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LATYSH19v,. 0 Monochromatid Internal Conversion Positrons - French per Comptes-'Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de 11URS3, Vol 63, 1948 AZC Tr Oct 49 CTS ickmesi Gauge for -Rolleed Sheet -qt-,ck, Latphev, Yu. S. Pllekia~ L. K. `fttoche",c, A. K. Fe, ~ger' RUSSIM, bk, Radloaktiouye Met,-Ay Kontralya I 2eguliro,vv=lya Praizodstveuaykti Protsessov., 79-55- A.Ec it-4139 Sci -7 P, jum 111:1 r f I v I, and e nil C. P-2 co Aubcwildc lki4c-jlulatlon of Liquid 14.-tr-l Leve-; in Cry,ata,!.lizer During Continuous Disting Q Actioa Upon Rate of Ingot Withdrawal, by V Lat~vahev, V, V. Lyndin, Yu. S. Plisk-in, T,itoebemo, RUSE11AN , b!t~ .4acUoaktionye I*tody Konzrolya i ReguJJrov=lys Proizodstvennykb Protse-esso-ir, pp 101 -U 5. Asc Tr-4j.39 Jun 61 Krewt ct Aftina at SUver Lv#e--o ~m t-h- ftm Iftmatm* ot AbomvWx tW A-!, IS- ZwtPdws 5VP- sbomat MMP4 i jpafL.-, Vol K;*z7j, -,Vp 50 A Logarithmic Electronic Convertcr for a Rccording Microphotcmeter, by V.K. U.tyshtv- RUSSIM, per, Zavod lab, No 5, 1957~ pp 63o-63-3. Primry Sources CR-X!ll Sai - Electron J01 0`1 '/~-Y" I/V? Lvrel in Crygita2-lizer With Artict--- a'.C VzArylag Doeign; by A. 1q. V. V. LiMAJ ) Yu. S. JL In RUSSIANj bk, Padioaktionye Metc4,y Reguliroveniya Prolzodstvannykh Prot-vessov, ABC Tr-4139 j,Lxv 61 Cc)rtal.a Probleuis of Acclimatization 'Lj--,Lclcr Conditions of a Hot ClImat-c b-%?, V,, T," ~ -I, a t -v z .T RUSSD~Nx, m0 pcr, Vo-venno Lied ZhurP NO 44 MoBcow,, Apr 1959,, pp 26-Z9 Ace-L - wuj- US JPRS 11 736-NI 4--j- 57 ~ C-:~ j // -,i -,~) Dotam"atitmi -w.' Atruloii, &, UA tf*~ UxidutiQlk ;Izwtcts of 7111,0~~,XkqW 4D6W ----g WM-6- itas. i~.LIT (11, Studies in M%thMiS of Al ka3 I n 3 &--.h Supwoxides,, by I. I- V01'mwp V. I. Chwammst :.. I. TodWsbay 9 rp. RUMMS pwp mw woorp. mm., voi ni. No 2., 195T, PP a63-96T. AW.,-tr-JiO52 Be_ ri_ - 118.16 / Y-, 6- / a-z-Z Alw 61 j - -/- PST so 79 Studles in E~mtheses of Alkailm) Ontb SuperoxIdes, by 1. 1. Vol twwo B. 1. LooRibmmao 7 pp. Mmums ywp Vm DIOR M1134 Vol 33, So 2o 1957, -u . -M. p 259 AW,-tr-k*g . Sol Asr 61 1,94.5- 1f3 PDT So 79 Re"t;c!aYch an the Syntrl~?slr, ot Siiv~roxn-r- - Ulut."L.Ine Barth Mettls, 1. Irr.; c1 ra F, v, F,- Sergeyovu, E. 1, tayyGne -3 WIE-I'll.,." 1: ilili, pcx, Miur Wc-~org Khlim, Vol T-; Cwasulbuits Customs Tr Y~)I. 50 2`2 ,Fvllrlciv~, Bl" 7 . Lttymktvl~a, pp, P,TJS,q-l,r;Lgl, I)gfr- ZhIW V-eorgan r4dnj Vol IT. o 3.957t, pp 166-16sc Doc 6a Pm, .%i Se t an or Calcium Chlorlde From Sol"y SPerAt ~c 0.1 ~1'0.r Liiq=r Calcium Hyftv-V-CbIorI6e, by 1. 