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The Im!rtance of the Natillurgical and Potash a-, Indaft ~ as In the Ccnp"lvnmdve Dulidup of sociiiftns, W Helmut XUR20, 5 pp G-9ft'Ns, pw.. Nwe R4 -a-(~Odvv 110 9s ~'-SP 64p JPFCS 12M5 F3Mr*GdrMftw EGM, Jan 65 271096 jft~ On PA I - - & lb~oW AmlW I* I I at .A-1 ta- CAOXAM OR& tv a. asmnw. ~ 7 %wo I I : OWO mumm-Alft~ Va 8# 393T,* . I T soft-95 ("m 205) ftf E , it~ I ?Q IQ (~- P-- Sol~ Ab To hWa,"3 A HwUmetric Method of Detandning Total Phosphorus in Soill, by H. L ToWs 0. L. Kirmiko 5 pp. ign;t~. RUSSIAN,, par# YOvedenlyes No 21, 1960v pp 102-106 AIES sci Jul 61 / S- 7,, 5- om ~ Ccamuni"tio.as, by Perauders SWEDME, per, Tekn:Lok Tidskrift, Vol LK-UvIll NO I,-,, A-pril 1W513. Pp 370-372. MPSIA 11-6741b Sell - Aug 60 3ho 1 111 M AWM*M so bw mllf I III X==~~ 4 jW - ow roil -- Sohm FJLWjT#~& I J,. im awa" = 6. 0121NOW . -/V- I V~ ftt & fte laftioma lanumm ot UO Parotid 0~-Od on -- nho is ~ I'm an& ftoftlu v6b"Imp $1216, M101mi. ?6ki$6~. upmum* aftsts"Cl Mort 9 No- amm. pm., jainjgft Vol X=s io-IWO. 1.3 Awl x9p# yp 369'-375. (RepUts sneqpU ocU) 7 F-f4 Resistance of Materials, by R. S. Kinosashvili. RUSSIAB, bk, (A textbook for Technical Colleges.), 1957. Lawrence and Wishart Ltdll~ 81 Chancery Lane London W.C.2. Apr 59 rlu~ej, FbUCy- mod Afftir, by MkOMWA Dmj:La, JAPARMp VrIuk4d bk Me Asumis of Tar -n Fouticai "W 9ofth mi Svc jopm Jm 53 INS/M low"Nalow at ptabla Vortwv we pbWal"I FAmatum sa Commu"t CbUVLj. by Dr UIW$bitQjl 5 ppi NDUWBNM J&PAN=,, ver,, Witka so Mapkas Oot 1958. AF UM363 M - Was sm 7f) fIS A MethcA of Refining of Uranium Ore in ~57 Japan, by Hidea XINOSHITA. JAPANESE, rpt, PAPIG, Tvltyo~ No 27, Aug. 1963, pp IYY--1-271. AEC NSJ-Tr 9 "OT Sci-harth Sci Jill f3a 357,567 Kimmlata, K. and Nmklkjbm. S. simm.11W "is STRUCIMB OPP rrACDNMK I Ff. Koo&. tr. 1963. 12p 4rolls NRC Tocialcal True. 1OP6. order trw NRC $1. 00 NRC-C-4561 Trom. of Dbsm Youca nalpini Klyol (Japan) 19M. 7. p. 17-25. Dty.%CRIVMRS: Sologg"l; Mycouvrm Mopyrshowle. Cbmdftl amlWa. 03wdde addi6 (molosical scleacep-M, TT, v. 11. m 6) IT44-011111 Imft ItIcallift 1. Kboobkn. L a "Abom, S. III: NRC-Tr-lop& IV. NRC-C-4561 V. modowl Roosevelt ommmustcommal cum son" of Toww" swris" r, hIM K. end Na!=znurs. K. ~OVNAL POLARMA710IN OF -:0115 AND rl-S AMlcknw To swi=o- *- A -.vm - - ,-.Y. cloll top. C. otu ATS $15. 15 A7S-' .-S~Wj Wam3- U Dmbl Sushin (Ispin) 1961, Y. 3. ox 1. p. 1&-24. =LCRIMRS- Mmr-hors. PolarLwica. P:=C3npby- rhooovaphy. 