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Itfrect at rim v:Lbmucp" mmuing an the Actlvlty of Ramy Vickelq S.L. 13mmlimm- A.A. ValamAing I.R. Dev7dova 3 pp. 7-w- RMIW,, M,, Is Ak Nauk ~, Ot4ol Mdm ftuk, No 22j, 1957-P m? AW40 IhS3 DWMU a" - Chms Nky " fl; Detor6o.u'aiibn.or Omll Amounta of gltmgmn in ftsee, b5~ 11,E, Rccanuahk1i6ni, S.L. Nix and X.1. Temkin# 2 pp. Full translation. RUSSIA!,,, Mw per, Zhur Mal M1% Vol VA.Ig, go 5p 19524 -~,P 314-315. Consultar-ta Bureau scic'ntifle - Chemistry' / jp-n 54- CTS./rzx posturs3. Hypo-tension; a Therupeutic Trial uith GyvWxetic Hypertensin II.. by Kurt Kipfer, 10 pp. GMW, Per$ Cardiologia,, lq~)% Vol XXXIV, .to 2., PP 131-138- SLA 59-15492 Bel Oct 59 Vol :2 No 3 Tito-stroke internal combuction eiqzina lelth exhaust-driven turb6blower w2d sleeve vzLIve controlp by Paul Kipfer. 14 pp. amwN, patent, No. 684,33,2. Mar 63 Dept of Comerce PATENT CWFIM Tbc- Therapaeuic Use of Gma-Mlobulla L-- IL-cterU lafactims.; by S. BLvazkbm,, R. XLpftT.,- et e 23 pp. QMWI., pw., SchnimrUmbe Mod Wachamebrift., Vol t=Ms ]b 7s 1-957s IN 15-M Oct 39 va uo 3b 4 The Thernpeutic Use of Ga=a-Globulin in liffection.s, by S. Barandum, R. Kipfer, 23 Pd- GIMKAN, per, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, Vol LXXXVII, No 7, 1957, pp 155- 159- SLA 59-15730 &')'ci - Ned Dee 59 Vol 2; No 4 Kloor, Raftm C0H08RMM:THB PARTICIPATION OF COWMAST IN K4ftr, R. IrUSMWARY MMOLOMC MCE FlIRCEMCP I ((hber4ie BetelliSung des Kontrastes an der Memontaren A my 17* IV to Oider tiom SLA 7T-61-1420 Truns. of Zia itachrifg, flUrl Maioob) Permany) P. PWW$kd klowme- nq"w IT, 1. 1% am 31 BWMuvh by Mbm of a inognt WWII lkft and audft" of Tmo~r 9, SA Pl=Hos b7 nemd~..-. Op at b6malb- MUNI POSOMM Una of MoMe It go DdA at omwwo 8-90 ims imp vca 4"; -9f1 AVV 57 CrA 1499.9.16e T""Fort of Uw~d by M~s Of & TmlUW MOctric Carp ty 'IMELD 3 W- 9VNWj perg, TOM-U Vp..p 1b 12P 19560 P 69' ACM 5-6374 um . so= Jui 60 0 Transport of Thread by Means of a Trolley Electric car, by 1~~Uv 3 PP - UMIASSI.Fm 11 RMSUM., pm,, Tekstil Prom# No 12~ 1956p p 69. P.m R-6374 WSR Econ Jul 6o mle t%e of Acacktic MUM tar Noise Beductim., by K. Sdmxl~rm IL WIMANS 4 IPP9 Alu *Mwoaucu. am"I no pwa !Mgmft naj6 valwa 19324 vp 293-221.7 it COAM Z,-39 ScUatlfU - PVsUap Aomxr%Uo On a Slv&U Xboommy ftltorl of the Ommectmas 4c thillabblutr 148M to sbwy lbtaule by 0* m xlpdA9 me X. L. FA090 tbdmgv 2=8 va zurmil 190 A, VP ?7 Da=*w 302 On tbe,Riproduclbillty aud lIfficiency of the fUctro-spark Proms (at Natal Workings)by E.. A. kls~nls, ILUSBW# per* V"t ftshp TW. MIII,, No J-953P VP 59-66- 0 " Oo-tMp Tr Bch Xo 88 L2.16. (6s.0d.) "IceintITIC - sugulgerum, Aumqb6pkm** T, '.)T7rv ~'.2,chiv EisenhiAte-mcscn, vol. Y', (- ',a!.