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SWu=urget] 'ire lktwd 0l' of -Rad-lal-Axiw. Hl~dniulilc- '.Mrbizics. o~~Aralg ~~ti-.rkv Electrodes, by Sc 1, oc-t An~ Investigation in the Fiel.d of Che-,Acal Cbang-es of Unsaturated and Higb-Moleculex Compounc-'s, Coumunical-i on XVI U- Copolymerization of ';--"riyl Etbers and Vinyl Esters, by A. M. Knomutov, Pp - 2LTSSSI14d~i, per, Is Ph. AaWz SSSRJ, Otdel Ka,.-v NaW~j No 21 1961: pp 352-357. CD Sci J-Lui 02 1~98~13pi Chemical Trwwformatime of Unsaturated and High-Molecular C*wpMmds,. XVM. Polyinarisaticn and Copolynerization of Divinyl Tartrate and Xetbyl Nethear7late. By,,, M.F~ Shostak,DVOIJI, A.,We Xhamtoy.9 A.P. Alimo 3PP. V) RUSSIAN,, per.,, Is Nk Nauk SSSR.. Otdel Khim Nauk, No 43. 1961o pp. 706-708. CB Sei April 62 IYArestioit-101-Jis -?-ii the Field of the -,!.-enlc~l Txans""ormations cS Unnaturnted azjcl- i;_-*, gh-Mcl Compounds. 15,. %Copalymeerization of 3ume Vinyl F,,".Aiers, with Mc-thacrylic AAd) by M, F. Sliostpkovskiy, A. H. Khomutov, 5 PP- RUSSIL!'011, -perj Iz ilk Nauk SSSR, 04.dol I.S60, pp 1681-1686. sci t 6:L Reactions of Unsaturstrd and hacremolecular CoWoundso Conmnication 17. Synthesis of Polymers wxI Copolw.*rs of Dialkylbis D-Kethyl-3-Buten-l--Ynyl) Silamea, by h. F. Shosta1mvekiyP t. 11.-Momutov, P. T~ Baikova, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Is S"W . Utdol Dim pp 408490. loci Apr 62 Ak Nauk Nauk v lb 3, 1961, OB .-2 0 Studies of the Chemical Conversions of Lmsaturated and High molecular weight Campourxbs, Communication 19. Altornation Lvring C"Iymerization of Vinyl Ethers, by A. M. Khowutov, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz A Nauk SSSR,, OWel Xbim Nauk, No 6. 1961, pp. 11I&M9 CB Sel Apr 62 The Electrolytic Reduction of* Nitrobenzene-11-sul-fonic Acid and Its Sodium Salt at Iron, Zinc, and Niclize! Cathodes- by N. H. Khomtov T. IT. Sj~OrVaj~oVp~ pp. RIUSSULT!, per, Zhur Prik EhLTq, Vol XXXV!, ',,To 7, Joe 'C13, Pil 1521-1525- CD Sci 3ep 566,5712 2be Coefficient cL in Kinetic Equations for Cathodi o1pa EMMution wd Otber Electrode Reactions dr * by ff- E. Ywmtavs 3 pp. WSSIM., per Zkor Fit M:dms Vol XXXIV,, So 8,, 1960, pp 1;6-1794- Cleaver-Am Pmx* C IK 15-V7 Bei AW &L The RelatioiA~,up Between Bic-logical Activity and Ch~mical Properties, by R. IJ- Khomutov-, M. Ya. KarpeiE;kiy,, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Biokhim, Vol MI, No pp 772-781. CB Sci ju:. 62 204)279 POP ml Amolism DuOutlyabe comn=I(mtum 40 eyntboat Ot wooww4ne (Nnoord -marine) " lWated , lop by R. X. X~S~t*VS. & Mk. --ArpGlaU. 