62-12368 I. XID71h][A. r. ri R , z. .I iz=ur IL Ill. ATS-!j-,Z7j IV. Tochaicol EAst Oranza. N. J. T-1, v. 7. no. 5) oi4i- f 7-k.-i "Nummoom K. POLOMMON OF 1. Kimmobim IL AND rrS APnACAnou " atimcno- a. )mkanmw,4 i ROTOORAPM. RIVOIJ 10p. M - ATB-3SN57J odw &M AT$ .15 M-33071 $ IV. AsSmi" Todmial Sou'vic", bc. WNW. ~ d NOW SaDMA osp* IM. v. & no. 1, Best oromse, )1. J. P. pbaogmpby. ftampuoy. A-rS - JT- 3 11-7 OMWterialo-Phatopiphic, 7T, v. 7, = 5) Tbe Transmission CareLer in --t System., by K.-Kinoshitca, et al. WAIMSE, per, Techn- J &pin B-op-11cast Corp, Vol X11i 110 5t 1960,o PP 373-3a6- nL U.449D / z2 !~2 ;Bc t - Pbya 10, -2 / 7 j:~ -?- Wy (32 J Wl -75 ct aZ and 'U--dr-El wm t-w CnM1,1 ltremjLa oi Awb3nitic 18:a Vr, 6% 7-lie SA 1~1 :Welo by i~. Unct-d-dtas at A-L tr - Aar, 'LAim . , 1%,%1o, Loctim 246: Al PlatIng cKE Rielmls Cobalt & Mckel-Cabalt AUoys by Chadcal BeductAous by L Kiwah'ta. JAPAMBI pubmts, "n 1954, Langungs Sv Bu Bel - Obw yxo.,.,/ At-4#~- oat 6c) 100,4 661 10553 US-4 US-5 KINOSHITA, KYOJI and OKU ZUMI, YUJI Plating of nickel, cobalt and nickel-cobalt alloys by chemical reduction ( Trans. of Japanese patent, appL 2 June 54, provisional No. Sho-32-1418, announced 27 Feb 57) $ 1. 80 (ph), $ 1. 80 W), 60-15622 - English Euratom MoLaMt4.ft Of Thg$iiW OX140 J%WI 910NMt 00, 60 p do. rxmpww =A usts"as o0 ft Vie Awl NWAVp W lbiblUnAv SUMM MU* Ot 40 PA" 119 no, PVT a"* jig=" mwmo~-ltlmm of TAMOM Qxalaft ad so ONWO S# DWAIN Odtb by nesting, do* Umosm at"o AOBIO *t au I 9TAP JAr"!kmrwl'ol~;lptl. PAPISS"m to Us Feb 1964* M34,- 3 9233M ;ic fisi-tir-so #AS 386JIS lot Dommue on"im -ftwo JAP opts 0 as Sao im 2"40 WEN SWAN Avig 66 3060211 StvdU* ln lbanwoment of Timealty. An Enquiry MUZO MbAOr V18COMUMS and v Otudy of StLndr-rd LiquMs for CallbrvtlM Ylsometers., by K. Klnoshitc.p JL onoweale. awxjw,~ 1*r,, jaym. Joun2al of the 12MR!!e Fetz*lffm Imatituteo, Val 4., so 9., l9bl.. pp 691-696. csm/so.6633 sci - t, vg 6r 334#92.9 Yearly CbozVo in the Vlmxmter cowtout or OMems CoplUary Vs F ~ tolpap bV IL KInombLitt. ArAsmi- poirs =tIQ4 jamps Vol 5., No 4., lw~ -W gm-M. CSn*/*. 66A Sci - 2~. f,11, 71-~ AI* 67 334.,M TT-65-18640 Field SA Ainomyta, PRODUCTION OF ITACONIC ACM AND MANNITOL BY A NF-W FUNGUS- ASPERGILLUS rrACONICUS. 22p, l3refs. Order imm SLA: $2.60 as TT-05-136a T-. of Act& PhYWchtmlca (JAPan) VS P271-87 1932. NIB 661 minor Blewou to mantau r the NpItberml Depoettes, b7 K. F!~-%ftp X9 Hu"s 33 PPo jAPANM,, Pro Oeblasisal lift JaPaus VOI LvIs so 66o,, sop 1950m vp W3-432- WA 57-1&3 may 58 ~,~ A2 d v fttxluw at UAI*NW ---1-"' UM Ot PlOWnted Son*, by F4yo,~~~. 