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December 31, 1983
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~XCel 4 AW Research In Im Chromtograpbor The Fropert"s rf CorWn AnIon Xzchange Realm and the PossibilIv of V61% . Mm In the Medical and Pood ZAustrlemp by A. B. Davankow, V. U. Lenfor RMWO bkp Issledavomwo, v Oblatti Imodbuz-anno" Ebrl;&= AW p Nkocovo 1957P ppo UT-3-33 xw~r Cmmul'Umtis bAreau Jun 58 ExtractIm of Preclow KwW a Tim Itift trlma Wastes lrgv~ Rw li. bmp =d Prooesum for ErbractlDn of Gold rri6m SoluUcm by Mms I of Slutbetic Resins, 1 1! by; A. 33D Dwnavw, v. x. imew 6 --~#= pwo zbw Mk DIMP XWO No 71 Jhi 1029-1034- ig, 60-? conmiltrate Bare an Jkm 57 EliAtion of Noble Metals After Adsorption, by A. Frcm AnIon Exc~lauaGers B. Davankov, V. M. X~er, ZhLLr PrIk 15159. 727-734. Consultants Bureau ~"ci am 6D (T~Y--3001/71) 'Recovery of Precious Metals by Anion-Exchange Resim From the Waste and Processing So'Lm'Lc;;-x ol' Copper Electrolytic Enterprises, by A. TI,- Da-vankov, V, M. Laufer S. V. Fakitin. L. G. Levianp A. X. Chernobay,, 12 pp. RMSIAD, pert Iz. Vysshikh Ucheb 6, pip JPRS 297e n~- 1 4r) P~' A T;g -0 c or,ption azd Subeeqvant DescrptAmn of 'tUrbium W F,uropitm on Granular Ion Exchangers in an Electria i1eld, by A. B. Davankov, V. M. Laufer. 5 pp. RUSSUM., per; Zhur Prik VIhix,, VckI XXXV, No 4., I9Qr pp 769J~6. CE sai Fibb The Deionization of Acid Protein Hydrolyzates With Anion-Exchanging Resins, loly A. B. Davankov, A. N. Oratynakaya, V. M. Laufer, A. G. Lipinakiy, 6 pp. RUSSIM., per,, Zhur Prik IKhim., Vol XMI.. No 10, 1959, pp 2269-2274. CIB Sci sep 6o OL- Amihotleric ncsjn!~, an~ U'iiizaticz, by B. Laufe-~ T A lf-f4l Per: Zhur ,aj.z; 19!5,7, pp 8';5-64-i. Extraction of Precious Metals From Produatim 'w~etec r. fttraction of Metanic Gold 7 Iron Production Wastow by Synthetic Resins, by A. B. Davw*ov., V. M. L&uf!!r,-4 pp. RMS1WJP 00 W., Zhur Prik Mda SWRY Vol X11xv No 6, Jvn 1956., pp W.?-951. If CommfttAuAs Bureau Sol - Chemintry YAw 57 Innumm of OMM MUM= to MAft Upon pirtia~~ ajim or am** ft= Usla OonvorUr md! or wasu aw Prom Are ititace, ty R. Meldau, D. Lauft6otte vai nm 2ft lb J., 29%p pf~ 21#96-Mv Scd . *L*ibtL 5v 36 = bonh x 2r 3m SSAU Come;ra-ina the Sclubilitf of i5lant Ta-rmAn in Organic Solvents and Mlxtu=3 of tho 7~-ttc, nth Water and the Tanning Action of Such Tam,ing rixtr-met sautionz,. by 7, R. l4iif~*uo and T. Bau-N-Utu, 16 pp. GERM, Per, Collegium, 19"Ib* Vol. rp~C~Y" pp 66. SLA 59-15273 lkw 59 Vol 2, No 3 kVL'* UUMPOK Ift CQUADddov bv 0 EMUMW6 pi *JIBS Avg ?lD Omst:itu4A'oa w4 Taxle &,Umi of 23ttw--l rnd am ftutbetle rasectlawap 13Y P. Loma'!.r. goo"j, perp ativ Chl- Ants, Vol. mprn, 1944k iag"80. C 7,.e1 CMD-3309 Pox- an Opening to -rb;* !