-mnm of Various Factors an the Lov- Tempst-re time Stability of Synthetic Late=s, 1. Effect of Changes in the Water Pbmmj by A. V, lebedev, and S. M. Mints, 1 PP. RMLU, Kollolftl Zhur,, Vol )MV, No 19630 pp. %5-571 CB act ,TAW 63 T.liquid Wdromm Stibbl* Cba:~ber, Molg-wo.w., A, V. Lebodev, roikit.1", v, &w3.j-ai*iap 12 or; Pribory i Wkli kksm:c., M*USUR; v X' SWkx 31- 34 ABC T-i ;, 6; 1~, - r ~ - ~~ ~Tabla * I ~y ~. V. R. x. redorova., %6. RUSSIAN, bk.. pr Sci - math Jan &L QA 47 -137 1.5 Z 7d,;2-, #5 Pbotopiaphic System Chasbars, by A. V. V, Yll Kol4pnov, 1,. 3, Yft. Mkituin j V. 7 pp. for Targe Hydmepn R-ibb"' Polonogov, A. G. Zeldovich.; G. LandWhorg., A. V~ Ln-."uov. T. SmDlyaqhta, A,. PI HMIMj per, Pribory i Tekb Pskper,, Nr, pp sea. - ~E~ Jun 59 (a) lntar~al M Noise of a Receiver,, by M. Peraikav., 9 IM;ll (b) 00UPA*%lon of an W;Pttt Transfor for Tto u apealaera,, by D. Lebadevi, 5 pp. Full tramalAtion. RUSSIMp per., tj#jg# No 2# 1952: I;P 44-4T- ATIC-P-TS-7828 unit Scientific - Electronics,, radlo., reveiver,, traw- former, Ividepoikers z 71 f-eup.mn CoutainIng Uydrogen Percmide at Higb Concentro- lcm. Camnunication 10. Thermal Stability of Uren L.,rliyv-4xp..t-e, by S. ZZ. MAkarov, E. A. Lebed~y, ~ ~Pp- .,;SSL'Vg,, bimo per, Iz Ak Nauk 885R, Otdel Yhim littuh, 5 1 selro t 1955, pp 785-788. CTA 542763 C, rec-I Chemintry F c2. g 3.956 o" ptcrliln-~ 'u-) by I". Ya. Rodc B. A, Lebadev, -9 r :).,j per., Zbur Neorgan K-hJ V I pp IMF S-:-udy and ".U be &av Neeor~znj~ Khim. WO "Cl n1n .034 5 --' L Rr&oglm ~ , m3lostictl fk%]Mlqty Isotbermis f,:kr the UOPM-t4ft-M i);_)" -HgCj 4120.0 by I sio pp. FtM-UNi, b%= pwj, Is Ak Swok 9M.9 Otftl Khtm Naukp r-%) I., jhn-~ftb IMp Vp 50-&- CODAWAS&.0 Bureau ,7cien~Ufic - Chemiatry Aug 54 MS ~-77-r. i, ill of -v ii D"Ormwas tio mod"Riad Properties of Nft .11 Wei Some by lbsir Cbwdc&4 c I I =. ".b, 4YV V 16 LdMmbV* 29 PP* PP 7 r0 Flo own , - owl Aaasya Tokhao- um pp W-666*3 n3 $73 Jul i67 i The E37ectro-WAge Weldl of 14 um Thick Metal,, by I.- V. Fed'ko, B. F. ;,ebede~, 4 pp. MWIMS pw Autamt 8varkgL NO %, 19wsl pp 54- 57. BM Bel -%As6l Weldin ,g MechaniBed in the Erection of Blast li~wnace CaVing6l by B. F. Lebedev, Yu. A. Stevenbogen, Ao Ie RUSSLLM., pwl Avtomat Svarlm,, No 7., 1960., .pp 70-75. PJWRA C,.L u;,, 6 31 0 111 1, - lootm of the waumag (volutim DwIng the mm~uw of a ameafts"m InAm* at the xaokmmr Wb W, otlutLou Ooddnem by A.Z. Al&zewo I w "an I B4. ia*edewr et &1, 6 pp. MWIAM pwp Avb~t OwmkAso No 10 jai& 1963a pp 60-6T. bdtl=h 1*34bg Res* Associdation 84d my 64 A Plant for the AUtCaRtiC Welding of large Dlamter Cylindrical Structurou Us& of Plate., by A. 1. Alokoe"Vp B. F. 101"34 M. D. IiLtvlnchukj, 4 pp. RUBSM,, ptkr,, AvtoMt SVWMj, WC, 11., 1960., pp 52-56. BM scl /w, %, -$4y Autmetic Weldi~ txf the Cylln~~ical Par-It-, of Hot Blast Strve Body, by B. F. Lebedev G. A. Milgimisixin, A. I. Alekseyev, 6 pp. .