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TECh Works in Two Plow-Lines, by 1. Zhuravlev, E. Khoroshilov,, 16 pp. ~eika, No 6, 1963, RUSSIAN, per, Aviats i Kosmona 9690S72-1.1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I-TD-Sr-63-6 Sci-Aerc ~Jan 64 ida Amna Typow or 1* A* Sol 6 ypo WISSURP. fts"NIMMA Ipp 204m* sahmbe zd* civ & sm Awr ll~w 'm - FOR SI:GNALXM - A SOUND KNOWLEDGE OF EiECTkICAL EIMINEERING, BY N. MOROSHILOV, 4 pp. - XIM RUSSIAN., PER., VOYENNYY VESTNIK., NO 2., 1962. ACS 1 1-0424-43 ID 2191530 scl 16 JUL 62 2o2.,6o2 -TT-65-asill rum 11F )MmVWAJM. N. M.; Chenw, M. L; l4ldlo~. P. Ta. INFLUENCE DU MODE DE LAMINAGE SUR LA 1. CANLre "Suomi do la QUAIM DES TOLES FORTES. CNRS-H/R-$Bo modwraft sciadumps. Org.2-51" P.43& ftris (Frum" Oraer IT= CNRS 4a "45 Tram in Framb of $W-W3511) v24 al pSM-7 166L For n%s4*r.IisUmg of Ob )wA=d 9m *Tnumidal or AbeirsoW Pubftallons.'Am.Ws tesu~6 A3051 CeAre -TT-65-263 15 Fitdd lIF Khornshilov 'A.; Cherner, M. L; Loktiowv. P. YaL. -- b"NIODU DE LAMNAGE SUR LA 1. Centre Nattonal ae la VES TOLF~ FORTES. CNRS-Ii/R-65. fleebcrchuScientilique. (,*,-g.2-519- 11.422. Paria (France) Order from CNILS as It/R-65 Trans. in VrvnLh ci Stttl (USSR) v24 u6 p57A-7 1M. For unotbE : IL-ting t.f thin I(numal see 'Translated or Abs! r,tcv~l ~IQAIcatk-mi,' Ln tbLts tssue. European Tran-tiatione Centre M ~A. V. and Ten*tl4 AL L 7liSRMO RIC AND MIERN1001"USION PIIHNOMENA IN SOLMONS OF ELWrROLYTEM 119631129* 25 refiL Or6er from OTS or SLA $2. 60 63-14677 Tram. oC 7AMMI PI?AdwoW DAMU WWR) 1932. V. 34rim 6.!P. 773-7ft i DESCRWTORS, nUnnoolearicity. "Mrmaldiffmi OElearalytes, TbwmocMpW. ftUM, SUvw cm- pmn&,cmwi;4m. MmummwL j 63-14677 1. Khwoi*dn. A. V. 11. TomMs. K L 705 (CWmlwtry--"Icsl. Tr. v. 10. am wm d ftow W*m At HI&t and In the a*Wss, by A. V. OaroshlWp 7 pp. Fm -- msim.. vwp vast vas riata.9 No 6., ig6i. 96Tss& PnWN6&-5 tim mn 14F% -Z 9' 9' Feb 62 j -7, T~- to I~r. mondt of ci~ tMonotop by JIhtkuw*kIy# S& UMAMOMP UNMA06D nin 1~ wwwmw~ RUBOUNO per# Zbw PrSk Oda# Vol XF, So VP mmcc selentIfle - CbudBU7 Jan V, CTS IndUm' lbtloml Bel Doe Onoters Jkt;L "lea lab or mou, atustse pd,,,o am qvibi-i2m inou I of MAdmspMe Vwft b7& nat ft= Saefted Omtlft (CM Of N=bl 1 1 i l 1 ) IW 0. A- gkm*#Yokow, V- IN MWMd~~, Ift " =UL-,v Is V~Smwuk T"~ zow" SacdovIS& Vol 17, 12.1110 am 91W 3(d mV (DC-V:)66) Protecting Wire Comomicatime Troin Deno ouli foltages arA ourrevto , by A - 8 -,o2~ov~ u PP - RUSSUN, per, VOSUlk avyasto 1o 4.t 1"90 yp 9.12, jM 660 sci Feb 61 /Jo4 '& -1/ 09 idw erg-% dd OOM I-L ql Is FtR dJM 4 MUM "4d TT dAAh4Qr4tVMq N 'A OAOAM -6 -V f*&%UQA A Wthod for Deteraluing ICLns+Ac Constants and Flow lAmits for Reactims Perfazued in TIOW Cmdltiouap by G. M. ft=heWwvp Yu. m. Kharcmp 6 ppe WSSUI.