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KlmAlce of the Colomtlcu of Pbrrural Dwing Its Awl '- I I - I 'by 'ft. 1. 5 pp. RUSUM., per,, 2bw ft-1h Edam, Ifol M=IIp No 4., 19600, pp 914-90. CR Sol /-157,q 61~ fty 61 7 Comparison of Injury to Smally Inzature and Mature Rats by High Donee of 14tWs by V. V. Kho PPO . RUS-SIANp 1w Bya Moper Biol i fled # Vol Lq No 12,, 19wt PP T-45- cB Sci Jul 61 /,!~ :2) a / ? Distx-ibution of Potential in the Diffusion Layer at a Rotating I~isc Electrode for a Purely Concentration- Dependent Mechanism of EleCtrOly,AS, by L.P. Kholpanov., 1 pp. RUSSIAN., per., Zhur Fi-- MxImj, No 1, 1962., pp 214-215- Cleaver-H-me Press Ltd. Sci iiov 62 216j416 Some Problems -- 'n the Theory and Assessment of Turbo-Jet Engines, by K. V. Kholshchevnikov. MSSIM, bk, Pergainon Press Sci Jul U4 All- glib %a pert$ 4c net*- ty lb. Sol a" 346p4o The use or & r t&9 Autmatic, Recording of V~OILAII tim In PumW Salts bCr L. N. Awblpft,v Yu. B. nw3*--"kh- S. F. 8 pp. RMW, per, Zbw Fls Eds, Vol IIX. 1956, 1672~-U? 5. AW Tr 2W Id!l q - --/ 77 Inxdm smd Mkowso fw oogktvw 1 41-a it.. by K. L. ------- viax,p 15~m.- amp Pwi govvt AV=# "I Xp lb 51 OW 19ma h,3-9D- STA R-Irp3D 58 71 0.* 0 -2, dp 'nab moodibm la ASOMMes bW 46 7, 5p 3jr& wmw;lmw~~ ~IU-VIIWAWAP I" VAL lup no no AV o4w fts - ftua so M *4 in# 1b u Sol *Na 61t Concerni-.ig Recombination Radiation Spectra frcru Fusei p-m junctims in SiCa W F. 3. Tomashrollslciv. G~ r.- Kholoyanw, 4 pp. ~177 RUSSIANj Per, ris TverloV Telat a-cTs-1961s ppc, 2688-2659 AIP gar MM-Solid State Vol Tri, no. 9 Sol Mar 62 PhotoelAmtric ProperUms ct JLllcw P-n JmctJm In SLUOM CutlAos by G. P. Xbc4ggwmyj 5 pp. va ns, RDBWM;p I*U AV now 146- ada abaft VbL Us 3b 8 acd mkw 61 Ccn"=UW the XVDGMG Ounist-Volt,44P MmumRater- Intlas or oillom camme lbalou"s IW V. V. Rwqz paspftv,p a. F. 0 L- K- Mdxklnj, 3 PP. Poems ye;r* Yls 1% -9ftV Islas Vol-"v ND 3t 196DA. Ir 43"37- AZP 8cdL rob 61 Blectrica PxqmrU*o at Allived P-n JWwUms In 90* bw 2. R. marlamms 0. F. 6 pp. XUWM per* nz 2i~xkp Wa.. Ta= No Is pp W&W3. Imp fkw rdwx-Bo3jA ftato Sol A13 Fob Gl Electric Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide,, by N. P. BDgoroditskiy, V. V. Pasaykov., 0. F. Yholuyanov, P, A. Yas'kov, 7 PP - RUSSLAY.. mo per., Iz Ak NELuk SSSR, Ser Fiz) Vol XX, No 12-b.., 1956.. Pi) 1571- Columbia Tech Sci p4pics 6 7" Mar 56 The iffect of the Rawtion al Products on the Rate - of Catalytic Cbddation of by Ye, fi., Gorokhovataklyp M. Ta. Rubanik., & M. ~b~~ 4 pp. RMSW., y=., D* Ak Nauk EMR,, Vol CXXV, No 10 1959j, pp 83-86. Cousatants Bur"n Sol gJ,5-13- j*= 6o WIIW,s With Mmt leedft B408 at Hv=m=ic Speedup by To lo XbW 12 13pe RvssMN* P".. Th T~MMUU---a rfcl=','; 7.