1. Vobwvo . 1. Intysbeva? 8 pp. RUSSIAN, perj, Zbor Prik Nbtmj, Val XXXq No Ip 1957j, -pp M-q% - ConsuLtant8 Bureau Sti - Chem Oct 58 17 A14 Latyshrva, T.: S. THELMEAR VARIATION IS THE LEMTH OF THE CURA~F-! [1963]!![1()p] 2refs Order ft=n C" or SLA $1. 60 63-197D9 Trans. Akedawlya Nauk SSSR. Izvestlya. Seriya Matemailcheakaya, 1963. Y. 27 Ino. 11 p. 61-66. D&SCRUTORS: I *Measure theM. Equations, Mathematics, *Differential geometry, Topology. It Is demonstrated in the present paper that for suffl- ciently simple sets (smooth arcs) the linear variation of the~xet and 16 length are coinciding with an accuracy to the normalization. (Author) 63-t&709 1. Larysheva, T. S. (Mathematics, TT. Y. 10, ncx 11) Cffkt ot TecbmicA Sen~z S CO*UtIRM: ft*SnWA~iat Mkd PrCbl&M by TO Lotrshavao =0 pp, PPO Jun 66 p:rOs~,9x~wugAwsdtMnof Problem on'lvo-Addre-as Madituss by T. S. LANOUM RUSgW,~ bk. P I RaftMe na 2010909M MONCOW, Ivaj, pp X-Itsz. wFTD-TT-a5-4U2 Sd - Dp Apr 65 Rfrect of the ConcentratUn (if Solutiow of Acids an th Rmt 4 fteir Reaction vith Me and Barium Xydroxides, by S. A. ftobdowevo L. 0. muchr V. k. lAtyaherva., 4 pp. RMIWq 30 per.. nw QMwh Ddnj, Val XXV., NO 8., Ava iq~3j, vp iMls-A47. cTA c ha56. ,q 'o / 1 .7. Sel - ChWd*tz7 6.1 im 3.956/D= ImeStigation of Difftoi.on of Brrcn and Carbon Into Sme J4etMlS Of the Trawition Groupe,, by G. V , Samonov, v. p. IAt - oh~?a. RUSSUN9 per, Fiz Met4LUOV I Hetallmdeniye., Vol 11P No 2s 1956p pp 309-319. HOM7 Blutcher Tr No 3c02 $7.80 1.2 i~ Sci - Xln)kk4 XeWz mar 1957 M/dex Tam" paxwo Me; Pluettol Was of DmdwUmJwd Tob"Mio by UD - 3,90 lip. Y~Z~ wx A" 66 A4603 "ftm or aw dusiml CSWM 4t la U&U%3, p"Isgulf by -- 5 AD* v aw NOWINAL it & - -- - 93 is 0 va n3mrs 3b 20-19fto = Pt a" slot"R Am* i (SF-i880 UNSALEABLE MERCHANI)ISE AND OBSOLETE METHODS OF PLANN]KNG, BY 0. LATZI PP. RUSSIAN, PER: EKON GAZETA.. 8 JAN 19621 P 19. jpRs A893 USSR MA2 2o81&69 Aerobic Pho8phorylation under the Influence of Nat, :R~-', and NH+. by E. Latzko,_D. Clauss 3 pp- 40 GM-JAN, per,, "Aerobe phosphorylierung unter dem Einfluss von Kt, Nat., Rb+ und NH+4 Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Sci Feb 63 Importance of alkali Ions for the Intensity of ~Wosphoryletion in Light in chlorella vulgaris, x K. Mechner, 63 PP by E. Latzkq GERYWI, per,, "Bedeutung der Alkali-Ionenfur die Intensitat der Lichtphosphory-lierung bei Chlorella vulgaris Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Sci Feb 63 IL d 61-20432 st t 1WF o i Whc6 op ParAssium w mzrAwusm I. Atcdm E. OF EN ERGY RICH IPHORMTE Di M PLAWr AND ANDA&L ORGAMM Wis FLmktion do KaU=w Im MmUcher MM ,9 "A Twrischer qwpmsm=)6 Ili 39 veto. 6,,,, ' m $I. 40 61-2D&32 Ordmi tr6n SLA! Traw. d Agroch'-fe, Maly) 1959, v. 3. m 2. 