^ftt, by Lai*ierx 3 PP- rrumm,, up, ie bL-rwe, No ~~j6, tS am 1962, p 6. JMS 3_416 )I Wgraur -. Prance pol jum 62 ftm- an 0 perAng to tht Left., by MK_LauoerL 3 PP. np, Le Acr~, Aon 514)6, 6 ~Am 1962, p 6. im 14"MIZur .- rrance Pal iTun 62 61-14949 Laugier, Henri. THE SELECTION OF LEADERS AND THE PROBLEM 1. Laugler, H. OF EXAMINATIONS (Lc SC-lection des t1ftes Dirigeantes et )e Problemd des Examens.) 119611 Sp. Order from SLA 5 1. 10 61-14949 Trans. of Orientation (Canada) 1941. v. 1, no. 7, p. 93-99. DESCRl1rrORS: *L~&-rsftip. Selection. Recruiting, ApKitude tests, Personality, Achievement tests, Applied psychology, Reasoning, intelligence tests. (Behavioral Sciences- -Personnel, T*T, v. 6, no. 10) Offi- .1 T.c6l..1 S-i WI&I 6f Bpoillon-AndnouWroic AUd in Treatment o-V Mlr~t ftses of Sclerodeass., byTlAu ler and per., Avg 66 308.,720 An Extemim of lufWtutdoul CalsujAa,, by C. 8 ' I I y D. lAngwits. GMWff.p per# lbtb Z.0, Vol I=, 19580 39 ppe loci Ruh 2T F-am 6 Jkr 62 llj,3- 5u -~/ us WV"f MLY Dr. ,C syWhrgidsouas or ompA in camunuaw now PrcdwtAon# ty go Lo tambap 118 po -1 ------ 1- Quo" I !vm3w =A W-1=7 stj~ Apr 60 Val In-t No 3 /// !713 ReInfOrcid COMMU CYLIVArIcal ShOlls With CrackB in the Tensile Zow. FMt I.. Ploistomad Concrete CyUi drical Sh*Uo Wah Fftatroseed mainforcemuto by 1h. x1t, laul. Rasaw, p Indy To"Itook Ptaitakh Imt.. No 450 Seri** A VP 1-43- UL M. 3A.3 Apr 62 by 9 1 mm Bhop now ftemwat vdmwmo 7 - i zwmnml amm"'t VW* Amem- ismio vw. 19" U%w "j, ml %'-* 3"/*t Z"--- ar " k*,vO57 Acstwxi6 a" If ctr the Profteu of 120 ammUcas br 1. N. Aklarawr 0. P. M*tavip 9 pp. RU$BW, pw,, 2bw Obdob Udu.. Val XV I r No 9,v IoT, vo, gh5o-A59. conmitn" DMVM Set - Cbm Oct 58 X-S, , / ep Synthesis and Propwrties of Cyclohezene and Cyelohe"ne Alcoho" of the Tyo RCWM CH. By G. P. KvAstova Bhmqukims 0. A. ;a- 6 (?p. RMIAN,p pwp Zbw ObWmb Mda,, 'Vol XXXII, ft 80 1962 im. 240-245k Aw CB Sai Jul 63 3~12 _S7;~/ A Study of the EttWiWlation React-Ion of *xalogs of lonones'. G- F- UgAtOva-ShftWkim. U. A, LauwanBkaa pp., 6 RUSSIMa per, Zhur Obahch USA, W-1 XUn. No 8., 1962 pp. 24_icaw CB '710 sci Jul 63 Contribution to the Theon, of thc of WULls and Alloys., by Ilerre Laumpt. 