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The ficticm of I4auid Amabmwi ,)n Perrhemites, by A. 1. lQZ;Rrev, 7 ppo RUSSD)I. per Zhur HeorVan Rhin, Val 1, No -4, jo5A, PP. V5-"91. ABC-Tr..45P4 Sci Apr 43 0 /.x Detox~niuaiion of Mulybdanum on the Basis of Its Czta~11,ytic ,'Actiou, by Va, 1, 1.uz%rova,, A, Lazare!. pp. IWSS,I,AN per, Zhur Anal Khim,, Vol XVIII tic 1,, 1962 & pp Cb Sci. 214,380 Oct 6-? ROWUM CC 211mim wIth %VoUies of nvu$ by A. 1. ra=m~w 4 pp. WOUW 00 pq~ UM Obdwb-Caq-rca- mmi, No ho AM 7.A, 1 R5-X. Im ocusatanu samu ed. 1 #5, 45Y 7o ;A= 7 An Investiptlm or the CatalytLc Properties of Mwnim by A. L Laswm . 0 v V- 1. Laxarwm, 5 pp. MOM=., por,, Zbw Aml Xblms Vol XVM,, No 2,# 1963,, pp we-wl. cz sci Feb 64 ,,/ Z/ ~, / p !':zilaod, by A. 1. Vol. A' . -iI-d s31kvmbm?,wAm-wwjg , 1. IN' -I .tw V. Tim: - ii 0-~~A. ]r. TA~wv, 3 w. m3low 2- n U*f va urm lb lo, x9a, uh ftl 2D6,773 &a (e l5apamt.ion of Rhemium From Vaaadium Tclgste--, by the Method of Ion Exchange Chro-mall-lo3;L-E~p1hy; by D. I. Flabehikov, A. 1. Lazarev, 19 Pp. SUSSIAXj. per; Trudy Ak Iftuk SSSR, KonAzail -po Amauticheskoy xhim, vol Vii, 1956.. pp 64-fo. Dept ofCarmerce Patent Off Sai Lib sci TbeArAlytical ChmistrY Of MOAlums bY D- I- RiNkS Pqabddkow, A. I. lazarev, 8 pp. Full translatlan, Lbur Anal We. Vol X., No 4, RMIUm b1so per 1955, pp 228-235.%CIA C 41023 consultafts Bureau sclentifIc - CbmIstry -21 d 3SO' War 56 CTS/dex Method for the Daterrdnat-Jon of Wj- J.Ua Raodami-ne B. by A. I 3 1) r - RIJISSIAR, per) Zavod Labj. Vol Mr, No T, i959s MY 133-TB5 sai Pat& 61 I o 6 RUBS=# no VMS Zhw Obehelk =12 1955j. ]W 2196-MA. Complex, by A. I. Xhim Vol xxvp M 54MO-C, 3 7~ 77z-n cwmatwtc; &M%ew Aug 56 The Vibration Spectra and Structvv,~is, of Simn Ran-~ EarLh Element 91licateog by AJI. Dar-an-w.c Tenishava, 8pp. RUSSIAN., per,, Iz Ak Nauk Wel Kriin Nanuk, 1 Wo 6s 19619 pp 96h-97#. Sci P-pr 62 " - - ~, J1 I- m V I TI-L- ` 11-7000U41 -:Peet Silicates, JI. inf- r-ri Absorption FeSpectru of Silicates and Germamites Ani6hs, by A. 1-1. Lazarev. T,. F, OptAD i Spnktrollkoply- Vol (Y.A .;at-'oub in the Fie-ld of Aikoxy-q~' by M. r, Eex VoroWtav, V. P. Davydovap A. 5. Lazf-,-rev.? 4 -,)r!. iiU$&!AW rx.-r Mar Gbahch Kbim., Vc--I Nc, 1958, p:,p Sal - Ott 59 ~,'alent kydro.~wl. Vibrations in Ferroelectrile XD2P% Crystals., by A, 11. Lazarev ', A. S. Zait9eva, PUSSIAN, per Fiz Tverdogo TelUt, Vol II, No 12, 1960.j pp 3026-3028. AIP Sov fts - Solid State Vol IIj No 12 ici Jun 61 Vibratiowl Spectra of Alkom;jullanes and Biloxanes. II. 