- Pori. DDk Ak Buk SM.. Vbl C3=, No 1%0., PP 1280-1283- ca 130A Apr 61 A ul., .~be Nino-W." the ajm&'ta,;ptflzo cblxk-r-,Iabo b!atLcdj by V. 0. M2!Wms G. 1. KOM-4-ovio 9 Vq- Imbon-erno-F17. 21'Arr; ft 2; 1963. 19mi 2340948 (MI-6752) The Use of Polysilkloxan in Workign With an Extracox-poreal Circulation Apparatus., by X. Yu. Khorunzhays, 6 pp. RUSSIMp per,, Mad Prom, No 8, 1961, P 4-5. im; il.65o But - Mad ion 62 lb par,, M&AU pr No oislearm.. meows, 1950 Boonasio Incrowe of Ileft PWW*s (by, Inar the Size of; the Slmttlo) MM OQW Tro QW-53 Ruestan Jan eta 1951 UNCUSSIFIM (WAIM) I-- - -.;I- ~ In, W%MON~, gimi(a * w %* "t low!" I V. & Nowd"ITI ~l o we $1 L"N MMS SMOP40% MD to IAO 4m Iva ;i I i (*)6 21M) In"WtSWbIom In the nold a f ream I GW4 Their fbr the Do- ve of Surams by N. mmta~ 0 22 pp. y IWSBM* WD Pwt Swu3Mnp lb It Mosawt lur M39 pp CffA/FUWU-6396 Mai Sal WAIcUmil, surp" i lqy- SHT-34 and TVCh-34 Bquipment That Does Not Trans Carrier-fts"mucy Currest into the Linep by Yu. Khortmwil 10 pp. MMIAN.. perv Vesta* Sqzzl., No 10., 1958. %"M 7015 set /,"- / ? C14 Am S 61 9 , a u (NY -5 2OC") The Modernization of EM-34 Equipmut and Iti Adaptation to the U" or Econouical BUmetroni TWms 0 by Yu. P. KMe;*evP 7 PP - RUSSIAN, per,, Vestalk Sv7azi, So 1,, IN 1.956. JM 7072 Scl am 61 / -5-A6 /Pr~' Fligh Strength Iron Wblded to Stomel by OCIt Pr~ss thing 71ne RUctrode Wl". 3y Yu. A. starembopa wA V - F - J4otmpwv A ip 6PP. ,,,MV,N, pw, Avtomt. 9Varkaj, A) 7., 1962., pp, 61-6*T Ji Sun 63 -A WD 27365) Loaca X,usts=cs of Mk-D=ic. Rc3speirg Fcver J.).L the Ukraine, by L. V. Oromeboveldyo 0. A. am7ac", P. P. MwtuxbeokD.. V. V. Ussamnko.. 22 pp. MNQWV~l RMUN.p qu perp M" Fampito i Paraz Bolesnio Vol nvj. No 1,9 iioecow~,Pa pp 1T-2T. =/FDD U-&9T Sai - VAdicim, rel&Wimg fuwar May 56 spa"Tal Reptessautim in the Qtasiaptical Appmxich, by M. K. Polivmov, S. S. lop RUSSIAN,, per, Zhur Ekqwr I Tearet Piz, Vol xLvi. So 1. 