5 pp. NaSSWj pw Is Ak Nook SM., OtOel Mdja N3uk,, So 12, 196P.16 pp Wd-M-645. Cs ,2,~% 4-5-/ L" " 1" 63 Cyc"loo"Im and Related Coupmda xi. 4-HYdmxY-3- To and Sme of Ito Derivatives., by R. M, pmutay, M. Ya. Nerpelskiy, cbam ftj--p;,A, 3 yp. RMIMj, Pw., Zbw Owbob Mm.0 Vol XUp No q.. 1960.9 PP 305703063- CB //& Sci (FDIJ 25893) The Risto-Cytological Chtnges In a Wound at a Dif- ferent IAvel of Basic Metabolism, by G. V. Khamullo, 6 pp. RUsisIAN, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SWRj, Vol XCVIII no 4, xoscow,, I Oct 1954, pp 685-6W. cu/nplu-7859 XWR S, ~?, 3 oL 6et - Medicine, cytology Feb 1956 Oft fte role of the camb=1 *ortex and subcorti- ,Cal peaftre In the regalatIds or blood choles- terot IN"Is. Obsups In blood dkQ Iff"I =I formation or a awditimed ran= to nqpUutory Inb1bition in rebbites, by. P. S. JOWWALO. BMW per by" Usper 3161 1 Nedp Vol 43, No 4s IL9507P We WZ19 Duggan AM 58 Additional Usts on BaU BoLutkso or the FbTlo - MAWq Systmp by A. G. Do~vp R. A. WxwuZV. 5 YP HWUX"I, perp U AIL Mok MM, Ber Fiz, Vbl XXI# No 30 3.957# vp 433-438. Oolvalbla ftch SOL - phoica J~a Ion Of 006AMS Niabste aw Out"* MAlated SOW Bolubtow# by V. A. lau"T Ma"WAMYR LL pp. RMSM so pra am low Irlss, Ift XVIIp No hawr Imt of PVo aw VOL I** Fav V" no go Us 1957 re" 6 Proffilctiou or Dichlorpithmw From Chlorine wA ~j tj st*16ne On asmlqm~vgua FJL&nt),p by A. IF. Dobrianskiy, No B. Xbmftlup 23 pp, RUBSVJ,, per, Trudy Oosudarstvannogo Instituta Prik'Xbim, No 24p 1935s vp 32-47.- Sol, Tr CanUr RT-1632 Scloutific - chm"try / P, -) F Rtox.t-loas of Unsaturated and Ocammiaatim 11. Effeat of the rm,~-are end of initiator an the Ccyolynterization of Pa% Vinyl Ether With Hethyl Acx7late, by A. M. 121(=, t(j7 M. A, M=edcv., M. P. ghostckovskiY, 3 PP. RMSUP, perp It A Nikuk SSSRO ()tdel Khtm Rmtk, No 10,o 1959, VP 1835-1838. CIR O> j~m 6:L a Lllsa-Curated emd MkLcromolz-z.-alex Caq)uaud-- Ccwranleatiou 11. Effect of the Nature and Amxtaft of Iviltintor on the Capolymrimation of Mttyl VUWl Mer Wlth Methyl Acrylala., by A. H,10xcmutov, M. A. Mwedov~ M. F. Shostakovskix, 3 PP. RMSIAN., W, It Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Mim M-wk; No 10, 1959, VP 1835-1838. Sol j~m 61 i Chenitiil Reactlons of Unsaturated and xacrmolec-ular compomft. Commmication c safton or "am xWthacrylate opol7wrl Vith vi myl Ithwo CoutalUng BlUcon In -y-D"Itions b7 IA. IL 32 1. A. t3o V, 1. V. awwovs, . ftim". V, I" mga~" RUISSIANJ, pwo Is$ Ak am* 88SHO ftftl Mda Awk.. So Is IMv pp IW-14,3. Cotioultants Bore" Scd - Chas dim iPM wok M06 a" shfo 411 Reactions of Unsmtw.~ated and Ylacromolecul= Cam- pou~nds, ~: comunica6tion 9. Cololymerization of liopropyl. vinyl Ether vith *ftyl Acrylate, by A'. 14. Miocautlov., rA. A. Momedomrj,. 