'Vibrations of the 510 Gr*qm In the Spectra of Tetraalbox7silanw,, A. ko Luwovjo 3 PP RUBBIANj pwv OpUJm i Bp*trot Vol VMjO so h, 1960.9 pp 5U-% USA sci fty 1960 Vibratioral Spectra of Alkwqsilanes and Siloxanes, III. Vibm~tiozw of Silicon-Qzygmn Chaim in the Speotra of Fb1y&1kwqsiloxanesv by A. u. Iazarev,, M. 0. Voronkovq h pp RUSSLI-NO, pers, Optift I Spektro, Val VIII., No 5., ig6ot pp 6o6-613 OBA S(A% My 61 '670/ Vibrution Spectra of the Silicates 1. Infrared Spectra of Silicates vith Aniorm of -the Type -6 (Ell207) j by A. R. lazarev,, BU68111H., per., Olutika i 15111P~ixol Vol n, No 19601 PP .195-WP,, U tlc acc of p sci Jan "6* On tbeAwpe of the Potentlal CUrve of the Hydropn Dcmdlu Certaft CMtals., by A. 3. I"arev, 7 PP. BWSIM,v per,, 1e Ak Nauk OMp Bar ftz,, Vol xXi, No 1957,p PP WMIL 5.2.Z - 9*2 r, Oolumbla Tech Sti - Physics Jul 58 The Infrared Spectra of Rare E&rth Element OxicL- Orthosilicates, by A. N. Lazare T. F. Tenisheva) 5 pp. RUSSIJLN~ per) Iz Ak Nauk SSSR., Ser No 7) 1963~ pp 1220-1226. CB Sci jul 64 263)467 Sria Structure of Barium Silt-zates, 't)y 1,,. 14. T-tz rev T. F. 'Daftaisheva, R. G. Grebeashchiknr, 4 vp: RMIAff Ibk Ak Fmik MO., Vol Cn, go h., ig6i., .pp AZ BOV Pays - DOk Vol VI, No 10 sci kgr Tetra -Tert. -Butozynilmme . by M. c-. varonkcyv, A. S. Lazarev, A. K. Balgoibin, 4 pp. RDWIANp mo perp Zhvr Obahch Mile W35HP Vol XXVI.. No 11, 1956p pp 3072-3M.4. Convulftzme Bareau sci - MOM Jul 58 675 S~ftft-Sftte qpMtlom of A frltm&lml by fm Fs YLLLWWWs A* V* -I# ,SIM 5 vp. woomi, pwo FA&Otwl I KLaktsvao lb 5'. 3L�&. AM Akd 220,293 a" 63 On the Chmase in the SAVeraouftetivity of Tin Under the Tlinusiki-M of - - - Defwmtiono by B. UWAMY,, A. auMdalp 10 pjp. r,, Z~xw Mcnar Teor )fta,, Vol XV, No 12, TV HDrriis V., Priadma $5.00 Bel Cbesistry war 59 Preparation of Pure HGtalG by Reans of the Zone Cryptallization (Felting) Metho by B. Aleksandrov, B. 1. Verkin, B. jLm~z~ RUSSDS.. bimo per., Fie Metal i Matell, Vol II, 'No 1, 1956s. PP 93-99. siA w Ft 18o4 Sci - min/tiet Dec 57 it Preparation of Pure Metals by Means of the Zorne Crystallization (Malting) JL-thod.. 110 by B. Aleksandrov, B. Verkin,, B. IAzarev. A&-.*"~ WW~- - RUBBI",, bimo per, Piz Metal i Idetall, Vol II,, No 1, 1956, pp 100-104. SLA Tr R-1803 sci - Mm/)*t J-6, 0 ~?'~ - Dee 57 (X-1675) Sovietsp DemDeracyp Self -Mvernment., by b1. piw=tin, 33. jey~~ et al, 19 pp. IU3SLUZ per.. mcnowl t, No 4.. 15 W---" 19CP-.. pp 1;a. JM 13503 W-JSR Pol lo/,-~Y., %,4 e lipr 62 Measuriammts at Low Temperature and High Pressure. 