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Pink Sa3ma In the BURIM of ,Wbite SliM b9F 19- G. UWWWj, Lo. Ve Pollskmomns 9 the Dor*UU and V6 B. L6501VT Rugg,"i VMS ftb am# vu )MMP 3b 8# 03011 IM3 AD 323 A;,t -.~Ar S061 L~izarr-%,. N. I ":~ T-, I C ik "'T I.- :-I-S or. liol"MONAL I,Ruil Y- I.AXIS OF 11010)1(~NALLY INDUCED [2-111). 16 rt~f~~. FASLB inimuscript Ordcr from. M'S or SLA $2.60 aviLlbl'. oil luall from ()TS TXzns...t)f jkkid(!r-iJv.A INImfirsin.AjUl Nauk SSSR. DESCH11"MI"Y 111orillones, -1,1111mrs, L.:docrinv pland!;, Inhibitior,. -Ilds i_:~ a general. ou0inc, of the basic principl,-~ governii-q! the rej.,Rkm~hip Iwnvc-,m thu functitni:- ,f endmilno glands arA how fliesv rvIationshipa, a factor 11. I-L!~ D. '17, Office W Tecbmical Smizes (Bi0I0g.iL,l, V. M, il, 1. 0: Moor ietlea DOzelo of the Prophyl=is &W so I of ftshmonal Tmors., by N. I. iazaria,v. MOSWI bk., Tboraticheskio oenavy profilaktlkJL I tempil dIsS*rnoma'wqkh. opukholei. *cs let quarter of 1966 *y 65 lbr=es aud Cancer, by ff. I. I=amv2 R, D. Lagorv,&., 9 pp. WSSM., peri, Vent Ak Madit Nauk SSM., Vol XVIII, 30 3.v 1%3 - ims lAnlf Sol - Blol & wed Set Wv 6 1 2 2 -~ j -? 'I /I I Photaiphatle Bacterial Fertilizer, by E. F. Berazova., L. M. Dorosinakly, i~. V. Lopatina, R, h. librAr-ina, N. M. La;&Pxev RUSIIIIM~- bk., Primenenie BaL-terial'nykb Wobxren:~Yc-, Mar-ow, publ by Gosud Jzdatel' Sellskokhom Lit, lSFO.15, pp 122-140. CIA D 400969 WDA 3 MR-( - Bioloa 56 OIS/D= A O~qf~ ol~ of t.1hr- i~, by 11. P. RUSISVil, per, Vetcrinsriya, Vo'l K-L; "!c, USI-)A Tv Sc-i Dial Med Sci tj The Posafte blach"m Underlyim Re=rence of Loco Inflawmadm Procesms, by L. S. Salymon, N. v4 r AMIXA% at ale a pp. RUS$", per, pm Flzw I EMumerim Teraplya. Vol vine NO 30 may, Jim liwm.--pp-T =-. JPR3 26M Sd - 3 & M Dec 64 269.661 THE PROBLEM OF STUDY OF THE CARCI NOGENI CITY OF INTO INDUSTRY, BY N. V. PP. OCCUPATIOI-LAL NZOPLASMS AND SUBSTANCES NEWLY HN 'TRODUCED LAZAREV I.,. P. !APALKOV, RUSSIAN, PER,, GIG TRUDA I PROFESS I 0;.'AL I,'., YYE' A ZABOL, NO 6, 1c,,62, PP 5-10. JPRS 1541-C, SCI MED OCT 052 2X3,542 i Correlation of the Action of 1.)rrimidine Stimulators and Inhibitors on Cell Growth and kroliferation,, 6 pp., by N. V.-JAzaxV., G. I. Feli'stovich. RMUN., per., Voprosy Onko3.og,, Vol VTI,, No 8., 1961. Elsevier Pab Go SCI jul 62 205,4`7 Quantity ~ and Quality In FbWmcolqgiua R"atimbso by V. IASKMV~ h pp. ]K IA I Per YlItLol zhw wo imat I. M. avabenovav vol mp go B.