81 PI). ==:Z~ MT!"Ill, Rlevue de Yr-tallurr,' T %, U -L ~ e, Vol ".r-LII, No 31 pp 'tg-92; N-v pp 1',?5-132, 'No 5, pp 1-56-1-67, 61 p -2(re-, No 7; pr. 2--O~~2'1,~ p 194 d" ~ su sci Vol r~~ 110 11. W,, V, 6 2 Oft IL 4030G1 -sums% -ow 26 A-0 16 V072 M- P. Tauna7 s4 - Ad 6t oil the storaitc im-,,j ill the "Ouse 'Ind ;JIL'ine I-at, L. Lmwioy. "ham 'r? Atip mc, Vt:l L q L4 u AUL S16.8, 7 7i,, -7- M= VZVW;=2=v va 270 19315 Cwrosis'p or DIfAmmt TYP~s of Qwros1=4esixting 3twis'li Coin= A&dm Drutebw Timm 691p $2.A0 Tftr~ u --i 1 -~- -7: of '11'iLuroliu Treatme ri*,. I r, Scar let re ve v by 0. Laur, .9 pp. GERW,L11, Fortachritte der Theraple, Vol XV, 1939, PP 540-543. SJA 60-10780 Sci OTS, Vc- L No 'T Nov 60 Epoxi Resins Netted With Orgwaic Metal Owpounds, by )bzyox Laura, 7 pp. HUNMRM., pcrj ElektrotecbnUm., No 2-3, 1962, PP 82-85. Acoi x-i6Eo rD 2203214 Sci - bvm Apr 63 "W"m vith notAwl-luldase3l3w jostbom Gibe in ftwtudo ftUmwltUr tr L. lawag 25 pp. TIALMR pwt Is" no=Opdc&IS%rv Vol VIV sw/oct 1952:0 pp Aft~qw- S.L.A. Te 1257 1441? & 17 Sol - mmielm Jan 57 m Tbft~ lb''Voical ftLucLples ot DUllus by Po Lauftat. 16 pp. FRIMHV par$ jj&M et CMMLCM, pp 172-1137. *NBS Tr 70-sisso (Dc Me' Fteasona Behind De-StZliaiZatiOn -- A and AustrIan SmIal-Ist Analysis, by IA=ien L.m,-m-L.. 7 pp. FRERM., per., Est md Quest., Vca. M, No 271,. 16-31 i= i962j, pp 22-24. im mig WE= - Fxmce mar 6-22 7betetrical Parallsis of the Brachial Plexus, by 1, '7. lawence 16 pp. FRENCH, per, Revue du Pmticien, Vol n7,, Wo 290 1954., pp 2699-2T09. SC i - Hed NavY Tr 3117bM 681 vay 62 /9"'- , The Yagnetic Suopemion OMMI by M. Tolurnier, P. Laure-neeau G. Dubois. FREI-ICE, Proceedings of the lzt lhtermtioaal SymIxicsfumi birld at Nice (Thkon f:rm Pmrefied Gas Dynmias. *fts Lab., Bagr Sci TJ of Va Sci - :Pbya ,Jun & I r~j- v V/9 Global Fallout of Nuclear Explosion Products, by V. N. Laurenchik. / 7 C RUSSIAN, bk, 1965. ~~ 3 967-5'- Y AE C MMM99;:412. T'< - ('6 6 L Sept 67 SOMAS and Pressures Recorded in S:itu bY -I I'SUCrOMMOmter , by F - E. Br-;Ua., 5 P.P. Pel~~ ArCh M11 dxt CO--Qr, Vol L11, ~-Jo 59, pp U 132. NM 3-1 -62 6- Med jum 62 On the Hurch Reaction. Vnm* Qwmtit~~'tlve Deter- minstien of the Total Swim Proteim vith the Photo- roeter, by B. Laurent, B. A* Lemberg, 18 Tp. FINMrSH, per-, ?Imake Lrksresn1Iakrp,_-tV, Hfinl1i:ter, Vol XC, No 8, 1947, * 1795-1800. SrA 57--,,,576 sci Jul 5 9 Developumt of MOMISALAAACOndmWer Paper, by G. M. Laur6nt IMH,, per, L'Ondo Ilactrique, Vol YMIII, go UO t Mom 1956 v pp IC)4-213. Navy Tr 1369,AhShint 619 Sci - Electricity Dot 36 CTS Retcrogepicity of Hemoadbins. 