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wili cc aw 0310me INNOMW in aw v8 , -- ~ V a. swamus"s $no M valow ammemmo lb 70 1900 lw=r. 0 l l - katL &%I ma ftl h%ft WL Its Ob 0 on ft" r,,, gro 6 to a 10 parAchoa 0 uNg Pr the Btmtoopborev by As 1.~ 9bX%!=Wv 310. 6- pp. Rm*x.p We 1101 XTI A 130 9-9a lo"jo pp 3J5o3L9* + (2,a got Ir contw BT-LM Sc I*Utltlc 141'd Ow US& AUStaft ~ 'I lirm I U*Sm I i i mww~i ftwAr =p u"s w 20-IS. i . i AM rin."I Imm mu-ftw~ - Alrelfxft GWS&Plftiv QQ%= GPPGx8t" SO Bmrp*ls Re"Olonut luth at the "Dmo. 674WAMOU at ooluxi, 0 by G. Uramobts.- MUM DWO vow"y am* No 90 19"S MatemO. Artq siA &A Rm" -Pzda4ml at tom=&W vu 12" lb 8 60 Bwon Fluoride as a Catalyst in Orgmic Cbemistry. XII. AlkYlation of Be=me by Poeudobutylene Using a IW3*PO4 Cats3ist) by S. V. Zavgorodny, L. S. Sbvetsova, B. S. Mwamjicb, 6 pp. RUSSTARp mo per, Zhw 1956., vp aw-mft- rr Sci - chm Umhch Kh1m., Vol XXvl,, ao 8, CWwultanto Bureau Dee 57 Tmmievt Prowsom In HLO-Power CUms B PjWUlar,, by, U. Ke lDb3!omWkhp 18 ppo FUU Tr MWIAN.. no per.. ~Oml Val is so 91 Sep 1955,, pp 53-6... AM F-03-10=/V Sol - Xleetrmles Mt 57 J-,O/ 0 6 7 SIMLTANEOUS VIBRATIONS OF SI-IAFTS., DISCS., AND ROTOR BLADES OF TURBIWWRI-35ORS, AND CRITICAL ROTATIVE SPEEDS CONCERNEDs BY D. V. KHRONM. RUSSIAN PER, IZ VYSSHIKI' Ul-"E13 ZAVED, AVIATS TEIQ-1., iz 1, L95b, PP 171~176.' NLL HAT72 61-239?6 KWMGVAO. K P. nd Droxdvm, L P. LIGHT REGME AM SEXUAL FUNMON OF WM(S L Mrmopdo, R IP (LUT11MOtA VISON.) [1961) Up. 14 refs. IL Droadom L P. * (kdm hvm 073 oi SLA- $1.60 61-23976 IM Tranktic". Now York lVaim of ZoolVcb"kU 7A-IW (USSR) 1957. v. 36, p, 936-90. DESC.RWMRS- OUltzaviol radluim, ORtiondwtive Ym3n, Rqwwwtim Sm. omfwm. uw- (BkAogkd ScI*nc"--2kwAM,-lrr. Y. 6. am 5) (NY-5230/RF5) EleatromnOwtic Vaves In Mopwalve Systems With Tlme-Vhz71jag Parameters. by S. 1. Aveftov, Yu. 0. 1T VP - RMIMO PWo is ohm Vabob ?Avred PaMofiz, Vol III, so 50 19r. im M Sol jai 6)- ./c6 'Pf~ / / I., A Arpe at fqwutsm Sri ftk,.u 4w k- tv V* A Md to TO *140* v wo It. "Mm 45 AMR" Muth" of o1 note S-If" 24=wdm in the PwMm ~ at wipeaft a Aw AvoW A Cam by V, Jlw AfkMVW =A 16 96 lfted*Dj 8 ]W- R=nN- PWP VJW=9L MAIIIINEW ii-k~ is- Rowe lb 6p Wag ID. In 96609 so* - Ao" jy Y,,p 9.z same Hosate of tAw Coutructlon of Spectml Aypu,etw,v by S. _A. --l. i;.----" -- 17 PP. MOZOp bftop pwo Is Ak JW* OSSR,, Ser Flzp Vol vp NO AN 29UO imp V6-386. ftl Tism Cwtor ET-3237 &I - FWBI" S.2.0 e eo S, 61-10362 1 V. Kopit. P. S.. and patolovskiy. I- A. HIGH ~ RE PYROLYSIS OF n1E WM- 1. Manes- -Decomposition ANE FRACTION IN IUK"R FURNACES. [1960) 2. Purmices--Operatim 7p. &rots. 3. 