4 pp. 7- RUSSM,, per, Iz Ak.11suk SWR, r0tdel KUm Naukp No 2,.1959., pp 327-330. ConsultMts Bureau Sci - Chea Ayr 60 Electrolytic Reduction of the Sodium Salt of m-NItrobenzenesulfonic Acid .:~t a Copper Catbode, by N. R. Mu=tov.,, Is V. KaoaWnova, 4 ppa RWSVAj, per., Zhur Prik Shia, Vol WIV, Ho 4~ l9ft., pp 86o.863. Sol Ma 62 7Y TtL(t State of Protona in Aq=cuu ~~olut~-Ions, by 14. E. ~ Khmmitn 3 PP - RUS.151AN, pero Zhur Fix Vol -MIV, No 2, 196op PP 3W-386. CIaavn-.-Jfum-- Prc!z:; Sai I Dee 6o / 5.Z11 Oycloserinp md Pel-Aad rcm)ounds. 7,11. Sulf an Uanidaisorrazolid -3 -one I try MiaW rhih-plinF, R. M. rhc4rutov, Ye. I. Budovskiy-.. 4 pp. RMIM'Alki, rer, 7IAim Obahch XIdjq,, Vol 'XYXT., No 3, 1961, pp 1011 -10,14- CB sci / Hiw 62 Cycloserine and Related Compounds. V--!*T,; n ,~ z i C. of 5 -Plathyl-4-Amix-oismm zoIA done - 3 (Cyclcfthrnoninz, by R. A. Khomtov) M. Ya. Karpaiskiy, E. I. Badovski%% F,. S. su.Mer'-TOZ"j~- X. K66.eLkov,, 5 pp. WSSTAV., perj, Zhux Obshch Knim, Vol )gD(, -11o 1959, -Pp 3-3~!8-1332- Consultants niu.-Laa-u 60 cyounrim a" p4lated oarsoods. vi. syntbasis ~ A- cc Ams2w of 41 pi m4 .1 4 bw MaIMpkirr list ii~ 1, 1. woman-ra, N. K. rm*~# two -Pw loop jWJVdj4ftq. Obsub ado# Vol XMO Ib It# Apr 60 Cyo;o$WUW ad BDUIWd Cougowaft. V. ft A -A.A -0 AW V" - - - - ~ Woo pi 4,; - -~ a AGI&P by W. K. ambetkwo a I* SiftMftY, R- K- OGWAbOV,, X- M. NuTopkly# 6 vo' 0 ROMOMP p Zbw Cb~W* MAiRp Val MClKjp No 2# m9p w Sol Apr ~60 Cydloserlw and Related CouipouW*. IV CC4W*MI#oaCVr4*W= do Acildo, by N. K. 15:10ithwo Be sudovanyo R. Me amuftwo I , me T*. zwpopUys 7 we RUMUNO OWN am o"bob admit VbI M=v no 10 19 Preparation and Aropwties of 244wcurated 1mqUMvhyft,j by A. N. SomWawv,, 1. F. lateenlwp R- X- MxwaUwp 3 PP RMMA j, pwg, Is Ak Novk &SMj, OtAel Khim Maukq No 2p 19W2 pp 217-M CB Apr 61 Me Mechaulain of the Aatibiotic Ac Uua of Cycloserine, by N. K. Kochetkcm, _R.. V----Kbc= M. Y&. Xwpeiskiy., R. I. Bud-wmkiyo R. B. senrint 3 YP* RUSSM., per,, Dok Ak flank 88SR, Vol CXXVI., NO 5., 1959.. PP 1132-1134- Piner Inst of Diol Sci Sal jan 6o Prcy.amum of itatauic aerlvativa& of vi-vi ,o by A. N. 2 bc=N ]arm., U. '" LUtaCILLZ, Alcob.01 X 0 its M. M10 .."m 10 vv.~ R=13UN# per, Wk Ak Nank SSSR,, Vol =,, so 5. W58., pp log'-1051. 