- 3.959.o pp IODD-=3- persawn SOL Apr 60 ff b? G*wral, wd Speatfle Wfeata of Pbarmcologicei 0r# rawmawl I Vol ma" No 3,, W, pp 81-ft Oamitauts swrtau Set - Obd Or W (DC-3699). Conference on the Problem of' Adaptational Reactions and Methods of Increasing the Resistance of the Organism to Unfavorable Influences, by N. V. IAzarev, I. F. Gre-kh, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur MlkroDiol Spidemiol I imnanobiol, mo 1, 196o, pp 156-158. JPRS 3806 Sci - Wed - Pbysiology sep 6o Analysis of .1--r-z Wri!! v. 1714 K.' L T TOO;., L-n.L, Vol I ?A LLU Peb 60 (Sr-PI83) On the Possible Ibn for Facilitating the Adaptation of the Mmen Body to Uh- usma CUmtdLc Conditions.. by, R. V. Lazar.~:v, L. P. Vourbazwen, 4 pp RUNIMp pw, Gig Trada I PrDfassionall Zabolev, Vol VI,, No 1, 1S42, 15-P pa-24. JPRB 13157 Sej. - x9d Ap! 62 FAtbDdu of Tharapeutic Intervention Duriog the Cam=e of rnf*ctious Disemms, by N. V. Tauazmv-- 5 pp~ RUSSUN, port Zhur Milumblol Spidwaol I Immunciblol.. Vol XXVIIIf No 10s, 1957s pp 41-46. Pergumon In3t Sci - Mod Doe 58 7 7/ / Y ~e toxyd Juw Ita Application 013 Aleukie, by N. V. ::rev, bk,, Pentoksil i ego primenenie pri Aleuki- -;.-.ekh, -Moncov, 1954. CIA/FU)/U-7713 Jsm icl - Medicine Jan 56 CTS 3 4 -~-9 3 ft'ble of Contents of the Book, Production of 0-iseases in Atimals for Experimental Tberapeutical Research#,( by 13 PP. RUSSIOL, bk, Vosproisvedenie zabolevaniy u zhivotnykb dlyn exparimentalno-tereLpout-ictmekikh Issledovaniy, Leningrado 1954,v. CIA/FM/bT-6952 USSR Z Sal - Medicine DO WOT Mr 1N 2 M M e Life and. Work of Ale'",Cl ILli -',Or.-'. nov.' cl.' niltovsk-ii, by '17. V. Daza"ev '-) ---- Krc 4 " - U" iotzF, pp P-74,24P. Perga=o n. sc~ Fe'i) 60 *d.pw an" to ww"a Damus 9L WMASOPM by U!u xw#"# *ws 6f VAI pp 3D ID GffJSA 7-6395 B ==7 jor 2m 075 Acv Oatioris of P. ba',I,,cdev,, by -espekh Fiz Na,-ik pe~.v Vol ~962x pp 571-582. Arwr Inst ofj.?':i.--sics Sov Ph-s 'U wx,,khi Vol V2 !0 14 Enc,r, v its 1-3ources on Eartli anci its Ori,-i-n. Part IV. ,~. .0 1 b'~- P. P. 31azarev iiinergiya, Veye Isto6mild na L*'emle i ycyc ProisRhozhdcniyc lzd-vo ~~OSCC)V,!, 1959.p py, 195-276. Sci-s-phys, Georfllys Dec 6? 21,1,404 Energy, Its Sources on Earth and Its origin,, Part IV, by P. P. Lazarev. IDS pp. RUSSIM,j bks Energiya Yeye Istochniki na Zemle i Yeye Proiekhozhd*nLye,, I:zd-vo Ak Nauk SSSRv fteem,, 19S91, pp IML9S.276. 