19640 pp 53SN-353, Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JM Vol MXIXm' No I sci- Aup, 64 2659260 arecit of Lov of Triabloroothylene an the lilldbe Norm= AeUvIlop of Rate In Mr=lc Mwerlamtv by M. Ownt, ya. F=wmek, 6 pp. Bona# sbw SEMI is P. ftd*uo %I ull. lb IM# w 9%6- set CQ 3 Oct 60 HIGH-SPEED COMBINED CAMERA TUBE, BY G. M. KHORYAKI 15 PP. RUSSIAN., PE4., TEKH KINO I TELEVIDENIYA., NO 10, ig6ij PP 51-56. 9665797 FTD-TT--Q-574 SCI - PHYS JUL 62 2o4,lk~2 c The C16ava:7e,of Lignin With Hetal.Uc Sodiim in Liquid AmonihL. III*., by N. N. awzyaz~imp T. Ya. Kof elio A. F. Semec'Mcinaj, 9~ pp. RUSSIAN, no per.. Zhur Obshch Khim Vol XIX,, No 8., Aug 1949vi ciA/FDD/x-396 -:, ief 5D 33 Oct cts Ordiftry POOPUs by AM& ZMWS%dklys, U 99. Ipma v"t vm not, a a. 'me, 4~rlrv, On siosome ~ 0 Am um - ma ax $0 ,6 7~ 5-17 IW 3k. S. NUVN*Ot 4% not-dode" AM M$StbwgLsa 30W 4e ]Otm* FaielM the Rff:Lcdenqr of District SmUng, by M. G. A 7 pg. ~d MOSM.v pwp TqAoemeriptiks,j No 4., 1962, py 55-57. i= 15%?s I= ;~ ) j-~ .0 0.3 ZODKI oirt 6e of linduntry b- L. K. zabolevoniy,n, Vol. 'V, We, J TS FIR ,scon Dee G-;~ rl o-a Cw,vc- of of the Vevo %Ai . Cameras, by 0. 1. Khorosh Fyu --~jlcdovaniya T`cjlja--:uy:~~ SiYaniv I Ftrog-ram, Part IV, ljo 4~, -l -46r. -..-) - J! 6 JFRS 1-092~) saj. G--Whys Dec 61 of ftatb&t:La "a s i M= OD on& Be oftT lm~laolhr Ditd7ilbs tr A. N. vad*iimwP S. M. I.actevj, I.. ambam-bon, is Ive w vWP =a 2"61-110 Ir (DC-4700/4) 'rho Emarlance of Palcrussian Enterprises Under the i!ev Conditions, by A. Zkotenctak., 1. Lutseuko.. PP. qusslo., Vw., sotaul Tndo Na 10., 1960., -PP 118-121. im 6&ii usm Rcon (fir-3000) The Wasteftl ConsunVUoti of Mcferrous Nbtals Out Be IDLsconU=n6,, by D. 132curAwt 4 Joe RWOM~v Nu a an wo Khos lwtakh lb 3.. 1 a2-ft- iml L2010 vow /4dp/l now ion 62 The Aecuracy of Dateradnatica ct the Size of Cobarent ftattering Resime and the Nhvltude of Microatresses by the Method of Haximle Am4wls of the Swipe of and Merfereme Idnep by G. A. Blrmko, V. 1. RUBBIA3 per Piz Motal i Xft-a3JAm, Vol XIV., go 1.~ P . 19QP Py 55:40. ZZ H 5019 Sai - Pbys Mar 63 M*duu.w cc vft"w it rev jows 20 ISVODj, namet S. zdmdmm Bloaqw ow 67/Am s5 Radiochemical Studlea of Nucleax Reactica,~ L"Aing to the Formtioa of rir-Masons, by A~ K. labmkblna.. 1.M. Greabdohaheva, B. A. Khotin; 7 RUSSIAN, perL. Atom %erg, Vol Vf., No 2, 1959, pp 79-82 CD -7- Z sai Oct 60 I 0013403 01A' I - -~-- walm A* A*: ~ ; an lw 9 I....