1. DeIvelo 1; of a Metbod for Creatina Hi& ZL Temperatures., 3!y Pres0res M - _13. I&zarev., L. Kan MWIM, per,, Zhur EksISr i Teoret Fiz, Vol XIV., No 10--!11., 1944.. pp 439-"7- National RceearLh Library iT ,/ Se ientific - sics MAa XDdIficatious of Beryl I bun emd Iron Ma P13M bmde=ed auto CoId Substrates, by B. G. ~~ H. B. Senewinko., A. 1. Sudovtsov; 3 pp. MWIM, perv Zhur Eksper !'L Teoret Fizj Vol XL.. No 1., 1961.. pp 3JD5--108. AIP soy P2rrs - JEW Vol X111,P no 1 Sol 1,iv Aug 61 Me mpetic X=mt of the Prctoonj, by D. G. T Liazarev,. L. W. MrabaLbw., 12 3;9. COW; porp PbralkaUsebe ZWtochrfft der soirietunimil Val X1.0 ims PP 445-47- 900316 Am UM, Tr-784 Iql, 2 q-1 Apr 62 A Simple He3 Cryogitat. by B, N. Effel'son-, B. G,; Lazarew, 2 pp. RUSSIAN. per. Pribory i Tekh 1*9par, No 3, 1962, pp 198-199. ISA sai Apr 63 ,,~f Q ~~ / The Zrt6rgy of Fop&tU= and Magratim of Vacanclau in Gold azid by B. G. l4surev., 0. N. Ovchaiv~ako$'6 IV* RWSXAN,v per,, Mill MAN *r I Teamit pis Val X10M.0 so l;( 60-670 AMW Imt of awe Bar FAYD - am - Irmo 06 1 p4la..1 Aug 59 X__R_Ekv luvestiptioa of the PlastiCity Of BerYLUUM Single Crystalsq by R. I. Carter, 1. A. Gindin., V. 8. Xbsmv B. Q. Lmsarevv 3 PP- WMIAN.. perj, Is Ak Bank 8MR.. Ser Fiz.. Vol XX.. No 6., 19A, PP 639-010 7w,vw" Columbia Tech Sol - pivaics ~7 JIa 57 A ffydrogep Condensation Pmp, by B. G, Lazarev, E. S. Borovik, M. F. ftdorova, N. M. Tii4a'j' 11 pp~ UICLASSIFIED UKRAINIAN, mo per, Ukrain'skly Fiz Zhur, Vol II, No 2, Kiev, 1957, pp 175-182- US JPRS/N1f-L-203 Sci - Engr Jun 98 13 A Vaavaum Adsorution Pwap, by . G. axid M.. F. Fedorova, 3 PP. RUBSTAIT, Ix,,'r, ZbLur Takh Fiz, Vol XXIX, No -pp Oak'3-865- Amer Inst of Phyn Sov Phys-I*ch FV-~q 1101 IV, INO 7 sci Re"O W.gaertic Fropertiev of KvtaJa int Lo~j ,.=ers. IV. luMuence Qf lknag*Lwous iou on the Do Ome-VbLa Al#aezz =ect- in ~~t4a, by I. M. Daltranlo), B. I. ~Tcrkl-,,j ; D. 0. Lamm ".--wpy-S 8 pp. RUMAxi, p=" m Ekspw L Teor-at Piz, Vol mw* H* 2(8)p 1W;, pp 328-339. Awr lumb, of Ilbys Soy Prws - JM 7*1 V='35),j N* 2 Sol - TJbys Apr 59 IF5 Onthe Influence of Holes in the Crystal Lattice on the Electrical Resistivity of Hetals., by B. 0. MW Lazarev, W 0. N. Ov-charenko., 5 PP- RUSSIAN,, mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol C, 1955, PP 875 -878 z- AEC Tr 2313 /I t7c 7 3 7, Sel - Minerals/M-tals do-i X-RaylCgmezu for Lcu T gmsturetij, by L. S. Eanx B. G. I I Lazar~-O,,4 RUSSW,,o per j, Zhur TeM F%z, Vol XXIj No 24 1954P 1511~,:1543- OTA/FMA'-1353 Scientitic 140, I ydrosen Cmd noation PUINN? lath Dint-in H Liquefier., by B. S. Borovik, B. G. Lazarev, I. P. XlkbAi 1j"m 4 pp. - RMIN, per.. At= Emerg., V01 VII, ND 2, 1959, PP 117-121 - CB sai Apr 61 / 6- ,:~ ~ --t 0":) 2be Llidtimg Vhcums ar Cmdo2fiat-lon PmTs,* -cyy s. s. Boma, a. r. ariaft, ii. G. Lwamvp 4 pp. IMIM: pwo PrDoryj Sekb Ecoper.. No 1., ig6o,, pp 115-317. IRA Bed mar 61 14 / ~ - 6,:-) Low-Tamparatux-e Raoxystallization of Copper, by R. 1; GaTbsx, 1. L Gindin, B. G. 1 3 pi.