-Vcd, Star-47a Aviato Taft't No 3v 1563P pp 51-53. JM 92703 eel. im r Flow post a p Ot Ifigh'stomonic velocities 0 at by V. I AMaXeto .A 10 PP~ RUSSIAN,, per$ Is A Km* 3MR-a Otdal TOM XMA, mpa i N"h, no S. 1962,p pp 26-31. 9664"1 itay 63 Otwdowd Cow, imptim of Coasistent. for Aut4maW I as of Now Nbkos p by V. S. WMXAN, porp Nort Mosr., Val XMUVj, No 1,, 1956,p pr Toth & Com Tr 25-00 Photocoriductivity Rsluxatir~n ani the Charc,le Carrie Ur'etLms in Silicoln 1;erbiis., G- F- UWAYAWYi PO HU3,91AN, per, Fis Twerdiogo Tbl&, Vol TV:. 1.40 11, 19( pp 31-70-3176. Awr 'Lust of PtWs Sov Phys - Solid State Vol IV ~ NO u SOL IS7 jum 63 pp oltIli 1, r-It'A' t- 3"1"? n", Are" a no* umb pus* umlow a oil /,f - imlk-)).,e do --- 70 ow - 3"050 Mf"ect of Zipac on the Maings a~ Bnlazl-*.~- Vurnacers, 'ay V. 1. 91101-zak-ov, L. M. "S'AY-10v, RUBSIAll, per, It Ak Wauk BfMR,. Otdel Wkh Rauh-, No 3., '4~.958$ pp 89-93. BM 531 Sci - llin/lbtala,, AWgr z:? ---s ') /-7./ 7.2 6 xv 6e I i larimme a * s1w *w ]a t~ ou = swrwleo fto -146 v -1-2Low do bufte to" -men# by T. 1* V Lo & FFPNM-- Vert is Ak Nook mot Ob"l I bo Nafto No 3, I-W,, low a 8g-". nm " Sel ww 61. MAortic-PUstle Prob3m For a SW I ow SOL42 .1ca SW I - 1w 1. Yu - mwm* lopp I r A 31" pw# p Al 0, a g. X_ekbqniJq%v Vol 10, $to 20 1964 Vp 205-M5. CrWIC TT-64-924. X"- 66o Sci - Mechanics Hm' 157 XIOMM-PIMMO Fmam for a ROUOW sjbwsoa fteno lir 1, Va. NAMSO low am move 4~0 V()l metim"Ma" %Clio 64. am I*. 'R j - A~f/ ,.Y -- ftl . jkvbmnuw Mr fsT Interfe: '-ence Methods of Measuring the Refractive .1 Index oJ. a Liquid., by V. G. Kbomziuk,, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Biofizikax Vol IVj No 61 1959$ pp 749-754. Pergawn Press Sci Jul 60 Z-/ 102-01 7,3 On the Me-ebaniam of the Effect of Acetylcholine on the Pulmonary, Circulation,, by A. I., XhqMMn!!5 A. A. Mibenko, ftul &Bpw Dial i Ned, Vol LI RUSSIAN& No 2t a, pp. 3-0 Sol Sept 01A 2 "'ha. ut - .'rafff Q - wristics af t1w Nomal of tlie Do& by A. Y. Sbamapko V. G. Zbdozej*o; A. A, ibybmws 6 pp '- - - - - BM.*rM,. pw,, ftsial 2bw OM iumd 1. $. BOOZO Vol xmo So 3,o 200m. 0 34T-351 pp Sel / ?. 