~~~ w - 1&$ 6 we NWVA16 I : ,j4p, am Xwwoa X*4 va vzo so To $064 w wbzi~ CM64"241SM JVM We ftl 63 414 16A X*Au The Pro Uswe by Fusing' p"rptlom of O=plax VAft calsim antompes bi 0: Go as it appl, U pp.9 133BW, P41r, aw Oft Prmr Vbl M 1935, pp KA it48DO ja 99 The Oxyges4ovtalulft Ccupouaft Formed Jhwim the Syntbals of ly&ocarWo frm Carbon MamoWs, NA Sydroom Over an Iran C&UU*t# by A. N. SaMAdrows. U. 1. Khatimskiya m" ff. A. Orlwag 31 4 pp. Full Ir RMTAXIO tkrU*-w perv IN* Ak Nm& OMIO vckl Mv no is 1"6s V 60; .5-rd Cossuitauft Bureau J// act - Obadstry, Doe 96 CM Mqlmyleue F44razoues of Aldehydes, Katones,, and quju~-moisx by 3, S. Xhotinsky;; M, Xh. C-lium-on. U=ABSIIIED ..... . MISS100 per,, Zhur Obobeb Xhimj, Vol ZVI, iio- -)j j,~Y-46. Navy Tr IBW/?G-230-Tl2 Sci - Mamistry Mov 58 -ion libsolj~*'U-ioii 0.'Ener-ic Lors de 10. Ai Deforlic-lu perature, -b,. V. 1. a Lasse Zashh-varal, V. V. 7.1o1 1. lio 21 1)51; pp 206-21C. 2 r--2 Calorimtrie DetenzimtIon. of the Eneray or Formt,ion of Vacancies in GIoId., bV V. A. Perwatoy, V. I - Pq~~) 3 pp - RMIM,# per,, Ddk Ak Nm* IN=,, Vol C=UV,, ft 6, 1960o pp 132&. AV &m Pbro - Dok Vol V,, )SO 5 Sci Apr 61 x_nw studus at lostmIlmmums An tm aawta lAtuoe of lodals Baram" ob Lm OWNS 6,11" -0 by To Pe 0494 0. A. fiftelfts, T. I- IbYUWWI&,p .5 VP- MAOMP fts Urta i UrtaUffs VbL TIE6 3b 2-j, 1900 3w Mg. PIP fti / 5,9 14 ?&a ff D" 60 Studw of 01- - Ron umm r,,!;ediadm=e of Tk-- #;--. vjy*tBl LQUIM gr UGUaBg by ft. As PP MJSSTAN,, pars, Fix Metal I Met&ll# Vol VI I Is, No so 19Wv PP 700-7046 Im Sci mar 61 Chairs of gxwrimntal,, ThoortsticalO and General PkWidem of the PhyalcowtbomwLical Faculty (1930.. 1955)., by B. 1. Varklnq A. B. Mil/rAr., L. N. Rozenteveyg,, Ya. B. PVnborg,. V. 1. Khatkovich, ~L. 1,,. sLkiy&rcv*kiyv 8 RUS."MIn, -Irreg per,, 7o!2, Trudy Pimicheskogo Ot,delenlym Fiziko-Yhfttemtieh--n~~ kage Fak U, Itata, Vol V, Qmr kov.~ 1955, -p 69,-,"'-, ~rl ~6 Apr 58 pul ii; mr~ SpecIfft Rests, yet 1. 3. UMIA RMUN thrLVO-W per, ftk Ak jbm* SM,, vol pp 2-055-m. AM Tr 1817 Scien-title Pbya:Lce AWSIL r~h CTS/D= //. ? #f The Latent Energy of the Plutic Deformation of Silver at -196 and +2D , by V. A. PERVAKOVp V. I. KHMIMCHe A. G. SHEFLWP 4 PP- MJSSIA per, Fis XwW i Xet&Llov,, Vol X. No 1j. 1960p pp 3.17-. U* pp sci / 1, .51- -F-2- 0 Aug 61 Oslorlwtrle DatendusUou of the RwzV of 7onat1cm of VaOMOUM In Glad, 1w V. A. Pervalovs V* I a 3 Pa. Booffzmp JW# DDk Ak Nm& mine Vol =ELVO No 60 wwp so INS-- AV am fts - D* V'q 3b 5 ftl Asao'l::~ 571'l- Aw 61 X#ftt M"Wtl"%Um IPA* WbUltift of ftmWW of DMOWUAWS In rIMUAMII*- 3* iloswo *wW*. blF *.A. ft"fto. V.I. OWUMIgh. RMIAR, %or, PI& on, & migul4wom Vol - 14, v*. 