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-mmuftumdox I* I* SAMOM Ot 2004M WAdW IM dArAMMOO WAWAng am $a AbL 8 aWe vo'A"41L , - 800o73 0 1 % 'Oda# L to lbob at matsw -IAIUUUOS In 2modw 206M WAN IV sm, A mmmat wro 4 W4 mp. No MN7-M ~~* v0 I* 11kUMW-AmvmnH --~;/-AW2*Vl0017v,MWI9 pp oo5Uo6o Wma for pl=t protection WC 7h-u26"-M ~*rtynenko. Yu, G. tlectrostatic Gyroscope Deviations Caused by Rotor Amphericity. 13 PP I lkb�T,IYA AWWU bAUK J�bRs AEWIKA Tybfimg 1". Moscow, No 1, 1970. pp 10-18. J PRS 59651 -Martynov, A. As Collective Security in Asia - A I-'ressing, Problem. 10 pp AZOW-MY DALINEGO VWTOKA, Voscmi, I;o 4. 1973. pp 3-10. .uRs 61254 ,,Artynov, 3, Lff ficiency Indicators for ~bwer -:?utput Proposede 10 pp IUNQVQY.L. KIN&XAMV21 Awcows i.~I) 6t 197)t pp 48-55. ,jpm5 5c?686 Hartynov, D.Ya, A Course in PractiCal Astropbysics XURS PRAKTIOIRSKOT ASTROFI-ZIKI- 1960, SO& pp *NTI'.S-TT-74-S33S3 NMA TT F-ISS70 D. Ya. Martynov Pbysics of the Moon and Planets Internationa-I SynT.)- sium, October 3-5-:~?2r 1968, Kiev. rimIkA 2-unv I -olanet. Merldunarodxv-v Si--.zium. 15- -TT-73-5,9w-6 NASA TT F-772 A-or 71 Martynov, V. L. Oxidation of nitrogen and ball lightning pp. 8 UNKNOWN AIR/FTD/ HT-23-0430-73 "*%N,OVA. T. A. /IRAVIOT,,MMIKA I ELECTIOXIKA,// -40/119730 V0018,8 U0009, Propolgation of electromagnetic waves in itave do's with local laye:"d gyratropia fill 9 English pp 1320-1323 Russian pp 1603 G/P I .' , ;,1 -,'4 Unc I r - - v I or of - o r r,-~ i ~ r r,-) u c t n wa t c r - ; t I T' 5 t -, rr- iitt mt, e r a t j r e r f N r c w el t t.r It r re i t- r rtio ny o r r i i o t ra n s I o t i r1 M'4 - AAUW1 sm4pMoill of sta"O*W MAO,, to go eta* of AWJ%Okt zwoh saftUtte xamm"t mm ow 0000 1 Of 00*0 pp 83-208,0#AM rr P 25,81M :,. ;'kirtplova '4*w.,,,)rr,: The tl,,z?tctCc,? o-f* 'tumarn twwrr, i,.*51'101,013,111K P71, IT; 590-616 IlTr 73-117768-f'Ot: ,,.(r4, 73 Martynovskiy, V.S. fterV Efficiency of Regenerative Air Macbines OperatiaS on the Open System 7 pp KNOWDILIMAYA 7WWIKA I TEKMWGIYA 1970 1p 3-8 I'-WC49-23-2141-72 Martynyuk, A. A. Tochnical stability of cociplex BY$t*ma 18 p e - p 1-61* - . VICHISLIT.-TAH., 1972, No. 15 NASA-TT-F-14869 ~MartynyUk, A. A. Polynomial Approximation of the Soluti6n to a NQUIineAr Elquation. ukrainskiv ftlousticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 557-53. YSTC-HT-23-660-72 Aartynyuk, V. 1. Ukrainian Rural Power Networks Discussed. 