969SO38 Fil)-TT-62-479 Sci-Nuclear Phys -5 1 -. /I ': I, j '?, f Aug 63 Gantural of Geopbyslcal per, la Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Gacgrnt Vol U?p INO 1., 19401 PP 3-16. ACIC Fet) 62 If '4' f IDD 119633~) Selectioni From '-Coutempamry Bn*lemv of Biophysics; t IV ftenowenou Of Rwital;ion in Tissuo and -Or- aaus;' Part V - Methods of Coutwimporary Physics and Their1Appiftation to a Number of Problems of Bioloior and Mediciue,, by F. P. Lazarev., 152 pp. RUSSUIp bkp Sovrezenuyye Problew Blof lgiki, Moscow, 1945~p~ pp CIA/JPDD/U-5368 USSR 919?V Sc ientif Ic - YAd Ic ine,, biophys ier. Jan 54 7, D V, 950 Even niOtMnagnc~ic Effect. by 1. 3 PP. kli, per Dak Ak nauk iz-4331i. Vc, 7. PP 1361-3-370. LIT S Ov Filyb - D cl~ VrIl ll~ Flo 17 juju 61 SuboUttams of 35/6-10 Movolts.9 try S. S. Unwev. RUN= wo Px MMMPVUMV lb 42 19590 pw 30:48 swjq- - - "am ounrwalostim, sod UsaWe ftwr la the a=, no is. EM lbaft A14S 59 9 or, 3 49 w for Devv.%ILOP=I:.u brl V_ I CIL; Cl !;Or., Vest Statiatiki, 2"! pp Tmiter Arlbs !~ So' Pn-sr YmProblems of Econr,--ti -;i Vol Tl,. Wo 12 jim. 6o calums By FPO 8, -LAPAF 4'rom LON em MIN or WPM* 9677W 1,0, JtL ~64 The Ttuperature Dependeme of the Surface Tension of Cbmnium, by V. B. Larext-r; P P. Pug-ch,--~rivh, 4 pp. RUSSM., per.. D*k Ak Natt. SSSR, Vol =I-TV, tro 1s 19601, Pp 132-133. CB sai may 61 Buxface Phenomem in Soluu= 5B.-m-N am P. P. Pu~ftcbwvich and the Temax"y PAsuic vg-m -cm at ~900' J-r V, B. I-S& ev,, 4 pip RMIS"Wpws. Dok Ak Ilauk SSWI,, Vol CXVIlv No 3s 1957* PR hh5-kh7. coomatests Damu SC4 - Men Oct 58 The Surface Tension of Ternary Systems, by V. Lazaxev, 9 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Diur Ileorgan 1,2-dilii, Voll III, No PP 234y-2353- AEc-tr-4451.- Se d. may 62 psi, 330' .1 Btarrer ZMet oA Surglk= Tomlon 4z Termary by V. B. Umwwp If. K. Sommucbeuko, XJBBUXp par# Is AlL Nis* MlEty Otdel Kbim Sauk, No lop Iffl., Vp 1252-2255. Cmau" keaU Dureem Chm soy The Surface Tenoions of Ternaz7 Rg-,Cd-K Metallic soluticrall at 220 C.,t by P.P. Ptgache~'ichq V. B. Lazarev.. 4.pp. R=IM "r0 Dok Ak Nauk SM.. V01 Cr-)-121- W 1957.p ~pp- 127-129 Consultants Bureau Sci - Cbm Jtm 58 Mecb9xd.:z.qtton of Analysis cmd Syntbeals ()r PmleU kIV4YTMwj by V. G. ?arkbommko.. 17 MOW., bkp StAlAnUabooldya VbtaCq -:'ae!adcvanj,.va Ttarlys Btr*tw., Xbftllrovamic., Tal~mirzlogivm., Obr=avamlWe TzdatelletvO Ak Iftak SW-, ~~-gccw, 357-367. 