35 990 APA~j, pw,, Ubm Mfl*aamkWiad no 8.v Iwo IV m5-a3L EM 3-M~a. Stadi*s on the FrIctim bbehardsm of Fibre EysUmsjp by B. -ELmobital T. TWdzm6,a. JAPMM~ pwi, Jowml of the society of TaxtIU 4wd Oallula" lMuistries# Val IV., %D 6.. 1.999* VP 455--~* CSIRO It ,1U 62 Sttxliea on E.,Wl= wrowtoUnUo FAWPOrt NO- 9- 6 cLj ic -Dlmiaoplmllo Aold and ift ilk Lysuo-Probolm stnim sod Parent Stm". by K. 0 B. parp NOOR Molksapim MMMI, Vbl XM, No 2p 11A3., pp -no-U3. jcm 1-8-6e sci - Had 715- polb 69 stwiss an to WIGUOU unhwdm of SUM Bjst~# br So - IMXDVAAUI T* TW lp 8 , " a JAPAXWAj - NWV Jbvnul of the soale* of Toutfu =d 0021VA&M LaftotriObs, VOI Mr. ib 6m &Mp " h"A60a callto sa - It1w -? 0 -~, -V 4/6 3a 62 S-Wdim an lqvaine Parmeafttics - Report No 4. Cultu" 00nUtion for Lyalm Aacmaation bya HammerIM-Ums Obteat of Bu!"I I i Subtilis.. by X. lk*sy~s S. rjnmbita,.-6 pp. JAPAIMM.. pwp MOD Uodk%pku Kalabij. Vol mmv"t 3b 219 19Up IM 219-aft. SM 2-7-62 Sol - VAd Apr 62 Studies an Lysim Pawns, Fm PAPwt No- 3. q a 4 -'s-loopAmmUc A"& Aaa~'Iatjcm Md WMIDOWNW-10 AaM Ilomtowlime., by 4APAIM qWq A&IAMO Vbl InVo No g, ;Rig pp U3 MM 14-612 )JU, 3749 801-01 Pob (idl gtudle6 an ~ the of Books by Rotary DrMb. (Fwt I) s by S. JAPAMM., VWp Zoom" at UM J119M I Inetituts or Surkimp 2"6,, pp 4-M. N"11 00" DMrd Tr A IM V* so Dam= at Mum OINUML xxpwtamb Statim -0161 a, fte set - Geo" Oct 61 Stuftes of fte Somo"Q at Yomlo-Oodde-laridied Mot Frm Ojpft avarth Owdwsp by T. - Ot 41. JAPAMXp pw,, fttau to Nopmjp Vol IMp No 10P 1960" " Ufto n&. RD 3101 MA - Cbm Apr 6L on the Sb&Uov Water Wfoato LVM the WWw of Ships, by )L_M!Tbi+A- 0 JAPARM-P porp Jamml at Imen Klokmio Vol LXXIV,* MMY im, vp 594r. &vy -rr JeWm 45o sci ;,Gmq?bY$ AM ls--el 5 A Y 61-202,10 Kinoshitio. Kojirio, Sato. Ifidehisa, and Yoshimura, nit-, IMACV TV%~MSMISSION CARRIER IN A 11101)D- 1. Kinoshiso, K. H. Satc. 11. GIIAPIIIC~SY91TM. 1196111281p. Ill. Yoshimura, hi. Order froin SLA $2.60 61-20230 Trafis-d[N If K Gijutsu Kenkyul (Japan) 1960, v. 12, no. 5. p- ~73-386. DESCRIP't"ORS- Photographs, Preparation, 00ptical 2 6 84' V6 images, Transmiision, *Photographic equipment. *Optical sys-ems, I Films, Photographic paper, Spectro- graphic, analysis, Diffraction The content of the carrier used In communication engineer Ing was studied froin a pDiat of view of modern mathcrnatics, As the result. the content of the carrier was enlarged, so that both the photographic and optical systems might N., Mined as the image transmission (Research Nivt hods- -Photographic Equipmcnt. TT. Offto of TeA.1c.1 Sorvia.