903W85 ME se-:L- WIM NAY 59 Z-6, -d6A ~ft 00 MHOodke SWIM. V. 13 11 U at = Ito - as lbolms. bw IL Ki BOdWtkmo a :61 0936, Ao IL awwwwo maxwoAl omw mob& Admil VA xwuf so no Imp 0~0*mpft zoom SW - Cbm Or go jrx, I ff Addition of Morawy Saltis to Vinyl Etbers. lVtivmmtlon Of NUVUM*Ad AcyULU... by 1. F. Lut"mlw,,, R. M. Mmutows L. V. Eno-Am.v 6 pp. y rull tr =810j, so pa., Is Ak Sauk asea otmi miml IftI&P No 2s 3.9%j, pp UU-1m. cu 59030 C, 71081 110 1b Coasult4ate Dareau solezituic - Cbmulota 4.4.:rlq ftp 56 CTS/dex Pauctlaus of tod MA L of *wUiM-J.LU Acid and AMWI by So r4 **Wftj, A. U. 1~1 Wo Im wo, U439- BMA M" Bank SM ..v NOWD" 3=0 VP low-1055- 3 008821touto Dureou Scientific - Chemistry ON 66/jUr 55 Free -Ratlical Polymerization and. of 2-.I;utcjxyet-by'L Iriz3C-?l eulfide., by H. E. H. Prilezhayeva, A. M. MSLkDr,, wo per., Iz, Ak Nauk M, R, Ot4e! -Tal-m !7~'W'., 3o 10~ 1956, pp 12'30 1235- coacultaut" Sci Chrm-1 stry Jan 58 AMA IW COPOLYMrizatim or MJWI TLWI ltbefts by A- me 0~0=,~=L 5 PP- AnW,p b*w VWv re Ak ankoulm.0 OW4 WAU.Now Ho 3s 010i 6;7.j6WA, vp 4w,.-, j. on 0 1%316 ~iclevtUft - Obomlstry JOS' = 68/*W 0 ber U. 7, COO Fun I umw,~r To rh4. Iffo 3~! ---dttonu Down '141 lo'S selov*wu obadow 'r j j of Ulm 6 pp* Fuu t""la"aft. raw is Awe! FXWIM. b1no inw. TA il, MWAM am so No it Awvelb Mp Ipp 2"4"1p IML D W030 Soiantifia - Chemistry .1 An " Rewtlcirw of Uwatumted and.MkLeg lecular Corpmads, Caumdeatlas 7s (-'ov*lyzsi-isatlcn of terte.;Bstyl VIWI Mar wltb lbtbyl Jbtka- *".Iatej, by IML P. 8bwtAik*v4OWj, A. IL AWqW V. it gels 6 pp. RUBBIU,t pwo Is AIL ftmk ~l 0 Ot"l R" ftuk, No 1,, 1"7s Pp 70-74. CmmltAwU Buraw Sol - Cbms fty 0 S IMMI'm at F LVIS I br jr,! wilwp~ ie! A. A. M. Iwo '. y mat oumt ma ftuks, so i!ol~ Rmetims of Uneatanted md Mberamolecular C=Nmimftm 12. CopoUnerization of Vh*l ra With Vlvql Aeeftte,, by A. M. Kbomkitov., M. lpo voklyp 4 pp, ----------- NJMNP pwo Is Ak N=k SMp Otftl Mdu Nmkp ND 32 p IMP pp MT-2m. ft Reactions of Unsat=mtAd aid Mcromolecu3Ar Ocapounds , mmicat#Ion 10& Compet1mg Bmctima Lu the Cq?037mwlWU at Sew TIWI Abero With Vat4mwryUc Acid ama With JbUWI Hathuarylatep by A. X. XMmutovp 7 pp. WWMWV pmt la AL, Ikuk S%Wv Ot"I Min lbuk.. No 3j, 1959F vp 5M-WT. Ca Sci vW 61 o "/-3 Reactiono of Uneaturatedimd blacromolecular Compounds., Comounicatson 6. -Copolyftrization QA" Viny1caprolactem, Wlth~ M&tby:LVvth&ci7Ute 1b 11'r4een6e of Benzoyl Per- oxide and of 2j,21-Arobio'[U-Mat*lDropioultrilej,, by M. 1P. MwftUkv6*, F. P. Sidilkovskayap A. M. 1PP - RUSSIAN,, bino per,, I& Ak Nauk SM. Otdel Xhim Nauk; No 5., Sep/Oct-1955o pp 919-924. CD. 5427163 C, reel Cousul,.unts Bureau Bel - Chemistry Aug !956 ChemIcal. Tmnsf==ticms of iiig~n- lblewler Cawpoamda.- Camwmic&tJ= B. Cqpoly=riseUo-a of VAtInaTlic Aald and Its WaVI Eater vith VIWI Phaiof. Mberj by M. F. SbosWmslW, A. M. Mxmrtov., 6 TV* R=Tfi.U.v bdmo por It Ak gu)l-. "MR KbJn gaWz,, I-TO 5,* sep-joct I-W, pp 924--930. CIA C 3955M aulentiflo - Cl=iatry zbv 55 C-j.S/D=.