149. 1" DIBCKWIM& d ft 01bospbarylattm 016aboUsm OPlants, - i -( 2U4 44 awynt C k, um. Sma, Aww 4ats. Mwm . . Koko, OFS"ll wa, OrAmpbst". K4. y spectiftally 1wrmses pbosphmus e of gM awabic OmpharybUan by 04 *a cd1s. In do caune d 00dbgWd Scimem, rr, Y. 7. Is, pmssium is sbam m U) tadatsban by&Vcup a to gout for magwoLum. S-ie.. The Us* cC Hadiawatography In the Study of the AbOa6ti4* amA Idatributicm of B~Cl* by PIftnta, by I. Raffimamp R - latzkos, 7 pis GM=j pwv Z. ftU=eftrvWv, Dung v Bodemk, Vol =*I$ Vp M.M6,9 1954. oxA 3296 Sci -- Cbm Aug $8 7,0, /,17/ fte Biochemistry of Cyawmides by L. LatZI760., 12 PP- GMWII, 1mr, La0wirtach Fanch, Vol VII, 1955, -pp U3-n6. S,L,.k. Tr 591/1956 Sc i - Obadatry ":,)r t d C 2 Y RM U-Vtake~ of CY&noljd6e -'Its Iftteutiou Period in ~L latzkpo 16 pp. by Aerial Parts of Plants ani the Plant, by A. Amberger, 'LqffMN4p Pery &Pflauzonermthr Dvrz U Beidank,, Vol JAMIP 1954p pp w4iq, S.I.A. Tr 8e3/1956 I~ci -- B101.00 5'of 14 F"74 Cliaca a6nd Anwbumica~-- CoatiTbutuitans so Operatim- & Cancer of the Uterus, by tL L,atzk,21 J. Elchiftmarm, 14 pp. ,, perp Zentralblatt :uf)x Vol XL'T amm No 3h, Aug 1919, PP 689-705. NIE 5-149.-6! M4 - Ned 'Tui 61 r! (PW W64~. TO. If. ftv"kly# 28 pp. by B. P. A. Petrlxbcbe PI RMSZWO bkx_X2,_ffx-bLyjomWttXg PublUbing game of the A3.14ftd~n Dwk Autbarity, Mmeenr, 1945, pp 6-12, Id-47. U38R Sci - Had CIAATO/U-5586 CA the ~ Q138010a of Cbeldela CoAduatims ftUp"m and O"Jam- by 0. V, Be=awvj -Y.-P. ftk Ak No* SMv YOX CVP 160 3,p 5,9-10016 IC or IUA ftl Cbwd U7 ftb 59 61-16136 Latzkv, AV. and,Schiffmann, Josef. CLINICAL AND ANATOMICAL CONTRIBUTIONSTO 1. Latzko, W. A RADICAL OPERATION OF CANCER OF THE 11. &:hiffmann, UTERUS (Minisciles und Anatomisches zur Radikal - operation des Gebaermutterkrebses). [19611 14p. [figs. omitted]. order from SLA $1.60 61-16136 Partial translation (p. 689-698) of Zentralblatt ffir Gynftologie (Gertnany) 1919, v. 43, no. 34, p. 689-707. DESCRI111'ORS: *Uterus, *Neoplasms, Surgery. (Unannounced) VAchine for-the Chazleal Cleanlng&"~of Floor Hugs and for Washing# Cleaning,, end Polishing Irloors, by Artiar Lau, Robert Lau.. 4 pp. nwm.p patmt no 67s,&)6. Dept of Ocm ftt wf ice Soi Lib Sol - Bw 62 DISTANCE SIGNALS (Abstandssignal-2). [106:1; Order f rom SLA rn;$ 1- 80, ph$l . SO 61 - 142~ 1 2. -1 it i, : D: ~!,i i m I Trans. of Ilhvsi kal i!~ clit! Yeaschr-ift (Germany) 1040, v. 41, no. 22/24, 1). 