1. Techaique of Establishing Cm-vea of Solubility and First ,Fmtion~tton~~Teets., by J. Rochep Y. Derrion, ~J. Rey&i~d, M laurent, H. Rcqr*z, 23 PP. PfM=,, pers Bull Soc Chim B101, Vol XXXVIP ,NO 1., 19%.9 16-5:L-63--- Irm Scient-If ic - MeAicine .If 70/Jul 55 ~ Pr i of 108 In a Sman Amoum of Carrier. by ~H. ~JIAAW=16 7 W FREOUI;-PW. J go Phymorol XLVM, 1951, pp 4X2-.414. 9z35":5 AEC,'-ORNL-Tr-5% icf-,chem Jua 65 281,072 Self-Diffusion of Ions in Polycr~-stalline Alkali Halides by J. F. La-ure J. Benard, 19 pp. .r!nt, FRKUCH,,per, Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol VII, 1958, Pp 218-227. qo89617 ABC UCFL Tr-829(L) Sci - Phys, Chem Aug 62 208,462 tr A-OSVa 375083 8=11i.-Sl6alm gydmulie Model TLBtx; (An Experimmt&I metax'a of FrI6LIch OrIgin)., by,,!NS, M, S C H, of -Lecturc of V.-,4r 3j, USSA C,.,) s aP RaSr.. Watervuys ft per Sta Tr, 46-2 Sci BrZimsering, bvdrwllcs, zukv&l Econ Trn-appDrtation, river, vator loan at Research Cm&.er Library Od~Wral ChaMateristlas anl Posalbilitios a,,* Davelopnent of Righ TamicK2 d-u- '~~anxmissivn. by H.V.0. Zaurent. IMCH, W. Bull. S-o. Prim-- Elotr. 'Jol. 3. No. pp 6pi-636 NZDIA t! 67 336-032 Ju Vo voj qTj.. rocass for ObtainlM, from 14m-ine Aig,--c, DrIod S-ab- ;-Zempee giving Agmeous Solutions of High Viscosity, Michel Laurent, 13 pp~ T~ENOHP PUMP ECROSA 9442d MA 0 9221k , !Ur 28, 1949, S*LvA. -,cientifio - Chmiutry Jul 5 5 the lbtevn4l ~',tress C.-indition ill -Ollow --t3l Cylintfours, Lky *k. I.:ttirent, Vol 25, "A% 1~iS, 42. NTC r,'D-11274-2o.-~ -37, Th6rrnoiAectric Study of RecrWtallization of Copper- Zibc Alloys, by P. Laurent, U. Budier., 12 pp. Fall Jomik tmwlation. FRMCH, per.. Rev. do Met Vol XLVII., No 12, France, 1951,, pp 97Q-974 AM Tr 1336 -3 L H _7_ c7",' &-lantific - Chemistry, Xiwwals,, Weta~~iurg;, Metals Aug 52 LCO tQ tb4 COVIOU DwWratVAtIOQ Of of A*814"I str*lmws ILM Kalov 40 by P. ;~~urqos et &I. MM DWO Irca x"I so 20 3k= 2639 act - (L5- 15S. Od.) J%vq 60 7.j iThe ft'' , Ysic'3 of Metals, Theories of tljc- R,-zptwj-,, of Hitalop by P. TAumut ~FR=w H,, per* Wetsuz, Corr-os Ind.. Vol jil.V11, Sto 0! Y-AY 1952,,'pp 189-2W. TPAVUB T 4,20 CTSIDEX 01F What 3".s th e Current Status of African Trade lhiionism?, by Pa'scaltaurent. 28 pp. MD101, per, Perspectives SOCiSliSteSo No 68-69~0 Jan 1964, pp 17-33, JPILS 27704 Africa Pol j ml () 10 2720131 (DC-3801) Fm- mah Comitmists and Antitawizit Unity.. by F!ma Laurentp 19 pp. FMCH; nP, 11Hmanitso Pariso 12 Feb 19629 PP 4-5w JPES 12867 IfF-France rol ldf~F, 4-e- / M" 62 I.::.. MIX* Its a TOSOV& MOUDWS), ard M%!Asrdcm~ ~'Qxt a ma-Z :v N*I-v uac-Aw fi, Iwo Voi o 4, 61-16156 Laurent, Pierre and Ferry, Michel. sruDy OF THE NUCLEATION [OF GRAPHITE) AND 1. Laurent, P. THE KINETICS OF GRAPHITIZATION