- caasultAnta I-Amedu ftiparmtkim) Of POVAmw Fats ("4a -.CM6 4:;,- Atur) I!T me to IWO** 40 * Pho"x-ow 17 JI; eol YS kt,; P-p .11Aplelt Kh -1o v i (AD 28a7) 2w cowax Buses at Da"amuca MA valtm- viclat *Uatlcc 32.3-3M IM ca the oulULral avid 1006bodeal Propertlw,, iod the 'Aralanoo or ftemij by I. v. MwwzWv., 3 pp. ]MOM= no pw Zbw Xlkwoblalp MmwndbU., no "WWWO, Awr 195?s CWM V-9M4 mleambiclogy 441, 1.v Got % 3-5314 %31 NY -2W Tha .I.,tatus =d Prmpects for Developunt of phumay in the U&M, by M. V. KhamrWY9 17 PP- Fwaims, per., Poucbwye Dmio) vol vin, So 3, 1959., IV sai - Red - Pharmcology Oct 59 The V,,Irc%rvrlvmlc*l oxidation ar munve tb* Pm, vLn. j of CAtalymCal, by 14. so XhMM&",. 2 pp.. Puki t,-Au*lmtlocl VaL =11,, go 4- 1P. MR, Apr 1932v C-X A P /?c~ 0 D*C 7590 ilydro-Wlamine Derivatives. I. Syntiiesis of o-Substituted Hydroxylamines,, by R. M- Kliomutov, 3 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch nim, Vol MI, !-To G, 196ij pp 1992-1994. CB Sci 201,903 .'2 Jul, Meahradom of Reactim of Cyclomwine With P~Tldoxrna mad Pyrldmal-Linked Bnzywsl b3r R. H. JUVAm., M. Y&. Narpayokly,, B. S. Sevm-in,, 4 P.P. mmust pwo D* Ak No* GM, Vol CX[op No 2., 1961., pp 40495 - AIMB gkd /J?,?j 12 /)V wr 69 Cycloaerine "nd r-a-Aeted Cocpatmils., IX. S.-mtbeals of Smr- lc=a--olidcwz-5# by V. X. Fochctlwrt R. M. l ;. :3. 8 WSSIAN., par., Zhur Mahch XbJno Vol XM., No 12) 3,959.p I)p 1*694M OB sai Nov 6o J, 3 Y/ , "') -s' I-, - I/ Synthesia of the TbLosmiae of 2-MAyllsonicotinic AM,* by N. F. Kadwro s, R' -Xv.-NOW-W-va 9- 1- Budovsklyp V. P. ZV483WWO I. X- Imborikvi-, 3 PP- Rumims pars Zbtw am"k Mdj4 Vtkl X)=p No 39 1959,F VP 915~-CAS- Ocw"ltw*s sure" sci Apr 60 C!---:-1oserine and Related Corq.ounJn. III. Synthesis of Cyclonerine.. b.,j- h. K. Kochetkov, R. 14. Khomutov,-M. Ya. KurpcA6kiYv E. Bu-iinvokiyp rA pp. RVOSIAN, i~pr, Zhur Obahch Dimp XXV111, No ll~ 1958s pp 3013-301.3. //r Consultanta Bureau SO 99 1115, Z /277 Vinyl Esters of SW.fonic Aci6S!, 1)~7 A, IN. Wesmeyanov, I. F. Lutsenko, R. 14. X'homutov, V. A. Dubovitskiy, 3 PP- RUSSIAV,, per, Zhur Obshal. Khim, Vol )Da'^', Nfo 1959, pp 2817-2819. CB Sci /-l' S ep 60 ";()rj,e S bstituted 2-Axyl-5-Arylidene-i-ImidazolAn-4- u ,Iiakip by B. I. Budcrvj3kiy, R. M. Xho=tov, 14. Ya. Karpelskiy.s 4 j7rA-I-C-. RMIAN., per., Zbir Obaheh MAss Vol XXK.. No 8l 1960, Pp 2569-2572. OD SeA sep 61 R,:!rtctl.-.m of Ivicrcumic Oxide With Vinyl Ethcrz: by L. P. Lutsenko, R. M. Kftcmiatov, 8 pp. per., Dok Ak Nauk Vol CTI, No 1,, 19553 PP 97-99. 9WfO370 N3H Cbem ita 59 0A.U"ticil of W-rcur.'t &alto Uo Viwyl frltherf- &rA. lwtem in an Aloobolic Regiua: A. -,i, & r. lutz=iwj, 10 942-;w. OunalsAawtu IF54 4% A MeV ~theslx cdr Cycloserim., by N. K. Kochetkov., R. M. 1~~j M. Ys. ftrpeuky,, 4 pp '. MM10p t1wize.