5.14-546. 7.A.11.1 S4-1 Equideusitometry., A New Tecbzique of Measurement for Science and Technology,, by W. Krug., H. Lau. MRMAJI, per, Yeingemtertechnik, Vol I,, No 9, 1952, pp 391-394. D -E; - I -R ./27352/CT Sci - Physics '.~'z Y- e May 57 CTS/dex Lau Frost VFW EXPERP.4FWrg nN SEEING DEPTH ANT) PLANI (New Untersuchuoire" uber clas Tlefive- und Ebenenchin). [19611148-1 - rtrder froin SLA ~4.60 TT-61 14787 Trans of.7ottlechriftl Oar Ps)ch*lc&.und ftifologiedersitintsorpne AM ?:Z&IIwMiftft Sinnesphy8lologle (Germany) 1922, v 53, p, 1-35. 1. 1 au. E TT 61-14287 .10 frtehavlal S.W.$ --Porcholw. 7T v 17. no 3) 61-20579 Lau, Hang H. PRINCIPLES OF CONFORMATION ANALYSIS. [19611 1. Lau. H. H. 25p. (24 figs. omitted) 165 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61- 20579 Trans. of Angew[antitel Chem[iej (West Germany) 1961. v. 73, no. 12, p. 423-432. DESCRIPTORS: 'Organic compotinds, Ethanes, l1exaiieg, Cyclohexanes, Cyclohexanones, flexanoneg, *Sterecs- chemistry, Isomers. Molecular structure. Electroin diffraction analysis, Dipole moments, Thermody- namics, Spectr(V-aj)hic analyoog. (Chemistry- -Organic. TT, v. 7, no. 2) OR- .4 T-69~4 3- The Extended Secondary School is 1.'ot Sup-~-,-fluuu,,~, by Kurt Lau GMWAN, np, Neaes Dj-~mtschlard, -Feb -', FBID Da:!-lv -Revi-.~w Mar 60 Mmehine for -the Chemical caeaming -C O.P Floor Rugg-: atid for ftshingp Clesningj and Pol~hing Floors) by Arthar Lau, Robert iau 4 pp. ~=u DAN=., ratmti so 67.A6. .V C Dept UA Pat Of."Ice Sal Lit, Sa - Mw. P,pr &2 j-4760 vlattozz Supparts, &Vty lUusloms, by R. '~' --- - MMXW,. 41), Sovat fttmlyor V ftp 1959 t ~n, 3. JM-109~-D MUM oac - Religion S 0 Doe 59 / e 12 '? 1-2 7 z I GLi the, Dqublo Carbides in the Byatz=: U-Cr-c, U4b-C wA U-W-C.R by H. WcwotDy~ IL F4 Beceelovskyj E. Iaube, 9 pp. t-A 110 T;', per,, Monatsh Cbm,, Vol LMMTX,~ 1958, PP 692-700- AEC' Tr 3807 a-zi - Chem Oct 59 A Contribution Concerning the Struc-Ure of Righ *ItIng Point lWaim PhaaeS3 mlfC~UC nr2si3 (a)v by R. "Gelltuy Bmibsovskyv 6 pp. GEMO, per,, *=tab Chm., Vol L==.. WO 19581 pp 701-707. ACC -1 r 3806 sci - chm Oct 59 Laufx~. Kurt and Lautx!, Rudolf. DLVICI.2 FOR :I,',9'CRIl4iT-TLN-r FEED OF EMY-ESS PAPER. CARDBOARD AND SIMILAR WEBS. tr- hv J. M. li- 23D-c60, 6p. (4figs, omitic-c!). Order from IX or SLA ini$1. 80. ph$1.190 M - 152.:;.5 Trans. of German patenr -19(,, 822, cl. 54a. gr. 3, '),~ Mat,chinunfabrik I-auk.. paiented from 7 Jan 26, gralit announced 10 Apr 10. pub, :) May 30. 1~ P:Il~,-- I I-au!,L,. K 11, 1-3obe. 1~ 111 Paic:ii 4"f 1,22 IV Offi., D , I Offi- 0 T-N.i-l &-.