0) / Y3 Oct 60 Chaqms in;Ahe Blood Pramme cmd %air HaebwAss of Develop=% After USection of Bypertonle Solutions into %he Blood 13tresup by A. I. SbowxV&,p 5 p. M=Wp per# W Zkow'Stal :1 Mods, VcM ILM NO 60 l9ftj pp to Bureau sei. Fob 60 7 76?-dI' z (SF-1878) Konstantirt Grigorlyevich KhoMtJw7., "by. Ya. I. Geranizov, V. A. RhoUer,, G. F- vinc=4PAtC4 3 PP. RUSSTAF) Y"O:r; Zhur Piz Xhim, Vol No 1., 1~-61-1 JPM 10L'yr7 USSR 7 Biog I'he reaiaral Fractional Method of InJectUg sarcolysin In Camn at 9~ ftensAwtable Ttumwsp jy R. I - Xhavebenovsklys 10 vp. RMSI", per, Vaggew 0 VbI Vn, No 3p 1961- BMW & p4w sei 3 mar 62 Mr.. f 7,-,r-* Proaad~Arss In CambetUig Ole Iffects on the Gastro- Tatestimal Traot in Treatment iftib Chaloroathylamines, by 7 t RMIW-,, nor. vorvasy 0mimlosit., vol v.. No 3.- 1959, vp Sol ftrg=oa Pro* a F*b (0 The Mechanism of the Antitumr Avtion of DL-N.-DI- (2-Chloroathyl) Amino~heiayiij& (Sarcolysin) and of Triethylenimino-s4rlazine (TM),q by E. 1. Xhomelveanovsklyp 6 pp. RWSIA3,p perp Byul. Usper Biol I Med,, Vol XLVU, No 2# 1959v PP 106-lU* Constiltante Bureau Sci SePt 59 3 A Nov Device for Exclusion of the Circulation of the - Thternal Orpw in Cbronle Examrimente I ~by S. I. Khomebenovskiyo 4- 3 PP- RUSSIM,, per,, Bya *spar Didl 1 Keds, Val XLVIo BO 73, 1953# p 117. C=uItents D=*= Sci - Med Mar 59 f.Z /.~ -j 'S (SF-12Cri) To Perfect Meaus of Cominication, by A. KhomeWw, 3 pp - - RMBBUN., np, Sovetskaya Moldemlya;, 7 Sep 1961. jpRs L1667 USSR BOM / /1~ jan 6p- -a With Acetylene., The Rwetion of TsoaxWIWrcqpt4L by A. IM; Ibm&6ko- RUSS,U2,p bim Vws U Ak lauk-SIMp Otdei aim Wauk,g 'No 3# 1951p VM# PP .200-383- Aisom Tech Sv IW-65 0---i - Ch-m4stry $6.20 00-.95) Aug 54 ./ / U /7 Oood Ccmmuni by A. Ka. "Pl- vi per" 3L*,- Vest No 3 i , IG101MIX019 A, 121-, TIle Rot'i'ct-ion of ic;oa,-,lylmera:Lptan 1.7i'Ll, Acet,,-2-ene, ITo lz 10,.-, liawli Or'udel 13iin llcad:y i ,p 1-1-Ij lqr~- ) ULMS-RO 0 Assocd ZervilccL- "c-;.- jersc- 11"j-65 (BY-6452/2) Exparience in Ultrasomd 7he2vW of Diseases of the Peripheml Nermw Optes and LocomDtor Alyjamtus,j by lo So JDu-jLjsnbz)# Oe Ro Mctaenko., 8 pp. mmax, per.. au Nbdv vol )mm, w 40 3,961.9 pp 9554 Sol .- Ned Aug isi (NY-6501) Feed Grain PaUss in Altay, by I. X. jbgp~~_ 3 pp. Rmrm., viestmk salskokhost xwk., No 6, 1961, pp U, 12. JM M*67 um / 7S, -fly soon Nov6l The Universal Seam Welding Condenser Machine ShKM-3 for the Welding of Wn Metal,, by V - E. Moraveky, Z. Khomenkoo S. V. Svechuftov, 5 PP. RMIM,, per, Svaroch Proiz, No 9, 1960, pp 28-30. BWRA Sci -71, NO oat 61 ~f Au"euttle Stealsv~ by 1. S. KhoweWw Full trauslatiou. MMTM,, perj Vtstulk MRsho V01 10=1,, No 3,, 1952l pp 71-72. 