5 pp IMMOEMA I RLWROFIXATSIU, Kiin, Ao 4, Jul- Avg 74, pp 39-41. im 63066 KAgffg=v F. 0. //IZMTM NMNMKAXA MW rzAlBTVZMEAYA . Tlmrxun' A&AUMM I VA// -/-/1973#v-s,NO005o pp M87-02c)l The pbysiological and blochmical evabatlon at the qw or sale Carp reared at differout f6eding dommitles NM 74-23778-06C Ma'mif, Ali 77or-otten Areas and *'~efrlecto:! 'itizena, 7 n -,. AL-BA,TV, Damascus, 19 -Ain 73, 7 6. -T"T; 59622 io., ',"I iv, At, u j . d -'% r "% . I , kj C ~ oi;, :~i I l.. '.. ;-, VI :.r-l - I I (-r~ ~ 1 Ni L J L, ~ L. U -3 1 1 1 t I L A ~) ' i I ti K 4 -,) y ~) I ; ". , I I I , v ik r" I I I , " t, j I, A I " ~ j 1,4 k- I I I L: L L, L, I k- i-i L 1) K I y i i 10 1% iAL -) ~) !,, , -11 ' . " ) L L, t I L ;'j', J V A " L r- N I N ~, r A t j ~,, L, --' i -j ~j '., I- P I :~. ~ - f ~-) I L - t I I - Z ~ - I 't' ~ (, - I -, L Haruta A Method of Fixing (Binding) PlEpments to Paper. JAP*N. PUBL. PATM APM.,, No aL62, 1970, ATS JB-367 Sept 73 NO, trool"O" of' ava4pwd low of with emboaft fam Pot Wo Ato Sjp "no pp mv M201060" siorpew ohm" SIR z4m MAR'YANOVTCH, S. //PROCEEDING OF THE 7th INTERNATIONAL ANALOG COMPUTER MEETINC CONFERENCE or ITYBIRD COMPUTERS PRAGUE// --/08/1973. v----.., N---- G"q--100 Analop, section 10T)p pT, 309--312 ARM/FSTC/HT-23-07?6--74#fl Marlyasav, A, lorbreaker Term . 2 pp VODNU T �M. Momow. 13 JU 74. p 4. JPRS WnU Marsocchi, A. Disposal of the radioactive wastes at trisaia nuclear research center. 16 pp MINERVA FISICONUCIP 101. 15, No. 1. Jan*-Mar. 1971, PP- 38-45 NASA-TT-F-14697 linc A r,. t . - --~. U - '.- '4 1 n le 5 1 t i e, .! -, , , L ZA%:.- I . I J~ I r a n Nam-rivw.v M. Aboolitp moolomiar wt& md mptgmtw W(fht &&t34bWv% of nWve oottm co.ttutme uuuqxwd to UA* V. 874, MISS pp, W;P-ns MWCH.9 N. Z. 11MOMHAO ZAAPOORWYA Z AEMMWIPBWAII -/-Aorso Y--SJFOOI?* Sotx*lm of Motodowkip Is probZdw voith the altd of a ftl4w *art". pp SO-SgodWARA 27 F I tqarzyns~A, Florian Prospects of Polish-Yugoslav --conomic Cooperation Reviewed, 17 pp. SPRAWY MTRWTIIAI~~,Or)01-11:, Vlarsaw, "To )~, Apr 74, PP 75-OF.- ,TPR.'; 62342 " r%, Mas a R. (MA Policy in the Design, Mwrsoment and Safety of Hot Facilities MUTRE DIETUDES NUCLEAIRES DE SACIAY IAEA-SM-12S/49, pp 3-18 AEC/RFP/TRMS-132-73 Hasago, T. A clinical study on &*rum uric acid. mAg"m I . vol. 19, n. 29 1%8v p. 91-117 INTC 73-11706-M pi %40:1 phua low-k 4t a* sow res"t too. ft" =a 0 udvwgdtdw ivr m me "a Sao OV04 30 --j J4 QU=bpwu doobina"m Agwoossawy -of amml- ZOWOM94 uw&w Dowwwotmi. pitmtmw Ambiftwt&j, O-WMW---- mbmlt& Md prod"MUMS i Ali Tot jsj, No o" V720 pp 052-05? MAWAVM ow rdP-z41xy-;v8o MMAMI YOSHIYAMA, //NATIUNAL TEGINICAL REPORT// -/12/1971,V0017,N0006, UC-LL Flat Panel TV Display, 14 I)p pp 670-676, (Japanese) ARM/ I'STC/if'r- 23-4 78-74@@ I . AL 1 MAMOWO, 0: ~ L ft I .