OF PRE- H. Ferry, M. HARDENED WMTF CAST IRON, FT. 11. [196111561p. (foreign text included). Order from SLA$5.60 61-16156 Trans. of Fonderie (France) 1958, no. 150, p. 319 - 337. DESCRIPTORS: *Graphite, *Cast iron, Transforma- tions, Nuclei. Particles. Temperature, Hardness, Chemical analysis, Iron compounds. Carbides. See also 61- 161,57 A: NORMS W 55 27 me 9 ftl-.fta 61-16157 Laureva. Pierre and Ferry, bfichel. SfUDY (OF I THE NUCLEATION OF GRAPHITE AM) 1. Laurent, F. THE KMETWS OF GRAPHMZATION OF PRE- H . Perry, M. SOAKED MM CAST IRON, FT. 1. IM 1 (48 ip. (foreign text inclul-le6). Or&*r from SLA $4.60 61-16157 Trans. of Ponderle (France) 1958. no. 149, p. 249-2 DESCRUIMRS: 'Graphite, 'Cast iron, Transform- time. offi- of T-4-icl S-ico. (Mcbinery--Manufacturlng, 17, v. 6. no. 3) Some Aspec-'..3 o- Algeria'Ei -Leonc-rd, by Jean-Francois Troin, Raymond PP lFRaTC:F,, pea Medi terranee, 1962, n-~) ~Cala 1~0- . Arm- ~tm cc. Freq4ncy.Mrawformations in the L~gbt ar Attenuation Calcuiatiow" by T. lwxent. tii 21' ktroLek Tidephto Vol lqmlmwm perp LXIVs, (2)m Jan I~A9!ill- py 'TPA3/M Tr Bb 3954 Scientific Pb~rsics, transformitious, liGhts attemm- tims calculat6aus. Index Aeromuticus -.7 Ine0matatio Plasm Contalnno*, by O.A. Lavrentev. RuSSTAR, pw WM. tLL,_&. Val. 8. No. 4, 1963, pq 440-WF5 OB 343/CTO/2,17 I 1 .~j , - " c ; ~ " ; C - I-' - - Sci - Aug 67 339-683 Tnvomt4pti*m or namm owtiLirmnt by a Mvrwtic fteld ZuW, by O.A. Lavrostev. i aussiAiL per ukr. rts. 2b. Vbl. S. 1963, Vp 446-V~,j OB 343/=W:ar- ~"' ,~ z- "C' i. ~ sai - Aug 67 338-495 Pralonizing the Insecticida Effect of "Chlarophos".. IW F. Lavrent'ev. Rusams pers Rets-r-i-na-glya, No. 8, 1964, I Vp 90-92 MbOMO. 7651 4- A L.! [), LZ Sul - Aug 67 -335-566 Probles, Of Itbe OV420-sittor l' b~- all 1951P Op Pal*molc Cockroaches WM and Externai DanUI Umwelatialix j, 5 pp. UWWlnrIED 11 a - cte of the Frabim, inalme PaI2mt-oI~wJIqA Vol I= a 6. QM 426 sclentinc - Biology Oct 53, CTS Betuivior cf the Succino-Dehydrogenase Activity of tt,. bwouardium of Rate Treated With XCAj bj A. Ascione., D. uur~4 L -4. et al. 5 PP IMUN,, pur, Doll Soc VA1 -.3iol Sperp Vol XXXIV,, Nu 19v 1958s. PP 2214-2216. SIA 59-:LL622 Sci - BLol Sup 59 Vol .2 Vol C), ri pr Pezmazxmt NDSmat bbgrietio Soperator fcr Dry -Doneflalatim of Fln*2,y ommd stra2gly magnette Imn Ores$ by Be ZouxlU., 9MR, 3pers StAU und Rjoeas * Vol LT-Xr%Fj Doe 2p 19%p im 1639,-26U. =I 3m set - WK IPjb 63 1?. -a -r-I I r -.. ,- !