-im per, Dak Ak ltu* Sam,, Vol cn.. No 4.. Nov/Dee 1956, pp 83:L-834. conmetauta BM-6&U Sci - chm 15-6.11 6 f 6 Dee 57 Inveni4gation of the Isomawle Series. X, Her zation of Inoxasolemp by N. K. Kochatimv, E. D. KbODWA".t 3 PP-- '. -110~1-" I RU&%I&-,I, pers Mw Oboach Ddm., Val XV.,, --4o h., 19609 pp 1269-3270. CB aci Is-'ell 40 ~, May 61 by N. x. tmbwtbwsIBe Do I&ONOMs PP* Rusomp Two aw O"bob mdul. Ta mmo go 2,p 19"s -pp ASW 60 Imestigptims on the Isoxazole Series. IX. Syntbzais Of 3-"Vtituted Isoxazoles, CleavW of Isommoles WWI Sodwnide* by N. K. Kochetkov, E. D, Kbom.,toval 4 pp. vorj'q"zm,p POrs 23a1 Ob6heb n1m, Val XU, No 3, 1960.w pp 99;-957. CB r*-- L - / ZZ 17 J7)p 4r 61 7--/j Synthesiti of 6-Aryluicotbdc Acids From 6-Arylpyridinf~i by N. K. i(ochetkov,, E. D. Shamutova,, ;.. M. Likhosherstov., 3 PP. RUSSM., per., Zhur Obahch Mdm,, Vol XXIX# 'No 5l 1959,9 PF 165TY 1658- Consul.tants Bureau sci Jul 60 1c,2 0/ /,-z 7,~~ ~M. 53mtbesio of Arylpymsolan, by N - K - Xocbetkow, 2: D. Kbcmtam, 0. D. WJdadiam, A. N. MUWUMI pw, Im Ak Nouk SM.. Otdel Irbin Nauk, no lot 19570 pp lm-U850 4M COMLIt"to Dweau Bel - Cbes wr 59 0. ~ qs Vma+Aa%t4ou In t4e loomwo2a Series, 1V. ayauasu ca a Am!Loep ar tbo Mmc=ixcU.8wUm# by no xfo NOChetxovp R. D. ]OX96tomp W A. 9UVwl**# R.- IL Xbawltovp Mdhgh V"j. Val MM:Zp No 22o -IMO FP Sol - Chem fur .99 win Wo I MIR Imtp aw vAbo admit T" XW=* VD7-9*~jj OMOMM" 84 .. Cbm AM.90 s -.5 (IM (NY-3312). Inlainstlon of Radioactive Strontium From the 4-11,~Iva I the ?"t, &W at Oirtain OmooUnGs,. by 0. A. Kbcwtovskly3 15 MV.U= pw Iris ZhW# Va Vi, go Kiev., SOL - Mado Paildbickloa rob 60 (22713 40 Elimination of 089 rrm the Pat Organien Under Normal Conditiona and Uader 'the Influence of Pa=tIi3TeocrIue,v Compolones and Sodl= Citrute . by 12 pp. MMAMAN pars FixiologLebuLy 7hurnal., Vol IV, No 2 Zgp pp 249-255. UB JPHB L-64o-N Sci - Biology Feb 59 (DC4213) Electron Waroscope Studlas of KId*Vv in Acute ftdiation Slakiwas CausW by Ra6loactIve StroutIvap by 0. 0. Goraftts4grys 0. A. t=!'b=. 2. M. OIsyvWkm&j, V. V. KboaqjMf w0 2 ~ftt ~ 1 rp. RUSSIAN., Imr., FiS101 Mwp V01 VIi 30 3.- MY/.rm 1960a VP W5-413. JM W73 se i - mad (ror-3000) Mqrovimg the IffielsaW of Machim Repair as a lWor PbtenU&l tbr W-Ung Rarsir Oxet., bV T. P 7 PD. MMUv _Vwg, Nw" Xl= Nbcs Uxakhj, DD 20 19W., VP %-59- JPM 14M 3m am XWO 6d - An 62 A Fold i'ng Press forr Seaming :;hcz'. ?