3rutcher Tr No 3047 Sclentific - XineralablOAls Jul 53 MS/DZX Price $3.30 3 f ti t utet, C. o~ yv!l In.- y pp L-d. M.C. d ja The Selection of V. and W f0m colonies of typhoid bacilli by mmus of oblique IllumimtIons by N. A. Khomenkoo 3 PP- RWBIM,, I*r Zhur Zpiduddl i Ibmumobiolj, Vol. XX3X,,, Ito 5v 190t Pp 53-" Pftvmwn Dist Bel - Had IP*b 59 T'ho Biological Value of Vitarninized Kombi- zhir by P. A. Khomenko. F. 1. Sabirov, M. 1j. -r .,,Lent oro vich,, S. F. Borisov mo per. Voyenno Med Zhur, No 7, MOSCOW~ 1060o pp US JPRS 74~2 The: Viscosity of Binary Optemi vIth Chloral. IV, Y. V, 13dovemkot R. 1, Xbovonkop 4 pp. NMMU, per, Mur Obshch MAmt Vol 27t No lo 1957j. PP 37-39. consultants Bureau Sci - Chou The Viscoolty of Binary syst4in W'Uh Chlar*1. 110 by V. V. Woveubo,, R. 1. 6 pp. Rtoz'~qIM., a- pw,, Zbw Otebeh KbIm SM. Vol XXVIL, No 11, ',956t pp 2959-2962. zetioultants Dweau 8ci - Chem Jul 58 d,::r fls"7.1 .5 ::~ The Viscosity of DIxwy System with Chlaml,* VI... by V. V. VSOVM'kc,* R. 1, Kbow*dko, 4 pp. ------------ - REMUS,, per. Zbw Obobeh KbIn a Vol -XXT I j, No 3 2.957.. vp 583-5%. Sel - Cben Aug 58 The Viecosity of Binary Systems with Chlorall. 1X1- By V. V. Movenko, R. 1'. Muxaenko... 4 pp. RUSSIM., mo per, Zhur Obahch Kb'm,, Vol XT.J7-, No 12, 3-956P pp 32T0-3272- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry -yul 6 7 39,~ ViscouitY Of DIDAVY ftstow WIth Chloml., by V. V. udovenim~ US R. 1, Mko pp. RUSSIM,p parp Zbur Obabob Ih1z,, Vol XXV no 2, 1957t vp 322-32 4. connitants swmmu Bel - Chem Jul 58 'The Viscosity of Dinsry Systems With Chlo7-slj I, by V~ VL Udovenko., R. 1. Khomenko, ~i pp- mrjbiA-q,, :-.z per, Zhur Obrbeh Khim, Vol YXNI, NO 10., Oct 1956, pp 2693-2696. Conmatants Bureau Sci - Cheminti-Y ZO /3y,6 --l Far 58 W ./ w P, A ftoftofte Aw Q*dmj" #wL the ftopWU" of ws am* rwj~m Ewe Oeq?mmdsy by V. V. 80 0~0~~ N=Wbwmj, 7 FPO M21M.0 pwp Dnt Ak Mak 11=0 Vol VIlp No go 19630 610-613- CIA/M IM-1596 SOL Oot 64 umm Liftmal use oway 268p063 iflcw Fawt a Fmfile In a Bourded Super-sonle Strom, by M. D. KhaWLindo V. 8 Khowanko: 7 pp. RM-ZlKfl prik fttamt i Makh., Vol xxil" 1" r."