9W822 PTD-w-62-use ftI-XLewt"tj mar 6- .0. -- -7 -D 3 " ~, (I -S- IV (DC-3~'Jl) lWduaing the! Iftaber of States of a Cl-fws of 3 3 Im equential Mach a 9, by V. G s Lawmv., Ye - :E - pul ~'q 7 rp I ,MST Al., pers Dok Ak BmLk SSW, Ifol CXLnj~ ifo 5,s 196--a, iv 106440a. JPRS 1419!j Bei - Kuc 1-twILUe Trauslatim VIM 62 I SysitheAs Moth" for ftmdto AutomiA44 by V. a. I~X~, N. L na, 7 pp. i XMIAXO, Wo Avtomt I Telmm*hj, Vbl MMIS , ]W 1).94-ILSDI - no ~9j, I~jp , Uh I i= 62 2i)o,,6:L7 Th-3 Simplification of Pu3se-Potential Forms BY V, G. L~WLTOT WO Ee I, PU1.11. pp. 6 z RUSSI&N. per, Avtowt i Telomekh, Vol XXIV, No 2p 1963, pp. 271 - 276 LU Sci -2 L46 -I Oq Oct 63 Method for SynthesizpT Pulse-PoWntial Feedback Slawnts, by V1. U~ iazamv:, E. It Kill, 6 pp. RUSSIAN.9 pw Avtowt I Talemkhq Vol XXIII,, No 8, :1962s, pp !all Sid Nor 63 ZIP 7L/-, I .101 'The Matrix ~bthod of Ilinimii:,ation of the Number of Internal States of 1.on-Synch-ronous Finite Automatons, by V. G. Lazarev, 5 PP. IWSSINF.) pxer~ Iz ak 11auk 6MR, WE Tcl:h Kibernct-, ji7o 11 1964, PP -36-38. JPRS 245~j,-< Sci May 64 ~7 7S ~1 I/ METHOD OF OBTAINING A COMPLEX ALGORITHM BY COMBINING SIMPLE ALGORITHMS, BY V. G. LAZ~REV., YE. 1. PIYL'.. 11 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, IZ AK NAUK SSRI OTDELENIYE TEKHNICHESKIKH NAUK., ENERGETIKA I AVTOMATIKA, NO 31 1962, PP 189-195. JPRS 17001 SCI PHYS JAN 63 21~,04 Conm'xdng So= CUsses of Pir-Ite A12t--,Mt.&,, ly V. G. Laxwev, Ye. I I?iyl ',, 11 pp. HMIMj, parp Zhurnal V~r~elitel~'uoy I NatamtIcbsiskoy rzzLk-i,, Vol IIJ No 4, 1962., pp 695-702. irm 16306 Bcd - math., Phys AN 62 0 On the Contact Couplexity of Boolcz~m -L'unctiopz., ct ~L by A. A. ArWimaellshnya., V. G._4&Z:pr;~vj -L,, 53 bk., RMIM., Prob3.erDr PereCzc~hi la-formatzii, uo 8., ig6ij, p9 2D-44. JM 13461 Sci - Buctava )Tr 62 Principles of Desipixg a COlatact)-csO Machlue For Vn~ colmthesis of Sirit-~:hlnz by V. G. Lr=exev, 0. A. Os ct al, 31 IMSMp b1z., Pmblemy Pendorlai Info--mat,3J-J-,- vo i,~ftj, PP 5-19. aso i3461 It-ow 6,2 /'?1/ 9,-:~-7 CO-aceim-tag One TVPe of CO=atatiwi Clr;.:-u-l.t, G - Lawrav Yu. L. Begalovich,,, 4 p. MMIAlfr per, Avtcmnt i Telmellth, Vol 1958, pp, 464-467. Iratru Soe of Apr 6C, Neutron Diffraction Study of tbe Crystalline Structure cur SaUd RYdrogM and Deuterium., by V. S. Kogan, V. 0. Lexam R,, P. Osarov,, 4 pp. ===2 F=UXs pmrs Zbw MwW i Tearet Plx,, Vol ILO No 4, 1961, pp ib20-1C26 AIP fty ptwo - MW Vol xM* so 4 s r-; /4 vp Say 61 12/63 I-lagnotic Litecord"i; Of Telovision Images, by Ve I* La=wv, V, 1. Parkhomiku, 1-35, . . . ....... 11-1- i~W&ItVi# xj;it,, filapitnaya Zopis' Tolovia-LAwykill Izubxazjiul4iy, 1963, pp 1-97. .3-pe 3 INY 17 Fe I) sci - I'lluct-roll 63 Spectrophotmetric Determination of low Concen. trations of Carbon Oxyoulfide and Carbon Disulfide in Pure Gases By S. M. Golyand. V. I. Lazar-ev 5 CPA FIIS,IIAF-,, per, Zbur Anal Kh1m, Vol XVII No !962, pp.. 734-738 CB 3CI 63 an +be-PrOblem of the Wear Resistance of Chromized 3urft,ces, H. B. Gorbunov awl V. P. lazarev. Full trauslation. RUSSTAN per., Dok AIA_E!!