11thylenes--Productiou Order frosio LC cw SU nd$l. 8% pb$1.80 61-10362 LKbrulev. K V. 11, K09M P. & Iyaw. of Xhimilys I Tekboo)[0glyal 7b&v [I husell UL Potolovskly. L_ A. (USSR) 1960 [v. 51,no. 6. p. 13-17. Conditions for a high temperature pyrolysis of the ethatfe traction In tubular furnace wex studied and deter.. ined for prcKkxxlon of a maximum yield in ethylene. The beat course of the furnace work was lavestiptaiL Comparative data an ethane traction pyrolysis in laboratory and pilot plant Installations. under eqwd conditions of temperature aid of ethane conversim are memloned. (Autivor) Office of Technicel Serwices (Engineering- -Chemical, Tr. v. 5, no. 4) Testing ths DurabiUty of P17wood, by V. M. 8 RUSSIM.. Perp W.Ibutyraquahchays Prime 19581 Vol M .0 So It IV k-7- LC or BLA 59-153422 Sol Nov 59 Vol 2v No 3 :e, Mas-arqumou e& the 9"atral Lim idd,'Wh ciL a Xlptran Okaomtor at a 3.2 Qn Wavslangth# by V-0 S. Traltakly and V. V. f(brm'Ava III pp. FUSUMp Wp Fadiotekh I EXektr,, Vol Is no 6p l9%# PP M-037- 58 :0a6 Effect of Gamma-Rays on Higher Nervous Activity of Dogs, by L. N. Khruleva, 19 pp. RUS51AN, bk, Trudy 1nstituta Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatellnosti Ser Patofiziol, Vol IV, 1958. xx OTS 61-31021 PL-480 Sci - Nov 62 PST 536 217,332 Contribution to the Question of the Effect of Chlorpromazine On Higher Nervous Activity in Animals (dogs). Report 2, by L. N. Khruleva, ii.4#x pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Trudy Instituta Vysslici :"ervnoi Deyatellnosti Ser Fxiziol, Vol IV, Iz. OTS 61-31019 PL-480 Sci - Nov 62 PST 540 217,328 Con' ribution to the Question of 'U:i-- Effect of Aminazine, on the Higher Nervous Act"Lvitty of Anilmls (Dogs), by L. N. Ehruleva, LO; -op. RUSSIAN, ~per, Trudy Instituta Vysslic., U De-yabei'laosti, Ser Fiziolog, Vo- III) ces 61-31`1~ \1 "i PL-48o Sci 141'a-31 ~:S)2 P S -2 - 5 3 -9 3; 4a .bMl-~W6M.M An 14erJmmt *nth* - a ftu4y of the ratimm at lAw Bmxw and Mmmv SILUVWY Mmmft.- '07 L- N. MWQIWSp 14 PP. RUWXAN,, yor,, 2rWly Pmat Trf~r sm)(wY, ot, D�Wutfa' SOr n$W, VA It IM, VP 5-A. = 60-M)357 RAW SaL - Ned po 61 PST No. 69 Atteopt at 8 - study Of conalticlod Retim" of Savan. &W *Main BSUVWY Glaaft - II - C0061tion" Refimm or Sonm ad mocoms Clan" in DW Durift Acti4a of R"Int Sawav by L. 1. x4rula".4 7 pp. RMSUNJ; pwr Tftm imt "aboy NWVW De"tel' E:ar riziol., Yca ng 1."6. 035 w4w359 Sci - Had Fab (A X 5 35, ustsbolUm in Tisom RqAAnU at the Udt2=A !Z"o 1w 11 0. so p III BID- V, 5, somsommat 1. 1* 7 of RMIM Pero moudj% VOL nixt Ib 40 ims Rp Z57-V9. 