4, 196Z, 00 540-5%7 u 7 , k-- A 0 7 /C 6- (" / c J, 'ci - ?~ua 0' 7 334-739, Investigation in the lac3azale Series. III. Synthesis of Arylizapozolesp by He K. Xochetkov,, E. ~D. Mwtmutova M. Yo. Kailmiww, ad A. Ta. Ilm)rlin, 6 pp. z =SIAN per Zhur Obobch M31m, Vol Mn, No 2,, 1957., PI) 452:4 1- cousultomte &J"au Scl - Chen Jul 58 62-2D374 'r" ~S. 1. and Giken, A. Yu. MWAR"ATRI'02N 01, ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHIC Kbowyancwtch, S. L WAGES IN LIQUID DEVELOPERS. 1196216p. 4refs. 11. Men, A. Yu. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-2D374 Trans. of Zhurnal Nauchnfol i Kinemitogilaftil (USSR) 1962, V. 7, no. 1, p. W-35. A%odwrl-r-M-191rvallable from OTS or SLA $1. 10 as 62-1&592 119621 Bp. DESCRWrORS: *Electrophotography, *Photographic images, Processing, Liquids. *Photographic chemicals. 4;'1 (Nlatenal~--Phowgi-apbic, TT, v. 10, no. 6) low w '[WhAw 2 plailmolow "two In a MA Mop vw~ I a USIS IWWSK UK OLT =LOX* The Prognosi:; of Diseases Involving Temporary Incapacitation, by L. K. Khotsyanov, 11 pp. RUSSIM, per, Vest A Med Nauk SSR, Vol XIX-, No 7, 1964, pp 8-16. JPRS 27032 Sci Jan 65 270,370 (SF-1323) The Problem of Aging Fm a SocJ&1j, Hygienic and Occupational VIsvpQIi*p by L. K,. Kboteyawvj 9 pip. RUSSUN, per., OIS i Ekap So 9,, IL960,, pp a2 -W. JM 4371 SCI - Ned -Y ar 61 (FDD 9( )52) Lt*-= HygLene arA Industrial Sezitat-; on, by R. Leytes, B. 1. Martminkmokly, L. K. Mutqyanov., 104 pp. RUSSIANv bko Glelem Truda i ItgMm4le=a3m Sanit - ari C b a p I -P -P- 0-3 P.- - 4 f - no-, - - V-P -V I !-,v p p 9 "l I ; 100-135; XX.. 136-1501 Xy 151-162J X1, 163-1981 XI:E,v 199-a4; X=v 215-222; XV, 245-283; XMI, 327- 351; XXIP W4-kT5; Moscow.. 195h. CTAIFM U4M2 5 17, j -.1 -6 Um Jo Sci - Wdicine bygione sezitation Oct 56 !1,01100,11" .M dhoL"Ah- lw ~ lill 0 6 r-I Steric Hin.drance and Molecular Conformationj, Commdeation 2. X41ay InvestdLgation of Poly- he]-obensteum &W Uidr DwlvatdLvm, by S. L, Solewvap T. L. Xh*Uyanovas ft. T. Struchkov,, a P.P RUSSW,p pwp Is Ak Vank SSSRj, Otdal Khim Haukj, No 2v 19Wp PP 322-33D CB _,57- Sci Apr 61 arystai struture or Diphwwi-i:o&mim maides.. Xhfts gam,as by__j~.. MSIMv perp %rUt&Uop%jLijxk, Vol 11, 110 1, 1957., pp 51-0. Amer Twit of Php sai reb 6o lif