& SSSR,, Vol IXXXVI, No 2, 195P, PP 345-347. Brutcher Tr 2966 Scientific - Chromized surfaces, vear Pi*o&wtica Of Grovtb Rormom.- Ant1wra IW lxmiurd- zation cC Rabbits with Ricrodioses of Ant-L17--n., by A.F. Lazorev,, E.E. Antonova., l4p. FJOI lxumtal'noi ixr i matll~35 Vol lp No 2.L-1 3,v Pp OTS TT.~UIAW24 UK Sei smoccloacy Wr ~S7 Photoelectric Minstigatim ce Fomen Spectra ckf Gassum at, Um Pnwoures, by P. A. Bazbu3,ln,, Yu. A.. pp. R=IAT., per, Optilm I Spsktxop Vol VM; Ho 2,j 19W.. OSA Sol Apr 61 Invest4pUotk at Una Intensities at FWmn ~Spectm cC Gomm at Low Pressures by a Pbotoolectrlc notbod. 69p U refs. IMC-Tr-134-. I~y Lismr*v,, Top A.; BmWLInv P.A. h04,,575 bn*Wft In Up mr cmaomua# v on KM=M) 1. v LL-Ul- fl".w WIC X.r, OW 67 loam "lae Foot Ili 1-h of ~Oe Woynb: G. Lazareva, I. 'LiUSSTAN, r; F T 1, it 1 r] -po 2123-2~i- n t C-) o S c i Dc C 2L C.- 17 208,117 PaleogeneiZoacolithopboridae and Their Stratigmphic Significawe,, by I. A. Shamrsy,, E P6 la 5 P. RMSIANI, pe:rp D6k Ak Nauk SSBR v 1956., Vol CV111 wo 41 PP 711-714- ATS-16L35R Sci Apr 60 Vol TIT, No 2 f7 lAizareva, G. 1~1 TJJE MA IC VALUE OF PHoNor-ARqoc;",ffff IN DETEO,f[NING THE DBGREZ OF MrrRAL STE- NOSIS AMD -MB SEVEIM OF -nffi SCLERMC CHANGES IN TM, MrrRAL VALVE. 11963)[171p- 40 refs. PASEB IWnxwc4lpt ncL S 409-1 ozd,--x f~ am =S " SLA $1. 60 63-238-19 I - 1. 11. M. T4=s. of Twulkvt1rheskif ~ E-HAv (VSSR) 196Z v. 34. IV no. 10, p. N-7f,- DBSCRM~OFS: OPhonocamMogr9hy. Magna" Omirxio stem,30, Hcax% Adbesims(MadtCal) 7be mow ze-licHri p1xxwx:sxMog=p1dc m1V of nwriod mitml tiv-timl cz Ir, a caruddezubk tocream In dw ampu- tude of thti M t w bOund at the apex of the hmM a logth enl-,,. cr tho Q-fb~rsc 9ound biterval w more than CL 09 sec, artl the prosimm o( a bio-annOt MW h-iob-- I frequenzy niftral diaBtallc nmnnur &W an openivg map 1 (WrAVV~Kl Scf'm1,NlG--P*dxd09Y. TL T. 1106 um 17,1 1 (wed I 63-23849 ptic: Nil-Ell, valve Ummxev . G. D. PASED S-4M-2 Fadeastion of Ame-ricar. Societies for Exped - mm=l 81010M D. C- Scz,#u Tedmi m Ir,,- Waddnguxi. D. 17. 0"" -465/6o (Irt-4378). On the Diagaosis of the Degree of Mitral Stenosis; Oy G. D. Twig eva 10 pp. j*USSI",, per, Grud KbIr, Vol II, No 2, .1-060, pp i4-20. JPRS 5443 ~)ci - Vied sep 6o Angaw Distributions of PhotofiLsslon Fragments Film Ur~~j, by B. P. Banniks N.