- RUSSIAN, per,, Fiz TvardoV Tela, Vol T.1, No r, 1960, pp V9405-1098, ALP Saw Phys-Solid Statc, sci -I - j Z J". 61 1 ~~' /' 51" Cbmp~ in the Volum of Tin on Suparconductina -irswi- tiola!i:~ tbal!Magnotic Pi*Ms by B. C1. Lwxrev, A. I. Sudovtsaw. Full trawlb6tion. .VV%Y %~c - Taw RUSSLA14plog~ r., Dok Ak Nauk OSM, Vol LXIX) No 3,t 1949, .347. c~.T A & PP 345- AEC Tr 1398 USSR Scientific - Phpics, Tin, magn tic field Oct 52 CTS)tEX Ditfre-crtion c-f X-ra;ra by Polycrratalline Dknarmv,~ R - r. pullatc%7-- I "ON"M, Vo 3(9); 1959j, 3. sov PLYZ 47,67 vol xmii(:Lo)., r0 Apr The =ebt of, the Nb~pvtlc Fleld Upw the Electrical Re- sistauqe~of piug2e CrystaU bf Urke and Cadmium at Low Temperat~res. Part n. by S. 0. lazarev. N. 14. Nakhimo- v1da, E. A. Farfenovao 6 Full trawlation. Rois,slm,p loum, V-Cr.. 212a& 0 va U., NO IOIV U30j, 1939, pp 1M-3187. wv~ Tr 666/)M 403 8clentific - Pbysicaj, Zl=,# Cadmium jw 52 MAEX HIGH-VACUUM ADSORPTION PUMP FOR THE EVACUATION OF HYDROGEN, BY B. G. LAZAREV., M. F. FEDOROVA, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, ZHUR TEKH FIZ., VOL XXXI, N10 7, 1961, PP 3x864-866. AIP SOV PHYS-TEOH PHYS VOL VI, NO 7 SCI FW 62 lb3,016 On Cc--rtaln Pemdiarities of the Transition to the &ixp3rcanducting State T-T; IKr R A. A. Galldn., 9- B. G. lamarmt., TI. A. Bezuglyl~. 11 PPO AUSSIAN:, per, Mi= Ekslpear Tpo7v-u Fiz, Vol NX, no U., 1950, pp 987-SKA. MDF G-187 009:2725 9F/ Oct 61. , i Ne-4 Peatiwas of the Tramport, Eff*ct Throuab the 136 ill Fi B."*ml Ison,, B. G* lat"evp 10 pp, Lima, RUMIAN.,, blmo pers Zhur w I Teorat F:lzp Val 1=11j, 190 5# 1953# pp 552-%3. Sci Woom Lib No 53/2512 USSR Scloutific - Physics Feb 54 CM Plas tic Deformation of Iron iii th,-- Ow, Phase T -aas-Ition, ty Lazaxarev, A. 1, Sudovtsov, A. P. Smimov, 0 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Fiz W-tal i Vol Vill, No 1, 1959, pp 122-1;-'1'. Pp SCI Aug 60 N$dmpn CondenestIm PLOP Vith Bullt-In Ltqtwtjm.p IW go a. Boravik.p B. G. TOAWXW- j, I. F - vivallawr It IW - HMjffMq perj, AtM AWjXv Vbl Vjjj, lo 2j, IgWp 72 ni-la - OB SOL Apr 61 4/7 7 Femliarl,ties In the Machr-AcELI Properties of Llthiumj Related to Low Tw"rature Polymorpbous Iftneformstiona, by I. A. Gindin, B. G. Lezarevj, Ya. D. Staroduloovi 7 