-Ilets-Ilt by Be S...1~40Wak. UNM MISSIAR, per, Tr~-=.y i NO li 1958., PP 36-t 37. T.LL 4 999 Scl - En_qr jan 6o On the Role of Debelminthization as a Factor Stimulat- ing Immunogenesis in Horses Producing Aqitoxic Sera. Preliminary Camunication, by A. U. Khopkkov, M. M. VAndelevich, S. L. Gonins 4 pp. RUSSIAN,O mo per, Zhur Mikrobioll, Epidemiol i lmunobiol# Vol XMII$ No 1., 1957Y PP 110r113. Pergazion Press Bei - Ned 491, 7/'0 Jun 57 (for MM) Relation between Content and Composition of the Rare Imethe in )dnera3 a., by A. P. RUBSrM.. per., GookhimLyaj. No 2., 1963,, ]pp 125-132. 2m Scripta Technica sci may 64 258,570 Specif Lc Ueat of the Internotallic CC7.pou-,.d After laj~ous Heat Treatments., by Yu. D. yakovj K. G. Khomvrikov. RUS)r-IAN, par. Zhur Reorg Khim., Vol IV, 111o 1, pp The Cleaver-Hume Plzci:z; SO. Chen inn 6c An fidia*catic Calorimeter Workil3g on tl-,e CoDtjj,,j;ruj; Heating RXinciple. T. 'yak by Yu - D - Ire Ov" V. per, '27.hur Deurgan Failin.., Vol 'rV., 1959P PP 5-12- Phe Sci - Cheiniotry Jan 60 Apparatus for measurin cUssociation pressure of ferrites and orAdes at high temperaturas, by Yu, D. Tr*tilyakov, R.. Ge Kbovskov, 3 PP~ RMUN, per. Zhur Neorgm Kbim, 1% 6,, 1962, pp,, 1219-2224. CS Sa Apr 63 V 3 31 q 2 6 Eliminating COUtemination of Insulation in Sub-Stations =d an Over-Head Uncem by M. vw_4Q"mW4&a3~- ~' (I. RIMIAN, per, Blek Stmulls, No 128, 1962p pp 51-54, ML16 ftf. 9022.09 MS (2g9j9) (Low) Set - Slectrm Nov 63 35 5 r,L -. If c P 7 Te.vt Data in Connection vith the Estimstion of T!Soisture in Transformers, by M. V. Khcoiakov. RUSSIMp per, Elektrichostvog No lo, 1955, pp 24-28. ASUM-M43 sci Aug 58 71, ' ~ W Operations Xxporl*wA of the NwiestructLys T*Btlni of former Insulation., by M. V. Xwouvakov. UWL MUZON, bko Trawacticas at Mw glecoul Scientif U-. Tsqklbu~bl sossion Le tM Operat4on Or val"" XUBWAtIons MASCOWS Imp VP 5"5- DSM LW (loan) K.461 Set - glectrowwo S&P 59 Determinaldon of the Character of N-fects Inulde Trawforme" tbe Ccmpmitlou of t~a Ones Xwolved in 'U.* Gas Relay, by 1. S. Aptov.. IL V. KhouWalwv. RWSXM,v part Wakt StantsUt Vol XXV 1" Ib 5p 1956, py 41-W ASM OB 10/7:B 1532 Sel - XLeatron A3;r 6e 1: 'W 11 .e I -.1lueace of Meecrol~mla Cimd:Lt--', ona cn tlxc P.""-,ac-Uon of Aceu=e at a Zim Cath-c-chi, ty ;ai=v4a;s~, P. TUWAW~ TEP. pcw$ Vim- Prik Mdav Vol =MvIl Vo 2. 19631 IVP 21 v Zia Znauczca of tho Stractum of the Zinc ftthod.-, On the Zled=lyt'-qC RO&MUM CKr ff. Acetcne.. by G. % _jJ.