-4 '' rtt~~ e ft ow pram^ I ft"**Wlfi i j, a 08010.0 jlboklm i XAMW 'I, ~ wpot 31j, 210#92'a pp "FO-121ps . RM Y&Zffff-VPA I A!"Gocyt Q~;20/o2T) Apr, 71 Fitler A; EXPert-aantal Study on ~;as-Freeing Jr-, a Tartker :'2o Causuality of 'ranker by Statleal Ueetrtelty Aut1wro i'le 71asanobu Sakatlg liyawki, KenichO* :- 2 3Y.4orita "aRata Sources LonMaget Japanese IslIpps '2s6pp Instroctionst Please t"9 stangle space, ',o paste-up, leave space, translate all captions. MRSanavice BOSO MUom Arde Diammses UN special session on Developmmtt 6 pp kU&s Ijubljam, 18 FAy 1974, p 20A. JEW 62199 meanavic, Boso Development ot Yugpolav-Savlot Foonmic Cooperation Review", 5 pp. DVW LJabljanat 15 sop 73s, P 17. NW6023'9 Oct 73 '.18sarlo,ri.c, Pozo 7'rends in -rade Petween S1 wenia and Countries Analyzed, 5 pp. TMO, Ljxibljana, 13 Oct '73, r, 19. Tin 60828 .Ta n 74 Masaru, I. Incineration of chicken droppings in a fluidized-bed device. KAGAKU KOGAKU, v. 32, n. 5, p. 459-464, 1968 NTC 73-11008-13B Masek, Jaroo:lav Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Proteases of Rennets and their Surrogates. .PRUMYSL POTRAVIN, Vol. 22, No. 7. 19719 pp 220- FSTC-HT-23-832-72 Masek, V. Now Knowledge Acquired Through Investigation of Physico-Chemical Properties of Flying Dust as Occuring in Metallurgical Works. HUTHICKE LISTY, 1972, No.8, pp.541-546. 9T91 11279 --L A. go on On ORKWON of seditm Jk). 9 DoteAmaw. J16 46 M~). .16 pp. Leff& No NIP travr" WaM rO V.S. GtW#r AGWOW OM ca"xrw * )Mawr FOR 2mv wcwmr mm w PM m c=um or MR wcwmwr AFAr w SUA?xr r0 riffirsOrcm, 12 pages L - 14. ftseyev Application of the Lyapunov Theory to the Investigation of Buandary Layer Instability. .. PP PM-97-23-2425-72 HasbWdpuw , R. A Mff*rW*UtbW Approseh In AtImistle Proya- sonfto 7 vp PAW"JI&JA 2909, T"hkont, So 9, Sept 1973, pp 77-M. JPRS 60615 mashw" 0 FO Massifteation of Econamde Sciences Presented* 9 pp SupgaGMAM WAUXI, Moscove No 12# 1973, pp 3-9., im 61796 Mashwtkvwg V. Increasbw the ProdwUvity of IA:bor in Agrima. ture. 8 pp 84NOv2U KHRMEMe Moscow, No 7e 7 Jul 74o pp 78-82* ipBs 62742 mkSher". P. X. Masherm Discusses AgrImAtwe In Vitabakays Wasto IUL*Bxm HWAIM2 MWMWSn,, Minsk, no 10. IL9730 pp 1-5. im 6on5 Masherov , P. M. Masherav Addresses Vitebsk Agricultural Sordnar. 24 pp METS&fiU LWWRM=YA. I.Imk. 28 AuF 1973. pp 1-3. JPRS 6COL52 Muharm, P. K. ftsbarey Speoch at Mlwk Awrd Presentation CM"WM79 8 pr SOVEtgKAZA SHOARUMIUs Ansko 15 Mw 1973o PP 3-4- jpw 60694 Masherov, P. H. Pasherov Addresses Wormselan Barty AMV Meeting. 