~ ",~ -. D"holicipm Serves Reaction, by S. Laurica"s, "t pp. - RMSUR, per, Agitatorp No 5., Mar 1.961, PP 30-33. im 8366 usm ls~T, C-P12 Soc dun 61 2ho Done' Tmtomdatim and ftsoulAwisetion of the Asix~ swid Qacw~, by A. U !Er-~ IF - PurpAm, IMUN,, per, Minerva chirurgim, VOIL XI: 31 Jul 1956, pp 66307- mm TV Bel - N" ow !93 6 On Carlbalm towle Nistuml Cqpper &W Zlnc Carbonatesp by C. L,w=. ITALISO per, Perl 041cs dl Mllu!mlQglx* Vol. 9., No- I I-9A pp IMIRe. C-4134 C, /- /0 (,. /R /, Sel - JUI,Y 1967 33"U Procost for Wming the provatics or Oleaginous polymors ft~a IDeresslug tb* Avelv4p DWee Of F0IY- ion ~14 the-p"Amuse cKr roly0leficwt -by JOtdll*,p Wl*b*l Morro *Ali*r., 9 mom 3*1glan Patent 558,,214,, 12 i= 1956. 0"41pm xx.."k SW YgMMANS TO I UINM IN NMCWJB Sel - ~Cbft Jan 3,9 tals Tumlay- MR ow on ** vioxnadw of the wbd vaktAy cr. tile -57-/ by V. Londsm Pao 144br, vlob 66 DC' - 1/2 5 -Uneteenth Corarre-Ra of the Comwiuniit Ptirt.- of S-veflen; N - - by -T-Sef 7 pp. rARM, Pir ITC9 -and Ziels VOI vaj NO 3, 1961, PP 186--193, JM 8435 Nobar - Simden 'Tul- 6) l dimm" fee on 4 15 d (Dc- 5965) 'Fifteen Years of the Kladno Vbtalluracal Works, in the Liberated Country of Czecbo- slovakie, by Bobuslav Im eb enn, 13 pp. Omcm M MY C?,=,, Per, MAnik, Vol X, INC, 5,, 1960, pp jm,,: ii88o Czechoslovakia PI Jer 62 .i~lef~ 1.111.;, llroducti= aadl llrzcoz-V',- LES Of Ota~.b_-' Fhotograpldc IthterinUp State Wolishers of-, Illealmi=1 lAto-rature., Prexpe., 191;9,. ]Prn 43-, POT TwIl Nov 6,,) U.9=-, V~I-MN ",,L. I TIAMRX, A M. M. - 17 F. ROGOV Det,ection 6f Defects by the Luminescent Method in th~ Met~l Industry. IZVESTIYA ANAMIl NAUX SSSR, Ser. Fizikat vol 139 1949,lpp 251-3; 1200 words* Brutcher No 2431t I rm ps4dwsim go OC Mostrse" D"I"s wo Ab"W" mm In.-** Owl" vous ""rp by LIRStWo 33 W& MOL It"O . - I , . 1! I ~Mp Iwo --~Asaq so Vol Up 'a OW Mr, Ar ums V'/ ~02 A,, J i ow In Effect of Temperature on EtxotcwuzItiD1:Lers aad Liquid Scintillators., by G. Laustriat) A, Coche, 9 PP. FREW.R, per, J Phys Raditm, Vol XIX, 19"P,. PP 927-929. ABC NP T.-r-441 Sci - Phys Aug 6o 62- 174; jaus-4, I-Iden. THE I NFLUENCE OF COMPONENT'S OF TOBACCO 1. Law-z. -'i. SMOKE 011, -ME, CILIATED EPITHELIUM. [1*21 11. 5p. -i:. -1 Ord,~r frona K-11 ~i,. 2~1 K -.' i ~104 a - z Tran~. nf.Ololaryngologia Pokka. JQ~7, %,. 11. 110. p. 170-174. DESCHIPTORS: *Tohicco, *Smoke-, Cigar~,ttt-~, 'Fpithelium, Rc~ipuatory (Biologival Sci~nce,,--Paihology. TT, jw~. q) Offic, of Tachmical S~icvs i,-dx:,L I;kr Tube Deivice o-,' r-i of- the S-~Icmces, by V. N. L=tt~L. A. Lyubo-riah., " .1 --- 4.A,:, :T - F-1148SIPJs bkj, Urstroytwiwo Li-Z Trubakh Byatro:ieys-~vu:f,~,- Sollatuoy luaw.."y .4kaa liu" MIMI :L