PP. RUSSIM, per, Fix Metal I Hetialov, Vol X, go 3., 1960,t PP 72 Pr sci -3 Sep 61 On the Superconductivity Pressure,, by., L. S. Kan., makarov, of Tin and Indium under B. G..Iazarev, V. I. RE;SSIM,, per., Zhur EKsper i Teorat Fiz,, Vol XL., No 2, i9fto pp, 457-458~ AIP SOV P? Yq-JMT VOL *.EII, No 2 Sci Aug 61. DisoontInuous Obaracter of Fliwtic reformtion at LOV Tearerstures, by I. A. Gixdin, B. G. Lazown-vp YeL. D. Starodttbav.~ RUSIUM. T2mrt Fizilm Tverdogo Tela) Vol M, NO KIP Soviet PWS Vol LU i No 3 sci Sep 163. ow NW&ttc n934 OD the slecule a t wr zlw we caw= slasu "tau at LWJA~~OOIIAWW- I%ri I. ftmirwam sri%ct by B. a 6-1 limiliowt V. N. =d I - A - Pul"m it mm" i ?&wet na, voi xg, No &AuF-&4ujL NOW Tr 553/WL 387 Be iftrites q Apr 59 M Vacuum Admorptlon PwW Wlth *.Ugb PuMing Speed, by B. G. U. F. F*ftrov&,, 3 Pp. FIUSSIM, pero Mbur To& nx,, Vol XXX, No 7, 19(k, pp 665-W7. AIP Sov Fbys-Tech Phys Vol V, No 7 $cl idar 61 operation of mpu~ Pwnaeom on I- '9Tj by F. A. KhIll4ich, D. L.~Lazarav, S. V. Bazilarich, 5 PP RussiAN, per, mstfailurg,, No 60 3-9571~ !,? 3-7- Conmiltants Bureau Sci - 'Engir Aug 58 honlysis of beat-exchange procesetes !-,- +.he by B. L. Lazarev, B. 1. Kii*v, Yu. G. Ya-~,-:I,,,hei)ko, pi, - '~=TAW, pz::-, ital, go 3.. 1.1.)611 Ipp 200-206. B-11ST jui 61 of Topmr Pmesure of Bolutim of we byltoll'scus, So not Lanrevp B. Ob.j, evA A, no so suesumi lprp Zbwml SksWimetall sol I 1~~Wskol nalkis, 19%0 Vbl xxt p Set Mbsem Lib No 52/0348 Oc leatltlc - "Its Aw"Ous"OR of soot" ammomas of rA=rlft 13 np. Vbl mp ft 99 A=4wAkvr nb now 60 MAU in apeawtive Tedbalf-mov by 14 py- m=jap M* AIL 80* Mto V01 =no so 28 ows 190~ w isj~jft. 72NO-33-0169 eel ~ - PA" )w 62 1870542 Tbol poob"m of AawmwW in SWAntUU Kmwj~~*~. bry F* Vo Lamy"* 10 ppo RwsrAH. owe vcffl~ FUbo*nJL* Moocms NO go 1968p pp 31-W* JEF43 469932 ,,~, v', L /-~ z 4 ~2- L' V USSR soa Doe 68 3700507 Retmr-Aning the Ileginn of StabJ-11ty of -;ut~waitic Control 'Sy6tem. 'lith RaMcm Paramet-rst G.R. . -'illaillclvs 7pP UNRILIVIANi pmr., Avt.--vn;xtyka,, glev., Vol IX# 11jo 4s, 39641, pp 10-3-4 JPII,,.*:; 2748.3 Sci-4,lnth $ Data ~Irocessing Jan 6 5 p 1~ A 2*ot of the Determicatlon of Im 7hicbmwe of lea in the.AntRreUe amvirnulc meamrm_ ments_. by G. X. JOA.Wey. - ._._ . S. A. lbbWwvs 3 Pp RMIAN,, per,, DA Ak Nauk SM, Vol CMI., No 2, 1959j,:PP M-3D2. AGE Sol z j 0 5;e jun 61 Twr !;~=mtiom cf Izoncteltio AaI=Qtj,6&,ft by U. A. Usbakov., 0. Z. FURSUM, rorrv Informat Brill So"t AWTtlabookmp Mop"Itelyso 11o 11j, 19~iqp pp 17-21. gay of 'disamin (aw) Sol - OWN= AW 60 - // 3 ,swo cwdluaiwag w tbA seismic amd Giravity ~Datu oA ilm L~'ttlv America -- Byr4 Stat-ion Profilfop by 8. A. TJohrikwg 0. S. Lawwov. MOSTANO per., War Nyull Suvot AnartlabosIttya ZksjpodLtsiyz.j 1959.. No q., Vp r?