---c.-, re'erences; 1 fiF-are,, 72CO ""Icctrol-.Ttic Dete=*nation of "onr7ctallfc incli.-Cions in Iron anf. ~Acel. 2-1 -u I c 1.. o r T r, - n ':0. 77~, 9.90 (,L C4Mt"d Cowbwdm to uy&qpa and IMM to a smr of fol" "w mumq$ by R~'jftpwbdms at &I. mmkN 04 Ms emam Pan NO 964. NASA TT F-8756 scit-ES-A M 65 u Tl. GOVER184ENT C94LY 2819026 a ftr tho soblaft d by got Sd4W SCA & AMM iw 1: &4 UoS, GOVERNMM" ONLY 2W13 44W B"W" JL no if3--- --- pbum d ow d IA fidor W~6 WIB. N 10 Q i OL .179 ScJrRW Sd & AMM M64 W4 WVUWMT emy M2,912 6-*u-TL-;b'U-ior-i- de Plasma A:re2 W-j.nt,2ru-.ts en EqUilibl"e pa--- Ch,:.-nrl Cccw-f-*Ij~,~~rat-,(ons of P-'?-asma-- ;,~J'.~h -")ii-:-I'nc-c WLLiLaiiied by a KL&m,3',-.fc hWari , 22 pp 32,,IRI-tU~ TO IMIMIMI , pe--- Z v CI;A T 2T 0;--t JU R ~. and SchUlter. A. A THEORY OP SOLAR PILAMEM 9 raft- Chder from MAJ5.60 f 19631 fssjp 63-14M Trans. of [Zeltschrift tUr Astrophys1k] (West Germany) 19S7, v - 43 foo. 11 p. 36-62. DESCRIPTIORS- *Sobr corow. Mapetic fields. Gravity. Electric currem, Gages, Pressure, SmbllitYo 8"1095, AStroPhylict, Theory. fSolar flares. 63-14998 'nde- Solar filaments Kippenhshn. R. SchlUter, A. A theory of the stafionary support of solar filaments (promirmwes) by,the -owde neld of field patches is Proposed.' Only at those places where the magnetic field Is horizontal a filament can be supported. in addition c6nditim's of stabUlty have to be tanned. Some simple two7l&mensfonal models of the kind ore (Ast ' --Astrophysics, TT, v. to, no. 4) (over) IDWMY Oft# 01 Twinkal um", k1k vfos~ Vas" "Wk" 300 as 04 cow a 0 JMIIWI= of a mmaulaud jL MUmis VMAWwUe by It. In Mo *lug OD *~s -Pt. vwp z nat-V nrm*o wi war 3060p Somme 2"m am 2r-&-00& Bel so 61 M, 14 0 - -0 iod*-,- -- -- - 4044 SAW Ifings by iL -, IR6. . 4K; TT r4m Sd-EW 5d & Astne Jsql65 US, ol GOVERNMENT OWY 2700963 TT-65-13701 Field 3B Khmabeft, INVES71GATIONS OF ROTATING STARS. 1. THEORY OF ZERO ORDER. 30p, 9refe. Order from SLA: $2.60,as TT-65-13701 Trans. of Zelts--hrift fuer Astropbysik (West Germany) V38 n3 P166-89 1955. MR 663 C I dw Routbg Smra U. Thei of Me ft= Ordmir, by T. G v pwo Z AM ANaIMMI& Vol XLT4 1958a pip NASh TT F-8735 Scl"HS/A My, 65 U.S~ GOVERMWiT ONLY 280.027 TT-65-13706 Field 38 Kkuombw, R INVESTIGATION OF ROTATING STARS. IV. THE STATE OF MOTION OF HYDROGEN IONIZATION ZONE 0: THE CASE OF EARLY SPECTRAL TYPES. 