% v. 7, i no.~ I P) ~ I I i (ova 0 6) - 202,V Kincishivo, KojirG. Sato, Hidehisa, and Yoahimura, ,"R ~17 1. Kinoshito, K. THE IMAGE TRANSMISSION CARRIER IN A PHOTO- If. Sato, 1-1. GRAPHIC SYS-ITA 1196111281p. 111. Yoshimura, M. Ordc-r fro-n SLA $2.60 61-20230 Trans. c)f IN H K Gijutsu Kenkyuj (Japan) 1960, v. 12, no. 5, p. 373-386. DESCRIRIORS~ Photographs, Preparation. *Optical iniages, *1 ranqirii.4sion, *Photographic equipment, *Optical systenui, Films, Photographic paper. Sp--ctro- graphic aralysi.;;. Diffraction Th( contctit ~if dw carrier used in communication engitiai.-rirg wa,;; studied from a point of view of m:)dcrn inalh~rivttics. As the result, the content of the carrier was enlarged, s,:- that both the photographic and olitical sy.,;T~-n)!~ r oight 1w defined as the image transmission (Rt (:a. M---z txtti- - Ptv:)tographic Equipment, Tr, GEN- f Td..1c.1 Swi-. V. " 1107, 10) (a ve r) Statement of Khrushchev's Report. to S3 Session., by Kinov BLWARI-14,p np., Rabotnichesko Delo., 16 Jan 1W .FBID Daily Review EE - Bulgaria USSR Pol Jan 6o 4t fin 60/aw me mfoat atom -eel Factwo on the ftituou" at captsil4p in Skirt'saft Percent Cr 9604 ftlftd fa An Famom, IW Z. Kowoky, jp- C=CU Par 99toddo LWWv VbL IMP No 7., 19W., PIMA" Importance of Vacuum Casting of Steel to lnduati:ial Practice. Raft 11, by Z. Emin.-er, F. Kinsky, Z. Xletec^~,a. CZECE, per Hutnicke Listy, Vol X11, Nr-, 6, J.&W PP Ren:ry Brui-~:h,~r $11.00 Sci - Engr ,7uf~ RomAts ct Uperiments an Vacmum ftsting of Steel. Powt I. Inipt Sftps by Z. Mdupr,. P. MOW. C==s 1W., Rattdche Lima Vol x1a, NO 6s 1956.. pp 345-355. RM82" amtober ii 3WI $8.75 -4-0 e 7s7 sci - min/metsua, =rtsnmw Aug 57 fte 914CWaa Ptqpsrti" at Rg Allops by J. naft. =~i pwis zo q Val V4 1908., pp 406-410. /bB IT 77L-5= - no ftly T ie; ~3 a rv. ~ Jtwe 71 o-bmxlaa,dizatdcn of Synthetia Produatsv % by, Win= ,4Rqell Tmu" wiar"lowuld., 8 yp. z PM=j, per$ Przelyel MoulanW, NO 8,W,-e, m pp W-J~- jim Isfigis ly?61 a - POINA C;I) 5i S)/ 8 Be= oet 69 1. 1 60-18207 OF RATING MEASURES IN THE SINTERING OF 1. Iron ores- -Sintering IRON OR F.S. [Dec:471 4p. (2 tables [2 figs- I ornirted 1. Kintzinger, K. Order from SLA mi$1. 80, pb$l. 80 60-18207 Abridged trans. of Stahl und Eisen (Germany) 1943, v. 63 [no. 23) p. 453-456. (Unannouncx.-il', I OfOlco of TochoW 5"ces U, F-,-v A,.I.Ywce ~T) tbo- Teschiriz 01' iiirtuorY at Sovlf.et S.