-M. UnLir of Wiscowin (NW) SOL - 0800r4 Alpr 60 J13 geg 7 of Certeda TTarsitui-m 'Platcul Ei _,i-. by V. M. GIwov, 0. P. L&zwev: Gz, A, RUSS!AN, yer, Metal i Term Obrs Ne-T-allov-, No 1C, 3.959, p9 48-50. /5 itui 61 Gravity Field and the Ice-Covered Topography of Central Eastern Antarctica, by 0. Ye. Lazarev, S. A. Ushakov, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Ddk Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Sectims, iiVol CLII, Sep, Oct 1963, pp Amer Geol Inst Sci Jun 65 R-no/63 Pecularltles of Astranamiml lwtaralustions of oobr~lmies In Antert;Ucaj, by 0. Te. Lassrev. D06063 RUMiAM, Up Arkticbmk:Ly Wmftmo-loslodemtel-skly tut4tat ~Noveteftya Antarktialwaboys ftepeditaim. Ing& XksppdlUsoa 19564OAP' "'jo-so).oldchmadLys IS&I"o JAGIDSM40 No 101 pp Ua. 8 Odl - Mor Sel & Astron ttbgrmp~la Provisioto for Rc4dw Lrmti~stlons A~~*4A4*0 by 4. To. laohr*v. DC-W3 17 RMPNJ :b]Lp rkUebnW Nwhn-Usledovatol I mkI7 S M~- A-6-4- 1"Atat Ast"*ud"Nowas ANY~t I I I I 1"Ied, IAMIAgrads So 10, !22-26. W - NOW SCL - Astran 9" 163 cir, the Tsc>static Depresnion c.f the Baztt;a'o Czu~st T 'Zi Antaxt-t-ica un&-z, a Heavy Ice Load C", k' .1 .1 S'. A. Usbakov. 0. Ye. Lazam~~y, 4 -on~ TOSSUJI.. per, Dok Ak KaWr- S-SOK, Vol 022=.- No 4, .1-559t pp 785-788. AGI sui S- juA 61 !,-.,ovel des-I 7T, of" -f'il'uerir,-.- sc--.,een for iu cer-tri-fu--es by 1. 1 ---------- HUSSLLI, per, Koks i I:hjjy,, 11"o sci D2 i .., ay 195,500 liet,erogeneity of the 1-blecular 3tructuxe of U-c int-ernal Tlissues of the Apical Em(~ Stolonic SeL7.ients of the Potato Tuber, by I. Z. Lanarev, Nu-sSlimc," Per, Biofizilm' Vol VI, !To 11, Elscvier 1-.1). 'Co. Sci jul 62 The '~osnibility of Determining and Ti= 1r,-Owse of Dormney in TuWto by~.Mwsuredwut of Tisetut by 1. Z - 14azarsvv 5 PV - BMW, per, Fit R"ten4v Vol pp the Duratio-r, Potato VI# No 5, 1959., Amer Imt ct Dial Sci Sol Apr 6o Certain Peculiarities in Blectroconductivity Pattern of the Inner Tissusa ol' Potato Tilbe-rs DaAns the Rest Period.. by 1. Z. Laz&rev, 3 pp. RUSSXAN,p per, Dok Ak Muk WEIR, voi =.. no 6, 1958,, PP 1353-1355- Amr Inst of Biol Sci Sci - 11101 Jul 59 "DC-51o4) Instructions for Calculatlon of Work Done and Pay In Industrial Enterprises., by K. lazarov, St. Tonehev,, A. Dimitrov, 14 pp. OU14MIAN,, per, Izvestlys na Prezidiuam na Naroftoto Nbranle, Vol Up No 97j 2 Doc 19602 pp 2~6. im; 6920 Xgur - Bulgaria