10p, Ilrefs.. Order from SLA- $1.10 as TT-65-13705 Tram. of Zeltschrift luer Astrophysik (West Germany) v48 n3 p203-12 1959. BIR 6w Symposi= on Mectrasnowtic Phonmena in ft cesmia pivoice" in Stool6olm on August 27-3-1.- 1956. ft by A. NiMrp 4 Iv. RUSSX-43,, per., Astron Zhurs, Val vp go 29 1957~ pp. .2Fv--v4- Amr Imt of PbP Sm Astran - AJ So 2 (17 Apr to do swo wkwo by Z. t ~ - . . w 9"w - L .:p ~s 52,r~v lw~ t ommirmomblAUJOK on I TTMa kft -ts . -hgorJ4 vqdow., c"s & marlm Ealpr H"66 Luminescence of Gaseous Nebulae, by A. Ya. *IUXR!rj 26 pp. ZJSSIAX, pe:;r, Voprosy Kosmogonii, Vol IV, 1955. MRS 24851 Sci jun 64 26o.,346 Hydrc!'-electric Constructions and Facilities,, by S. I.. T YOO Univ of !:asl-Jni,-tcr- Fisheries-Ccear-o--:-'..,- A Ry&oelectric Congtructl lmd 9 Fish-Passing Feellities, by B. X. MLpper. Russia., ps~v Rytwe Dostaietvop Vol XM, No 6p 19591 vp 15-22. I)ept Of lIrterlor QWI C27.11 No 268 Sci - Engr Dec 60 j7 r - T7 Lo" 04 ""mome how "a ompok"m a" to no 080 or bawds pm so" BM* awma of ftwAp asbWASO : a ~ " 7. m - N" 0 *5j" PolybessaftlasoWlsp bw A. 1. pp7lmwV# 1. L. nmbkaDo 6 39. xxwwt V~- Ow Obdkok M"Is To3. MO=O No 121 jois VP W-~& ca ad ~24 2,102-11 Cat 63 Cyanine Dyes frorp. D-:!rivatAvc!s of Tj-,jazOlO-l'4- BenzatViazire and By AJI K anov, T.F. Verbovskova, pp 6 RIWIAlq, per, Zl:ur Cbshch Kbimil, Vol XXXII, No 12, ag(.2, pp 1946-3950 CB 8C." OC4- 61 0 ?0 14 91 i, c- 3336 M od am or Condensation of Nitronaetones Nitroacetophenone and Nitroneetonitrile with o-Amimphenyl I-lereaptan .Ltr 'and T. I By A. 1. !!jAbac 4, Verbovakaya PP. 5 RUSSIAN,, per, Zhtu, Obehoh Khim, Vol XXXII# tio 11, PP. 3703 - 3M* CB Sol p.7 Aug 63 Steric 11indrances in the Conjugation Chains of Folymethine kjmxpdq Dyes. I. Quaternary Salts of 2-(j)-Dimethy1aminost3rry1)- I~enzothiazolca, by A. I.Kipric-mov, F. A. Mikhaylenko, 5 ppe`~~---' RUSSTAN, per, Zhur Obahch Khtim, Vol XXXI, -NTo !, 1961, I~P 781-785. CB sci 195,304 may 62 Steric Hindrances in the Conjugation Chains of Polymethine Dyes. II. Synmetrical and Uns~wetric&l Carbocyanines, by A. 1. Ki-primov, F. A. Mikhaylenko, 7 pp. RUSSMN,, per,, Zhur Obshch Khin, Vol =I, No 3., 1961, 1)p 786-792. CB Sc� May b2 195,305 4ftLa- yen m ---7,-r- =04"m ft * - 0- - MWA 4"* WOW 14 #^ !!~wv 3 mp# MagmuL vp !=Oma* 09% va mums a as ui~~ go od aft i6g la4j,865 Steric Hindrance in Conjugation Chai.