- M. Maikerva., L. 11. Lazar6vss, V. A. YabDvlev,,, 12 pp. XMM., perp Zhur Eksper L Teoriat nz, vol xxmi, No 1, 1957, pp 53-55. Amer Tast of Phys Bov Phys-imm Vol VI, No 1 Sel - Physics Now 58 7t-71 -A.nntle--Bwrglr Distribution of Photoneutrms From Bij, by G. NIN Utseplm.. L. E. Lazareval A. N. Pospelov., 3 PP - da~ MOSIM no per., 71m, Bk"r i Teoret Fft., Vol No 1p Jau 1957., pp 27-30. Awr Mast of Fb7s sav Pbyst jjerp Vol vp NO I Oct - Fbv ep' 14, SeP 57 rimel tic Smttering of Photons by Ind"m-3-15 Naelelp by!D, V. BoadlldWO.Chp L. E. LatarffMp F. A. l1kolarwo 7 PP- MWIMP no per Mw Upper i 1%oret M.. Vol XXXI~, No 3~ 1956p PP 40;.412. Amr Inst of PbWaica Soviet PIWSIOB-JW %I lys Do 3- ft 57 Delayed Neutrms Which Accompany Photofi"SiOU Of jjr3nij and Tbariums by L. B.. kreva, B. Rwtner, I. V. shtranikh.. 6 pp. MSLkX 0 =0 per, Zhur Emper J Teoret Fizj, Vb.L XXUp NO 3P 1955s IM 274-279- Awrican Inst Of PhYsics Soviet-, Pbysical, Vol II,, No 2 sci - Pbwsiqs Fft 57 , CTS 1,12a of L. FeinbQra., L. 2 pp. 1022.13LIMp L-o r.)--ar., Z-huv rik6pt-,r i Saa.'all, riz, Vol XXIKP I%TQ 3P 1955.9 PP 361-3,33. A~---rizr-u In-qt of" Fh~-sias Wriet Fkv-sics: Vol lip Tjo 2 A~ "-raicu lilt.,b CITS Inelastic Scattering-of Photons on RhI-03 HuClei, by 0. V. Bogdankevich, L. R. Lazar!!",, A. 14. Moiseyev, 4 pp. RUSSM., per.. Zkur Zkoper t Teoret Piz,, Vol XXXIX., no 5 (11), 1960, pp 1224-3.228. A TT Soviet Pk*rs - JWP Vol XTIp 110 5 Sci jui. 61. V/, a v~txqLjv -ii'rza 11,130tce I zn.,4-i by I -2t ,Q3-* I. pl* V.] "Co The Averam Number of Noutrom jer Fission Event in the PbotodJLsIntegmtj= of Umrdum and Tborium, by B. No j, B- I. Gavr1lov., G. N. Zatsepina., L. E. IW~UMjras pp. NMIM b1W pw Zbur Ekgper I Tboret Piz.. Vol XM, adi 1955's pp 2M-~85 - M C 41-569 Sop Scientific - ftysics fty 56 M/ftx Ameriew. Inst of Pbysics .6-6 , 3311, Inves ion of the Parameters of Uranium-Graphitc- Heteroge'neous Systems by the Prism Method., by L. V. Groshevl~ 0. 1. Kosinetso L. E. Lazarevax K. 0. Tolstov; E. L. Feynbergs 1. M.'kie~nk., F. L. Shapiro., I. V. Stranikhg 30 pp. Pun tranaution. RUSSIANj bkv Conference of the Acad of Sci of the LWR on the Peaceful Useo of Atomic Energy, 1-5 JiLl 1955, Session of the Div of Physico-Hathematical Sciences, 19 16~ 4x// GPO 'CDaS;Q~~lntS B~~ul e-59 WO_J-3t~1'kztT-Gt Sci - Ifuclear Pbvoics *87 rPts for $350-00 Yiel4z of Photoneutyme From 'ate and IL, Awlei,, by B. I., bavrLlov, L. E. TwAreva., 7 m - RDSMM* mD per, Mur Uner I Tecrot nz, Vol x Ito 5., 195GA pp 855-M1. Awr last of Mysics Soviet PbYsics 2 JM Vol. in., no 