# Pp pp NOT 59 The Tmnsition of a Single-Pbase System into a Two- Phase System Under the Lulluence of a Beat Source, by V. 3. Khomnko, 6 pp. FOBSIO., per., Mur 2ekb Fit,# Vol XXMo No 7j, 1957t pp 1534-1539- Awr Inst of Pbye sov Phyn-Tech Phys Vol ]I,, No T Sci - Pbys lky 58 6w, '24;1 Jv*t and Unjust Wixop by To. Downko,, 20 pp. RMUNO bko 0 T-- Bjpm'vsdUV7kh I te IVAv Mai to A70111-1ki Repmt NO 57 APr 19%. Olh D WM3 AV &.0478 JOW 7/- Arg um xaltomy Jim 55 as/= eam or ultm 78R 1--wCas Catautic Is i- li - - - xw bor Aeld CatuIpU. n a -ar yonou0n or ?"=Iam =A Tw- by CatmlyUA lwmwisxum or PinMe and t by 71teaft AaldS by Go A. 0 fu Ots k. to You to -0011ticet. p::nD pw Zbw Obabab Xbftp Vol ZMET, No B., 19%. vp IX527A%. CML 0 UhTt 3 3 3 16 cm-Man" Dom" kVr C"/dm ba DO cataytic romwimuou jr A014ft omalys"s xf x9ob"Ift at 010*0 &moo*, am Lwm. WILI& 046LYBU " fit* ftaxift a Dun 9 0 Z. 0. QW-Aw6a XWI& VOL gm, a 3 *39:w,omi-D mu'r I swmm 0- 7 on MAaw A Coatinuous Carbonate Section of the Lover Cambrian lane Series in bbe Altai-Bopm Mountain Region and Its CbarecterUtic Fowlls,, try 1. T. Zhuraylevas L. ff- Heidus V- V- 3 VP- BMTAN.. per,, D* Ak Mm* GUM,, Vol No 5 iq6o., pp u6o-uft. AGI 7 Sci Aug 61 Structural Facies Zones of the Lover (C=br--i= aud Mphem at the Southe tern Wargins of tht Siberian Platform,, by V. V. Khomeentovskiy, 7 pp. R=Vulp per, lh*.z Ak Nauk S33R, Ser Ge-al, Nio 10, 19594 pp 42-49. AGI gel -- may 61 '/ -~ ..;/"? -.; ---j Mie Xamr Cmbrim 7bmtUm of OozW* Morip,t by 1. T. UwmVImms L. N. B&pJ=o V. V. "..- # 4 pp. IMUng part V* Ak ftft 9Mo Vol CXZVM., No 50 IMP pp 2030-M. AIM: set /S-qfea W/C ~- am 61 1 Nqw,M~U co the Stmtigm#W of the Lower Cambr~sn Of the Mullwk Mlip, by 1. T. ZIU~Oftl'v L- N- ftpi=j, T. V., Aamifl~kly,. U* A Sauk Wfts, Vol ==Io no 6,p vp XOP-1116 ca 60 )*4. ;or Canbrian in the WeateM Part ar Bastern ]I- rim Pro-Oambrita end lower or V866M Pbruaft Of EMU 1W T. V. M 170 Ipp- Alt am* Mias aswoodebaskil low 0 T$LmAh9m 27i,01740 DIO at Bateriar Q93 W)T Jib 51 Sol - Goqftn lj6,P, Jf 2, Sep 61 Structmxn of 11. A. Kotellrilhov's "-q.v.S--=3Ek-robablc Sigaalss, by 7 % . i T per., RadlaLeklmiM., iju 2.~ iR63 A fttiou'il Analyzer far ft PrequeMy ftoraW and C=Yersi(m Systmp by Yu. T. MmenyulLp 4 pp. ....... . ......... . ....I Russlar pars U Ak Ru* BOW, Ber Geofiz, No It 1961't pp 4334M - ASU / 7 41, e7 d/ Sol Sep 61 Tku-, Properties of a System With Accumulation and --nafmmUon of Freqmncy in the Case of a Perfect An&34zer.. by Yu., V.. Ehm=yuk,. 4 pp. RMIM, perp IZ AK NM& SSSR, Ser Geaftz., No 1961.1 TP WB-5W- xFU 17d, Jai~ sci Dot 61 A idghl.