0 Sol /.,I , L., V, I(& TA-1-11 11-at*00apail4ratartalplafte ik-lmqii~- r-w- 31 ~ a I A an 1 6 Emu Maus of tho Offluen law Ynt UL mmwt at amatlaw or Ptmdttm PrAsUft = Vw AmpedwUm at IW- Odbjoo%,p IW ft. IL Tifouddyj, lb-P No p No 'L~ MWESO 6 ppe mono* pwi, %W Nmah I PVlk 70 1 VOI Vs, Jb Is X90s W 25-W! 'I. " : -~ - I I .. ~ . ~ I - . .-., iii~Am U-966 in ~MWA "I pbplm POEM mw 63L usn am Restoration of a 3-ton Ham= Columnp by 0. Z. Voloahkovich, V. N. Khrundghe, 1. 1., Sushchuk- Slywarenko.. h pp. - =---Zv INESIANi, Pert Avtomat Svwkap No 7, 1960s pp T6-79- TfA.A Sci I Aug 61 Ilb -6j00',Y .~-- 49 d~ of clundricol 63 WIS swe"Mbs wam" = p F. no" by V, U. U r at " 7 t LL PWO Am" a" No At 196fis R,t IS25757 s4- wm S4064 266*7U 419 PMOW =MOWN@" 4d c NOWN6 by L L a1vlo'. I W I,, Vol. 7jp VOMM ~bio No As WW6 lsck-~/Ma AUg 64 264o"4 Message to Young Virgin Land Workers, by Khrushchev, - RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 11 Jan 1963. FBIS WIRES USSR Soc jan 63 A Leninst AppDoach to the Solution of the Most Important Problems, by KhrUBhchev. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 5 Jan 1963. FBIS WIRES USSR poi Jan 63 Kh.vushcbev Message to StudentE. Union Congress, by Pairushebev. RUSSIAN, np, RX Elravda, 19 AuC: 1962. FBIS Wive USSR Pol 29 Aug 0"42 Messsg.e to Sadar Mohammed Daud, by Khrushchev. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 2 Tul 1961. FBIS Wire TISSR pol jul 61 TuMME Letuer to Ivanovo Dairy Farners, VY lairashchev. lussiAil-> - R np, Pravda, 15 Oct 1961. FBIS Are USSR B� Ecoll 27 Oct 6-1 Letter -to TvsItilmnt Corn Growers, by Khrashchev. RUSSIAGI, rip, Pravda, 15 Oct 1961. FBIS 'Jire USSR IE;CR Econ 27 Oc t 061 Letter Tb Poltava Corn Growers, by Idinishchev. -------- RUSS11-01, np, Pravda, 14 Oct 1961. FBIS *.ii3-(-- USSR Econ 27 Oct 61 Letter to Kabarda-Balkar Corn Orowers, by I ld=ashchev. RUSSIAN np., Pravda, 13 oct 1-~61. I FBIS ;,.iire USSR Ecoll 27 oct 1S?61 35534 Tb 1-~rashov, by Khrushe-bev.- RUSSIAN, Pravda,, 11 iiov 1961. FBIS Wirc USSR Pol 19 1 X-- c 6) 1 I MessnC,e to Pensa Oblast Corn Grower, by 10irushchev. RUSSIPdt', 11.0, Pravda, 6 Oct 1951. FBIS TJSII~R Im Econ 27 octu 61 liess,-Ze 'to Chita Oblast Corn MW Gro,,,,er:-,) by 11rushchev. ...... RUSSINIT, up, Pravda, 7 Oct ic-61. FBIS .41ire u:*:I)sn Econ. 27 oct 61 I,iessage to Orlov Oblast Corn Grower, by .rUirushchev . RUSSIAII, np, Pravda, 3 Oct 1961- FBIS USSR Econ 27 Ocu 61 Message to Selou Toure, President and Chainnan of The Government of the Guam, by Khrushchev, Brezi-mev. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 2 Oct 1961. F B I S t I ir, -~ Asia - Guam Poi 27 Ocu 61 Chinese Leader's MessaCe, by Mirushchev Brezimev. RUSSIAN, rip, Pravda, 13 Oct 1951. FBIS '.11ire Asia - China Pol 27 OcL 61 14'ess.,ii,ge to D-7loscom Construction Uorkersy b,,, Khrushchev. RUSSTANY np, Pravda, 21 Apr 19r')l. FBIS w Ire UE3 S R F 'D 1 ,.,)r '. ")r r~l y Khrushchev . Meas, .1 1 I t,-,-e to ;Ills'rian Leaders 1: 1-------- - -1 RUSSI,~!,'.? n.