Soc 11 (DC-280011). Suvorov Schools, (Concerning Suvorov School-s), by Maj Gen K. Lazarev., RTZSIMI np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 5 Dec 1:7~50 .1 1 U. *u0- JFRS M55 R Mil Feb 59 The Problem of the Kinetics of Leaching of Radioactive Elements Fr= Ydnerals., by K. F. Lazar 7 pp. , Vol iii RUSSIM., per., Radiokbimiya. iio ik3., 1961., PP 359-~64. AEC-tr-458o PL-480 Sci June 64 261.,579 Concentration lof Thorium Isotopes in ~iea Water, by K . F. Lazarev, D. S. Nikoluev, 13 RUSSIAN, per, Radioldiiiniya, Vol III, No 45, igo"l, pp 623-635. i- ..BC-tr-4581 FL-48o sei jun 64 Cixiet;.Ique de lixiviation partir des mineraux,, by RJSSUti to IPRMM, perj, 'No 3.P' 1961.. PP 359-364- ~Pever,ze Trau-slatiou des rex-Lioelemeato a K.. F. LtL-.Zavv., 31 pp. Didiot6rkji -SSSPJ% Vol III, Sci Apr 64 Concentration des Radioelement.s A--Aific~gel--z a Partir de Grands Volumes cl'EaL:.:.. Natare2les, (Concentration of ~xtificial Fada"oelemen't's 3tarti-il- vlAh Lar,f-;I-e Volwnes of liatura-I ,4aters), b~ F. Lazarev, S. 14. Grashchenko, 10 I)f- to FRENCIT, per, RadiokhLTni-.-a, Vol r,P 493-491' Reverse Traais CEA Tr-R-900 S C i 2 5 Jan ,a ftotavatrIm fttezodmtLon of Ularcommots of nmxrimjl by Is Be Btarlkp F* I& StLrlkj and K. F. ymm., ".0 & Np. ---.g . WBBMWJI IM19r. Zkw Am& Whiap VOIL Xivp 1b 3v I'mr Ipp Win - &d4mem //f, 4c", 7 7 J~m 66 Bxtmgtlcn Methods of Seyamting Elments. in Analy+,Ic' Chf6datrY. W T - N - Vdolvuko, L - N RMSZOO par# 1mg Raulm I p 1959, Vol TV No 21 230-2.*. WF V-134 Sai lbr 60 Vol 23, No ii TY-Le c re e, of' workivig. C),,.t+ 1-3bormilk Statey-) ]LM, pp Allic Lazarev. L. P. and Lebedev, E_ N. CALCULATION AI&THEORETICAL ANALYSIS Of' THE PROCEDURE'OF WORKING OLrr THE LEAD IN OPTICAL GYROSCOPIC SIGHTS [AND) CALCULATION OF THE PARAMETERS OF THE RELAT`IVE MOTION OF AN AERIAL TARGET, TAKIM INTO ACCOU1,717 THE ANGLE OF ATTACK OF 'rHE FIGHTER. 8 Feb 61 f77 1p. 7 refs. MCI,-703/1+2. Order from OTS or SLA $7.60 61-2367) Rough draft trans. of mono. Optichaskoe PriborostroenJe: Sbornik Statel (Construction of Optical Instruments: Collection of Articles) Moactow. 1959, p. 9-36,and 125-151. DESCRIPTORS: 'Gyroscopic sights, *Gun sights, *Optical sig~lts. *Fighlers. Mathematical analysis, Motion. 61-23679 I ~ Lazarev, L. P~ H. Lebedev. E. N 111. Title: Calculatioii of ... IV. Title: Construction ... V. MCL-703/1+2 VI. Technical Information Center, Wright -Pat' terson AF6. Ohio (Physics- -Optics, T7, v. 6, no. 4) of tiw Tvassitift of 8 irstims"d C- ,- 0y Lom boo * LwAsw Ows, Vol sopt of SM TV 47"10WAW TG 23GOT470 -ton dit 302wI92