-RDWIAN) per., Avtowat Svarka, Ito 10., 1960, pp 52-58. Sci 7,o sep 61 Features of Flectro-slag Welding in Lov-temperature Cond-itims, by Yu. A. StArenbogesi., B. F. Lebodev, A- L "eMeYevo 5 PP- RUSSDJ, per, AvWmt SvarIM, Vol L=CII, No 3, .,.960 j pp 6046. BURA sci -7 S ,Lpr 61 0 kF.Y-3917) The Peripheral Nervous System of Dogs in Polonium Injury, by B. I. Lebedev, 13 PP- I RUSSIAN, per, Medit Radiol, Vol V, No 2, 1960. JPRG 5078- Scl - Med Aug 60 1~2 .3- / ~/ -...A. I.. 11. . - I ~ b"imm"Ows"NON&S-M w Nib 116 mhwvp:u4iL ,mw- lw;,Aiw I imp mop""i I i. li MkIsm I ~ 1, 1 1 !i mibm (NY-2722). cbmad" lmj~ the flerspbwe", Nervous Optas of DcNp in Ac4te Radlatlam BiaMess *used by the at ImalomatIve Str4ak4mj," b7 No I- IAMS&Vi. 9 it. F=KAN# wo AAMV Malcalla It Vol I=j So W30. I JM-L-"3-5 941.. 7406 gas -~ RUAM* Modlobje3cey Alm 5p TT-65-27814 Field 7D Adaskin. I.. M.; behedev, B. L. RECHER(NIF SUR L' ACTIVITE DES CATALYSEUPS LJL BOWAIIE DE NICKEI, ACTIVES OU PRETIPITES SUH UI; SUPPORT, DANS LA IiEACTION D'IrYDROGE-NATION' D GLUCOSE. Org. I ib-317; CNES-GiR-4715. Corde, :-.rom CNPIS as C,,,[(-.;715 Trans. in Frenen of Khimichesk.tva %auk.t i lennust (11z,-:R) v2 p5,)I 1. Cent:', .1; ittonal de LI Ri~chc,chv Scientiti(jut-, i T1ydr6&mrzt1cm of Glucoea in Pramenee of Paudd-2-r-ed Rpmey Vickel Critnlyst In Flow ftnUtiomm, by E. M~ Ad-alklm, B, L. Lebedem, IN. 1. Zlmiraov~!., 6 RUSSM, per, Zhur Prik Kh1m, Vol =, rio 6., 2.958, p- BT-902, consultamto Burenu Sci Jun 59 liev c); Polarized Elec-.--ric Lel d(:v, per, Vestriik JpRs S CL Feb Installation of Cut)le* Pre-3aure. by B. L. Lebodev, 1.1 ~;,n. PL-rp vostnik svyazi~ Lo i Oci L)ee 60 Hy""~Ogenatioa Of Gluecoc in Gz-F-mullated ll.=ey Nickel 1~ats0l~Tt Under Flov Con-,.U-t ions, by B. M. Ad-,mik~, 71. 1. B. L. Lebedevj S. V. Pavlollrl 0 pp RUSSIO, per, Zhur PriR Khin, Vol x--KY.T,, PP 595-600- Cmi-sultrunts Dun--xl Chem 59 Folym:01ming Meet of, Dlmethyl Sulfate 3thylesda C*mpaunds. I.. Polymeri=%Ion of DIVIOWIA"71000 by V. 3, ftlar,, B. M. Lebaday. RUSSURp pvrj, Zbxltr Obehabel RhIm., Vol 1; No 17., 1940R ',PP 1543-15W. Assoc Vch Serr RJ-1413 7W-31t Sell Chmi Alpr ExperimenUl St%dy of Cmbustion of Tvo-Phase KLxt=ez ixt Tm-bu~ FlAv,, by B. P. labedev, 9 pp. R=IM.. perp Mur TOM rlzp VQI mup w 8p 15603~ pp wh-IW5. AIP Sm Pays-Tech Phys Vol vp No A. /,/6x 13 75L P.pr S-553/60 (p-,-4572 I L) 'Problems of the Pathagenauis of 'he Uau*,;tructed Form of Wrocephalus in Children., by B, N. Klosovskiy, B. V. Lebedev, V. 11. Rurin. 15 PP. MMXAN,, per., Voproay Neyrokh!.rurgii, Vol. XXr~, No 3p 1960* pp 54-57. jpRa 56o,) Se i Ned Oct