-p, Pravda, 3.3 I'Pr 171"1. wi- , L- -e UD S 1-11 Pol 2): !,, t: -r (- 1 I . , I, V ""essaft-e to the Conference of Africnn I Kbi~ushchev. Ra;Sl.~N,, np, Pravda, 25 I~ar 19-1. Fr-,!.-:~ :,,iire wl-"Sil Pol A -pr ~ 1 I-viessage to Ho Chiminh and Phara Van Dong, by 10irushchev., Brezhnev. RUSSIM, ); np,, Pravda, 2 Sep 19061. FBIS Alire USSR Pol Sep 61 I A,k-,-s-,,36e -m Zhivkov,, Ganev, omd Yugov, by l0inushchev, Brenhnev. RUSsJJiI;) np, Pravda, 9 Sep 1961.. FBIS ",!-ire USSR Pol S e p oft I~bmshchev CongratulatiOnS to AI-Kexim G-asim. RUSSMI, np., Pmvda., 28 Jul 1962. PBIS wi-re USSR Pol 27 Aug 62 ,~Ol~co.,T li,eception by 30 'LlaY i>'K-12. -iire USSR Pol 6'D Message to Tokyo Conf erence on Disannament, by lainisholiev. - RUSSVIII, np,, Pravda, 10 August 1961. FBIS ilire USSR Pol 26' Au - 61 Message ; to the World Health Assembly in New Delhi, by KbrjWkch~v. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 8 Feb 1961. FBIS w ire USSR Sci-Iled mar 6 1 Message to Brazilian President, by Khrushchev. ........... RMSSIAN, np, Pravda, 22 Feb 1961-. FBIS v-.*.re U9SR Pol mar 6A message to AFGHAN Premier, by IChrushcbev. RUSSIAN, np., Pravda,, 2 Mar 1961. FBIS vire USSR Pol mar 61 Message to Chairman Of U. N. Economic Committee For Africa, by.M=ughqhev- RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 6 Feb 196-,-. FBIS vire IBSR EcoD mar 61 Condolence Message to De Gaullej by Khrushchev. RUSSLOI., np., Pravda., 91 ~k It 30 Dec 1959 - FBID Daily Review WE - France Pol Jan 6o The Message to "Sokolovrudstroy" Construction Workers in Kazakhstan., by Khrushchev. .49 1, - a ,kW" np, Pravaao 1 Jan 196o. ~p FBID Daily Review USSR Econ Jan 60 Letter to Sihanouk on Luos Situation, by.Khrushchev RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 13 Jan 1961 FBIS wire Brezhnev Con.gratulations to Nasir, by Khrushchey- RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 5 Mar 1961. FBIS vire MSR Pol 29 ll~ar 61 Messages to Workers, by Khrushchev -.- ------- RUSSIAN, qp, Pravda, 4 Jan 1962 FBIS vire Letter to Muka-chevs-kiy Corn Grcwer Comrade A. V. labani, by Khrushchev RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 29 Dec 196o FBIS wire Message to Sukselainen., by laijvshchev RUSSMN, np, Pravdaj 11 Dec 1~60 FBIS wire Mesange tf-:1 Iceland Leaders, by nruLh'chev --.nd Brezhziev RUSS-L'U1.4 np, Izvesti:l,,a, 6 Jan IP6! FBIS wire Message to Bolivian President, ':)-, Khrushchcv rtnrl Brezhnev RUSSIPIF1.1 rip, Izvestiya, 6 Jan 11?6! FBIS wire Messrige to Kekkonen, by jgjT~u!Lljqhev.'