- rar4~-_ Findel- Will c& S~'! -;~Yii,~._~Il Mu" an lutegnit:Lng _Fmquency 4--ter, b~ V. F; Fammza., 7,11. P. Vasil~yev; 4 RIM -er Bjul P Ir P TIO, 13%6u~ No 2?t ig(m)., sc I - Ragr 24 jan 62 SM at A Mdda~w 96 JL* to ova homfift as -,w - I Or IL I?* 1 I r a No& 06 ob" a mbft 3A. m 1 0 Im"Ns. M 1 4 a 2$h&3 i I Mi - - -1 , w -P"- OW04"aft voids" at ysm*ma MW UP40 IW ZA X. OMWW, 1. S. MMUMbD, !IE7! Ow "w, owe 6 Moolk fts"Al Ift 5o Ims 30, Z;L v um a* (a loom i I ar'suvw as amp fns~ at i V We IL nWW% 16 A6 Ummftp~ 4, mw~. 1 11 w 1*4#% Ilbs i - "dl "w""P I" v& U16 AN ftw I - gem shoo VA it we lo ftl 20VTIT mr ~, -mDexatu're wQrms in Elastic Suu-'Us I, -Dy V. 6, rhrr~nbok 11 pp. BW55'AIW., I)ort Dithammo-nz 2hqr~ VIOD 2,* 1963. im 1.9703, &d 57ty 214-1. a n4j,,045 sw awamil Taft rousmal 1huaror aw F *Asb.p bir L# IL - -! : -Q~ w --------- WIMIZWP VW. Sn* MmUtm" be.lot v". A.- V& wit 1004, s m 0 am an U74 ou 40 ad 4 a3t,17;f- Sioebemistry of Amino-Acid Me-Wbollsm in Salmopella Typhimuriuo (bruslau)s by S. It. Uomik# Yu. V. aftlaye-vo 6 pp. RVSSZAHO per,.% Zbur Mikrobiol Tpidvaiol I tmuzwbiol, Vol XXIX" so 4s 19580 pp 59-51'. Perip on Uwt Sci - Med Feb 59 Y-~4t Glutamic Acid DecarbMlase Im the Differential Diagnosis Between Salmonella and Paracoliform Bacteria, by S. R. jQamLj6 Ya. V. Galayev., 5 PP. RUSSIAN., per,, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol,, vol xxx, No 7P 1959, pp 60-63. Pergamon Presa Sci Aug 60 Tho Cat as an 23warimental lWal in the Study of Weentery.p by S. R. Zboadki, 'I pp. FCWIMj mD perp Zhur Microb1zlp Epideml 1 1 Immoblols Vol Vlnj, No 4,, 19579 pp 62-65. Par~mmm Press Sci - Mefteine U5- #-,f2 Jan 58 6 macbemlem ct 2=3 Ion Pearmdratim., i. at VIM& 4&nW In ftter Sautlt=, by Pe HMO=# no PWO mm ns m"P Val MMP NO 92 1948P ~ pp 1027-1033. Xat R" Ub V Bel 6o56 Polymeriz.ation of Etbylene Under the..-;P~uence of Gezm~a-Rays) by S. B. Medvedev., A. D.'Abkin.. P. M. KhmINqmskIaF7- 21 -pp. PCLMH) paper presented at Zmternatioml Conference on the Application of Higb axwgy Sowees of Radiation,, Warsav,, 8-12 Sep 1.959. AEC Tr 304 Sci - Chan Apr 60 of OmdsIm PbIpmarLmsions Poly- ar sillml OYSASAO =d NOM4.4 MwWwomeryutwo, IV P. M. -awlamtkiyo u p0 No* asm, xgkap VOL Lit Foolux IWO 4v Aw 60 V44 Mp so 3 Pw7*rUOUM Lu BabrU=w ot the Actica of ftuarl P=Kndftv ty Z. N, Mrkim2 -Be Be YAdw9dwwp&7 pp. Owl"-= pwp Dok Ak Au* SMj, Vol UMV# so 9v IMS Ipp AS-A& fts Tr omirtar 56 at lpl-didUcrelftlene