~choolr.,. by A. T. KinuOldn, I/ pp- RM381M, per, Sovat ftdagogika., No -31, 1 - '-3 t~c Interntl Arts & Scl. Sov Bducation Vol T-I, :90 7 Aug 6o k'hy -~~ju) On the State of the Equilibrium Located on the Surface of a Diacon%inaltyp by Tu. 1. Heymark) S - D._~AW& 25 pp. ..,.p RUSSIM, per, Is Vyss%M Vabob Zavedp MVO, Radloftz, vol, In" lio h" 3.966. JM M4 ftl 7 may 61 of Periodic YMIan Fma an Fgailibrium on a MecouUmifty Suldems, by Yu. I. RaymrILr S. D. MN"Suv 21 pp. I n A M II ~' a Iwo u TpabM Udob Zwmd WtM am go vaeft2a sh"ams VOL v,, so 6j, i9WO vp 12,46-n00-. lum 2M6 &d - JOAC i= 63 231a748 (NY-6498) On the Dep--ndence Upon Parameters of the Dyrjudcs of a Relay Control Syatem Witb an Unstable Memant,, MEW by S. 1). KINMISft- 5~~p.in 5 PP. RUSSUN., per, Iz IM, WOO Radiofiz, voi xv., No 1., 1961,1 pp 151-164. JM 10349 Sci v.ov 61 (ijy-6496) On a Relay Control System for an Unstable Objectj by S. Do Xiryapinp 34 pp. RUSBIM,. per., Is VUZ., WOO Radiofiz, voi rv,, No 1,, 1961., pp 136-150. JFIRS 1.0349 Sci / / ,/, S - 5 ?6 RM 61 (BY-5-230) On the Stability of the Rquilibrium State of a Tva.-StNp PA"y B"tmo by S. D. Kinyspin,, 25 pp. zwu"T~ Tymshlkh Udwb Zs"djWO Bar RmUctiz; T: 3n, NID 3m, 29W- AW T375 SPA Apr 61 on the St.ardlity of a Relay Sya'ucm'e Equilibrium s tatu, "by S ~ D, 1% . 7 - Nell r et ric RUSSMp per, rtvt=t i Telemakh, Yo.j. Q., i~o .15-r591 ITy, llrl~-1162. Instru %,oc of An~tr sci jun 6o -iic "t-azAh lby of a Relay J.- 11 StF~te, bY 5, D. Kiny4p-in and Yll. REEBT-AN,, per; Aytomat i Teleiaekhy Vol' XXI Tio 9'. 1959., I-,P 11-53-1162- Soc of Lmaz Jim 60 J). C~ (5 rnvoutdLgations to Moon Metal Catalynts, Part 11. POIamdmg Nickel CataUuts Tiltb OXygm, by R. XU".-) GMaWv pOrS jAjjWtj ftW- WMS&�gtkO S4 - 7p &unmaw ggMeg Val Mp 1964. pp 146-162. NTC"71-101024m F7,z) - 7-1 /6 0 ~IV NOV 71 Pmw Ovffty in tAw - Germa Dswcrwtla.~. by DIA lag Wwrd 92 as*)# 43 IV Oct on Inglish Title Umkwms, by W. Unsel. ~~, pwo. aw Am D. Bat Golv No 26A. igo8., 1w 60-665. *Mftl TT 70-53055 W - 1e, Aj Z , I- SePt 70 Ewdil Title Udowmlo by W. Illusel. W--sh WS, aw der Do Dot .1 so 26Aq -19089 101IM6"33.!*6?5. w *crm Tr 70-53054 W . 7- e- L Sot 70 2 Title Unbxmn,, by W. lansel. 2 parp Dw 4w D. But (ka.9 No 25v 19079 269-276- *&M Tr 70-53M3 CJ , let fJ 7- (:-, L SePt 70 maslub vlwa Unbwmv by W. Mnwal. a~q pwo ft Ow D. me Ono No 2Q., 19089, VP 105-115. *WM 2T 70-53056 (0 - ~J z- (--, L gqgUdi TiLtie Vaboal by V. Ewe]. amikw !twp sm amr-D. met 2"&P No 27, 1909P ~ 5. " ow-s 50 -53M C6 . t.