. RU3SD~Np np, Pravda, 11 Dec 1~60 FBIS wire Message to Chairman of The First Nationa.-I ^,frican n0 Conference, by Khrushchev T RUSSIA-T,Il rip, Pravda, 7 Dec IP60 FBIS wire 3)peecli on Honoring Sihanouk, by lChrushchev RUSS111N, np, Pravda, 2 Dec 196C, FBIS ifire Mlessage tc Pig-Breeders, by Mirushchev RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 7 Nov 1960 FBIS vire Mes:mge t,'--) Students Congress in Baghdarl) by Khrus`ichev RUSSI.IN, ~lp, Pravda, 9 Oct JQI-~" ut) FBIS wire Speech at Burmese President Dinner, by Khrushchev ....... ...... RUSSIAN, nP, Pravda, Feb 17., 1960 FBID Daily Review Mar 60 Khrushchev Jakarta Luncheon Speech RUSSIAN., np., Pravda, Mar 2, 1S)6o FBID Daily Review Mar 6o Khrushchey Speech at the Meeting with Representatives of Public and National Organizations in Jakarta RUSSIAN, np, Pravda., Mar 2, 196) FBID Daily Review Mar 6o '- _4g-yls Speeches., (a comparison of recorded tapes Khrushq i With New York Times)., 9 pp. FDD/X-3763 USSR Pol - Speeches Oct 59 I I, I I ~- us h~he-.-Is Speech on Education/ I....-., -.. .... RUEISLM, sppech, dated 21 III)ep !?,5fr-' - Daily Review of Scviet Press 22 S)ep 1958 The Message to Murmansk Oblast Workers., by Khrushchev. RUSSLUZ., np., Pravda., 31 Dec 1959- FBID Daily Review U3SR Econ Jan 6o Messag'es to Burmese, by Khrushchev, Vosorhilcv. RUSSM , np, Pravda, 24 Jan FTID Daily Review USSR - Pol Fab 60 Messa,,~-,e to Krasncdar Poultry Bree~iir.,- F , I arms, by Kh baaL lrqw= n RUSSIAN, tip, Pravc1a, 17 Jar. FBID Daily Review USSR - Econ reb 6~,, i BTA Report: All Countries Will Take AdvantaCe of the Disarnmrient, by Khrushchev BULGARIAN; n-p., Rabotnichesko Delo, 25 JaL 6o MP Daily llt~!vit.-w EE - Bul.,~V_riu Mil Feb 6o Message to Dnepropetrovsk Workers., by Khrushchev. RUSSWT,, np_, Pravda., 31 Dec 195c,,. FBID Daily Review USSR Econ Jan 6o We6m R41slatesee of Cd Steel Subjected to to- M- R"!bi!!.I* Cor"Ifts U1161a After Dlfftsloo U#A" C --.mpLagj, by Pablabov., Dublain RWBIM,g tbftc*-w pars, Ook Ak Vm* SM. Vol Unip so 20 053o p 303- (c-rq 'C700 /";C,;z 3 W Tr 196 Scientific - Ulmonla/ma"Is 7 -k CrSA= TWAPWM~ to Dablo Kad and Xk=lcht by ~49V p V"hn~r- BUNGArmp spo lkwasbad"go 26 mm 1999. "3[D Daily PATIew a - Gomm Boo / !0 2 3.