-.s of Polymethyne Dyes,, III,. Arfliydro Bases of Rydroxystyryl Derivatives of Nitrogen fleteroayoles, bly A. I-ElprianovJ. A. Mikbailenko, pp. RUSUAR, per, Zhur Obsboh Xhim, Vol U=, No 4,, IP61, pp. 1334 - '1343 CB Sci Apr MECHANISM OF HYDROLYSIS OF VINYL ETHERS., HYDROLYSI OF VINYL ETHYLs VINYL ISOPROPYL AND VINYL NI-BUTYL ETHtRSp BYL. A. KIPRIANOVA: A. F. REKASHEVSj%3 PP- amw-- - RUSSIAN., PER.. DOK AK NAUK SSSR,, VOL CXLIl., NO 3p 1962., pp 589-592. CB SCI CHEM OCT 62 212,131 Tha Kinetics of Uic uydrolysis of Vinyl Esters I I is wkrAi ~ Catalysis by 'ic=ury Ions. by L A. F, pp, AUSSIAN,p pers Uok AL Nauk SSSP,,, Piiysical Uiendstry, V0.1 c"Imp ;No 2, Jan 1964, pp 423-42u. cb 'IBY 65 280,o2tj2, ( DIC-2300/56 ). Instructors Are Prepared for Classes, by K. Kipriyan., ,z_ RUSSI.t'-N, np, Sovetskiy Patriot, 1; 2 Oct !~-UC;. p '2. *JPR3 USSR Mil - Civil Defense 27 Feb 61 patri y 151 i 1. and Dyzdyunha, G. G. DO IN MU-SOPHEINYLPYRI - 1T61, Tv. Or-let. fnmo 1-1-1-1 .514.00 C-17-61C, Trfln'.I. of I- I ukLIRSR [Kiev). 1119-1 21%- *C)-.-infi~,m 6 2- 11977 1. KIprlyanov, A. 1. 11. Dyatly"ha. 0. G. III. urr-bicioi IV. Columbia Tnin--Ldonry, Flalno, N. Y. U ~. v I. Q TT, v. 7. no. 1.-) Adclitions to Salts of Phenylacetylenylpyridines, by A. I. Kiprienov, 0. G. Dyadyusba, 7 pp. RUSSIAN$ per, Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol XXX, No 11, 19% Mi* PP 3647-3653 CB sci oat 61 e Ionogenic Addition of Halogens to Bis-mthylene of Witrof-en flaier-ocycles, by A. 1. Kiprianf-,vj Yu. KomUovs 6 pp. IFSJA~7, per,, Zhur Obabch Md-nq Vol XXXIj No 15 pp. 1491P.- v;996- Organomagm'esium Synthesis of' 2-Acety1eriy1quino1iio Salts, by A. L G: Dyadyusha, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per Zhur Obahch n1m, VoIL M, No 11, 1960, PP 365~-3657- CB Sci 11,7 ;7 5r.71 oc t 61 Steric Hindrance in Moleculev of by A. "I. !~~Priawm, V. A. Shrubovich, 4 -pp. -RI;SS7AH, per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol )M, No 11, 1960, PP 3746-3749- CB / 7,7 ' SIA Oct 61 Omdeufttiom of Tarbimy Ommium Salts of Chromories ar.. Mdochr=OUW With CQIVC=ft r4ntaining Active Metbyl or )kUW:Lme Ormps IW A. I. XLyrIenov,, A. I. Toluschev., 8 99, RUBSIANp pwo MW Mobah IUnp Vol XXX~ No 21 1960) so 698-6V5. CE, 30J. -C-4/ LO ~-5 mw 61 / '0 ~j TT-65-2"51 field 7C JU2xjAgMUA_L; Ponomareva, E. A.; Skayinsidl. Ya. P. CYANZE-KLEURSTOFFEN VAN PHENAZINE- 1. Centre Belge de Traductions DERIVATEN (Tsyanlnove Krasitell tz Proizvodnykh Brussels (Belgiuml Fenatint). Tr. by A. Nelen. Up. CRT-111-69. Order from CBT as CBT-M-69 I Trans. in Dutch of Vkrainnkii Khirnicheakil Zhurnal (USSR) v26 m2 p231-43 1960. European Translations Centre TT-65-26452 Field 7C Klyrtanorv, A. I ; Ponowareva, E. A. CYAMNE-KLH'UMOFFEN VAN PHENAZINE- 1. Centre Beige de Traductions DERIVATEN. *1 (royaninove Krealtell Iz Proizvodnykh Brussels (Belgium) Fenartna). Ts, by A. Nolen. Up. CBT-M-70. Order fronx CIIT rs CBT-M-70 Trans. in Dutch of Ukrainsidt Khtmicheakil Zhurnal (USSR) v26 nt p78-85 1960. 