~ I' t,~ z e-- L SePt 70 ii~e caiii1sing for the &Mdw(sbw*) p2anktcu infaAw Mih2i *w4misma f9v die PlanktonrUre I(Ein i4 lurms Mittellmagen aus dm Mmatitut f1w Tisahereiliiiologie der UniversitSt Rambivirg, Nr. 12; 13-17. Deember 3.962. 1'ranslationi;by Po A. Tallantire, Iks-ch 1963, 3pe availe Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries for Sactland, Marine Laborat Aberdeen, as Translation 1133. Loan - Biol. Lab., 9cr, se~zie* Original A,r ticle: Checked for the vu I IsaMan of a NOV-Type RU Ion as a Mmt rwtL&Lm, by I . - " FWSM.. pWj, TnAy LWIDgrad Otftl VoeooWm Imt Udobr AgMtekh I ApWocbavovo 110 490 3.9381, PP los-123. SLA B-22V sci Aug 58 ~'-,sthod of Differentiation and Car- alation of the Oilbearing DWI.- taents of ihe D&vonian of BashkIriar ~yy A.R. umik47uv,, 6 pp. .tUSSUNt per, Cleclog Nerti I Cklival Vol IT# No 7-Aq IL960. Rao I%6-,P . 911 vYaOlbLU of the "a - - -am of the Oil =0 - 1t. G. PbltnMn B* A* &atmvo pp. Noma# wo amlos JbM., Val 110 NO 19A., 0 30-35- Bay of Russim Gwloa Dw 59 /P ~? 791 1 13330 US-4 US-5 ICNZYO K., rWATA S. Test-construction of a new type of thernmobalance and on a semlautomatle thermobalance Nihon *Kagaku Zasshi 72, No. 11, 958-962 (1951), 74, No. 8 642-644 (1953) $ 4.80 (ph), $ 2.70 (mf), 59-14734 - English E u r a t o m __KL=vQ!~K_wq Iwam, Im. r~cownucnm op A NLrw Tym op TMIM160ALAMbE (AND] ON A MICAUMMATIC THE1444~ML&NM RML ms. 1-2onA NvWTYpe, Mwnio~* and Its Applications. 1195911251p. 20 rc4s, !(!CT-- 1626; cc-r- 1627; Pleatinny Arsenal Trans. no. 32. ~ I Orderfr6in LC or SLA mi$2.70, pb$4.80 59-14734 Trans. ot Nib= Kopku Zasshi (Japw) 1951, v. 72. no. 11. p. 958-962 and 19S3. v. 74, no. 8, p. 642 644. (Chernistry- -Physical. YL v. S. no. 5) 59-14734 1. Hslmmces--Cbnsbvct1on 2. Balances--Applicattons 3. Title- Tberumbolarwe 1. Kt=yo, r- 11. Iwata. S. IH. Title: On a Samautomatic-.. iv. 'nue- A New... V. CCT-1626 VI. OCT-1627 VII. PA Trans-32 Vill. Omsultants Cusinni Translations, Inc. New York O#G...f T~ki.A S*,,ic., 1-31-61 A Nov Type of 9 OtaUMCO ana Its ApAicatim i 800, ot 11 on a . -I wt fflwmob&lxnceq by Kinei ii;~, allpo zmta. a pp. JAPAIM, iDer, Nix= Zaadd 0 Vol Ljmv 0 No vp (1&2-"* ftcw%ftq mu 80L - Bw Oa 59 9d, ?36 A- New Type of Tbermoba-lanee alA - Its - AlMlicatims X. Taot-ConStrUatiM or a NeV nW Of Th6rMD- belarme, by Wei ZlnWov shigoo justaj, 14 pp. mm Imalm Zaashiv Vol Mal, No 11, 1952,* ~~* 04540 pimtlnq ArBovol 32 am 2w sci - CM Bw Jul 59 ~dl 6 62 st ~ I ~ 1111011,11-0111W.-.