-A. P. TMLUWI, 6im MMWI,- part nmo j-,-rlk Was Va M=1j, ro 2# 1963.. YP 373a37T'j, ca 0 i 62 - ?T171 V and Tomilov, A. P. N POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS OF FLFC- 1. Khomyak:ov, V. C. FXAFiWTS '00 TROLYSIS OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN INDCSTRY. Il. Tomtlov, A. P. (19621 1161p. 72 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-,'0371 Trans. of Khim, icheskaya PromyBhlennost' (USSR.) 1959. no. 7. p. 566-573. DESCRIPTORS. *Electrolysis. *OrgiudccompoLveds, Industries. *Electrochemistry, Acetones. Anodes. Cathodes, Chemical engineering. Severe) processes are examiDed whose accomplishment by the elecirmhernical method is of Interest to Industry. Them Include oxidation, displacement and free -adica formation at the ariode, and reduction of multipl,! C-C bonds. iedwdon of functional groups, halogen displac r men, 1~y hrJroget) and formation of free radic&IF at the Office of Tockaied U-0ces cath(xle. (Chemlatry- -Physical. T7, v. 9, no. 10) LU . 69a Methodo at BWYM"Izlug Oartalu etrocbmd Tn'ttlai rcW " PdLymtai by T. IS. W, Th, Floddas, Ae Po IMMlovs, 13 VP- a =CL RWUO# pwo W" Pgms 50 ho 2P.Ps ,~J pp 16-26 AM Ole*.Lkh fts - Cb 6o /if Excorpts ft(m "Tecbn*IOU Of Itlsctrocbemical Producttmis" by V. 0. Xbo"lov.. V. P. lbabovats L. L. Ka'aft; 21-pp --~ RUSSIOr bko TIMOOlogr ILtrokbutichaskUh prowwotyl, FAMOWP 1 9, pp iho-i6h. sci - cbes anic Sulor, th Vol !1!, 1170 ALI:, Bi-,"-I 15-,~ ~ "I FerniciouD Anaemia After Total Resections of tho Stome-h in Cases of Canaerp by Vu. M. _ __I__--- - 5 pp. WSSIANp b1mo per., Vaproov Onlwlogii., Vol In,, m 1., 1957,, PP 49-52- Pergum= Pmos Sal - Nedicim Sz r Oct 57 u? Ocaji4hm, azalo"L 14cacnalin, by E. H. Tarrmova. 'p -Pit 10"V RVSBLAW~ p:pr, ;V-arnl--Jml i Toksilml? Vol )CK, 5, 1957P Pp V4-89- Cowult~-.nti:i Darcsu 7he His topathology of s~tam in Avomtrophic 0. A. KboadkariYanp 3 the JMECR Central Nervous LateraL Sclerosis, by PP- RUSSIM., pw, Zkm Havropatalogil i Paikbiyatrii Iman' S. S. Komakova, Vol Up No 10, 1955., pp 755 -758. 90774W Nn.- 6-14-61 Sol - Mod im-e Q The PatbdlCa of Ganglion Calls in Am7&-rqph- c Lateral Sclerosis, by 0. A. mdkaryan, 5 pp. RUSSIM, per., Zhur Nevrapaftl i Psi=atrii ima 3- B. Korsabova,, Val Wn.. No 3, 1957, pp 389-392. -583 NIB 4-46-61 Sci - Mod jul 61 3 5- 5- Studles In the rooquixMIJUD C=Dound Serles. Xyl. Ttie or .49,p 5140 .6 W -dlxvtjuw.lqv 2" r f 0041 31 4$ 5p 6p Tp &he=4&dbmz-(l,, 2:1t,, 21)-"ml:izim,, by P"-Irjp.,p Ro Pe 1. A. Pr - 4 pp. '** XMIAN vpwo MW ObdWh XUR., Vol MM., No 2., 1960,, pp 476478. cm sci P,pr 61 (Iff -5352) certain Problem ,In the Orawdigation of camer Cmitrol is the Moldeftm 800 by N. Kh. Anestisdip G. B. XbOwItaxap 8 pp. -RWBIM,s per, 24r&vcddn%wnIv,, go Jul/Aug 1.960., PP 3-7. RMS 7539 Sai - Had Feb 61 Internal Stresses In Blectrolytle Depwits or zinas Obtained F Sulftte Electrolytes, by W. P. Fadat I yevp A. A. MOOxodah F 6 pp. a v pw,, Zkmm Prik KhUt, Vol XMII, No 2, 1960, PP 355-361. CB Sol Apr 61 1,117, W/ Y-9 1/