1 European Translations Centre TT-w2"26 Field 7D U=A'N HET OPIOOSNMDDEL OP DE KLEUR 1. Centre Belge de Traductions. VAN XLZURMFFHNjSoIvsUw3nmzWe) (Vliyanle Bruasels (Belgturn) Rsmvcribd~m Nat"St KrositelsilsolvatobbroudyW). Tr. by A. NWM SOP. COT-M-23. Order from CBT as CBT-M-23 Trenc In Dutch of UV" Mrall (USSR) TW ell p2swas 1960. fts slmo.'Tiudatador Abstracted Publicatims.' in TT Vol. 14, No. S.' European Translations Centre Syirtbesis of p-NitropbaWlbalosa tbYl Carb"303 , by j,. W'jaVjVoj'ekjys B. r" Ciruz.. A.. IS xijprianovo 3 'we I WSS.TANP ~ i PW., Max Ctmamihel Kblu, Vol XX= ? no 6.0 i9so) pp YM-26M. 00multafft ourew Boi - MOM - jkv ~ 59 9.1 ~- 7 F- - -5 - Tertiary Oxonium Salts of Chromones and Thiochromones, by A. 1. nov, A. A. Tolmachev, 7 Pp. Elimia- ; " RUSESIAW, per Zhur Obahch Khim., Vol XXIX, No 9,, 1959, pp 2RA-2874. CB Sci 102, ? .2 7'~e Sep 60 Mnitrobenzemmulfonlc Acids and Their Estero,, by A' 1. 11prianov and A. 1. Tolmacherv., 6 pp. R=IM, per,, Zhu Obahch Was Vol ZVII,, No 2, Ign. Consultants Bureau Bel - Chem ja 58 #7* o1#? The Syntbesis of N&Uwn Derivativos of nwmzine IV. Brooolpbemstwo., by V. P. Chernetakiy, A. 1. Kivrianov,, 6 pp. RUSSIM,, so per, Zbw Obsbab XhIs MHp Vol XMp No 11.9 1956,, pp 3032-30~5. COMMItmts Dweau Sel - Chem Jul 58 10, 6.7 .rivo Y Acyl DwIvattvae at 24WjnawmWjbvmMdwwUs by A ]ce m4wmmba"m at Do am 1 13 --Uly=$, 00 0: VOSOYS"s, u NO me=t two amas a" nor$ Val XXII, 1050 w - 795-M. ftl 8w LO, no 36/9M7 ftl - CbImdwftT *je vt(p .1 Re~atj-,-n, Between Vm Structure and Optical and Pbct,(-,,rm:phla Propertles or Cya-ain Dyes. Ii. Thlccya,;!Ims. With Subrtitutea CLntaining Sul-,pbur, by A. I. Kipryanov, Z. P. 3Z Sytaikov., E - D. Byah 1 15 P-P-q- RUSSUM, per, Zhur Obahch Khim, V-1 V-1, No 4, i,36, pi. 576-53-,j. Sci Tnuis Center IRT 235("! Scientific - CheaLstry Sol, 55 M/mm %I ll-PllenYlthtocYlulimies, by A. IL. Kiprpnov...l. K. Usbenlm. RUSSUN, mo per,, Mur Mobclj N"Am.. Vol XVII, No X3 :LSA7j, pp 2.,201-2.,207- Assm Tecb Sv PJ-353 sci - chemictry 3P7 Aue 1936 '00& $13-00 AtacyaUIMS. ME -., By A. Z1. IUprlc.-Ov.. T. M. VarboVWMY&s 5 PP- irissm uperjp m= obahch mans, vol X-Milj. 1:6 20 1963., pp 479.41q;. CD scl Jan 64 .)