25 pp SQVMQZA ff"USSIM, Minsk. 1!? Mm 1973. pp 2.4. JPRS 60694~ Masheterskaya, " Ya. Teachers m Strike. 5 pp USAs ECqUCFgCS. PohITICS, II&OLOU, 'Oscaw, No 8. Avg 1973, pp 62-65- jpRs 6omt; MMUtas T. The condoned soluble vat oantba- nuhtne. am" 22 mmme Val 7,, No JLOP P. 573-574t 1972. ETC 73-M3b-23B mw 73 Vlashkeviah, Ne Ge Strucutre of Country's Grain Plm-itings Described. 7 pp ZEMOVCFfE umas-T-V-Q, Moscow# So 2# Feb 1974t pp 16-18* JFRs 6IM6 I'licury of Cross-kcLixatioii due 1.0 RCS011311CC Tl~dll_%- -is~..ion ot L-xcitatiujis in -Spectral IlIl1L-~u;'CiIeOLIs i:cdIUII..v by UK 1.*IZ 711 VUJ 17 JU ilp j()S8_j()bS' 1972. NAVI /All L-JliU-J 1838 L -lit), 73 MaShkov, A.K. Special Features of the Breakdown of High- Strength Cast Iron During Thermal Fatigue. JZV. VUZ. CHERN. MET. 1973, b1c.61, pp.114-117 9191 11781 Mashkovichg So As Symposium an Difference and Spectral Methods of Solving Atmospheric and Oceanic Lynamics Problems. 6 pp Kabow"RIU I GIPRQ=ITA, Mooolow, No 2, 19740 Pp 1.18-121. ins 61869 IWHMICRo Sq Aq /tmugmQumu I aomlu// /-Aqv49v-oomN Pp mat,-,ma6 Conformims ANNUW OW 3mdm'ro ? FP JFRS 63M 15-May-74 Uncl (CONF-700681--, pp 1-3) Pharmacology and toxicologV of mexamine. MASHKOVSKII, M.D.; ARUTYUNYAN, G.S.; ROSqCHINA, L.F. 1970. Translated from Materials cf the first all union conference, Pharmacology of antiradiation preparations, 2-5 Juna 1970, Moscow. From I. all-union conference on Pharmacology of antiradiation preparations; Moscow, USSR (2 Jun 1970). VSA 15- Ma y- 74 Uncl (CONF-700681--, pp 7-9) Ph3rmacological properties of tryptamine derivative3. MA5HKjVSKII, M.D.; TRUBITSYNA, T.K. 1970. Trinslated from Materials of the first all union cuiiference, phdrmacology of ant iradiat ion preparat ion,;, 1-5 Jun,~ 1970, Moqcow. From 1. a I I -union con fereace on phdrmaco I ogV of antiradlation preparnlion-.3; Moscow, USSR (? Jun 1970). NSA 15-Miy-74 Jnc I CONF--700681 vp 13- 14 Pharmacological propc r t i -% :)f %e rot -n i i id i vil n % t ,in I ot 1%.-r ~)rg!%n i c %A I t s ,:, f !,-ox_y t rvpt am . ne . MP-',IIKL)VFK I I M . :1 . : ~,UVOWIV , N. N KAMINKA, M.E. ; MUPUZOVEKAYA, L.M. SOkUNINA, 'J.P. ; TSVE-TKOVA, (I.N. 1 97C, . Translated from tlateriaI3 of the fir-it all union ronferencc phartmacoloqV of antirddiation prepartion-s, ~--5 Jun-- 1117~;, Mosc-3w. From 1. all-uni3n conference on pharmacololy )f antiradiation preparations; Moscow, LI;SR (2 Jun 1970). NSA 0 1Z, - M a\ Unc I I-- , ;.p IF_ ~ 6 ) ' :'mp" ra t ive vffect~ of ri ~,x a T in-, in I ner,tonin ~n t h ., ~7 1 rC U j it i on i n th, br8i,.). tw, A S; I r, .) V.': ~ II , 4 . 