In Soluftons of 'Latoft Adaft *A the Nffwt of a Water- soubu 7ftudds (tbe rmasico pov- =Wlmtuu.q br 0. T. X, MiardkowkLyt BMW* 'UWU.O-ao Vwv Dak Ak Nm* 8=0 Vol so sp IWO VP' 1+17 3.8-3 ~6 CW/dai 'L I Abstract of ActivatioA Energy In Swulsion Polymerization, by P. M. Khomikovsky., S. S.'Medveddev KaEpov Physical ChemistEZ Tnstitute C3:A/FDD X-2731. of lahwda an tto zMajam of 4MW ond P=*"a MM*b�UWD of the M "N-N% bv To V. FOUSM4 jwmm~ owe Vbl xafts, )b It CPS17 ?T 65--60235 sai Jun 67 327~33S Am; FxperimentaLl ~tuay of coii-Fnteritio., by N. A. SUfttlm's, T. A. Mimltak&Aj. 1. 1. Shatrav., 4 pp. rM3IAX,, Imr,, ftw MJWMUka InjAgd-al Ummoblol., Voa M=.r No 6,j 2960.opp In-81. pp sai / 6 -5~ 5- 7,~? KV 6.1 ;~ . ~~! -. . ~ t ~-7 vm, IL :1 a uo ar Substituted Dlacetyl Derivatives of 1, 4- and I.,5-Naphthylenediamime vh:Lch Contain Quaternary Pmmonium Groups in the Acetyl Portion,, by N. V. Khomo..v,-Ba,r,i.qovj V. A. Iveziova, 6 pp. RUSSIM, -per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXX, So 10, 1-960, PP 3196-" Sci CB Oct 01 Ulic Productivity of Labor J~11. th- of thcu - 'a k' - -. - icl 3 13:3113 V-116L of the capitaliot 31 Ff,U' 1; T-Q"i _)3 t~/ Vopxosy Elton, No QQ, 1~-4S L111-1c 1.14336\ US*R 30C. jan 62 ft"M st 09 AmMorma"m at JOB - 1] (A alm *0 at 40 movemou gaft nothoWs Iw so, 90 shomatimps, Mont admdogo E C, 4 am 469 3MW 63-1"M JIM nm sp 'A VBRML DWnU=M ON WE I. TM= Qdwfta Y46M VBGBTAiWE OF 7m astama I Mkmmhr^ L M REFLU WAAMOM LOCAL MLW APFWn0W 2: TMN he*&... AHPT.~i~ R190tRATM Cr, ONSIMM3 a TVNvdmdamol NM Tat RLWMM IN COURAL, CIUMU OF 0M=ML ACWM. llg!V )[99A $1 oldw t 10 wi s e mm . op p i Tram at Abdardys -a I No* RSM. Dd" I ise fif M - , W. . y. , P. *ape** i6mvdd6N r,a a NOW. Mew rm 7be aumoomk reactim to to arkmft f4am of to padems wfth brain lealms to dm aym at do-bm - r V***Ical Sckncin--Namuka. 7T. V. I% z: Ii Oft@ d Toth" The Importance of Prolonged Functional Stress of the Nervous System in the Development of Upoidosis in the Aorta and Myocardial Lesions in Rabbits,, by P. S. Khomulo, 6 pp. RUSSM, per, Byul Eksper Biol i Hed, Vol LIE, No 5, 1961., PP 39-43. CB Sci 195,100 may 62 ~i, i ~j I ! I i I . . ; I - *W awl :r !=fta bw - *MFG. 1w * &. %** - 1 - , MWip Arboft Swhbto lb 5,p 2$&,p b. Dwelofflaut of a as notbod resistant metal., *, F. A* Xhoww I ko and R. depositing O&VItation 1. Miats, it 6 p p, RWSIMv ver, *rtawat Bvaxft, No 7., 1962., PP 61-87 am Sal Jun 63 - ?~ 12,; 6/0 JP