- Une of Aerial ftdimetric Survey for the Study of Oil smd Gas DeVosito, by A. I. LQu'b,-aakhj, L, N. Skosyreva., 10 p-p. HUML45p pers Geologiya Nefti, Vol U. No 2a, 1958. The ReviGw of Russi.an Gcalcgy 533 Harden ftreet colmebia.1 SC 84!1 - fueld JLU6, 58 Faer AcA, i All W Eui /Sei/medildin6 C The Treatment, of Fletular Bons Cavities, by Doctors H.J. LauberjOi2d H. Reuber, 7 pp. iMOMN 0 ID GSUSA F-2130 A-11 -7 ' I :..,I; ~j 1 i~I :Ii I ri II I i 1 iI Ii qi. i11 I *IIIi ; 11 ~ II "law fto Action or Cortemons an +Jmt Rat KidvAW in Yttr'*, b~ M. Aeb?. R. Lujiber4lparre, 16 p. I I*r, Rblv ftysica Actal 1958., Vol M., Wo 0.- *152-162. STA 59-17470 Sol, jm~ 60 Tdl~ 2.. No 8 Aalr -4~ 7 Procedure for Preparing Fota&sius Silleatesip by Otto Laubi,, Maurice Sriault# 3 P. No vet*nt# 99BP4&,sr* 13 al. 3, appl. 11 Oct 45 granted 26 sap 51, pub. 18 ion 52, by sociate Boztl Wetrao Frame., au 59 -ino6 Bel War 60 Vol :2 ) No 11 evorld Aquaculture, Present State and I wnti4l, the CWUXO Prograin and ita Pot 'kealizat&on, L. LauLivr. FRLIIA'Cli, :;~er, Cuumunication Faite aux journeeu de I exploratl'OL'79~~~,ta ffiil~*-ji.;~;-Oceans, 190 i F ic-n-1W. 9 -1 i U 5 3 I'V ( I. ~ -Y- ;~ci/oar Kci re,'L) 7 0 403,276 Laubmeyer, G. 1 63-10152 (ZMMITI-~~M,S OF INDUSTRIAL SOFT- 1. 1,aubmuyer. G. SOLDERING TECHNIQUE. [1962146p. Order from SLA $4.60 63-10152 Trans. of unidentified German mono., Arolsen. May 1960. DESCRI"ORS: *Soldering. Soldered joints, Soldering Vuxes, Experimental data, Corrosion, Mechanical properties. (hiachinery-V3nufacturing, TT, v. 9, no. 10) A Kw Ge*pbyuiml Prospoctlag XoUiod, f-Gqeelal3-y for 14rdrocarbm Depoultop by G. laubmyer, 10 im. mmo per..,Petmlam Z. %l XWO NO 18, 1933.1 pp 1.4. MA %I.ZL61 SOL S. Ompbymico ~ Jan 59 ~;yj ;7 3 --~ 'low -;Yj Ooldar Correctly, by Gunther 4a4 Lr:-v-u pe~' Tcu-*U-C-- Ia- Radio IIIIU 242, 17-60-0, DD T-IT. tGLI J TT-61-16498 Ldvkk"Ch- aid Balmac. Heirn de. wurEs-ON A CASE OP MORTAL ANaNA PECTIORIS. 1. Laubry, C. 1106114 (tip 66mitted) U. Bolsac, H. de Order1frbw ",-61-16498 Tram. 4 Sm)iW Mkicale des Hdotaux de Paris. BuUetkmi et MitniAres (Franee) 1934 leer. 3, v. SO] p. 124-1255. .' DESCRWMRS: *Angina pectoris. *Heart. Diseases, Pain. phindolo". (Bkgogical Scleaces-Potbology. Yr. v. 11, no. 3) OfIlt. 0 T..hnk.l S-1- am DIM"" at Plvtwdm Operator,4 'A!, Gwdwt He= I-Ammin. 11 pp. I 0 PWIP Efti-'-- Val --, No 3, -T-64-IM Bidl & Med - 64 = 269.417 X.-req Study of the EffectB CIA- E.--.PansiOn au the Eltructure of Fired CILWs, by R. Rilam BO L3, 1964, A? 59-75- CS34D/Do.'1635- R . 1 /9 cc c 1-1 1-2 C