- W. & J.. III,, owt & T" 34 Mft or 3" 16 lioniold 3MI66A ( DC - 5.3~ 0 IT ) Speech by Abderrahnnane Kioualie, Re-ore3ent.;-- tive Df th6*-Pi~o--vi-sional A-1-ge-r-i,-'n Repuln' Ic Or,-vern- Ment to tile NM, 4 pp. MONGO-,IJJI . np, Unen, 11. vTu-l I p 7. JPRS Asia Moiagmlia Pol J&rA Cyclotron and PUgm ftsmame In Solidaj, by A. F Kipp 3 pp - .1. !:11 BMWs pw,, Is Ak on* SMI, Sm Fizj, Val X=,, no 61 1957v PP On-W3. - coxwbfa 2*ft ftl - ph7wim 17-for, -Y / 7 Oct 56 Reactions of Nitrates and Nitrites of Metals of tbe:Tirst and Secona Groups ar the D. I. I-Sendeleyev Per.iodic ~'System in Ift1te. XVIII. InvestiSation of the VerWry Oyet= of LIthiump RubLdium and Silver Xttrmtes~ by P. X. Proftenbop L. 24. Kipa=nk0j, 6 pp. RUSSIAN,, mo p=,, Zbor Mahch M21m Vol XXVj, No 3P ums mw 195 F WF " 50 PM PFT-WC 393M Consultants Bureau scientific - Chad try C~s 74/N*v 1955 iows jawsba Wasslop x9 U* ISQP M, Sel a4 ft MOM 4QRLrA�gM,'I- D.; Markovskil. B. P., and Radchenki G. P. NEW FAMILIES AND GENERA OF INVERTEBRATES. [1962) 14p. Order from ATS $25. 50 ATS-49P61 R Trans. of Vaes[ovunyl] Geol[ogiyal Instfitut). Materi aly (USSR) 1956, no. 12, p. 9- 21. DESCRIFMR~: Biology, *Aninials, (Biological -Scienze~- - 7~oology, Tr, v. 9, no. 1) 62-34205 1. Kiparisova, 1- D. H. Markavskil, B. P. 111. Radchenko, G. P. IV. ATS-49P6IR V. Associated Technical 5~.-r- vices, Inc.. East Orange, N. ask= d 7 %WAM 11 ptwlua i ass* Artlmd&U6 Mccerpt Prca New portlift wd Ownras by L. D. Klp&rlsova., it. it P. mubmakro a. P. andabookc, Imm"j, pw'? ftvAy vmw awl Imt ml I I , 14&4 PO ft act" a-as Noweas serlys vca xiii, 1M.0 it )o-70. Dot mmorl" q8 An, so 19 Bel - Dial Alf TY9 mw 61 Uni:rormity of MeRsarenents Ir by P.N.- AgaletskJ.y, V~i: BUSSIAN, TA~r, Izmritel Teklh, No I pp T S t /,0 7 KVart*6,mk L. [X and Papow. Y%L N. VLUXVMM OP ~i THE LOWER (SERIES OP THE) TRIASSIC!, SYSTEM (WW STAGES) (Rascbleneele NbftW OWela Tryamml Sistany me Yarusy) tr. by IvesiMitthiL 19611141p. 2Drds. Order from OrM, SLA, or ETC $1.60 IT-63-19589 Tram. of Aks&miysk Nauk SSSR. Doklody, 1956, v. 109, m 4. P. 942-M. DMCRWTVM "Palo-mlogy. *W*Ugrapby. 08010aft So dK*Mlnadm Geology, TT-63-195" 1. Title-. Triassic 1. KiparlsoM L. D. U. Popov. Yu. N. 111. Ceoloocal Survey, D--nver. Colo. (P-thsclemes-0xRogy. T-L V. 11. no. 1) MCI o Ttcmksl se"fas Usent PoUglucin In Rmm=hmv with Background Of PAdlatiOllk Aff&vtlt~nv by A. A. Xipatn# N. V. Ilikolayam# 5 pp. MMU94, Vora ptd*W twqlJL I Por*uvwdp RMT10 Vol 2*9 1b 8p mg* pp 101-51. Pwqpmm lWas Sai Apr 60 70 on the ntwtlas of Vw Syntexle and Dissociation of AmpoSa an Various Outal3uts, by & Temidus 34 gr=mm 39 vp. ZMIANO w Vwj, Our Piz XhIml, Vol MM,, IA7p vp WT-M. OU Ir R-?