06 Sci - Pbrdcs 79 Apr 57 CM Neutron Yield From Photodisintegration of Uranium an&Thorium,, by L. E& LazgrqvgL,, B. I. Gavrilov,, B. N. Valuy~v, G. NO' Zatappina, V. S. Stravinsky., 15 PP- Full trawlation. RUSSIANj bk,, Conference of tbe Acad of Sci of the USSR on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy., 1-5 Jul 1955p Session of the Div of Mysico-Hathemtical Sciiances, s GPO au 9' th St.. wk Sci - Nuclear Pbpsir-.s *87 rpts for $350-00 Spectropbotometric Determination of Traces of Nickel,ln Pure Iadium and Alutilnump by V, M. Pesbkovso V. M. Bocbko".O L. 1. lazarevas, 3 pp. RMIAN per, Zhur Anal Xhi-m,, Vol XV, No 5j, 1960; p Sri Aug 61 Provertics of imlim jirsenitie viui stall 7rarzducers in ,;t:rOng Cc4ist3nt ~-.ujjietic Fi*lds- at Liqui Ltelim. TempeTaturibs , by Be G. Lazarev, L. S. Lazuruva, RILS'SIAN,perv Ock Ak Nauk SSSko, Vul 181 '--o3v JUIY,O 1968# i1;"' 581-583. Au ihkst Vnys Vol 13, 'io 7, Izit, 1909 I-Ou U4 374-1298 Electro:~i Ilicroscmic Obserw.ticn-I oi' ldcrol by 11-lemis of Reljlic~.s, 11-1, L. V. Lrz-rcv- 6 G. V. &Avak, 6 pr-- 2-U0SSL%!',, per, Iz, Alz Ne-W: SS~;R, Scr Pi,--, Vol -;QCV, lio ic96i, --,p 742-747- CTT Sci cr2 20 5, ",, .9 Characteristics of Carbon v:.-oro Polished S'Lrface'-., L. 7. L~----reva; T. F. 3 PP. ZLjSSD)-Ii--, Iz Ah iio.IL~ 63s1") !-.o 6), 1961, i)ij 760-763- c li~2 c 0.u1 C2 205,372 Imtonsiticauca Of B1,62aid aml PurIfication of TjA-twt, Rastes. It. HimbiWadom, (be im of Aa&,.Lvfted Sludge Used to Portt Nfruents Omtainiag UY&-osen SuMde. 1= Ts.0 by 1. RogavakVa,, M. P. I pp. lump loom, pmt Iij 4 waslya., Val XXxo No 3, 1961, Pp AEM pet 62 B ! C, - - - ' " ': c ' '.L ' ' -. * - C;,-.~ 7" tic !,L4 13 OY' tcs ()f P.Ctivated cf V--rious fj 1, a 1959A pp r5 57 3) Airier B Wft~t GO ~~*="MWSLSG M*kUs ODIAW a 4X1 %bo aoo:LtL$Lzg Ifftat 0t Ards., bv S. al t"Oltal, T. a. TA=Wom, a pp. BMSta.v 3W0 Mw Svoob I PrIA Footo i Kim.. Vol W 4,F 1964 ~v S& 2rA-m - CU/nID AX-1660 20 VMS= DVOW Bel jw 65 tv-1m; luwrml Tim wa4, i Determination of Molybdenum on the Basis of Its Catalyltic'Action, by V. I. Lazareva A. I. Lazarev, pp- RUSSIAN, peT, Zhur Anal Khim, Vol XVII, No 1, 1962, pp 65-69. CB Sci 214,380 Oct 62 An imstiptim of the C&Wyti,e Propertiso of Famulimp bYl A. 1. Lasaravy V- 1. Lazareva.. 5 pp. MMUS, pwo M= Anal Mtft,, Val M=j, No 2o 1963.. pp 202~wr- ca sci m 64 44 _A/;( 147 Colorimetric Method for the letermLnation of Camlmiun ITIA.U P&odsmine B., by A. I. Lazarev., V. I. WMIAN, per, Zavod Lob, Vol M, No 7, 10559, Pp T83-T-35- MA St:i Aug 61