~t6 q-.11 Preparation of Quaternary Salts of Veak Orgainic Bases. -p by A. 1. Tolnachev,-~,~ ppA i2,j FMOZAN,v istpol.2bu Obahch =Iag-Vol 2Tj, No 1, 195TP pp 142-1504- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem dJun 58 Mrrf-19t0y. A. 1. atul Tolmachev. A. 1. E ~ Q SST 17MANCE IN CYANINE DYES CON'T %tN- ING ALYYL ROUPS IN POLYMMINE CHAIN. G 119ti I 9p. 15 refs. Ortler from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18M Trans. of Ukrainskii KlUmicheakil Zhurnal (USSR) M59, v. 25. no. 3. p. .137-343. DESCRIPTORS: 'Phthalocyanines. 'Dyca, Alkyl ridi- cals. Mezhyl radiCalB, !.tereochemlstry Styryl dye Wses were olmalned for a bcnzothlazole eerfeFi cantaining a metl yl group In the a- or 0-pooi- tionofthechaln. A corrparlson of the absorption curves of the hydrochlotide of these bases with the ab- sorption curves of correop=ding dye-methylates t;hown that fiteric hindra-ice exists In dye molecules. Rmica of thiacarbm)-aninea contalnJng substirmnis in (Chernistry- -Organic. T`T, v. 7. no. 5) (av--r) 1. Kipr)anov. A. 1. 11. Tolmaclwv. A. I. Offit..f T"Wt.1 $-it.* ill Cyaninc Gi-c,j,pr, Polyncthin,:-, Chaniu, 1)11, ITC-1mch(m. C. pp. RU-SIS DUN, per, Mrain Mijm Zhiu-.. Vol "ir) P 331 7 - 3 CIA/FDD )D:-1152 NOT RMYASPME TO PCIRMG14 NATIONALS Sel may 62 USIB INTERNAL USE ONLY Steric Lindrame in Nesophem),lpycidoc-arboc:yw3dnesj, by A. 1. J~V~rymq~v G. G. ftmAvusba, 7 pp - RUBBWo, PODoDovidl Ak Nu* Mrsin RM.* No 1., 1959 pp Lw-n25- CZA/PM XX.-UT1 MR ffiffRASAM 20 IK 113 0 1 NAMCHW ftl lqz" wq 62 U333 Mn%RM UM aW Condensation of Vitroaoatic Ester with o- f,mjnophenyjmrcmptm. by A. 1. Kiprianov. T. M. V6ft*v$kkva- MISIMAW,, pw, 7-hur Obdiab Xhim, Vol. )M. No. 2, pp CS /*Pf Sci j171 &r 0;2 Additions to Salts of 2-Phenylacetylenylquinoline, by A. 1. - ApIl ANw.0 G. G. Dyadyusha, 7 Pp - RMTM,, per., Zhur Obahch KhIm, Vol XXIX, No 5, 1959opp 1708-1714. Consultanta, Bureau Sci jul 6o 1'~2 z) " -,/9 ~ On the Products of Reaction Betifflen XsthyUne Bases of DensatManole &W Sengeelomtole wA Alkvl Halidesp by F. S. BALblabovy A, I. Kipryanovp 4 pp. RUSSIM# par& Zhur Obahch MLftp Val xxv J, so is 19581, pp 209-M. Cowultww Bureau set - Chem r -// ;? /0 APr 59 1) , of Phemsim and Tmosalm N-Oxide vith p"Im BRuans by A... I.. 1 0. M. 'Tip 5 ~vp- RMIMp pwp Zbw CbGMb Ofts TO-1 X=p lb 3# 1959,0 pp low-lm- occoulumbe Dwasan 117X Apr 6o 0, e4ia=ri~y I cffl 10 the IWO &Zmp With the Bw- zeime Ring and Its Innumes on the Color at Dyes# b~i A. I. A~~p 1. 