(* - Sci - ftsive ~?/ 6 Sep 57 .I Iffil-I.- , -45 swam%% w .I W& I . . ~7 0 "aft OW I 16 S. YL"rmm 1. , P, :,A*, t . 4 t! ft! * i I 1 ;., - . i I !I .I ~3 1 4w Asawa ft"bleft at aAawwkft iloo ~ . 30 I i I 1 23# 3b v* . 0 . ; w S'. /lc,,x2-4p-rmctv7 sm-A 161110 3"0N5 .I ;k 1 ,;. ai.~- 1. 1 ft I ~~~ ~! 1 *"No - M--4 ! ..1 v& of 30"6 'm I - ~ J O-A S. KLPUMM U WW m 10 ft*owo J*J* Dehydrogenstion Kinetics of' Isopropyl Alcohol in the Liquid Phase. L. by 1, R, Davydova, So. 4 K4KU umo-et aig 7 pp, ,_r RUSSIAN,, per, Kinetika, i Kataliz, Vol IV,, No 4. 1963t pp 60S-613, CD Sci- Aug 64 2649865 Application of the Circulating-Flow Method to a Study of the Kinetics of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions in the Liquid Phase, by S. L. Kiperman, N, V. Nikolayeva, 4 pp. ------------------ RUSSIAN, per, Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol 11, No 6, ,1961, pp 936-939. CB Sci Sep 62 210,464 ldnat.ica of Para-Ortd-.-o Conversion of 1-01---l::oCen an-11 t1lac Use ar 3-iis Ileaction to StadZ~ the ~echaznfsm of Catlal4t-ic Frocessec, VY S. L. Kipenzan., 1. 1". lx-vaova, I)-f). 3:UL- idne-U'-i.*,:a i la-,taliz, Vol -1, RUS -77" 1-2 - on the vqlueo ar Dwd surgLas of Nickel Catelpts v:tth I Zlambnts of Orowle OosWuwAaj, by S. L. ~L ' mp,, A. A. smimdup 6 so - I rW 14b FLUMp pW* OIL Ak I" BMp Val CXM# No 2#A pp 335-338,. Md - Chm Avg 58 (0, 1, 0 .v y Kiperman. S. L. RELATION, WTWHEN THE CON6rANrS OF THE Km-nc EquAmoms OF mmaommmom CATALY71C RKAcn0NS APO BOND RNERGIES. [19611 8ji. Order from ATS $16.45 ATS-OZN52R Trans. of Mur[nall FizjlcbesWj I(MmIll) (USSR) 1961, Y. 35, tw. 1. P. 181-188. DESCRWTORS: OCatalysis. Reaction kinetics. *Cben-deal bomb. 61-2520B 1. Kiperman. S. L. 0. ATS-02N52R M. Ammod-red Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange. N. J. Offi.. of T-ehmic-l $~ic-% (Cbendstry-l'bysical. TT. v. 6. no. 7) Bondiua :~=rgY Betvwn the Surfa4c of M-tallic Catalysts and Carbon, by B-L._Ki ~22a=_, A.A. Balandinp 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Miizu, Vol XXX~=, No 9, 1959, pp 204j&-2052 14% Cleaver-Hume Press Availeble- Br 5 Librarj Sci jur, 6o P 7:2 3 Me ELnotlxn of AmoWls "besls oirA Holybdeam Walystip IW S. Upmm and M. ImmUnt 16 Ipp. MUZU0 Pori, Zb. ftz* XU26# Vol 20p 19W. I~p 396-3r. P9ny)5mT A= Ul-Tnns-68 342P398 lbv 6T The Energy of Boating of a Nickel Catalyst vith Oxygen, by, SeLe YAperusup AvA* Balandin, O.R. I)avYdwm, 3 PP. IRMUFj, par, Is Ak Noui MR# Mel IMs Nauk, No 9, I-Mi. PP IM-1131. ConsuLtauto Bum= set - On )ky 59