71 . : i~ A N.~ ~ , .'.i . 1 "0. '1 rein ~ I ate 1 from va ter i c! I s f t h c f i r-j t i I I u r) ioi~ ccnfe. rc-nce, p h a r -n a r ', I o 7 v r, r A j ri t i , !1 1) r F! p ti P,. t i c 3 1 170, M.:~-jc-)w. F r orn I . m I I u n i on on fe re ~i - p o r, i 1 r r c I oj r .ntiradijt ion preparations : Moscow, 1 2 Jun 11170). '4 1; A Y"hatso S.V. Elearital Praporties of the Diffusion P-N Junctum of P-Type Gallim Arstmide S pp TOWK -SrAlM UNIVERS11Y PRM 11970 lidletrn'r. pp 281-284 FSTC-irr-23-2243-72 29-Oct-74 Uncl (AD--775118) Status and perspectives of the radiation physics of semiconductors of the A3 B5 group. MASHOVETS, T-V. Translated by F.C. Vaughn fromi Radiate. Fiz. Nemetal. Krist.; 3: No. 1, 5-28(1971). 28P. i,A FTD-HT--23-93-74). NTIS $4.50. NSA 0 ',Ashtaler, 1. 140 LY** of Credit to Aimulate Individual Home Construction Urged, 5 pp FINAIQ S.VR, moscow. No 8, 1973. pp 51-54. JPRS 60022 'Masino, M. A. Automotive Materials. A Handbook for the Mecha- nical Engineer. Avtomobillnyye Materialv. Svraiiochnik Inzhenera :a, lull, zub pp. 73-1050-72 t t' r v n -3 f t r i t i ti:: /,)!I K ' , ;~ 1 14 r i~ ~7 11 V '3K C' t r r t I ~i t i v t. 1, D o c et A 1, " V , Y 1 1 : F T -1 M 1 NA , 7 :- - T r -i r -s a ed 'it V I V C V 'I ~ r1 'I i h tq i n J"20"p Ae MW I"WtOWN Of 0=960-ftStmed OoqpmobU of a SIWW WxtW* W JWISt ftalmd at the Mdtla Ems p Vol. 316, lbo 2.p jw. 57-43e =I IM7 aslenik. 1. -10 lbi-- inl-luence of Radiation on thr, Ca:-ecit,,, o-i '.~-tainless teels. 7 pp- GAZI iiAX R-,.'LO!jWMLl I ol~ TUA ',!~IAN (-,i~ 1. ~,dnsk, J.'IAIL;JALI III I.Si-,SORWi0l WiFLULT5P l'art 1. 1973, PP 178-1,94. ii;;b Oo56o '4slenikov, V. N. rrofitability Related to Aocomn+-'Lng Prices. 13 pp FINMY .55.51t, Moscow, No 12, Dec 19739 pp 29-)5# JPRS 6nag Masludwa, N. V. Scops and Mature of Work Perfomed by Physioians and lur"s In Nazi I I Lal Departmmts. 6 pp SOVMKOU ZDRAVOQXHf4WIXE, MmBcow, Wo 7, 19?4y IPP zo-jz- JFRS 62929 '.1,laslannikov, A. _01,19 4-0 contributl . the Study of' Consumer Denand, 3 PP. rrOMMF%,ClrFSKlY VPSTI'I*,', Moscow, 'lo 8, Apr 73, PP 17-10- j-ns 59504 Tul 73 Maslennikov, I. CEIRA Integration ~%asures Described. 12 pp KQQ',9MXST 'VQURUZ4Eq4llTTKJj SIL, lloscow, lio 23, 1973, pp 9-18. jpRs 61258 ft"awudkove P. B. TrolnlM Works" In boommdets. 3 pp M.C*fficlumm GAZ=A, Moscow, No 24, Jum 74v p 11. JFRS 62A" MASLUNIXONA. V. A. //DOkIADY AKADMI NAUX SSSILP// --/Ijf1g73:q V0214s U0002 Effoot of eodys*erm 6 on,didtpaUse detersination in ptej~malue puparum L. pp 400-482 CBIQ Masiciinikuva, V.A. VESTNIK LENINGkAUSK UNIVE161TY, Vol 3,, 1958 Ppp 91-96 *NTI S -TT-7.1-53266 The Rol* of the Ujdvwldtlm In lAw - of Sale=* md PraftsUai4 by To I kftvm~ . 