5, Zbmwav p 6 ppe ~,716WTIMFIWED-1- mrsam, MO W. Mar Obabelh Rhim, Vol XxInr f4o 51 3-953j, pp 13711-879- dX.4 kQ Colmultante Bweau Scientiric - Cbemistry CTS/m ula low IMAI.A. by A. yu. a. Rolun, 10 77, p"# skw *bob* =do# VU MMV No 11" aw 1"I pp OW3860". C--Z- A -y/ walma we" hftd ftreat low Twk lalp N.Y. C octmttn,c -P chadstri Colour of Orgule CalWomft and the So-CsUed Theory of Resonance.. by A. I. Ilipryawv. MAINM -P per Ukralu Xhlm Zhur.. Vol XVIII., 1952$ pp 339-A6. DsIR LLu m.1961 Sci - Chem oat 6o !vA A" DOr:iV&t1v8& of Samotblazolasq by A. 1. KIP 1. P., 76darom, 10 pp. =BUN* pfts Ukraluddy OUlabookiy gblrnal,, V01 ~ Mat 20 Is M59 " 76-80. eel Tmw c*nter R 7- 3 S"6 cebagtN7 im 56 KipryabMI. A- 1. and Tolmachev. A. 1. STERIC HINDRANCE IN CYANINE DYES CONTAIN- ING AUYL GROM IN POLYMETHINE CHAIN. 119611 ,9p. 15 refs. order ficim 07S or SLA $1. 10 61-18310 Trans. of Ultrainaldi Khtmichesidi Zhurrml (USSR) 1959, Y. 25, no. 3. p. 337-343. DESCRIPMRS: *Phthalocyanines, *Dyes, Alkyl radi- cals, Methyl radicals, Stereocbemistry Styryl dye bases were obtained for a benzothiazole -8 cootainlng4 methyl group in the - or P-post- aerie.; tion the chain. A comparison of the absorption curves o(Ithe hydrochloride of these bases with the ab- . orption curves of corresponding dye-methylates sL -vws dot steric ~ hindrance exists in dye molecules. Owe 4 ddacarb6cyaniDea contaJoirg m*Kituents tn (CheAstry--Orginic, TT. v. 7. no. 5) (Over) 61-15310 I - Kipryanov, A. 1. 11. Tolmachev. A. I. Office of Udwical Services Hin-4-rqn e ~n I-aiaternnry sait- , r- --- -- . ' d.- ..-1 ;!E! 4 vnr*l 1-in n mt-~: i Li nipynS! 2-eIry-1,r,yridiv,L,sj by A - T - IU 10 vii - m-ss!A-T.T' mr, 71*-ur (ftshch Xhim, Vol rKr-, connul-0312LI) aueau SCI I . ,31-xr 60 The Tinl,,nt:~--Iii~ .,%ctlon o? of R-jeae--l-ric by Yu. pl, RUSSIAllp per., nur Obshch ICniia,. Vol ~Ic iv 1306--1311- Conzla-V~,mTts nureau Sci Jur, 60 Ti 1 hoe 'of R&U VU DeriVaLtivm or Pheowdue. sy.# byvo Ps Cbertwtekyj, 11 U:~ A.~ 6 RMIM't PD verp Our MeLfft. llb4m- Vol M=s N6 0A Dwo pp I.W.3-174d- elA VIOxfosao ComigtUmto Bureau SciontIfic - Chentstry Th6 aewttblw or )k 12 2"1*0 Or the 2blasou 1'' -o'w' Scrl~o With Allyl DdIftop tyA. 1. ]Up7amwg MSSUNP Ows Vol x1o so it 19508 pp CoDwatauts Dumau sclouttrie - cbealstry syntbmdolj or 1-03dfto. of ammlaw A------- amp manom, mb por$, Ow Obdob Xbb4 Imp! Dwivatives. by V. P. Chernotsky, Val ZUXv go 209 a busau 400 ftlfttiM - CbodM7 ) 3z~ co-Planarity`of the Dimthylambui Group With the Denzene .RlAg and Ito Auxbohrode: Action. n., by A - 1- 1. No Zbmuxvfmp 8 NJ 1 8 pp. )ZIMSIAN, par, Zhur Obahch lhlmo