~~ Dee 59 Spefth at MY 30 Nmtlng orl mm WmAdIV&l coumil Avardim Ila Nomomr. tizen*dPo by ~emNw- f MMUN .o mpt Pmwftt 31 16W :L"9- p= Daw -Remr%L USOR ftl- Jul 59 ?o I a , -Z 3 Praft Paply to Viator L, PmNsoo by Kbnw j -, , Ru$STM; np;, Pmvda, 15 ftp idr.C.P.9p" FBrD Daily Report uss SC.V* ft 59 57 -7, 4,e~~-S lle~ in t*: Teachim on Cal" About the Resembes Of 00~ B. U"ObInkaj by Go K, IMmsbabirvo U J)P. Pu3j. traniWAtion. RUSSW,, ~erj, VoternUxUas Vol No 5# Mmemp My 3-951,p'~ IV 3-3.3. twk Tr USSR Scientific - Diola(w 1'7ovr la sms" by Imm- FIL -.MA INUDoqb to the of %60"yt,", .ZIC41i. I", X. ~~~ Wis. ty me D. NM=bM*O i I 3 pp., Full transixtime 2 VeUrlmr4as Wl Mjs SO q HDOCOVp Feb/iftr 19"p p 28. UWA Tr scientific - Molelm 7?2 the Rmats,et the Ocaerems cc tba Pmbib of Om"n" r =d Son4ftLbaar Form Of juttero by G. K. ibivsbc&, 8 ppe Fuu tra;iOutiono WOUNp PO# Vast Ak Na* SSM Vol MM,, No 9,p ,i ftp lmpli~ up 92-95- usm Scientim - Biology 025/JXX A-UMWAIWON ~OP THE ACCURACY OF TDAE DETERMINATIONS MADE BY DIFFERENT ASTRO- NOMICAL INSTRUMENTS. 10 Oct 63, 4p Iref FTD-`IT-42-959.~(p. 507-510). Order from OTS, SLA. or ETC $28. 50 ju TT-64-1.3176 (p. 507-510) Uneditedixough draft trans. from mono. Astrometri- cheakiya Konferentsiya SSSR (no. 14) Kiev. 27-30.May 58. Trudy, MowAw. 1960. DESCRIVrORS: 10'relencopes. Astronomical cameras. *Opdcal equipment, *Time. Astronomy. Errors, IT-64-13176 (p. 507-510) 1. Khrusbcbcw. L. 1. It. FTD-'TT-62-959 (P. W7-510) M. PoraWTech. Div., Air Force Symems command. WTI&- Patterson APB. Oblo (Astronomy, IT, v. It, no. 5) .1 T~h.k.l S.-k- "'riction mid Wear in Machinery, edilted by 1,-. .v 24.3 rr- RUSSIAII, Nil Vol XIII. Amer Soc of Mechanical En.~-s. ($7.50) Scil - EnC..;r. Jul 052 Ain; 2S~L- lkwl,l=tloo ct Igo Mactroo Xlerascope Z~~t~~44 .log. fft of IN, I a SW132 Mommutims Oba taluid! ftij~i 29- fts*so by JL U. Mwombdwe AWW" M314 rvvo AWO Nwts ots, imme 38*0 (u)s W'7:~# j�500 AssmUM gbwtrlca Tr so TA32 CUM% Scientific - Pbyn:Lco influence of the Nature and Dimpersity of Silicon- Con"Ining or" an the Kinetics of Formation or 75% Fanviillcon* by V. N. Krylov.. M. S. Khrushchev., 8 3W. RUBSIMj am PrIk RUs. vai mcanj, wo h., 1960j, W Mr-ft. set CD 1W, 79/ v Apr 61 Hechan' and Klnetics of thet Fbrmt:Lcm of 751,b' Forrosiliew, by M. S. Khms wbov, V. N. Krylov, 9 pp YUSMM.., per., Zhur PrILk Mdm,, Vol XMV, No 4, 1961 PP 756-765 CB sa /A.~ , f a -2- Fvb 6:> INCREASING THE PRODUCTION AND RR PURCHASES OF GRAIN KHRUSHCHEVIS COMMEN'rs BEFORE CC CPSU PRESIDIUM ON STATE OF AGRICULTURE DURING THE YEAR, BY N. KHRUSHCHEV,, A Pf). RUSSIAN, NPI IZVESTIYA.. 14 Nov 1~;62 P P 1 2 11 ' J, JPRS 17244 USSR ECO14 Jk~, 63 220,390 agaustUm of Degmdto DMIM PIVGPSCtLM alod NwmboW 19: Mo&ybdan=p 19 1VV bV W. A. MWW*Wb" - RU3WM$ bk# OboOdM Jftfft=6hdmwd pri ammasubs W33.. e.1 ObM oat 6e son - - qv~ lb"MI (a) of ab by N. 4. = W. SYSOMO AU A =dog go V%pm. low Dam Ar"m - -I" MM4 Ilb IL97 (nw) UNdMa Aopwt got xot fti - &"we a" ftp Go