If- " 7 x The Crystal ftr4atum of D4 NOW nnnle-Ta Compm~Wij by T, Lf lb Pruchkovp ---- _...V"Zmpms Yus To St =01mv vw,, Kristo' I carabbiyal, V02, 11P No 3,, i MID VP A-3850 Amer Imt cd! Ph" ft:i / a z, X47 -~, Pob 60 Y Steric Hindrance and Qe- C:--ifor tion of mleculeq,.Codhunication 3. Crys~taj Structure of 2.6-Dich.Loro-4- NitrodimetbylwAllnep by Yu. T. Struchkov, T. L. Kbotsyanov 1 9 pp RUSSIANp per, Iz Ak Nauk SSW., Otdel KUm lqaUk,, No 8p 1960., PP 1369-1373- Sci Sep 61 cryisia 4metwe or rowam, by A. I. E!rvp="kt7 'r. 1~, 7-- ow I m v ya., I's ftrucwmvs of pp. BMUKV Orum-m ser Dak Ak Nauk SMO TQ1 LZXMIv so 15, 1261-E4. CIA/M/X-987 SCIMOtitto - Cb"dftrY Avg 33 CTS/= Z/ .5- 7 NM t" or lundli Aswts for 13rivwbtu* DMI fix"s, br L. L. ftottw*4mwp V. L. Popov. Vbj xws 29b No ho ig6o., NJL N 39M Bcd No cbm mw 63 51 I:,tmuj#mW L626iciaes md *0,.Gxx Akpucatloa. 4/-S 6y, At ... aw C., P, sumikA.0vt W$S1400 Ars Vol xvs i1w is tw, pp 4,0,-Url 101. iZ.%simis !Azt-309 UO 66 3130058 TlestinG Granullax 1-ferbicideo, by il. V. A. V. DISMMOV, A. V. Kho-YWIrAric).I1I RUSSIAN., per, Zashchits Rastenil at Vreditele' Poieznei; Vol vi, No 4, 1961, "D 1 b -19. A,:, q z! U,5DA T-- :1-1285 Sel - Biol Dec., 61 Effect of Gibberellic Acid an -;%e Growth and AnatomopbQrsiological Propertioa of Sme Wood3r Plants, by A. V. !~ ~tyuuoalE!,x N. A. Rvdalinas 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SM,Vol =rVIII, No 1959P pp 1 Amer Inst of Mol Sci Bel jul 6o il-fiwjl.,U~,a l'-g-latillo to VIC i"ecuracy *y j4a;~~s by -)Uto!~ 1. Vol -7.1, 7, 4, 177.'s I. Khotyanovich Z.- Lo~, .0 Certain Chpu-acteristics of Mdtabloliam in Fine Roots in R~!Ictlcn to the DeLgee of Sell Aerat-lon, by ~.- V. M.Ot~~*qpvicAp 3 P-P- RLISSIO, per, Piz ftateviy# Vol V., No 5., 1958j, pp 455-457- Amer Inst of BIKI Sci Sci - Biol Jul 59 in 0 04~ 1 VMS, 2. PwAk I poft I In won= umm 11MIMI um only 1w vo ~twLyue ~ 3kr2atm of ra" wm AlodkAv bY ON A bem 99 ;* IN* 16 1, 1wr - -, - VP* ...I sob* mft~, TA MR= lb Us 2wil fomme F ow yp 31WIZIP ampatma" 2n@= I 1" 0 cbm aw 0 ,r.e, /.f0/ Ktvx4 Khun-Icy. sPIR11,17 DAE OF LOWER DM14AN AND Khm-by FIFELLAN Dl--o,~m. ur -niii smmmw zmE U. owlaglad &AMY at Oil [190143P. (figs. tRbk*0ndttftQ6 CkWA& 07,d,-r fruwn O`rS cyrq.A $4.60 61-1.31173 Trana. of (Nu 9xmg %vu Itnueh Pao) (0dneee People's P.c,,vubUc) 1919. v. 7. rKL 6. p. 462-476. DESCRUTOM Oi`alvr~ogy. Dapowits. OhIntlualm, Qx4figy. China 