Vol XXIII, No 4, April 1953, pp 626-6!3. ConsultanU Bureau Tr 113119's, Scientific - ftemistry "4"Umay"Am cir 0 IW A. X. smaw 10 PW* am 7 ammmitafts ad Avg T er$v&ttv*s Of 31 Chlawly1methanel by A~2 r4" IP. Yaholovs., Yu. S. Romp 8 pqvp Full tr4nolation. RMSM per Zhur Obsbob Ibloj Vol mit so 2,0 rob 19% 3*03W-30. cl-r 11 J) / J, 1~1 J? y Comaltants Dareau IP West 42nd Street xwv yak 18j N.Y. Scientific - Cbmistr7 it ifty 53 cTs lao DIarl-ittivas of Cyarsine ny A,- 1, X*- !~~s I& P. redorms, 8 pp- RMIM p r . Zhur Gbsbeb Oda, VOI XVnl - No 49119 p pp U93 AW - emsultants; Bureau I sci - Chen Jun 59 Y~' Ij-'41 KIP NOV$ As I. ~-.. wn~'m PAZEM0$, Z. N. RESEARCHES ON THE D MIVATIVES OF BENZO-ljL- THIAZINE QUATIgUlARY SALTS OF BENZO-1jL-TF.IA2'I111h AND ITS DERIVATIVES 8 pages ..1 C -Z- A RUSSIAN, Zhur Obshch Rhim, Vol X'.'-,I, a':Lq'qx Consultants Bure m KIPPONOV,, A. I. PAZENKO, Z. N. RESEACHES ON THE DERIVATIVES OF BENZO-lr4- TFIAZINE, CYANIN Dn.~STUFFS OF THE BET-iZO-104-mIAZINY SERIES pages 17 e A RUSSIAN Zhur Obahch Khim,, Vol X7I, A- Jan. lq~l Consultants Bureau Translation A. I. PAZENK0 Z. N. RESEA,RCH.BS ON THE DERIVATIVES OF BENZO-1,4- THIAPINE, M. CONDMATION OF QUATERNAMY SALTS OF BENZO-1,4- THIAZINE AND OF ITS DERIVATIVES WITH ALDEJ-FYDES 4 pages ~r,~- / -7, - /-x,-/ RUSSIAN, Zhur Obshch Rhim, Vol XXI, Jan- 1951 Consultants Bureau Translation KIFRPNOV4~ A. I.j, and USHENKOp I. K., Inst Org Chem, ftudor-FT-.' Ukr SSR .9 The plor of Organic Dyes and the Planar Nature of their: Molecules Is Zhur Obshc'h Khim, Vol XX., No 1. 1950 (Jan), pp 1-39- 12W Ift&..;jjj 8 Consultants Bureau Translation -i I i A~(V.. A. I. W U113HENKO',' I. k. TIE COLOR OF ORGANIC DYESTUFFS AND THE PLANA.= OF TIMM 1101MMES. 31. 4 pages - 7 arr RUSSI.P14 -hu-- Obshch Khim, Vol XT, No 3,, 1' 1950 Consultants Bureau Translation 7 b~r AI RUSSIAk 2 *14tr&oXybenzothiazoles.' -iqa 8 pp. OV z1nw Val XIX,, No 6j jun 1949i 'Mobah CIA/ftD/X-.U9 ,4 Nov ots Steric Hind==@ in Quwter=7 EWLlts of 2-Ar7lben- sothiatoles and 2-Ar7lbensoselemazoles, by A. 1. Kipr1imovj V. A. Embeftch.9 8 pp. EWSSIMI, mo, per., Mal Obahch IChim, Vol XXVI., No lo, Oct 1956, pp 2891-2896. Gonoultants Bureau 58 N-Alkyl and N-Ax7l o-AminopherWl Hereaptans,, by A. I. Kull-I.ITMOV-1 Z. 11. Pazenko., 7 PP. RUSSM.. mo per, Zhur Obshch Khim,, Vol XIX, No Aug 1949, CIA/FDD/X-390 A Oct cts c The Synthesisl~of Quaternaz7 Salts of Benzothiazola,, by A. DrIaLnov,, Z. N. Pazenko,, 9 pp. RUSSWIT., mo per., Zhur Obshch Dim., Vol XIX., No 8j, Aug 1949 CTA/.FvDD/X-339 Oct cts