4 -- --- -- : M A* No-' Mrstov~ 13 pps- 11,11111111swv1w; USA$ U.-IJILCO,~ mmomi No 5i mw 0 pp 15-17 .. JPHS 50135 Jon 73 mRsIondkov, v. N. Cawpmmtion for Differomes in Cattle Prices. 12 pp F2MAMSj SSSIR, bsoseow, no 22. 197-2. pp 80-85. JPW 62210 Kaslannik*va, V. N. Vorticity decay rate in a viscous liquid for two spatial variables DOXIADY AKADEMIX NAUIC SSSR SOVIET PHYSICS vol. 212, no. 4, 1973, AIP KABLXMBXn, 0. N. jjA9ffwjTw,-. ~ we," 0 &NOD011. Product"on - rocubmw Of C8 CCOPOOd"On by Catalytic Bofbndng of GwoUme Fraoticm,, pp 40-.46,We 74-10630-07ho Maslovo A. The influence of the Shape Of the channel in a heat exchanger on the critical reynolds number. n. 6. - MAYA-RR0MY-q"LEMM=, 1963, pp 17-18, NTC 73-12342-07A. NMUW A N T/.w f'-, 9w ~"* 8, "V .0 Flov ftsixtemes md Next Tramster in FAmt-Exchang* Apparatus with the Plate of Cmis Corrugated T"e, PP 20-22vNTC 7"10795-POHN HydT4ulIc resistance of chaimels between plal-tes of, Plate-type heat exchangers. I IIVRSj~'jYA UYSSULLU-mmum, uADEMU. RISHCOMIA THDMhQfiUAo 19649 pp 143-1479 NTC i3-12343-07A. I WAW6 40 IL Nmb t*0000 18 PlOft bW 4mdmprA &wt" lamdaw ftm 4w tum"a ug" - I dw..... ...... ~, * --- , =Z&& % Me W. M& w w . , , , .. .... ;.L~ = iii TiA " 0 N"10VI, A. )L Pmawv drop plate boat exchm 1. IZVNRrM VrSOHM UCHCWM ZAVIUMn. 3WAYA I -'- X49M Ro 5m. 19Tlt PP 131-134. NfC 73-WOL" Mw Wo X. A. Am*al 0 ,~. P"bww 4"*t"wcs 9 UVANU Zm= z PSZXNI-"-- rr A to. 'top. H zom M6 7 .10 #AUA 27 F tsom XWWVm~6& 1180DOYM GAScrvjwzvRrjrjr WrAWM// M044W ow tw6im ptods pp &if-=* a no-wj,*srsc tr man ,m) zova ,-,. !-. oxfclat-~on rop-ilene rm` acet(714c7,?:,-7~7 catakinod '-i ?--i Zvor ca-m-, oun, Ty "o 1 P 1, Y. , 4, rwie 1973, gj!;-p~),q Vo ('7113 Pbolove V, Was to Improve Soldiers' Lapl Knokledge Reported. 5 Pp WHEMM VOORUZMMM 531, MOSDav, zoo 5,, 1974. Pp 00-000 0 JPRS 61753 Maslov, V.A. Pattern Recognition Using an Optico-Electronic Analyzer 5 pi, VIOILA. TLKHN. I VUI'RU:pf KIBL-bNLTIKI, No 8, 1971 1 pp 1 8-153 CIA-X-7887 2"MotUstift, or us .0mommums of as P034461M 2640 IZL ilb 71."l 271 Mae Vsevolod Vasil 'yev:Lch Molov Electrical Fqulpment for Tropliml and Cold C11mates. - mm Tawlm3wsx= I xmtxmmw lm, pp 171~6. PM-ET-23-M49-72 Aua '(3 MaBlavaq is S.S Use of Labor Resources Wer Intensified Economic Grovthe 17 pp IZVgll-rA AMMI NAUK ~QR. ~RIYA WNgQCWKAXA. Moscow, No 3, 1974, pp 54-64. JPRS 63210