11w forms drpcrtlwd herv were collected dtulM field w)rk hi 1957 twAr 1.)nA-Tsz1ru dlotrSa of Khm-Syvm'. ,If thr. 5 kxxthex n part o( the pruvtnce of OuvwL 7be &o - &fle weiv f(sod In tho Yuy-TwUn' aLdta, In Wagealla oddsts. Furthrrrw~vm the collectione gaittered by do ge"cgical wisvo-y trzrns, whIch weilked In dw pruv- Lace ni Ctanal Airinir the toot Owes years. bave brAn utwxl in tMa v.-.rarvit. 71-he paper provides a descrip- don at the fnUc"dnF 8 spedes belorqft &o 4 dWatvm PlArch Sclencom - -c'"no. Tr. W. A. am :0 (mw) Proeses of Breatlog Ad'Al and #pw&Uw Mm"forp by Mkmn Khodmeerim-m 14 W. P I I I put"Ut No ].Amsm. 1=~Oliq~e aid WOW &d 4. lbw, mkw 60 14Fjpe An of carburction 1'r With Divided 'ft-..rbulent Combuitiou Cl~aribc-z~., by V, "-,:, K~n,,...fakh, 2s P-r- RUSSIAN, bkSgorantys i Snesoobrizovaniya v Viztlyalh, A Nauk SSSR, Moscwo, 1960, 'I I:Lr pp 968'f'974 Sci-Engr May 63 FTD6--TT-63-31 atonie;,,Acids,, VII, Aryl Esters of Emma. dtonic~~Acid md Its DGAV*tivos. by 11, G. 1.9 i4o Vwvalkop 6 ppe .A*.Ii~4j&j4"jw..~p,, 0,6 perO Zlwr Obshch KhIma Vol X)M, No 11, VP 372-C"3734o CB 2130199 62 An Automatic Machine for Cutting Multi-Strand Conductors Electrically, and Welding Their Ends, by V K. Khovanets, A. A. Fofanov, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat SvaTka, No 10, 1961, pp 8D-83. BWRA Sci 2149444 Oct 62 B"t T"nefor to OU pro"Oul wirdws rm a Fm OWfweo by P. P. ftV3jowt A. X. PR"W. UM ROOM, rptv 9s". for appoolva an Chmdcal Nftus & ftre lktivatics &W FU% PromMon., Iwoor, 1"k. DSXR YMBICT sai - pkws mr 59 On T-Fbase and Its Possible Relation to Tsunami, byl._I. Khovapova, 3 pp. RUBSW,, per,, Iz AX Nauk 8MR, Ser Geofiz, No 10., 1959, pp 1506-1509- AGU Sci 1026's,91 sop 6o TeLbAric Current Mrs Daring 6 to 8 October 1949s, by A. G.- tvawv,, R.'Z. Xhovamovas, 3 pp. Is Ak ftak 9=#,Ser Oeofts,, no 1070~ VP ;;4*- IN act - Geophys Doe r e a F, a r t L, Q*uEtke of Auemut 10; 1958~ by V. lluc~akov, I. Kh2vgpoa, 4 pp. rc-6, 1959; rT8Ql-8c,4- AGU Bxamifttiou of the Use of locpw-FMuency Earth ( for ExploratmY Parpomm,, by R. I. Khownuova. - MMIAN., per, Txvdy G*cCls *Ezwt Ak fiauk SSSR,, Vol =# ]b 1570 1"50 VP 9U-rr7. Co-Op Itmus Bch Tr 353 &I.i&. sci - o0op"Sift . // I? / , P71 All 57 rjpe.-, cit Tarpere Tism2ftmt-AoLs. VIX. The ither. is Olt Alcohols and Etherv Yi-om Chloroter penes T. Dwnolova, D. 113hchenkop A. Khovar-skuyu* and 7.i.,12. tzanslation 'I Vol XXIIV 30 5P mo Perm, Zhur Obsbch XhIm. ~::L.T.1952V PP 803-8o8. CoTsuitnvits- Bureau Men 74/z// Do,.' 53 CM Interaction of Uracil, Ribonavin, and Maleic Hydre- zide in Plants, by It. L. Pmolotakays, Tu. A - ftsk Bwkakwg. 1. V. 6 pp. MSSIAA# per., YU Ruzteuly,, Val VII.9 No 1,p 1960., PP 73-W. Amer Inst of Biol Sel Scl Sep 60 o27 cloRY- TT-64-2270 Kbowwnklj. A. N. THE APPUCA"nON OF CONTOMM FRACnaM 1. Kh~kil. A. N. ANDTHMR GFNERAUZAMONS 10 PROBLOM SH 11. , I I" V.) L&&. APPROXD"MON THBORY Grool"m P. Wynk tr. U#P- (Notherimwb) Or&r from Stacbm Hdow Servim Apwy be.. 31 Eau 10th St.. Hm York 3 Trama. *9 mom. [Prilozhenie Teepnulkh Drobei i lkh ObDbehebmU k Am&Hw mowm. 1956, 9 DAwAmummics. IT. v. 12. mc~. 7) SingU-Aldo Gyroscopic Stabilization Systems Which Are rnvariant Under Outside Actionsp by Yu. M. 9 PP- RMSTAN., per., Iz VYsshM Uchab Zaved,, Priborostroyenlye,v Vol V1. lb 4, 1963. JPJRS 24U7 Bel MW 64 359,372 Umination of 7orced OsciaLlations in NanlimA Stab- .,zing Oyetems., IV Yu. M. Ehavaxugdy, P. A. Severav. t V, al., I'l pp. PUSSIS.. par,,, Iz Vysablkh Vcbeb Zaved WISSO BWR T.., Ftardelu Probcroutrwaaysp Vol VIs so P-1. 1963. JFM 224119 -2 , - 11.5- T, Q 63 German Review of Soviet University Textbook by Khovahsky:: "Application of Continued Fractions and : --Ne-Ir deneral Expansion to Problems of Approximation Analysis", 6 pp. UNCIASS37IM GERMAN,, reviewj, 1956, Encl to ]:R-163-58.. USAFE., ATI Directorate. AF 1174185 May 58 The Application of Continued Fractions and Their Generalization to Problems in Approximation Theory, by A. N. Khovanskiy. :JjSSIj'v." bk. R NLL (loan) Jan 0-1 The Application of Continued Generalizations to Problems by A. 11. Iffiovanskiy, 244 pp. RUSSIA11, bk~ 1956. Fractions -and Tlie-fr in k.--,:*zima'Uicn TIliec-,y) xl- Stechert Hafner Sel-vice A,-enc7l-, Inc. ,-,,% -T .k-c,r 9-, OTO g Soiiet IMbematIcian B. U. Gi4p"vs, on the 25tkk Mob FMTY or the Scleatiflu.. old Pe6amical Acuvli~, by G. S. SaUkhavo 405#-~~Iyp 5 PPO Full translation* RUSMN# b1mo per,, Jj&qdJI Luat IbuIrs Vol Iwo No 3 (31),, ftscmASuIv&m4,F Nkyliuck 19490 vp 177-179. K*Wftnidi, Yu. K *SMLB-AXIS" GYROSCOnC 6TAILMA71CH SYS- TOM WWH ASS WVARIAWr RMA7WZ TO EKTUNAL. MUMUNCEL JIMA Op kaft Orftr frm Mi SLA, or M St. 10 Tr-W-IOM T"MA16 cc Is"od" Y" Zoved"L hibWastwou AWMO IM If. $12% 4, P. MO. 7T-"-lOV7 1. KhOWBRAft, T46 A 'L :'6 3384 &1mobadca, Tr, v. 11, a& 1* em" to TOO~ owwbm